Clairvoyance - 9781606802588
Clairvoyance - 9781606802588
Clairvoyance - 9781606802588
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[original title page]
by C. W. Leadbeater
Adyar" Madras" India: Theosophical Pub.
10 2010 Forgotten Books I
Fi published 1899
Republished 2008 by Forgotten Books
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About the Book
"This is a Theosophical manual of the phenomena of lairvoyance, the mental viewing of things far removed in and/or time. leadbeater appeals to the fourth dimensio Akashic record, and the assistance of unseen spirit, as explanations of the phenomena. Students of the occult wi I find this a satisfying review, but more rationalist minded inve tigators will find this more of a counter-example of how to res arch psi."
(Quote from sacred-texts com)
About the Author
"C.W. Leadbeater (Feb 16, 1854 Stockport, Cheshire, Engl ndMarch 1, 1934 Perth, Western Australia), was an E glish clergyman, author, clairvoyant, and prominent early mem the Theosophical Society.
Charlesa€TM father, Charles Sr., was born in lincoln an his mother Emma was born in liverpool. He himself was b rn in Stockport, Cheshire, in 1854. Public records indicate that h was an only child. By 1861 the family had moved to London, here his father is listed as a "Railway Contractor's Clerk". Chari s Sr. died from tuberculosis in 1862, when Charles was only eight years old. Four years later another misfortune appears to have struck the family when a bank in which their savings were invested collapsed. Thus without finances for college, Carles had to seek work right after graduating high school to su port
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viII ""t
his mother and himself. This he did in various clerical jobs. During the evenings he bec me largely self-educated. For example, he studied astrono y and had a 12-inch reflector telescope to observe the hea ens at night. And he learned French, Latin and Greek."
(Quote from
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C afrvoya nee
CLAIRVOYANCE means literally nothing mor than "clear seeing", and it is a word wh ich has been so ely misused, and even degraded so far as to be employe to describe
the tricke ry of a mou nteba n k in a va riety show. Ev n in its more restricted sense it covers a wide range of phenom na, differing so greatly in character that it is not easy to give a definition of the word which shall be at once succinct and ac urate. It has been called "spiritual vision", but no rendering c uld well be more misleading than that, for in the vast majo ity of cases there is no faculty connected with it which has he slightest claim to be honoured by so lofty a name.
For the purpose of this treatise we may, perhaps define it as the power to see what is hidden from ordinary ph steal sight. It will be as well to premise that it is very frequently ( hough by no means always) accompanied by what is called clai audience, or the power to hear what would be inaudible to he ordinary physical ear; and we will for the nonce take our titl as covering this faculty also, in order to avoid the clumsiness perpetually using two long words where one will suffice.
Let me make two points clear before I begin. Fi st, I am not writing for those who do not believe that there is such a thing as clairvoyance, nor am I seeking to convince thos who are in doubt about the matter. In so small a work as t is I have no space for that; such people must study the any books containing lists of cases, or make experiments fo themselves along mesmeric lines. I am addressing myself t the betterinstructed class who know that clairvoyance ex sts, and are
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sufficiently interested in the subje to be glad of information as to its methods and possibilities; and I would assure them that what I write is the result of much areful study and experiment, and that though some of the p wers which I shall have to describe may seem new and won erful to them, I mention no single one of which I have not mys If seen examples.
Secondly, though I shall endeavou to avoid technicalities as far as possible, yet as I am writing in the main for students of Theosophy, I shall feel myself at iberty sometimes to use, for brevity's sake and without detail d explanation, the ordinary Theosophical terms with which I ay safely assume them to be familiar.
Should this document fall into th hands of any to whom the occasional use of such terms con titutes a difficulty, I can only apologize to them and refer hem for these preliminary explanations to any elementary Theosophical work, such as Mrs. Besant's Ancient Wisdom or an and His Bodies. The truth is that the whole Theosophical system hangs together so closely, and its various parts are s interdependent, that to give a full explanation of every term used would necessitate an exhaustive treatise on Theosophy s a preface even to this short account of clairvoyance.
Before a detailed explanation of clairvoyance can usefully be attempted, however, it will be nec ssary for us to devote a little time to some preliminary conside ations, in order that we may have clearly in mind a few broad cts as to the different planes on which clairvoyant vision may e exercised, and the conditions wh ich renders its exercise po sible.
We are constantly assured in Th osophical literature that all these higher faculties are pres ntly to be the heritage of mankind in general-that the pacity of clairvoyance, for
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C afrvoya nee
example, lies latent in every one, nd those in whom it already manifests itself are simply in th t one particular a little in advance of the rest of us. Now thi statement is a true one, and yet it seems quite vague and u nr al to the majority of people, simply because they regard su h a faculty as something absolutely different from anythin they have yet experienced, and feel fairly confident that they themselves, at any rate, are not within measurable distance of ts development.
It may help to dispel this sens of unreality if we try to understand that clairvoyance, li e so many other things in nature is mainly a question of vib tions, and is in fact nothing but an extension of powers which we are all using every day of our lives. We are living all the whil surrounded by a vast sea of mingled air and ether, the latter in erpenetrating the former, as it does all physical matter; an it is chiefly by means of vibrations in that vast sea of mat er that impressions reach us from the outside. This much we II know, but it may perhaps never have occurred to many of s that the number of these vibrations to which we are capa Ie of responding is in reality quite infinitesimal.
Up among the exceedingly rapid vibrations which affect the ether there is a certain small sect on-a very small section-to which the retina ofthe human eye is capable of responding, and these particular vibrations produc in us the sensation which we call light. That is to say, we are apable of seeing only those objects from which light of that p rticular kind can either issue or be reflected.
In exactly the same way the ty panum of the human ear is capable of responding to a certain very small range of comparatively slow vibrations-slow eno gh to affect the air which surrounds us and so the only so nds which we ca n hear are
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tho e made by objects which are able to vibrate at some rate wit in that particular range.
In oth cases it is a matter perfectly well known to science that the e are large numbers of vibrations both above and below the e two sections, and that consequently there is much light tha we cannot see, and there are many sounds to which our ear are deaf. In these case of light the action of these higher and lower vibrations is easily perceptible in the effects uced by the actinic rays at one end of the spectrum and the rays atthe other.
As matter of fact there exist vibrations of every conceivable deg ee of rapidity, filling the whole vast space intervening bet een the slow sound waves and the swift light waves; nor is eve that all, for there are undoubtedly vibrations slower than tho e of sound, and a whole infinity of them which are swifter tha those know to us as light. So we begin to understand that the vibrations by which we see and hear are only like two tiny gro ps of a few strings selected from an enormous harp of pra ically infinite extent, and when we think how much we hav been able to learn and infer from the use of those minute fra ments, we see vaguely what possibilities might lie before us if w were enabled to utilize the vast and wonderful whole.
An ther fact which needs to be considered in this connection is tha different human beings vary considerably, though within rela ively narrow limits, in their capacity of response even to the very few vibrations which are within reach of our physical sen es. I am not referring to the keenness of sight or of hearing tha enables one man to see a fainter object or hear a slighter sou d than another; it is not in the lest a question of strength of visi n, but of extent of susceptibility.
10 2010 Forgotten Books
C afrvoya nee
For example, if anyone will take a good bisulphide-of-carbon prism, and by its means throw a cI ar spectrum on a sheet of white paper, and then get a number of people to mark upon the paper the extreme limits of the spe trum as it appears to them, he is fairly certain to find that th ir powers of vision differ appreciably. Some will see the vio et extending much farther than the majority do; others will p rhaps see rather less violet than most, while gaining a correspo ding extension of vision at the red end. Some few there wil perhaps be who can see farther than ordinary at both en s, and these will almost certainly be what we call sensitive people-susceptible in fact to a great range of vibrations than are most men of the present day.
In hearing, the same difference ca be tested by taking some sound which is just not too high 0 be audible-on the very verge of audibility as it were-a d discovering how many among a given number of people re able to hear it. The squeaks of a bat is a familiar instance of su h a sound, and experiment will show that on a summer evenin , when the whole air is full of the shrill, needle-like cries of t ese little animals, quite a large number of men will be absol tely unconscious of them, and unable to hear anything at all.
Now these examples clearly show t at there is no hard-and-fast limit to man's power of response to either etheric or aerial vibrations, but that some among us already have that power to a wider extent than others; and it ill even be found that the same man's capacity varies on different occasions. It is therefore not difficult for us to imag ne that it might be possible for a man to develop this power, and thus in time to learn to see much that is invisible to his fello -men, and hear much that is inaudible to them, since we know perfectly well that
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..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
enorrnc us numbers are si mply, as it we re,
i:l"d t he transparency
con sid@re d 0 paqu@ we may explai n 5-.1 C h read I ng a letter jn-s;id
in an adjoi n ing apa Illi ntg.@n rays in add iti n t q LI ite $ufficie nt to en ble this; order.
develop ment alan e t already op!!: n ing out
f tha pu r!!1y that a man's f his p VSica I large
dansi r the of s, we thls ne of of a kinds
be .a roused into aetn ...... ~
vi bration'i of the ma befo re t he Ego, as he lea s to f two e "tire IV new an d rider Now th~"5f! new we rid • th ugh t ~ int~rpenet rate one a th r, are and enti rely u neon n in SiU t he one i"to t ne ethe • ttl lowe t
ara all arou to be thoug nee, but ra stral formi"
h the highest l1ys,i cat j~ as the IOW'eos,t rtK .iI direct 51!!! I!!!S witt! th n in t ni., king them to i I"I\iI tte r, b LIt S i bd ivided $0 ve re ra pidfy as t
w cond ition s en
It for u s 0 g r.a~p th e pos$i il' of a 'iteady
d progre'95ille e nslon ou r senses, SiO t at b tn by sight d by heari"8 e may be a bl e to a pprnci v rat ions fa r
- her and far to r than th wnit:h are ordi
la rge section of he se ad d' iona I v ibrationo;
physil:a I pia e. a nd III merely ens b u to obta I.,
pressions fro m tl1 e etne r pa rt of t hat pi n e, wh lch is at sent as a clos d book t us. s.u c h i mpras ion s will still be: eWed th rough he retl na the eye; of COLI th will affect ethe ric rat he ran its .,;.0 Ii matter, but we ay eve rthe le-s;s;
ard them as sill appeali g only to an org "'5i ialiIed to ew@ tharn r din d not to tI1!! hole s urlaca of t @
d ity as, or I!!!V@ more rea plicable in vari u s W.3V~r
rt la I a Sit ral deve opme nt, soft ne body a most i"va sb Iy eorres pond ith the chokrams, r [.@ntr@s of vita lity in tI1!!: st ugh. if astral en sclousn s be not vet d 'lie
ntre s may not avada b I on their own pia
"8 eno ugh stimt.llat kee"er act
ttsr wh ict! ttl
ne or other I body. And ped, tI'I ese ney are SitiU ity tf1 e etheri c
..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
methods of spec ia I iIed s, hend its ph)'"i statements; t tion of ttle p denca betwe object has n
to dea I wtth t ne astra I se Se"5- thernse 1V€'5- the rking .i! ra very different. The astra I body h as not se-orga ns+a fact wh lch p rha ps ., eeds seme
t ryi ng to comprerecon C i Ie with the rfect interpenet rae exact eerrs spc nthn every physica I
ce rna ny students who .a IogV see m to fin d it d ifficliit have been made as to the ical body by astral manerr m@ two V@hid@'5. ;iI nd th@ f.a S5a rily it!; astra I co unterpa rt.
Now a II the tate rnents are true, and ye
for paopla do not normally se@ astra I
them. EVery rder of phvslcal matte r ha
order of ast atte r I., constant asseelat I
sepa rated it except by a very eonsi
OCaJ It fo rce-, d !!Yen then on Iy to be: he kI pa rt from it as long
M force is be defi n itely exe rted to that I'Id. But for a II that
the re lation the astra I partlcles one to n eth er ts far leeser wit h t ne i r physjca I correspe denees,
it is quite possible to mi su ndarstand it§; COrtes pond ing with it -., ot to be
In a bar of
n, for exa mp le. we have mass of ph'!('Sic.a1
tl e ~olld con d ition -t nat is to ,,-,avo ea ca ble of little ehange in the ir relatl positions, t!,oug h with im I'IlE!:ns@ r.a pidity in' own sphs reo Theart of th i s co nsi§;1S of what W~ oftel'l call 5.olid that Is, matter of the lowe .a nd densest su bra I; but neverttleless its pa ides.a re censta ndy ngi nG ttl !!!ir rei atiVl!! posit ions moving a mong oneV as those .of a liquid on the hysical plane might e is no pe rma nene a"-,,,-,ociati n between a.,y one Ie a nd ttl at a meu nt of a ra I matter wtl it:: h
give n mom ant to ba dieting its [.0 unter p.a rt.
eemparat ive @ach vibr:ati n astral eounte ast ral matte r plane of tne and (.a pid Iv c another as ea de. So that t pnvsieal pa happens at a
tru e witn respect to the stra I body of man,
pu rpose at the moment may rega rd as
rea d ily u nd erstocd that thoug ical body must a IWilYS have u nt of astra I m atter, it d0@"5 not re tha n iii fe IN seconds at iii ti h ing ecrre sponding to t ne ~pe
It n that tnough we consta ntly h
r "astra I hea ri"811 in erd er to hat WE!: rnaan bv those exp rassi to. '§:uch vi brations a s CO nvey rna's co nsee usn S"-', w n he Is functioning in h is- astra I b in ration of th same eha raete r as that conveye d to
h is S din d @i3I~ wh i Ie: he is in the physira I body. BLIt n
e nt re different ral nd ition'§:. 5P~Ci.a li:z ~d orga ns a
s arv for the tta in nt of t his resu tt: d1 ere 1"-' rna
an of the tra I V wh ict, is capable of such res
n fu nc:.tian i n.c in t nat ve h iel ind him. be neath him. a boy is head.
