1. Hallucinogens:
2. Physiological effects include elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and dilated pupils. Sensory
effects include perceptual distortions that vary with dose, setting, and mood.
5. Legal consequences can include, depending on priors and other factors, such as amount and intent to
sell, can include a court sentence of jail time with probation, community service, probation,
6. For school consequences, it’s a 10 day suspension on the first catch; 2nd catch, another 10 day
suspension, plus expulsion and/or LOP.
7. LSD is also called acid, MDMA is also called ecstasy, and PCP is also called angel’s dust
8. LSD is not addictive; PCP is addictive; ecstasy is addictive for some people.
10. LSD -The physical effects include dilated pupils, higher body temperature, increased heart rate
and blood pressure, sweating, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, dry mouth, and tremors. Mentally, the
user will see vivid, and sometimes terrifying, hallucinations.
PCP-Among the adverse psychological effects reported are: delusions, hallucinations, paranoia,
disordered thinking, and a sensation of distance from one’s environment mood disturbances.
People who have abused PCP for long periods of time have reported memory loss, difficulties
with speech and thinking, depression, and weight loss.
Ecstasy- MDMA affects the brain by increasing the activity of at least three neurotransmitters (the
chemical messengers of brain cells): serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Ecstasy has similar
structure to stimulants, like cocaine, and hallucinogenics like LSD. Also similar to cocaine and
amphetamines is the highly addictive nature of ecstasy. When taken, your heart will beat faster; you
begin to sweat because your body temperature is rising. The other side effects are confusion,
depression, insomnia, amnesia, hallucinations, paranoia, and panic attacks. Long term side effects are
the following: dehydration, hypertension, hyperthermia, heart failure and kidney failure.
11. It is possible to find rehab centers for each drug; group centers can help you with getting over an
addiction, or you can quit “cold turkey.”
12. PCP, LSD, Ecstasy- bad for me