Steam Operations: Steam Use Efficiency and Demand Reduction
Steam Operations: Steam Use Efficiency and Demand Reduction
Steam Operations: Steam Use Efficiency and Demand Reduction
Page #
SECTION 1...............................................................................................................4
Introduction............................................................................................................................... 4
Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 6
Condensate Management ....................................................................................................... 26
Energy Efficiency Measures ................................................................................................. 26
INSTALL CONDENSATE HEAT RECOVERY UNITS ............................................................26
ENHANCE CONDENSATE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM ......................................................27
UTILIZATION OF THE “FREE COOLING” HEAT EXCHANGER .........................................36
UNIT(S) .........................................................................................................................................36
SECTION 3 – Appendices.....................................................................................38
DRM/EEM SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................38
Detailed STEEMs Operational Description - STEEMs Using Scheduled Reset ...........................41
Detailed STEEMs Operational Description - STEEMs Using Dynamic Response.......................43
Con Edison has historically encouraged its steam customers to undertake efficiency and
conservation efforts. For example, free monthly seminars on efficient steam use have been
offered to customers. Furthermore, Con Edison’s website has been offering many steam
conservation tips. However, focus in the past has been on overall consumption and not peak
demand. Now that steam demand charges are in effect for the largest steam customers, there is
also a need for consumer awareness and education concerning measures and practices that will
contribute to demand reduction along with more traditional steam consumption reduction
Con Edison has introduced demand billing for its largest steam customers to reduce the peak
demand on Con Edison’s steam system, which occurs on the coldest weekday mornings (6:00
a.m. to 11 a.m., in the winter). Reductions in demand will allow new buildings to be connected
to the system while reducing the need for Con Edison to add steam production capacity, which
will help to keep steam costs reasonable for all steam customers. It should be noted that there
are no current capacity constraints on the steam system.
The demand charges will be applied to facilities whose steam consumption equaled or exceeded
22,000 Mlb 1 for 12 billing periods ending in April 2006 or in April 2007. After 2007, for newly
connected and non-demand-billed customers, demand charges will apply if consumption for 12
billing periods ending in August equaled or exceeded 22,000 Mlb. The new steam demand rate
structure is in the Con Edison Tariff for Steam Service as Rate II for steam Service
Classifications 2 (SC-2, Annual Power) and Service Classification 3 (SC-3, Apartment Houses).
Under Rate II, steam demand rates will be applied for the billing periods of December through
March only. The amount of demand will be calculated by averaging the demand from two
highest adjacent 15 minute intervals. The demand charge will be comprised of two
subcomponents – an On-Peak Demand Charge and an All-Time Peak Demand Charge. The On-
Peak demand charge will apply on weekdays only, between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. The All-
Time Peak demand charge will apply to all hours during a given billing cycle. The All-Time and
On-Peak Demands will vary from month to month. Con Edison has also reduced the steam
usage block rates for demand-billed customers during the four demand-billed months.
Therefore, customers who have had high monthly load factors (monthly load factor is defined as
the average demand during the month divided by the highest on-peak demand during the same
month) or customers who are able to reduce their peak demand may see lower steam bills when
compared to non-demand bills (if those were still in effect). Additional details on the Rate II
steam service tariffs can be found on the Con Edison website2 .
Steam is billed in Mlb. One Mlb is equal to 1,000 pounds of steam.
2 as of 10/25/2007. This address is subject to change.
The steam demand rates are intended to provide an incentive for consumers to modify or
improve facility operations by reducing steam consumption during the peak steam demand
period. While the techniques and technology of demand control and reduction for electrical
consumption are well developed and are widely known to facility operators, the same is not true
for steam demand control and reduction.
In order to assist steam customers in adjusting to steam demand rates, Con Edison retained a
building energy systems consultant, Energy Management & Research Associates (EMRA), to
perform audits at 30 steam customer locations. The purpose of these audits is to provide site-
specific recommendations for potential improvement in steam usage and demand in the audited
facilities. The audited locations were selected by Con Edison and included commercial office
buildings, large multi-family apartment buildings, and specialty facilities such as hotels and
The steam audits have identified a broadly applicable spectrum of steam Demand Reduction
Measures (DRM’s) and steam Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM’s) that appeared in multiple
individual audits. These are compiled and summarized in this document, Steam Use Efficiency
and Demand Reduction Best Practices, to provide steam customers with an effective steam
demand and efficiency management resource. DRM’s would be implemented solely as on-peak
steam demand management practices and are accordingly intended to help those largest steam
customers who are subject to steam demand billing. EEM’s focus on overall efficiency and
steam use reduction, and should be helpful to demand-billed and non-demand-billed customers.
DRM’s and EEM’s are presented according to “end-use” in categories such as heating, domestic
hot water, and cooling.
The information presented in this Steam Use Efficiency and Demand Reduction Best Practices
report is designed to encompass typical findings from the individual audits. Customers who
would like to obtain further details on these measures or on other steam efficiency and cost
optimization opportunities may call the Con Edison Steam Business Development Group at 212-
Customer Selection Methodology
The number of selected customers for each customer type was chosen to provide a proportionate
representation of the Con Edison steam customer base. The table below provides a breakdown
of the number of the identified customers for each customer type.
