Architecture Syllabus

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Principles of composition-using grids, symmetrical/asymmetrical, rule of

AR 1.1 BASIC DESIGN thirds, center of interest etc.
Assignment: to compose patterns using grids and to incorporate the principles.
L/s: 8/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr: 18 Unit - IV
Colour theory, color wheel, primary, secondary, tertiary colors, color
Course Overview: schemes, color value and intensity. Theoretical inputs to be followed by
Basic Design provides the framework for understanding design as a new exercises to develop the ability to translate abstract principles into
language by sensitizing students to the conceptual, visual and perceptual compositions in 2D and 3D.
issues involved in the design process. Assignment: prepare a colour wheel, and composition based on colour theory.

Objectives of the Course: Unit - V

To impart an understanding of design process and provide knowledge of Study of ornament in architectural design. Different types of
the principles of design and design elements. Exercises complement the ornamentation in buildings. Study and evaluation of artifacts and historic
lectures and ensure that the students learn to develop a series of examples and their applicability.
Assignment: to document artifacts historical sites and to understand them with
compositions in two and three dimension.
respect to the surround environment; to incorporate them of the design aspects to
present day context or usage.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
The Course prepares ground for the students to gain an understanding into Unit - VI
the fundamental issues in architectural design and develop the skill to Basic anthropometrics-average measurements of human body in different
create architectural solutions for simple problems. postures-its proportion and graphic representation, application in the
design of simple household and street furniture. Role of mannequins in
Course Contents: defining spatial parameter of design. Basic human functions and their
Unit – I implications for spatial planning. Minimum and optimum areas for
Introduction to design – definitions and meaning of design, importance of various functions. Preparing user profile, bubble and circulation diagrams.
design. Examples of design from nature. Fundamental elements of design
in 2-D and their definitions; point, line, shape, form, space, texture, value, Unit - VII
colour and material. Introduction to the principles of design in 2-D and Introduction to design methodology. Detailed study of spaces such as
3-D -unity, balance, symmetry proportion, scale, hierarchy, rhythm, living, dining, bedrooms, kitchen, toilet, etc. including, the furniture
contrast, harmony, focus, etc; use of grids, creating repetitive patterns layout, circulation, clearances, lighting and ventilation, etc. Case study of
Assignment: to compose patterns by incorporating the principles of design. existing house and its re-design of these spaces. Design of simple building
Unit - II
Concepts of geometry – introduction to different 3-D forms and primitive Unit - VIII
forms, shapes and understand the behavior when combined. Visual analysis of built forms, noted for aesthetic delight; analysis of solid
Transformations of 2-D to 3-D. and void relations. Integration of form and function in the design of bus
Assignment: to sketch the basic geometric forms and to analyze them based on shelter, milk booth, watchman's cabin, traffic police kiosk, flower stall,
transformation of simple to complex forms. ATM Center, etc.

Note: In end-exam, which is a viva-voce, the students have to present the Unit – II
entire year‟s work for assessment. Drawing: Drawing sheet sizes, composition, fixing. Simple exercises in
drafting, point and line, line types, line weights, straight and curvilinear
Reference books: lines dimensioning, lettering, borders, title panels, tracing in pencil, ink,
use of tracing cloth.
Ching, Francis D.K. Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, 2nd ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold,
New York, 1996.
Hanks, A. David. Decorative Designs of Frank Lloyd Wright, Dover Publications, Inc. New Unit – III
York, 1999. Architectural Symbols: Representation of building elements, openings,
Hepler, E. Donald, Wallach, I. Paul. Architecture Drafting and Design, 3rd ed. McGraw- materials, accessories etc., terminology and abbreviations used in
Hill Book Company, New York, 1977.
Itten, Johannes. Design and Form: The basic course at the Bauhaus, Thames and Hudson architectural presentation.
Ltd., London 1997.
Krier, Rob. Architectural Composition, Academy Editions, London, 1988. Unit – IV
Meiss, Pierre Von. Elements of Architecture: From form to place, E and FN Spon, London, Measuring and Drawing to Scale: Scales and construction of scales,
Pipes, Alan. Drawing for 3-Dimensional Design. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London 1990. simple objects, furniture, rooms, doors and windows etc., in plan,
Shibikawa, Ikuyoshi and Takahashi, Yumi. Designers Guide to Colour. elevation and section. Reduction and enlargement of drawings
Smithies, K.W. Principles of Design in Architecture. Chapman and Hall, 1983.
Wucius, Wong. Principles of two Dimensional Design. Van Nostrand Reinhold 1972. Unit – V
Building Geometry: Study of points, lines, and planes leading to simple
and complex solid geometrical forms; Use of geometry in buildings,
AR 1.2 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING AND GRAPHICS – I isometric, axonometric and oblique views; Exercises on Ionic volute,
Entasis of column etc., working with models to facilitate visualization.
L/s: 5/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 10
Unit – VI
Course Overview: Free Hand Drawings: Simple exercises in object drawing, light and
The course introduces the fundamental techniques of architectural drawing shade of simple, natural and geometric forms. Outdoor sketching of
and develops the appropriate skills for visualization and representation. simple building forms. Architectural representation of trees, hedges,
Objectives of the Course: foliage, human figures in different postures, vehicles, street furniture etc.;
To introduce architectural drawing techniques and to facilitate effective their integration to presentation drawings;
visual communication
Unit – VII
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Freehand, scale drawing, Application: Application of graphic skills to architectural design
conventional architectural representations in drawings and graphics. projects.

Course Contents: Note: This is a studio subject and students should be made to prepare
construction drawings as studio exercises along with the theoretical inputs.
Unit – I The studio work should be supplemented with appropriate side visits.
Introduction: Fundamentals of drawing and its practice, introduction to
drawing equipment, familiarization, use and handling.

Reference books: Unit – II
Stone masonry: stone walls, rubble work, ashlar work, masonry joints,
Moris, I.H. Geometrical Drawing for Art Students. window sills, plinth, cornices, surface finishes.
Thoms, E. French. Graphic Science and Design, New York: MC Graw Hill.
Nichols, T.B. and Keep, Norman. Geometry of Construction, 3rd ed. Cleaver – Hume Press
Ltd., London, 1959. Unit – III
Bhatt, N.D. and Panchal V.M. Engineering Drawing: Plane and Solid Geometry, 42nd ed. Composite masonry: Stone cladding: brick backed ashlar, rubble backed
Charotar Pub., Anand, 2000. ashlar, concrete backed masonry, ashlar faced concrete walls, marble faced
Gill, P.S. T.B. of Geometrical Drawing, 3rd ed. Dewan Suhil Kumar Kataria, Ludhiana, 1986.
masonry; tile faced concrete, hollow block masonry.
Shah, M.G., Kale, C.M. and Patki, S.Y. Building Drawing: with an integrated approach to
built environment, 7th ed. Tata McGraw Hill Pub., Delhi, 2000.
Bies, D. John. Architectural Drafting: Structure and Environment. Bobbs – Merrill Unit – IV
Educational Pub., Indianapolis. Lintels: Lintels of wood, stone, brick.
Nelson, A. John. H.B. of Architectural and Civil Drafting, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New Arches: arches; terms defined; various forms of arches like segmental,
York, 1983. semi-circular, elliptical, three-centered, flat and relieving arch, etc.
Unit – V
AR 1.3 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-I Carpentry and joinery: Terms defined; mitring, ploughing, grooving,
rebating, veneering. Various forms of joints in wood work, such as
L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 10
lengthening joints, bearing joints, halving, dovetailing, housing, notching,
tusk and tenon etc;

Course Overview: Unit – VI

The course introduces to the methods and techniques of construction of Doors: Definition of terms, types of doors: wooden, ledged, ledged and
basic elements of a simple building. braced, paneled, flush door. Hinged, single and double shutters, sliding,
folding, revolving, pivoted.
Objectives of the Course:
To understand the elementary and simple construction methods, explaining Unit – VII
basic principles and considerations in the construction of one roomed Windows: Casement, top and bottom hung, pivoted and sliding sash.
rectilinear building with verandah. Hardware: fixtures, locks, hinges, fastenings for doors and windows.
Unit – VIII
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Steel: windows, rolling shutters and grills. Aluminium doors and
To understand the techniques of construction of a simple load bearing windows,
structure with simple material like brick, stone etc.
The class work and home assignments should include appropriate site visits by the
Course Contents: students. Student will maintain field observations / record books. At least two
exercises to be done in the construction yard.
Unit – I
Brickwork: Various types of bonds, stopped ends, junctions, piers, jambs, Reference books:
footings, foundations, corbelling, damp proof course, window sills, Barry, R. The Construction of Buildings Vol. 2, 5th ed. East-West Press. New Delhi, 1999.
thresholds, copings, mortar joints and pointing. Bindra, S P. and Arora, S P. Building Construction: Planning Techniques and Methods of
Construction, 19th ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub. New Delhi, 2000.

Hailey and Hancork, D.W. Brick Work and Associated Studies Vol. 2. MacMillan, London, Mortars: Types, proportioning, mixing and grinding, mortar mills, cement
mortar, lime mortar, methods of preparing, handling and uses of mortars,
Moxley, R. Mitchell‟s Elementary Building Construction, Technical Press Ltd.
Rangwala, S.C. Building Construction, 22nd ed. Charotar Pub. House, Anand, 2004. Surkhi-mortar, light weight mortars i.e. cinder, sawdust and fibrous plaster,
Sushil Kumar. T.B. of Building Construction, 19th ed. Standard Pub, Delhi, 2003. gypsum plaster, Plaster of Paris.

