Do's and Don'ts 4B
Do's and Don'ts 4B
Do's and Don'ts 4B
Do’s Don’ts
Five paragraphs (no more, no less) One big paragraph as your essay
Use transition words Add extraneous details
Revise/check your work Leave your essay incomplete
Use $$$$$$$$$ words (sophisticated
Bore the reader
Use quotes and/or dialogue
Write run-on sentences or
appropriately fragments
Have an introduction (hook/engaging Use someone else’s words as your
beginning, 3- point thesis statement) own (plagiarism)
Have three body paragraphs (each one Use kindergarten/baby/$2 words
focusing on one subtopics/reasons) Use minimal details
Write in complete sentences Waste time
Plan your writing, and write your plan Go off topic
(in a reasonable amount of time)
Explain your topic thoroughly
Use improper punctuation and
Keep track of time grammar
Use FRIES (Facts, Reasons, Incidents, Forget to indent
Examples, Statistics, Sensory Details) Use improper capitalization (only
Restate the prompt in the intro and CAP the first letter of a sentence
the conclusion and proper nouns)
Use details to support your No txt talk (LOL, G2G, TTYL)
reasons/subtopics Skip lines between paragraphs
Use proper conventions (spelling,
Be sloppy (scribble-scrabble)
grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
etc.) Write teensy weensy paragraphs
Connect with the reader using (1-4 sentences)
engaging details, real-world examples, Write in pen or marker or blood
and meaningful interaction Put your conclusion anywhere
Use literary devices/ style (ex. similes, other than the end
metaphors, onomatopoeia, etc.) Disguise opinions as facts
Write neatly in pencil Write more or less than 5
Vary sentence structure paragraphs
Indent your paragraphs
Use slang/improper language
Use facts to sound smart, and opinions
to connect with the reader Forget to revise/check your work
Stay on topic Talk to the reader (Hi, my name is,
hope you liked my essay, bye!)
No “let’s move on”
Go over the top with your