10 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
The re is, howeve r, a to I@ ave ant in:!: Iv out chokrom5 referre d t a
I'll aeva nee", i I'll he
Ne ither h ave these c ot astral matter co n in the matter of th
a eerta in se of ltv active j" all
The vision of the m
ttl e (I ne i nsta n neous (I pe ra-
u ltv d iffel"!i j n n:!!o!:! on Iv ;jJ nd
t ou r comma n t the present e nt.a I p~an~ r j stias on tha phvsi by mea M of 'Vibration~ tray
witn a q u it@ of which we
by .a n ent Ire Iy no part, The it from the r ordinary
one of th@'5@ yance-the a I $ight. But and it will be
bsgin ning in robably d~lo "n his p nlfSica I s respen tied to de nse r matts r; il' Y to the coa
@t:tly regu la r h ls senses in ses grad~ ally I the physical @ n in orda riy pal'1 of the would be
0210 ~~~
ve r, developme nr many .i3 man ha s CI::.ilS nal flashes of astra I it!'o ut any awa ken ng of etheric vision at aU. iUrtv of d!!!V@ lopm t is ne of the p rincipa I • extrsc rcl.n.a rv Ii ab ity t error in matters of
liability fro m wh Ich the is no escape except
of ca reful tra i ning u de r qua I ified teacher.
csoph ical I iteratu re a re ~II aw.3 re 1 hat there rs to be 10 un d -th eve in th I" materia Ilrtic ury the old s.aying i sti II ue, t nat "when the e Mast@r is ready a so" a d th.ilt "in the- ha II of e is ca p.a bl ~ of e ring e re, the d io;ciple will Ma-s-ter. i, They a re well ware also that 0 nly lop hts late nt powe 1"5 in
certainty, sinca th kn how fatal tv ~asv it is
ed da .NCly.3 nt to hi mself .3$ to the
lu e of wt1 at he s es, 0 even.a bsolete tv to co mp lete tv in bring g rt: own irlto h is physica I
It doe s not IN that even th e pu d w 1'5 re cs iving regula r
instructio n i use of Oct ult p rs wi I fin cI ttl em unfold ing
t kemselves tv in t ke regu la r rder hi ch W.ilS s ugge'5t@d
above a'S p bly idea, His previ s pr gre ss may not have
bee n such a rna ke th i'S- for him t e 00'5 e-s-t or mo".;1 de"lra ble
road; but at one wh 0 is pe rfectfy
competent !!! nis g uid@ in spi r al @velopment,.and he
rests in pe conte rrtme nt t hat he 'i a I ong wh lch h e .!;
ta ken will be t t whic to. i'5 ttl e best y fo him,
u ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
In rea I Irfu.
And this i causes of m ela INOya nee by a long to
pu pil is raa • lea rn ing" wh alwaY'-" fin d under sueh safuty a nd for the unt
adva mage wh ic h tnat whatever
acquire are defin' Iy on er his command and y and con-s-tantly w en h needs ttl em for nis rk; whereas in ttl e ase the u ntra i ned rna n
mselves on tv and
me an d go, "'5 it thei r
reason ably be object~d that if clairvoy nt
• a pan of ttl e oceu It d lopme ne of m n, a
rta i" a mount of progre s along t nat I in e. a nge
t:t1 at i sho u Id oft!!n ba pos;s;@ss by pri mitiw'!! tha
ign 0 Itt and u neu Itu red am 0. IOU r own race _n.<:Io .... c-.n.n
olM u.,;.1y quite un developed. f m whate\le r rsga s them. No dou bt tt,is ees appear re ark
si,ght butt ha fact i'50 that th@ s@' s itive ness 0 the sa
eca and vu rg.a r Eu(Opean i cram LJ!; is; not real
sa m tn I ng as the meu ltv of h - prope rly tra I n b
it arr ed at ln rhe same way,
An e act and deta iled ~xpla na u I i1.15 in 0 rather reecn d ite tech n I alitjes. but per a p~ t e g
idea the distinction betwee ths two may beau t
If! ta kan from the V!!ry pia n@ of cia i r in
dose contact with th ~ d ~ nser physica I, The her
rna n 5 in exceed I ng Iv do'S€' re t Ion to h I~ ne any ind of act ien upon one f tf1 ems peed i
othe . Now in t ha sporad ic ;iI p sav e. IN hether of Ce ntral Af been obse rved t nat the co rre
almo enti rely in tne sympat aff.a i is; pract ica Ily be-yo nd the se nsatlo n vague~ belo gi ng to the w h Ie e
tha nan exact a nd den ite sen se-peree eate ttl reugh a ~pecia hed org n,
A~ in later races a nd ami d h i.g tt1e n I~ more and more t
r developmen wn into the
14 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
me nta I culties. tt,i'S- vague se n'S-rtive-ness u su a II
r, wnen the splntua I rna n begin'5- regains ni dairvoya"t power, This time, hOWe\fer, .a: precise- nd exact one. u nder the 00 ntrol of the- m exe rtised th rough a defi n lte sense-oraa n: an d it . t hat a nv rvcus action set up in s ympathy wtth It I e:l(dusivel in the cerebre-spina I system.
On thi'i Llbject M rs. B esaot write §;: psych Ism re more fre q uent in animals a nd I n very
human i"gS- than in me" and women in whom th .
powe~ a w!!:11 d ~e-Io ped, Th@y appea r to 1M! 00 n
the 5,,/ mp thet lc svstem, not wit h the ce rebro-s pin I
n ucleate.d ga n.g Ijo nic ce II.... in ttl is- "'y:5tem contain proportjo of et he ric matter, a nd a re he nee .a.ff!!:t:t@d the- eoa I"!i@ r astral vi brations ttl din ar wh i eh th pro portio n is less, P6 the cerebro-s develops, and t he brain be comes me re high tv svmpathe it syste m su bside5i i"to a s ubord i"ate 0 ition.
t ke sen si ive-ne-ss to psycn ic 'It ibrations is do min t by
st rong~ r nd mo re active vibration s of the hig r ne svstem It is- true t nat at a later ..,.tage of eve I ss rea ppears but it is then deve loped i
ca rebro-spma I ce-ntres, and i'5. brc the will. But the hysterical .and iII-regu I e e see "'0 ma ny la me mabie e:..:a moles i ue to
'Small d lopment of t ne bra i n a"d the domin ce of h
sympath@ lc sy:s:t@m.~'
Occasion I fla-s:hes of cia INOVa nee do, however tome to he 1'1 igh Iv cult ured and spiritua I-mi"de t hough h may nf!Ve'r ., ave- hea rd of ths possiblli such a fa Ity. I n hi§; case s ueh glimpo;es u sua Ify ~ig approa en g that stage in 1'1 is evo I utlon wl'1 en the", natu ra Ily egin to rna n ifest tl'1 ernselves, and tne i
(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. 1J"f1I[llt~tI'u[(I~_II'i-
[ [ II 1 [
.iI nda rd mora I
va nee is a eu rss
to maintain
those who
are many 11 ile to give h h@ has no ore or less se In wh ict1 eeusness is @ manifold ee by the e mesmeric are but just
i"te rme i te stages.
a pOI'5Si b nCI!!! is t stage in whicn a rna n,
dai r\IOY3 facu tty i ordina life, yet ex hibit i fu IIV u nd the infl u nee of esme rlsm, Tnis i a th e psyc c n atu re is a I read sen sitive, but the co
a pOI ble funer i n ing in it a mid
s of phys I life It needs to be SIlJ"5pe nsi n of t e outer senses re it ea n se the ivi"er faeu !ties
o~er @ wi lis, or to t"
ich, wh n the n 5C i ous ness is; n
ogether f m tt1 e ra ~p of the mag et I
of exalted ere it is entire Iv
e",cape", i"to field
advanced set free, it r, and sears d t1 is reach I
Another perfect t1ypnotic si,ght, th available At tni~
h e sa path i'S: that
f the p y; leal as that w n ce is n neces ry, but tl1 e pe u pernorm al h still 0 t of ach d u ri n.c wa ki g , ,beoom@s
Ic:I in the bon do:; f in.a ry sleep,
rophets and in a dram", elv@'§. in the
or rom sil~nt wa
Most u ttu red peop Ie deval prnsnt to som astral ies a re in f
he h
ian of wha
portance, sin @' he Ego, the informa 0 to be 0 he may not ha the sat" bra nee of it int
ken place. ttl secend is ill be ~bk!! t
facu will fim b
ay kne when ttl fa int f res tladow ing r '50 w- ely that it '
Y an ~w~ that IN ill b
!!O fll!! begin unLJ~U l5timul ... s be m vlsic I'll; a nd very ofte I dees t repeat itseH t tkat Othe
as it ra, a n u nda r sorn for 0 C~ to se 'Some 5triv in
se, ca U'Se t e expe rie n
es in time to e li€'\l"e that 0
othe rs, inr '5e-E!! fa eas, 1.iI ndsca 5, 0 r colou
before t ei r eves i" the da rk be re ttl ey -si parha p!i he commonest @x P'!~ rian of a II i5 t be,sil'l to reeolject with gr~ater an tl ~ se and hea rd 0., the othe r
ow to 50m!! !!xt@ nt cI EI red ou r o (;01'1 slder the va ricu s P enG mena of
r so wid e tv bot" i" eha cter a nd in !!EI!i'!{ to dacida how th y can most dass ifi ,We might, to r exa mp I . arrange t tt1 e kind of sight employed -wne her it we re mere tv e ric. We might eI ivine em aecc rei i of tha C dlirvovant, U ki ng into tra ined r u ntral ned; whet he r h ls tl is; com an d, 0 r spasmodic and wt1 ether ne CO~ Id exercise it
influ@n ,or wn@tn@r that ass ista wh ether h ~ W3!; a ble to. use hl fa C.Llity wh ph~ lea I body, 0 r whet he r It was avai la ble 0 te mpera ily (lwav from ttl at bodV i slee p or t
ision w.a-s; Independen nlv whe.,
d iortinctiol1 s .3 re of imp .a n Into ccnsid e rat 10.,
@"S of that adopted bV
-.a bee L. by the .3y, wh lch
",W"I!I~ce ought to read, In d all"8 wit n wi II (I rra nge them rath e accordi"g t @mploy!!d tha n to the P D@ upon wh may grou p in'§;ta nees of cia i r'\rCIya ing'S as; ttl ese :
(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. ~[llt~tI'u[(I~_II'i-
[ [[ [ [ [
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'- .. ~-
1. Sim p Ie cia iN ana bling its p05 happen to be p ot observ in,g @ it other time tha n
2. Cia irvoya nee i sp removed from ord ina rv observ
i. Cia jfVOYa ne objeets or @v!!n s in ot he r words, h p
o say, a mere op o sa i!!! iID:!V!!r astral or heric entround" rn, but not indu ng tne po
apacity to 'See se r a nd eith@ r too r distant or d by intermediat objects.
e-d1 at is to '&ay, the @d from the s r in tima, r, r of I ki ng into 1: he part r the futu .
I'S, but ~ n nythlng at a uture, It is t1
latter gl"e'ate r ~xt@n'Sic n t both ~ and futu voya nt wt1 0 do not th e re i I'IIeverthele s a ve iaciden .11 gli mpses a d the sight e her i n s:pa ce r time.
