ME 433 Fall, 2010 Homework 7
ME 433 Fall, 2010 Homework 7
ME 433 Fall, 2010 Homework 7
Fall, 2010
Homework 7
1.) Calculate the blade height, h, for an IGV that provides 20° of pre-whirl to a
compressor rotor which spins at 20,000 rpm, with a tip relative Mach number of 1.2. The
compressor has a mass flow rate of 25 lbm/s. The IGV inlet conditions are Po1 = 14.7 psi
& To1 = 59°F. Use gas constants for air to be: γ=1.4, R=53.33 ft-lbf/lbm-°R, and cp =
0.24 Btu/lbm-°R. Hint: the blade height, h = r1T – r1H.
2.) The design point velocity diagrams for a turbine stage are shown below. It is a
repeating stage. The air through the turbine has gas constants: cp = 1.005 kJ/kg-K and γ =
1.4. The wheel speed, U, is 215 m/s, and the axial velocity, Vx, is 90 m/s. The stage inlet
stagnation temperature is 360K, the inlet stagnation pressure is 20 psia, and the stage total
pressure ratio is Po3/Po1 = 0.495.
a.) Calculate the flow coefficient and loading coefficient at design point.
b.) Graph the simple stage turbine characteristic and indicate the slope of the
c.) At an off-design condition, the axial velocity is decreased to 65 m/s. Calculate
the flow coefficient at off-design, the loading coefficient at off-design, and
indicate this off-design point on your graph.
d.) On top of the velocity triangles shown below, sketch the velocity triangles at off-
e.) Calculate the degree of reaction for this turbine stage.
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