Strength of Materials - S.timoshenko - 2edition - Part1
Strength of Materials - S.timoshenko - 2edition - Part1
Strength of Materials - S.timoshenko - 2edition - Part1
Professor of Theoretical and Engineering Mechanics
D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 250 Fourth Avenue, New York 3
D. Van Nostrand Company, (Canada), Ltd., 228 Bloor Street, Toronto
1\.,f~ .~:II ~ R~ r'1".~ T.rl 04. 1\,f .••• ,~o. .• T _.] HT r« 0
Copyright, 1930, 1940 by
All Rights Reserved
This book, or any parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. from the author and the publishers.
First Published, May 1930 Reprinted, March 1982, January 1936 February 1.938
Second Edition, June 1940 Reprinted, October 1941, July 1942 January 1944, August 1941,., May 1945 May 1946, February 1947, August 1947 A n{lnst 1948
In preparing the second edition of this volume, an effort
has been made to adapt the book to the teaching requirements of our engineering schools.
With this in view, a portion of the material of a more advanced character which was contained in the previous edition of this volume has been removed and will be included in the new edition of the second volume. At the same time, some portions of the book, which were only briefly discussed in the first edition, have been expanded with the intention of making the book easier to read for the beginner. For this
reason, chapter II, dealing with combined stresses, has been entirely rewritten. Also, the portion of the book dealing with shearing force and bending moment diagrams has been expanded, and a considerable amount of material has been added to the discussion of deflection curves by the integration method. A discussion of column theory and its application has been included in chapter VIII, since this subject is usually required in undergraduate courses of strength of materials.
Several additions have been made to chapter X dealing with the application of strain energy methods to the solution. of statically indetermined problems. In various parts of the book there are many new problems which may be useful for class and home work.
Several changes in the notations have been made to con-
form to the requirements of American Standard Symbols for Mechanics of Solid Bodies recently adopted by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
It is hoped that with the changes made the book will be found more satisfactory for teaching the undergraduate course of strength of materials and that it will furnish a better foundation for the study of the more advanced material discussed in the second volume.
At the present time, a decided change is taking place in the attitude of designers towards the application of analytical methods in the solution of engineering problems. Design is no longer based principally upon empirical formulas. The importance of analytical methods combined with laboratory experiments in the solution of technical problems is becoming generall y accepted.
Types of machines and structures are changing very rapidly, especially in the new fields of industry, and usually time does not permit the accumulation of the necessary empirical data. The size and cost of structures are constantly increasing, which consequently creates a severe demand for greater reliability in structures, The economical factor in design under the present conditions of competition is becoming of growing importance. The construction must be sufficiently strong and reliable, and yet it must be designed with the greatest possible saving in material. Under such conditions, the problem of a designer becomes extremely difficult. Reduction in weight involves an increase in working stresses, which can be safely allowed only on a basis of careful analysis of stress distribution in the structure and experimental investigation of the mechanical properties of the materials employed ..
It is the aim of this book to present problems such that the student's attention will be focussed on the practical applications of the subject. If this is attained, and results, in some measure, in increased correlation between the studies of strength of materials and engineering design, an important forward step will have been made.
The book is divided into two volumes. The first volume contains principally material which is usually covered in required courses of strength of materials in our .engineering v
stresses an en ving prmcipa s resses, use was ma e 0 t e Mohr's circle, which represents a substantial simplification in the presentation of this portion of the theory.
schools. The more advanced portions of the subject are of
Interest c te y to gra uate stu ents an researc engineers, and are incorporated in the second volume of the book. This contains also the new developments of practical importance in
tee 0 streng 0 materia s.
In writing the first 'volume of strength of materials, attention was given to simplifying all derivations as much as possible so that a student with the usual preparation in mathematics will be able to read it wi thout difficulty. For example, in deriving the theory of the deflection curve, the area moment method was extensively used. In this manner, a considerable simplification was made in deriving the deflections of beams for various loading and supporting conditions. In discussing statically indeterminate systems, the method of superposition was applied, which proves very useful in treating such problems as continuous beams and frames. For explaining combined
For exam pIe, in
. .
iscussrng ors on, e w s 0 rec angu ar ars an 0 ro e sections, such as angles, channels, and I beams, is considered. The deformation and stress in helical springs are discussed in detail. In the theory of bending, the case of non-symmetrical cross sections is discussed, the center of twist is defined and explained, and the effect of shearing force on the deflection of beams is considered. The general theory of the bending of beams, the materials of which do not follow Hooke's law, is given and is applied in the bending of beams beyond the yielding point. The bending of reinforced concrete beams is given consideration. In discussing combinations of direct and bending stress, the effect of deflections on the bending moment is
. .
is explained. In treating combined bending and torsion, the cases of rectangular and elliptical cross sections are dis-
cussed, and applications in the design of crankshafts are
given. Considerable space in the book is devoted to methods for solving elasticity problems based on the consideration of the strain energy of elastic bodies. These methods are applied in discussing statically indeterminate systems. The stresses produced by impact are also discussed. All these problems of a more advanced character are printed in small
type, and may be omitted during the first reading of the book.
The book is illustrated with a number of problems to which solutions are presented. In many cases, the problems are chosen so as to widen the field covered by the text and to illustrate the application of the theory in the solution of design problems: It is hoped that these problems will be of interest
for teaching purposes, and also useful for designers.
The author takes this opportunity of thanking his friends who have assisted him by suggestions, reading of manuscript and proofs, particularly Messrs. W. M. Coates and L. H. Donnell, teachers of mathematics and mechanics in the
Engineering College of the University of Michigan, and Mr. F. L. Everett of the Department of Engineering Research of the University of Michigan. He is indebted also to Mr .. F. C. Wilharm for the preparation of drawings, to Mrs. E. D. Webster for the typing of the manuscript, and to the Van Nostrand Company for its care in the publication of the book ..
ft· • • • .. • • • •
fr;e, U7/' Uz •••• Normal stresses on planes perpendicular to x, y and z axes.
UY.P ••••.•• 0 Normal stress at yield point.
U tJ) ••• 0 •• 0 •• orma wor lng s ress
T ••••••••.• Shearing stress
TX7/' T7/Z, Tzx •. Shearing stresses parallel to x, y and z axes on the
planes perpendicular to y, z and x axes.
(tJ) ••••• 0 •• 0 Working stress in shear
8 .... 0 ••••• Total elon ation total deflection
Eo •••••• 0 0 • Unit elongation
Ex, E7/' E~ •••.. Unit elongations in x, y and z directions
. . .
E 0 ••• 0 Modulus of elasticity in tension and compression
G 0 •• 0 ••• Modulus of elasticity in shear
P· , .
p.. 0 •• 0 • • • •• Olsson s ra no
.do 0 ••• 0 Volume expansion
K 0 0 •••• Modulus of elasticity of volume
Mt .•.•. 0 • 0 Torque
M Bending moment in a beam
V. . . .. 0 ••• Shearing force in a beam
A .... 0 •••• Cross sectional area
111, I~ 0 ••••• Moments of inertia of a plane figure with respect
to y and z axes
/e", /ez Radii of gyration corresponding to Iu) I z
Ip Polar moment of inertia
Z 0 • 0 •• Section modulus
C 0 • Torsional rigidity
I 0 • Length of a bar, span of a beam
P, Q Concentrated forces
I Temperature, thickness
a Coefficien t of thermal expansion, numerical coef-
ficlp.n t
u Strain energy
w Strain energy per unit volume
h . Depth of a beam, thickness of a plate
q Load per unit length
4>, 8 " . Angles
p Pressure
D, d Diameters
R, r Radii
W Weigh t, load
1. Elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Hooke's Law 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
3. The Tensile Test Diagram . . . . . . .
4. Working Stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Stress and Strain Produced In a Bar by its Own
I 2 6
6. Statically Indeterminate Problems in Tension and
Compression • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19
7. Initial and Thermal Stresses . . . . . . . . 2.5
8. Extension of a Circular Ring. ". . . 29
sion . . . . . . • . .
10. The Circle of Stress. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. Tension or Compression in Two Perpendicular
Directions . . 0 • • 0 • • 0 .. • e • • • • •
12. The Circle of Stress for Com bined Stresses . . . .
I 3. Principal Stresses. . . . . . . . . . .
14. Analysis of Strain in the Case of Simple Tension . .
15. Strain in the C.ase of ~ensi?n or Compression in
. . . .
16. 17· 18.
ICU e on
Pure Shear. Modulus in Shear . . . . . . . . Working Stresses in Shear . Tension or Compression in Three Perpendicular
Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .. . .
35 38
41 44
54 58
19. Types 0 Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
20. Bending Moment and Shearing Force . ... 68
21. Relation Between Bending Moment and Shearing
Force . , . . . .. . . . . 01- .. • • • • • 72
22.. Bending Moment and Shearing Force Diagrams 74
. .
2.3. Pure Bending . .. .
118 121 126
24. Various Shapes of Cross Sections of Beams. . • •
'25. General Case of Transversally Loaded Beams 102- '26. Shearing Stresses in Bending. . . . . . . . . . 1"9 27. Dis~ribution of Shear~ng Stresses in the Case of a
• • • • • • • (> • DO.
28. Distribution of Shearing Stresses in I Beams u 0 •
29. Principal Stresses in Bending . 0 • 0 • •
30. Stresses in Built-up Beams .
• Q •
31. Differential Equation of the Deflection Curve . .
32• Bending of a Uniformly Loaded Beam CO" ..
33. Deflection of a Simply Supported Beam Loaded
with a Concentrated Load . . . . . . . 0 .. "
34. Determination of Deflections by the use of the Be~~ing Moment Diagram; Method of Super-
pos 1 t Ion • . . .. . . . 0 • • • 0 • 0
35. Deflection of a Cantilever Beam by the Area-
134 134 137
36. Deflection of a Simply Supported Beam by the
Area-Mornen t Method a 0 ~ , • • o. •• 153
37. Deflection of Beams wi th Overhangs . . . • . . 162
3 0 e e ection 0 earns en t e oa s re ot
Parallel to One of the Two Principal Planes of
Bending. . . .. • . 166
Effect of Shearin
Beams. . . . • .
. • . . 170
40• Redundant Constraints . . . , . . . . . . 175
41. Beam Built-in at One End and Supported at the
Other . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
42. Beam with Both Ends Built in . . . . . . . 184
43. Frames . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... 188
44. Beams on Three Supports . . . . . 0 • • • • • 197
45. Continuous Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
MATERIALS • • • • • . • •
47. Beams of Two Different Materials . . . . . . .
48. Reinforced-Concrete Beams . . .. ....
49. Shearing Stresses in Reinforced-Concrete Beams .
THEORY OF COLUMNS • • • • • • • • • • • • Bending Accompanied by Compression or Tension • Eccen tric Loading of a Short Strut. . . . .
The Core of a Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . Eccentric Compression of a Slender Column . . . Cri tical Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Critical Stress; Design of Columns . . . . • . . Design of Columns on Basis of Assumed Inaccura,
50. 51. 52.
53- 54· 55· 56.
Cles • . • . • • • • • . . • • • • •
57. Empirical Formulas for Column Design . .
58. Torsion of a Circular Shaft. . . . . . . . . . • 59- Torsion of a Hollow Shaft . . . . . . . . . _ . 60. The Shaft of Rectangular Cross Section . . . 6 I. Helical Spring, Close Coiled . . . . . . . . . . 62. Combined Bending and Twist in Circular Shafts
X. ENERGY OF STRAIN. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
63. Elastic Strain Energy in Tension .
64. Tension Produced by Impact. . . . . . . .
65. Elastic Strain Energy in Shear and Twist . • . •
66. Elastic Strain Energy in Bending. . . .
67. Bending Produced by Impact . . . . . . . • •
68. The General Expression for Strain Energy . • . .
69. The Theorem of Castigl iano . . . . . .
70. Application of Castigliano Theorem in Solution of Statically Indeterminate Problems . . . .
7 I - The Reciprocal Theorem . . _ . . . . 72. Exceptional Cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MOMENTS OF INERTIA OF PLANE FIGURES. • • • • I. The Moment of Inertia of a Place Area with Respect to an Axis in I ts Plane . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . .
II. Polar Moment of Inertia of a Plane Area . . . . . .
III. Transfer of Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV. Product of Inertia, Principal Axes . . . . . . . . .
V. Change of Direction of Axis. Determination of the
Princi pal Axes . . .
. . . ..
. . . . .
226 226
23° 235 239 244 249
261 261 268
269 271 276
281 281
285 292 296 300 305 308
320 330 339
343 345 347 348
351 355 357
, ,
may be recovered in the form of external work.
Take, for instance, a prism a tical bar loaded at the end as shown in Fig. I. Under the action of this load a certain elon-
I. Elasticity.-We assume that a body consists of small particles, or molecules, between which forces are acting. These molecular forces resist the change in the form of the
forces are applied to the body, its particles are displaced and the mutual displacements continue until equilibrium is established between the external and internal forces. It is said in such a case that the body is in a state of strain. During deformation the external forces acting upon the body do
work, and this work is transformed completely or partially into the potential energy of strain. An example of such an accumulation of otential ener in a strained bod is the
. case of a watch spring. If the forces which produced the deformation of the body are now gradually diminished, the body returns
wholly or partly to its initial shape and dur- z It
ing this reversed deformation the potential
. .
gation 0 tear Wl ta e pace. e point 0 app ication of the load will then move in a downward direction and positive work will be done by the load during this motion.
en t e oa 1S irrums ed, the elongation of the bar diminishes also, the loaded end of the bar moves up and the potential energy of strain will be transformed into the work of
moving t e oa In t e upwar trection.
The property of bodies of returning, after unloading, to their initial form is called elasticity. It is said that the body
is per ec J' e .asttc i it recovers its origin a s ape comp ete y after unloading; it is partially elastic if the deformation, produced by the external forces, does not disappear com-
a 0, a 0
work done by the external forces during deformation will be dissipated in the form of heat, which will be developed in the
. . . .
tha t such structural materials as steel, wood and stone may be considered as perfectly elastic within certain limits, which
. . .
the external forces acting upon the structure are known? it is a fundamental problem for the designer to establish such
. . .
approach the condition of a perfectly elastic body under all service conditions. Only under such conditions will we have
set in its members.
2. Hooke's Law.-By direct experiment with the exten-
many structural materials that within certain limits the elongation of the bar is proportional to the tensile force. This sim le linear relationshi between the force and the elon a-
tion which it produces was first formulated by the English scientist Robert Hooke 1 in 1678 and bears his name. Using the notation:
P = force producing extension of bar, I = length of bar,
8 = total elongation of bar,
E = elastic constant of the material, called its Modulus of Elasticity,
Hooke's experimental law may be given by the following
PI o = .dE.
The elongation of the bar is proportional to the tensile force and to the length of the bar and inversely proportional to the cross sectional area and to the modulus of elasticity. In making tensile tests precautions are usually taken to secure central application of the tensile force. In this manner any . ndin of the bar will be revented. Excludin from con-
sideration those portions of the bar in the vicinity of the applied forces," it may be assumed that during tension all
elongation and the cross sections of the bar originally plane and perpendicular to the axis of the bar remain so after
. .
