Catechism Lesson Plan
Catechism Lesson Plan
Catechism Lesson Plan
The following are suggestions for a broad spectrum of lesson plans which will enhance
the teaching in the textbook allowing the student to be challenged as they are brought to a
knowledge of their Catholic faith and its application to their lives. Instilling in our
students a love for Scripture, a love for the Holy Eucharist and a love for Catholic
doctrine is a great responsibility because they each possess an immortal soul redemned
by the Son of God and destined to be in heaven for all eternity.
In his encyclical Catechesi Tradendae, Pope John Paul stated, “At the heart of catechesis
is in essence a person…the person of Jesus Christ and it is the definitive aim of
catechesis is to put us in touch with, in intimacy with Jesus Christ for it is he who can
lead us to the Father and make us share in the life of the Trinity.”
The beautiful pictures and words of the Faith and Life Series text bring the student closer
to the person of Jesus Christ.
The series is built on the same four pillars that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is
built: Creed, Sacraments, Commandments and Prayer.
• In preparation for teaching the lesson it is important to pray to the Holy Spirit.
• You are his instrument and it is through you he will spread his message. God is with
you always. It is spoken that God has chosen you to be a catechist and you have
• It will be your message and your Christ likeness that will bring your students closer
to Christ.
• Follow a routine on the first day and continue the procedure throughout the year.
• Begin and end your class with prayer. Include Scripture and a prayer, which has
been previously memorized.
• Establish the rules for disciple and follow them throughout the year.
♦ Momentarily commencing with your presentation, looking at those
talking and then proceeding is more effective discipline than scolding.
♦ Boredom is usually not found in a classroom where the students are
challenged in learning the basics of their Catholic Faith.
♦ When necessary seat students in straight rows away from friends. This
is the most important class they will take.
♦ Give responsibilities to the student who wants to talk with others or
“act out” in front of the class.
♦ Learn student’s name as soon as possible. You might use nametags for a few
classes with a memorized scripture quote for the day at the bottom on the
. With an attractive format, use poster boards to:
♦ List names of students and prayers they have memorized
♦ Display Scripture quotations and prayers that have been memorized.
♦ Make a monthly calendar using your parish church calendar to mark:
♦ Holy Days of Obligation
♦ Solemn Feast Days of the Church, Saints Days
♦ Please don’t waste this precious hour with a lot of arts and crafts. Most
children are not getting the teachings about Jesus and his church at home so
we must fill every minute with God and the things of God.
A. Use your Bible. Pray to the Holy Spirit as you prepare your lesson.
• Remember the words of Pope John Paul from his encyclical Catechesis
Tradendae, that in the classroom, “You are Christ’s instruments… It is Christ
who is taught and it is Christ alone who teaches.”
• Set a routine for personal preparation time planning for more than necessary.
• Keep your Bible prominent during all your teaching time. Children are
influenced greatly by the way you reverence and love your Bible.
• Have the students look up the Scripture verses they are memorizing.
• Prominently display the Bible and Religious pictures in your classroom.
• Mention to your children periodically how wonderful it would be for them to
ask for a Bible for Christmas or their birthday so they could read from it a few
verses each day.
Set the Doctrine of Faith before their eyes.
Examples of Lesson Themes taught throughout the Faith and Life Series
• Blessed Trinity
• Baptism
• Sanctifying Grace
• Sacrament of Reconciliation
• Definition of different kinds of Sin
• Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
• Holy Mass
• Scripture: Old Testament and New Testament
• Commandments of God
• Creed
• Life of Christ
• Gifts of the Holy Spirit
• Fruits of the Holy Spirit
• Mercy of God
• Reverence for God’s Holy Name
• Virtues
• Sacraments and their transforming effects
• Importance of Sunday being the Lord’s Day
• Sacredness of Life
• Purity and Truth
• Character of the Ordained Minister
• Mary Our Mother
• Purpose of Life
• Last Things: Judgment, Purgatory, Hell, Heaven.
