PL/SQL Code: Block Header
PL/SQL Code: Block Header
PL/SQL Code: Block Header
Oracle uses a block structure for organising PL/SQL code, the structure contains of the following
• Block header
• Declaration section
• Execution section
• Exception section
Block Header
The block header will contain what type of PL/SQL program the code unit is and there are a number of different
always returns a value, the return keyword can be used anywhere in the program, functions can be
called in select, where, order by and group by clauses
Note: functions are stored within the data dictionary
does not require a return value but can pass values between code via parameters, procedures are
invoked as stand-alone statements, they are invoked using the execute keyword. Privileges are
Procedure dropped when you delete a procedure so you need to re-grant any privileges that are required.
All these program types can have parameters, which are used to provide the program with values or to retrieve
values. Each parameter must be associated with a data type (char, number). Parameters can be either in, out or
both (travels both ways), you can specify that the value is not null or set a default value (used if not parameter is
passed). You can pass the parameter either by positional notation or named notation.
create or replace function is_weekend (check_date IN date default sysdate) return varchar2
Function example BEGIN
return 'Hello World!';
create or replace archive_orders ( cust_id IN number, cust_name IN varchar2 )
Procedure example BEGIN
dbms_output.put_line('Customer Name: ' || cust_name || 'Customer ID: ' || cust_id);
Recompile alter procedure archive_orders compile;
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Detect invalid objects select object_name from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID';
As in other OOP programming languages you can overload procedures and functions, basically having the same
piece of code with the same name but different parameters, Oracle is clever enough to work out which one to
Declaration Section
You can declare one or more variables or constants within the declaration section, you can set default values for
them or constraints.
Execution Section
This section is were the action takes place, it start with the begin keyword and stops with the end keyword. You
must have one executable line of code or the null keyword.
Exception Section
This is the final section in the code block, this section is optional but comes before the end keyword. This
section handles errors within the code, there are many exception handlers that deal with different errors, using
when statements you setup handles to handle that specific type of error, you can have as many when statements
as you like. It is alos possible to create your own exceptions and to initiate an exception. Exceptions are all
handled with the scope of the block of code.
when <exception_name>
error handling statements
when others
default handling statements
There are two functions that you can use that will provide some information regarding any errors, sqlcode
returns the error code and sqlerrm returns the error message.
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Character Set
PL/SQL keywords are not case-sensitive but may programmers use upper case for keyword.
Special Symbols
Delimiters ' ( ) " /* */ --
= < > <> != ~= ^= <= >=
Indicators %:@
Component Selector .
Item separator ,
Input operator
Note: used to obtain information from the user
:= => || ** ..
:= equivalence operator
=> equates a parameter on the left of the symbol with a value on the right (basically assign
Special operators
values to a parameter)
|| the concatenation symbol
** used to identify exponents
.. used to separate a range ( 1 .. 10 - meaning 1 to 10)
Identifiers are used to name things with PL/SQL as such variables, constants, cursors, sub-programs, packages
and exceptions, etc. Every indentifier must start with a letter and can include most of the character mentioned
above, however they must not include hyphens, slashes, ampersands or spaces, this rule can be overriden by
using double quotes around the identifier name when creating it. You cannot use a reserved word for an
identifier, see below on reserved words.
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Reserved Words
Reserved Words have a special meaning in PL/SQL and are used as part of the PL/SQL syntax. There are many
reserved words with oracle, so its probably best to comsult the Oracle documentation on the current list.
Literals are representations of specific numeric, character, string, boolean or date/time values.
Conditional Logic
if <condition>
end if;
if <condition>
end if;
if <condition>
elsif <condition>
end if;
Case statement case <selector>
when <condition>
when 'VALLEP'
when ename = 'VALLEP'
end case;
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You can redirect the flow of the program by using goto statements, but in todays modern day programming you
never use this statement.
You will use iterative or repeated logic at sometime, basically you will go through data one row at a time, there
are number of iterative logic in Oracle
end loop;
Loop loop
exit when <condition>
end loop;
Note: you must have a exit otherwise the loop with loop forever
for counter [reverse] low .. high
end loop;
For .. Loop
for <row_index> in [ cursor | select statement ]
end loop;
while <condition>
While Loop
end loop;
Complete example
select scount, cap, rname
into studentcount, capacity, roomname
from scott.rooms
where room_id = roomin;
Running Code
Once you have the stored procedure you need to compile it, the compiler performs serveral tasks
If any dependencies are changed that affect the store program then the status will be changed to invalid, what
this means it that it will have to be recompiled on the fly when the next user runs it, this can cause a
performance hit especially if you are having to continually recompile stored programs.
Display Source code select * from all_source where name = 'test_procedure' and owner = 'vallep';
Display Invalid
select object_name from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID';
Recompile alter procedure test_procedure recompile;
A user can have access rights to a table which he/she has not been granted to via a procedure or function,
basically the PL/SQL code has been complied with the same rights as the one who created it (owners rights),
which means when a user runs it the right are already within the code hence you obtain the owners rights.
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However Oracle has a feature called invoker rights, which means that the objects are resolved first and does not
use the compiled rights, so if you don't have privileges then access is denied.
create or replace procedure test_procedure authid current_user is
invokers rights
Native Compilation
The Compilation process generates pcode which is what is run (like interpreted code), however you have the
choice to compile it in native code, to will only see performance improvements if the code is performing a lot of
repeated caculations. There are 4 steps to compile native code
1. edit the makefile which should be in the PLSQL subdirectory under
the home directory for your oracle database
2. set the initialization parameter plsql_compiler_flags to native
Compile native code 3. Do the normal compile of the PL/SQL program units
4. check the user_stored_settings data dictionary view to make sure that the objects
compiled properly.