Mango Features
Mango Features
Mango Features
We For You…
1. 3G Networking
2. Expandable up to Core I7 processor
3. Hard disk expandable up to 500GB
4. RAM size up to 4GB
5. Retina protection
6. Graphic card Nvedia 320GB
7. Multi touch Track pad
8. GPS Facility
9. Voice Tracking( For Organizations and Colleges)
10. Automatic Exam review( For Colleges and Organizations)
11. All statistical Quality control Softwares like ERP, MINITAB, PathMaker 6.1,
Neural Network Software, Tally, CRM.
We For You…
Services to Organization:
Sensors for boards ( For organizations and colleges)
Online Database Maintenance
Video Tracking
Warranty service for 2 years