Half of the customers within each customer type category were selected because they had the
lowest winter billing season load factors in their respective category (winter billing season load
factor is defined as the average demand during the winter billing season divided by the highest
on-peak demand during the same period); the remaining customers were selected because they
had a high ratio of winter consumption to building area.
Four charts are included on the following pages that provide samples of typical steam load
patterns from the facilities that participated in the steam system survey/audit. Examples of the
information provided by these charts are summarized as follows:
• Figure 1 is based on steam consumption data from a hotel and shows both the shoulder
(autumn) load pattern and the winter load pattern. This facility operates steam heating
and cooling systems and has a significant hot water load from the hotel guest usage,
restaurant and health/exercise facilities. Because this facility has a relatively steady
steam load during the heating season, it could be among those that will see lower total
steam costs under demand billing. Energy efficiency and steam demand reduction efforts
can yield additional savings.
• Figure 2 displays the steam load profile of a large multifamily apartment facility that has
steam radiators. Once the facility is heated and residents have completed morning
routines, which entail peaking domestic hot water (DHW) consumption, the load tends to
drop off for the remainder of the day.
• Figure 3 shows a typical load profile for a commercial office building that uses steam for
heating. The initial peak is sharper than that of the residential facility, primarily because
the heating systems are started in the morning. Heating requirements typically decline in
These were buildings that had a mix of both residential and commercial spaces. In both instances the commercial
portion of the space was made up of offices. In one site, the commercial area also contained a hotel, retail and
theater spaces.
such a building throughout the day due to increasing heat contributions from the
occupants, daytime usage levels for systems such as computers and lighting, and solar
heat gain through the windows. If on-peak demand reduction measures are not
implemented, this facility is likely to see an increase in steam costs under demand billing
because of its sharp peak steam demand profile during the peak steam demand period.
• Figure 4 shows a load profile typically seen in a hospital or a mixed use facility with
relatively steady load throughout the 24 hour day. Facilities with steady loads, such as
this, may realize lower steam costs under demand billing, although energy efficiency and
demand reduction efforts can yield additional savings.
Figure 1 - Hotel: Fall to Winter Load Transition
2 Winter Load
0 11/24/2006
0 2/7/2007
Time 1/17/2007
Figure 3 - Commercial Office Winter Load Profile
0 1/2/2007
6:00 12/1/2006
Energy Audit Methodology
Site audits of each of the facilities were conducted by teams that included a representative of the
Con Edison Steam Business Development Group and one of the consultant team members. The
site audits were essential in providing the auditing team with first hand knowledge of each
facility and its steam systems, and provided the auditing team the opportunity to discuss the
demand rates in detail with each facility.
The site audits were conducted during the heating season for 2006-2007. A second visit was
conducted during the cooling season for 21 of 30 facilities that also use steam for cooling. The
site audits and site-specific report preparation processes are summarized as follows:
15-minute interval data from the steam demand meters in the facilities was processed to
produce graphs of facility’s steam consumption patterns. These graphs were used to
calculate the potential impact of the steam demand rate and to identify conditions that
contribute to the steam demand. They were also used during the site audits as part of the
review of steam demand rates with facility personnel.
Historic monthly steam consumption and temperature degree day data for each facility was
analyzed to develop baseline consumption for that facility.
Each facility completed a preliminary audit questionnaire, which was reviewed by the
auditing team with facility personnel prior to the initial site visit.
The site audits were conducted and preliminary reports prepared to summarize the findings
for the rest of the project team. The first site audit took place in all facilities during the 2006-
2007 winter season to assess heating systems in operation. Depending on the size of the
facility, the audit visit lasted anywhere from one to three days.
A second audit was conducted during the summer 2007 season to assess the facility cooling
systems that utilize steam.
Based on the steam data analysis and the facility surveys, appropriate Energy Efficiency
Measures (EEM’s) and Demand Reduction Measures (DRM’s) were identified. For purposes
of this report, EEM’s are those measures that will reduce overall consumption and possibly
the on-peak steam demand. DRM’s are those measures that will reduce the on-peak demand,
but not necessarily overall consumption. Preliminary implementation costs and the estimated
steam cost reductions were calculated, along with return on investment.
Site-specific reports were prepared for each facility.
The results of the facility audits and reports were compiled into this Steam Use Efficiency
and Demand Reduction Best Practices report 4 .
The report was authored primarily by Fredric S. Goldner, CEM and James W. Armstrong, PE, CEM of EMRA.
The measures presented are organized by energy system type and are broken out by DRM and
EEM sub-groupings within these areas. Customers who are not demand-billed will not receive
financial benefit, under the current rate structures by considering the DRM sub-groupings. The
Return on Investment (ROI) level indicated represents the average observed for those instances
where it was recommended in the sites audited. Some of the measures presented are a
compilation of a number of related recommendations from various sites, or a breakout of a more
comprehensive action, and as such it was not possible to present the projected ROI for these.
