An Overview of OB
An Overview of OB
An Overview of OB
– an
ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR - Course Content- 100 marks
1. Introduction to O.B.: Origin, Nature and Scope of Organizational Behaviour
and its relevance to Organizational Effectiveness and contemporary
2. Personality: Meaning and determinants of Personality; process of Personality
formation; Personality Types;Assessment of Personality Traits for
increasing Self-Awareness
3. Perception: Attitude and Value, Perceptual Processes, Effect of perception on
Individual decision-making, Attitude and Behaviour. Sources
of Value, Effect of Values on Attitudes and Behaviour,Effects
of Perception, Attitude and Values on Work Performance
4. Motivation Concepts: Motives, Theories of Motivation and their applications for
behavioural Change
5. Group Behaviour : Work groups, formal and informal groups and stages of
& Group Dynamics group development: Concepts of Group Dynamics, group
conflicts and group decision-making.
Team Effectiveness: High Performing Teams, Team Roles,
Cross-functional and self-directed Teams
6. Organizational Design: Structure, size, technology, environment of Organizations:
Organizational Roles: concept of Roles; role dynamics, role
Conflicts and stress and organizational conflicts
7. 7. Leadership: Concepts and skills of Leadership; Leadership and Managerial
roles, Leadership styles and effectiveness; contemporary issues of
leadership. Power and Politics; sources and uses of Power; politics
at workplace; tactics and strategies
Reference Texts
1. Understanding Organizational Behaviour- Udai Pareek
2. Organizational Behaviour- Stephen Robbins
3. Organizational Behaviour- Fred Luthans
4. Organizational Behaviour- Newstrom
5. Organizational Behaviour- Uma Sekaran
Organisational Behaviour
Definition-O.B. is a systematic study
of the actions and reactions of
individuals,groups and subsystems
PEOPLE-consist of individual
employees, dyads, groups and teams
who have to get the work done as
well as those outside the organization
like customers and government
Organisational Behaviour
JOB- is the sum total of an individual’s
assignment at the workplace
TASKS-are the various activities that need
to be performed to get the job done.
TECHNOLOGY-is the mechanism
through which the raw input is converted
into finished products
STRUCTURE-refers to how the workplace
in terms of job positions is 7
PROCESS- is the way things get done
Organisational Behaviour
Job Requirements, Group, Behaviour and Outcomes
Requirements of Jobs
Tasks Activities
Division of Labour
Coordination of Activities
EE Political
Govt. Roles & Managerial JOBS
Position Processes Tasks
Hierarchy Activities
logical Machines & other Social
Internal Environment
External Environment
Types of Groups
Formal- hierarchical
Informal-interest groups or cliques-horizontal, vertical or random
Virtual Groups- facilitated through I. T.
(a) Information Sharing
(b) Decision Making
(c ) Solving Complex Problems
Psychological Group-’we’ feeling, sensitivity, affinity, understanding of
individual strengths and personalities, sense of belonging and loyalty
Other types of Groups
1. (a)Interacting- assembly-line
(b) Co-acting- work independently
(c ) Counter-acting- union/ management
2. (a)Open-Matrix
(b) Closed- Fixed Roles
3. (a)Membership- belongs
Referent-Would like to belong
4. (a)In and Out groups- Gang Wars, rivalry, competition,politics
Virtual Organization
Brazil USA
Raw Materials Marketing
Core Group
5exes.& 5 staff
Japan I.T.
Manufacturing Support
Rs.100 Cr. Turnover
Possible through I.T.
Organizational Behaviour- GROUP
System- an orderly group of logically related facts,
principles, beliefs etc
an orderly method, plan or procedure
A group or arrangement of parts, facts, phenomena that relate
to or interact with each other in such a way as to form a
Definition of Organizational Behaviour
‘ O. B is an interdisciplinary behavioural science studying
phenomena and dynamics( processes) of organizations and
their various human units.
Knowledge Knowledge
Is Hidden Creation
Distrust Norming
Knowledge Knowledge
Hoarding Sharing
As per BELBIN-1981 As per Margerison&McCann-
1. Chairman/ Coordinator 1. Creator-initiates creative ideas
2. Shaper 2. Promoter-champions ideas
after they are initiated
3. Plant 3. Assessor- offers insightful
analysis of options
4. Monitor/ Evaluator 4. Organizer- provides structure
5. Company Worker 5. Producer-provides direction
and follow-through
6. Resource Investigator 6. Controller-examines details
and enforces rules
7. Team Worker 7. Maintainer-fights external
8. Completor/Finisher 8. Advisor-encourages the search
Leadership Role & Functions
Composition Process
-Abilities of members -Common purpose
-Personality -Specific goals
-Allocating roles -Team efficacy
-Diversity -Conflict levels
-Size of teams -Social loafing
-Member flexibility
Basic Definitions connected with O.B.
Organization: An organization has four essential elements
(a) Group of people
(b) Interacting with each other
(c )In a structured manner
(d) Towards a common objective
•Jobs Organizational Behavior
•Societal pressure
•Computer hardware&software
O. B. Definitions
1. O.B. is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals ,
groups and structures have on behaviour within organizations for the
purpose of applying such knowledge towards improving an
organization’s effectiveness.
2. O.B. can be defined as the systematic study of the actions and
reactions of individuals, groups and sub-systems.
3. O.B. is the study and understanding of individual and group
behaviour, patterns of structure in order to to help improve
organizational performance and effectiveness.
4. O.B. is one of the most complex and perhaps least understood
academic elements of modern general management, but since it
concerns the behaviour of people within organizations it is also one
of the most central- its concern with individual and group patterns of
behaviour makes it an essential element in dealing with the complex
behavioural issues thrown up in the modern business world.
5. O.B. is an inter-disciplinary behaviour science studying phenomena
and dynamics(processes) of organizations and their various units.
Bases of Organizational Behaviour
1. Type Theories
3. Psychoanalytic Theory
4. Socio-psychological Theory
5. Self Theory
Cattell is also credited with having developed the 16 PF test which is used to assess personality. At first
personality and behaviour were identified by 5000 words from the dictionary which was then reduced to
200 words and finally to 16 factors.
Confrontation Compromise
Arbitration Negotiation
Resignation Appease-
Withdrawal Diffusion
Resignation Appeasement Confrontation- win-lose
(a) Fatalistic Concessions with trap
(b) Ignore hope of resolution e.g. Strike and Lockout
Arbitration- third party
Withdrawal Diffusion intervention
(a)No opportunity (a) Time e.g. award or formula
to fight (b) Good sense Compromise- give and tak
(b)Physical separation (c ) Buffer e.g. adjustment
(c )Define boundaries Negotiation- bargaining
(d) Actually withdraw e.g. demands and
Counter-demands and
reaching a settlement