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Rapid Acting INSULINS

( )
insulin glulisine (Apidra) insulin aspart (Novolog, Novolog Flexpen, Novolog Pen Fill) insulin lispro (Humalog)

not provided. Excretion: Data not provid- INTERACTIONS

Pharmacologic class: antidiabetic, pan- ed.
creatic hormone. Therapeutic class: de- CONTRAINDICATIONS & PRECAU-
crease in polyuria, polyphagia, stable gait, Route
15-30 min
Peak Duration
1/2-11/2 hour3-4 hr
abscence of dizziness. Pregnancy risk cat- glulisine ■ Hypersensitivity to protamine, creosol
egory: C. insulin as- 10-20 min 1-3 hour 3-5 hr (aspart).
■ Pregnancy (B)lispro, aspart (C) all oth-
insulin 15-30 min 1/2 - 11/2 3-4 hr ers.
lispro hour
insulin aspart over 6 yr intermittent
subcut: max 2-4 inj/day prior to meal PHARMACODYNAMICS
50-75% rest intermediate or long acting.
insulin aspart continuous (pump): in- decreases blood glucose, indirectly in-
sulin dose based on previous regiment. creases blood pyruvate and lactate, de-
insulin lispro subcut: 15 min before creases phosphate and potassium.
insulin glulisine over 4yr subcut: indi-
vidualized dose 15min before meal or 20
min after starting meal.
insulin glulisine adult IV: dilute to 1 ADVERSE REACTIONS
unit/mL in inf system with 0.9% NaCl EENT: blurred vision, dry mount. SKIN:
dedicated line. flushing, red, warmth, swelling. META:
hypoglycemia, rebound hyperglycemia.
OTHER: peripheral edema. SYSTEM:
PHARMACOKINETICS anaphylaxis, possible cancer risk.
Absorption: Data not provided. Distribu-
tion: Data not provided. Metabolism: Data

■ fasting blood glucose

■ A1c may be drawn to indentify treatment
effectivness every 3 months
■ urine ketones during illness

■ insulin requirements may increase dur-

ing stress, illness, surgery

■ For hypoglycemic reaction that can oc-

cur during peak time (sweating, weakness,

dizziness, chills, confusion, headache, nau-
sea, rapid weak pulse, fatigue, tacycardia,
memory lapse, slurred speech, staggering
gait, anxiety, tremors, hunger)
■ For hyperglycemia (acetone breath,

polyriea, fatigue, polydipsia, flushed, dry

skin, lethargy)
Nursing Diagnosis
Data not provided.
Planning & Implementation
Data not provided.
Patient Teaching
Data not provided.
Data not provided.

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