;jIlready been sa id, phys ica vi bratio ns slon br go.; into \lie tluman ace still re
possesso r to im on cerrespon • by the pO'W@r Ing either th e r to exclude d1 e
projection of 1: @
.1 vagu~ i rnpressi n alii up to the f II ively. Perna ps t e tlest: ribi 118 wh t eve Ie prnant of 1: @ ill th e n be seen 0
ists simply. as h s r 1;jI rge r 'Serie s heless its pO'i he majc rity of t e r wtl at ttl anges r 0 bject!i, a nim e
(I- (11 F~~
20 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
w at e nti rely new factors it arn red tkat wtlitt l am about e fu I a nd perfectly-controlled he f.a cu tty 0 nly an d hat JI"KKt of tha insta nees I life IN i II be Ii ely t fa II tar shert of it in one nero
possession met wi:th i direction or
Th@ mo"St of them be
i ing cha ng@ p s by the .acq LI e a fmo".;t era ns erne of the vib
in t ha .a ppe-.a ra net! of it ion f th ls facu ltv ls that most rent. owing to the d iffe rente i I'll lens to whitn tne man has "OW
become su [. with the ut brlc k wa II. i,
to nave a t hsrefore ~ though no i accuracy rh wit:t1 a littl book, This presents c because of all those wh
tibte-. H@ fi nds h ims If capable of performing ease the pro e rbia feat of ·§;eeing th rough a
o his; n ewly-ac u Ired ision ttl e brick wa II see ms stency no grea er tn ., that of a I i,g ht mist. He hn is go ing 0 in 01 adjoin ing room almost as erve ning wa II lste ~ he ca n d escrl be wit h nte nts of a 10 ed x, or read a -s:ealed letter;
ive., passage in a clcwd
f@at, ttl ough rfu IV @asv to astral 'llis ion,
era ble d iffieu to one 1.10; ing etheric 'iight.
age tl 'So to be looked at thr~h esed upon it-
It is; then as eireu msta n ces a ma n sees alwaY"-' with t s aene rmal ..,.18 t.. 0 r n Iv when he wls hes 0 do '50, Tne arts is ttl at if the fa ltv - perfectty developed it will
be @ ntirl!! Iy orc:! ina rv vi readily .and n when we I object a mil on the one man would
!! r h is control. nd h (3 n U'5@ that or h W5. moreat wi II. 1-1 e ch nges rom one to the other as urs lIy as we n eh nge ttl e focus of 0 u r eyes p from ou r be k to llow the motions of seme ay. It is • .a 5 it cussing of consciousness he other a s;pe of IN at is seen: an d though the qu ite c Ie ariy I hi..,. ew the as pec:t upon wtl ic h s to r ttle mo e I'IIt i!red. !'e wou Id a Iways be
vagu ely con c ieus of the other aspect too fu cus au r s ht upon ;jJ ny objert hel d vagu ely see he op posite wall of th-e roo
CI Lis change, wh i ch come s tl1 is. sight - that tl1 e ""olid greu nd u po w becomes. to a eerta in exte I'IIt tra nspare t t 11 i m. SCI t abla to set! own into it to a considara I@ @ pth, m u ea n now se into fa i rly clear 'Nate r. Th ls na les him to ereatu re bu owing u nd e rgro u I'IId. to d i5t ngu h a vein of meta I if I'll too far be low the su rfa ee, an d so 01'11-
The limit appears to through
ethenc sighl when lookin analogou"," to that im po""e er or mist. We carl not a use the mad lu m throug h tran$p.a rent.
ce of ani mate objects is a I 0 fu r tha rna n ho ha s • ncraa sad his visu.a po The bodles of men and animals are for him in t
so that he ea n watch t h 0 I'll of the
Tne exte nd sigl1t also en abies ni m to
daa rly. var· us classes of ereatu res, Ii! wt1 0'5@ bod - s .a re not ca pa b I@ of refl ct. wit hin th ~ Ii it of the spectrum as ord i a ri
e nt ttleSi -.;.0 ee n w In be some of t ne I we
sp i nts-t no whese bod ies (I re co m po d
matts r, To is cI ass b!! long ne.a rIy .a II t e f irias. gno
broWl'l ie'!t, a LIt whom 1 he re a re still 'SCI a sterjes
'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-
kingdom of nature-s pints , but ;till the re ls a la rge se ion of it wi'! ictJ apperta no; the lie pa It of the ph'ys.ica I ta ne, and ttl is. ~ction. of much morn Ii ke Iy to co me -tt .. i" ttl e ke n of ord in ry nan the others. In d@ed, in i ng the com mon fa ry ne freq Lie ntly co mes across istinct ind ication-; that' i!;
I c lass t nat we are dea ling. y stud e nt of fa iry love -II
e r how ofte n me I"tio n is ade of some myster- IJS
or drug. wh ich when a ppli d to a rna n's @y@'5. @n.ab !!:5 the me mbers of t he fa iry tom men we-a Ith whe ne e r ns to meet ttl em,
of '5lJC nan .a pp ll cation n III a nd comes from se ma ny iffe rent parts of 1: he wo Id
re m ust certain IV be some truth benind it, as th beh i nd rea Ily u nive rsal pop la r tradit ien. Now "0 5
of the ~~ .a Ion@ 00 uld .a nv possibility ope a ral vision, though ee rta i n i ntme nt nJ bbed over e dy wi II ve ry gre at I'y a~~i'-'l t e astra I body to leave e
iii n fu II co nscio usn ess- a fa t ne k nowiedge of wtl h na'lf!!! '5.U rvived @v@n to rnedi @valtim@s,.as wm be s n h evide nee given a t some of 1: e tria Is for witt hcraft. ut a p cabo n to the p nV~ lea I eve m ht lIerv eas Ily so ~im u I te si ive"ess as to make it susee ible to some of the eth it
freq ue ntly goe-s; on to re I te how when the hun o has u-sed th is mystica I oi n nt betrays his ei'rten d d some way to .a fa i ry, tn@ la @r strikes or subs him in th u'i de prMng him not only f the eth ~ric §;ight. but of he de nse r phV~ca I pia ne a we U. (See The Science of les by E. S. Ha fda ne, in ttl "ce ntempora ry Scie., ell
se ries-or in de storia s., If the si t a cq u i would nave bee phys ica I appa rat vision produ eed of the pny~lcal since that is the
a ny exten-s. fa iry
h .. d been a ral, such pr eding
una aila ing. 10 r n 0 i jury to the an ast .al Iacu • bu if the were e heric, th de ruction t once isU ui~h it
h idl it 'IN rks,
Anyone posse ssln th ls 5- also be a b le to p ree ive th is is so .,early demit h ard IV ba lik@1y t protected in tran death, when it would be elea rly h oven ng O'lf!!! r n wly- rna ch u rch yard or c metery sea nee t1 e 'WOuld 'SOO th
em see rt
as !!! pass@ th ugh.a
ere to anen d a s:piri ua listie matte oozing ut f m the
observ the var ys i.,
Anothe r fact wt1- h co uld ha rd fa ll sce to ttl ru t1 is notice wou Id H@ wou Id find hi not in the lea §;1
quite familiar, ae ting@ of thess n!!! h uas • terrni SU rfaces of colou to orc:! nary e
24 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
perfectly woul kee ne r sight,
We h.ave: now u pc n s
wh i eh YJ(I uld b LI ced into ma n
et he ric -s;ight; a ust a IwaVS be
taws a eorres nd in e ha ul
brought about in his har sans ca pa ble of hea ing. a d perha p most of these rou nd hi m, Now pp this he obtain d ttle sight of teas
c ha ngE!:5. wou Id I'V'able?
"there r.; a dist net d' $ight. and It 1$ the I fountl d i men 5-
"rhe easiest nde rsta n
exa m pie. If yo at .a ma
yo~ wou Id see ne b~ en 5 at the on Iv it you use @th!!! sight you .and YJ(I Llld §;~e the s an k-s ide ne looked ast rally. u uld se e It ot 0 yo~ were sta nd ng be nd ttl e ma as
rent s hades to '" is
et:h e le 'iight a nd a
to rrespon d to
he rffe nee is to tale an with bot h t he ~i.g Itts in t rn, aek tl is tin both ca es: hem rhfOugh I) you. but if that b~t j~$t
·Or if VOLi W~ wrltl ng on a II - glass. so that
100 i n.s eth e ri Ity ~Ide • it would be a see th ro gh it
u would see
on the op pos - e side all backwa right d leh s di!!!'5 W u k:I not be daar to u move , beca IJ you e rt: ed8ewise. 8u if i1S1: rail you wo Id '50@@' II the sidas at onca oil nd II th ~ r uP. 3'S t hough he wh le cu be had be-e n an ned 0 d you w uld se eve ry p.a It ide of the ot ers, b a II flane ned out-
ss you at it htway before II-not Iooki"g
ill: it f
ttU! 0
of a watdl ettle ea Ily you se th mug it, oil nd tha f.ic@ thToogh th m, t back k. at it a rally. u see the- face- rig t w up a n a II the IVI., g s pa rate V. b~t noth ing 0 n d1 e op of nyt ning
now hind it "Ne re ne on Iy 10 of coal
rnes us n of tha fou
th ugh one ea nn ot prete nd to d seuss in he
ou d i5.posa L Thosa who wi5. to 51 udy it as it da sa mended t bp::!gi wit h M C. H. Hinton 's 5den iflC r Dr. A. . Sc ofteld''S nathe! WorM. and t en
ith t ne f rge r work. A New Er of be ;iI bl@ h ims!!! If to Cd i me nsion.a I figu res. the tro uble to follow
pa rt or featu of the tesseract, A od. wit h plates. is sa Id to be re dy d to (lP ar wittlin a year. so hat sci natin su bjert do w~1 to
n as expo n ded by n is the on Iy
ny kind of expl.i3 nan n dow here of the facts of stra I visi n - I w u Id the refore Ily to sugg@ that, w en Mad me Blavmky vis:ion nd not astra t phras to thls other
not at the mo ment
sea rc tv e:<pres$ib le i nd th ugh a II that ha interi r of ry solid body the 'je€: r j ust as ve ry point in n to th e a:ze of rna 1"11 IGOking
astra atoms a nd out of ese is ctea rty
in t!'e st dyof i"
scqu IS on of t is vi'5.ion. Nct of the 0 • ct at hieh he look, from hi ; not on dees he see itubon tan ne d d before, b~t much more how t hat his: e perce pt Ion
ea Ijrlg with u marl bei ngs tha he ill most ap tha v.alu of this Iscu ,fur he will oft n be able: to hel fa r more effeetu ally en he gu ides: hi If y the info wh I ch it i\les him,
t nan do s pl'1ysical s i nt. For ~a mp Ie, if ne looks astra tv gla S5 cu , its sides IN 1:ilII.iI P P@:iI r eq uall as e know t"
are, wh 5 on t!'e l'1ys,i cal pia ne tl e es he fu rther -
perspsct is, a:flPf!iU~ s rnalla wh i eh is of COli rse, a mere iIIu'Sion d u tlens.
Wh@n come to nsider the .a dd i ia faciliti~
offers in the obse rva on of a nim.ate 0 j ~ we see §;1 i
(lea rly t e .a dvanta of t he astra I v ion. It e)(t! ibjts,
c la irvoya the au ra pia nts a nd an im Is, a d thus irl t e
ot t ha b @r th !!ir desi @s a nd emotions an d .a teVf!r t
they ma have, a re a II la i nly shown be re h s eyes.
H@ will b able to '5@@ n@ a ura as f.a r u .a s t e a 51 ral b
though t at leaves all P::! higher pa rt a n stl II h idd
hi" gaz he will n rtheless find It. sible by
observat on to lea rn good dea I a be t t!' nigtl e r pa
what is -tni n h is re.a h, His Ci1 pacity in inc. the
do uble i II give him cons;d era ble ad e in Iocat i
(Iasstfyi any defe or d I seases of ttl ne us "yste
from tne a ppea ranee t ne ast ral boody e wi I be at one a re
ot all the arnot ions, sion s, desires an ten @ nCH!S of t @
befcre h • and even very many of hi tho ghts also.
As ne I luminou brilliant
n he wi II see .a 51 ral .a U rEI, f nsta ntly changl g in hu e and b the person 's th ~8tl ed with tne baa u rFul
will see
affection, brown of lu rid red se nsu ality J the I" h atred din rna lice, or ;iI ny 0 SO ~.a$ilv t be red in it by impos si bl for a nv pe rson s t th e i r fee 1 i s on a"y subject-
Not (I nly d es the astra 1 au n passing t hrc LI8 ana ngeme nt an
These va ri d in d icatioM of 1: e a liery deep Inte rest, but I ha detail he . A much fuller number 0 0010 ured iIIust r th e s Llbje Man Wsible and
condition and ehara
In t his ju gement of ch ara h ~Iped bv sc m uch of th ~ on the ast The true thought fi
h at is seen in it be Inferred witn
(I- (110 ~~~
iO ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
We. h aloJe see n so e hi ng of the alteranon i both an imate a nina n I mate objects h possessed of full I irvcya nt sight as fa r
con sid@ r e nsejcu s of a fa r c hiefi'y t1 is. .atte.,t 10 f t hi5i "ew world, N
- h @ver~inc e lcwer 0 spends a lomr-
I., the ca se of the- jo rity of me n almost u ndar one or ott1e t t hssa heads, so tha
of their personal wo u Id hke dea rly
visic n, sin [@ thei r rOIl bod i!!:s a nd the- t h u
Iy radiating fro m m wou Id be to him .a
wh I ch ttl eir ch.a ra ristics were wr It ...,0 la
might read - Anyo wish ing to ga in sern
t bought-forms p nt th !!mse-ives to cI i
'Sati5fy the. mse hie. s t some exte nt by e::.:a i a ceo mpanyl.,g M .Isesa nt's \lal ua ble art Lucifi;!r for Septem r 189 6,
con re mad: If!t us n will see, He will b c many dj reet lens, t he living den i zen
t hsrn [;din be .att@ ed with in the spac
t hat the reader ls referre d to No, V ManuDJJ, Here we end 0 no me re tha n LH':III'I":"II'" c lasses (I nly of the y sr hosts of a stra I in ha
He will be i mpres by the protea n form
of elerne nta I es ee. eve r swirling a u
often, yet always iri ng before a dete rrn
he will ma I'V!!!I at t @ !! normous army
ca lie d out of this a n into se p.a rate ex isaell1Cf!
