Do's and Don'ts 4B

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Expository Essays

(According to Mrs. Miller’s 4B Class)

Do’s Don’ts

 Five paragraphs (no more, no less)  One big paragraph as your essay
 Use transition words  Add extraneous details
 Revise/check your work  Leave your essay incomplete
 Use $$$$$$$$$ words (sophisticated
 Bore the reader
 Use quotes and/or dialogue
 Write run-on sentences or
appropriately fragments
 Have an introduction (hook/engaging  Use someone else’s words as your
beginning, 3- point thesis statement) own (plagiarism)
 Have three body paragraphs (each one  Use kindergarten/baby/$2 words
focusing on one subtopics/reasons)  Use minimal details
 Write in complete sentences  Waste time
 Plan your writing, and write your plan  Go off topic
(in a reasonable amount of time)
 Explain your topic thoroughly
 Use improper punctuation and
 Keep track of time grammar
 Use FRIES (Facts, Reasons, Incidents,  Forget to indent
Examples, Statistics, Sensory Details)  Use improper capitalization (only
 Restate the prompt in the intro and CAP the first letter of a sentence
the conclusion and proper nouns)
 Use details to support your  No txt talk (LOL, G2G, TTYL)
reasons/subtopics  Skip lines between paragraphs
 Use proper conventions (spelling,
 Be sloppy (scribble-scrabble)
grammar, punctuation, capitalization,
etc.)  Write teensy weensy paragraphs
 Connect with the reader using (1-4 sentences)
engaging details, real-world examples,  Write in pen or marker or blood
and meaningful interaction  Put your conclusion anywhere
 Use literary devices/ style (ex. similes, other than the end
metaphors, onomatopoeia, etc.)  Disguise opinions as facts
 Write neatly in pencil  Write more or less than 5
 Vary sentence structure paragraphs
 Indent your paragraphs
 Use slang/improper language
 Use facts to sound smart, and opinions
to connect with the reader  Forget to revise/check your work
 Stay on topic  Talk to the reader (Hi, my name is,
hope you liked my essay, bye!)
 No “let’s move on”
 Go over the top with your

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