Ma Mat
Ma Mat
Ma Mat
Learning area 2
Contruct : S05 Currect and Future Development of Open Source Software and Latest
Development in ICT
Aspect : LA2.S05.1 Explain the latest open source software available and the latest
development in ICT
Instrument : Written Assignment
6. Display coperation.
a. Write the names of group members
b. Verbal verification from group
members or asseccor's observation
Content format:
1.0 Introduction
6.0 Conclusion
(give at least two source of reference)
Document format:
cover page
candidate detail
Title : The Latest Open Source Software Available and the Latest Development in ICT
page margin -top,bottom,left and right :1" paper size :A4
line spacing- 1.5 lines
typeface-Times News Roman, font size -12 point(content) and 14 point for title
number of pages - 3 to 10