and wis;he-s. of man whet her good er e
man ifo lei tri be'5i e natu re-sp i nts at t
play; t1!!: will sorn t ~ be .a bla to 51 ud
delight th e magn' nt evolLitio n of some
the gloriou..., klngd of the devas wh ictl
imately to the a ng hest of Ch rtstia n ter
ut perha ps of even Ie-ee ner i nte -II be the: h u ma n den ize ns of tha
em d ivisjble into two great elas
ling. .a nd those others, IIlO'51: om we sO foolish Iy misn ame t h -n find here a nd there one IN Id erha ps sent to bn ng 1'1 im sern e m 'Sag, or e a mIn In
!! n Iy to 5.@@ progress he is ;iI ing: h ile: t !! rnajo I
is ne ig hbou I"S. when away from h ir p ysic.a I od les u ng ee p, will drift Id tv by, so wra ppe u in ei .. 0 n cogtt I n s
to be praetka Ily u nconse ieus at is goi g on (I 0 nd
u.a liti@s, th~ sa me virtues a nd vi s, id ~ h.~ phvs.c.a I body; but the los
i any way a different rna n tha
reeat, So amo.,g d1 e dead
i t@lligent .a nd stupid, kmd- haa rt ·volo LI$, ~piritLia Ily-mi nded .a nd mong the living.
inc!! he can not on Iv see the dead e n be of 'Very great u ~ to the nd gujd ance wt1 ic h is of the ut em a re j" a cend it~on of great metil1l@s !!\I'@n of ae ute d istress, ext workl 0;0 Lin like the chik:l i'Sh I op uta .. religion in the We~ t1 as t
(I- 2(11 0 F~~ B-o-ob
'- .. ~.-
ndently und rstands tni a fri nd in need
rta rn su bjett; a d the world and can xplain
rna n who fu I III POS!!i
mo ing ne re with ut a ny los of o nsdousness or IIl@me sta s, and th U'S he i a b Ie to live, as we-re. do yet I on e, and 0 b u'SefuUV em pic d eu ri g t inst ad of losi 0 e-th i rd of h is e .ste nee in
An 11 er ~ rang he ma ni If in
poss sic n (the gn elengs
h 19h r d~v.a[.h;a ic acu Ity) is that f mag ifyi at mi n test p.hVo:;i al r.a stral partid to.3 n de ired 'S e, as t no h by a m ere ope-tho U no lerose pe ve r de or eve r I ike Iv to b m de possesses ev a tho sa n t h ca f tlo! is ~yc ic rnagni in& power. BV its JIl@ans t ha nypot etica I mol CU Ie- and a om postu I ated by s ence b om s vi-si e and
1t\l1 n rea Iltie'S the OCCllIt 'S,tudent, nd on t .5i cI
t ion ne fin cis ttl m be much more tom pie ln
the '5(jent" ie man has y
if!s '" i m to lIow with the Icse'5t me ntio i nterest a II kin ds of e lectri al, magn et le, an act n; and wh@ '50 I"Ile of the peor lalists in th sc~ nee .3 re a bl to dev~lop t e pow~ r to 5 wt1 reof t ney rite sc facilel • sem e very
be rful revel 0 ns may be ell! cted I
rs desc ribed in a rie
de\ilote'S. hi If to pi rit
e under whi h it i
i nd kated, t (I ugh only in the ughe
wh t a trai ed studa nt, sses d of full ast
in ne imm n 5iely wtder rid 0 wh ich tha
hi; but I <IV!!! sa id not in.g (] th~ 'Stu pen ous d1 ng@ in his me ta I attl de whic.h co s f m the ex pe entia I c rtainty as to he e~( ence of t he s u I. tts; su I afte death, U1e actio n of ne law of ka rrna, a od1 r pe ints of qually a ramey nt
im orta n Tt'u~ differ!! -ce b twef! n i!!!v@n th!! P ofou ndest
int llectua I d th predse kn ledge i ned by
dlr ct pe be felt In rder to be appre-
cia ad.
THE xperiences of the uotra n d cia I
re m be red t nat that c inch,J
cia i a nts except ;(I very -wH L
fa II v!!:ry fa short of I h.a'lfE!' stt pt@d to i
fa II short I many differe nt waV1 degre
perma ne n • a nd a beve a II in precis
Sol'J)@tilll@s tor @xaimpb.!r a ma n IS
n em, but rv pa t1lat eKter-.ding .0
dasses of he phenc men a ebse e I'dowed ith some isolated fr;(lg appa rl! nt:1y poss@ss ing otha r pn n orma Ily accem panv that frag for e:<a mp I • one of my dea rese fri
power to 5 e t" e atomic ether a"d n2{;o,gn i Z~ hei r structu re, ali ke- i inte rpene tlng eve ryt hing el'ie; e nt rties wh se bod ies; a re co mpese lowe r etne or dens.e r a st ral rn.ltte not perma e ntly .a ble to see the m
posse ssion th r.; o;pecial facu ltv.
to .a ccou nt or it, o r .a ny recogn iz.a b
and beyor-. proving to him th e ex and de mo ~ rating ttl-eir arrange what parr lar use it ~ to him at p is, a nd it i an earnest of greater h nc-'i to power_; still awa itjng deve Iopme nt.
(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~
"1 I I
and be It
one or two fi nd h imoseff ic n, wittl out hich ought:
precede it. life had the I attar, and to in light:. as rarely seen ore obvious;
e is. eerta i" Iy '5 h ims@1f in are nt reason nyt hing else; em lc p la nes It to see of
There are
ision of the astra and , howeve r, su ch parti c k preclslon a 1$0 hat
agu e im pression nd i deli n ition and c@ a in pe are con sta ntly 0 be oun rtise them-s.e1ve5 a'S. ~t st an
reference to th 'Shows its.e If on 1
To the first ela INOya nr CI I'll 'So entra need
t ra in i ns, ttl oug 'S!!lve5 fr@@ fro M!;i~ance.
rnpetitio I'IIS, (I n
dai rvoyant; cond itia n in through ni intended to who will g.
a ea se of rna
who wisnes use ~ for hi Cent ral Afrl Tartar Sha
'rhese to
him elf to a pas bses him nd sp
ltv Wi1'5. t
ppearan such a d ree that R no way of
a disease. weakened ebstaele in vision. An e h lmself into ph~ Ic.a I ruin the ravages of tha loath drawn roun ind utge nee. of signt ha rEf@["@n~ probable th do~i'y eneu double woy
'rhese who tl1e whole
me e If!m ntal .a nd othar im$~H by his; long cou rse ere are, owever, othe rs
a p pea re and d is.a ppea
ha state of the pl'1vsit:al eve n in t 05.e. if they cou • some a ration In the cc nave be e noticed-
'lie on III 0 e in sta nee of cia
ne. r II are a difficult b
reat va riety of the contributo ry ong tk~ m t whom th i!!! me m ome nt t ne i r liveosr @["e might av@ bee n a ic:h we uld be s LIffic ient to
c ire urnsta nee , e>::perience tl S wh@n it is 0 tempera rv e a ceo LU1t for j
them tha soli ry ca sa has n most comm n III of some e ath, Two po ~i bjlitie~ are aeh of them th strong w is h
ot the dyi nc. m n is t k@ im (] rea, That to ~ m di't h.ave
ena bled him 0 terlallze hi wh ieh case
of CCl~ rse no la Nova nee was need d= or more p babfy it may have acted s erica-ltv u pe the ere i pie nt, and meme nta rily dulled his P ysi I din d '51:imu ted h i5. h igha r sen itiv@n@s'5., In elthe r ea S:~ t e i-s;io n is the p du ct f the em p::!rge cy a nd is not repe;ned 'Si be ca use ttl s:ary co nd iti ns are ., ot repeated,
In the case 0 .a bee n the se ' flie nd or re I ti
owever, a n of cases: in
I., stance (ICC U nd ou bted
c la irvoya nee, wile yet the hollv trivia I
and un im po n, About thes hypo!:h@s!!s;
t he govern i ond itic M a ev ently not on he phy!;ical
pia ne. and p.a rate 1.,\Ie at" n of each ca e WOIJ Id be
neeessa ry b we eou Id s ea k
COl uses. I n so endeavourin im press CI nly 0
or sign ifi.l:an into the su bj
I., the inveo;'r a va ned types n
na of ela I rv~ nee a II t hese eneou ntered, nd a ee rta i n
number of cases appaar .i3 Iso, a nd w II h.ilVE- to be list of exam ples. ne student inexha ustib I@ fu nd he goes on long e ough he wi II beh ind t ne chaos. nd will grad~ al
laws under whicn t e whole evolut
o the sti II mo
It will help him gr 5 if he will ad
wI'1ich we haw J~ is if he will I
trc uble to fam il ia ri e nimself as t rough tv as rna aetua I f.a cts con rn ing the pi n@s with wn [ dai r\IOY3nce d ea I'S. he w illl~a rn hat there rea I ' wit h astra I an d therlc"" I.g nt, n d wtl at ttl e r limitations a re, he will t hen hay a s it were, a
wh ic h to rnaasur t n@ casas ic h h@ obsa
inru nces of p.a rtla light must of n cessity fit into tt1 is. whol e, If he ha the o~tline of e entire sehe
tl e will find it comp rative IV easy h a litt~e pratt
t:t1!! in sta DC@S wit h hich h~ is calif! upon to dea I,
We have ss id no
possi b ilitje-s of dai ovante upon is it n@t:@"S'5ary t h much sh ou Id e sa id, as it i improbable that t e investigato will ever examples of tt exce a rnong pupi properly tra I n th every nigtl est sc eels of 0« uk i m For tnem it another new worl , v.a ster far t an all ttl 0'5@ b world in whit h all t hat we can i a.sine of utm ""P lendeu r is. the co mon place of istence. So me rna rveUous facu ltv, rts in effa ble bli J its m~ nifire ti!!S for If!;aming ;a d fm work. ' giv!!n in ths s Theo§;oph lea I ma nu I§;, a r.d to th at he stude nt ma
'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-
I. I I
40 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
AU tnat it t1 ana gwith in th!!! reach c la irvoya nt to tou has been done in m exce p::!a ing rarity. f r ' in the way of loft tnought.a"dj"te" operator.
all of t at least tf1at he ca n@ tr i ed pupil, but for thi!!! unt
is t1 a Iv more tha n a ba possjbi
tra DC~. but the cur~ DC@ is of
ImlXt su perhu ma q ua I if;c
-s;piratlo., a nd a bs lute pu e pa rt both of the u bject a
To a type of clai wh i eh belongs to "Sight may reasona wh i eh it OP~M OIJ e
t nat ou r passing hea cI i"g of sim pie
allude to it ag:a i n in spa e, to
which we will now
(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-
have d ned th ls a s the c pad to see ~1oJe I'\tS; r moved from he e r in s:p.a ce a nd too rvat 0" I T e insta nces of t
sha II find it desirable
~ifl Ion of them.
A before. I will b n by stating pes Ible a Ions this II e to d1 e fl,l 11y-t rain d seer, a nd en eavo ring 0 e:ICpla in now is fa I.IIty works iU1 tI 1,.1 der wnat Ii itati s it ets, After that e
sh II find OUI"S@ n a better p iti on 0 try to u ode rsta nd 1: @
nWoki exam pl~ partial and u ntra ned s tit. let u-s then In
fiM place- di i nte-ntiona I biN an c
(I- 201 0 ~~ B-o-ob
.Ill ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
metho '5 by wh ich th is rve ~ nts tak ing place e J for e ample, a ma here i England sees in wt1 teh is a ppen i g at t ne same
I'IlE!: ( a, how is it d n@1
acco unt for the
as b n suggeste ery (I bject is
off ad i.ations in 'a ns, '5i mil.a r in
. tough .nfinitely fi ne ys of light. and
., ott1 i g but the po €or to ee by mea., s of
s, Dis a nee weu Id j ttl at e no bar to the
wou I d be: by th~'5@ ray"iz
o cress one nether inti n ity in a II
I erne nt precl ely as he \lib rat 10., s of
in wh h cia i t\I'Oya nee true j n most of its
for t e merne nt, The nom ry.a re .a Iso @p!!:nd se nt be e :.:.plaine ,
There ar
e cert.n praenca I d ffieu Iti ric vibra ons (to r that ~, of
iu by eans of IN hie
d sta nc . I nteNe n 1"8 (I t ne erors in the
in tne way of U rsa r wh itt they V see al'lyth il'lg re not entirely ith the m: pe rt-
ral coadjutor s lres, or he m tom I.g hfy-deve 10 will.
is '50 t the spiritua I i le sea e ngs r e ployed
ba Iv be at least eq Ily fusio n wou Id be q ite
me into p lay if a ral C wOiIJld obIJiate s me t1 r nand ira rod ucs s
J in his: he he
in th@ East ,wh@ r@ o;p i it) and in old A tla i"i, d h IghlY-SipeciG lized if a I elemental fo r ad in the sal"ll@ sa days. but in that se tv to be ill reee Iy~
deceased hum an
re or less freety on th ls somati mas a n obi i.e in posing as somebody· said, th i5. method is no
m ~nt~oned here on tv i come confu'5ed in th se un de r some of th
2. By m an5 of aMral lren ta"d rat" r IG05e y e mp yed i" s lit!! ra'tUre: to CO\I'e i3I cons !!: ra bl!!: .among 0 her; tha whit h I wish 1:0
by the ~ udent 0 ado th 1$
'Setting i" motio n f a cur nt in ast
a ki nd of t@1E! ph
I~ is a ph rage freq uent e of ou r ,.., eO'5iop hiea _ tv ot phenomena, an lain. What is rea IIV don od is not $0 much th
It i~ imp pnysics, say i5 th t it is ossible 0 rna k@ (;01'1 nectl g-line 1: at !;h all act as a vi bration by mea s of w jch all th e"d of it may be een- s.... h a line i tood, not by a d ir rt prcje ion ttl ro but by 0; u h action upon.a I ne (or ra of that tter will nder th ton cI uete for vib
i'IIe d ~ui~ition on astra dge to wr~ it: 41111 n astra I matter a deti ni legra ph -wire 10 CO n is going on .at the ethe stsblls ne d, be it u nd e rs h space of ast ral matts r ma ny lines) of partie Ie ea pable of fortrllng
r required.