Unit - IV
AR 1.4 BUILDING MATERIALS – I Portland cement: Raw materials, functions of cement ingredients, setting
action of cement, tests for strength and setting time.
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 6 Lime: Raw materials, Preparation of lime and hydrated lime.

Course Overview: Unit - V

The course provides information on the properties, use, installation and Concrete: Concrete and its constituents, aggregate: coarse and fine,
costs of basic building materials. properties of concrete, strength, durability, etc. Effect of age on strength.
Grading: importance, fineness modulus, combined aggregate, water cement
Objectives of the Course: ratio. Mixing and Curing.
To impart knowledge on the various building materials, while highlighting
the current trends and innovations in the usage of building materials. Unit - VI
Timber: Advantages of timber construction, exogenous and endogenous
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Knowledge required for trees, hard wood and soft wood, growth of tree, its structure: heart wood
specifying appropriate materials for various spaces in buildings. and sap wood, felling of trees, conversion of felled logs, storage, sawing of
timber, shrinkage and distortion, wastage, methods of sawing. Drying and
Course Contents: seasoning, moisture contents, purpose of seasoning, natural and artificial.

Unit - I Unit - VII

Stones: Classification of stones: granite, laterite, quartzite, marble and Defects in timber: Natural defects, seasoning defects and defects due to
slates -properties and uses; stone units - khandki, rubble, black stones, fungal action. Causes of decay, factors affecting decay, preservation of
stone metal, flag stones., quarrying of building stones, quarry dressing, tool timber by applying preservatives like tar, oil, water soluble and organic
used, Preservation of stone work. solvents.

Unit - II Unit – VIII

Bricks: selection of clay, constituents, harmful constituents, requirements Metals: Pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron, steel, manufacturing processes
and tests foe good bricks. Fire clay bricks - varieties; sand lime bricks; and casting. Characteristics form and uses of cast iron, wrought iron and
paving bricks; Terra-cotta-its varieties: ordinary, glazed, porous, polished steel. Alloys steel, stainless steel, steel-treatment, steel tempering,
and fine; uses and properties. annealing, normalizing, and case hardening, their objectives and effect on
Building Tiles: Roof, floor and wall tiles. alloy steels, galvanizing, oxidation and casting of metallic products,
corrosion of iron and their prevention, metallic protective coatings.
Unit - III
Sand: sources, classification, functions, properties, tests for silt and
organic contents, size of sand and grading.

Reference books: Unit – IV
Shear force and Bending Moment: Types of beams, loads, definition of
Chowdary, K.P. Engineering Materials used in India, 7th ed. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi,
shear force and bending moment, Shear Force and Bending Moment
Moxley, R. Mitchell‟s Elementary Building Construction, Technical Press Ltd. diagram for cantilever, simply supported and over hanging beams for
Rangwala, S.C. Building Construction: Materials and types of Construction, 3rd ed. John various loadings (analytical method only), relation between load, Shear
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1963. Force and Bending Moment.


Theory of Simple Bending: Moment of inertia for various structural
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 6 shapes like Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, (Derivation also) and Moment of
Inertia for shapes like T, L and I sections (No derivation)
Course Overview: Theory of simple bending: Assumptions, derivation of flexure equation
Gives an in-depth understanding of the concepts associated with framed M/I = f/y = E/R, application of flexure formula for various shapes.
Unit – VI
Objectives of the Course: Shear stresses in beams: Shear stress distribution of various shapes like
To provide knowledge of different forces, force systems, structural Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, symmetrical I section (Derivation also), shear
behavior of different members due to applied forces. stress distribution for asymmetrical I sections, T section, C section etc. (No
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Basic principles of mechanics
and behavior of elements of structures. Unit – VII
Deflection of beams: slope and deflection for cantilevered and simply
Course Contents: supported beams with standard loading (derivation), slope and deflection
for cantilever and simply supported for various loads (point loads and
Unit – I Uniformly Distributed Loads) using double integration method,
Introduction: Forces, composition, resolution, moments and couples, Macaulay‟s method and moment area method.
transformation of couple, force systems, Resultant and equilibrate
(analytical methods only) Unit – VIII
Analysis of Frames:
Unit – II Analysis of 2-D plane trusses by method of joints and method of sections.
Simple stresses and strains: Stress, strain, types of stresses, stress strain (Analytical method only)
curve for ductile, material, elastic limit, modulus of elasticity, compound
sections, Composite sections, stresses due to change in temperature. Reference books:

Unit – III Khurmi. R.S. Engineering Mechanics, S. Chand and Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
Ramamrutham. S. Engineering Mechanics, 7th ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub. Co. Ltd., Delhi, 2004.
Elastic constants: Types of strains, linear strains, lateral strains, Timoshenko. S. and Young, D.H. Engineering Mechanics, McGraw-Hill International
volumetric strains, Poisson‟s ratio, shear modulus, bulk modulus, relation Editions
between E, N and K (derivations also), members subjected to three
mutually perpendicular forces.

AR 1.6 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE – I Architecture in Roman period; Grand scale, application of Greek orders;
Construction of vaults; study of different typologies of buildings;
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 6 development of roads and aqueducts;

Course Overview: Unit – IV

History of Architecture to be studied as development of building forms in Architecture in the early Christian, Romanesque, Gothic, Byzantine,
response to social, religious, aesthetic and environmental factors. The periods in Europe and rest of the world excluding Asia;
study should focus on the three dimensional forms, plan forms, façade
organization, structural solution, construction methods and ornamentation. Unit – V
The study should focus on the general trends and not on specific examples Architecture in Renaissance and Baroque: revival in architecture, study of
of buildings. building typologies ;

Objectives of the Course: Unit-VI

To expose the students to a wide spectrum of architectural styles The other architecture styles preceding the advent of Industrial revolution
ranging from pre-historic to modern times. in Europe.
To explain the students the evolution of architecture in relation to
time with special emphasis to social, religious and environmental Unit-VII
factors. Influence of Industrial revolution on building materials, construction
To make the students understand the developments in the technology, evolution of new building types and increasing user
construction technology in different periods. requirements.

Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Unit-VIII

1) Acquire knowledge to identify the common characteristics among the Introduction to modern architecture;
monuments of a particular style.
2) Acquire graphic skills to present a building, analyze its elements and Reference books:
explain the composition.
Fletcher, Sir Banister. A History of Architecture, 19th ed. CBS Pub., Delhi, 1992.
3) Acquire knowledge on good practices of architecture in the past. Yarwood, Doreen. A Chronology of Western Architecture. B.T. Batsford Ltd., London,
Course Contents: Hiraskar G.K. The Great Ages of Architecture, 3rd ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi, 2000.
Schulz, Christian Norberg. Meaning in Western Architecture, 2nd ed. Rizzoli Intl. Pub., New
Unit – I York, 1981.
Copplistone, Trewin and Others. World Architecture: An Illustrated History, 11 th ed.
Architectural development in the ancient civilizations in Indus valley, Hamlyn, London, 1979.
Egypt and Mesopotamia, Study of Pyramids, Temples, Mastabas, Bindoo. D.D, History of Architecture, Milind P Lakshana, Hyderabad – 2006.

Unit – II
Architecture in the Classic Greek periods, different orders, optical
correction and appreciation of perfection.
Unit – III

Design definition and description: Definition of design. Nature of good
L/s:2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 4 design. General discussion on form in animate nature, biological nature
and human environment. Understanding of the determinants of physical
Course Overview:
form as known to architects and environmental planners, concepts of
Provides knowledge on traditional art form, innovations in and influences
space, structure, organisation, symbolism etc.
on architecture and thinking process in design;
Objectives of the Course: Unit – VII
To analyze various art forms, and understand the techniques involved in Design as a problem solving activity. Introduction to various real world
creative thinking. problems.
Design as a multivariate activity. Design classification and evaluation.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: different skills for creative
thinking, understanding various art forms, appreciate art and architecture. Unit – VIII
Design process and Thinking: goals and objectives, value judgments
Course Contents: defining problems, information gathering, creative incubation, thinking
techniques-convergent, lateral, interactive thinking, graphical thinking,
Unit – I
Purpose and relevance of art, checklists, analysis and synthesis, simulation, action ability and
implementation of intentions. Blocks in creative thinking.
Unit – II
Development of art; A survey of history of art forms; pre-historic period to Reference books:
the present times; Changing nature of art through time in terms of content;
form and material; Kumar, Raj (Ed.). Essays on Indian Art and Architecture. Discovery Pub., New Delhi,
Fisher, E. Robert. Buddhist Art and Architecture. Thames and Hudson, London, 1993.
Unit – III Ghosh, A (Ed.). Jain Art and Architecture Vol. 1-3. Bharatiya Jnanpith, New Delhi.
Exploration of art forms - study of traditional and contemporary art forms - Geoffrey Broadbent, Design in Architecture, London: D. Fulton
painting sculpture, architecture, decorative arts, design arts, digital art. James C. Snyder, Introduction to Architecture, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
Relationship between art and architecture from earliest times. Christopher Alexander, Pattern Language, New York: Oxford University Press
Thomas Mitchell, Redefining Designing: From to Experience,
Unit – IV Edward De Bono, Lateral Thinking
Charles Jenks, The language of Postmodern Architecture, London: Academy Education.
Definitions and general understanding of architecture, role of architect in a James snyder and Anthony Y catanse, Introduction to Architecture, Mc Graw-Hill Book
building project. The changing role of architects, his relation with other company, New York, 1979.
consultants, contractors and client, technical knowledge and other skills
required as inputs. Various subjects to be learnt by architecture students, AR 1.8: COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – 1
their relevance to practice.
L/s:2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 6
Unit – V
Various factors influencing the architecture of a region, architecture as a
response to social, technological and environment forces. Evolution of Course Overview:
shelter forms in regions of the world and examples of vernacular The course imparts basic knowledge on computers to upgrade the general
architecture in the world, with particular reference to India. understanding and ability in computing in the realm of architecture.

