This document discusses Simon's model of decision making, which breaks the process down into intelligence, design, and choice phases. It also outlines planning stages and methods. Finally, it describes the components of spatial decision support systems (SDSS), including data management, model management, and user interfaces. Tools for developing SDSS are also presented, such as programming languages, simulation software, and generators that can be used to build specific SDSS applications.
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This document discusses Simon's model of decision making, which breaks the process down into intelligence, design, and choice phases. It also outlines planning stages and methods. Finally, it describes the components of spatial decision support systems (SDSS), including data management, model management, and user interfaces. Tools for developing SDSS are also presented, such as programming languages, simulation software, and generators that can be used to build specific SDSS applications.
This document discusses Simon's model of decision making, which breaks the process down into intelligence, design, and choice phases. It also outlines planning stages and methods. Finally, it describes the components of spatial decision support systems (SDSS), including data management, model management, and user interfaces. Tools for developing SDSS are also presented, such as programming languages, simulation software, and generators that can be used to build specific SDSS applications.
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This document discusses Simon's model of decision making, which breaks the process down into intelligence, design, and choice phases. It also outlines planning stages and methods. Finally, it describes the components of spatial decision support systems (SDSS), including data management, model management, and user interfaces. Tools for developing SDSS are also presented, such as programming languages, simulation software, and generators that can be used to build specific SDSS applications.
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Simon’s model ,
DSS Generators &
Specific DSS The Decision-making Process Simon divides any decision-making process into the phases of decision-making intelligence - is there a problem or an opportunity for change? design - what are the decision alternatives?
choice - which alternative is best?
Simon’s Model Planning Stages Problems Goals Objectives Alternatives Evaluations Choice Implementation Monitoring Planning Methods SWOT Bargaining Brainstorming DELPHI Scenario writing Consensus building Public meeting support Consultants Stakeholder involvement Components of SDSS Data Base Management System contains the functions to manage the geographic data base Model Base Management System contains the functions to manage the model base; Dialog Generation and Management System manages the interface between the user and the rest of the system. DSS Tools Procedural programming languages and code libraries (e.g., VB, AML, Avenue, TransCAD - Caliper Script macro language, MapInfo - MapBasic); Visual progamming language (e.g. STELLA, Cantata and Khoros); Inter-application communication software (e.g. dynamic data exchange (DDE), object linking (OLE), open database connectivity (ODBC)); Simulation languages and software (e.g. SIMULINK, SIMULA); Application programming interfaces (API) (e.g. the IBM's geoManager API, Java Advanced Imaging API, TransCAD's API); Applets (e.g. GISApplet, Microsoft Visual J++), Visual interfaces, graphics and color subroutines (e.g. graphical user interfaces – GUI, OpenGL, SVG, etc.) DSS Generator Package of related hardware and software which provides a set of capabilities to quickly and easily build a specific SDSS GISystems (e.g. ARC/INFO, ArcView, ARCNetwork, Spatial Analyst, MapObjects LT, GRASS, IDRISI, MapInfo, TransCAD) Database packages (e.g. dBase, Access, Paradox); Decision analysis and optimization software (e.g. LINDO, EXPERT CHOICE, LOGICAL DECISION); Statistical and geostatistical software (e.g. S-PLUS, SPSS, SAS); Simulation (e.g. Spatial Modeling Environment) Specific DSS Systems devoted to the analysis of a particular set of decision problems Support decision makers in tackling semi-structured problems Active Response Geographic Information System IDRISI Decision Support GeoMed Spatial Group Choice winR+GIS Spatial Decision Support CommunityVis Summary SDSS has been defined as an interactive, computer-based system designed to support a user or group of users in achieving a higher effectiveness of decision making while solving a semi- structured spatial decision problem The SDSS concept is based on the DDM (dialog, data, model) paradigm; a well-design SDSS should have balance among the three capabilities. There are three sets of technologies for building an SDSS: the DSS development tools, the DSS generators, and specific SDSS The DSS tools facilite the development of specific SDSS or they can be configured into a DSS generator which in turn can be used to build a variety of specific SDSS.