DSS Generators, SIMOn's Model

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Simon’s model ,

DSS Generators &

Specific DSS
The Decision-making Process
 Simon divides any decision-making process
into the phases of decision-making
 intelligence - is there a problem or an opportunity
for change?
 design - what are the decision alternatives?

 choice -  which alternative is best?

Simon’s Model
Planning Stages
 Problems
 Goals
 Objectives
 Alternatives
 Evaluations
 Choice
 Implementation
 Monitoring
Planning Methods
 Bargaining
 Brainstorming
 Scenario writing
 Consensus building
 Public meeting support
 Consultants
 Stakeholder involvement
Components of SDSS
 Data Base Management System contains the
functions to manage the geographic data base
 Model Base Management System contains the
functions to manage the model base;
 Dialog Generation and Management System
manages the interface  between the user and
the rest of the system.
DSS Tools
 Procedural programming languages and code libraries (e.g., VB,
AML, Avenue, TransCAD - Caliper Script macro language,
MapInfo - MapBasic);
 Visual progamming language (e.g. STELLA, Cantata and Khoros);
 Inter-application communication software (e.g. dynamic data
exchange (DDE), object linking (OLE), open database connectivity
 Simulation languages and software (e.g. SIMULINK, SIMULA);
 Application programming interfaces (API) (e.g. the IBM's
geoManager API, Java Advanced Imaging API, TransCAD's API);
 Applets  (e.g. GISApplet,  Microsoft Visual J++),
 Visual interfaces, graphics and color subroutines (e.g. graphical user
interfaces – GUI, OpenGL, SVG, etc.)
DSS Generator
 Package of related hardware and software which provides a set
of capabilities to quickly and easily build a specific SDSS
 GISystems (e.g. ARC/INFO, ArcView, ARCNetwork, Spatial
Analyst, MapObjects LT, GRASS, IDRISI, MapInfo,
 Database packages  (e.g. dBase, Access, Paradox);
 Decision analysis and optimization software (e.g. LINDO,
 Statistical and geostatistical software (e.g. S-PLUS, SPSS,
 Simulation (e.g. Spatial Modeling Environment)
Specific DSS
 Systems devoted to the analysis of a particular set of
decision problems
 Support decision makers in tackling semi-structured
 Active Response Geographic Information System
 IDRISI Decision Support
 GeoMed
 Spatial Group Choice
 winR+GIS Spatial Decision Support
 CommunityVis
 SDSS has been defined as an interactive, computer-based
system designed to support a user or group of users in achieving
a higher effectiveness of decision making while solving a semi-
structured spatial decision problem
 The SDSS concept is based on the DDM (dialog, data, model)
paradigm; a well-design SDSS should have balance among the
three capabilities.
 There are three sets of technologies for building an SDSS: the
DSS development tools, the DSS generators, and specific SDSS
 The DSS tools facilite the development of specific SDSS or
they can be configured into a DSS generator which in turn can
be used to build a variety of specific SDSS.

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