Objectives of the Course: workings, creating a form using a wizard, reports – and their
To enable the student to make audio-visual presentations, word processing, working, creating, report and mail-merge, labels using a wizard
and other basic computing.
Unit – V
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Knowledge on basic Internet concepts: Introduction to Internet, use of internet, various search
hardware and software required for architectural applications, Ms-Office, engines, hyper text markup Language, e-mails
photo Editing techniques, use of World Wide Web.
Course Contents: Unit – VI
Photo Editing and Desktop Publishing (application)-I:
Unit – I Import and export of photo edited files, objects in photo editing, fills,
Introduction : outlines, basic toolbox of photo editing software (like Coral Draw), color
Introduction and history of computer, software and hardware concepts - management tools, starting your page right, introduction to Flash
bits, bytes - types of languages – operating systems (windows, DOS). multimedia software.
Introduction to Word Processing Package, Toolbar, creating a new
document, formatting text, inserting tables, pictures, page Numbers and Unit – VII
date/time, spelling and grammar checking, taking printouts Photo Editing and Desktop Publishing (application) - II:
Introduction, software and system requirements, preferences, workspace,
Unit – II graphics terminology, image depth, resolution and image size, image
Spread Sheets: sources, straightening and cropping of images, basic correction of images,
Introduction to Spread Sheets, Microsoft Excel, creating formulas, basic printing, Photoshop software: selections, choosing foreground and
operations, borders and shading, creating charts background colors, filling with color, options and preferences, file
browser, stepping back in time, use ram efficiently, sharpening images,
Unit – III working with layers, painting, color theory, image modes, channels, more
Multi-media Presentations: Introduction, multi-media presentation (like advanced adjustment commands, file format categories
MS. Power point) Creating a Presentation, different views in PowerPoint,
slide manipulation, slide animation, slide transitions, view slide show, References:
navigating while in slideshow, hyper linking to various other media/
application outputs, scanning of different media in different formats, Adobe Creative Team. Adobe Photoshop CS (Class Workbook).
setting of options, resolution settings, management of file size, integrating Droblas, Adele. Fundamental Photoshop: A Complete Introduction, Greenberg.
partial scans of large documents. Pack up a presentation for use on another HTML Black Book
Sagman. Microsoft Office for Windows, India Addison Wesley, 1999.
Woody, Leon Hard. Microsoft Office 2000, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

Unit – IV AR 1.9 WORKSHOP – I

Exploring Microsoft Access:
Introduction, creating new and opening existing, creating a database using
L/s:3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 6
a wizard, creating a database without using a wizard, tables – and their
working, creating a table from scratch, Primary Keys, Switching
views, entering data, manipulating data, advanced table feature examples. Course Overview:
relationships - linking multiple tables together, forms – and their The course provides the foundation and capability to represent the concepts
three dimensionally.

Objectives of the Course: a. Scale model of a piece of furniture b. Presentation of models
To introduce various fabrication skills and techniques necessary to produce c. mock-up of an everyday object d. Three-dimensional forms etc.
scale-models and to encourage preparation of models as an essential phase Documentation of the important phases of fabrication is must which shall become
in design development and evaluation. the basis for internal evaluation.

Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Dexterity; Knowledge of Reference books:

materials and their properties; craft skills; visualization skills;
Bernald, S and Copplene, Myers. History of Art.
Craven, C. Roy. Indian Art a Concise History.
Course Contents: Krier, Rob. Element of Architecture. Academy Editions, London, 1992.
Lang, Jon. A Concise History of Modern Architecture in India. Permanent Black, Delhi,
Unit – I 2002.
Introduction to model-making: Need; role of scale-models in design; Magnet, Jacque. The Asesthetic Experiences: An anthropologist looks at the Visual Art.
general practices; Digital models. Preble, Duame. Art Forms.
Snyder, C. James and Catanese, J. Anthony. Introduction to Architecture.
Unit – II Tapert, Annette. Swid Powell: Objects by Architects. Rizzoli, New York, 1990.
Essentials of model-making: understanding of various tools and machines
employed, best practices involved in operating the tools and the

Unit – III
Survey of various materials available for model making such as papers,
boards, wood, plastics, films, plaster of paris, acrylic, Styrofoam, wax,
metals, glass etc. and exploring their potential in model-making.

Unit – IV
Techniques of Scale-modeling: Use of different scales; templates;
measuring aids; conventions followed.

Unit – V
Techniques for preperation of presentation models, mock-ups, simulation
of various materials and textures such as wood, glass, aluminium, steel,
bricks, roofing tiles, flooring, corrugated sheets, upholsteries etc.

Unit – VI
Carpentry: Introduction to the use of different types of tools and different
types of joints used in carpentry. Joinery details which are commonly used
in timber construction. Application of surface finishes such as polish,
varnish, lacquer on wood.

At least three major assignments involving the individual students to fabricate

At least two major exercises and two minor design/time problems should
AR 3.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN – I be given. The final submission shall necessarily include a model for at
least one of the two main problems.
L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr: 9
Note: In end exam which is a viva-voce the students have to present the
Course Overview: entire semester work for assessment.
This course is intended to provide skills for designing a single use, small
span and single-storey buildings. Reference books:
Chiara Joseph de and Others. Time Savers Standards of Building Types. McGraw – Hill,
Objectives of the Course: 1980.
To develop abilities in design in the context of user requirements. Kirk, Paul Hayden and Sternberg, D. Eugene. Doctors Offices and Clinics, 2nd ed.
Reinhold Pub., USA, 1960.
Neufert, Ernst. Ernst Neufert Architects Data, Granada Pub. Ltd., London, 1970.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: use of standards, handling of Pevsner, Nikolaus. A History of Building Types. Thames and Hudson, London, 1976.
space, and application of knowledge gained from other subjects in design. Shah, S. Charanjit. Architects Hand Book Ready Reckoner. Galogotia Pub. Co., New Delhi,
Course Contents:

The design issues to be addressed: AR 3.2 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING AND GRAPHICS – II

Various functions and their spatial implications.
Formulations of concept. L/s: 5/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 5
Anthropometry and furniture layout
Horizontal circulation Course Overview:
Interior volumes and space articulation through different The course is intended to develop the techniques of architectural drawing
materials. pertaining to perspective, Sciagraphy, rendering and architectural
Integration of form and function. documentation.

The list of suggested topics to be covered as design problems: Objectives of the Course:
To impart the skills of three dimensional visualization and presentation.
Balwadi, Kindergarten School, Primary Health Centre, Doctor‟s Clinic,
small Cafeteria, Highway Restaurant, Village Post Office, Bank extension Course Contents:
counter, Police Station, Architect‟s Office, Departmental Store, School
Gymkhana and Youth Club etc. Unit – I
Introduction to Sciagraphy:
Necessary theoretical inputs to be given highlighting the norms and design Simple and composite forms, shadows on horizontal, vertical planes and on
issues. The topics not covered as design problems will have to be covered their own surfaces. Study of shade and shadows of simple geometrical
by the Studio faculty members through lecture/slide show sessions and site solids of various forms and groups of forms.

- 10 -
Unit – II Conli, Claudius. Drawings by Architects.
Hagarth, Paul. Drawing Architecture.
Advanced Sciagraphy: Pranchlay, H. Perspective.
Shade and shadow techniques leading to advanced practical examples:
shades and shadows on buildings or parts of buildings. Relative changes in AR 3.3 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION-II
building shades and shadows with sun angle, time, building height etc.
L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 5
Unit – III
Characteristics of perspective drawings: perspectives of simple geometric Course Overview:
solids and spaces and complex geometries. Advanced examples in one Focus will be on different types of parts of buildings, like partitions,
point or parallel perspective, two point or angular perspective, introduction staircases and floorings
to three point perspective.
Objectives of the Course:
Unit – IV To explore various types and techniques of constructing floors, staircases,
Introduction to Rendering: partitions etc.
Introduction to surfaces and media, observation, recording and basic
representation techniques in different media through drawing pencil, pen, Course Contents:
brush, charcoal, crayons etc.
Unit – I
Unit – V Flooring: Brick on edge, concrete, wood, Indian patent floor, granolithic,
Techniques in Rendering: terrazzo, pitch mastic, Magnesium Oxide, Chloride, flag stone or shahbad
Introduction of rules of composition and perspective in architectural stone flooring, etc.
rendering, colour study, values, tones and general approach to rendering,
monochrome and wash rendering etc. Treatment of sky, clouds, Unit –II
landscape elements, human figures, foreground and surroundings, Ground and upper floors: Solid floor, brick flooring, floor finishing and
shadow projections in renderings. floor coverings, Basement floor and retaining walls.

Unit – VI Unit – III

Architectural Documentation: Wooden ground and upper floors: Terms defined, bridging joists,
Detailed measured drawing and documentation of any interesting binding joists, binders, beams and girders, solid and herring bone strutting,
building – preparation of maps, plans, elevations, sections, views etc. floor boards, ceiling joists, trimming floors to accommodate fire place.
Details of fire place.
Reference books:
Unit – IV
Atkin, William W, Corbelletti, Raniero and Firore, R. Vincent. Pencil Techniques in Partition Walls: Brick partition, reinforced brick partition, brick nogged
Modern Design, 4th ed. Reinhold Pub. Corporation, New York, 1962. partition, lath and plaster partition, pre-cast concrete partition, glass
Bately, Claude. Design Development of India Architecture.
block and glass create partition, common wooden partition, trussed
Bellings, Lance Bowen. Perspective-Space and design.
Burden, Ernest. Architectural Delineation: A photographic approach to presentation, 2nd ed. partition.
McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1982.