In discussing the magnitude of internal forces let us imagine the bar cut into two parts by a cross section mn and
et us consi er t e equi i rium 0 t e ower portion 0 t e bar (Fig. I, b). At the lower end of this portion the tensile force P is applied. On the upper end there are acting the
orces representing the action of the particles of the upper portion of the strained bar on the particles of the lower portion, These forces are continuously distributed over the cross section. A familiar example of such a continuous distribution of forces over a surface is that of a hydrostatic pressure or of a steam pressure. In handling such continuously distributed forces the intensity of force, i.e., the force per unit area, is of a great importance. In our case of axial tension, in which all fibers have the same elongation, the
2 The more complicated stress distribution near the points of appli-
cation of the forces will be discussed later in Part II. .
distribution of forces over the cross section mn will be uniform. Taking into account that the sum of these forces, from the condition of equilibrium (Fig. I, b), must be equal to P and denoting the force per unit of cross sectional area by (1, we obtain
(1 = A'
This force per unit area is called stress. In the following, the force will be measured in pounds and the area in square inches so that the stress will be measured in pounds per square inch. The elongation of the bar per unit length is determined by the equation
o E=]
d . n d I . 1 • I ., .
an IS ca e t Ie untl erongallon or t re tensue strain, eqs. (2) and (3), Hooke's law may be represented following form:
in the
E = E'
and the unit elongation is easily calculated provided the stress and the modulus of elastici ty of the material are known. The unit elongation E is a pure number representing the ratio of two lengths (see eq. 3); therefore, from eq. (4), it may be concluded that the modulus of elasticity is to be measured in
the same units as the stress (1, i.e., in pounds per square inch. In Table I, which follows, the average values of the modulus E for several materials are given in the first column.3
Equations (1)-(4) may be used also in the case of the compression of prismatical bars. Then 0 will denote the total longitudinal contraction) E the compressive strain and a the compressive stress. The modulus of elasticity for compression is for most structural materials the same as for tension. In calculations, tensile stress and tensile strain are considered as positive, and compressive stress and strain as negative.
3 More details on the mechanical properties of materials are given in Part II.
E Ibs./in.2
Yield Point Ibs./in.2
Ultimate Strength Ibs./in.2
Structural carbon steel 0.15 to
0.25% carbon. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 X 106 30 X 103-40 X 103 55 X 103-65 X 103 Nickel steel 3 to 3.5% nickel. .. 2.9 X 106 40 X loL50 X 103 78 X IOLIOO X 103 Duraluminum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 X]06 35 X loL45 X 103 54 X IOL6S X 103
Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 X 106 Pine, with the grain. . . . . . . . . .. I. 5 X ]06 Concrete, in compression. . . . . . . 4 X 106
3.5 X 103
S X 103-2.0 X 103 3 X 103
tensile stress is equal to 15 X 103 lbs. per sq. in.
o = E X I = 3_, = ~ in.
2,000 80
2 •. Determi?e the te.nsile forc~ on a cylindrical steel bar of one
Solution. The tensile stress in the bar, from eq. (4» is (J' = E·E = 21 X I03lbs. per sq. in.
The tensile force, from eq. (2), is
P = (J'·A = 21 X 103 X - = 16,500 Ibs. 4
3. What is the ratio of the moduli of elasticity of the materials oftwo bars of the same size if under the action of equal tensile forces
. .
these elongations if one of the bars is of steel, the other of copper and the tensile stress is 10,000 lbs. per sq. inch.
Solution. The moduli are inversely proportional to the unit elongations. For steel
E =
10,000 ° X 106
or copper
E =---
4. A prismatical steel bar 25 in. long is elongated 1/40 in. under the action of a tensile force. Find the magnitude of the force if the volulue of the bal is 25 in.3
5. A piece of wire 100 ft. long subjected to a tensile force P = 1,000 lbs. elongates by I in. Find the modulus of elasticity of the material if the cross-sectional area of the wire is 0.04 sq. in.
3. The Tensile Test Diagram.-The proportionality between the tensile force and the elongation holds only up to a certain limiting value of the tensile stress, called the limit of proportionality, which depends upon the properties of the material. Beyond this limit, the relationship between the elongation and the tensile stress becomes more complicated. For such a material as structural steel the proportionality between the load and elongation holds within a considerable range and the limit of proportionality may be taken as high
o~----------------- T,.sf DUlgram.s FIG. 2.
as 25 X 103-30 X 103 1bs. per sq. in. For such materials as cast iron or soft copper the limit of propor-
be In
erties of materials beyond the limit of proportionali ty the relationship between the strain and the corresponding stress is usually presen ted graphically by the tensile test diagram. Figure 2 (a) presen ts a typical diagram for structural steel. Here the elongations are plotted along the horizon tal axis and the
corresponding stresses are given by the ordinates of the curve 0.1'1 BCD. From 0 to A the stress
and the strain are proportional; beyond A the deviation from Hooke's law becomes marked; hence the stress at A is the limit of proportionality. Upon loading beyond this limit the elongation increases more quickly and the diagram becomes
curved. At B a sudden elongation of the bar takes place without an appreciable increase in the tensile force. This phenomenon, called yielding of the metal, is shown in the diagram by an almost horizontal portion of the curve. The stress corresponding to the point B is called the yield point. Upon further stretching of the bar, the material recovers and, as is seen from the diagram, the necessary tensile force increases with the elongation up to the point C, at which this force attains its maximum value. The corresponding stress is called the ultimate strength of the material. Beyond the point C, elongation of the bar takes place with a diminution of the load and finally fracture occurs at a load corresponding to point D of the diagram ..
I t should be noted that the stretching of the bar is connected with the lateral contraction but it is an established practice in calculating the yield point and the ultimate strength to use the initial cross sectional area A. This question will be discussed later in more detail (see Part II).
Figure 2 (b) represents a tensile test diagram for cast iron.
This material has a very low limit of proportionality 4 and has no definite yield point.
Diagrams analogous to those in tension may be obtained also for compression of various materials and such charac-
in the case of steel, and the ultimate strength for compression can be established. The mechanical properties of materials
detail (see Part 11)_
4. Working Stress.-A tensile test diagram gives very
. va ua e In ormation on t e mec aruca properties 0 a material. Knowing the limit of proportionality, the yield point and the ultimate strength of the material, it is possible to
establish for each particular engineering problem the magnitude of the stress which may be considered as a safe stress. This stre sit
4 This limit can be established only by using very sensitive extensometers in measuring elongations. See Griineisen, Berichte d. deutsch. ~h s. Gesellschaft I 06.
In choosing the magnitude of the working stress for steel it must be taken into consideration that at stresses below the limit of proportionality this material may be considered as perfectly elastic and beyond this limi t a part of the strain usually remains after unloading the bar, i.e., permanent set occurs. In order to have the structure in an elastic condition
and to remove the possibility of a permanent set, it is usual practice to keep the working stress well below the limit of proportionality. In the experimental determination of this limit, sensitive measuring instruments (extensometers) are necessary and the position of the limit depends to some extent upon the accuracy with which the measurements are made. In order to eliminate this difficulty one takes usually the yield point or the ultimate strength of the material as a basis for determining the magnitude of the working stress. De-
noting by crw, cry.P. and Uu respectively the working stress, the yield point and the ultimate strength of the material, the magni tude of the working stress will be determined by one of the two following equations:
Uw = --, n
Here nand n, are factors usually calledjactors oj safety, which determine the magnitude of the working stress. In the case of structural steel, it is logical to take the yield point as the
basis for calculating the working stress because here a considerable permanent set may occur, which is not permissible in engineering structures. In such a case a factor of safety
n = 2 will give a conservative value for the working stress provided that only constant loads are acting upon the structure. In the cases of suddenly applied loads, or variable loads, and these occur very often in machine parts, a larger factor of safety becomes necessary. For brittle materials such as cast iron, concrete, various kinds of stone and for such material as wood, the ultimate strength is usually taken as a basis for determining the working stresses.
The magnitude of the factor of safety depends very much
upon the accuracy wi th which the external forces acting upon a structure are known, upon the accuracy with which the stresses in the members of a structure may be calculated and also upon the homogeneity of the materials used. This important question of working stresses will be discussed in more detail later (see Part II). Here we will include several simple examples or the determination of safe cross sectional dimensions of bars, assuming that the working stress is given.
I. Determine the diameter d of the steel bolts N of a press for a maximum compressive force P = 100,000 lbs. (Fig. 3), if the working stress for steel in this case is Uw = 10,000 lbs. per sq. in. Determine the total elongation of the holts at the maximum load, if the length between their heads is 1= 50 in.
Solution. The necessary cross sectional area, from eq. (2),
A __ 7rtP p __ 50,000 __
.a 5 in,";
4 2,uw 10,000
d = ~ = 2..52. in.
Total elongation, from eqs. (3) and (4),
u/ 104• 50 1
o = EI = - = = - in
E 30' 106 60 .
2. A structure consisting of two equal steel bars (Fig. 4) 15 feet " long and with hinged ends is submi tted to the action of a vertical load P. Determine the necessary cross sectional areas of the bars and the deflection of the point B when P = 5,000 lbs., CTw = 10,000 lbs, per sq. in. and the initial angle of inclination of the bars 0 = 30°. From Fig. 4 (b), representing the condition for equi-
A __ L c
FIG. 4.
I L __ J '--_..I 1
FIG. 3.
librium of the hinge B, the tensile force in the bars is
s- .
s P 5,000 lbs.
'2 sin 0 '
The necessary cross sectional area
S 5,000 1 .
A = - = = -In.!
UfD 10,000 2
The deflection BBI will be found from the small right triangle DBBl in which the arc BD, of radius equal to the length of the bars, is considered as a perpendicular dropped upon ABI, which is the posi don of the bar A B after deformation. Then the elongation of the bar AB is
B D = E" = (Tw' = 10,000 X 15 X 12 = 0.06 in.
1. E 30 X 106
and the deflection
1 = -.- = 0.12 In.
It is seen that the change of the angle due to the deflection BBI is very small and the previous calculation of S, based upon the assumption that 0 = 30°, is accurate enough.
3. Determine the total elongation of the steel bar A B ha ving a cross sectional area A = 1 in.! and submitted to the action of forces Q = 10,000 lbs, ~.JOIn. and P = 5,0001bs. (Fig. 5).
Solution. The tensile force in the upper and lower portions of the bar is equal to Q and that Z.-JOI'1 in the middle portion is Q - P. Then the total elongation will be
4. Determine' the cross sectional dimensions of the wooden beam BC and of the steel bar A B of the structure ABC, loaded at B, when the working stress for wood is taken as U1D = 160 lbs. per sq. in. and for steel UfD = 10,000 lbs. per sq. in. The load
FlO. 5.
o = 2. Q/1 (Q - P)/2 = 2 10,000 X 10
AE + AE 1 X 30 X 106
5,000 X 10' I 1 I .
+ - - + - = ~ = 000833 In
I X 30 X 106 - 150 600 120· .
p = 6,000 lbs. The dimensions of the structure are shown in
. . .
f r
19.. e ermine e ve a
the displacement of the point B due to deformation of the bars. Solution. From Fig. ~ (b) giving the ~ndition for equilibrium of
S = = 10,000 lbs.;
SI = = 8,000 lbs.
(.) p
FIG. 6.
The cross sectional areas of the steel bar and of the wooden beam are
S 10,000 •
A = - = = I In.2;
Uw 10,000
SI 8,000 .
Al = - = = 50 In.!
Uw 160
The total elongation of the steel bar and the total compression of the wooden beam are
s·/ 10,000' 15' 12 •
o = E A = X 6 = 0.060 in.;
8 30 10
Slit 160 X 1 2 X I 2 .
01 = E1DA1 - = 0.0154 In ..
1.5 X 106
To determine the displacement of the hinge B, due to deformation, arcs are drawn with centers A and C (Fig. 6, a) and radii equal to the lengths of the elongated bar and of the compressed beam respectively. They. intersect in the new position B' of the hinge B. This is shown on a larger scale in Fig. 6 (c), where BBl is the elon-
gation of the steel bar and BB2 the compression of the wooden beam. The dotted perpendiculars replace the arcs mentioned above.
en IS t e ISP acement 0 t e mge zs. e components 0
this displacement may be easily obtained from the figure. .
5. Determine in the previous problem the inclination of the bar AB to make its weight a minimum.
Solution. If 8 denotes the angle between the bar and the horizon tal beam and 11 the length of the beam, then the length of the bar is I = Idcos 8, the tensile force in the bar is S = P/sin () and
. . .
of the bar will be
I.A = .IIP 2.i1P
a w SIn () cos 8 a w sin 2.()
It is seen that the volume and the weight of the bar become a minimum when sin 28 = J and 8 = 45°.
6. The square frame ABCD (Fig. 7, a) consisting of five steel bars of J in.2 cross sectional area is submitted to the action of two forces P = 10,000 lbs. in the direction of the diagonal. Determine the changes of ~he angles at A and C due to def~rmation of the
applied as shown in Fig. 7 (b).
FlO. 7.
take the complete load P. Assuming that the hinge D and the direction of the diagonal are stationary, the displacement of the hinge B in the direction of the diagonal will be equal to the elongation of the diagonal 0 = PI/AE. The determination of the new position C' of the hinge C is indicated in the figure by dotted lines. It is seen from the small right triangle CC1C' that CC' = 0/ -fl.. Then the angle of rotation of the bar DC due to deformation of the frame
CC' o{ii 0 P 1
DC - {il - 1 - I· E 3,000
Then the increase of the angle at C will be
1 --radian. 1,500
2 x-- 3,000
7. Determine the position of the load P_ on the beam A_BD so that the force in the bar BC becomes a maximum. Determine the angle f) to make the volume of the bar BC a minimum (Fig. 8).
FIG. 8.
FIG. 9.
Answer. The force in the bar BC becomes maximum when the load P has its extreme position on the right at point D. The volume of the bar will be a minimum when () = 45°.
8. Determine the necessary cross sectional area of the steel bar Be (Fig. 9) if the working stress trw = 15,000 lbs. per sq. in. and the uniformly distributed vertical
oa per oot 0 t e is if = 1,000 lbs.
Answer. A = 0.6 sq. in.
9. Determine the necessary cross sectional areas of the bars AB- and BC of the structures
sh wn . 1
if Uw = 16,000 lbs. per sq. in.
Answer. In the case of
structure 10 (a) the cross sectional area of A B should be 2.5 sq. in. and of the bar BC 2.0 sq. in. In the case of Fig. 10 (b) the cross sectional area of the bar AB should be 2.25 sq. in. and of
FlO. 10.
10. Solve problem 3 assuming that the material is duraluminum and that P = Q = 10,000 Ibs. per sq. in.
I I. Find the cross-sectional areas of the bars CD in Figs. loa and lob and the total elongation of these bars if the material is structural steel and Uw = 16,000 lbs. per sq. in.
12. Solve problem 9 assuming that the load is applied at only one joint of the upper chord at a distance 8 ft. from support A ..