3. Words to Know
Have students memorize at least three definitions. Faith and Life students like the
challenge of learning vocabulary words. By the end of seventh grade they have a
religious vocabulary, which will enable them to intelligently explain their faith to others:
Incarnation: Indwelling
Blasphemy Hypostatic Union
Covenant Mediator
Goliath Monstrance
Infallibility Jordan River
Apostolic Succession Mortal Sin
Judea Venial sin
Indulgence Occasions of Sin
Mystical Body of Christ Mystery of Faith
Mystery Original Sin
Passover Paschal Mystery
Prophesy Paraclete
Purgatory Patriarch
Redeemer Pilgrim Church
Sacrifice Prophecies
Temptation Psalms
Ark of the Covenant Repent
Beatitudes Reconciliation
Benediction Sanctifying Grace
Chrism Tradition
Communion of Saints Transubstantiation
Exodus Victim
4. Pictures
Teach the beautiful masterpiece pictures. Have the children reflect on what they see in
their texts. As they look at the picture in silence you can inspire them to speak what is in
their heart. For example you can say, “God is just as beautiful and wonderful as He can
be…I wonder what God is like. Use the pictures to inspire, motivate as well as inform.
Children learn more through the eyes than in any other way. God speaks to us in
beautiful pictures.
In the fourth grade book the picture of the Magi in front of the baby Jesus as he is held in
his mother’s arms is on Page 64. Some of the questions to cause the students to reflect on
the actual scene-taking place would be: Do you see the love and adoration in the eyes of
the king as he holds his gift in front on the Christ Child? Look at Our Lady as her eyes
rest on Jesus. The light is focused on the just the two of them just as our life is to be
focused on Jesus and his mother to presents him to us. Notice St. Joseph, the protector of
the Holy Family looking at Mary. Look into the eyes of the other wise men. They look at
the baby through the eyes of faith and see the King for whom they have been searching.
When we receive Holy Communion we look at the round white host and through the eyes
of faith, adore Jesus who is present.
The lessons in the Faith and Life series contain questions and answers. Our Holy Father
in his encyclical Catechesis Tradendae stated that there should be questions and answers
in each catechetical series.
6. Memorization of Prayers
Using the prayers in the back of the textbook, teach the students the meaning of the
words and in phrases as they memorize prayers that will last forever. Please be sure that
they know the Act of Contrition, The Act of Love and the Prayers After Communion
listed on a separate sheet.
Importance of Memorization
Bishop John Meyers in his pastoral on Religious Education entitled “To Reach Full
Knowledge of the Truth” stated that memorization allows the child to have a permanent
space in mind and heart set aside for and dedicated to the things of God and of the
Church. They are permanently there wherever the child goes. He or she can come back
to them again and again looking at them and pondering them in different life settings to
give comfort, in times of trouble or a call to conversion.”
♦ Provide examples of answers they can give to people who question the
teachings of the Catholic Church.
♦ Why do you worship Mary?
♦ “I don’t need to tell my sins to anyone.”
♦ I was told you worship statues.
♦ The word Purgatory is not in the Bible.
Catholicism and Fundamentalism by Karl Keating
♦ Teach the message that Our Lady asked the children at Fatima to say the
rosary every day.
♦ Pray for vocations and teach them the beauty of the life of a priest or
D. Provide them with inspirational saint stories. Tell them about the story so
they can look forward to the following week:
Next week we are going to find out about St.Catherine Laboure’s surprise one
night when she saw an angel at her bedside telling her something she could
hardly believe.
E. Mention what they can tell their parents they learned today.
Example: “Mom, I learned that the four moral cardinal virtues are prudence,
justice, temperance, and fortitude.
Category One 100 Points 200 Points 300 Points
Sacred Scripture
Category Two 100 Points 200 Points 300 Points
Catholic Teachings
Category Three 100 Points 200 Points 300 Points
Category 1 Preschool
Shakers can be made using empty soda cans, by placing marbles, or other objects
inside so that when shaken, they will make different sounds. Tape over the
opening so that the contents will not fall out. The teams will use the shakers to
signal that they know the answer to the question.
Before starting review the lesson and prepare enough questions of varied
difficulty to be asked when each square is called. Make sure you have a good list
of the questions so you will know which one to ask when a particular square is
called. On the blackboard draw the game board.
The team shaking their shaker first has first try to answer the question. If correct,
they get the number of points associated with that square, then pick the next
square. But if they are wrong, that number of points is deducted from their total,
and the other team can try to answer. If the second team gets the correct answer,
they get the points and pick the next square, but if wrong no points are deducted.
Incarnation Blasphemy Covenant Goliath Infallibility
H. Utilize a few minutes periodically to ask short review questions during class
time, or while they are entering or leaving class.
Susan, what did Jesus say to his apostles when he found them sleeping in the
garden of Gethsemane? Jimmy could you tell me the three theological virtues?
Larry, will you begin saying the first sentence of the Act of Contrition so each one
in your row can follow you with another sentence?
♦ Provide times when students can pray silently. Background Gregorian music
adds to the atmosphere. Provide a spotlight and pictures
♦ Use the chalkboard for outlining and reinforcing the lesson. Involve the
students in using the chalkboard.
