Some Notes On Semiotics and "Sensory Marketing"

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Semiotics and Sensory Marketing

Some Notes on Semiotics and “Sensory Marketing”

By Laura Oswald, Marketing Semiotics Inc.

The following two points serve as a foundation for approaching brands from in terms of
sensory, esthetic, and emotional needs they satisfy in the consumer:

• A brand is a sign for the field of meanings consumers integrate into their personal
space to enhance, complement or transform themselves and their world.
• Semiotic analysis clarifies the codes shaping the meaning of the brand in creative

“Sensory marketing” is another way of describing the form and function of all marketing
communication, which aims to create awareness and influence consumer behavior via the
various sensory channels leading to the brain. Moreover, the tools available to the
marketer to create and interpret meanings can be traced back to classical rhetoric. Brands
are less about “stuff,” the material benefits of goods and services, than about the
meanings and emotions they trigger in the hearts and minds of consumers. Branding not
only influences the choice of goods and services, but extends to the realms of politics,
social activism, and personal identity, shaping our views of the world and of each other.
The power of brand communication to move huge masses of people to feel, think, and act
- proves that the ancient art of persuasion is alive and well in our time.

In my marketing research practice I employ the analytical tools and theories of semiotics,
a branch of cultural anthropology devoted to the study of signs. Semiotic theories and
methods can be used to identify trends in popular culture, to understand how consumer
attitudes and behavior are formed in relation to popular culture, including brands, and
how marketing and advertising programs can best meet the needs of consumers by
improving communication with the end user. Semiotics - some call it a discipline, others
a doctrine - makes possible the rigorous and systematic collection and analysis of data
drawn from communication of all kinds - artistic or everyday, in all kinds of media
including verbal, visual, and olfactory. Semiotics is particularly useful for clarifying
brand equities in the brand audit, then tracking the implementation of these equities
across all elements of the marketing mix.

We are living in an age of the visible, therefore to a great extent the other senses are
subordinate to vision for the tasks of reading, interpreting, and understanding the world.
For this reason my first examples will focus on visual communication.

Years ago I was brought in to help with a new product launch by a major designer in the
luxury perfume category. Since perfume is intimately tied to the consumer’s
interpretation of the feminine, I decided to begin examining the perfume category with
the question, What is Woman? Beginning with a large collection of print ads for
perfumes and colognes from magazines, I performed a semiotic “sort” of the ads,
eliminating those that clearly fell outside the category of luxury perfumes and ending

Laura Oswald/ Marketing Semiotics Inc/ July 2001© All Rights Reserved 1
Semiotics and Sensory Marketing

with two stacks of ads representing two categories of the meaning for “woman.” The first
line of division was between the ads in color and the ads in black and white. A semiotic
sort not only classifies units of data by things they have in common, such as look and
feel, but by the meanings they share with other units. In this example, to make a long
story short, the ads in color form one subcategory of luxury perfumes and shared other
semiotic characteristics such as the placement of the model in the ad, the social status of
her clothing, and the social context in which she was placed. The ads in black and white
form a second subcategory of luxury perfumes, and also shared similar semiotic
dimensions. Following is a grid outlining the oppositions between one stack of ads and
the other. Each column represents a sign system, a web of interrelated variables that
contribute to the semiotic world of the subcategory.

You will notice that rhetoric comes in here, particularly in terms of visual stylistics. The
more realistic, narrative style of the image on the left is what I’d call “metonymical,”
inasmuch as it is a slice of life that leads the spectator into the character’s story by means
of a mental association of contiguity. The image on the right is more metaphorical,
inasmuch as it emphasizes the look of the character in a more static way, by means of a
mental association of similarity.

Example: What is Woman? The Semiotic World of Luxury Perfumes

Laura Oswald/ Marketing Semiotics Inc/ July 2001© All Rights Reserved 2
Semiotics and Sensory Marketing


Mode of Representation: Narrative prose Mode of Representation: Icon.
Model as the “girl next door” Model as “universal goddess”
Model in medium shot looking at someone Model in close-up looking straight into the
else in the image. camera.
Metonymy [based on contiguity] Metaphor [based on similarity]
Casual, realistic lifestyle. Formal, fantasy lifestyle.
Concept of ‘’woman” as everyday women. Concept of woman as unattainable ideal,
Ads for American perfumes. Ads for French perfumes.

Since the client was an American designer, we recommended that the new product
inhabit the semiotic world in the left column. We also recommended that they borrow
some of the meanings in the right column, such as the universal goddess theme, in order
to break away from other American brands, without however, betraying their legacy as
the designer brand celebrating an American ideal of the natural, everyday women in real
life settings. A Cindy Crawford type was considered for the model.

This positioning in the realm of brand meaning influenced other aspects of the product
positioning such as the name, the package design, the retail display, and even the scent.
In other words, communication aimed at various sensory receptors - vision, olfactory, and
touch, and produced within a consistent set of cultural meanings for American women,
contributed to the clarity, focus, and persuasive power of the brand. In this example,
semiotics intervened at various stages of the new product launch, including research,
strategy, and design.

All brand communication should play a role in build a relationship with the consumer, a
relationship that should be developed and sustained across other points of contact with
the brand. Though analysis of brand equities in print and television advertising is the
most obvious application of semiotics, this methodology makes a science out of
integrating brand communication across other marketing “occasions,” such as packaging,
retail display, media choices, and even sponsored events.

Laura Oswald/ Marketing Semiotics Inc/ July 2001© All Rights Reserved 3

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