5. Stress and Strain Produced in a Bar by its Own
Weight.-In discussing the extension of a bar, Fig. I, only the load P applied at the end was taken into consideration. If the length of the bar is large, its own weight may produce a considerable additional stress and should be taken into account. In this case the maximum stress will be at the built-in upper cross section. Denoting by "'Y the weight per unit volume of the bar, the complete weight will be A"'YI and the maximum stress will be given by the equation:
A + "rl.
The second term on the right side of eq. (6) represents the stress produced by the weight of the bar. The weight of
that portion of the bar below a cross section at distance x from the lower end (Fig. I) is A'Yx and the stress will be given by the equation:
Substituting the working stress CTw for O'max in eg. (6), the
equation for calculating the safe cross sectional area will be
, P
A= .
Uw - "'(I
I t is interesting to note that with increasing length I the bar's own weight becomes more and more important, the denominator of the right side of eq. (8) diminishes and the necessary cross sectional area A increases. When ')'1 = Uw, i.e., the stress due to the weight of the bat alone becomes equal to the working stress, the right side of eq, (8) becomes infinite. Under such circumstances it is impossible to use a prismatical design and recourse to a bar of variable cross section is made.
In calculating the total elongation of a prismatical bar submitted to the action of a tensile force P at the end and its own weight, let us consider first the elongation of an element of length d« cut from the bar by two adjacent cross sections (see Fig. I). It may be assumed that along the very short length d» the tensile stress is constant and is given by eq. (7). Then the elongation do of the element will be
J~ _ O'dx _ P + A-yx d.
au - E - AE x,
The total elongation of the bar will be obtained by summing the elongations of all the elements. Then
r' P + d'Yx I 1
o = Jo AE dx = AE (P + 'jA'Yl).
Comparing this with eq. (r) it is seen that the total elongation . produced by the bar's own weight is equal to that produced by a load of half its weight applied at its end.
'I. Determine the cross sectional area of a vertical prismatical steel bar carrying on its lower end a load P = 70,000 lbs., if the length of the bar is 720 feet, the working stress 0'19 = 10,000 lbs, per sq. in. and the weight of a cubic foot of steel is 490 Ibs. Determine the total elongation of the bar.
Solution. The cross sectional area, from eq. (8), is
70,000 _. 2
- 9.27 In. 490 X 7'20 X 12
10,CXJO -
The total elongation, from eq. (9), is
720 X I2( I ) .
o = X 6 7,550 + - 2,450 = 2·53 In.
30 10 2
2. Determine the elongation of a conical bar under the action of its own weight (Fig. I I) if the length of the bar is l, the diameter of the base is d and the weight per unit volume of the material is 'Y.
The weight of the bar will be 7rtPl
= _ ...
4 3
t For any cross section at distance x from the lower end of the bar the tensile force, equal to the weight of the lower portion of the bar, is
Assuming that the tensile force is uniformly distributed over the cross section s and considering the element of length dx as a prismatical bar, the elongation of this element will be
do = -yx d» 3E
and the total elongation of the bar is
'Y l' 'Y12
o = 3E 0 xdx = 6E .
This elongation is one third that of a prismatical bar of the same length (see eq. 9).
3. The vertical prismatical rod of a mine pump is moved up and down by a crank shaft (Fig. 12). Assuming that the material is steel and the working stress is Uw = 7,000 lbs, per sq. in., detetmine the cross sectional area of the rod if the resistance of
during motion upward is 2,000 lbs. The length of the rod is 320 feet. Determine the necessary length of the radius r of the crank if the stroke of the pump is equal to 8 in.
Solution. The necessary cross sectional area of be found from eq. (8) by substituting P = 2,000 lbs,
FlO. 12.
the rod will Then
2,000 .
A = -- .---.. - = 0.338 In.2
490' 320' I 2
7,000 - ..
The difference in total elongation of the rod when it moves up and when it moves down is due to the resistance of the piston and will be
tion is . ustifiable when the an le of the cone is mall.
(2,000 + 200)' 320' 12 .
~O = 6 X 8 = 0.8331n•
30' 10 0.33
The radius of the crank should be
8 + 0.833 .
r = -- = 4.42 In.
4. Lengths of wire of steel and aluminum are suspended vert i-
, cally. Determine for each the length at which the stress due to the weight of the wire equals the ultimate strength if for steel wire «« = 300,000 lbs. per sq. in. and 'Y = 490 Ibs. per cubic foot, and for aluminum wire a« = 50,000 lbs. per sq. in. and 'Y = 170 lbs, per cubic foot.
Answer. For steel I = 88,200 ft. for aluminum I = 42,300 ft. 5. In what proportion will the maximum stress produced in a prismatical bar by its own weight increase if all the dimensions of 'the bar are increased in the ro ortion n : 1 Fi . 1 ?
. Answer. The stress will increase in the ratio n : I.
6. A bridge pillar consisting of two prisrnatical portions of equal length (Fig. 13) is loaded ~t the upper end by a comP.ressive f?rce
= 00,000 s. e errm ne e vo ume 0 masonry 1 e erg t of the pillar is 120 ft., its weight per cubic foot is 100 lbs., and the ma~imum c?mpressive .stress in eac~ portic:n is ~50 I~s, per s9' in.
for the same condition.
FIG. 13.
7. Solve the preceding problem assuming three prismatical portions of equal length.
8. Determine the form of the pillar in Fig. 14 such that the stress in each cross section is just equal to UW' The form satisfying
this condi tion is called the form oj equal strength. .
Solution. Considering a differential element, shaded in the
figure, it is evident that the compressive force on the cross section
. ..
of the weight of the element. Thus since the stress in both cross sections is to be the same and equal to Uw, the difference dA in the cross-sectional area must be such as to compensate for the difference in the compressive force. Hence
dAuw = 'YAdx
where the right side of the equation represents the weight of the element. Dividing this equation by Auw and integrating we find
dA 'Ydx
- -,
A u
from which
log A =-- + C1
A = Ce'Yx/~w, (b)
where e is the base of natural logarithms and C = eOl• At x = 0
(A)x=o = C.
But the cross-sectional area at the top is e ual to PJuw; hence
C = Pjuw and equation (b) becomes
A = - e'YX/flw.
The cross-sectional area at the bottom of the pillar is obtained by substituting x = I in equation (c), which gives
A - - e'Yl/lTw
max - •
.9. Find the volume of ~~e masonry for a pillar of equal strength
Solution. By using equation Cd) the difference of the cross-
sectional areas at the bottom of the pillar and at its top is found to be
P p P
- e'Yl/flw - - = - (e'Yi/flw - I).
UW Uw Uti'
This difference multiplied by the working stress Uw evidently gives
. .. .
1 us
V = - (e'Yi/trw - I) = 5,]60 cubic feet.
bars, and for a third eq ua tion a consideration of the deformation
6. Statically Indeterminate Problems in Tension and
acting in the bars of a structure cannot be determined from the equations of statics alone and the deformation of the
SUI 0 0 s er Ion. are called statically indeterminate systems.
A simple example of such a system is shown in Fig. 15.
e oa pro uces extension In the bars OB, OC and OD,
which are in the same plane. The conditions for equilibrium of the hin e 0 ive two e ua-
tions of statics which are not sufficien t to determine the three
sary, Let us assume, for simplicity, that the system is syrn-
metrica WI t respect to t e p
vertical axis OC, that the ver- F
IG. 15.
tical bar is of steel with As and
E, as the cross sectional area and the modulus of elasticity for the material, and tha t the inclined bars are of copper wi th Ac and E; as area and modulus. The length of the vertical bar is I and that of the inclined bars is Ilcos a. Denoting by X the tensile force in the vertical bar and by Y the forces in the inclined bars, the only equation of equilibrium for the hinge 0 in this case of symmetry will be
x + 2Y cos a = P.
In order to derive the second equation necessary for determining the unknown quantities X and Y, the deformed configuration of the system indicated in the figure by dotted lines must be considered. Let 0 be the total elongation of the vertical bar under the action of the load P; then the elongation' 01 of the inclined bars will be found from the triangle OFOI_ Assuming that these elongations are- very
small, the circular arc OF from the cen ter D may be replaced by a perpendicular line and the angle at 01 may be taken equal to the ini rial angle a; then
01 = 0 cos a.
The unit elongations and the stresses for the vertical and the inclined bars will be
o ~so
E8 = 7 ; a 8 = -,-
respectively. Then the forces in the bars will be obtained by multiplying the stresses by the cross sectional areas as
X-A _ A8~80
- Us 8 - , '
from which
Substituting in eq. (a), We obtain
X = --- --p-~---=-.u:
It is seen that the force X depends not only upon the angle of in lination a but also u on the cross sectional areas an
the mechanical properties of the materials of the bars. In the particular case in which all bars have the same cross section and the same modulus we obtain, from eq. (10),
p x=----I + 2 cos" a
When a approaches zero, cos a approaches unity, and the force in the vertical bar approaches 1/ 3P. When a approaches 90°, the inclined bars become very long and the
. .
axially at an intermediate cross section mn (Fig. 16). The load P will be in equilibrium with the reactions Rand R, at
the ends and we have
In order to derive the second equation for determining the forces Rand Rl the deformation of the bar must be considered. The load P with the force R produces shortening of
the lower portion of the bar and with the force R, elongation of the upper portion. The total shortening of one part is equal to the total elongation of the other. Then, by using eq. (I), we obtain
Ria Rb
AE - AE·
i.e., the forces Rand R, are inversely propor-
FIG. 16.
tional to the distances of their points of appli-
cation from the loaded cross section mn. Now from eqs. (c) and (d) the magnitudes of these forces and the stresses in the bar may be readily calculated.
1. A steel cyli nder and a copper tu be are compressed between the plates of a press (Fig. 17). Determine the stresses in steel and copper and also the unit compression if P = 100,000 lbs., d = 4 ins. and D = 8 ins.
Solution. Here again static conditions are inade uate and the deformation of c linder and
tube must be considered to get that part of the load carried by each material. The unit shortening in the steel and in the copper will be equal; therefore the stresses of each material will be in the same ratio as their moduli (eq. 4,
F P: 4), i.e., the compressive stress in the steel
IG. 17· ill b '8 h . . h
Wle I5r t e compresSIve stress In t e copper. Then the magnitude a; of the stress in the copper will be, found from the equation of statics,
7rtP 15 7r
P = - -8 Ue + - (D2 - tP)Ut;.
4 4
Substituting numerical values, we obtain 15
Ue = 1,630 lbs. per sq. in., U3 = "8 . a; = 3,060 lbs. per sq .
unit compression
In. ;
E - - - 102 X 10-6• - Ec -
2. A column of reinforced concrete is compressed by a force P = 60,000 lbs. What part of this load will be taken by the concrete and what part by the steel if the cross sectional area of the steel is only 1/10 of the cross sectional area of the concrete?
3. A rigid body AB of weight Q hangs on three vertical wires symmetrically situated
with respect to the center of gravity C of the body (Fig. 18). Determine the tensile forces in the wires if the middle wire is of steel and the two others of copper. Cross sectional areas of all 'llires are equal.
FIG. 18.
Suggestion. Use method of problem I. 4. Determine the forces in four legs of a square ta.ble, Fig. 19,. produced by
e oa ac ing on one lagona. e
top of the table and the floor are assumed absolutely rigid and the legs are attached to the floor so that they can undergo tension as well as compression.
Solution. Assuming that the new position of the top of the table is that indicated by the' dotted line mn, the com pression of legs 2 and 4 will be the average of that of legs I and 3. Hence
2Y = X+ Z
and since 2Y + X + Z = P we obtain 2Y = X + Z = tP.
FIG. 19.
An additional equation for determining X and Z is obtained by
taking the moment of all the forces with respect to the horizontal axis 0 - 0 parallel to y and in the plane of the force P. Then
X(ja{i + e) + !P'e = Z(ja{i - e). (0)
" ,
From (a) and (0) we obtain
X_p(~ __ e ).
- 4 a -Vi '
p y= -.
4 '
4 a-V2
will be tension in leg I.
5. Determine the forces in the legs of the above table when the load is applied at the poi n t wi th the coordina tes
a x = - 4'
)' = -.
Hint. In solving this problem it should be noted that when the point of application of the load P is not on the diagonal of the table, this load may be replaced by two loads statically equivalent to the load P and applied at points on the two diagonals. The forces
, produced in the legs by each of these two loads are found as explained above. Summarizing the effects of the two com-
ponen . ,tion of the load P may be found.
6. A rectangular frame wi th diagonals is submitted to the action of compressive forces P (Fig. 20). Determine the forces in the bars it t~ey are all of the san;e m~terial, the cross sec-
remaining bars A 1.
Solution. Let X be the compressive force in each vertical, Y the compressive force in each diagonal and Z the tensile force in each horizontal bar. Then from the condition of equilibrium of one of the hinges,
FIG. 20.
Y = r/sin «(P - X);
z = Y cos a = (P - .¥) cot a. (a)
The third equation will be obtained from the condition that the frame after deformation remains rectangular by virtue of symmetry; therefore
from this, neglecting the small quantities of higher order, we get
(a2 + h2)Y h2X a2Z
AlE = AE - /1JF'
Solving egs. (a) and (b), the following value of the force in a diagonal will beobtained:
y = a2 + h'!. A a2 A .
h'!. • A + h2' A cos a + Sin a
£11 £11
The forces in other bars will now be easily determined from eqs. (a). 7. Solve the above problem, assuming a = h, A = SAl and p = 50,000 lbs,
8. What stresses will be produced in a steel bolt and a copper tube (Fig. 21) by 1 of a turn of the nut if the length of the bolt I = 30 ins., the pitch of the bolt thread h = 1 in., the area of the cross section of the bolt As = 1 sq. inch, the area of the cross section of the tube Ae = 2 sq. inches?
Solution. Let X denote the unknown tensile force in the bol t and the com ressi ve force in the tube.
The magnitude of X will be found from the condition that the extension of the bolt plus the shortening of the tube is equal to the displacement of the nut along the bolt. In our case, assuming the length of the tube equal to the
FIG. 21.
length of the bolt, we obtain
from which
X = hAr-Es
( A.E. )
Xl XI 1
J E + A E = -h,
/113 S .a ; c 4
16,100 lbs.
The tensile stress in the bolt is Us = XI As = 16,100 lbs. per sq. in. The compressive stress in the tube is Uc = X/Ae = 8 ,050 lbs. per
sq. In.
9. What change in the stresses calculated in the above problem will be produced by tensile forces P = 5,000 lbs. applied to the ends of the bol t ?
Solution. Let X denote the increase in the tensile force in the bolt and Y the decrease in the compressive force in the tube. Then from the condition of equilibrium,
X+ y= P.
A second equation may be written down from the consideration that the unit elongation of the bolt and tube under the application
of the forces P must be equal, i.e., X y
.-- ..
A8E8 = AeEe .
From eqs. (Il) and (b) the forces X and Y and the m.l...-f--f-.--lcorresponding stresses are easily calculated.
10. A prismatical bar with built-in ends is loaded .axially at two intermediate cross sections (Fig. 22) by mlrt-t.-+forces Pi and P2• Determine the reactions Rand RI.
Hint. Solu tion will be obtained by usi ng eq. (d) on page 21, calculating the reactions produced by each load separately and then summarizing these reactions. Determine the reactions when
FIG. 22.