♦ Popular Devotions
♦ Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
♦ Benediction
♦ Processions
♦ Stations of the Cross
♦ Rosary
♦ Medals
K. Sacramentals
♦ Blessings of persons, meals, objects, and places
O. Provide students with a knowledge and love of all the things in church.
Have the students get in the habit of praying as they are coming to church.
Teach them to recite an Act of Love, or a decade of the rosary on the way
over to the church to prepare their hearts for Christ who is present there.
Have them make the sign of the cross and genuflect before the tabernacle.
Have them look at the Crucifix and the five holy wounds with love.
Have the students look at the beautiful statues and pictures in the church.
Explain the holy water font and the special blessing of holy water in the
Explain when it is important to call the priest so a person can receive the
Sacrament of the Sick.
Teach them the importance of having Masses said for loved ones, those
who need prayers and for the Souls in Purgatory.
P. Provide a Prayer book for each student to have by their bed to include:
Morning Offering, Act of Contrition, Act of Love, Angel Prayer of
Fatima, Prayers Before and After Communion, Evening Prayers,
Scriptural Quotations that they can use at home.
Q. Provide pages listing the Scriptural Decades for the Mysteries of the
Rosary and encourage students to say the decade with their family.
The Faith and Life series teaches the beauty of the Mass through every grade level of the
series. Please build up within the students an excitement about going to Mass. “Just
think in only four days, you will get to be present at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and
receive Jesus in Holy Communion.” This may be the last time they are taught in depth
about the Mass therefore what they learn from the Faith and Life series could keep them
going to Mass for the rest of their lives.
If we appreciated the immense treasure we possess in the Holy Mass how happy we
should be. How we’d love every opportunity to go to Mass. When coming to the church
say silently “I am going to receive God. He is the answer to my every problem.”
At the beginning of the Mass we make the sign of the Cross, the sign of the Blessed
Trinity and the sign of our salvation.
We ask God for his mercy. God is merciful to those who as for mercy because of His
only begotten Son who has paid so great a price to obtain mercy for us. The mercy and
forgiveness of God is infinite.
We are full of sorrow for our sins: We confess the sins we have committed through our
own fault in our thoughts words and deeds and those things that we neglected to do them
to Almighty God and our brothers and sisters and thoughts and in my words and ask
Blessed Mary every virgin, all the angels, the saints, our brothers and sisters, to pray for
us to the Lord our God
The Gloria is a prayer of joy in God. It is an expression of gratitude and joy for our
Redemption, which is renewed at every Mass.
The first part of the prayer is the words the angels sang above the manager of the infant
God. We adore Him and praise Him. We bless him and thank him for his glory.
We then turn to the Eternal Son enthroned at the right hand of the Father and call upon
his mercy. We ask him who was sacrificed for the sins of the world to take away our sins
and receive our prayer.
We praise him as the highest King and Lord who lives and reigns from all eternity and
who will prepare a throne for us near his own. It is He who is one with the Holy Spirit in
unending glory. It is He who will come to us Holy Communion within a few minutes.
As we say the Creed our hearts should be filled with joy for these are the same truths of
the faith that the apostles taught and what they and the martyrs gave their lives for.
During the Preparation of the Gifts, we offer ourselves to God, our whole life to him,
our joys and sorrows.
The Washing of the Hands signifies the great purity with which we should approach the
Holy Eucharist. It is a prayer to God to wash away our sins as we come close to Him.
Prayer over the Gifts We pray that our sacrifice maybe accept to God the Almighty
Father and that the Lord will accept this sacrifice at the hands of the priest for our good
and the good of the whole church. … Every time we go to Holy Mass we offer up Christ
himself to the Father.
Lift up your hearts, we have lifted them up to the Lord. At this time our heart should be
turned to God leaving all our earthly cares in his hands.
Holy Holy Holy, we address God the Father and unite ourselves with countless hosts of
angels who stand before Him to do his will and praise him night and day. Hosanna is a
Hebrew word meaning save us…hosanna is a special exclamation of joy in the salvation
God has promised to us.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the God. This is when we welcome him in our
At the Consecration the host the priest holds up for us to see and adore is the whole
Jesus, his body, blood, soul and divinity. The whole Jesus is even in the tiniest piece of
host and in each drop of the precious blood.
When the priest holds up the host and says the words “Take this, all of you, and eat it:
This is my body which will be given up for you.” we silently look with reverence on
the Sacred Host knowing that Our Savior himself is hidden under the appearance of bread
and say as did St. Thomas “My Lord and My God”.