- 11 -
Unit – V Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
Staircases: Terms defined, tread, riser, stringer, nosing, flight, landing, Knowledge required for specifying appropriate materials for various spaces
head-room, handrail, balusters, newel post etc., types of stairs i.e., in buildings.
straight, doglegged, open well, geometrical, circular, spiral, bifurcated,
wooden stairs, stone stairs, metal stairs and elementary knowledge of RCC Course Contents:
Unit – I
Unit – VI Plywood and Veneers: Resin bonded plywood, laminated wood,
Cladding: Cladding of various materials-marble, granite, slate, tiles, metal insulating boards and other miscellaneous boards, veneers from different
etc. varieties of timber, their characteristics and uses.

Unit – VII Unit – II

Flat roofs: Madras terrace, Jack arch, elementary knowledge about RCC Paints and Varnishes: Protective coating, paints, constituents of paints,
their functions, water paints, distempers, cement based paints, emulsion
roof and floor slabs.
paints, varnishes (oil and spirit), French polish, anti-corrosive paint, damp
proofing finishes.
Note: This is a studio subject and students should be made to prepare
construction drawings as studio exercises along with the theoretical inputs. Unit – III
The studio work should be supplemented with appropriate side visits. Glass and glass products: Composition and fabrication of glass, types of
glass, wired glass, fiber glass, rock wool, laminated glass, glass-crete
Reference books: blocks, structural glass, their properties and uses in buildings.
Barry, R. The Construction of Buildings Vol. 2, 5th ed. East-West Press, New Delhi, 1999.
Bindera and Arora. Building Construction: Planning Techniques and Methods of
Construction, 19th ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi, 2000. Unit – IV
McKay J.K. Building Construction Metric Vol. 4, 4th ed. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, Rubber: Natural rubber, latex, coagulation, vulcanizing, and synthetic
2002. rubber
Sushil Kumar. T.B. of Building Construction, 19th ed. Standard Pub. Distributors, Delhi,
Unit – V
AR 3.4: BUILDING MATERIALS – II Roofing and Flooring: Roofing tiles and asbestos cement products,
sheets, fiber boards.
Various natural as well as artificial flooring materials like vitrified tiles,
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 2
ceramic tiles, shabad stones, Mosaic, rubber, Linoleum, and PVC and PVA
Course Overview:
The course is intended to provide information on the properties, uses, Unit – VI
installation and costs of building materials. Adhesives: Natural and synthetic, their varieties, thermoplastic and
thermosetting adhesives, epoxy resin.
Objectives of the Course:
To provide knowledge on the various types of building materials used
while highlighting the current innovations and trends.

- 12 -
Unit – VII Unit – III
Asphalt and Bitumen: Natural and artificial products, forms of asphalt, Kani’s method / Rotation Contribution Method: Introduction,
emulsion, cement mastic bituminous felt, their properties and uses. rotational factors, application of Kani‟s method for beams and frames
(single bay) including side sway (with out sinking of supports).
Unit – VIII
Plastics: Types, thermo setting and thermo plastics, resins, common types Unit – IV
of mouldings, fabrication of plastics, polymerization and condensation. Columns and Struts: Buckling and crushing failures, types of end
Plastic coatings, reinforced plastic, plastic laminates. conditions, Euler‟s theory of long columns for different end conditions and
equivalent length derivations, Rankine‟s equation, Derivation and
Reference books: application of the basic formula.
Chowdary, K.P. Engineering Materials are used in India, 7th ed. Oxford and IBH Pub. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1990.
Moxley, R. Mitchell‟s Elementary Building Construction, Technical Press Ltd.
Unit – V
Rangwala, S.C. Building Construction: Materials and types of Construction, 3rd ed. John Direct and Bending Stresses: eccentricity about one axis and about both
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1963. axes, for symmetric sections. Core of section deviation of minimum
eccentricity conditions for different sections to avoid tension, wind
AR 3. 5 STRUCTURAL MECHANICS –II pressure on chimneys, retaining walls subjected to earth pressure without
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 3
Unit – VI
Objectives of the Course: Torsion of Shafts: Assumptions, Derivation of basic equation T/J = G /l =
To impart sound knowledge of strength, behavior of various materials and fs/R, Power Transmitted by shafts, application of basic equation to shafts.
techniques in the analysis of structures.
Unit – VII
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Arches: Determination of horizontal thrust, bending moment and radial
Ability to analyze the standard members in structures. shear for three-hinged parabolic and segmental arches with supports at
same level and different levels.
Course Contents:
Unit – I Unit – VIII
Fixed Beams: Advantages and disadvantages, Shear Force and Bending Structural Concepts in post and lintel construction and arch, dome and
Moment diagrams for beams loaded by point loads and Uniformly vault construction.
Distributed Loads from basic principles.
Continuous beams: Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams for Reference books:
continuous beams using theorem of three moments (excluding derivation
and sinking of supports). A.K.Jain and Punmia. Strength of Materials
Ramamrutham, S. Theory of Structures, 17th ed. Danpat Rai Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi,
Unit – II Reddy, C.S. Basic Structural Analysis, 18th ed. Tata McGraw Hill Pub.Co.Ltd., New Delhi,
Moment Distribution Method: Introduction, carryover, relative stiffness, 1991.
application of Moment Distribution Method to Continuous beams, single
bay frame with and without sway (excluding sinking of supports)

- 13 -
Unit – III
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 3 Development of Hindu Architecture: Nagara style in Orissa, Kahjuraho,
Gujarat etc.
Course Overview:
History of Architecture to be studied as development of building forms in Unit – IV
response to social, religious, aesthetic and environmental factors. The Development of Hindu Architecture:Dravidian style in Pallava, Chola,
study should focus on the three dimensional forms, plan forms, façade Pandya periods.
organization, structural solution, construction methods and ornamentation.
The study should focus on the general trends and not on specific examples Unit – V
of buildings. Development of Hindu Architecture under late Chalukyans, Development
of Jain Architecture.
Objectives of the Course:
To expose the students to a wide spectrum of architectural styles Unit-VI
Islamic Architecture in India: Early Saracenic School in India: Imperial
ranging from pre historic to pre independence period in India.
school at Delhi
To explain the students the evolution of architecture in relation to
time with special emphasis to social, religious and environmental
Islamic Architecture in India: Provincial styles at Gujarat, Deccan, Bengal,
Moghul Architecture in India.
To make the students understand the developments in the
construction technology in different periods.
Pre-independent architecture in India: Development of secular architecture
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: from the end of 18th century to the middle of the 19th century.
1) Acquire knowledge to identify the common characteristics among the
monuments of a particular style.
Reference books:
2) Acquire graphic skills to present a building, analyze its elements and Brown, Percy. Indian Architecture: Buddhist and Hindu Periods. D.B. Taraporevala Sons and
explain the composition. Co., Mumbai, 2003.
3) Acquire knowledge on good practices of architecture in the past. Grover, Satish. The Architecture of India. Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd., Ghaziabad, 1980.
Rowl, Benjamin. Art and Architecture of India.
Tadgell, Christopher. The History of Architecture in India: from the Dawn of Civilization to
Course Contents: the End of the Raj. Om Book Service, New Delhi, 1990.
Vistara. The Architecture of India.
Unit – I
Development of Vedic Architecture, Development of architecture in India AR 3.7 SURVEYING AND LEVELING
and rest of Asia in Buddhist Architecture
L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr: 6
Unit – II
Evolution of Hindu temple form, early rock cut examples; Early Objectives of the Course:
Chalukyans. To explain the techniques and instruments used in survey of land tracts.

- 14 -
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Unit – VI
Surveying skills and related theory. Theodolite – Introduction – vernier Theodolite – uses of Theodolite -
Temporary adjustments – Traversing.
Course Contents:
Unit – I Unit – VII
Introduction – Definitions – Basic Principles of Surveying; Classification Automated Surveying – Introduction to use of Digital Surveying –
of Survey; Uses of Survey - Scales and Symbols-Sources of errors in Instruments such as distomat – total station, Electronic Theodolite, G.P.S.
Survey – Linear Measurement: accurate and approximate methods, duties
of Surveyor. Unit – VIII

Unit – II Site Studies – Plot, site, land and regions, size and shape of site, Analysis
Chain Surveying – Introduction – Types of chains and tapes. Instruments of accessibility, Topography, Climate, land forms, Surface Drainage, Soil,
for chaining and taping – ranging – traversing-cross staffs – offsets – Water, Vegetation, Ecology and Visual aspects.
obstacles in chain surveying – errors and corrections (standardization,
temperature and pull) composition of Areas (Mid –ordinate rule – Average Reference books:
ordinate-Simpson rule).
Arora, K.R. Surveying Vol. I, 6th ed. Standard Book House, Delhi, 2000.
Unit – III Kevin. Site Planning. MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1962.
Punmia, B.C. Surveying Vol. 1, 13th ed. Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
Compass Surveying: Introduction – Prismatic Compass and Surveyors
Compass – Types of Bearings-Designation of bearings – Fore bearing and
back bearing – Types of Traverse – Temporary adjustments of prismatic
compass, local attraction, Corrections, precautions, errors.

