CSE EEE Prerequisites 2006
CSE EEE Prerequisites 2006
CSE EEE Prerequisites 2006
Explanatory Notes:
All of the courses associated with the new degree programme for 2006 have prerequisites which are explicitly defined, meaning that they are
formally identified and are loaded into nDeva. This is a significant departure from previous years when courses had prerequisites which were
implicit. The consequence of this is that for 2006, students will be blocked from enrolling on nDeva in specific courses if they do not satisfy the
associated prerequisites. In the majority of cases, this will only really be an issue for Split-Part and Conjoint students because for Straight-Part
students the necessary pre-requisites should be satisfied automatically..
These prerequisites are listed in the table below. The first column of the table lists each of the courses in the new degree programme. The 2nd and
3rd columns list the prerequisites for each course in the old and new programmes, respectively. Many courses have more than one prerequisite
(these are identified in the table on multiple lines). Also for many courses a prerequisite can be satisfied by either a course from the old degree or
the new degree (identified in the table by courses appearing on the same line in columns 2 and 3), though in a few cases there is no
corresponding course.
1 December 2005
CSE & EEE Prerequisites 2006
COMPSYS 202 Object Oriented Design & Prog. ENGSCI 131 Engineering Computing ENGGEN 131 Eng. Computation & Software Dev.
COMPSYS 301 Design: Hardware Software Syst. COMPSYS 302 Software Design 2CS COMPSYS 302 Design: Software Practice
ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E COMPSYS 305 Digital Systems Design
ELECTENG 206 Engineering Design 2E ELECTENG 209 Analog & Digital Design
COMPSYS 302 Design: Software Practice ELECTENG 203 Software Design 1E COMPSYS 202 Obj. Oriented Design & Prog.
COMPSYS 303 Microcomputers & Embedded Sys. ELECTENG 203 Software Design 1E COMPSYS 202 Obj. Oriented Design & Prog.
ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E COMPSYS 305 Digital Systems Design
COMPSYS 304 Computer Architecture ELECTENG 205 Computer Systems 1E COMPSYS 201 Fund. of Comp. Engineering
COMPSYS 305 Digital Systems Design ELECTENG 205 Computer Systems 1E COMPSYS 201 Fund. of Comp. Engineering
COMPSYS 401 Research Project COMPSYS 301 Engineering Design 3CS COMPSYS 301 Design: Hardware Software Syst.
45 points from:
COMPSCI 313 Computer Organisation
COMPSYS 302 Software Design 2CS COMPSYS 302 Design: Software Practice
ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E
COMPSYS 403 Embedded Systems Design ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E COMPSYS 303 Microcomputers & Embedded Sys.
COMPSYS 404 Real-time Systems ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E COMPSYS 303 Microcomputers & Embedded Sys.
COMPSYS 405 Comp. Networks & Dist. Applics ELECTENG 205 Computer Systems 1E COMPSYS 201 Fundamentals of Comp. Engineering
ELECTENG 203 Software Design 1E COMPSYS 202 Obj. Oriented Design & Prog.
2 December 2005
CSE & EEE Prerequisites 2006
COMPSYS 701 Adv. Digital Systems Design ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E COMPSYS 305 Digital Systems Design
COMPSYS 703 Advanced Intelligent Systems ELECTENG 707 Topics in Information Engineering COMPSYS 406 Robotics & Intelligent Systems
COMPSYS 705 Formal Methods for Engineers COMPSYS 302 Software Design 2CS COMPSYS 302 Design: Software Practice
ELECTENG 304 Computer Systems 2E COMPSYS 305 Digital Systems Design
COMPSYS 706 Speech and Language Processing ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing
3 December 2005
CSE & EEE Prerequisites 2006
ELECTENG 204 Engineering Electromagnetics ELECTENG 101 Electrical Engineering Systems ELECTENG 101 Electrical & Digital Systems
ELECTENG 209 Analog & Digital Design ELECTENG 101 Electrical Engineering Systems ELECTENG 101 Electrical & Digital Systems
ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems
ELECTENG 205 Computer Systems 1E COMPSYS 201 Fundamentals of Comp. Engineering
ELECTENG 207 Microelectronic Circuits ELECTENG 210 Electronics 1
ELECTENG 210 Electronics 1 ELECTENG 101 Electrical Engineering Systems ELECTENG 101 Electrical & Digital Systems
ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems
ELECTENG 305 Electronics 2 ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems
ELECTENG 207 Microelectronic Circuits ELECTENG 210 Electronics 1
ELECTENG 307 Transmission Lines and Systems ELECTENG 204 Engineering Electromagnetics 1 ELECTENG 204 Engineering Electromagnetics
ELECTENG 309 Power Apparatus and Systems ELECTENG 204 Engineering Electromagnetics 1 ELECTENG 204 Engineering Electromagnetics
ELECTENG 310 Electrical Engineering Design 1 ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems ELECTENG 202 Circuits & Systems
ELECTENG 203 Software Design 1E COMPSYS 202 Obj. Oriented Design & Prog.
ELECTENG 205 Computer Systems 1E COMPSYS 201 Fundamentals of Comp. Engineering
ELECTENG 206 Engineering Design 2E ELECTENG 209 Analog & Digital Design
ELECTENG 207 Microelectronic Circuits ELECTENG 210 Electronics 1
ELECTENG 311 Electrical Engineering Design 2 ELECTENG 203 Software Design 1E ELECTENG 310 Electrical Engineering Design 1
ELECTENG 205 Computer Systems 1E
ELECTENG 206 Engineering Design 2E
ELECTENG 207 Microelectronic Circuits
4 December 2005
CSE & EEE Prerequisites 2006
ELECTENG 411 Power Systems ELECTENG 302 Eng. Electromagnetics 2 ELECTENG 309 Power Apparatus & Systems
ELECTENG 412 Communication Systems ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 414 Power Electronics ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 416 Analog and Digital Filter Synthesis ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 422 Control Systems ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 426 Digital Communications ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control ELECTENG 303 Systems and Control
ELECTENG 412 Communication Systems ELECTENG 412 Communication Systems
ELECTENG 428 Sensors & Measurement ELECTENG 305 Elect. Devices & Tech. ELECTENG 305 Electronics 2
ELECTENG 701 Wireless Communications ELECTENG 421 Radio Systems ELECTENG 421 Radio Systems
5 December 2005
CSE & EEE Prerequisites 2006
ELECTENG 704 Advanced Control Systems ELECTENG 422 Control Systems ELECTENG 422 Control Systems
ELECTENG 705 Heavy Current Electronics ELECTENG 414 Power Electronics ELECTENG 414 Power Electronics
ELECTENG 706 Digital Signal Processing ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing
ELECTENG 709 Image Proc. and Comp. Vision ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing ELECTENG 413 Signal Processing
ELECTENG 720 Microwave Engineering ELECTENG 421 Radio Systems ELECTENG 421 Radio Systems
6 December 2005