Others, in particular those listed under Facilities Maintenance and Management Practices, are
considered essential to improving a facility’s operation and provide comfort improvement,
extended equipment lifetimes, and other benefits, in addition to steam cost reductions. ROI’s
were not computed for these measures/actions. The ROI levels presented in Section 2 represent
the following:
SECTION 2 - Description of Potential Demand Reduction and
Energy Efficiency Measures
For the purposes of this report, Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM’s) are those measures that
will reduce overall consumption and possibly the on-peak steam demand. Demand Reduction
Measures (DRM’s) are those measures that will reduce the on-peak demand, but not necessarily
overall consumption.
The economic performances of the various DRM and EEM portfolios are provided here to
inform steam customers of measures that MAY be applicable to their own facilities. Economic
performance and other data for these measures presented here was derived from specific
buildings and as such are provided to encourage other facilities to begin investigating which
measures may be applicable for them. Since the applicability and performance of these
measures is based on specific buildings, the ROI information is not intended as a basis for
investment decisions in other facilities. No investment decisions should be made until at least
an energy survey has been conducted.
General EEM’s
Piping in most buildings is generally well insulated. However in some sites there are pipe runs,
mechanical fittings and valve bodies that are bare. In the case of fittings and valves, this is often
the case because of the need for periodic access for service (such as traps or unions), need for
movement (such as at valve bonnets) or because insulation was not restored after a component
On valves and fittings, removable insulation jackets provide a very useful solution to such
situations. They are ordered to specific sizes and patterns, strap into place and are readily
removed and put back on.
In stationary pipes, or areas that do not need to be accessed, install insulation to the thickness
levels shown in the chart below.
Heating Piping Temperature Up 1.5" 3" to 4" to 5" to 8"
Systems Range (deg F) to 1" to 3.75" 5" 6" and
2.5" larger
Steam and hot water:
High pressure / 306-450 2.5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4
Medium pressure / 251-305 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.5 3.5
Low pressure / 201-250 1.5 2 2.5 3 3 3
Low temperature 106-200 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Source – EMRA recommended levels, categories from Energy Conservation Construction Code of New
York State (2002)
Table 2 - Annual Potential Savings from 20 Feet of Pipe Insulation
Table 3 – Annual Potential Savings from a 1 Inch Thick Valve Insulation Jacket
Steam leaks are a source of significant waste. Leaks are most often found at pipe junctions,
fittings, or in valves. The leaks may be due to leaking gaskets or loose connections, or pinholes.
The size of the leaks and extent of steam loss is hard to measure, and as such, to be on the
conservative side even estimating close to the smallest leak possible provides for economics that
demands these be addressed immediately. On occasion leaks in valves may require that they be
Figure 8 – Investing the capital to fix Figure 9 – Relief valve leaks are often
visible steam leaks, such as this one, is overlooked, but waste a lot of money.
typically highly economically viable
Heating Distribution
A building is a good candidate for implementing STEEMs if it meets all of the following criteria:
It uses circulating hot water for a significant portion of its space heating
Each of its terminal heating units (e.g. induction units, fan coil units, and fan powered boxes)
has a local thermostatically controlled valve to avoid space overheating
It has a programmable BMS. In the absence of a BMS, a special-purpose controller is
STEEMs Using Dynamic Response, which requires a building steam flow rate signal for
feedback. Although this strategy is more difficult to program than STEEMs Using Scheduled
Reset, the potential for steam demand reduction using this technique is higher. Furthermore,
the water temperature control valves need to be tuned to minimize steam flow rate
fluctuations during the STEEMs mode of operation.
STEEMs Using Scheduled Reset does not require building steam flow rate signal for
feedback. It is simpler to program than STEEMs Using Dynamic Response. However, after
the programming is completed, it requires experimentation by building engineers to identify
an operating configuration that will maximize the amount of on-peak demand reduction.
Furthermore, the water temperature control valves need to be tuned to minimize water
temperature overshoot and undershoot.
Implementing STEEMs will not necessarily reduce the total amount of steam usage. STEEMs
operation will shift when steam is used, and result in the shaving of the steam peak and a
reduction in demand costs. Detailed implementation tips are included in the Appendix.
In addition to STEEMs implementation, there are some additional steam demand shifting
strategies for facilities to consider, including:
To the extent possible, these measures should be implemented through automatic scheduling in
the BMS, with input from the customer’s steam demand meters to determine the level of pre-
heating or heat reduction during the steam peak demand period.
In many facilities, the AHU schedules in the BMS were observed to change operating mode to
Startup or Occupied mode at or close to 6:00 a.m., which is the beginning of the peak demand
period. These schedules can be adjusted to move the mode change to earlier in the day to reduce
the possibility of a demand peak occurring when these units are all started. If it is not possible to
start up the AHUs before 6:00 a.m., then their start-up should be staggered during the on-peak
Figure 12 shows a typical steam demand profile for a facility in which valve “hunting” is taking
place. Hunting, shown by the “sawtooth” pattern of demand oscillation, is often a symptom of a
control system requiring coordination adjustment between the control device (e.g. a steam
pressure regulator or a water temperature control valve) and controlling point within the system.
