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Grams: “TECHNOLOGY” Phone: Off: 0884 – 2300900

Email: [email protected] Res: 0884 – 2383623

Fax: 0884 – 2300901


KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
(Established by A.P. Govt. Act No.30 of 2008)
Lr.No. JNTUK/Registrar’s Peshi /DSR/2010 Dated: 9th October, 2010
Prof. V. Ravindra
B.Tech., M.E., Ph.D (IITB)., MISTE., FIE

All the Research scholars registered in
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada

Dear Research scholar

Sub: Young scientist sensitization programme on 23rd October, 2010 & Research
Review meeting for the research scholars admitted up to 2008
– reg.

I am by the direction of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, inform all the research scholars
of the JNTUK that ‘Young scientist Sensitization Programme’ will be organised on 23rd
October, 2010 from 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. in the lawns of University campus. It is planned to
encourage the research scholars to have know how to avail the financial resources from
Department of Science & Technology (DST) by interacting with Sri S. Sudarshan Rao,
Principal Scientific Officer DST, New Delhi . In this connection, the Research scholars are
informed to attend the programme and to interact with the distinguished guest. The Research
scholars have to register for the programme on 23rd October, 2010 by paying Rs.500/-
towards the registration fee.
In addition, the research scholars admitted prior to and during 2008 have to attend
the research review meeting on 24th October, 2010. They have to submit a brief report of their
progress signed by the respective Supervisors and to present the work using power point
presentation for 15 minutes. The detailed schedule of review will be given at the time of
registration for the above programme by 3.00 PM on 23rd October.

You may please contact Dr. S. Srinivas Kumar, Director sponsored Research
for other details.

Copy to Secretary to the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, JNTUK

Copy to D.E. JNTUK,
Copy to Director Sponsored Research, JNTUK

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