Database+testing+1 1
Database+testing+1 1
Database+testing+1 1
Prepared by
Sujaritha M
Database testing mainly focus on:
DSN Name
Data source name (DSN)
A data source name (DSN) is a data structure that
contains the information about a specific database that
an Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ) driver needs in
order to connect to it.
Included in the DSN, which resides either in the registry
or as a separate text file, is information such as the
name, directory and driver of the database, and,
depending on the type of DSN, the ID and password of
the user.
The developer creates a separate DSN for each
database. To connect to a particular database, the
developer specifies its DSN within a program.
What is way of writing test
cases for database testing?
1. Understand the functional requirement
2. Find out the back end tables, joins, cursors,
triggers, stored procedures (SP), input and
output parameters used
3. Write the test case with different input values
for checking all the paths of SP.
4. Writing test cases for database testing is not
Black box testing. It is white box testing.
How to test database procedures &
Triggers ?
Requirements should get from developer
Understand the input and output of the
Procedures / Triggers.
Execute the Procedures & Triggers and
update the results.
What steps does a tester take in
testing stored procedures?
Understand the requirement of SP
Check whether all required indexes, joins,
updates, deletions are correct by comparing with
the tables mentioned in the stored procedures
Ensure that whether the stored procedure
follows the standard format like comments,
updated by etc.
Check the procedure calling name, calling
parameters and expected responses for
different set of input parameters
Run the procedure thru database client
programs like TOAD or query analyzer
Rerun the procedure with different
parameters and check results against
expected values.
Thank you