I I. Determine the forces in the bars of the o system, shown in Fig. :23, where OA is an axis of ~--+--_..;;.. symmetry.
Answer. The tensile force in the bar OB is equal to the compressive force in the bar OC and is P/2 sin a. The force in the horizontal bar OA is equal to zero.
12. Solve problem 10 assuming that the lower portion of length c of the bar has a cross-sectional area two times larger than the crosssectional area of the two upper parts of lengths a and b.
7. Initial and Thermal Stresses.-In a statically indeter-
. minate system it is possible to have some initial stresses produced in assembly and due to inaccuracies in the lengths of the bars or to intentional deviations from the correct values of these lengths. These stresses will exist when external loads are absent, and depend only upon the geometrical proportions of the system, on the mechanical properties of the materials and on the magni tude of the inaccuracies. Assume, for example, that the system represented in Fig. 15 has, by mistake, I + a as the length of the vertical bar instead of !. Then after assembling the bars BO and DO, the vertical bar can be put into place only after initial compression and due to this fact it will produce some tensile force in the inclined bars. Let X denote the compressive force in the vertical bar, which finally takes place after assembly. Then the corresponding tensile force in the inclined bars will be Xj2 cos a
a = 0,3/, b = 0.31 and PI = 2P2 = 1,000Ibs.
FIG. 23.
and the displacement of the hinge 0 due to the extension of these bars will be (see eq. b, p. 20)
The shortening of the vertical bar will be XI
51 = .
From elementary geometrical considerations, the displacement of the hinge 0, together with the shortening of the vertical bar, must be equal to the error a in the length of the vertical bar. This gives the following equation for deter-
mining X:
--=--==---::-- + = a .
2A .E, cos" a A .E,
Now the initial stresses in all the bars may be calculated. Expansion of the bars of a system due to changes in temperature may have also the same effect as inaccuracies in lengths. Assume a bar with built-in ends. If the temperature of the
ar IS raise rom 0 to an t erma expanston IS preven e by the reactions at the ends, there will be produced in the bar compressive stresses, whose magnitude may be calculated from the condition that the length remains unchanged. Let a denote the coefficien t of thermal expansion and (J the compressive stress produced by the reactions. Then the equation
(1 a(t-to)=E'
from which
(1 = Ea(t - to).
As a second example, let us consider the system represented
. .
the assembly temperature to to a new temperature t. The
. ...
by the two other bars of the system, and certain compressive stresses will develop in the vertical bar and tensile stresses in the inclined bars. The magnitude of the compressive force in the vertical bar will be given by eq. (I I), in which instead of the magnitude a of the inaccuracy in length we substitute
I. The rails of a tramway are welded together at 50° Fahrenheit.
What stresses will be produced in these rails when heated by the sun to 100° if the coefficient of thermal expansion of steel is 70· IO-7?
nstoer. o = 10,500 s. per sq. In.
2. What change of stresses will be produced in the case repre, sented in Fig. 21 by increasing the temperature from toO to to if the coefficient of expansion of steel is a. and that of copper ac?
Solution. Due to the fact that ac > a, the increasing temperature pr?duces co.mpression in the copper and tension in the steel. n
Denoting by X the increase in the tensile force in the bolt due to the change of temperature, we obtain
aa(t - 10) + AsE, = ac(1 - to) - AcEc'
from which
The change in the stresses in the bolt and in the tube may be calculated now in the usual wa .
FIG. 24.
3. A strip of copper is soldered Steel between two strips of steel (Fig. 24)· coppe, What stresses will be produced in the ~uel
steel and in the copper by a rise in the
temperature of the strips from to to t degrees?
should be used. 4. What stresses will be produced in the bars of the .system
represented in Fig. 15 if the temperature of all the bars be raised from to to t?
Solution. Let X denote the tensile force produced 1n the steel
bar by an increase in temperature. Then from the condition of equilibrium of the hinge 0 it can be seen that in the copper bars compressive forces act, equal to Xj2 cos a; consequently the elonga tion of the steel bar becomes
XI o = as(t - to)1 + AsEs
and the elongation of the copper bars is
01 = ac(t - to) ~- - ? •
cos a 2 cos- aAcEc
Furthermore from previous considerations (see p. 20),
ch = 0 COs 0:;
from which
The stresses in the steel and in the copper will now be obtained from the following equations:
0"8 = As;
0" = .
c 2 cos aAc
5. Assuming that in the case shown in Fig. 17 a constant load P = 100,000 is applied at an initial temperature 10, determine at
what increase in temperature the load will be completely transmitted to the copper if as = 70 X 10-7 and ac = 92 X 10-7•
(rom which
I - to = 75.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
stee ar consisting two portions 0 engt 2
and cross-sectional areas Al and A2 is fixed at the ends. Find the thermal stresses if the temperature rises by 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Assume 11 = 12) Al = 2A2) and a8 = 70 X 10-7•
7. Find the thermal stresses in the system shown in Fig. 24 if the temperature of all three strips rises by 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The thickness of each of the three strips is the same and . the coefficients of thermal expansion are a8 = 70 X 10-7 and
ac = 92 X 10--7• Assume E; : E, = _! . 1
8. temperature 0 system s n In ig. 15 rises y 100
degrees Fahrenheit. Find the thermal stresses if all three bars are of steel and have equal cross-sectional areas. Take a8 = 70 X 10-7 and E, = 30 X lOB lbs. per sq. in.
9. Find the stresses in the wires of the system shown in Fig. 18 if the cross-sectional area of the wires is o. I sq. in., the load Q = 4,ooc
-degrees Fahrenheit.
10. Determine the stresses which will be built up in the system represented in Fig. 20 if the temperature of the upper horizontal bar rises from to to t degrees.
8. Extension of a Circular Ring.-If uniformly distributed
.. . . ..
ring (Fig. 25), uniform enlargement of the ring will he pro.
FIG. 25.
duced. In order to determine the tensile force P in the ring
t us Imagine at ring IS cut at t e ortzonta ametra
section (Fig. 25, b) and consider the upper portion as a free body. If q denotes the uniform load per unit length of the
center line of the ring and r is the radius of the center line, the force acting on an element of the ring cut out by two
adjacent cross sections will be qrd o, where dtp IS the central angle, corresponding to the element. Taking the sum of the vertical components of all the forces acting on the half ring, the following equation of equilibrium will be obtained:
2P = 2 J 0 qr sin cp d cp = aqr,
from which
P = qr.
The tensile stress in the ring will now be obtained by dividing the force P by the cross sectional area of the ring.
In practical applications very often the determination of tensile stresses in a rotating ring is necessary. Then q represents the centrifugal force per unit length of the ring and is given by the equation:
in which w is the weight of the ring per uni t length, r is the radius, of the center line, u is the velocity of the ring at the radius r, and g is acceleration due to gravity. Substituting this expression for q in eq. (13), we obtain
g ,
and the corresponding tensile stress will be
P wv2 'YV2
U = A = Ag = g.
It is seen that the stress is proportional to the density vts of the material and to the square of the peripheral velocity. For a steel ring and for the velocity u = 100 feet per second this stress becomes 1,060 lbs. per sq. in. Then for the same. material and for any other velocity V1 the stress will be 0.106 X v2 in lbs, per sq. in., when v is in feet per sec.
maximum rostatic
in the c linder
I. Determine the tensile stress in the cylindrical wall of the press shown in Fig. 3 if the inner diameter is 10 ins. and the thickness of the wall is 1 in.
will be found from the equation: 1("102
p' -- = 100,000 lbs., 4
from which p = 1,270 lbs, per sq. in. Cutting out from the cylinder
ntal ri of width 1 in. in the direction of the axis of the
cylinder and using eq. (13) in which, this case, 'I = P = 1,270 Ibs,
per in. and r = 5 ins., we obtain
p 1,270 X 5 6 b .
o = A = I X 1 = ,350 I s. per sq. In.
I (Fig. 26), e fit being such that no pressure exists between tubes
"" at this temperature. Determine the stresses
which will be produced in the copper and in the steel when cooled to room temperature to if the ou ter diameter of the steel tu be is d, the thickness ~f the steel tube is h. and that of the copper
Solution. Due to the difference in the co-
efficien ts of expansion o!c and as there will be a F-L.
10. :.0.
pressure between the outer and the inner tubes
after cooling. Let « denote the pressure per square inch; then the tensile stress in the copper tube will be
q =-
e 2hc
and the compressive stress in the steel will be xd
(1'. = - .
The pressure x will now be found from the condition that during cooling both tubes have the same circumferential contraction; hence
xd xd
CJte(t - to) - E" 1. = ~(t - to) + E h '
2 cFlc 2 • •
from which
1+-hs u,
In the same manner the stress in the steel may be calculated.
3. Referring to Fig. 26, what additional tensile stress in the
tube will be produced by submitting it to a hydrostatic inner pressure p = 100 lbs. per sq. in. if the inner diameter d, = 4 in., h, = 0.1 in. and he = 15/8 X 0.1 in.]
Solution. Cutting out of the tube an elemental ring of width I in., the complete tensile force in the ring will be
p = pd1 = 200 lbs. 2
Due to the fact that the unit circumferential elongations in copper and in steel are the same, the stresses will be in proportion to the
moduli, i.e., the stress in the copper will be 8/15 that in the steel. At the same time the cross sectional area of the copper is 15/8 that of the steel; hence the force P will be equally distributed between two metals and the tensile s tress in the copper produced by.l..a
hydrostatic pressure will be
fTc = 2 X he
- 533 lbs, per sq. in. 2 X 15/8 XO.I
The stress in the steel will be
15 lb .
Us = - Ue = 1,000 s. per sq. In.
4. A built-up ring consists of an inner copper ring and an outer steel ring. The inner diameter of the steel ring is smaller than the outer diameter of the copper ring by the amount a and the structure
is assembled after preliminary heating of the steel ring. When cooled the steel ring produces pressure on the copper ring (shrink fit pressure). Determine the stresses in the steel and the copper after assembly if both rings have rectangular cross sections with the dimensions h, and he in radial direction and dimensions equal to unity in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the ring. The dimensions hs and he may be considered small as compared with the diameter d of the surface of contact of the two rings.
Solution. Let x be the uniformly distributed pressure per square inch of the surface of contact of the rings; then the compressive stress in the copper and the tensile stress in the steel will be
found from the equations:
a; = -;
Us = - .
The decrease in the outer diameter of the copper ring will be xtP
The increase of the inner diameter of the steel ring will be
«, xtP
02 = - ·d=--
u. 2hsEs
from which
Now the stresses a; and UC) from eqs, (a), will be
5 ~ & 5 &
u = - . - . . Us = - . ---
C d he hsEs' d hsEs
1+- 1+ hcEc
5. Determine the stresses which will be produced in the builtup ring of the previous problem by rotation of the ring with a
Solution. Due to the fact that copper has a greater density and a smaller modulus of elasticity than steel, the copper ring will press on the steel ring during rotation. Let x denote the pressure per square inch of the surface of contact between the two rings. Then the corresponding stresses will be given by eqs. (a) of the vious probler_n. In addition to these stress~s the str~sses r;ro-
Denoting by 1'8 and l'c the weights per unit volume of steel and copper and using eq. (15), we obtain
a, = l's ( 27rn )2 (d + hs)2 .
g 60 2 '
noting that the unit elongation for both rings should be the same, the following equation for determining x will be obtained:
= ~, [;< ( 2:: )' ( d ~ h, )~ _ :~.] ,
from which x may be calculated for each particular case. Knowing
», t e comp ete stress In t e copper an t e stee may e oun wi thou t diffi cul ty.
6. Determine the limiting peripheral speed of a copper ring if the working stress is Uw = 3,000 lbs. per sq. in. and "Yc = 550 lbs. per cubic foot.
v = 159 feet per sec.
7. Referring to problem 2 and Fig. 26, determine the stress in the copper at room temperature if t - to = 100° Fahrenheit,
(ic = 2,300 lbs, per sq. in.
8. Referring to problem 5, determine the number of revolutions n per minute at which the stress in the copper ring becomes equal to zero if the initial assembly stress in the same ring was a
c m r
Solution. The number of revolutions n will be determined from the equation:
9. Fin~ the stresse~ in the built-up ring of problem 4 a~suming
changes of these stresses if the temperature of the rings increases after assembly by 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Take ac = 92 X 10-7 and a. = 70 X 10-7.
10. Referring to problem 5, find the stresses in steel and in copper if n = 3,000 r.p.m., d = 2 ft., h. = he = ! in., "Y. = 490 lbs. per cubic foot, and "'It: = 550 lbs. per cubic foot.
9. e ess WI e
Cross Simple Tension Compression.-In
discussing stresses in a prismatic bar submitted to an axial tension P we have previously considered (art. 2) only the
stress over cross sections perpen-
dicular to the axis of the bar.
We now take up the case in which the cross section pq (Fig. 27a), perpendicular to the plane of
- the figure, is inclined to the axis. . _ Since alllongi tudi nal fi bers have
the forces represen ting the action of the right portion of the bar on its left portion are uniformly distributed over the cross section pq. The left portion of the bar, isolated in Fig. 27b, is in equilibrium under the action of these forces and the external force P applied at the left end. Hence the resultant of the forces distributed over the cross section pq is equal to P. Denoting by A the area of the cross section
FIG. 27.
normal to the axis of the bar and by cp,the angle between the axis x and the normal n to the cross section pq, the crosssectional area of pq will be A/cos cp and the stress s over this
. .
cross section IS
P cos cp
s = = (1 x cos (()
where (1 x = P / A denotes the stress on the cross section normal to the axis of the bar. I t is seen that the stress s over any inclined cross section of the bar is smaller than the stress (1:& over the cross section normal to the axis of the bar and that it diminishes as the angle cp increases. For cp = 7r/2 -the sec-
tion pq is parallel tot he axis of the har and the stress s becomes zero, which indicates that there is no pressure between the longitudinal fibers of the har.
The stress s, defined by equation (16), has the direction
y of the force P and is not perpendicular to the cross section pq. In
~----'-- .2.. such cases it is usual to resol ve the total stress in to two componen ts, as is shown in Fig. 28. 'I'he stress component (In perpendicular to the cross section is called the normal stress. I rs magnitude is
FIC. 28.
(J n - S cos 'P = (J x cos If.
'I'he tangen rial corn ponen t T is called the sheari ng stress and has the value
T = S sin ip
(Jx cos cP SIn 'P
(J:r •
,.., SIn '2r.p.
( 18)
To visual ize the s trai n which each com ponen t stress produces
let us consider a thin clement cut Oll t of the bar by two adjacent parallel sections pq and Plql) Fig. 29a. The stresses acting on this clement are shown in Fig. ::!.9a. Figures '29b and 29c are obtained by resolving these stresses into normal and tangen tial cornponen ts as explained above and show separately the action of each of these components. 1 t is seen that the normal stresses (In produce extension of the clement in the direction of the normal n to the cross section pq and the shearing stresses produce slidi ng of section pq with respect to Plq~.