Ttl is pre Ii ina rv a ion can be set up i transm n of e ergy fro partld formed, r by tn use of force f COl pOI bl@ act ing t hi~ lane met h invotves ne kn ledge (a nd the ton side bly" igh r level; 0 tnat t h
two ways-e ith er by til pa rtide u nti I the line . a h igtler pia ne whicn i imu Itan@ou-slv. Of cou rs r development, 'Sinc~ , we r to use] 10 rces of a" who tould rna ke !, i
an a
leave .s physi i1S1: ral @h icle: (] i~ 100 ing. but ast ral ele'S-COpe
s 0 use, need a line at
and corn plet@ tv by m@ ans
tio n i'!i a difficu It 0 ne 0 rform. It may be sa Id 0 mag"et iZ(ltion of a mi,g h call the pola rizat ion r ber of pa mile I I mes
r to the scene wt1 ic h e ffette dare ne Id for t e
@ facu ltv of sight.
se t e seer does not usu a Iv .s n son of projection of is 5!!H .aI rd 5 at wh ich @ ures for himself a tem per rv t1 as, to a certa in exte nt t e
46 ;}.._ F 11:ter'18-0~rl
'- .. ~.-
use ile t1e is xa min .ng the
dista t:e sea oe; to SU;iJ IIv still be
unde t1 is cent rot he- saw even
whi he in his cbs rvancns. Th i5.
COn§; • IOU §;ne§;§; of 11'1 inctty rtil at th i5 end of
the II
et, ho'W@V!!!r, h s well .as - s adv.a ntages,
.and hese aga i n la limitatie s of the man
a tele".;cope e. The ex rl menter. for
e1'2 pie, has no p nt of view; t1 is teleseepe,
speak, hOI'§. view wn ch cannot be
d or altere ~ SC€:ne rom a certain
it all roun and see how
suHicient sycnic e ne I'gy
ra, ha may d .a hogether lsscope t at he is us ing
a nufactu re n entirely ne e for him elf wi'! id'l will
en hls obj somewha rently; b th Is I".; not a
tOU at alilikeiv t adopted i ice,
t he i'i usl astra I -s;ight
ides at on . So it would
mal way u on an object
astral r@:i1 h, as it W"erl!;
ands of m Ie s the case i!;
the ad ntage of an
yen a tl'1in as posrtion in
ent factor in limiting the
inary 1h ~-d
point of th IMerio r of a
two- , but in 0 er to do that
tke ua r@ must ba w nin a rea dlstanea rm our e'lf!!!s;
the ere addit lena .ail a man 1'1 london but
Imle are in Calc tta. 0210 ~~~
I I. I
I sig"t, wI, pra it:a Ity .iI tu ,is lim it be u nder '5im I r eireu p!!! ic n it wi I stl II [0 nua to sh th e a u ras, an d herefcrel a II the e tl1 0 hes of the
0« sien ally r tn aDO her of tha
ob' at whit
toll e the obj
d along what is I sight wou Id ssessee in at hat d istance, n d mort of the
c a irvoya net! is e hysica I object rtf.a I tube-.a rvstal is the @ it has the .3 lit les wi'! ich employed, pa rneu I a rly
ed POSSe5-'S-es ~nifying the I ife-'iize. Of
4, ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
.altogethe happens, them fro e
absolutely invisible r the s~e of tl1e astra I t Y movi ng p iet ure. I n the Ie lifur5iz~ by ttl is rTI@th n w powe r is beg in n in.g I observation is; ne ed
it may n strongly assumed thinker hi
'edion oj a thought-tor - T e a bil ity to Lis t hi!; irvoV.a nee 1m plie-s, a de I p n the last, since rt nece s n the me DU I p~an~. All t ought ta kes form. at an .a majo rity of ea ses u po e CI u ite 50 genera Ity k., ims@H as present at a hat pa rtlcula r thought s If, wh lch will a ppoea r at t
of Th@csoph .a ["@ upon its own .a ne . stral pia ne al ~ but hat if a man t inks
t rs. to nn must be 00 m but in ve rv ma nv cases astra I pia n e also, and il itv. ,.., e rs are. in fact
has basn n bV the person tho
mea ns of u nco nsclc Lis mesme ric
t he origin nin king. Non e of the co
'WOuld, h""·iII~ml.tllr. be in cI ud ed with in from h im, it wou Id no i de~d a esclute Iy uncon as fa r as the pcr;sibd ltv eneernee.
entity-n practical through -
retain so erected
e of cla iNOY.a nee co nsi u h con nett Ion wit h an d s o gl'rt-fo rm as will rend
impressions as se be tran mi
T e fig res at wh it ne is looki ng i II a p pe ar him as 0 life-
c lose at h nd, in staad of ti nv oil nd at . Lis case: n cI he w ill find po 0; 0; i ble 1:0
he wk-ne to do "-'0. (I ira udience poe aps; Ieos;s;
with tt,is e of cia i 1'\1'0 a nee th a" with
ce i5. to sa !!:xte nt ta k n by .a ki d of
the tho ug,hto; .and intentio s of hes who
sciousness is hi Ie exercisi n can do thls
r!!!st1 hie this: ctl n by the
g. Though it has no do bt greater angef'5, for the
i ni!!!d s U'51y deSia'ibf!dr
van ce open to me nsa Iy su perior '!I.a n sh all cons idar head is; not .available ](( pt for ~c:i:a IIV trained
land 1$ but a very s t nat of some of the I
tra nee, a nd its cI'I th e vision i~ ~enJ and all estpen ed Y ntil @ cthe h an d the 'Sight
n hea rs a'S "We II as sees ca n e abo ut freely stral pi n e I He tan see
rru. pla ne, so
s pirits: of wh ieh the a I pa n) I" s open before
study at the gr t ra itiona I fa hi • and eve
In t is calS@ t ~ rna n's body is ~ ither sl ns are co ~eq Lie rrtty not ava ila ble that a II cescri ption to fu n her pa rneu la rs, returns to this pia ne, 0 and mo re perfect.: the ich passe 5 before him, n 1'1 e very wide limfts of t -e eisuri!!! .all the other in a t we rid of the nat
as a lse t e im men S;P::! adv3 ntage
were. t he see ne 5 whic h
rsj ng at wi II wtth th-ese va rioY"S uch inf rmatia n tf1 at is c uric ...
o ined. If i addition he can learn 0
(a ane r of 0 great difficu ltv for ni a cq ired), he will be a ble to ta ke a at a d ista nee, and to
e to take p.a rt. 11..... eye-.;.-of es from who m sti n.c may be ria I lze hi m'Se1f
e the knack is
to a n .a bsent
Ag in. ne 1'1 as th-e ad d rtiona I powe r
for wh:ilt he nts, By rnaans of th
pre iou-s;!v de erib~d. to r a II practica I p rpcses pe 0 n or a p ace on Iv when he was Ir or hen he 5 put ef1 fappon wit h it by tou
to bunt a bout cla i rvoy:il nee e could find a ainted wit h It i ng sem eth ing
phys ica ltv on nected
t:t1!! th ird hod a
th e prcees is a ted io
h it as in P&yc 1'1 0 met rv. It - true that by nt of motion is ossjbla, but t 10 r quite short d sta ness I
ver, a ma n ca n move a bout ion. and can ( r e:<ample)
pointed out u on a map, dgl! of t:t1!! spot r a nv object He ca n al~o rea i IV rise high reI~· ye view of the c u ntry wI'! idl tts exte nt tne c nteu r of its r. Indeed, in ry way his
a er wi'! e n he uses h ls method
without~' her any p to estsbl is a con ne into the a I 'SO a-s. to he is ex.a coastline. power an tt1an they
A good @x mple of t @ fu II s e sion of ttl is powe is giv@nr on
th e aut he of the w' r Ju ng Stilling, b M rs. Crowe
in The NIg t Sjde of p 127). 111 e story - re lated cf s
seer who s !itated r s - eel i., tl'1 e neigh urhood of
Phi lade lph a, in Am@ - a. Hi h b W!!n! ret ired, a d tI!! spoke
little: he a'S gave, n ~v I~ t and piou~, a nd oth ing w.a s
known ag I nst n Is dl pt that he had t h re putat 10.,
of possess g some ere ton sid ered n a ttoget ne r
Iawft;J. M nv axtra him, a nd
amongst 1: e rest th e
a ship e f ure p@ a n a
tid ing-; l , ing eve ind uced to add ress h
~ory ne ed her
bring her inner roo contin u I ng longer t
02010 ~~~
'5l ',_~"_
hi-s eyes 0
fore on a ten do nand that he told h j uneasy a bout hi r ;iI nd that
m~ ntio ed how h had been .. r.c .. .N:HnToClo that he was on th eve of em lost si8 toft he st LIt him,
r America. H reng, and kn w nctl'1 .,g
he rel there I
r case the re is a ding the pu II~ to can be definit tv p '§tit LIt@ wnat s call emp hatka Ify e t1moryof
02010 ~~~
by tf1 e disastrous re u Its wh lch te mporary re laxation it.
I w411 have givf!n 50 @ quite parallel to th e .3 bove in my little I nsts nee of a lady n~know n to ~elf. a ppeaf'5. to frie nd s at a dista nee, is gwen Ghost Storj~.s (pag@ 7); and Mr. Andr@ Dream:5: and Ghc5ts { ge &9),.an ceo Lin tl1 e n at Port~mo LIth, ppe.a red, in ntiona Iv on to a you ng lady in te en, an cI alar ed he
i 5 .iI nv arnou nt of avid wh 0 cares: to §;1 Lldy it
T his paying of inte is its
b !!COI"ll@ possi b Ie .a pproac h of death to a feat at a nv other tl e. There are
class tha n (If the eeh r; I epitomi And rew La ng (] n pa,g tOO of the he h imsetf say-!;, II N ot ma ny storles
tl1 e I r favoiIJ r. ~
I' Mary, tha wife of Jo n Goffe of
.a 10 ng ill ness. re m to h er fath
about ni ne m ile~ fro
I'Tne d.ay bafnre ha r h she gr@ to see her two chi tdre . who she h a hom a nurse, She was; tOCI I to be m , and b we e'eleek in the mern in she fu II into tra ne wtl 0 wate had with ne ttl itt night,. 5 V'5 tha .a nd fixed. and he r ja fa lien. Mrs Tu rne
'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-
uld peres We (I breath. d whether 51'1
~Th!! naxt m had been at 1a$1 night wh n
ar m her hat she "I as w· h them
~Th@ nurse t hat a little II keness of t aid Mary Goffe tome out (where the e e ch ild lay." a d by i~e open, and st nd by har bedsi d for ;iI bout the younger hi d wa-; there Iyi g by her. her mouth en but ~ he -s;aid noth Ing. $ays that 5h s pe rfuctly a ke; rt was one of t ha I n est days in t h y@ar. 5., looked stea Iy on th e appa ion. In th bridge clock the Fi:lther, S
amber ing left
TI1-e nurse a pa "tty was mo t nan its pr@5 n ,fm afu:!! r th i he LJ~e, and pe nt the rest th e tim wa I king up n down outs Id • When t awake she Id her tal e to the J and tl1 had dreamt' ;11; s ha n.atu rally nough idea, but co LI d bta in no cred nee unti I t
$ide of the ~ ry a rr Wed from rt Ma III n
a d mit t nat th might have be n sernet hi
udia ed that of t e other opl had to
ircu msta nee in th is stc i-s tha the moth er
foun d it ne e~ a ry to pass rom ordi ry s e p i to the profoun de r t a" e cend it~on b ore she Id co stio -&tv vi-&it
Two othe storle of pre-c:i ~ Iv the me type in wh lc a dying mot her, e m est d51 ring to see e r ctJ il d re n fa II~ int a deep sleep, vis· the and ret ns to s y tnat she as don so-are
,givtm by . F, G L_e.@, In 0 @ of ttl the mot r, wh@n dyi ng. in
Egypt, a p her ch il ren at rq Llay, a n is clea r seen in
broad day I.g Iu. all five ttl e e Id ren .a nd lse by t n urse-
rna id- (GJj pses 0/ the eme ai Vol, It page 64 , I., the
othe r a a ker ady dyin at Coc arrnouth is clearly
re cogn i ze in d ylight b he r tree eh ild n at Ie. the rs mainde of tn ~tory be ng pra IcaliV jd e n ca I with the one gi\le" abo e. (G PSf?S tn he 1W. ht, page ). 111 ou h ttl ese G15e'5 .a pp ar to @ Ie:s-s wi !!:Iv kn n than tnt ot Ma Gotfu, th e ~vid e e of hei r a uth nt ic:ity ems to be quite a'S
will be s en t he an station obtained t he
author of he wo ks from ich t h are CI U
of the @ rth, but to him must It before
'56 ..... -.
