Me472 0
Me472 0
Me472 0
Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Tolga BOZDANA
Text Book:
No text book will be followed. The lecture notes and all other information will be located at:
Reference Books:
1. A.J.T. Scarr, “Metrology and Precision Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1967.
2. J.W. Greve, F.W. Wilson, “Handbook of Industrial Metrology”, Prentice Hall, 1967.
3. J.F.W. Galyer and C.R. Shotbolt, “Metrology for Engineers”, Cassell, 1969.
Course Outline:
4. Introduction to concept of metrology and quality
5. Analysis of errors in measurement
6. Statistical quality control and use of control charts
7. Linear and angular measurements
8. Other measurement techniques (optical, laser, ultrasound, etc.)
9. Measurement of geometric shape (roundness, flatness, etc.)
10. Measurement of surface texture (surface roughness and waviness)
11. Measurement of screw threads
12. Measurement of gears
13. Limits and limit gauges