Hunting will result in accelerated wear and shortened service lives for components such as the
temperature control and pressure reducing valves, as well as steam turbine nozzle controls and
linkages if this also occurs during the cooling season.
In addition to the impact on control equipment service life, hunting may result in the peak steam
demand being higher than necessary each month. The short, sharp peaks that result from hunting
may induce higher recorded demand than takes place if the hunting is mitigated, allowing steam
demand to smooth out to its actual level. A sample of the hunting induced higher peak versus
the peak demand estimated from hunting mitigation is presented in Figure 13. Actual demand
reduction achieved by reducing or eliminating the hunting will depend on the cause and the
degree to which the hunting can be smoothed. However, in buildings with BMS systems, this
should be a very low cost DRM to implement.
Figure 12 - Steam Control Valve Hunting Profile
In facilities equipped with heating distribution systems that employ zones and zone controls, the
operation and scheduling of the zones should be such that they do not simultaneously commence
operation, imposing a large spike in steam demand during the steam demand billing period. This
concept is the same as the staging of electrical loads such as chillers. In facilities with multiple
zones, schedules should be set up such that no more than half of those valves are allowed to be
open concurrently during the peak demand period. The figure below illustrates the spike caused
at a multifamily complex due to simultaneous start-up of all the zone heating systems.
In buildings that have a two pipe steam distribution system and employ a Heat Timer MPC
control panel, savings may be achievable by reducing the pressure of steam delivered to the
building’s heating distribution system during the peak period only to avoid opening and closing
the solenoid valve during that period.
In order to avoid an increase in overall steam consumption, it may also be necessary to reset the
Heating System Sensor (XYZ knob), which senses the temperature of the returning condensate,
to a lower temperature so that the heat timer senses that distribution has been established and the
cycle clock begins. The starting time for the Heat Timer day settings should be set earlier than,
for example, 5:45 a.m., rather than keeping the more common setting of 6:00 a.m.
It should be noted that the demand reduction during the test period in the site where this was
done was achieved with no adverse effects on building occupant comfort.
In facilities where a BMS does not currently exist, there are a number of benefits that can be
accrued by installation of a sophisticated computerized BMS, (sometimes referred to as an
Energy Management System or EMS). While a BMS can be costly, it is a valuable tool that can
yield significant returns. Most importantly, to optimize such an investment, the operators need
to be trained to review, understand, and act upon the information that such a system can provide.
There are a number of providers of BMS systems serving the New York City multi-family
residential and commercial building market. It is highly advisable to have a full specification
developed, which meets the needs of a particular facility, to be used for competitive bidding.
Savings from the installation of a well-designed and maintained BMS/EMS will come from a
number of areas including the following:
Identification of conditions, practices, and equipment that are resulting in less than
optimal energy utilization or may require maintenance and replacement (PRV stations
and DHW heaters – trap failures can be detected by BMS monitoring condensate
Improved utilization of water to cool condensate through monitoring and control of
cooling water control valve based on temperature of condensate
Documentation of conditions for occupant complaint response/resolution
Support better control and balancing of systems to meet the requirements of various
portions of the facility.
Trending of various key parameters to identify equipment issues and system
Some room temperatures were found to be as high as in the upper 70’s to mid-80’s, clearly too
high, resulting in a considerable amount of heat energy being expelled to the outdoors via natural
ventilation or mechanical means. In certain cases, not only were open windows found, but air
conditioners were also running. This is a waste of energy. In addition to the steam costs, this
accounts for considerable electric energy consumption and costs that can be avoided.
Tangentially, overheating is usually a result of some section of the building having cold spots.
To address this, the facility management needs to address the distribution problem, and/or
infiltration/draft issues. Caulking and weather-stripping may address the latter.
In buildings that employ two pipe steam distribution systems with Heat Timer control panels,
or similar devices from other manufacturers:
• Reduce the Heat Adjustment (Alpha setting) on the Heat Timer Panel. The exact setting
should be determined by a series of lowering and observational tests (survey of space
temperatures) conducted by facilities staff.
• Reset the Heating System Sensor (XYZ knob) to a lower temperature so that the heat
timer senses that distribution has been established and the cycle clock begins. There may
also be a need to relocate the sensor to a more appropriate location. Check the Heat
Timer manual for proper sensor location.
• Install new, and/or make better use of existing, thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs).
• Institute an occupant/staff educational program, to be carried out either with direct flyers
distributed to offices, as paycheck stuffers, (or to tenants in rent bills), through the
company intranet & email systems, and/or bulletins posted in elevators. Tenants should
be advised by building management that radiators can and should be turned down or shut
off with a valve when a room becomes too warm (rather than opening windows or
turning on air conditioners).
In buildings where the temperature settings remain constant around the clock, it is advisable to
institute a night setback.
In order not to incur a larger than necessary demand charge, it is suggested that the setback
operation lasts from either the end of the business day (in office buildings), or from 10:00 p.m.