.. -
i nvisibl e he I pe r an sd Iv cla n s, a great boon to ne
it has ito; da ers da ng r rom evil entit Ie of inj u re t ess w no allow ne t hsrn Id Iy; da nge r of ac .and berea ble
mat@ ria lizatio n s so @t lmas it to r the fi tim Lis ua Ily aster,
thf! POSS!!!SS10n II the glory and
efinfte tra i l'IIi"g ea n a man at t is stage of mploy hi'§. mental body as a veh" I!!.
@aving the u bj@ct of fu II and i nt@ntion al d.a rvoy.a nee it we II to d vote a few words to a nswe ring one or t
'5 as to ts limitation,.,., whicn consta n cccu r to
• 1"5 it pos ble, we are ofte I'll asked r for th e seer to fi d n with IN (] m ha wish!!5 to comm u nicate, nywh@r@ in kI, whet he h e be living 0 r dead?
t is t he reply ust be a ton d ition al affi rmati . vet. it is
b I to find .a Y pe"1"iO n if the @xJH!rim!!nter c n, in so @ her, put i rns.elf en roPflCTt with that pe n, It wI) Id less to u nge r \I.a8~ elv Into space to nd a to al
a amo ng a I the mill ions a rou I'IId us wit heut a I'IIY kin d of
@; b t, on t ha (] her hOI nd, a v@ry slight c I ue wou I usua ltv ffi ie
on th air pec:.tiv@ plan !!5. H the (] perator knows h
rn that C ord and to rtrike it. it will by atte n~o I'll of t he man in'5ta ntlv
Ice an imme d iate res ponse from
h r the ma n re living 0 r recently dead wo
merence at all. a d cia I rvoya nee of t he fifth class uld at 0 ee even a eng the eou ntles5 mill ions in he hea n-
r hough in at t:a'5@ the man hi msf!lf would be: un co
LI t at h e w.a s under 0 bse rvation. N atura IIv a se er wh n I sness did ot ra nge h Ighe r tha n the a stra I la ne-
d therefore on e of the ea rher ot be able to fi nd CII pe rson upon ttl n he weu Id at least be a ble to tell h t
upon tnn pia ne, fro m t n@ men! fa h
rei 30; fa r up as the astral level prod
s of seeing tal plane at a I; he rna n soug t the striking response.
a" '5Ougl'tt be astra nger to the see omething con netted wit h h im t ph. a lette r written by him r .a d to hi m.. and 1$ impregnated ism~ a ny of t nese wou Id do in the
the latter as a due a ele which h s I
,,-,ay, It mu'St not t he rafc re be "-' up en taught t1 ow to use th is a rt are int@lligence officI! th rough wh idl c mis:sing cr dead r~l.atives. A me c nan one might or might not be rnstanees, but even if it we re, no re tra nsaction should partake of the
me1 hing whic h co Llld be proved on en an act of magic.
An oth qu astjon ofta n ra i5@d is as to wn
psych i vis:ien. there is a ny Ii mitation M t
would eem to be t nat there shou I d be n rnspe ive pia nes, It must be re mem be ma nta pia nas of o ur ea rth a r@ .a s def .at moo; h ere, though they e :.:len d con s:ide Iy rthe r from it eve n i ou r t bree-e ime nslcnal Sipa ce tha n 0 s he pn'i$ica I a . Co nss uendy ths passage to, or the d i I cI s i.e nt of r ott1 r
pia ne wo uld nat be poss i bla fur any f cia i rvoyan e
~d with these pia nes, It ~ qu ite e and eas'!ll f r
who ca n ra se niSi co nscio usn ess h buddt1 it pia e
pass to a ny at he g lov belonging 0 eu r c ha in of worl '5" but
at is 0 utside ou r subject.
tm a good deal n be obtained
t ion about otha r la nets la irvoya Itt fat Lilt les as we
poo;slble ma ke ~ight eno ously
ea rer by passi"g of the co stant cI isturba n ces the
oil rth's atmosphe ,oil nd is also n d iffir ult to learn ow to ut on an exceedl glv hi h magn ifyi g power, so that en by rdina ry c:lairvoyan e a 8 de-a I of rv interes;tlng ast r norniI knowledge rna be g ined I But a far a-s, ttl i'5, e ann nd rts
, th@re is pr.a rt ic Ily no
mrna d ute s urrou ings imitation.
60 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
E: SEM[-
rlous titl I am grou ping tog her th ~ eople IN 0 d initely set ttl §elve~
ut have 0 id what ttl e '50 eth ing
ight !!! r the vig s howe
themse Iveos into a to turn ; tl'1ey or are hypn ized by
cribe the s ir visio n, So
widely prsa ban d of ttle e semithe Y.iI ri U'5. ki ds of c rysti1l- azers=-
La ng p it. I' 1:1 re into 1:1 c I ball.
k (Egyp a nd nd~a), a drop blood
nd). bowl of wa r (Red
d AfriL-a I, IN r in .d glass owl (in
surfac • (Dr ams and Goo ts, page
Two pa,c later Mr.
ki nd of v ion mort gla ss bal " he says, sea rce Iv IW success la rge Siq u re, old~fush n
V!!! good ex;jJ mp of the is; way. "j had given a
tss 8ajlUe, he nad
xt eou ntry-1'1 ous€' he visited. Miss 8 aillie' 5 nll!ttoE!!, la ughed at hesa e::w: pe riments, too,," dy, and ca me ba Ie looking Igey ga-sh I, He d '5@!!: n a vision - s ma body he k new un de r iKover during t h we.ek whether h e sa w at 5 • .30 on a Sund yafternoon.
a i Ilie was at a da C!!! in a town soma fu rty , a nd met .3 Mis~ Preston. '0 n SUnday.' he ~ f~ you we re itting unde r a standa rd ver saw you wea a blue blou'5ie wtth lace
pc uring out taa or a rna n in blue serge, .a rds me, sc th at I on Iy saw the ti p of his;
st h ave bee n up,' aid Miss P reston,
Mr. Sa 1IIIe, .a nd h unde njably was. II
I CiI'5.@ of C l"'f51:alrg z ing-th@ pi et ur@ COJT@c::.t
see, an d y~ a b lutely un import.a nt and t sign lfication of ny sort to eithe r pa rty,
d to prove to . Baillie that there was
l-gaz ing. Perha more fr@Q u@ntlv the
of aroma ntic c mete r- me n in foreign CI ug h ge nera IIv un nown I.a ndll_; capes.
ast r tu be. see 'f their tt1 e I r te lesee
ana Ie of th is kind cI ai rvoyan r!!!? As I h iIV@
Iong'!t usually 1:0 e "astral current" type, eher object sl m p acts as a feeus for the er, a nd (I convsn - nt sta rti ng-point fo r his reo some IN no can inti u@n(.@ whoat t n@y will
is; to say they h the power of poi nti ng
ey will_; h; b~t the raat maJortty J ust form .a
r ha ppe ns to p rase n i't'5€'ff t
fort uiteus tu be and S€' tha and of it.
Somati I"Il@'S it may be the case j ust q Lloted; at Oriental Ia nd~ape; at the ha d, as in be a r-.3W V ection of 'SCI e
I h ave seen a cia irvoy nt se i stead of the ord ina
$U rface a d es I black 0 e, d~ ed by a ha n ul of p
charcoal in a saucer, I dee
what i 5 '1.15@d as a u ndou bted adva ntage arrangement of e leme
ing to the psych it fat u
It se ems probable, h eve . 1 ha i n cases W h object is em p Ioyed -'So ch s a pol nt of I igh blcotl u Sied by the M one -th i"sta" ce is one ot '5@1f·t1vpnotiz e:.c:peri ment is very f
magjc.a I eeremon ie's; ill I'll jnv rrs "-'0 that it - q u tte I e Iv t
sueh -s,igl'rt as is ga in ed m a so et imes be re Ily t nat of so e foreign @ntity. din d 50 t e p ~ no enon may intact b!!
ca-se of tem eora ry ness §;~i n,.a not of elal y.ance
(I- (I10F~~~
Ing we may gre p togethe r a II th ose sions of some ev n w njch j'l ta king place seen quite u" e pectedly a nd with O(Jt
• The r@ ar@ J)@O Io!! who .a re '5oU bjli!:o to are many othe to whom .,;uch a thing a life~time, The i5ion~ are of all krnes mplete ness. a d appa rentty may be ses, Sometimes Ii!: rl!.a 50 0 of th~ vision -m atter of the ra'l/e'St ~mporta nee; at at a II is disccve ble, and t ne events trMa Il'IIatu re.
es of the- su poerp ysica I facLilty co me a s etimes t ney rna rre'lt d urin.g 'Ilee p a 5 re arns I In t" is laner case the sight sua Ily of kin d oil igoed to o ur fo urth
a ce in space. for t e slee plnB man ofte-n to some spot wi h wnicn h is affect ion 5
r intere'St con netted. and $imply watche-s: wnat
kes pia @ to rmer it 'S@@ 5 probable t hilt the
cond typ nee, by mea ns the astra I CLi rrent. is
lied i nto req uisit io • But in this case h ~ cu rrent or tu be is rmed que LI nco I'IIs· sly. a nd is often he automatic res ult of ~tron8 t 0 ugt,t or otion projected from on e end 0 r the he r-e it r from th wr art" e pe rso who i!f 'See n,
to give a fe IN in a nces of t he different among tf1 e m SiIJ fu rther e II! plan at ion s , Mr. Stead has colleCl~ a la rge a nd
va ned a ssertment of reee nt d weU-authe nticat
R.€aJ Ghost Storie- a nd I will @let:'! soma of my of! them, eeeasle nail con den'Sin slightly to save 'Spa ,
~ By th I..., the un SiO tv cells cted a com
rch wa..., decided. , with mules a"d b
ndersd to long'5 the lifo rn I a, to emQturol
The re a re cases in wh ich it is once obviolJ'5 to a ca I student t nat e except na I in..,.un ce of da i 'Spec ia IIV ere U8ht a bout by ne of the band w COl II@d "1 nvisib I@ H Ipers" in 0 ar that a id might b 'Some one in 'SO re eed, To t s ejass. Llndou!ned
story to Id by capt I n Von nt, the Na pa Valley in
Dr. Elu sh nell, wt1 0 rs pe ats it i h is No ~e«e and t (pa&~ 14).
~ Abo~t Sii:.: or s n yea rs pr vlous, I n a m Idwi n
had a drea m in w leh he sa what a ppea re cI to ot arnlgrants a r sta d bV t snows of the pertsh ing rapid IV y cold a nd Linger. 1-1 ~ noted t h t he see nery. mar e d by.a n e, poe rpoendicu ls r f rock (I iff; 11 e sa the me" utt ing off wnat ap t r@!!tops risiag ou of deep g Ifs of snow; h@ di'5t very featu res of he person and th ~ look of dlstress.
-company tams, and ~rv cast of t of white
~ H@ awake prot und tv im .appa re Itt rea lily f the d rea . He at Ie ngth fe I dreamed exactly t e same dr .am over again. In t
eeu Id not expel it m h is "d, F ailing in, short
.a:n old h u nt!!r eo h is story, and was
dee ply im pressed ogn i:zing WittlOLIt
'5cenery of the dre rae e ca me over th
ca rsen Valley Pas d that a s pot in th
.a:n"5W@rEd his d@'5C iption.
nass and sleep, and rnlng he
fter wl1ith the more s ation the rra by the
ass mlactfy
(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-
ill: th is c will. for Th@ me mil~'S dl a nt dire found t e cornpa breugbt n tne re
u rs "Ne re la ugning mea time id, 'I am able to do this and 1 tt is accord ing to my d
the mo nta i ns one hu nd rad an e Cd rs V.a lIey P.a ss, An d the they IV in th cond ~on of d1e dree • and live."