When the priest holds up the chalice with the precious blood and says, “This is the cup
of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. …It will be shed for you
and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of Me.” .We look with
love at the chalice containing the blood of Jesus and say “My Jesus Mercy”.
St. John Chrysostom states, “It is the very same blood Jesus shed on the cross that is
actually in the chalice.”
We are then called to express our belief in this great mystery of our faith that Jesus
really is present on the altar now. Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come
How solemn and sublime are the moments as the actual Body and Blood of Christ is
elevated: Speak silently with the priest to God the Father who is there before you…
“Through him, with him, in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit all glory and honor is
yours almighty Father Forever and ever.”
We respond with the word Amen meaning we fully assent to the prayer of the priest and
that the Sacrifice is complete.
Our Father: In the words of the Father Christ, makes one condition for our being
forgiven that is our forgiveness of others. We should not approach Holy Communion
without having forgiven those who have offended us. While reciting this most sacred of
prayers let us promise our Lord to forgive others. Our Savior has forgiven us countless
times. Otherwise we are simply lying to the all-knowing God when we keep hatred in
our hearts when saying the Our Father.
As we walk up the aisle we prepare ourselves to receive Jesus alive within the round
white host. We keep our eyes down as we say the Act of Love and the Act of Contrition
with our hands folded. We tell Jesus how happy we are to be able to receive Him.
Act of Contrition
0 my God, I am heartily sorry
for having offended you and
1 detest all my sins because of
your just punishments, but most of all
because they offend you my God,
who art all good and deserving
of all my love.
I firmly resolve,
with the help of your grace
to confess my sins, to do penance
and to amend my life. Amen
Act of Love
0 my God, I love you
above all things,
with my whole heart and soul,
because you are all
good and worthy of all my love.
1 love my neighbor as myself
for the love of you.
I forgive all who have
injured me and
ask pardon of all
whom I have injured.
After receiving Holy Communion on our tongue, we reverently bow our heads, with
reverence and clean hands; we step to the side and consume Our Lord’s Body before we
begin going back to our pew.
With folded hands we go back to our place in church and begin our thanksgiving.
Continually tell Jesus “I love you.” over and over again. Thank him for coming to you.
♦ We have received the body and blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord into
our heart. There is no more fitting time to thank God for his favors and ask
for his help than in the precious moments after Holy Communion. We ask
Jesus for our needs and the needs of others and for the conversion of
♦ We adore Jesus, who is in our heart and thank him for having loved and
honored us so much with this Holy Communion. We can ask Our Lady to
thank Him for us as her thanksgivings were always so filled with love.
♦ We relate to Our Lord how sincerely sorry we are for our sins that have
led us away from him. We continually express to him how much we love
Memorized Holy Communion Prayers
Have your students memorize the following beautiful prayers of the church for the time
following Holy Communion. Ask your students say the prayers on their way home from
church if they cannot say them at church. Suggest to them that they teach these prayers
to others in their family.
“The principal fruit of Holy Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus.”
The Holy Eucharist…
“…preserves, increases and renews the life of grace received at Baptism.” CCC#1392
St. John Vianney said it would take a lifetime to thank God sufficiently for just one Holy
St. Alphonsus Liguori said that here is no prayer more agreeable to God nor profitable to
the soul that that which is made during the thanksgiving after Holy Communion. These
minutes are the most precious and meritorious in the sight of God for the value of these
prayers are increased because of the presence of Jesus.
The Church teaches Our Lord is present until approximately ten minutes or until every
part of the sacred species has dissolved within the person.
Let us never ignore the greatest friend we will ever have. Our Lord told St Faustina that
after Holy Communion, He is present within us waiting to give us his graces, to listen to
us. He told her that it hurt him when people ignore him after Holy Communion. He
wants us to know his love for us.
Catechists need to help those they serve to develop a faithful daily practice of prayer to
enable them to grow in holiness.
Bishop John Meyers in his pastoral “To Receive Full Knowledge of the Truth” stated a
“Catechist should desire that those they teach fall in love with the Lord. Like any love
relationship it requires time spent with him.” Bishop Meyers mentioned the importance
of instilling a prayer life into the student. “It is tragic that many a good Catholics do
not have a substantial prayer life because no one ever taught them to pray. It helps
little to teach children that the Lord is really, truly, and substantially present in the
Eucharist if they do not have a personal relationship with the Lord who is present.”