From equation (17) it is seen that the maximum normal stress acts over cross sections normal to the axis of the bar and we have
The maximum shearing; stress, as seen from equation (18), acts over cross section s inclined at 45° to the axis of the bar, where sin 2. q; - 1, and has the m agni tude
T ,. 1 (J
jI,'I" '1 X·
Although the maximum shearing stress is one-half the maximum norm al stress, this stress is sometimes the can trolling factor when considering the strength of materials which are much weaker in shear than in tension. For example, in a
yielding of the metal is visi blc to the naked eye, Fig. 30. ] t
Fro. 30.
occurs along the inclined planes for which the shearing stress is a maXimUITI and a t the value of the force P which corresponds to the poi n t R in Fig. na. This indica res that in the case of mild steel failure is produced by the maximum shearing stress al though this stress is only equal to one-half of the maximum normal stress.
Formulas (17) and (18), derived for a bar in tension can be used also in the case of compression. Tensile stress is assumed positive and compressive negative. Hence for a bar under axial compression we have only to take (f:r; with a negative sign in formulas (17) and (18). The negative sign of (In will then indicate that in Fig. 29b we obtain, instead of
tension, a compressive action on the thin element between the adjacent cross sections pq and Plql. The negative sign for T in formula (IS) will indicate that for compression of the bar the shearing action on the element has the direction opposite to that shown in Fig. 29C' Figure 3 I illustrates the rules for signs of normal and shearing stresses which will be used. Posi ti ve sign
t ,
, ,
~ t
, t
for shearing is taken when they form a couple in clockwise direction and negative sign for opposi te direction.
FlO. 31.
10. The Circle of Stress.-F'ormulas (17) and (18) can be represented graphically.' We take an orthogonal system of coordina tes with the origin at 0 and with positive direction of axes as shown in Fig. 32. Beginning with the cross section pq perpendicular to the
. .
cp = 0, in Fig. 28, and we find, from formulas (17) and (18) a.; = Ux, T = 0 .
uring normal components along the horizon tal axis and shearing compo-
FIG. 32.
nents along the vertical axis, the stress .
acting on the plane with cp = ° is represented in Fig. 32 by a point A having the abscissa equal to Ux and the ordinate equal to zero. Taking now a plane parallel to the axis of the bar we have
(-)t--- ~ - .......
1 This graphical representation is due to O. Mohr, Zivilingenieur, 1882, p. 113. See also his "Abhandlungen," p. 219, 1906. In this book the references to other publications on the same subject are given.
tp = 7rj2, and observing that both stress components vanish for such a plane we conclude that the origin 0, in Fig. 32, corresponds to this plane. Constructing now on OA as diameter a circle it can be readily proved that the stress components for any cross section pq with an arbi traril y chosen angle cp, Fig. 28, will be represented by the coordinates of a point on that circle. To obtain the point on the circle corresponding to a definite angle cp it is only necessary to measure in the counter-clockwise direction from the point A the arc subtending an angle equal to 2cp. Let D be the point obtained in this manner; then, from the figure,
- - - rTx rTz
OF = DC + CF = - + - cos 2cp = (Ix cos! m
2 2 y,
DF = CD sin 2cp = rTx sin 2cp. 2
Comparing these expressions for the coordinates of point D with expressions (17) and (18) it is seen that this point defines the stresses acting on the plane pq, Fig. 28. As the section pq rotates in the counter-clockwise direction about an axis perpendicular to the plane of Fig. 28, cp varying from 0 to 7r/2,
. the point D moves from A to 0, so that the upper half-circle
mi th str s for all valu of wi hi th
If the angle cp is larger than 1('/2 we obtain a cross section as shown in Fig. 33a cut by a plane mm the external normal 2 nl
. . .
Measuring again in the counter-clockwise direction from the point A, in Fig. 32, the arc subtending an angle equal to 2cp
W WI 0 am now a pOln on e ower a -circ e.
Take, as an example, the case when mm is perpendicular to cross section pq which was previously considered. In
such a case the corresponding point on the circle in Fig. 32 is point D, such that the angle DODl is equal to 7r; thus DDl is a diameter of the circle. Usin the coordinates of oint D,
2 The portion of the bar on which the stresses act is indicated by shading. The external normal n, is directed outward from that portion.
we find the stress components tTltl and 71 for the plane mm
F D CD' tToe •
71 = - 1 1 = - 1 SIn 2cp = - - SIn 2cp.3
Comparing these results with expressions (17) and (18) we find
71 = - 7.
This indicates that the sum of the normal stresses acting on two perpendicular planes remains constant and equal to tTx• The shearing stresses acting on two perpendicular planes are numerically equal but of opposi te sign.
FIG. 33.
By taking the adjacent cross sections m.m, andplql parallel to mm and pq an element, such as shown in Fig. 33b, is isolated and the directions of stresses acting on this element are
. .. . .
n sides of the element parallel to the pq plane produce a couple in the clockwise direction, which, according to the accepted rule defined in Fig. 3IC, must be considered positive. The shearing stresses acting on the other two sides of the element
3 The minus sign is taken since point Dl is on the side of negative
produce a couple in the counter-clockwise direction which,
The circle in Fig. 32 called the circle of stress is used to determine the stress components CTn and T for a cross section
. ..
pq w ose norma ma es any an e cp ,
A similar construction can be used to solve the inverse problem, when the components CTn and T are given and it is re-
quired to find the tensile stress CT x In t e axra irection an the angle cpo We observe that the angle between the chord OD and' the x axis is e ual to cp Fi. 2. Hence after
constructing the point D with coordinates CTn and T, we obtain cp by drawing the line ODe Knowing the angle cp, the radius
the center C of the circle of stress obtained.
r. Determine «« and T analytically and graphically if CTz = 15,000 lbs. per sq. in. and tp = 30° or <p = 120°. By using the angles 300
° . .
arrows the directions of stresses acting on the element.
2. Solve the previous problem assuming that instead of tensile stress O"x there acts compressive stress of the same amount. Observe that in this case the diameter of the circle, Fig. 32, must lie on the negative side of the abscissa.
3. On a plane pq, Fig. 28, are acting a normal stress CTn = 12,000 lbs, per sq. in. and a shearing stress T = 4,000 lbs. per sq. in. Find the angle tp and the stress Uz•
tan tp = i,
0" n I .
(Ix = 2 = 13,330 bs. per sq. In. cos tp
4. On the two perpendicular sides of the elemen t in Fig. 330 are acting the normal stresses a« = 12,000 lbs. per sq. in. and CTnt = 6,000 lbs. per sq. in. Find (Iz and T.
Answer. Uz = J8,000 lbs. per sq. in., T = ± 8,485Ibs. per sq. in. 5. Find maximum shearing stress for the case in problem I.
. 6. Determine the aspect of cross sections for which the normal and t,he shearing stresses are numerically equal.
I I. Tension or Compression in Two Perpendicular Directions.-There are cases in which the material of a structure
is submitted to the action of tension or compression in two perpendicular directions. As an example of such a stress condition let us consider stresses in the cylindrical wall of a boiler submitted to internal pressure p lbs. per sq. in.' Let us cut out a small element from the cylindrical wall of the boiler by two adj acen t axial sections and by two circumferential sections, Fig. 34a. Because of the internal pressure
FIG. 34.
the cylinder will expand both in the circumferential and in the axial directions. The tensile stress rTy in the circumferential direction will be determined in the same manner as in the case of a circular ring (art. 8). Denoting the inner diameter of the boiler b d and its wall thickness b h this
stress 1S
(I'll = -.
(2 )
In calculating the tensile stress rTx in the axial direction we imagine the boiler cu t by a plane perpendicular to the x axis. Considering the eq uili brium of one portion of the boiler it will be appreciated that the tensile force producing longitudinal extension of the boiler is equal to the resultant of the pressure on the ends of the boiler, i.e., equal to
"More accurately p denotes the difference between the internal pressure and the external atmospheric pressure.
The cross sectional area of the wall of the boiler is I)
A = trdh.
It is seen that the element of the wall undergoes tensile stresses tT$ and (Tv in two perpendicular directions." The tensile stress tj" in the circumferential direction being twice as large as the stress tj:& in the axial direction. We consider now the stress over any cross section pq, Fig. 34a, perpendicular to xy plane
. .
using formulas (17) and (18) of the previous article we conclude that the tensile stresses (T:& acting in the axial direction produces on the plane pq normal and shearing stresses of magnitude
To calculate the stress components produced on the same plane pq by the tensile stress (Tv, we observe that the angle
b~tween (Tv and the normal n, Fig. 34a, is tr - cp and is meas-
,ured clockwise from the y axis, while cp is measured counterclockwise from the x axis. From this we conclude that in using equations (17) and (18) we must substitute in this case
tj" or tTJ: and -
, instead of cp. This gives
• 2
(T" sin cp,
" l'
T = - 2(TV sin 2cp.
Summing up the stress components (a) and (b) produced by tj" and tj" stresses respectively, the resultant normal and shear-
mg stress components for the case of tension in the two
Ii The thickness of the wall is assumed small in comparison with the diameter and the approximate formula for the cross-sectional area is used. 'There is also a pressure on the inner cylindrical surface of the element but this pressure is small in comparison with (Tz and Ull and is
neglected in further discussion. '
perpendicular directions are obtained
2 + . 2
«« = (Tx COS cp (TJ/ SIn cp,
12. The Circle of Stress for Combined Stresses.-Pro-
ceeding as in article 10 the graphical representation of the formulas (26) and (27) can be readily obtained using the circle of stress. Assuming again that the abscissas and the ordinates represen t to a certain scale the normal and the shearing stress components, we conclude that the points A and B, in Fig. 35,
FiG. 35.
with abscissas equal to «, and (ly represent the stresses acting on the sides of the elemen t in Fig. 34a, perpendicular to the x and y axes respectively. To obtain the stress components on any inclined plane, defined by an angle cp in Fig. 34a, we have only to construct a circle on AB as a diameter and draw the radius CD making the angle ACD, measured in the counterclockwise direction from point A, equal to 2cp. From the
figure 'we conclude that
DE = OC - CE = ~ (Od + OB)
~(OB - OA) cos 2'(2
~+~ ~-~ .
= - . cos 2cp = (Tx cos" cp + (TJ/ S1n2 cpo
2 1
This indicates that the abscissa DE of the point D on 'the circle, if measured to the assumed scale, gives the normal stress component fIn, (26).
The ordinate of the point D is
DE CD· 0' y - 0' x •
= SIll 2<p = 2 SIn 2cp.
Observing that this ordinate must be taken with negative sign, we conclude that the ordinate of the point D, taken with the proper sign, gives the shearing stress component (27).
When the plane pq is rotating counter-clockwise with respect to an axis perpendicular to xy plane, Fig. 34a, the corresponding point D is moving in the counter-clockwise direction along the circle of stress in Fig. 35 so that for each value of cp the corresponding values of the components O'n and T are obtained as the coordinates of the point D.
From this graphical representation of formulae (26) and (27) it follows at once that the maximum normal stress component in our case is equal to O'y and the maximum shearing stress represented by the radius ci' of the circle in Fig. 35 is
and occurs when sin 2ifJ = - I and cp = 311'"/4- The same magnitude ,of shearing stress but with negative sign is acting on the plane for which <to = 7r/4'
Taking t'.vo perpendicular, planes defined by the angles
cp and 11'"/2 + cp, which the normals nand n, make with the x axis, the corresponding stress components are given by the co-ordinates of points D and D, in Fig. 35, and we conclude
This indicates that the sum of the normal stresses acting on two perpendicular planes remains constant as the angle cp varies. Shearing s~resses acting on two perpendicular planes are numerically equal but of opposite sign.
The circle of stress, similar to that in Fig. 35, can be con
structed also if one or both stresses O'x and O'y are compressive, it is only necessary to measure the compressive stresses on the
negative side of the abscissa axis. Assuming, for example, that the stresses acting on an element are as shown in Fig. 36a, the corresponding circle is shown in Fig. 36h. The stress
t----- c7i
FIG. 36.
components acting on a plane pq with normal n are given by
the coordinates of the poin t D in the diagram.
I. The boiler shown in Fig. 34 has d = 100 in., h = -l in.
Determine (J'x and u" if p = 100 lbs. per sq. in. Isolate a small element by the planes for which tp = 300 and 1200 and show the magnitudes and the directions of the stress components acting on the lateral sides of that element.
2. Determine the stresses U,t, (J'ftt, T and Tl if, in Fig. 36a, (J'x = 10,000 lbs. per sq. in., u" = - 5,000 lbs. per sq. in. and lP = 30°,
o <Pl = 120 .
Answer. a« = 6,250 lbs. per sq. in., Unt = - 1,250 lbs. per sq. in., T = - Tl = 6,500 lbs. per sq. in.
3. Determine Un, Unt, T and 71 in the previous problem, if the
angle cp is chosen so that T is a maximum.
Answer. o« = Unt = 2,500 lbs. per sq. in., T = - TI = 7,500 lbs. per sq. in.
13. Principal Stresses.-I t was shown in the previous article tha t for tension or com pression in two perpendicular directions x and y one of the two stresses Ux or Ufl is the maxi-
mum and the other the minimum normal stress. For all inclined planes, such as planes pq in Figs. 34a and 36a, the value of the normal stress Un lies between these limiting values.
At the same time there is acting on all inclined planes not only normal stresses CTn, but also shearing stresses, T. Such stresses as tr:c and a ,/) of which one is the maximum and the other the minimum normal stress, are called the principal stresses and the two perpendicular planes on which they act are called the principal planes. There are no shearing stresses acting on
these planes.
In the example of the previous article, Fig. 34, the principal stresses tTz and (1" were found from very simple considerations
and it was required to find the expressions for the normal and shearing stress components acting on any inclined plane, such as plane pq in Fig. 34a. In our further discussion (see p. 122) there will be cases in which it will be possible to determine the shearing and the normal s tress com ponen ts acting on two perpendicular planes. From the previous discussion we already know that such normal stresses do not represent the maximum stress which is the stress particularly
. irn portan t in design. To get the maxim urn value of stress, the principal stresses are required. The simplest way of solving this problem is by using the circle of stress we con-
sidered in Fig. 35. Assume that the stresses acting on an elementary rectangular parallelepiped are as shown in Fig.
FIG. 37.
37a. The stresses trz and try are not principal stresses, since not only normal but also shearing stresses are acting on the planes perpendicular to the x and y axes. To construct the
circle of stress in this case, we use first the stress components fIx, Uy and T and construct the points D and DI as shown in
Fig. 37b. Since these two points represent the stresses acting on two perpendicular planes, the length DDI represents a diameter of the circle of stress. The intersection of this diameter with the x axis gives the center C of the circle, so that the circle can be readily constructed. The intersection points A and B of the circle with the x axis define thernagnitudes of the maximum and the minimum normal stresses, which are the principal stresses and are denoted by fII and fI2. Using the circle, the formulas for calculating fII and fI2 can be easily obtained. From the figure we have
<T[ = OA = OC + CD = <Tx -; <Ty + ~ (<Tx ~ <Ty r + T', (31)
<T, = 0 B = OC - CD = <T x ~ <T y _ ~ ( <T x ~ <T y)' + T'. (32) The directions of the principal stresses can also be obtained
from the figure. We know that the angle DCA is the double angle between the stress fII and the x axis and since 2cp is measured from D to A in the clockwise direction the direction
of UI must be as indicated in Fig. 37a. If we isolate the elemen t shaded in the figure wi th the sides normal and parallel to fII there will be only normal stresses Ul and U2 acting on its sides. For the calculation of the numerical value of the angle cp we have, from the figure,
I tan 2cp I = -==- .