Sinc~ it is n ot ~~r4l'l seel ns siens, it
to rlem nd ition
at ca pt in Vonnt was in the ha it of c le ar tnt so me helper, ob~ervi g the e em ig nt pa rty. took ttl e n a rest rwist! s ita bla P!!~ n (who hap nad spot i the a stra I body • .3 nd.a u ~ed 'SOOne fi mly in h I~ me mory. The elpe r
ed an .. stra I cu rrent" for tne uggastjo is more probable: At a
the me hod. of the work are I)
may instead. th~m01 enough
Y be sst going by ,iI e other nd of th e line. and t hi may ttl in ker has ., 0 such Intention n his; g story h leh I a rn a bout to quot , it is @d by the doctor's fr@ uent girton, et he h ad elea rty no e ecial IN nat h wa~ going at t he time. hat It
nee that was employed is shown the
w-w hi h. b@ it 0 bsa I'VEd, is n mpathe i cal tv tra nsferred (a'S it
~ nis; ek w lthc ut recogn b: I n
din th Proceedings of the P5-
It pag@ 160),
~ Mrs.. 8 rougi1to h us band, full ing Fran ce, He begg him. StU! ass ur what ~h e in s:ist
~ First a ca rriage what '5ohe 'SdiW collected, a figu he use, then a fig re lying on a b t ne Du ~ of Or ans. Grad ua I
.a brokan a nd ea rrie whlch'Sne
bed -;1 me ng th fa mily-the- qu ~ t he evl dently dy did not know wh t ke du ke. fi!@li And then all pa
m 5@'v@ral , t hen the ki g duke. One he was) was his pu Mr wit d away, and s
~ As soon a'S it t kat she had telegra p h, an d anno~nced 'The she rt ti me afte
A commone r in n ee is th at i wh ich stron
t he necessa rv ell rent; probablv a fairly stea
t nought is co n nt Iv flowi ng etween the pa rties i the
ity en the rt one- of them ~n d es this strea rem pora rily the pola i2:ing power wh Ic:h is; needfu I to c ate the a ral te lesee . An
a rrvo l"lee
ill sera ive e ~m pie is quat d from the (v lurn I, pa_g@ 30).
1848, R--. C.B., then ad] ant of hts an d d angero u"-'fv "NO n ded; an d, 'SoU , asked (I ns (If ttl e off e rs wittl tl im rand Si!!!n d it to this e, who at the a nd fifty mile'S di~t3 n at f~ ro2:~pore.
n i,g ht of September my bad, betWi!!!@n sl!!@
h Llsband be ing ea rrie rei h k, velee sayl ng, ~ ake t.t1 is ring c my wife," All tne ne day I could" '110- @ out of my mind.
ere is th e IIJe rv la rge ave no tracea b Ie ca less, a nd nave ., 0
s most i ,,-,elf to
ri"g oft Ily one
,II was istinctly unded, rand sight (I r
vslens quite
to bed but w.a s net a Ie to go to 0;1 , I 'SI'I
eel for s leep to come I., ~ead of slee , howF!V~
carne to me The my
sueeassie I'll of cu ( uslV vivid cia i ight in tha roo m, nd it was pe ct Iv da rk; I lso. EJ ut l'IIotwiths ndi"8 the da r ness I sud de tv of Io.c ki n.g at a sc@ e ot siagu la r .a uty. It was s min iatu re .a bout t e size of a ma ic-Ia ntern 'Soli e.
t, I ca n reca II the ne as if I sa it .aga in. It
I The moo" was ni n ing upon t e wate r, wh n to the- beach, R ht be-tor@ m!!! long mole
o one was rtirrl n glea m of tne m @@n leok ing on th actua I scana.
uare and ru een in he "Wa-s; there a ippli"8 wat
rese c:ture. the s a and it I ha
r th Inking ttl inte rested in 100 k ng at rt: that I wide awake, .a nd t tha sa ma tim that I '5.aW tv hea rd ttJ ~ dri ping of th ~ ( in OLltSide sadden tv, witl10lJt I'IIV apparent ged.
oon Ii ea va nis:he.d. and n its: p lace I
into t e inte - r of a read I ng~ m. It 'S€'e med
used I room in the cia ime, an d wa 5 employe d a a
read i g.-roo who ad a c not n ,hold
every move
in th@ @vening. I rarna m bar sa ng ona r@a ious reserne Ie to m Ha rri ngton. Ithough it a maga z:ine or bo kin his h.a nd a d laugh, It it wa'& tl1 ere.
s just a s if you re looking th ope - the play of ttl e m seles, the g lea ing of the e e, .,t of the IJ" k"ow persons in the un na rned p
(I- (I10F~~
ling. I saw all t at without 0 ., ing my @yes, nor d @yes ave anvth i to 0 wit" it. Yo see such th ings as t ese as it re wit h a at h r sense whic is more inside ycur ea tha n i yo u r ~s.
poor nd pa Itry e perl nee, b~t rt e b Ie d me etter ow it is tt1 t d irvoyants see ha n any
05 of ., otn ., g: t ey had bee n ad ing or t Ilci"8 of; ttl ey si mp to 10 k th rough gla at what was
in t e world. I had my pee p, an
I had of a I mila r e>: peri
ttry @')(p!!!ri~n n co pared with t
possi b Ilitie rna ny s den s who wou I
th a" kfu I to nav eve., 0 rnu d1 of i roe
much too clea to have ., mere
ht of ott, d besides, t h de scrip·
sh VH!WS seeD!: rough an
st qu ite u n nsele u~ly (wtlich I~ m en more
in motion fo him, and
10 ',_ .. -;
up to it
b tv find it easier to gr.a 5ip th i s ubje:ct if WI!! consider it in t h su e'.Jt them..,el'ves. an d de al fl ks d;;WiI rds into t he past, I eavin hi h pieces th e lie 110ft he futu re
r u to try to un de rstand wf1 at Vi ca n e modu.s
operon j, ev n tho U8 h -0 U r success can at best be only ve ry
moo if' ne owi ng fi~ to the im perle 0 i
p.a It'S; 0 he blect at present posse ssed b eu r ~n st lgators, to the real rri ng fai I ure of phys. _ I word'S, to
a bu ndred pa rt even la nes ;jJ nd fa c ultie'5..
In thE!: asa then ot a deta llsd obtain d. and to what plane
rat urn wi II raq uire a ca rta i n moo reade . The word ls in trut som tl1 oug the recc rds are un do bted matter (If t ne mental pia n e. balong Still worse is the alte ative t
light·'. hlch has sometimes en e
lie tar yond the astral plane. and a I broke" .eli rnpses of a i nd 0 resE'ntiv be sxpla i ne d.
consid red as '5.yn onymous wit ast
e mplo ~d to s 19 nity any nd
m1Jlap krlti down to the ph ka I tl as be n restriered to th e rna r of t e me nta in that san sa that the records alttlou h they are not orlg in 31 tl1 an 0 the astra t yet it is th re t
tact witn ttl em and fi d it
Tnj~ su Ject of the records I~ wit h, f r it is (I ne of that n urn
P!!! cornprehansjon f.acu It- s of
wi'! it h h u ma nity has V~ e tve.d. preble ..,. lies; on pi anes far
.a .a kash ic, fo r e .any more definitely liable work
one to deal
cannot but a which we
lstence as ding that of plan s, an tf1en, as j",
he r!!! gradu ally co INa formed.
ages that led and rontr ctad the syst@ m
Iy re of LJ sy'ite to ni ph~ h
e (I cepts t nat t eory r i I'll its mg th!!! pur IV pny5 leal sid of t !!! @vol uno n it WOu Id ad that if we co ne r atte ntio n e on i'y we '5 .a II nave a \Ie inc mpl€'te and wnat rea Ily a ppene d. It uld estulate. to
t ha !!!)(i11te 8~ ing who u nd
m (whom somet i m es ca II
a II ferms in is mind a (0 pie ssive chains of
for ion 0 a s thels ~em~ irrt
of wt10 of it
W!ry act of form ing ttl at
t:t1!! \l'@ry begin ni n.c misu ndersta nd ing t pia ce down tl ere ,
We are fa m lliar wittl
easure he re .a noth r re ord of
sion and
is. rt
it of and
14 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
usa I body as rna I'll dou bt ttl at tha
ur ' 5 thi'S seems space.
(who as in Him all the capacitles and u lltias
wi'! id'l ca n p 551 b Iy en d th e h ighe~ God
j ne) It I~ r era Ily id of old. ttl at hof
ugh Him, a d to H ''. a nd ~ in Him
!! and ha our be ~
iJtever tl appens w the censeiousne
No If th 1$ be ~O, it is dear d1 at em t1 appe s a b I utely with i
itt o (.@ 5@@ th itt he- t rue record mu ore, it is obv u s that 0 n wI'!.a1: mem ry e>: lsts, it ca n not but be
kno r and COr1'&eq e.,tly whatever rs find OUI"i@ 'If!!!S .a bl to read mu b!! on IV.a (@fleett dom ina n fact. irrored in th de nser med ia of 1:
lana it is at once e idi!! nt that th is is aling h is on Iv a flection of a refte
e :..:ceeding im pe ect 0 ne, to 5~ C h record s as
hed t here are grnenta ry i the extre me. a I'll
knew h ow u iv@r501lly w.ater is bol of 1: he sst ral ight. an d in th i'S pa rticu I ar ca s arkably .a one. F m the "5urfa e of stili water we ea r reflect on of t1 e s urreu nd ng obje~r just a
(I- 201 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN.r~~jJ(I~-II'i-
r; but at th nfy a refle ct ion -a re-pre5€'ntation
of th r@e imen ion .. I obji!!!ct:!i .d nd t h@r@fure
d- qualities, sxce eeleur, fro that whidl rt
additio n th is, it is alw.ays ri!!!
In d a nd what 50 broken up isl !!!adin& as .a
'e crs reflected, to get a dear
rt a single leaf
n.c la bou rand atu fa I lalNS to bu ild p al'lyth il'lg hke
of ttl e 0 ject lecte d by p tt I ng toget he r
r of sue isola ed fragmen ts of an image of
r be ruffled by the "still certain lv, b
ing a pproactl ~ , but 0" t"e ;iI nd b@wild@rr
depe nd u pen
re him .a 5 bei g ace urat@ and f it may be • but he has no he jo_;. under the care of .a "g and ea re u I trai" i"g, be istingu ish @n reli.a ble n dun r@ Ita b I@
o constru fro 1: he broSc~n r fie ct iOM some e object lett d; but usus Ily long befo re he d iffit !ties e will h ave e~ loped t"e renders uch I bou run neoas ary,
On the " different.
impos-sibl tnn!f! dad .agre~d to presented reflecti on i
ta ne, h ich we call t h menta L cond ibo h rf! th re rord i5 fu II a rna ke any m rstake in sessing t h !! a c~rta.n re III",ion wou I
am it in reading it. e'tj a II ompared note
t neir repo wo uld ag ree e >lad Iv .
people w witnes an OCCU rrenc
world set 0 work descnbs it.a erwards. thai r a differ con i ra bill. to r each will h ve notice d eo; pe items wh- h mort a peal to him. a d will insensiblv Ie atY res of tn eve nt, 5(1 meti ra in real ity u[ h more import t.
an ebservatlc on t he menta I
ation eu lei not app iabtv affect the i
sinca aa ch wou I d t a rough Iv gras p ha u Id be mpcss.ble for h m to see ito; p.a rts
but e ee pt in t he ea e of carefully t pe 1"50 s, th i 5 facto r does. come int he i rass ions to th lower pl.a nes, I natu re of i im oss:ibl e that .3 n acccu nt given do a VISion 0 >l perie ce on ttl e me ta I pia ne ca n be 'Since ni ne t nths what is seen nd fe It ttl ere co
phys al words at .a ~ an d, sin re ;i II
re be iii rtia I, the re is bviou-s;1y some p ib i I
o t ne rt e)(pre ssed, Is; for th I s re ason that in a I estigation-s of
has baan I id up th @ [.0 nst.a n
stl mo V, not hing wh
on Iv h \ling been a II
personal e received. -s;ubject it proportio
hen the possi il ity of errors f n I eq at ion h as ba i!!!n raduced to a i im u m by ca rsful of c unte rc necking. t1 ere still rem i s tne very serieu s w i ch is in hers nt in the operati n of bri ngi n down ion'S from a h ighe pia ne 1:0 .a 10 er 0 ne. Ttl is is;
I ng na logous to th ddficulty e:< p need by a inted
., de ou r to reprod teo a tnree-di nsional la dsea pe .a is, p ctically in tw
eds long an d carefu I tra in i g eye a
n preeuce s sa Isfactorv re p r se tation of
la irvoya nt ne e long and ea r u I rain il18 ri accu rate Iy on a lower pia n hat he '5. 0 n .a ne; a nd the proba lity of getting a exact des ri ptlon
fro m.a u rained person about eq ua Itt nat of g ing.a
iv-fi., "st1ed lanclstape from one who h s never Ie rn now
SCE!"e r angla i it can ied. It ls imply.a n only of ur five flat su
the fruit,
ugh far grea x p@ ri@ nee d by ;iI clairvoyan n the phys lea I pia ne wh at h
hey .a re fu rt her ore greatly n
r n degree, a re the his atta pt to on the e fact
l' ',_ -;
vi I"Ig me re mea II to the mi nds
hea re concaptjo s wit wh ic ey .i! re already familia r r
artist d es whe n m n or ani mals, fie Ids 0 r t
Small ar vivid an d strikln his
audience, he himself 'S .ovid r tota I inadequacy, a I'IId '5 (luld rts nave n i rely failed to corwey a I'll ide a ot IN ha he rEally @'S, A d we ust ["@lIlf!mber in tha (a5e of the e port give do here .a record read 0 n the m ntal h I~ d IfficlJ It ope io I'll (I t a n~re nee from the ni,g
r tl as ta ke pia but twice, since tne me
has b n brought nrc u.g the i t fV!!n ing astra I p La ne, Eve ina ca-se ere the nvest tor s t he a a'Va ntage of h v ing develo ed ni~ me tal fa ult les s d1 at he has the use of ne m
wh i Ie ke in t h phV i cal , he is still tl ampe red the
absol inca pac of hysic I ngu:ag@ to exPf"@55 wh t he
a mome n to a I iz:e f Ily what is ea lied the f dirnans n, of wh- h we aid s
is ea ~ n .ough to hi nk four n three dimensions-to i
in ou r ind~ the I ngth, bread hand tl eight of any object and
-we see that eaeh f t ne th d imen sicns is e !(pressed by a
Ii ne at ight a ngl otne 1"5, Tne id@ai of tI1 e f u rt h
dlmens n is that it m' ht be ossible 1:0 draw a fou wh I ch ha II be at right .a ngle 0 aU ttl roo .of these a I el(i5ti .
