Created by Satrohraj Aka Rohit
Created by Satrohraj Aka Rohit
Created by Satrohraj Aka Rohit
I. a) Define the term immunity? - Write in detail about the types of immunities.
b) How toxins can be converted to Toxoids?
2. What is hybridoma technology? How it is useful for the generation of
humanized monoclonal antibodies.
3. Describe the technology and production of activase.
4. Write about the Isolation, improvement and maintenance of microbial strains.
5. Write a note on:
a) Factors influencing rate of mutations
b) Solid state fermentation.
6. What is Immobilization? Write the methods of Enzyme Immobilization add a
note on kinetics of Immobilized Enzymes.
7. Give the pharmaceutical applications of the following Enzymes.
a) Streptokiflase and streptodomase.
b) Proteases.
C) Hyaluroflidase
d) Penicillina5
8.a) Describe the pharmaceutical applications of human thrombin.
How is it prepared?
b) Explain the pharmaceutical applications of dried human serum. How is it
2. What are Penicillins? Write the mechanism of action, general toxicities and
therapeutic uses of Penicillins.
4. Define Antitubercular drugs. Explain in detail about any two second line
antitubercular drugs.
1 .a) What is meant by receptor? List the different types of receptors and
explain their biological role.
b)Explain the bio-sigmficance of ionization of molecules with respect its
2. a) Write the types of biotransformation.
b) Delne the terms: ‘enzyme induction’ and ‘enzyme inhibition’.
c) List the enzymes involved in the drug inhibition highlighting their
Code No:NR-412-Bp
IV. B.Pharmacy I Semester Supplementary Examinations May 2009
Time: 3hours Max. Marks:S0
5. Give the structure, chemical name, uses and describe the synthesis of any one
a)Amphetamifle. b) Salbutamol. c) Dopamine. [16]
3.a.) Explain the classification of drugs on the basis of their therapeutic actions.
b) Write about the mechanism of action of prostaglandins.
4.a) Describe the synthetic procedures of any two important adrenergic drugs?
b) Give their mode of action, structure activity relationships and uses.
6. Write notes on
a) Eicosanoids
b) Neuromuscular blocking agents.
7. Classify analgesic and antipyretic drugs, with suitable examples. Discuss their
mechanism of action. Write the synthesis of any two agents of this class.
2.a) Give the importance of particle size, Dissolution rate and pK., on
absorption of drugs.
b) Explain the mechanism of absorption of following compounds.
i) Insulin ii) Vitamin B12.
3.a) What are the factors which effect protein binding and give its clinical
b) A drug when administered at a dose of 50mg showed an initial concentration
of 0.5mg/ml. Given the half life of the drug 1 .5hr, what is the total clearance of
the drug?
5.a) Mention Various PH-kinetic parameters that can be assessed following oral
administration of a drug.
b) Define absorption rate constant. Discuss the methods to determine absorption
rate constant and its significance.
2. What are monoclonal antibodies 7 Describe the method by which they are
produced. Give their applications? (16)
3. (a) How do you optimize fermentation parametes?
(b) How do you produce low volume and high value products employing r-
DNA technology? [8+8]
4 Write notes on
(a) Bioproducts and Bioprocess
(b) Solid state fermentation
(c) Aerobic fermentation
(d) Primary and Secondary metabolism.
6. (a) What is glowing culture process? Explain the salient features of growing,
culture process.
(b) Write notes on resting cells and immobilized cells. (10+6)
7. How do you Classify proteases? Give a detail account of any three important
categories. (16)
8. (a) Write the preparation and uses of concentrated human red blood
(b) What is dread human plasma? Write the advantages of dried human plasma
over whole blood. [8-8]
3. Define Air pollution List the nature of air pollution and its adverse effects on
environment. (16)
4. (a) Define Foreign Tade. Write the procedure for export of goods.
(b) What are the advantages and limitations of international trade? (8+8)
6. Write about the export and import of drugs and pharmaceuticals in India?