Unit – IV
Plane Table Survey: Introduction – Types of Plane Tables and their
Accessories – Setting up the plane table – traversing – Radiation Method –
Intersection Method – Resection Method (two point problem). Three point

Unit – V
Levelling – Introduction –Definitions of terms used in levelling – Principle
of levelling – Classifications temporary adjustments of dumpy level, RL‟s
by height of Instrument and rise and fall method, Contouring and their
characteristics, uses, – errors in levelling.

- 15 -
FOURTH SEMESTER Necessary theoretical inputs to be given highlighting the norms and design
issues. The topics not covered as design problems will have to be covered
AR 4.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN – II by the Studio faculty members through lecture/slide show sessions and site
L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr: 9
At least two major exercises and two minor design/time problems should
be given. The final submission shall necessarily include a model for at
Course Overview: least one of the two main problems.
This course focuses on buildings for residential use.
Note: In end exam which is a viva-voce the students are to present the
Objectives of the Course: entire semester work for assessment.
To enhance the understanding of the complexities of architectural design
for residential needs and develop creative design solutions for good living Reference books:
Chiara Joseph de and Others. Time Savers Standards of Building Types. McGraw – Hill,
Course Contents: 1990.
Neufert, Ernst. Ernst Neufert Architects Data, Granada Pub. Ltd., London, 2000.
Peloquin, Albert. Barrier-Free Residential Design. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1994.
The design issues to be addressed: Pevsner, Nikolaus. A History of Building Types. Thames and Hudson, London, 1976.
Shah, S. Charanjit. Architects Hand Book Ready Reckoner. Galogotia Pub., New Delhi,
Organization of functional activities in relation to user Untermann, Richard and Snall, Robert. Site Planning for Cluster Housing.
requirements and the site.
Relating the system of horizontal and vertical circulation, open
spaces, parking etc. AR 4.2 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION – III
Responding to socio-economic factors such as income levels,
privacy, territoriality, interaction etc.
L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr:5
Considering materials, structure and services in relation to the
design proposal.
Integration of plan forms and three dimensional compositions. Course Overview:
Detailing for the physically handicapped and the elderly. The course focuses on understanding the potentials as well as shortcomings
of RCC as a building material.
The list of suggested topics to be covered as design problems:
Objectives of the Course:
Large guest house, students hostel, small hotel, holiday resort, motel, row To introduce and expose the students to various ways in which RCC is
houses, block of flats and residential complexes at an small scale, housing used in building construction. The course intends to impart the theory of
for specific communities in urban and rural areas such as home for the reinforced concrete construction (in conjunction with the Theory of
aged, fishermen‟s housing etc. Structures which is a separate course), and practical knowledge through
site visits to the construction sites.

- 16 -
Course Contents: Sushil Kumar. T.B. of Building Construction, 19th ed. Standard Pub. Distributors, Delhi,
Unit 1 :
Introduction to RCC: Understanding the properties and characteristics of AR 4.3 DESIGN OF STRUCTURES – I (RCC)
RCC. Its advantages and disadvantages. Cast-in-situ and pre-cast
constructional methods in RCC. L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr:4

Unit II : Course Overview:

Understanding the structural components of a typical RCC frame structure This course focuses on structural design of different elements of building
with reference to their location, junctions, load transfer and design. in RCC.

Unit III: Objectives of the Course:

Substructure: RCC foundations – isolated footing (rectangular and To develop the structural design skills in RCC elements
trapezoidal footings), pile foundation, combined footing, raft foundation. Course Contents:
Unit – I
Unit – IV Introduction to RCC design, Design Philosophies: Working stress and limit
Superstructure: RCC columns – different shapes, different combinations state method, singly reinforced beam, Analysis and Design using both
and loading conditions (axial, bending, non axial), slenderness factor. RCC working stress and limit state methods.
beams - Single and doubly reinforced beams, T and L beams, continuous
beams, lintels and brackets. RCC slabs – One way and two way slabs. Unit – II
Unit - V Situations where doubly reinforced beams are used, analysis and design of
Miscellaneous: RCC staircases and ramp – Waist slab and folded plate doubly reinforced beam using limit state method only.
staircases. RCC Balconies, chajjas etc.
Unit – III
Unit VI: T-beams: introduction, analysis and design of T-beam using Limit State
Advanced concepts: Flat slab, coffered slab, diaphragms, retaining walls method only.
and water tanks.
Unit – IV
Note: This is a studio subject and students should be made to prepare Shear and Bond: Introduction, Design of shear reinforcement for all types
construction drawings as studio exercises along with the theoretical inputs. of beams with and without cranking (Limit State method only)
The studio work should be supplemented with appropriate side visits.
Unit – V
References: Slabs: Introduction, Design of One way and two way reinforced slabs
Bindra and Arora. Building Construction: Planning Techniques and Methods of (simply supported, Restrained, continuous) by limit state method only.
Construction, 19th ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi, 2000.
Foster, J. Stroud. Mitchell Building Construction: Elementary and Advanced, 17th ed. B.T. Unit-VI
Batsford Ltd, London, 1963.
McKay, W.B. Building Construction Metric Vol. 1 – IV, 4th ed. Orient Longman, Mumbai,
Design of axially loaded RCC columns and columns subjected to BM
2005. about one and two axis using limit state method only.

- 17 -
Unit-VII 2) Acquire graphic skills to present a building, analyze its elements and
Design of stair case (Dog-legged only) using working stress method. explain the composition.
Design of lintels and cantilever beams and slabs using limit state method 3) Acquire knowledge on good practices of architecture in the past.
Course Contents:
Design of RCC Isolated footings for columns (Square and Rectangle) - Unit – I
working stress method only. Overview of Renaissance, Baroque and other architectural styles preceding
the advent of Industrial Revolution in Europe.
Reference books:
Influence of Industrial Revolution on building materials, Construction
A.K.Jain. Reinforced Concrete: Limit State Design, 5th ed. New Chand and Bros., Roorkee, Technology, evolution of new building types and increasing user
Ramamrutham. S. and Narayan, R. Design of RCC Structures, 12th ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub.
Co. Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 1998.
Unit – II
AR 4.4 HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE-III Characteristic styles of modern architecture up to First World War. Steel
structures, Arts and crafts movement, Art Nouvean Vienna School,
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr:3 Chicago School, Monumentalism. Expressionism and beginning of RCC.

Course Overview: Unit – III

Contributions made by pioneers-Le-Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright,
History of Architecture to be studied as development of building forms in
Walter Gropius, Mies Van der Rohe in the periods between the Worlds
response to social, religious, aesthetic and environmental factors. The
Wars. Characteristics of modern architecture after the Second World War.
study should focus on the three dimensional forms, plan forms, façade
Study of Aalto, Ero Saarinen, Richard Neutra,
organization, structural solution, construction methods and ornamentation.
Louis I Kahn, Phillip Johnson, Kenzo Tange and also engineer- architects
The study should focus on the general trends and not on specific examples
like Pier Luigi Nervi, Felix Candela, Buckminister Fuller, and Frei Otto.
of buildings.
Unit – IV
Objectives of the Course:
Pre-independence architecture in India: Development of secular
To expose the students to a wide spectrum of architectural styles
architecture from the end of the 18th Century to the middle of the 19th
To explain the students how architecture evolved in relation to Century.
time with special emphasis to social, religious and environmental
Reference books:
To make the students understand the developments in the Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture: the modern movement Vol.2.
construction technology in different periods. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1971.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture: the tradition of modern architecture
Vol.1. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1971.
1) Acquire knowledge to identify the common characteristics among the Curtis, J.R. William. Modern Architecture since 1900. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey,
monuments of a particular 2002.

- 18 -
Giedion, Sigfried, Space, Time and Architecture: the growth of a new tradition, 4 th ed. Unit – III
Harvard Universtiy Press, Cambridge, 1962.
Types of fittings like taps, bathtubs, showers, jets, cocks, valves, electrical
Hilberseimer, L. Contemporary Architecture: Its roots and trends. Paul theobald, Chicago,
1964. fixtures, etc. Faucets for kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. Check valves,
Oersonem Pioneers of Modern Design from William Morris to Walter Gropius-. foot valves, sump pump check valves, and pressure test gauges.
Sharp, Dennis. Twentieth Century Architecture: A Visual History, Facts On File. New York,
1991. Unit – IV
Thomson, David. Renaissance Architecture: Critics, Patrons, Luxury. Manchester University
Building service connections, cold and hot water distribution systems in
Press, Manchester, 1993.
buildings and their design, materials, joints, fittings and valves (gate, flap,
AR 4.5 BUILDING SERVICES – I ball, flush valves etc.). Direct and indirect systems, individual water
(WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION) supply, special installation in multistoried buildings. Special emphasis on
city level distribution of water.
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr:3 Sanitation

Course Overview: Unit – V

Understanding the significance, design and functioning of water and Conventional water treatment – sedimentation, coagulation, filtration and
sewerage systems as essential components in building design and site disinfection. Distribution system, sanitary, storm and combined sewerage
planning. system. Design of sewerage systems, Location of sewage systems,
conventional wastewater treatment, activated sludge, trickling filters etc.
Objectives of the Course:
To introduce and expose the students to various ways to provide Unit – VI
information on the principles and appurtenance of water supply and Design of drainage and vent pipes, system for low-rise and high-rise
sanitation systems. buildings, building drains, sewers, gullies, inspection chambers, manholes,
connection to public sewer, cross connections, ferrule, water meters,
Expected skills and knowledge transferred: To enable students to design stopcocks, bib cocks etc.
sanitary and water supply systems for buildings, and prepare water supply
and drainage plans for building sites. Unit VII
Types of fixtures and materials- wash basins, water closets, urinals, bidets,
Course Contents: sinks etc. Conditions of flow in building drainage pipes, traps, vents and
Water Supply their material specifications. Over-head and under-ground reservoirs