(in multifamily buildings) through about 4:00 a.m. Ending setback operation no later than 4:00
a.m. would give the demand-billed buildings enough time to heat up before the peak demand
period of 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Average Return on Investment: Very High (assuming no new equipment is needed to do so)
In spaces such as restaurants, professional offices and other storefronts that operate
independently from the main distribution systems, install a programmable clock thermostat on
the local heating system. Given that the normal operating hours of such spaces begin during the
peak demand period, and normal procedure is to switch the system on manually at that hour,
these spaces are clearly contributing to the facility’s peak demand. The start-up times and early
morning settings of such thermostats should be coordinated with the operations of the main
building zones to reduce peak demand. In some cases, as determined from experimentation in
the facility, it may be more cost effective to preheat these spaces before the 6:00 a.m. start of the
peak steam period.
This measure is applicable to those systems often found in office buildings that have independent
core and perimeter heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. In such facilities, it is
possible to reduce core equipment temperature set points by a couple of degrees (for example,
from 72-73°F to 70-71°F) either during the on-peak demand period or throughout the day. Such
small variations are unlikely to be perceptible to occupants, while offering a reduction in peak
and total steam usage during the period.
Some of the heat from data centers may be getting discharged into the area above suspended
ceilings that also act as the return air plenum. This is not a good arrangement in the cooling
season and tenants should be using the supplemental cooling system for these spaces. However,
it may be possible to use the heat from areas such as data centers to offset heating requirements
for the facility during the heating season. A facility should investigate the feasibility of allowing
data centers and other continuous heat sources to discharge heated air to the return plenums to
offset the requirement for steam during the heating season.
Some facilities with circulating hot water systems have an outdoor reset schedule that has been
in place since the BMS was originally installed. To minimize thermal losses in the distribution
system, a facility should adjust its reset schedule down by several degrees. Since terminal
heating units are often oversized, a facility may find that comfort conditions will not be affected.
Since there are no first costs associated with this EEM, savings will be realized right away.
Condensate Management
Before implementing condensate management measures, a customer should consult with a
competent water treatment vendor or another qualified professional to implement a water
treatment plan and/or system design specifications in order to minimize the long-term risks of
corrosion and fouling.
• In addition to the condensate heat recovery system, unfired storage tanks should be added
(as practical within space limits) to collect the heated (or preheated) water for availability
during periods of high DHW loads. This will help optimize savings from this measure by
allowing the system to collect and store the heat recovered for use in periods when
condensate return and domestic water usage are not always concurrent.
• Temperatures of the DHW feed in the tanks can be much higher than the DHW supply to
the building, enabling the tanks to store more thermal energy and further offset peak
steam demand. A mixing valve is required to supply cold water at the tank discharge to
ensure that water delivered to the end users is not too hot. In case of a system
malfunction, this mixing valve should be designed to fail to a closed position to avoid the
potential of delivering overheated water to end users.
• Add heat exchangers to utilize condensate for heat recovery to the perimeter and core hot
water loops.
If space is available, install coils in the outside air supply to the Air Handling Units to allow
condensate heat recovery by preheating the outside air with condensate. Implementation of
this measure requires additional detailed design and engineering to select the coil size(s) and
to define the control mechanisms and operating procedures. Prevention of condensate
freezing in the preheat coils will be one of the critical operational concerns addressed.
Heating swimming pool and spa water. The
advantage of this application is that such end uses
supply a very large heat sink 24 hours per day.
One of the buildings audited for this report had a two-pipe pressure steam distribution system.
Given the existence of the radiators, there was an opportunity to create a hydronic loop to heat
the first and second floors. Since there was no other use for the significant amount of
condensate, this would allow the facility to make use of the large amount of condensate currently
being cooled and disposed.
Even in places where a good pro-active steam trap maintenance program and basic condensate
heat recovery are in place, efficiency may be improved, especially with additional
instrumentation to let operators know how much heat is being recovered and when traps may be
starting to fail open.
In the majority of buildings there is no direct indication of steam trap blow-through. As live
steam blows through traps, the temperature of the returning condensate will increase.
Temperature of inflow to the condensate dilution tank and volume of water added can provide
good indications of steam trap performance. Instrumentation points should be added and brought
into the BMS for trending and operating staff should be trained in how to interpret the data.
Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
This measure may be applicable primarily to apartment buildings. It is not necessary to run
domestic hot water (DHW) recirculation pumps continuously, circulating hot water through the
pipes around buildings at 130-140o F. Installing and setting a reverse acting aquastat on the
return line will reduce the amount of energy used to provide hot water to the apartments, while
retaining the quality of hot water delivery services to the apartments. Additionally, there will be
some electrical cost savings from the reduced run time on the pumps. The aquastat should be
installed a few feet upstream of the pump and set at 110o F, with the deadband set at +/-5o F, and
wired into the domestic hot water circulation pump in the building 5 .
In some buildings return line aquastats are already installed, but set so high that the pumps are
running continuously. These just need to be reset, as described above.
It was found that the DHW temperature at taps in some buildings was too hot, often at an
average above 130o F. This not only wastes steam, (in multifamily buildings New York City
housing maintenance code requires delivery of 120o F water to taps), but is also a potentially
dangerous situation. Hot water at 132o F will scald human skin. The DHW delivery temperature
should be adjusted so that it delivers 120o F DHW to the spaces with taps that are furthest from
the mechanical room. This will take some trial and error, as design of piping systems varies, but
the temperature of DHW leaving the mechanical room should be somewhere between 125 o F
and 140o F, depending on the size and configuration of the building.