Regarding the sign of the angle cp, it must be taken negative
in this case since it is measured from the x axis in the clockwise direction, Fig. 37a. Hence
tan 2cp =
Ux - Uy
The maximum shearing stress is given by the magnitude of
e radius of the circle of stress and we have
_ 0"1 - 0", = ~( U'X - Uy)2 + 2
Tmax - 2 2 T •
The equations (31)-(34) completely solve the problem of the determination of the maximum normal and the maximum shearing stresses if the normal and shearing stresses acting on any two perpendicular planes are given since a circle is fixed by two points at the ends of a diameter.
I. An element, Fig. 37a, is submitted to the action of stresses {1:£ = 5,000 lbs. per sq. in., Uy = 3,000 lbs. per sq. in., T = 1,000Ibs. per sq. in. Determine the magnitudes and the directions of principal.stresses U1 ~nd U2.
+ 1,0002
= 4,000 + 1,414 = 5,414 lbs. per sq. in., {12 = 4,000 - 1,414 = 2,586 lbs. per sq. in.
From formula (33) we have
° _ 10
tan 2cp = - 1, 2 cp = - 45 , cp - - 222 .
The minus sign indicates that cp is measured from the x axis in the clockwise direction as shown in Fig. 37a.
2. Determine the direction of the
s , 1 lem if Ux = - 5,000 lbs. per sq. in.
Solution. The corresponding circle
of stress is shown in Fig. 38, tan 2cp = 1, ~~-~~~----4f6
'2cp = 14°2'. Hence the angle which the fA maximum compressive stress makes with thex axis is equal to 7°1' and is measured counter-clockwise from the x axis.
3. Find the circle of stress for the case of two equal tensions Ux = Uy = U
and for two equal compressions Ux = Uy = - U. T = ° in both cases.
Answer. Circles become points on the horizontal axis with the abscissas U and _. a respectively.
FIG. 38.
4. On the sides of the element shown in Fig. 39a are acting the stresses Uz = - 500 lbs. per sq. in., Uy = 1,500 lbs, per sq. in., T = 1,000 lbs, per sq. in. Find, by using the circle of stress, the magnitudes of the normal and shearing stresses on (a) the principal planes, (b) the planes of maximum shearing stress.
Solution. The corresponding circle of stress is shown in Fig. 39b.
The points D and D; represent stresses acting on the sides of the element in Fig. 39a perpendicular to the x and y axes. OB and OA represent the principal stresses. Their magnitudes are UI = 1,914 lbs. per sq. in. and U2 = - 914 lbs per sq. in. respectively. The dir . on he maximum com ressive stress U makes the an le =
21.!O with the x axis, this angle being measured from the x axis in the COl-Inter-clockwise direction as shown in Fig. 39a. The points
FIG. 39.
F and PI represent stresses acting on the planes subject to maximum shear. The magnitude of this shear is 1,414 lbs. per sq. in. DC re resents the normal stresses e ual to 00 1 bs. er s . in. actin on
the same plane.
5. Solve the previous problem if U z = - 5,000 1 bs. per sq. in., 11'11 = 3,000 lbs, per sq. in., T = 1,000 lbs. per sq. in.
14. Analysis of Strain in the Case of Simple Tension.In article 2, the axial elongation of a bar in tension was discussed. Experiments show that such axial elongation is always accompanied by lateral contraction of the bar, and
. unit lateral contraction. .
that the ratio . . I I . 1S constant for a grven
urn t axia e onga non
using the molecular theory of structure ef the material. For materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions, so-called isotropic materials, Poisson found /L = 1/4. Ex erimental investi ation of the lateral contraction in struc-
tural metals 7 shows that /L is usually not very far off the value calculated by Poisson. For instance, in the case of structural
. .
of a material, the change in volume of a bar in tension can be calculated. The length of the bar will increase in the
ratio (I - /LE) : I; hence the cross-sectional area diminishes in the ratio (I - /LE)2 : I. Then the volume of the bar
C anges In e ra 10 lEI - /LE : I, w IC ecomes (I + E - 2/LE) : I if we recall that E is a small q uan ti ty and neglect its powers. Then the unit volume expansion is E(I - 2/L). It is unlikely that any material diminishes its volume when in tension; hence /L must be less than 0.50. For such .materials as rubber and paraffin /L approaches the above limit and the volume of these materials during extension remains approximately constant. On the other hand such material as concrete has a small magnitude of /L (/L = 1/8 to 1/12) and for cork /L can be taken equal to zero.
The above discussion of lateral contraction during tension can be applied with suitable changes to the case of compression. Longitudinal compression will be accompanied by lateral expansion and for calculating this expansion the same
" value for /L as in the case of extension is used.
I. Determine t e Increase In unit volume 0 tear in tension if trw = 5,600 lbs. per sq. in., J.L = 0.30, E = 30· 106 lbs. per sq. in.
Solution. Increase in unit volume is
Uw 5,600
E(I - 2J.L) = E (I - 2J.L) = 6 (I -. 0.6) = 74.7 X 10-6.
~ 30 X 10
7 These materials can be considered as isotropic (see Part II).
which is produced by the force P at the end and the weight of the
bar (see article 5), p. l4· ,
Answer. The increase in volume is equal to
AIel - 2}L) (P + "Ii) .
E A 2
IS. Strain in the Case of Tension or Compression in Two Perpendicular Directions.-If a bar in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped is submitted to tensile forces acting in two perpendicular directions x and y (Fig. 34), the elongation in one of these directions will depend not only upon the tensile stress in this direction bu t also upon the s tress in the perpendicular direction. The unit elongation in the direction of the x axis due to the tensile stress Uz will be ux/E. The tensile stress Uy will produce lateral contraction into x direction equal to J.LfIy/E; then if both stresses fIx and U71 act
simultaneously the unit elongation in x direction will be
Ex - E
Similarly, for the y direction, we obtain
In the particular case, for the two tensions equal, Uz = U71 = a ; we obtain
Ez = E7I = E (I - /L).
From eqs, (35) and (36) the stresses Ux and U71 can be obtained as functions of uni t strains Ex and Ey as follows:
(Ex + J.LEy) E .
Uz = 1 2'
uy =
If in the case shown 1n Fig. 39tZ the elongation Ex in axial
direction and the elongation Ey in circumferential direction are measured by an extensometer the corresponding tensile stresses Ux and U71 will be found from equations (38).
equilibrium of each hinge (Fig. 40, b), it can be shown that the block is submitted to equal com-
I. Determine the increase in the volume of the cylindrical steel boiler under internal pressure (Fig. 34), neglecting the deformation of the ends and taking CT y = 6,000 I bs. per sq. in.
Solution. By using eqs. (35) and (36)
6,000 3,000
Ell = 30 X 106 - 0 ·3 30 X 106
------- = 17 X 10-6
30 X 106 ,
3,000 6,000 1,200
Ex = 30 X 106 - 0·3 30 X 106 = 30 X 106 = 4 X 10-6•
The volume of the boiler will increase in the ratio
(I + E.1:)(1 + Ey)2 : I = (I + Ex + 2Ey) : I = 1.00038 : 1.
2. A cube of concrete is compressed in two perpendicular directions by the arrangement shown in Fig. 40. Determine the
ecrease In t e vo ume 0 t e cube if it is 4 inches on a side, the compressive stress is uni-
. .
J.L = O. I and P = 20,000 I bs.
Solution. Neglecting friction in the hin es and considerin the
pression In two perpen ICU ar
directions and that the compressive force is equal to P{2 = 28,300 lbs. The corresponding strain, from eq. (37), is
FIG. 40.
Ex = Ev = - 6 X X 6 (I - O. I) = - 0.000398.
I 4 10
In the direction perpendicular to the plane of the figure a lateral expansion of the block takes place which is
CTz CTv 28,300
Ez = - p. E - J.L E = 0.2 X 6 6 = 0.0000885.
I X 4 X 10
The decrease per unit volume of the block will be
Ez + Ell + E; = - 2 X 0.000398 + 0.0000885 = - 0.000707.
3. Determine the increase in the cylindrical lateral surface of
the boiler considered in problem I above. .
Solution. Increase per unit area of lateral surface = Ex + Ey = 21 X 10-6•
4· Determine the unit elongation in the (11 direction of a bar of steel, if the stress conditions are such as indicated in problem I, p. 49.
El = X 6 (5,414 - 0·3 X 2,586) = 154.6 X 10--6•
30 10
16. Pure Shear. Modulus in Shear.-Let us consider the particular case of normal stresses acting in two perpendicular directions in which the tensile stress a x in the horizontal direction is numerically equal to the compressive stress Uy in the vertical direction, Fig. 41 a. The corresponding circle of
FIG. 41.
stress is shown in Fig. 4Ib. Point D on this circle represents the stresses acting on the planes ab and ed perpendicular to xy plane and inclined at 45° to the x axis. Point DI represents stresses acting on the planes ad and be perpendicular to ab and cd. It is seen from the circle of stress that the nortnal
stress on each of these planes is zero and that the shearing stress over the same planes, represented by the radius of the circle, is numerically equal to the normal stress U'x, so that
T = Ux = - Uy•
If we imagine the element abed to be isolated it will be in
equilibrium under the shearing stresses only as shown in
Fig.4Ia. Such a state of stress is called pure shear. It may be concluded that pure shear is equivalent to the state of stress produced by tension in one direction and an equal compression in the perpendicular direction. If a rectangular element, similar to the element abed in Fig. 4Ia, is isolated by planes which are no longer at 45° to the x axis, normal stress as well as shearing stress will act on the sides of such an element. The magnitude of these stresses may be obtained
, ,
Let us consider now the deformation of the element abed. Since there are no normal stresses acting on the sides of this element the lengths ab, ad, be and ed will not change due to the deformation, but the horizontal diagonal bd will be stretched and the vertical diagonal ac will be shrunk changing
t e square a c Into a r om us a ter e ormation as In reate in the figure by dotted lines. The angle at b, which was 7r/2 before deformation, now becomes less than 7r/'l, say (7r/2) - 1', and at the same time the" angle at a increases and becomes equal to (1r/2) + 1'. The small angle l' determines the distortion of the element abed and is called the shearin strain.
The shearing strain may also be visualized as follows: The element abed of Fig.
45° and put into the position shown in Fig. 42. After distortion, produced by the shearing stresses T, the same element takes the position indicated by the dotted lines. The shearing strain, represented
FIG. 41.
y e magm u e 0 t e sma ang e 1',
may be taken equal to the ratio aat/ad, equal to the horizontal sliding aa, of the side ab with respect to the side de divided by the distance between these two sides. If the material obeys Hooke's law this sliding is proportional to the stress T and we can express the relation between the shearin stress
and the shearing strain by the eq ua tion
in which G is a constant depending on the mechanical properties of the material. Equation (39) is similar to equation (4) which was established for simple tension and the constant G is called modulus of elasticity in shear, or modulus of rigidity.
Since the distortion of the element abed, Fig. 42, is entirely defined by the elongation of the diagonal bd and the con traction of the diagonal ac, which deform a tions can be calculated by using the equations of the preceding article, it mav be concluded that the modulus G can be exoressed bv
~ ~ r
the modulus in tension E and Poisson's ratio #1. To establish
this relationship we consider the triangle Oab, Fig. 4Ia. The elongation of the side Ob and the shortening of the side Oa
of this triangle during deformation will be found by using equations (35) and (36). In terms of Ex and Ell we have
and, from the triangle Oalbl,
( 1r l' ) Oa 1 I + Ell tan (ObIa!) = tan - - - = Ob = + .
4 2. 1 I Ex
For a small angle l' we have also
1r l' l'
tan (~ _ ~) = tan- - tan- I _-
4 2. 2
~ .
7r "V 'V
'\ T , I + tan -- tan .~. I + .
4 2. 2 (e)
Observing that in the case of pure shear
Ux = - try = T,
Ux(I + J.I.) _ T(I + #1)
Ex=-Ey= E - E'
and equating expressions (b) and (c) we obtain
1- E
+ T(I + #1) -
from which
r(1 + p,)
- =
2r(I+Jl) 'Y-
- E
I Comparing this result with formula (39) we conclude that
G = E
2(1 + p,)
We see that the modulus of elasticity in shear can be easily calculated if the modulus in tension E and Poisson's ratio p, are known. In the case of steel, for example,
30' 106 •
G = (+ ) = 11.5' 106lbs. per sq. rn,
2 I 0.30
It should be noted that the application of a uniform shearing stress to the sides of a block as assumed in Fig. 42 is very difficult to realize so that the condition of pure shear is usually produced by the torsion of a circular tube, Fig. 43. Due to a small rotation of one end of the tube with respect to the other the generators traced on the cylindrical surface become inclined to the axis of the cylinder and an element abed formed by two generators and two adjacent circular cross sections undergoes a shearing strain similar to that shown in Fig. 42. The problem of twist will be discussed later (see chapter 9) where will be shown how the shearing stress r and the shearing strain 'Y of the elemen t abed can be calcula ted if the torque and the corresponding angle of twist of the shaft are measured. If rand 'Yare found from such a torsion test, the value of the modulus G can be calculated from equation (39). With this value of G, and knowing E from a tensile test, Poisson's ratio p, can be calculated from equation (40). The direct determination of p. by measuring lateral con traction during a tensile test is more complicated since this contraction is very
.... _ al_lb _..
.... _ar_~
FIG. 43.
small and an extremely sensitive instrument is required to measure it with sufficient accuracy.
I. The block abed, Fig. 42, is made of a material for which E = 10· 106 lbs. per sq. in. and Jl = 0.1.5. Find l' and the unit elongation of the diagonal bd if T = 10,000 lbs. per sq. in.
z. Find for the previous problem the sliding aa, of the side ab with respect to the side cd if ~he diagonal bd = z in.
• . 4
is zero if the first powers only of the strain components E;J; and Ey are considered.
to pure shear the relation between shearing stress and shearing s train can be es ta blished experimen tally. Such a relationship is usually shown by a diagram, Fig. 44, in which the abscissa represen ts shearing strain and the ordi-
nate-shearing stress. The diagram is similar to that of a tensile test and wecan mark on it the proportional limit A and
• ... 8 •
show that for a material such as structural steel the yield point in shear Typ is only about 0.55 - 0.60 of a . Since at ield oint a considerable distortion occurs
without an appreciable change in stress, it is logical to take as the working stress in shear only a portion of yield point stress so that
Typ Tw =-
where n is the factor of safety. Taking this factor of the same magnitude as in tension or compression we obtain
Tw = 0.55 to 0.60 of Uw
which indicates that the working stress in shear should be 8 To obtain a pronounced yield point tubular specimens are used in the torsion test.
was already indicated that in practical applications we do not encounter a uniform distribution of shearing stress over the sides of a block as was assumed in Fig. 42 and that pure shear is realized in the case of torsion. We will see later that pure shear also occurs in the bending of beams. But there are many practical problems in which a solution is obtained on the assumption that we are dealing with pure shear although this assumption is only a rough approximation. Take, for
e JOInt In ig, 45.
