Flavonoids Mechanism of Action
Flavonoids Mechanism of Action
Flavonoids Mechanism of Action
ABSTRACT The aim of this review, a summary of the puta- became clear that this substance was a flavonoid (rutin), a flurry
tive biological actions of flavonoids, was to obtain a further of research began in an attempt to isolate the various individual
understanding of the reported beneficial health effects of these flavonoids and to study the mechanism by which flavonoids act.
substances. Flavonoids occur naturally in fruit, vegetables, and Flavonoids can be divided into various classes on the basis of
beverages such as tea and wine. Research in the field of their molecular structure (7). The 4 main groups of flavonoids are
flavonoids has increased since the discovery of the French para- listed in Table 1, together with the best-known members of each
dox, ie, the low cardiovascular mortality rate observed in group and the food source in which they are present. The molec-
Mediterranean populations in association with red wine con- ular structure of each group of flavonoids is given in Figure 1.
418 Am J Clin Nutr 2001;74:418–25. Printed in USA. © 2001 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
FIGURE 2. Hypothesis of the links between the working mechanisms of flavonoids and their effects on disease. NO, nitrous oxide.
toxic to normal cells. If this is true, flavonoids might play a role in from reactive oxygen species is proposed to be involved in car-
the prevention of cancer that is worthy of further investigation. cinogenesis (64, 65). Reactive oxygen species can damage DNA,
and division of cells with unrepaired or misrepaired damage
leads to mutations. If these changes appear in critical genes, such
CLINICAL EFFECTS as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, initiation or progres-
An overview of the hypothetical links between the working sion may result. Reactive oxygen species can interfere directly
mechanisms and clinical effects of flavonoids is given in Figure 2. with cell signaling and growth. The cellular damage caused by
The different clinical effects of flavonoids are discussed in greater reactive oxygen species can induce mitosis, increasing the risk
detail below. that damaged DNA will lead to mutations, and can increase the
exposure of DNA to mutagens.
Antiatherosclerotic effects It has been stated that flavonoids, as antioxidants, can inhibit
Because of their antioxidative properties, flavonoids are likely carcinogenesis (66). Some flavonoids—such as fisetin, apigenin,
to have a major influence on the vascular system. Oxygen radicals and luteolin—are stated to be potent inhibitors of cell prolifera-
can oxidize LDL, which injures the endothelial wall and thereby tion (67). A large clinical study suggested the presence of an
promotes atherosclerotic changes. A few clinical studies have inverse association between flavonoid intake and the subsequent
pointed out that flavonoid intakes protect against coronary heart incidence of lung cancer (34). This effect was mainly ascribed to
disease (4, 52). Hertog et al (4) stated that the flavonoids in reg- quercetin, which provided > 95% of the total flavonoid intake in
ularly consumed foods might reduce the risk of death from coro- that particular study. Quercetin and apigenin inhibited melanoma
nary heart disease in elderly men. Furthermore, a Japanese study growth and influenced the invasive and metastatic potential in
reported an inverse correlation between flavonoid intake and total mice (68). This finding may offer new insights about possible
plasma cholesterol concentrations (53). Oxidative stress and vas- therapies for metastatic disease. Furthermore, it has been specu-
cular damage are postulated to play a key role in dementia, and lated that flavonoids can inhibit angiogenesis (67). Angiogenesis
the intake of red wine is reported to prevent the development of is normally a strictly controlled process in the human body. The
vitro studies showed that flavonoids bind to platelet membranes picture for the future. Currently, the intake of fruit, vegetables,
and may therefore have an accumulative effect over time (78). and beverages (eg, tea and moderate amounts of red wine) con-
taining flavonoids is recommended, although it is too early to
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