Goldner, F.S.. DHW Recirculation System Control Strategies, Final Report 99-1. Prepared for New York State
Energy Research and Development Authority. Prepared by Energy Management & Research Associates. January
Building Envelope
Consideration of this measure should be based on the age of the facility, current roof life and
conditions. This makes most sense to do when doing a roof replacement. At that time, upgrade
the level of insulation to 6 inches of cellulose below the built-up roofing structure.
A facility’s varying exposures can contribute to imbalances in heating and cooling. Solar gains
can be especially troublesome for cooling. Reflective window film technology has advanced
significantly and can be applied to create greater shading coefficients to reduce unwanted solar
loads. Facades that have heavy morning solar loads should be considered for treatment with high
reflectivity window film. The application of window film as a measure should be evaluated
taking into consideration the property’s capital plan for its curtain walls.
In most buildings, older single pane windows have been replaced. There are some buildings in
which the majority of the windows in the building have been replaced with energy efficient ones,
while some of the remaining original windows are still in place. In those instances, these should
be changed to match those on the rest of the building. In general, new units should be double
pane, low-E windows.
Facility Maintenance and Management Practices
In many buildings without a BMS, staff manually fills out logs that include information such as
steam pressures, space temperatures, outside temperature, zone valve opening, vacuum reading,
return water temperature, DHW temperatures, etc. In this regard, we recommend that data be
kept in a matter that is more conducive to management review. Spreadsheets should be
developed to track the above data, trend operational data and spot issues before they become
significant energy wasting and/or equipment failure problems.
Pulse signals from steam demand meters can be utilized by a facility BMS to allow facility
personnel to have a real time display of steam demand. As demonstrated by some of the figures
included in this report, graphic presentation of the steam demand data can be a valuable tool for
identifying equipment and practices that are resulting in high steam demand and consumption.
The storage of demand data for later analysis will also support tracking of the effectiveness of
EEM or DRM implementation.
A log should be made as to what action was taken in each radiator, and copies of these records
kept by management. After the initial building-wide upgrade, records (log sheets) should be kept
as trap maintenance is done on an as needed basis. When management observes that the number
of trap maintenance calls have increased (after a few years) this should be the trigger to once
again consider another building-wide program.
In some buildings there are tenants that use chilled water, hot water, and DHW from the main
building and do not pay directly for their utility use. Installation of demand and consumption
meters for these end users will allow for a fair assessment of their use and provide them the
incentive to change their usage patterns and cut down during peak demand billing periods.
Consideration should be made to purchasing and installing demand and consumption sub-meters
for these tenants. In that way, a fair allocation of demand and consumption costs can be made to
these tenants.
These meters will serve two purposes. First, they will provide accurate records for invoicing
steam usage to the shareholders based on their actual usage. Second, this data will provide the
necessary measurement information on demand and consumption, which can be used to develop
future energy conservation measures to reduce both demand and consumption. Presently,
projects can only be developed based on estimates of demand and consumption. True
measurements will allow management to focus on areas that truly need attention.
Hotels should provide in-room notification suggesting that all guests turn down terminal
heating/cooling units upon leaving their rooms and re-use towels if possible. Housekeeping staff
should be notified to turn off lights and terminal units after servicing rooms.
Steam Air Conditioning
For times when cooling is required during winter billing periods, the cost of running the electric
chiller, including its electric demand cost, versus the cost of steam from utilizing the steam
turbines during the same periods, may be justified. The break even point for this action will vary
based on the efficiency of the electric and steam driven chillers, and, of course, the marginal
electric and steam rates in effect.
Increase the temperature setting during the 6:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. winter weekday period offers
the potential to reduce peak and total steam usage during the period by minimizing steam chiller
operation. During the winter period, humidity reduction is typically not required and even with
the higher chilled water temperature resulting from the higher setting of the “free cooling”, the
free cooling capacity could continue to be sufficient to meet cooling requirements during the
winter season.
Average Return on Investment: Very High (assuming wet-bulb temperature sensor is in place)
Effective use of outside air in shoulder seasons can significantly impact energy use by chillers.
Outdoor air dampers should modulate to meet the building cooling loads without using
chillers. This function can be automated in facilities equipped with a BMS.
Outdoor air at appropriate conditions can also be used for night or very early morning pre-
cooling to reduce chiller operation. This can be implemented by a manual procedure but is
more reliably accomplished by a programmed function via a BMS.
In buildings that utilize low pressure steam absorption units, it is possible to replace these with
high pressure steam absorption units that use almost 50% less steam. In cases where a facility
operates on one chiller with the other as backup, only one of the chillers needs to be replaced to
attain the majority of the potential EEM benefits. The new chiller would become the primary
unit in service most of the time with the remaining low pressure chiller available as backup.