FIG. 45.
the diameter of the bolt ab is not large enough the joint may
though a more rigorous study of the problem indicates that the shearing stresses are not uniformly distributed over these
also bending under the action of tensile forces P, a rough approximation for the required diameter of the bolt is obtained by assuming that we have along the planes mn and min, a uniformly distributed shearing stress T which is obtained by dividing the force P by the sum of the cross sec-
tiona areas mn an msn 1. ence
2P T = 7rd2'
and the required diameter of the bolt is obtained from the
Tw = 7rtf2 .
We have another example of such a simplified treatment of shear problems in the case of riveted joints, Fig. 46. Since
o I ~
the heads of the rivets are formed at high temperature the rivets produce after cooling a grea t compression of the plates." If tensile forces P are applied the relative motion between the plates is prevented by friction due to the above mentioned
pressure between the plates. Only after friction is overcome do the rivets begin to work in shear and if the diameter of the rivets is not sufficient failure due to shear along the planes
mn and msn, may occur. It is seen that the problem of stress analysis for a riveted joint is very complicated. A rough approximate solution of the problem is usually obtained by neglecting friction and assuming that the shearing stresses are uniformly distributed along the cross section mn and m-ns. Then the correct diameter of the rivets is obtained by using the equation (42) as in the previous example.
I. DetetInine the diameter of the bolt in the joint shown in
Fig. 45 if P = 10,000 lbs. and Tw = 6,000 lbs. per sq. in.
s, Find the safe length zl of the joint of two rectangular wooden bars, Fig. 47, submitted to tension, if P = 10,000 lbs., Tw = 100 lbs, per sq. in. for shear parallel to the fibers and b = 10 in. Determine the proper depth mni, if the safe limi t for the local compressive stress along the fibers of wood is 800 lbs. per sq. in.
9 Experiments show that tensile stress in rivets is usually approaching the yield point of the material of which the rivets are made. See C. Bach, Zeitschr. d. Vera Deutsch. Ing. 1912.
FIG. 47.
3. Find the diameter of the rivets in Fig. 46, jf Xw = 8,000 lbs.
per sq. in. and P = 8,000 lbs.
4. Determine the dimensions I and 0 in the joint of two rectangular bars by steel plates, Fig. 48, if the forces, the dimensions and the working stresses are the same as in problem 2.
FIG. 49.
5. Determine the distance a which is required in the structure shown in Fig. 49, if the allowable shearing stress is the same as in problem 2 and the cross-sectional dimensions of all bars are 4 by 8 in. Neglect the effect of friction.
18. Tension or Compression in Three
Perpendicular Directions.-If a bar in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped is sub-
mitted to the action of forces P3;) Py and P;: ,.
(Fig. 50), the normal stresses over cross sections perpendicular to x, y and z axes are
respectively FIG. 50.
It is assumed below that Uz, > Uy > Uzo
Combining the effects of the forces Px, Py and Pz, it can be
concluded that over a section through the z axis only the forces P; and Py produce stresses and therefore these stresses
may be calculated from eqs. (26) and (27) and represented graphically by using the Mohr circle. In Fig. 5 I the stress
't circle wit a diameter A represen ts these stresses. In the
same manner the stresses over any section through the x axis O-+-----+='---t-=:.__----'+-~q can be represen ted by a circle
having Be as a diameter. The
represen ts s tresses over any section through the y axis. The three Mohr circles represent stresses over three series of sections through the x, y and z axes. For any section inclined to x, y and z axes the stress components are the coordinates of a point located in the shaded area of Fig. 51.10 On the basis of this it can be concluded that the maximum shearing stress will be represented
. .
......----- <IX FIG. 51.
given by the equation Tmax = (ux - uz)/2. It will act on the section through the y axis bisecting the angle between the x and z axes.
The equations for calculating the unit elongations in the directions of the x, y and z axes may be obtained by cornbinin the effects of P P and P in the same manner as in con-
sidering tension or compression in two perpendicular directions (see article IS). In this manner we obtain
«, J..L( )
Ez = E - E Ux + uy •
10 The proof of this statement can be found in the book by A. Foppl, Technische Mechanik, Vol. 5, p. IS, 1915. See also H. M. Westergaard, Z. angew. Math. Mech., Vol. 4, p. 520, 1924.
or, neglecting small quantities of higher order, (I + Ex + Ell + E z) : I.
I t is seen that the unit volume expansion is
The relation between the unit volume expansion and the stresses acting on the sides of the bar will be obtained by adding together eqs. (43). In this manner we obtain
(I - 2p.)
In the particular case of uniform hydrostatic pressure we have
fIx = fIll = fIz = - p.
and from eq s. (44)
3(1 - 2p,)
"d= p
- E '
or, using the notation
we obtain
e uni compression lS propor rona 0 e compressive s ress p and inversely proportional to the quantity K, which is called the modulus of elasticity oj volume.
I. Determine the decrease in the volume of a solid steel sphere of 10 inch diameter submitted to a uniform hydrostatic pressure p = 10,000 lbs. per sq. inch.
Solution. From eq. (49)
10,000 X 3(1 - 2 X 0.3)
The decrease in the volume is, therefore,
4 '!rtF b' . h
-4 X -6 = 0.209 cu IC Inc . 10
2. Referring to Fig. 52, a rubber cylinder A is compressed in a steel cylinder B by a force P. Determine the pressure between the rubber and the steel if P = 1,000 lbs., d = 2 ins., Poisson's ratio for rub~er p. = 0.45. Friction be-
Solution. Let p denote the compressive stresses over any cross section perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder and q the pressure between the rubber
an t e Inner sur ace 0 t e stee cy inder. Compressive stress of the same magnitude will act between the lateral surfaces of the longitudinal fibers of the rubber cylinder, from which we isolate an
~r---.--,y element in the form of a rectangular parallelepi ped, with sides parallel to the axis of the cylinder (see Fig. 52). This element is in equilibrium under
FIG. 52. the compressive stresses 'I on the lateral faces of the
element and the axial compressive stress p. Assuming that the steel cylinder is absolutely rigid, the lateral expansion of the rubber in the x and y directions should be equal to zero and
from eqs. (43) we obtain
q JL
o = E - E (p + q),
from which
J.l.p 0·45
q = I - JL - 1 - 0.45
1,000 X 4 b .
X 2 = 260 I s. per sq. In. 7r 2
3. A concrete column is enclosed in a steel tube (Fig. 53). Determine the pressure between the steel and concrete and the circumfer-
E =
ential tensile stress in the tube, assuming that there is no friction between concrete and steel and that all the dimensions and the longitudinal compressive stress in the column are
known (Fi. ).
Solution. Let p denote the longitudinal and q the lateral compressive stress, d the inner diameter and It. the thickness of the tube, E8 the modulus of
q Pc ( )
Ez = - Ec + Ec P + q .
FIG. 53.
expansion 0
From eqs. (a) and (b) we obtain
from which
sr rt: --+I-~e 2hE,
The circumferential tensile stress in the tube will now be calculated from equation
4. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the concrete column of the previous problem, assuming that p = 1,000 lbs. per sq. in., J.Le = 0.10, d/zh = 7·5.
Tmax =
= 474 lbs. per sq. in.
19. Types of Beams.-In this chapter we will discuss the simplest types of beams such as shown in Fig. 54. Figure 54a
p represents a beam with simply supported ends. Points of support A and B are hinged so that the ends of the beam can rotate freely during bending. I t is also assumed that one of
I (a)
rollers and can move freely in the horizontal direction. Figure 540 represen ts a cantilever
beam. The end A of this beam is built into the wall and cannot rotate during bending, while the end B is entirely free. Figure 54c represents a beam with an overhanging end. This beam is hinged to an immovable support at the end A and rests on a movable support at C.
(c) A
FIG. 54.
All three of the foregoing cases represent statically determinate beams since the reactions at the supports produced by a given load can be determined from the equations of
statics. For instance, considering the simply supported beam carrying a vertical load P, Fig. 54a, we see that the reaction R2 at the end B must be vertical, since this end is free to move horizontally. Then from the equation of statics, ~x = 0, it follows that reaction RI is also vertical. The magnitudes of R, and R2 are then determined from the equations of moments. Equating to zero the sum of the moments of all forces with respect to point B, we obtain
R 1- Pb = 0
use In practice on y In earns 0 found in bridges. In beams
of shorter span, the conditions
arge spans, sue
Pb s, = 7'
In a similar way, by considering the moments respect to point A, we obtain
Pa R2 = 7'
The reactions for the beam with an overhanging end, Fig. 54c, can be calculated in the same manner.
In the case of the cantilever beam, Fig. 54b, the load P is balanced by the reactive forces acting on the built-in end. From the equations of statics, ~x = ° and ~y = 0, we conclude at once that the resultant of the reactive forces R, must be vertical and e ual to P. From the e uation of moments
~M = 0, it follows that the moment Ml of the reactive forces with respect to point d is equal to Pa and acts in the counter-
. .. ..
The reactions produced by any other kind of loading on the above types of beams can be calculated by a similar
I t should be noted that the special provisions permi tting free rotation of the ends and free motion of the support are
at t e support are usua y as illustrated in Fig. 55. During bending of such a beam friction forces between the supporting surfaces and the beam will be
produced such as to oppose rotation and horizontal movement of the ends of the beam. These forces can be of some importance in the case of flexible bars and thin metallic strips, see p. 178; but for a rigid beam the deflection of which is very small in comparison with the length I of the span these forces can be neglected, and the reactions can be calculated as though the beam were simply supported, Fig. 54a.
68 .
20. Bending Moment and Shearing Force.-Let us now consider a simply supported beam on which act vertical forces Ps, P2, and P3, Fig. 56a. We assume that the beam has an axial plane of symmetry and that the loads act in this plane. Then, from considerations of symmetry, we conclude that the
bending also occurs in this same plane. In most practical cases this condition of symmetry is fulfilled since the usual cross-sectional shapes, such as a circle, a rectangle, an I, or a T, are symmetrical. The more general case of a nonsymmetrical cross section will be discussed later (see p. 93)0
Ii ",
FIG. 56.
To investigate the stresses produced in a beam during bending, we proceed in the same manner as we have already
used in discussing the stresses produced in a bar by a central tension, Fig. I. We imagine that the beam dB is cut in two parts by a cross section mn taken at any distance x from the left support d, Fig. 56a, and that the right portion of the beam is removed. In discussing the equilibrium of the remaining left-hand portion of the beam, Fig. 56b, we must consider not only the external forces such as loads Ps, P2) and reaction R, but also the internal forces which are distributed over the cross section mn and which represent the action of the right portion of the beam on the left portion: These internal forces
couple M. The magnitude of the force is V = R, - PI - P2, and the magnitude of the couple is
must e 0 sue a magrutu e as to equiu rate tea ove mentioned external forces PI, P2, and R1•
In the ensuing discussion it will be advan tageous to reduce the actual system of external forces to a simplified equivalent system. From statics we know that a system of parallel forces can be replaced by one force equal to the algebraic sum of the given forces together with a couple. In our particular case we can replace the forces Ph P 2, and RI by the vertical
. . .
The force V, which is equal to the algebraic sum of the external forces to the left of the cross section mn, is called the shearing force at the cross section mn. The couple M, which is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of the external
. .
centroid of this cross section, is called the bending moment at the cross section mn. Thus the system of external forces to
. .
tee toe cross sec Ion mn can e rep ace yes a rca y equivalent system consisting of the shearing force V acting in the plane of the cross section and the couple M, Fig. 56co The stresses which are distributed over the cross section mn and which' represent the action of the right portion of the beam on its left ortion must then be such as to balance the
bending moment M and the shearing force V.
If a distributed load rather than a number of concentrated forces acts on a beam, the same reasoning can be used as in the previous case. Take, as an example, the uniformly loaded beam shown in Fig. 57a. Denoting the load per unit length
. . .
To investigate stresses distributed over a cross section mn we again consider the equilibrium of the left portion of the beam, Fig. 57b. The external forces acting on this portion of the
;( beam are the reaction R, and the load uniformly distribu ted along the length x. This latter load has, of course, a resultant e ual to x. The
llllilli IIIIII L~IIIII;i:
algebraical sum of all forces to the left of the cross section mn is thus R, - qx, The
FIG. 57.
algebraic sum of the moments of all forces to the left of the cross section mn wi th respect to the cen troid of this cross section is obtained by subtracting the moment of the resultant of the distributed load from the moment R~x of the reaction. The moment of the distributed load is evidently equal to
X qx2
qx X - = -. 2 2
Thus we obtain for the algebraic sum of the moments the
e orces ac ing on e e por Ion 0 e earn can now
be replaced by one force acting in the plane of the cross section mn and equal to
V = s, - qx = q (~ - x ) (c)
together with a couple equal to
qx2 qx
M = R1x - - = - (l - x) .
2 2
ing force and the bending moment at the cross section mn.
In the above examples the equilibrium of the left portion of the beam has been discussed. If, instead of the left portion,
(-) ,..------....._
the right be considered, the algebraic sum of the forces to the
. . .
of those forces have the same magnitudes V and M as have already been found but are of opposite sense. This follows from the fact that the loads acting on a beam together with the reactions Rl and R2 represent a system of forces in equilibrium; and the moment of all these forces with respect to
any point in their plane, as well as their algebraic sum, must be equal to zero. Hence the moment of the forces acting on the left portion of the beam with respect to the centroid of a cross section mn must be equal and opposite to the moment wi th respect to the same poin t of the forces acting on the right
. ..
on the left portion of the beam must be equal and opposite to the algebraic sum of forces acting on the right portion.
In the following discussion the bending moment and the shearing force at a cross section mn are taken as positive if in considerin the left ortion of a beam the directions obtained
are such as shown in Fig. 57c. To visualize this rule of sign for bending momen ts, let us isolate an element of the beam by two adjacent cross sections mn and mInt, Fig. 58. If the
FIG. 58.
bending moments in these cross sections are positive the forces to the left of the cross section mn give a moment in the clockwise direction and the forces to the right of the cross section min, a moment in the counter-clockwise direction as
moments are such that a bending is produced which is convex downwards. If the bending moments in the cross sections
mn and min, are negative, a bending convex upwards is produced as shown in Fig. 58b. Thus in portions of a beam where the bending moment is positive, the deflection curve is
convex downwards, while in portions where bending moment is. negative the deflection curve is
The rule of signs for shearing forces is visualized in Fig. 59.
21. Relation Between Bending Moment and Shearing Force. -Let us consider an element of a beam cutout by two adjacent cross sections mn and m In I which are a distance dx apart, Fig. 60. Assuming that there is a positive bending moment and a positive shearing force at the cross sec-
FIG. 59.
tion mn, the action of the left portion of the beam on the element is represented by the force V and the couple M as indicated in Fig. 6oa. In the same manner, assuming that at section
n ",
FIG. 60.
min, the bending moment and the shearing force are positive, the action of the right portion of the beam on the element is represented by the couple and the force shown. If no forces act on the beam between cross sections mn and mini, Fig. 6oa, the shearing forces at these two cross sections are equal.!