Unit I: Unit –VIII

Introduction to water supply and sanitation. Traditional sources of water Waste -water disposal systems, septic tank and its design, soil absorption
supply and sanitation. Classification of water based on its usage. system, alternatives, solid wastes collection and removal from buildings.
On-site processing and disposal methods. Aerobic and Anaerobic
Unit – II decomposition, purifying capacity of water bodies. Biochemical Oxygen
Elements of public / private water supply system, Different sources of Demand
water supply such as wells, reservoirs, etc. Water and its qualities,
pumping and Distribution

- 19 -
Unit – IX Unit – I
Roads and Pavements – Different types, water bound macadam, tar Introduction to Building Climatology:
bitumen, asphalt and Cement concrete roads, soil stabilization, types of Climate and built form interaction. Global Climatic factors, elements of
paving-murram, brick, and stone paving. Drainage of roads, sub-drains, climate, graphic representation of climatic data, Mahoneys Tables, macro
culverts, ditches and gutters. and micro climate; challenge of rapid, extreme environmental change

References: Unit – II
Husain, S.K. T.B. of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, 3rd ed. Oxford and IBH Pub.
Ltd., New Delhi, 1994.
Tropical Climates:
Kshirsagar, S.R. Water Supply Engineering, 6th ed. Roorkee Pub., Roorkee, 1980. Definition, classification of tropical climates, characteristics of different
Rangwala, S.C. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering: Environmental Engineering, 19th ed. climatic zones, Design considerations for warm-humid, hot-dry,
Charotar Pub. House, Anand, 2004. composite and upland climates.

Unit – III
AR 4.6 CLIMATOLOGY Thermal Comfort:
Thermal comfort factors, Physiological aspects, Body heat balance,
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3hrs Cr:3
comfort range, comfort charts.

Course Overview: Unit – IV

Science (tools, data, standards, methods and principles) of building design Heat flow through Buildings:
and site planning as related to climate, particularly to tropical climates as Basic principles of heat transfer through buildings, performance of
found in India. different materials, Periodic heat flow.

Objectives of the Course: Unit – V

To equip the student with the basic understanding of climatic types in Sun and the Design process:
India, and the impact on requirements of building design and site planning; Solar geometry, Solar charts, Sun angles and shadow angles, orientation
to introduce them to the basic science of building design and site planning for sun, sun control, design of shading devices, building form and heat
for thermal comfort, daylighting and natural ventilation; familiarize them gain, basic principles of daylighting, sunlight and glare.
with the data, methods, principles, standards and tools for planning and
designing for climatic comfort Unit – VI
Natural Ventilation:
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Air movement around and through buildings, Orientation for wind, stack
The student should be able to „predict‟ climatic conditions in a given
effect, Induced ventilation.
building (simple residence) and undertake redesign for given parameters
Unit – VII
Course Contents:
Passive Cooling:
Note: The topics here to be dealt with keeping in mind Indian climatic
Passive methods of Cooling, roof pond, desiccant cooling, evaporative
conditions. NBC and BIS guidelines / standards have to be introduced at
Cooling, and earth sheltered buildings etc.
all relevant contexts.
Site Planning (including landscaping) and building planning and design
considering climate factors

- 20 -
Detailed appraisal/analysis of climatological performance of an existing The UCS, Working with Cartesian and polar co-ordinate systems, using
residence and or a workplace; followed by redesigning or the same to displays with key shortcuts.
improve climatological performance.
Unit – III
Reference books: Setting up the drawing environment:
Koenigsberger, O.H. and Others. Manual of Tropical Housing and Building. Orient Setting the paper size, Setting units, setting grid limits, drawing limits,
Longman, Chennai, 2003. Snap controls, Use of paper space and model space.
Konya, Allan. Design for Hot Climates.
Kukreja, C.P. Tropical Architecture. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1978. Unit - IV
Markus, T.A. and Morris. E.N. Buildings, Climate and Energy. Pitman Pub. Ltd., London,
1980. Basic commands dealing with drawing properties:
Olgyay and Olgyay. Solar Control and Shading Devices. Layer control, change properties, line weight control, etc.

Unit - V
AR 4.7 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS – II Inquiry methods:
Using database information for objects, calculating distance and angle,
L/s: 5/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: Practical Cr:6 areas etc.

Course Overview: Unit - V1

To orient the student to create two and three-dimensional objects in space Dimensioning commands and Blocks:
with special emphasis on presentation and visualization of interiors and Dimensioning the objects in linear, angular fashions along with quick time
exteriors of building using different rendering techniques using CAD. dimensioning etc. Creating and working with blocks, creating symbols, use
of blocks in creating a layout of a residential area- one exercise to be done
Objectives of the Course: To explore computer modeling techniques as lab assignment.
using CAD
Unit - VII
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Orientation towards 3D:
To learn basic skills of modeling, scripting (rendering) in CAD, and to 2D to 3D conversion, perspective view, walk- through of layout
exercise methods of interface within CAD.
Unit - VIII
Course Contents: 3-D Max :
Demonstration of 3-D Max, as a rendering tool for 3-D blocks/walk
Unit I: through etc.
Starting AutoCAD:
Introduction to the menu, starting drawings from scratch, Creating and Reference books:
using templates-starting drawings with setup wizards. Saving and closing a Teyapoovan, T. Engineering Drawing with Auto CAD 2000. Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.,
file. New Delhi, 2000.
Parker, Daniel and Rice, Habert. Inside Auto CAD Daniel. 1987.
Georgeomura, Auto CAD Release 2000.
Unit II:
Using co-ordinate system:

- 21 -
FIFTH SEMESTER Institution of learning –colleges with its various departments such
as medical, engineering. Law, business, music and dance colleges,
AR 5.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN- III vocational training institutions etc.

L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr: 9 Institutions of health such as hospitals, reformatories and
rehabilitation institutes for the disabled.
Course Overview:
Institutions of research in various disciplines.
This course focuses on institutional design - facilities required and
detailing design for institutions in urban context.
Administrative and Legal institutions such as high courts,
secretariat, development authorities, directorates etc.
Objectives of the Course:
To enable the student to design institutions within the given conditions.
At least two major exercise (one problem should be pertinent to the urban
fabric) and two minor design/time problems should be given and the final
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
Detailing skills required for the design of institutions in urban contexts. submission shall necessarily include a model for at least one of the two
main problems.
Course Contents:
The following issues relating to institutional design will be addressed to: Note: In end exam which is a viva-voce the students have to present the
entire semester work for assessment.
Nature of contemporary institutions, correlation to urban
Reference books:
structure. Chiara Joseph de and Others. Time Savers Standards of Building Types. McGraw – Hill,
Development control and urban infrastructure affecting design. 1990.
Various attitudes to building in urban context. Hand Book of Planning and Design Data.
Kirk, Paul Hayden and Sternberg, D. Eugene. Doctors Offices and Clinics, 2nd ed.
Integration of function: movement, climate, acoustics, structure Reinhold Pub., USA, 1960.
and services into the group of buildings. Konya, Allan. Libraries: A Briefing and Design Guide. The Architectural Press, London,
Landscaping and site planning 1986.
Neufert, Ernst. Ernst Neufert Architects Data. Granada Pub. Ltd., London, 2000.
Institutional character from abstract to detail.
Pevsner, Nikolaus. A History of Building Types. Thames and Hudson, London, 1976.
User behavior and requirement pertaining to the physically Rosenfield, Isadore. Hospital Architecture and Beyond. Van Nostrand Reinhold,New York,
handicapped. 1969.
Stone, G. Louis. Institutional Buildings Architecture of Controlled Environment.
Tergsone, W.R. Practical Laboratory Planning.
Necessary theoretical inputs to be given highlighting the norms and design Wild, Friedemann, Libraries for Schools and Universities. Van Nostrand Reinhold,New
issues. The topics not covered as design problems may be covered by the York, 1972.
studio faculty members through lecture/slide shows. And site visits.

The topics to be covered as design problems may include:

- 22 -
Note: This is a studio subject and students should be made to prepare
L/s: 5/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:6 construction drawings as studio exercises along with the theoretical inputs.
The studio work should be supplemented with appropriate site visits.
Course Overview:
The course work deals with principles, methods and construction practices Reference books:
Bindera and Arora. Building Construction: Planning Techniques and Methods of
of structural steel work. Construction, 19th ed. Dhanpat Rai Pub., New Delhi, 2000.
McKay J.K. Building Construction Metric Vol. 4, 4th ed. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai,
Objectives of the Course: 2002.
To introduce and expose students to various aspects involving use of steel Mitchell. Advanced Structures.
Rangwala, S.C. Engineering Materials: Material Science, 31st ed. Charotar Pub. House,
for construction activity of buildings and structures. Anand, 2004.


Unit - I L/s: 3/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
Structural Steel Work: General principles and terms defined, standard
sections i.e. beams joints, angles, channels, tees, bolts, rivets and welding.
Course Overview:
Course focus is on Structural Design of elements of Industrial Building in
Unit – II
Steel Work Connections
Bolt Connections, Riveting and welding methods.
Objectives of the Course:
To develop the structural design skills of the student in steel.
Unit – III
Steel Members
Columns and stanchions, stanchions or column bases, beam and girders, Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Develop capability to design
column and beam connections plate girders, lattice or warren girder. Steel structures.