This relationship, based on the grace of baptism and their knowledge of Him is fostered
by a genuine life of prayer:
Teach students to speak to God with their hearts especially After Holy Communion and
during Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and Morning and Evening Prayers.
Adapt a check list for every age level student to help them remember to pray during the
above times as well as to say short prayers throughout the day:
When they hear someone take God’s holy name in vain…Silently pray
Blessed be God, Blessed be his holy name.
When sitting at a long traffic light pray, “Jesus, Mary I love you.”
When suffering comes say “Jesus I offer this suffering to you.”
Mother Teresa said, “In every family there must be “endless forgiveness.”
♦ Teach them how to show love for their parents, family and neighbor using
examples in the textbook. Show in the third chapter of the book of Sirach
how acts of kindness for parents, make up for sin and is blessed by God.
♦ Pray for their family always.
♦ Follow the ways the Faith and Life Series teaches:
Never make fun of a person or hurt their good name
Do not give in to lying, stealing cheating, being deceitful
When tempted ask Jesus and Mary to help you.
Forgive our enemies. God will forgive our sins if we forgive the
shortcoming of those in our family.
Refuse to have hatred and revenge in your heart.
Always have Purity of heart - Your Body is a Temples of the
Living God. Your body is holy because on the day of your baptism
the Holy Spirit came to live inside of it. God told us to respect our
bodies and the bodies of other people. He wants us to keep our
bodies pure and pleasing to him. He wants us to be modest and
stay away from movies, books and pictures that call attention to the
body in the wrong way.
A. Briefly teach the gospel for the coming Sunday so they will listen closely to it at
the next Sunday Mass. Have the students place themselves in the actual scene
being described. Hear the sound of the crowd as they listen to the voice of Jesus.
In the gospel Jesus speaks to us personally.
B. Use the book To Know Christ Jesus by Frank Sheed, published by Ignatius Press,
to give you an excellent knowledge of the gospels and the life of Jesus in
chronological order. You are able to provide your students with a outstanding
knowledge of the life and times of the people of Palestine and with the
accompanying map, the location and importance of each of the cities where Jesus
Bethany City located two miles from Jerusalem at the foot of the Mount
Olives. It was the home of Lazarus.
Bethlehem City five miles south of Jerusalem where Jesus was born. City
is built on two hills 2,550 feet above sea level.
Philippi City located in the north of Palestine where Jesus told Peter he
would be the rock upon which the Church would be founded.
Dead Sea The Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth is 53 miles long and
ten miles wide. No fish were able to live in the water. It had a
high salt content because there was no outlet.
Sea of
Galilee A 70 square mile lake around which most of the Galilean
ministry took place. Other names: The Sea of Tiberias, the
Lake of Gennesaret, Bethsaida, three miles west where Simon
Peter lived until he moved in Capernaum. Caused three
miraculous catches of fish, Calmed the water.
The area around the sea of Galilee where Jesus walked is only
a few hundred square miles.
To the southwest is Mount Tabor and Nain.
To the northeast Jesus fed the 5000.
To the northwest Jesus said “I am the Bread of Life”
Jacob’s Well The well at which Jacob stopped, is located 40 miles north of
Jerusalem, where Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman.
The story about the Good Samaritan took place on the road
between Jericho and Jerusalem.
Mount Gerizim High hill where the Samaritans built their temple.
Mount of Olives Area east of Jerusalem where the Agony in the Garden took
C. Each class period provide at least one Scripture quotations for the class to memorize.
Keep a chart of all the memorized verses throughout the year for review. We will never
know the influence of just one memorized Scripture quotation will have years later on a
♦ When playing games or taking tests give the first few words of the
phrase and have the students finish the rest of the quotation.
♦ Have the students mention times in the week when a Scriptural
quotation came to them.
♦ Have them make booklets listing all the Scripture for the year for them
to have near their bedside.
♦ Provide activities in which students individually or on teams can
compete in games for the most memorized scripture quotations.
“Cast all your worries upon the Lord because He cares for you.”
2 Peter 5:7
“Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door will be opened.” Matt 7:7-12
“Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Matt
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you
were born I consecrated you.” Jer. 1:5
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you
are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
“… you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you..” Isaiah
“Could you not watch one hour with me?” Mark. 14:37
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my love.”
John 15:9
“So if you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that
your brother has something against you; leave your gift there before
the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come
and offer your gift. Matt. 5: 22,23
Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin
against me, and I forgive him…as many as seven times?”
Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy
times seven.” Matt. 18:21,22
“Come to Me all you labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly
in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and
my burden light.” Matt 11:28-30