1 The weight of the element of the beam is neglected in this discussion.
dx = - q.
(5 I)
Regarding the bending moments, it can be seen from the equilibrium of the element that they are not equal at two adjacent cross sections and that the increase dM in the bending moment equals the moment of the couple represented by the two equal and opposite forces V, i.e.,
dM = Vdx
dM _ V dx - .
Thus, on all portions of a beam between loads the shearing force is the rate of change of the bending moment with respect to x.
Let us now consider the case in which a distributed load of intensity q acts between the cross sections mn and mini, Fig. 6ob. Then the total load acting on the element is qdx. If q is considered positive when the load acts downward, it may be concluded from the equilibrium of the element that the shearing, force at the cross section m in i is different from that at mn by an amount
dV = - qdx, from which it follows that
Thus the rate of change of the shearing force is equal to the
intensity of the load with negative sign.
Taking the moment of all forces acting on the element
UT'" nhfo'JI; 1"'1
dx dM = V dx - qd» X - . 2
Neglecting the second term on the righ t side as a small quantity of the second order, we again arrive at equation (50) and conclude that the rate of change of the bending moment
is equal to the shearing force in the case of a distributed load as well.
If a concentrated load P acts between the adjacent cross sections mn and msn«, Fig. 6oc, there will be an abrupt change in the magnitude of the shearing force. Let V denote the shearing force at the cross section mn and 171 that at the cross section msns, Then from the equilibrium of the element mmlnln, we find
VI = 17- P.
Thus the magnitude of the shearing force changes by the amount P as we pass the point of application of the load. From equation (50) it can then be concluded that at the point of application of a concentrated force there is an abrupt change in the magnitude of the derivative dM/dx.
22. Bending Moment and Shearing Force Diagrams.I t was shown in the preceding discussion that the stresses acting on a cross section mn of a beam are such as to balance
the bending moment M and shearing force V at that cross section. Thus the magnitudes of M and V at any cross section entirely define the magnitudes of stresses acting on
that cross section. To simplify the investigation of stresses in a beam it is advisable to use a graphical representation of the variation of the bending moment and the shearing force along the axis of the beam. In such a representation the abscissas indicate the position of the cross section and the ordinates, the values respectively of the bending moment and
shearing force which act at this cross section, positive values being plotted above the horizontal axis and negative values below. Such graphical representations are called bending
moment and shearing force diagrams, respectively.
Let us consider, as an example, a simply supported beam with a single concentrated load P, Fig. 61.2 The reactions in this case are
Taking a cross section mn to the left of P, it can be concluded t For simplicity the rollers under the movable supports will usually be omitted in subsequent figures.
tive. It is seen that the shearing force remains constant along the portion of the beam to the left of the load and that
. . .
n 1
that at such a cross section
The shearing force and the bending moment have the same sense as those in Figures 58a and 59a and are therefore osi-
moment is zero and for x = a, i.e., at the cross section where the load is applied, the moment is equal to Pabll. The corre-
diagrams are shown in Fig. 61h and 61C, respectively, by the
R, l------ 4 -----t--- b
~.[ ... -- x --.-!J"
c "
(II) (-)
c' (c)
FIG. 61.
straight lines ac and aiCI. For a cross section to the right of
J7 = Ph _ P = _ Pa and
M = - x - P(x - a), h)
x always being the distance from the left end of the beam. The shearin force for this ortion of the beam remains
constant and negative. In Fig. 6lb this force is represented by the line c' b parallel to the x axis. The bending momen t is a linear function of x which for x = a is equal to Pab/I and for x = I is equal to zero. It is always positive and its variation along the right portion of the beam is represented by the
straight line Clbl. The broken lines acc'b and alclbl in Figs. 6Ib and 6IC represent respectively the shearing force and bending moment diagrams for the whole length of the beam. At the load P there is an abrupt change in the magnitude of the shearing force from the positive value Pb]! to the negative value - Pall and a sharp change in the slope of the bending moment diagram.
In deriving expressions (b) for the shearing force and bending moment, we considered the left portion of the beam, a portion which is acted upon by the hiVO forces Rl and .P.
It would have been simpler in this case to consider the right portion of the beam where only the reaction Pall acts. Following this procedure a nd using the rule of signs indicated in
Figures 58 and 59, we obtain
17 __ Pa Y - I
M = T (1- x).
Expressions (b) previously obtained can also be brought to this simpler form if we observe that a = I-b.
I t is interesting to note that the shearing force diagram consists of two rectangles the areas of which are equal. Taking into consideration the opposite signs of these areas we
conclude that the total area of the shearing force diagram is zero. This result is not accidental. By integrating equation (50), we have
where the limits A and B indicate that the integration is taken over the entire length of the beam from the end A to the end B. The right side of equation Cd) then represents the total area of the shearing force diagram. The left side of
the same equation, after integration, gives the difference MB - MA of the bending moments at the ends Band A. In the case of a simply supported beam the moments at the ends vanish; hence the total area of the shearing force diagram vanishes.
If several loads act on a beam, Fig. 62, the beam is divided into several portions and expressions for V and M must be
~ }R.
d' p,{
" /J R,
(c) FIG. 62,
established for each portion. Measuring x from the left end of the beam and taking x < a., we obtain for the first portion of the beam
M = R1x.
we obtain
For the third portion of the beam, i.e., for a2 < x < a3, it is advantageous to consider the right portion of the beam rather
IS way we 0 tarn
Finally for the last portion of the beam we obtain
V = - R2, M = R2(1 - x). (h)
From expressions (e) ... (h) we see that in each portion of the beam the shearing force remains constant; hence the shearing force diagranI is as shown in Fig. 62b The bending tllOlnent
in each portion of the beam is a linear function of x; hence in the corresponding diagram it is represented by an inclined straight line. To draw these lines we note from expressions (e) and (h) that at the ends x = ° and x = I the moments are zero. The moments under the loads are obtained by substituting in expressions (e), (f), and (h) x = aI, x = as, and x = as, respectively. In this manner we obtain for the above mentioned moments the values
By using these values the bending moment diagram, shown in Fig. 62C, is readily constructed.
In practical applications it is of importance to find the cross sections at which the bending moment has its maximum or minimum values. In the case of concentrated loads just considered, Fig. 62, the maximum bending moment occurs under the load P 2. This load corresponds in the bending moment diagram to point di, at which point the slope of the
diagram changes sign. Further, from equation (50), we know that the slope of the bending moment diagram at any point is equal to the shearing force. Hence the bending moment has its maximum or minimum values at the cross sections in
which the shearing force changes its sign. If, as we proceed along the x axis, the shearing force changes from a posi tive to a negative value, as under the load P2 in Fig. 62, the slope in the bending moment diagram also changes from positive to negative. Hence we have the maximum bending moment at this cross section. A change in V from a negative to a positive value indicates a minimum bending moment. In the general case a shearing force diagram may intersect the horizontal axis in several places. To each such intersection point
there then corresponds a maximum or a minimum in the bending moment diagram. The numerical values of all these maxima and minima must be investigated to find the numerically largest bending moment.
Let us next consider the case of a uniformly distributed 'load, Fig. 63. From our previous discussion (p. 70), we have for a cross section a distance x from the left support
M = qx (1- x)
2 .
We see that the shearing force diagram consists in this case of an inclined straight line the ordinates of which for x = 0 and x = I are equal to ql/2 and - ql/2 respectively, as shown in Fig. 63b. As can be seen from expression (i) the bending
~"""' f"""""'l""'l; .c
I- % "
(c) FIG. 63.
moment in this case is a parabolic curve with its vertical axis at the middle of the span of the beam, Fig. 63c. The moments at the ends, i.e., for x = 0 and x = I, vanish; and the maximum value of the moment occurs at the middle of the span where the shearing force changes the sign. This maximum is obtained by substituting x = 1/2 in expression (i), which gives Mmax = qI2/8.
If a uniform load covers only a part of the span, Fig. 64, we must consider three portions of the beam of length a, b,
and c. Beginning wi th the determination of the reactions R, and R2 we replace the uniformly distributed load by its re-
sultant qb. From the equations of statics for the moments
FIG. 4.
with respect to B and A, we then obtain
The shearing force and the bending moment for the left unloaded portion of the beam (0 < x < a) are
V = R, and M = R1x. (j)
For a cross section mn taken in the loaded portion of the beam the shearing force is obtained by subtracting the load q(x - a) to the left of the cross section from the reaction RIo The bending moment in the same cross section is obtained by
subtracting the moment of the load to the left of the cross section from the moment of the reaction R1• In this manner we find
V = Rl - q(x - a)
M = R1x - q(x - a) X 2 . (k)
For the right unloaded portion of the beam, considering the forces to the righ t of a cross section, we find
By using expressions (j), (k), and C/) the shearing force and bending moment diagrams are readily constructed. The
snearing orce iagram, ig. 4, consists 0 t e orrzorita portions alCI and dibi corresponding to the unloaded portions of the beam and the inclined line cid, corresponding to the uniformly loaded portion. The bending moment diagram, Fig. 64C, consists of the two inclined lines a2C2 and b2d2 corres ondin to the unloaded ortions an of th ara oli
curve c2d2 with vertical axis corresponding to the loaded portion of the beam. The maximum bending moment is at the point C2, which corresponds to the point el where the shearing force changes sign. At points C2 and d2 the parabola is tangent to the inclined lines a2C2 and d2b2 respectively. This
force diagram there is no abrupt change in the magnitude of the shearing force; hence, by virtue of equation (50), there cannot occur an abrupt change in slope of the bending moment diagram at the corresponding
oints C2 and d2•
AE I: 6~~
p.[ (-J
Q, In the case 0 f a cantilever beam, Fig. 65, the same method as before is used to construct the shearing force and bending moment diagrams. Measuring
(b) C'
FIG. 65.
beam and considering the portion to the left of the load P2 (0 < X < a), we obtain
M = - PIX.
The minus sign in these expressions follows from the rule of
signs indicated in Fig. 58b and Fig. S9b. For the right portion of the beam (a < x < I) we obtain
The corresponding diagrams of shearing force and bending moment are shown in Fig. 6Sb and 6sc. The total area of the
shearing force diagram does not vanish in this case and is equal to - Pd - P2b, which is the bending moment MB at the end B of the beam. The bending moment diagram consists of the two inclined lines a2C2 and c2b2 the slopes of which are equal to the values of the shearing force at the corresponding portions of the cantilever. The numerical maximum of the bending moment is at the built-in end B of the beam.
If a cantilever carries a uniform load, Fig. 66, the shearing force and bending moment at a distance x from the left end are
v = - qx
X qx2
M = - qx X "2 = -"2'
The shearing force is represented in the diagram by the in-
eli ned line ab and the bending moment by the parabola albl which has a vertical axis and
f~~1~9~11111: IIIIIIIIIIII~~
FIG. 66.
is tangent to the horizontal axis at at, where the shearing force vanishes. The numerical maximum of the bending moment and shearing force occurs at the end B of the beam.
If concentrated loads and g~ distributed loads act on the beam simultaneously' it is
advantageous to draw the diagrams separately for each kind of loading and obtain
the total values of V or M
at any cross section by summing up the corresponding ordinates of the two partial diagrams. If, for example, we
have concentrated loads Ph P2 and Ps, Fig. 62, acting simultaneously with a uniform load, Fig. 63, the bending moment at any cross section is obtained by summing up the corresponding ordinates of the diagrams in Fig. 62C and Fig. 63c.
I. Draw approximately to scale the shearing force and bending moment diagrams and label the values of the largest positive and negative shearing forces and bending moments for the beams shown in Fig. 67.
1f)0O· r41 -I- 8' 1
I 600 'i f!!.r It. i
(0) 4 (b) /()()()II ~
/000 - (c) /000 It
-,.. 6' -, 4',
2. Draw approximately to scale the shearing force and bending moment diagrams and label the values of the largest positive and
(J - L. 6==l It L 6'---t---
&) ~OO ~)
FIG. 68.
negative shearing forces and bending moments for the cantilever beams shown in Fig. 68.
3. A cantilever carrying a total load W which increases uniformly from zero at the left end as shown by the inclined line AC, Fig. 69a, i~ built in at the right end.
e t en 0 t e can ti ever IS numerica y equal to the shaded portion of the load. Since the total load W is represented by the triangle ACB the shaded portion
IV is Wx2//2. By using the rule of sign previously adopted, Fig. 59, we obtain
Xl v- - w-·
- J2
WJ(, The shearing force diagram is thus rep-
. .
which has a vertical axis at the point a.
~ The bending momen t at the cross section
FIG. 69. mn is obtained by taking the moment
of the shaded portion of the load wi th respect to the centroid of the cross section mn, Thus
This moment is represented by the curve albl in Fig. 69C.
4. A beam of length I uniformly supported along its entire length carries at the ends two equal loads P, Fig. 70. Draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams.
Fill: II If
FIG. 71.
5. A beam of length I, uniformly supported along its en tire length, carries at the center a concentrated load P = 1,000 lbs., Fig. 71. Find the numerical maximum of the bending moment.
Draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams.
6. A simply supported beam of length I carries a total distributed load W the intensity of which increases uniformly from zero at the
left end, as shown in Fig. 7'2a. Draw approximately to scale the shearing force and bending moment diagrams if W = 1'2,000 lbs. and I = '24 ft.
Solution. The reactions at the supports in this case are R, = lW = 4,000 lbs. and R2 = 8,000 lbs. The shearing force at a cross section mn is obtained by
. .
of the load from the reaction Ri.
Hence R,
The shearing force diagram is represen ted by the parabolic curve f3w
aeb in Fig. 7'2b. The bending ~----~----"
moment at a cross section mn is
x2 X
M = Rtx - W- Xj2 3
= tWx ( 1- ~}
This moment i~ represented by
e curve alel lin Ig. e /J,
maximum bending moment is at (c)
Cl where the shearing force changes FIG. 72•
its sign and where x - II "3.
7. A simply supported beam AB carries a distributed load the intensity of which is represented by the line AeB, Fig. 73. Find
FIG. 73.
the expressions for the shearing force and the bending momen tat a cross section mn.
Solution. Assuming the total load W to be applied at the cen-
troid of the triangle ACB, the reactions at the supports are R1=W'+b and R2=WI+a.
3' 31
The total load is then divided in to two parts, represen ted by the triangles ACD and CBD, of the amount Wall and Wb]! respectively.
The shaded portion of the load is W; X :. = W~. For the shearing force and the bending moment at mn we then obtain
x2 X2 x
V = R - W - and M = RIx - W- X -.
I al al 3
In a similar manner the shearing force and bending moment for a cross section in the portion DB of the beam can be obtained.
. . . .
max .,
W = 12,000 lbs,
Answer. Mmax = 22,400 ft. lbs.
9. Draw approximately to scale the shearing force and bending moment diagrams and label the values of the largest positive and negative shearing forces and bending moments for the beams with overhangs shown in Fig. 74.
~ • 4()O Ills ~f'f.
... ~IIIIIIII ; 111111111111111111111l~
~'_----61 - 4,_J
Solution. In the case shown in Fig. 74a the reactions are 670 lbs. and 3,330 lbs, The shearing force for the left portion of the