Critical Cooling Rate On Carbide Precipitation During Quenching of Austenitic Manganese Steel
Critical Cooling Rate On Carbide Precipitation During Quenching of Austenitic Manganese Steel
Critical Cooling Rate On Carbide Precipitation During Quenching of Austenitic Manganese Steel
Abstract: Critical cooling rate to avoid carbide precipitation during quenching of austenitic manganese steel was
investigated by means of optical microscopy, image analyzer and numerical analysis. An efficient heat treatment
analysis program including temperature-dependent material properties was developed for the prediction of
cooling rate and probability of carbide precipitation during quenching by finite difference method. Time-dependent
heat transfer coefficient was adopted to achieve more precise results. Area ratio of carbide precipitation was
measured by image analyzer to determine the critical point of carbide precipitation. Temperature-dependent
critical cooling rate at that point was calculated by the developed numerical program. Finally, the probability of
carbide precipitation on the whole area of specimen can be predicted by the proposed numerical program and the
numerical result of a specimen was compared with the experimental result.
Key words: austenitic manganese steel; carbide precipitation; quenching; critical cooling rate
CLC number: TG142.72/156.31 Document code: A Article ID: 1672-6421(2010)02-178-05
Overseas Foundry
May 2010
2 Numerical analysis
Thermal analysis program was developed for solving 3D
transient heat conduction problem by conventional FDM
scheme[7] and some numerical expression is also proposed for
prediction of carbide precipitation.
destroyed. Heat is rapidly removed from metal surface by N: Iteration No of time step (1,000 ℃ to 250 ℃)
vaporization of quenchant. Convective cooling stage is the final C: The number of Ccritical > CijkT
stage of heat removal. When the temperature of metal surface Ccritical : Critical cooling rate of temperature T
falls below the boiling point of quenchant, the boiling stops and CijkT : Cooling rate of temperature T of element i, j, k
heat removal occurs by conduction and convection only, so the
relatively slow cooling rate can be seen in this period[3,9] . Heat 3 Results and discussions
transfer coefficient was regarded as function of time in order to
consider these three different cooling stages.
3.1 Microstructure observation
Figure 4 shows the photos of optical microscope. Figure 4(a)
2.3 Calculation of carbide precipitation probability indicates the result of as-cast specimen (4.5 cm apart from
Critical cooling rate of carbide precipitation can not be the surface) and large carbides can be detect along grain
determined in short temperature range during whole cooling boundaries because of low cooling rate during solidification.
period. In order to evaluate the critical cooling rate of each Figure 4 (b),(c),(d) show the results from 1 cm, 4.5 cm and
temperature, start position of carbide precipitation (depth from 8.5 cm apart from surface after heat treatment, respectively.
surface) should be determined by microstructure observation Almost homogeneous austenite grains is shown in Fig. 4(b),
after the heat treatment. From the temperature history of this fine and coarse carbides can be seen in Fig. 4(c) and (d).
position which is calculated by thermal analysis, critical cooling
curve can be defined. Start temperature of carbide precipitation 3.2 Determination of starting point of carbide
in high manganese steels varies with the composition of carbon precipitation
contents and in the case of 1.2% C is known as 1,000 ℃[10]. So, In order to determine the starting point of carbide precipitation,
cooling rate comparison range is settled from 1,000 ℃ to 250 ℃. the fraction of carbides is measured by image analyzer. The
And probability of carbide precipitation can be calculated by fraction of carbide is measured for 6 times and calculated to
below numerical expressions: average value in each small area of specimen (5 mm × 5 mm).
Figure 5 indicates its results by graph. It can be seen that the
Pcarbide = × 100 fraction of carbide is rapidly increased at the 4.5 cm depth and
N the maximum value can be obtained at the center of specimen.
Where: Therefore the position of 4.5 cm depth can be defined as the
Pcarbide : Probability of carbide precipitation critical point of carbide precipitation.
Overseas Foundry
May 2010
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