Depending on the location of the mechanical rooms that house the chiller, new high pressure
steam supply lines may have to be installed to operate the high pressure chillers. New pressure
reducing stations may be required if the high pressure riser replaces the low pressure riser.
Other EEM’s
Appropriately sized steam turbine electric generator sets are available that can be used for steam
pressure reduction in parallel to pressure reduction valves. These units produce electricity and
output low-pressure steam.
Much of the steam consumed by some buildings is distributed throughout the site at reduced
pressures. In some locations the highest average levels of consumption occur during the heating
season. In cases where the existing steam turbine-driven chiller is not in service outside of the
summer months, the majority of the steam used outside the summer months is often at pressures
of 60 PSIG and below. The high volume of steam requiring pressure reduction may be an
opportunity for use of a small electric generator driven by a steam turbine.
Compared to the overall usage levels of electrical power in large facilities, the potential electrical
output of a commercially available steam turbine “micro-generator” (STMG) is small with some
commercially available units rated at 275 kW. If the steam room at the site has sufficient
available space in which to locate the STMG, it should be considered. An analysis should be
conducted to determine how much electricity (kWh) a STMG would be able to produce annually,
in addition to the monthly demand reduction during winter and shoulder months of 275 kW.
Additional production may be possible during summer months depending on how much of the
summer steam consumption is not used by the high pressure steam chillers. Some of the
electrical production cost benefits will be offset by the use of additional steam in the STMG
compared to using the existing pressure reduction valves.
SECTION 3 – Appendices
The economic performances of the various DRM and EEM portfolios are provided here to
inform steam customers of measures that MAY be applicable to their own facilities. Economic
performance and other data for these measures presented here was derived from specific
buildings and as such are provided to encourage other facilities to begin investigating which
measures may have application for them. Since the applicability and performance of these
measures is based on specific buildings, the ROI information is not intended as a basis for
investment decisions in other facilities. No investment decisions should be made until at least
an energy survey has been conducted.
Among the thirty buildings included in this project, the steam system audits identified a variety
of Demand Reduction Measures and Energy Efficiency Measures (DRM/EEM). Some of these
measures occurred across a significant number of the buildings while others appeared less
frequently or were typically found in buildings of a certain type, size, or age. Whether a
particular measure was found to be applicable to only one building or all but one building, they
are presented here to provide other consumers with potential methods of managing their own
steam demand and usage.
The measures presented in this section are only those for which the information and data
available from the surveys was sufficient to allow reasonable estimation of costs and savings.
These measures are presented here in the order they appear in Section 2. Other measures for
which these parameters could not be calculated are included in the Best Practices report, for the
information of the reader.
Energy Efficiency & Demand Reduction Measure
(EEM & DMR) Economics Summary
Type of Measure
Name of Measure Return on
Insulate Steam Pipes, Valves & Fittings EEM Very High
Type of Measure
Name of Measure Return on
Weatherize Apartment Windows EEM Low
Simple Payback
Average Return on Investment (Years)
Detailed STEEMs Operational Description - STEEMs Using Scheduled Reset
Storage of Thermal Energy in Existing Mechanical systems (STEEMs) Using Scheduled Reset is
a strategy that does not require building steam flow rate signal for feedback. It is simpler to
program than STEEMs Using Dynamic Response. However, after the programming is
completed, it requires experimentation by building engineers to identify an operating
configuration that will maximize the amount of on-peak demand reduction.
Description of Operation
1. Although the steps described below may be applicable to a variety of building system types,
some steps in this sequence may need to be excluded or modified, depending on your specific
mechanical system characteristics.
2. It is important to tune the water temperature control valves to minimize overshoot and
undershoot during the scheduled reset of water temperature set points.
Description of Operation Explanation
3. The building engineer may specify different STEEMs operation does not necessarily
ramp-down start times and durations for need to last for 5 hours, which is the
different circulating hot water loops to duration of the on-peak period. In some
maximize the amount of demand reduction. buildings, the morning steam peak naturally
Once an optimal configuration is identified, subsides after 2 to 3 hours every weekday.
the building may continue operating this way In these cases, STEEMs may be activated
every morning. for that time period only.
4. Normal mode of operation shall resume as a
result of any of the following:
a. Building Engineer’s override for each
water loop
b. Completion of pre-set duration of
STEEMs operation
28,000 Reduced
26,000 Demand by
3,800 lbs/hr
Steam Flow rate (lbs/hr)
8,000 STEEMs
Normal Operating Day - 01/27/06 STEEMs Day - 03/21/06
Detailed STEEMs Operational Description - STEEMs Using Dynamic Response
Description of Operation
1. Although the steps described below may be applicable to a variety of building system types,
some steps in this sequence may need to be excluded or modified, depending on your specific
mechanical system characteristics.
2. It is important to tune the water temperature control valves to minimize steam flow rate
fluctuations during the STEEMs mode of operation.
3. Con Edison encourages you to install your own steam meters for STEEMs. However, if you
are considering using high frequency steam pulse signals from Con Edison’s meters,
please note the following:
a. The high frequency pulse signal is provided for steam load or consumption monitoring
and for implementation of STEEMs. It is not intended for other control applications.
b. If you implement STEEMs Using Dynamic Response, you should design the load
management system/equipment to automatically switch to an alternate mode of
operations in the absence of pulse signals from the isolation relay circuit or in the case
of a power supply failure.