Unit - IV Course Contents:

Steel Roof Trusses
Steel trusses, types for various spans, tubular steel roofs, monitor roof, Unit – I
north light roof truss, details of steel –roof trusses. Introduction to Steel Structures, Introduction to IS 800: 1984, Design of
Rivets and Welded connections, (fillet weld only) bracket connections
including beam-end connections
Unit – V
Lantern light, dome light, structural steel practice and drawings as per IS
Code. Unit – II
Design of simple beams including check for shear and deflection for
laterally supported and unsupported conditions, analysis of simple beam
Unit – VI
Portal frame, Geodesic principles, cable net and tensile structures. from strength and stiffness considerations.

- 23 -
Unit – III Objectives of the Course:
Design of built up beams with flange plates only, Introduction to plate To develop the understanding of layout of utilities and services in building
girders (No Design calculations) envelope, definitions and terms used, functioning and their applications in
Unit – IV
Axially loaded tension members: introduction, net effective areas, analysis Course Contents:
and design of tension members including rivet and welded connections,
(L-Angle and T-section only) Unit – I
Electrical Energy System: Fundamental principles of Electricity, Voltage,
Unit – V Amperage, wattage. Generation and distribution of power, HT and LT
Columns: Analysis and design of axially loaded steel columns using single consumers. Types of Generators, Indian Electricity Act.
I-section, 2 channels placed back to back and toe to toe, 4-angles etc.,
including lacing system. Unit – II
Building Wiring System: Service wires, metering distribution boards
Unit-VI circuits. MCB‟s cut outs. Conductors, wiring methods switch boards,
Design of slab base and gusseted base for axial loads (with out moments) electrical devices in general building. Light and power circuits. ISI Codes
for different columns. and standard material.
Electrical safety system: ELCB, pipe earthing, plate earthing
Design of grillage foundation for isolated columns only Unit – III
Electric layouts: Electrical symbols, NBC, 3 phase connection, preparation
Unit-VIII of layouts for residences, offices etc.
Purlins: Introduction, Dead load, live load and wind loads, design of angle Domestic appliances: Types of electric motors and electro mechanical
purlin and I-section purlin. devices. Construction and working of at least six domestic appliances and
location in buildings.
Reference books:
Ram Chandra. Design of Steel Structures Vol. I, 10th ed. Standard Book House, Delhi, 1999. Unit – IV
Dayaratnam, P. Design of Steel Structures. Wheeler Pub., Allahabad, 1992. Building Illumination: Artificial lighting various compression, advantages
Ramamrutham, S. and Narayanan, R. Design of Steel Structures, 4th ed. Dhanpat Rai and and disadvantages.
Sons, Delhi, 1995.
Method of lighting: Direct, Semi direct, Indirect
AR 5. 4 BUILDING SERVICES - II (ELECTRICAL) Decorative lighting for building interiors, Concealed lighting,
Spot lighting, Task illumination, Dining lights, Under water
L/s: 3/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 4 lighting

Course Overview: Unit – V

Study of Building Services and Utilities generally installed in buildings Calculation of intensity illumination for nominal application as per
and their role in enhancing utilitarian value of the buildings. The study to standards.
focus on understanding the principles as well as practical aspects and Flood lighting – Light of Monuments, Façade illumination, Yard lighting.

- 24 -
Unit – VI Course Contents:
Air-conditioning: principles of Air-condition IAQ, carnot cycles, gas laws,
refrigeration, cycles and refrigerants. Unit – I
Different types of Air-conditioning, single zone, multi zone, equipment Contemporary trends in architecture of India after Independence. Influence
and Devices. of Le Corbusier and. Louis.I.Khan.
Compressors, condensers, evaporators, heat exchangers, etc all in working.
Unit – II
Unit – VII Ideas and works of Achyut Kanvinde, J.A. Stein, Anant Raje, Nari Gandhi.
Window air conditioner and split air conditioners.
Ductable air conditioners and package system. Unit - III
Central air conditioning. Contributions made by Pioneers - Charles Correa and B.V. Doshi.
- AC plant and room.
- All air systems and chilled water systems. Unit – IV
- AHU and FC units. Ideas and works of contemporary architects - Uttam Jain, Hasmukh Patel,
- Building ducting, diffusers and grills. Sanjay Mohe including Chandravarkar and Thacker, Jaisim, Anil Laul,
Shirish Beri, Romi Khosla, Ranjit Sabiki, Shashi Bhooshan.
Reference books:
, Electrical wiring and Contracting (Vol.1 to Vol.4), London The New era
Publishing Company. Unit – V
Dr. Frith Abnwos and others, Electrical Engineering hand Book Familiarisation of architecture at Auroville and Laurie Baker‟s work in
William. J. Guinnesss, Mechanicla and electrical Eqipment for Buildings, New York: Willey Kerala.
Bovay. H.E., Handbook of Mechanical and Electrical Systems for BuildingsNew York: MC
Graw Hill
Unit – VI
Contemporary trends in the rest of the world architecture.
Ideas and works of Charles Moore, Michael Graves, Richard Meyer, Aldo
Rossi, Cesar Pelli, I.M. Pei, Yamasaki, Peter Eisenmann etc.
L/s: 3/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
Unit – VIII
Course Overview: Ideas and works of Hassan Fathy, Geoffery Bawa, Norman Foster, Renzo
The course is designed to study the contemporary developments in Piano, Richard Rogers, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Santiago Calatrava,
Architecture and its impact on built form, structure, construction methods Tadao Ando etc.
Reference books:
Objectives of the Course: Bahga, S.S. Post Independent Architecture.
To orient the students to various developments in the field of architecture Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture: the modern movement Vol.2.
for a greater understanding of trends in contemporary architecture. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1971.
Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture: the tradition of modern architecture
Vol.1. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1971.

- 25 -
Bhatt, Vikram and Scriver, Peter. Contemporary Indian Architecture After the Masters. studies. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced
Mapin Pub. Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, 1990.
landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Role of an individual in
Curtis, J.R. William. Modern Architecture since 1900. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey,
2002. conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for
Jencks, Charles.The Language of Post-Modern Architecture, 4th ed. Academy Editions, sustainable lifestyles.
London, 1984.
Unit - III
AR 5. 6 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Basic Principles of Ecosystems Functioning: Concept of an ecosystem. -
Structure and function of an ecosystem. - Producers, consumers and
L/s: 2/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3 decomposers. - Energy flow in the ecosystem Ecological succession. -
Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types,
Course Overview: characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem:
A compulsory subject for all the undergraduate students of various a. Forest ecosystem b. Grassland ecosystem c. Desert ecosystem
discipline highlights significance of maintaining balance and sustainability d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans,
of various components of the environment. estuaries).

Objectives of the Course: Unit - IV

To sensitize the students towards sustainable environment. Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction - Definition: genetic,
species and ecosystem diversity. Bio-geographical classification of India -
Course Contents: Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical,
aesthetic and option values Biodiversity at global, National and local
Unit – I levels. - India as a mega-diversity nation - Hot-sports of biodiversity -
Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife
Environmental studies – Introduction: - Definition, scope and conflicts. - Endangered and endemic species of India - Conservation of
importance, Measuring and defining environmental development biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Unit - V
Unit - II Environmental Pollution: Definition, Cause, effects and control measures
Environmental and Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable of:
resources - Natural resources and associated problems - Forest resources - a. Air pollution b. Water pollution c. Soil pollution d. Marine pollution
Use and over - exploitation, deforestation, case studies - Timber extraction e. Noise pollution f. Thermal pollution g. Nuclear hazards
- Mining, dams and other effects on forest and tribal people - Water
resources - Use and over utilization of surface and ground water - Floods, Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban
drought, conflicts over water, dams - benefits and problems - Mineral and industrial wastes. - Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. -
resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and Pollution case studies. - Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone
using mineral resources, case studies. - Food resources: World food and landslides.
problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, Unit - VI
case studies. - Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and Social Issues and the Environment: From unsustainable to sustainable
non-renewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources. Case development -Urban problems related to energy -Water conservation, rain

- 26 -
water harvesting, watershed management -Resettlement and rehabilitation Objectives of the Course:
of people; its problems and concerns. Case Studies -Environmental ethics: 1. To develop a conceptual understanding of landscape design and site
Issues and possible solutions. -Climate change, global warming, acid rain, planning principles.
ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case Studies. - 2. To develop skills in integrating landscape design with built
Wasteland reclamation. -Consumerism and waste products. -Environment environments.
Protection Act. -Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. -Water
(Prevention and control of Pollution) Act -Wildlife Protection Act -Forest Course Contents:
Conservation Act -Issues involved in enforcement of environmental
legislation. -Public awareness. Unit – I
Introduction and History of Landscape Architecture
Unit - VII Introduction to landscape Architecture and Role of Landscape design in
Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation built environment.
among nations. Population explosion - Family Welfare Programme. - A brief review of Landscape Design and garden design in history in
Environment and human health. -Human Rights. -Value Education. - various regions Persian, Spanish, Italian, French, Moghul, English,
HIV/AIDS. -Women and Child Welfare. -Role of information Technology Japanese Garden styles.
in Environment and human health. -Case Studies.
Changing perception of mans relationship with nature in various phases of
Unit - VIII history and its influence on environment.
Field work: Visit to a local area to document environmental assets River
/forest grassland/hill/mountain -Visit to a local polluted site- Evolution of concepts in landscape design after the industrial revolution
Urban/Rural/industrial/ Agricultural Study of common plants, insects, leading to new theories in integrating built spaces to open spaces.
birds. -Study of simple ecosystems pond, river, hill slopes, etc. Increasing awareness of ecological variables in landscape design.