Now t e ord in a min ca r.n t g rasp til is ldea in the au. t nough some few ho h vs a p cia I stu dy of t he ~ubject have
Stilt no words th y can US!! 0 n image of t hese fi,su re-s before the m d cf others.
rs acer whe has ., ot sp iany tra I ned h mse If
rna ke the eHort to vis a lize such a s ape impossibl@. Now to @ pr@'S'S such oil form words 'INC Llld be, in eff to. de~cribe CCLI( of the astra I plan e: but in e:<a min ing t e re pia ne we she u rd nave t face tne add- iona I iffitu It s
d im!!nsion! So t kat th fu I
re cords wi II be 0 bviou st
gradiIJ ally co me to be ble to real ize one fu u r-d irTK!n SiOD.a I fi,g ure .
We hav@ spoken of th!! S,
th ~v are ve rv mud'! mo tl1 e wo rd. Hope 15s as
app ear from H is pe int view, we
h igh@r and higha r Wf:!! must be dra ing .a rer memo ry- mcst be sp::!ei g more near as He sees: inte rert attaches to t eo e:<perl€-., ce of th cia i refure., ce to these re rds when ne tan cis u PO" pia n@-th!! nigh!! r wh h h is consci usnas Gil n wi'! en a way fro m th e p ysic.a I body u ti I he tta ins tl1e Amato;.
Her@ til1l@ and s pac!! n on the me nta I plane, past, prese nt and futu t1 im, mea n i ngless as til b!!low the consci ous n@ is, it is vet abu ndantly tl1 e record rnu ~ be far
longer limit hi; he 0 long pass a serle of e nts in a re .a II .a like ·miIJ It eOiIJ"51
sou nds de he. I ndee J
of tha logos s @\I'@ e ear from what we se th e re ore than wha we c II a me
'INW'rN. rl:l"lll~jJ(I~-II'i-
80 ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
p pe ned in ttl e past a nd all that will ha p pen in ppe.njng now befo r H is @ye5 ju it .. '§. call t he present i me. Utterly inc o'5.i ble, of ro urse r t cur lim it@d un d rue for a II that.
that has future is of wtlat
Naturally stags ot k to attem a ml~ of
ceu Id not expe wledg!! how 50 m.a an expla nanc n wou res fro m wh idl we
to understand t our pres llous a result is p roo uced,
on Iy be to invo eu rse I
hou Id gai n no I I nformat I
mind wt1ich
yea rs .ago I re mern e r read if'lg a ve , I t njn k, The StaT and the Earth, he object'5 f
how how it s scientific I
t to the mind of Go the past a nd ttl presant m - t IV slm ulta nee us, Its rgu me nts stru C k me at the tie ingen io us, an d I In prccse d to s u ma riee ttl ey will be fou nd 'So wnat suggesti @ su bject wtl ich w!! a'lf!!! been ron sid ring.
e a nyt njng. whettl e It be t he book w Ic:h we tl 0. r a star millions of i Ie s away, we do by mea n in tha @tn@r, comrn nly called .a (:ay of light. wtl h the obje ct see n t OU r eye§:. Now h e speed 'h ib ratio n passes is 'SO mat -a bout 1 .000 mile"" i a
at wt1 en we are co sidering any 0 bj et in 0 ur
ay regard it as P ically i nsta 0 neous, Wh
e come to dea I w h int~rp la neta dirta nces ke the ~peed of I nt Into con$id ratio n, 10 r
period is OCC\l pied in traversi ng the e vast spa
'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-
takes e ig t mj utes an d CI ua rrer I igl'lt to
m tha sun, 50 th t wnen Wi!!! look at tn@ solar orb e sns (If a of Ii t wh leh I it more an eigl'1t
ws. a ve ry c rio us; resu tt. 111 e ray of light by wh icl'1 n ca n ob~,( uslV pc rts to s only th state of
@x isted in nat I mma ry w n it sta rt on its
jOu rnev, and u Id not b in th 1~.a5t a d by an h ing that
1'1 appe ned t h re after it y ".;00 the n not as;
l'1e ls, b~t a he was eig at is to s y that if
rta nt took tha for
for inrtan h his tel
min utas age.
unaware oft light baa rin eight mi nute
Tne differe n sta rs, beca u greate r. Th e travelling at little rnore t fellows tha pole star no it was frfty phe were to see it fleac children wo about them accide nt rea othe r sta rs 5 travel from
r!! ttl an
ore he neW!' eye. In th chtuk@5 href~ren sands of
eons ide r he fixed .a re '50 e rm ously
fa r off at light,
meneene J ta ke".; .a yes; a nd rom tt, at @ that W 5!!@ the t, but as a d where e ccsm Ie earasereents, we S ould 5itiU
st of ou r ivf!S; ou r ther th ei ch i Id ren ttl at t r endou s same way ne re are OU'5.aOd5
to their
ars bebtn
0201 F~~~
u ..... *:-.
'- .. ~-
Now carry the argum nt a step farther, Sup able to pbce a rna n a the d i5t nee of 186, earth, and yet to ende 1'1 im wit tne wen de able: from t nat dista 0 @ to 'Sf! was h p e c lea rty a'S though he re ~iII c beside us, I is a rna n 'SO placed WCI ul see eve t1 ing a seeo Ia
when it re alhpr ha ppe ed, a nd at the pre e t
would be !ie@ing wh happen d ;iI second d lstan ee, a nd he woLIl be two eenes be h in
remove hi m to the d nee the '" LU1 (stll
preserve t ne same m wer of si,g
leok down oil nd w.atch not what VO
but wh at you INf're doi in utes a nd a u
him away to t he pole e wou lei see assl
eyes the evenn. of f ; he weu Id b
c nild i sh gambols of th s@ w no rea Ily mid d Ie-.aged m n, Ma Itte ra ltv a nd sci ent!fica
Th@ little!: book IN!!! nt being a 1m ighty. must wh I ch we have boon t hat being (I m" ip rase wh i ch WoE!: ma ntionad, nd oil k.c t ev@ry mtar successive III but si m LI a nee usl Grant ing th
inelJitable ded uenen now~ t at everytni n.g
ha ppe ne d from the VEl begi" n of tf1 e wo
very mome nt ta ki n.c p [@ bafo me morv of it but the actua I ebservanen,
All th is is rnateriahsti physica I sc lence, and t he way in wh eh the -worked (I ut a nd a bsel
@ nough and 0 n the may th refcre be ass mo ry t he Logos a ety mee trovert ible.
(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-
before, it is net witnout its U~ , si so me possibilities wh ich
'\.._tf. n
~ ~.
an But, it mdi't bi!! aska d, h confus io n of these reco picture when it is. w.a nte
dai rvoyant us ua I tv can n put h im ~" rapport wit h t
in'Sta nee in point, an d ' memo ry I~ really on tv an seems as thougtl there affin ity b@tw@!!n .iI nv pi31 ic Ie conta in s it§; h istory- an a 'n ltv of con d uetor between t wt1 0 can read it.
wh itt it Wi1S, she at once
put her into commu n ic ic n w
th e s pOl from IN hich it C.3 ,Th 5
in ttl e co urse of OU r life eem th e cells of OU r b rai., as d the particle of stone; thf!Y @ means of which our min portion of ttl e records, see!",
Even a tra ined eta iNOY.a n need 50 nd
ttl e record of a neve nt wh ich tl e has no prevleu e.
(I- 201 F[)ft~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-
I r I I I I
If. for eKa mple. he wish on th~ s hores of E.ngl:il
might approach t ne s u st:ene of the oecurran c ca II up the image of t records iI.I ntil he reache
t he place, ne might ru and t n@n S~i1 rt: h ths C h n @ I for .a fl!!@t 0 Rom n might e:.:a mine the re r
where he wou Id t1 aile n figu re as Ca;osar. or in Ga llit: Wi] rs until he set
People often enq u I re wheth e r tt1 ey appea r n
t n@ fi,gu rES in tha m ;iI follow 0 ne a nether 3'S i pa nor ma or d 1".;'SOlving views;. an d 0 01'11. 0
sppea ra nee va ries to a t ions under wh ict1 th reflecti on is most ofte the figu res seen wou Id taw, in stea cI of a me perfs et f@tlections has t
On the me nta I plane t ely d-
Whe n tf1 e visitor to th lane is ot th in ing s e
in a ny ~Y. t ha reco rds '50 ply to ;iI hac going on, ju ~ as the ct ion'S i a pie
room might form a b.a C olJnd the I
must a !ways be berne i i nd th are rea Ily 1Il@("@1y refle censeleusness LI 0
much the a p pea ran ce invented ci~matognJp v@r is he en of a ople i it. It d itio I'll they old! very ndy not
02(1 OF~~
not ne r Ii Ice dissolving views, n or do a series s follow one an othe r: but tha actio af
s con sta ntlv goes CI n, as t no gh e-
ors on .a distant stage'.
a i n d inW!'51(gator t urns niSi artent Ion tshes to ea II it up before 1'1 im, a takes place, for ttl is is the pl.a n e h ing r.; to bring it in'5tanta neeu a ma n will".; to see the records 0 re referred-t ne ta ndi"C of J u I s
fi n s h i s@1f n a me mEmt not 100 ki ng at an sta ding n th 'Shore among the l~ion.3 ries. e be I 8 e acted a rou nd hi m pre ci'S-ely in e ry r sped: ou Id nave se en it if ne had stood th ere in th fles m n rn i in the yea r 55 B.C •. Sin ca '5@!!
ctlon 1: he cters a re of COLlI"'Se ~nt il'€:ly u nee $1: io y rt of h.s ttl ange t he cou rse of the r act
egre • e :w:cept on Iy th at he ea n cant I th
dra ;i sha II pass befors h im=-ea n ha he arsed before hi'S eyeo; in 3 ~i n stc p t ne move ment altogettl er, an d
i" view as a pictu rs a'S long as he hee s,
CI bs rves not on Iy what he wau Id ha
at he time in t he fie".; h, but much
an ta n s a II tnat the people sa y. a"d ne
all heir t ou ts and motives; a nd one of the
of he ss ibilit les wi'! ich open up befo 0 ne
he records ls th e stu dy of the t ou.g nought of the cavemen a"d the I ke-d
at ic h ru If!d tha mighty ions of A ant is,
ha lei .3. What s pl~n d id pess ibilities 0 n p be hoi n full pcssession of tni'S- power may asily
86 ..... *:-.
, ~-
fie lei of htsterka I resea I"( ntrancmg intl!!!re5t, Not n IV c .. n he review at h is I~i u re ory wit h wh id'l ~ a acq ua inted. correcti"g a he
i as it t n@ many arrors nd misconceptions whic h
i to the acceu nts ha nde own to U'S: he can .a lse ra
r t he whole story of t world from its ve ry begin ins. Wilt 11 ng th II;! slow deye lopme of inte Ilett in man, tl1 e des nt ot h lords of the Flame, nd tha growth of tha rni hty c ivil s ion s wh i ch They fou nd .
re him, as in .a rnus ve t b Ie ferms wh it h ClCC:u P wo d wa s you ng; he can fo I
c ha s wh id'l nave ta ken pi
uclysms wnit: h have .a
nd again,
progre-s,s of 11 u man ity a 10 n m, dill the stra ng.@ animal nd d the stage in days when the w aU the wonderf~1 geele -cal , an d watt h tl1 e eou rse the rad the whol!! f:ilc@ of the ~ rt h
.a: IV !!)(p~rie-n [@ o'lt!!r em ti ns, t he pl~a ~u res and 1 wil rand me re vivid a dve nt of toe th rough which 11 e tI1 @ve r lose hold ot the co
ity ust retain t he power
pe 0 allty.
ose r sym pathy witn the pa ords, H in ths (;OU rse ome scene in wh ich he hi n, he may deal with it in in in tl1 e usua I m a" ner
ra marn bered, as a spact tor perfe C1) or he may once ore -dead persona hty of 11 i$- Y
into tf1 at life of 10 ng ago, "d gal n the t houghts a nd the pain'S of a pre historic: part No
ca n be co nee l'!Jed tha n me
may pass; yet tho ugh rt a he ciousnass of h is ow n ind ivi ua Ireturn at will to hi~ pre nt
es pecia I case a n eve n pos ib to th@ raadar of tha enq i '~s he has to look L.I po n has in a forme r blrtn ta ke n