MR - Lecture 3
MR - Lecture 3
MR - Lecture 3
Research Design
Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis Development
Broad area of
Research Interest
PRELIMINARY identified and
8 Substantiated?
Research Question
Literature Survey
2 answered?
No 9 10 11
Yes Report Report Decision
Writing Presentation Making
Source: Research Methods for Business, Uma Sekaran
Research Design
• The design of the research project is a creative plan to
obtain the necessary information in the best way
• The correct design saves time and money and will result
in valid and reliable information.
• It is expected that the market researcher should be
equipped with the technical knowledge to design
research projects that will provide a wide variety of
marketing information to key decision-makers.
• A range of required design skills are covered under this
Research Design
Research Design
Research Design:
A research design is the operational plan for executing a
marketing research project. It describes the steps necessary to
obtain the information needed to structure or solve marketing
problems and reduce decision-making risk.
Typically, creating a research design involves the following
• Define the information needed
• Design the exploratory, descriptive, and/or causal phases of
the research
• Specify the measurement and scaling procedures
• Construct and pretest a questionnaire or some other type of
data collection instrument
• Specify the sampling process and sample size
• Develop a data analysis plan
Research Design
Exploratory Versus Conclusive Research
Research designs may be broadly classified as exploratory or
• Exploratory research is also known as qualitative research
• Conclusive research is the same as quantitative research
Exploratory research is intended to develop an understanding of
the problems motivating the research. It has following characteristics:
– The information needed is only loosely defined at this stage, and the
research process is flexible and relatively unstructured.
– The sample is usually small and not statistically representative.
– The primary data are non-numerical (for example, transcripts of in-
depth interviews or focus group sessions) and are analyzed
– Exploratory research findings are not conclusive but are often
essential to the construction of a valid conclusive research design.
Research Design
Exploratory Research
An Exploratory research or study is undertaken when not
much is known about the situation at hand, or no information
is available on how similar problems or research issues have
been solved in the past.
In such cases, extensive preliminary work needs to be done to
gain familiarity with the phenomena in the situation, and
understand what is occurring.
In certain qualitative studies where data is collected through
observation or interviews are exploratory in nature. Based on
that further research work either exploratory or conclusive
are taken
Research Design
Exploratory Research:
The total error includes both random sampling error and non-
sampling error.
• Random sampling error happens when the chosen sample
selected is not representative of the population being
• Non-sampling errors can be random or nonrandom. Possible
causes include poor problem definition, an inappropriate
approach to the problem, errors in the design of
measurement scales, questionnaires, and interviews, or
errors in preparing and analyzing data. Non-response errors
and response errors are also forms of non-sampling error.
Research Design
Potential Sources Of Error
• Whenever some of the respondents in the sample do not
respond, the study is subject to some measure of non-
response error. Non-response in consumer research usually
occurs when respondents refuse to participate or are not at
home Non-response will make the resulting sample different
from the intended sample (as defined by demographics such
as age, gender, income, etc.). If non-respondents differ from
the respondents in terms of their potential responses, the
data are biased. If large enough, non-response error can
lower validity to such an extent that conclusions based on the
data are likely to be wrong.
• If respondents give inaccurate answers, if interviewers
erroneously record answers, or if researchers analyze the
answers improperly, response errors result.
Research Design
Reliability and Validity in Marketing Research
• Reliability is the degree to which a procedure produces the
same results if repeated. Measurements are reliable to the
extent they are free from random error (e.g., measurement
error which occurs from random differences between
respondents or measurement situations).
• Techniques for evaluating reliability include the test-retest
and alternative forms methods.
Research Design
Reliability and Validity in Marketing Research
• A measurement instrument is said to be valid when
differences in measurements reflect true differences among
the objects being measured, rather than random error or
systematic error (e.g., error that affects the observed score in
the same way each time the measurement is made).
• In research design, the most important consideration is often
construct validity, which addresses the question of what
construct or characteristic the study is, in fact, measuring. In
other words, are the variables as defined in the study actually
useful measures of meaningful characteristics of the
Research Design
Relationship Between Reliability and Validity
• A measure must be reliable to be valid, but just because it is
reliable does not automatically make it valid. Consider this
example: You step on your bathroom scale three times in
succession and you receive three different measures of your
weight. The scale is neither reliable nor valid—it is not
accurately measuring your weight. But if each time you
weighed yourself it read 10 pounds, then the scale is reliable
but not valid (unless you truly weighed 10 pounds).
Research Design
Cross-Cultural And International Marketing Research
• Due to cultural and other environmental differences a given
research design may not be appropriate in every country,
even when the same problem is being investigated.
• For example, different methods are required to determine
household attitudes toward major appliances in the United
States and Saudi Arabia. In the United States, exploratory
research could involve focus groups that included both male
and female heads of households. However, given the
traditional culture of Saudi Arabia, mixed-sex focus groups
could produce response errors because women might not
express themselves freely in the presence of men. A better
design for this situation would use one-on-one interviews
with both male and female heads of households.