Description of Operation Explanation
2. Prior to 6:00 a.m., calculate the building A separate curve for Mondays may not be
steam flow rate set point using a relationship needed if building systems normally operate
between outdoor air temperature and on Sundays.
average steam flow from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. (the “curve”) for Mondays and a
separate curve for other weekdays. These
curves may be calculated using past steam
flow interval data and outdoor air
temperature data.
3. At 6:00 a.m. or when the steam flow rate This override will allow the heat exchanger
reaches the set point flow rate (whichever temperature control valves to modulate in all
occurs later), override the temperature loops in unison to maintain a constant total
control signal to each valve with a master steam flow rate into the building. This will be
steam flow control signal to all the water referred to as “STEEMs operation” in this
temperature control valves. document.
4. Building engineers shall input HIGH, STEEMs operation does not necessarily need
MEDIUM and LOW water temperature to last for 5 hours, which is the duration of the
limit values (to be referred to as HIGH, on-peak period. In some buildings, the
MEDIUM and LOW temperatures) for morning steam peak naturally subsides after 2
the water loops. Initially, HIGH will be the to 3 hours every weekday. In these cases,
maximum (MAX) temperature. They shall STEEMs may be activated for that time
also input the desired duration of STEEMs period only.
5. If the HIGH temperature is reached in any If the HIGH temperature is reset down to a
water temperature loops prior to the end of lower set point temperature in a given loop,
STEEMs mode of operation, reset the the BMS should close the corresponding
temperature set point in that loop to the temperature control valve gradually, until the
MEDIUM temperature minus 10 (this value water temperature in that loop reaches this
must be higher than the LOW temperature. lower temperature set point. Once the lower
This value will be referred to as “the lower temperature set point is reached, the BMS
temperature set point”, or as TMED-10). Once should open the valve in a given loop
the lower temperature set point is reached in gradually, to control building steam flow rate.
this loop, the valve control will return to the The lower temperature set point should be a
master steam flow control signal. lower value than the MEDIUM temperature to
reduce the chance of the loop reaching the
MEDIUM temperature.
6. If, in the course of STEEMs operation, any Having the MEDIUM temperature
loop increases in temperature up to the programmed into the STEEMs operation will
MEDIUM temperature, the valve in that help to ensure that spaces do not get
loop will gradually close until the LOW overheated due to high water temperatures.
temperature has been reached.
Description of Operation Explanation
7. If the LOW temperature is reached in any This step is necessary to ensure that space
water temperature loops prior to the end of comfort conditions are not compromised.
STEEMs operation, the BMS will transfer
control from STEEMs to temperature
control operation to maintain the LOW
temperature. The remaining loops will still
be in STEEMs operation.
8. Normal mode of operation shall resume as a
result of any of the following:
c. Interruption of the high frequency pulse
signal from the steam meters
d. Building Engineer’s override for each
water loop
e. Completion of pre-set duration of
STEEMs operation
Refinements to the Control Strategy:
1. The Building Engineer can apply a positive The greater the negative shift, the more the
or negative shift to the calculated steam steam demand can be reduced, and the higher
flow set point (include one “shift” input the risk of reaching LOW temperatures in all
field for Mondays and another for remaining the loops.
weekdays). The building engineer can
apply a positive shift (increase the
calculated set point) if the temperatures in
all the loops reach LOW temperature before
STEEMs is expected to deactivate, and a
negative shift (decrease the calculated set
point) if the temperatures in all the loops do
not reach the LOW temperature too early.
2. One loop may lose heat faster than others
(such as the one serving northern
exposures). To minimize the chance of that
loop reaching the LOW temperature
prematurely, the building engineer may
input a bias for that loop. With a bias, the
BMS will still modulate all the valves in
unison during STEEMs operation, but it will
keep the biased valve more (or less) open
than the remaining valves. For example, if
the BMS is sending a 70% open master
signal to all valves and there is a bias of
+10% on the northern loop, the BMS will
send a signal of 80% open to that loop.
Figure 25 – Typical Circulating Hot Water Loop - Normal Control Arrangement
BMS = Building Management System
PRS = Pressure Reducing Station
T = Temperature Sensor TRAP
Figure 26 – Typical Circulating Hot Water Loop - Control Arrangement for STEEMs
Using Dynamic Response
BMS = Building Management System
PRS = Pressure Reducing Station
T = Temperature Sensor TRAP
Figure 27 - STEEMs Using Dynamic Response Result at a Large Office Building
NOTE: The results in your building will vary, depending on the sizing and quality of tuning of
your water temperature control valves, the amount of piping in the heating system, and other
system characteristics.
Demand Reduction =
6,500 lbs/hr
26oF Morning
Steam Flow (lbs/hr)
STEEMs Activated
01/18/2007 On-Peak
5,000 Demand= 22,234 lbs/hr
02/18/2005 On-Peak
Demand= 28,718 lbs/hr
0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00
Time of Day (AM)