Erach Bharucha, A Text Book of Environmental Studies for Site Studies and Site Planning
Undergraduate Courses, University Grants Commission. Principles of site Planning and land use; review of definition applied in
typical landscape development situations.
Site survey and appraisal – understanding different site characteristics –
L/s: 5/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr: 5 topography, vegetation, Hydrology, Access, Surroundings etc. documents,
site characteristics and establishing relationship with design / Architecture
Course Overview: Programme requirements.
This course introduces students to landscape design and site planning and
relate it to design and planning of built environments. It provides an Philosophical and design issues related to site development – sitting of
overview of development of landscape design, site studies, plant studies buildings, spatial and contextual relationships of built and outdoor space
and application of the knowledge at various levels of design. and circulation, site and its relationship to surroundings. Importance of
climate and social factors in development of site.

- 27 -
Process of design development. Identifying functional requirements of Construction of structure in landscape circulation roads, parking, paths,
site. Development of site by mutual exploitation of forms and use of level changes – walls, steps lamps, construction of screens, trellis, wall
grading principles. fences gales decks, pools etc.

Unit -III Unit -VI

Plants and Design Contemporary concepts and concerns
Introduction to study of plants in relation to landscape design and Contemporary attitude to development and design of open spaces – Urban
architecture. An overview of use of plants in history. landscape, Parks, Rural landscape etc.

Study of Plant material – Botanical Nomenclature anatomy and physiology Introduction to concepts of green architecture and micro climate planning.
of plant growth study of trees, shrubs, ground cover, indoor plants in The role of landscape components in modifying micro climate with respect
Indian context. to temperature, humidity, precipitation and percolation.

Design with plants – Basic principles of designs. The physical attribute of Exercises in Analysing to development of Garden styles and emerging
plants and relation to design. Appearance, functional and visual effects of trends in landscape design.
plants in landscape design and built environment.
Selection and management of plant material in relation to built Simple exercises in using plants and landscape elements in relation to
environment. Architectural design.

Unit -IV Studio exercises emphasizing relationship between built form and outdoor
Elements in Landscape Design areas and site planning issues.
Use of landform, water and vegetation in landscape design.
Hard landscapes: design of paths, roadways streets, terraces etc and use of Reference books:
land form effectively.
Blane, Alan. Landscape Construction and Detailing. B.T. Batsford Ltd., London, 1996.
Soft landscapes: design of lawns, shrubs, hedges, trees – in relation to Colise, Brenda. Land and Landscape.
buildings and other landscape elements. Hacheat, Bian. Planting Design.
Design concepts related to use of sculpture, outdoor lightings, Harris, C.W. and Dines, T. Nicholas. T.S.S for Landscape Architecture. McGraw Hill, New
York, 1995.
Architectural feature, street furniture and grouping them into meaningful
Laurie, Michael. An Introduction to Landscape, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1986.
compositions for visual and functional effects. Lynch, Kevin. Site Planning. MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1962.
Santapau. H. Common Trees. National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1981.
Unit -V Trivedi, P. Pratibha. Beautiful Shrubs. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi,
Landscape Construction and Services
Study of landform its technical expression through grading plan, sections
and earthwork computations.

Irrigation systems – sprinkler trickle irrigation, drip irrigation and laying

irrigation networks.

- 28 -
Auditorium Complex.
Museum and Art Gallery.
L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr: 9 Kalyana Mandapam.
At least two major exercises and one minor design / time problem need
to be covered. Design proposal along with a scale model / digital model
Course Overview: must be submitted for the two main problems.
Course aims at teaching the design of buildings for passive recreation and Sufficient theoretical inputs need to be given highlighting the norms and
large span buildings for public uses. standards of design parameters.
Note: In end exam which is a viva-voce the students have to present the
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: entire semester work for assessment.
Design vocabulary, enhancement and sensitization of student in design
preparation and its relation to structural systems
Reference books:
Chiara Joseph de and Others. Time Savers Standards of Building Types. McGraw –
Course Contents: Hill, 1980.
Design issues should address the following: Dawes, John. Design and Planning for Swimming Pools. The Architectural Press, London,
Ruknitein, M. Harvey. Central City Malls.
Environmental and micro climate.
User behavior and requirements.
Utility and space enhancement.
Form and function.
Circulation: horizontal and vertical. L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:6
Site Planning and Landscape detailing.
Structural details such as beam framing, Building Services / Course Overview:
HVAC etc. Course focuses on issues related to failures in buildings, decay and
Design detailing considering the barrier free environment. damage, approaches for maintenance, repairs and renovation of buildings.
Socio-economic profile of user group.
Parking details and standards. Objectives of the Course:
Topics considered for design are: To create awareness among the students regarding problems related to old
Passive Recreation buildings such as: buildings and methods to mitigate their problems.
Infotainment center.
Civic Centre Course Contents:
Unit - I
Convention Centre.
Cultural Centre.
Introduction to building failures: causes of decay and damage in old
Community Centre. buildings, issues of maintenance and repair. Preliminary inspection and
general observation, decayed elements difference between decay and
Public Buildings - Large Span structures: damage.
Bus terminals.

- 29 -
Moisture content, treatment prior to installation, factors reducing strength L/s: 5/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:6
of timber, approach to repair and to the timber roofing system.
Course Overview:
Unit - III The focus of the course is to impart skills related to the preparation of
Bricks: drawings meant for construction work on the site.
Strength reducing factors in brick work, effect of ageing, weathering,
temperature variation of brick-work, joints and cracks, construction Objectives of the Course:
defects, repair and maintenance. To impart training in the preparation of working drawings for buildings
with specific reference to code of practice as per IS Code No. 962 of 1969
Unit - IV and incorporating specifications as complementary to the working
R.C. Concrete: drawings.
Mixing methods at site, structural design for repairs, causes of failure in
concrete structures, pressure-grouting. Course Contents:
Unit - I
Unit - V Preparation of working drawings: Suitable scales of drawings, methods of
Methodical approach to Repairs: giving dimensions: on plans, sections, elevations and other standards.
Cracks over openings, sinking and sagging balconies, repairs to decayed
floors and floor joints, example: Jack arch., madras roof terrace, foundation Unit – II
sinking, repairs to walls. Propping, strutting and under pinning. Preparation of Plans
Building marking plan, centerline plan, foundation plan, column
Unit - VI centerlines drawings, floor plans, terrace floor plan.
Unusual problems:
Repairs to large span rooms, water proofing the roof terraces, leakages Unit - III
from toilets, case studies and site visits. Elevation and Sections
Note: This is a studio subject and students should be made to document the Detailed elevations, detailed sections – at least one through staircase and
problems in old buildings through inspections and propose remedial one through toilet, typical wall profile sections and elevations.
measures by preparing construction drawings as studio exercise with the
theoretical inputs given through lectures. Unit - IV
Reference books: Layout for Sanitation: and detailed plans, Electrical layout: plans and
Feilden, M. Bernard. Conservation of Historic Buildings. Butterworth Scientific, London, details, details of staircases, toilets and kitchens.
McKay, W.B. Failures and Repair of Concrete Structures Vol. IV.
Raikar, R.N. Learning From Failures: Deficiencies in Design. Construction and Service, R Unit – V
and D Centre, New Bombay, 1987. Specifications writing

- 30 -
Writing of detailed clause by clause specifications for materials, pre and (plinth area and cubic content method), basic differences and advantages.
post installation work, tests, mode of measurement, knowledge of
manufactures specifications. Unit - II
Detailed Building Estimation: Method of obtaining detailed quantities of
Unit - VI building items (center line method, long wall and short wall method) PWD
Manufacturers specifications System to be followed.
Data base of manufacturers specifications for the following materials,
based on surveys. Unit - III
Glass, plywood and laminates, hardware, electrical, wiring and accessories, Detailed estimation for load bearing structures framed structure (ground
plumbing fitting and fixtures, flooring and cladding etc. floor only)

*Note: - Students shall prepare at least two working drawing sets, one for a Unit - IV
small residence and one for a large building. Example and exercise in obtaining all items from excavation to finishes.

Reference books: Unit - V

Lerrs, Jack. Engineering Construction Specification. Preparing approximate estimates for services like water supply, plumbing,
Liebing, W. Ralph and Raul, Ford Mimi. Architectural Working Drawings, 2nd ed. John
electrical work, mechanical equipment and air conditioning. (for residential
Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983.
Macey, W. Frank. Specification in Detail, 5th ed. Technical Press ltd, London, 1955. building).
Shah, M.G., and Others. Building Drawing: with an integrated approach to build
environment, 3rd ed. Tata McGraw Hill Pub., co. Ltd, New Delhi,1996. Unit - VI
Standard Specification of State. Rate analysis: Cost of materials and labour for various works, data sheet
Lewis, R. Jack. Building Construction Specifications. Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1975.
Govt. of Maharashtra. Standard Specifications, Government Press, Nagpur, 1972. for different items of works, different methods of execution i.e. piece work,
Datta, B.N. Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering: Theory and Practice, 23rd ed. UBS daily basis, lump sum, labour rates and percentage etc
Pub. New Delhi, 1993.
Unit - VII
AR 6.4 BUILDING ESTIMATING AND COSTING Specifications: Definitions, purpose of specifications types of
specifications, specification writing and content for different items like
L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4
C.R.S. Masonry, P.C.C, R.C.C. brick Masonry, Door and windows,
flooring, cladding and painting (specification writing to include the
Course Overview: following aspects) Materials, pre and post installation work, tests if any,
The course deals with various methods of quantity surveying, rate analysis modes of measurement.
of building and valuation for different materials used.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Unit - VIII
Techniques of estimating and costing related to building construction.
Valuation – Introduction – state the purposes of valuation of building
explain the terms, market value, book value, capital cost, capitalized cost,
Course Contents:
year‟s of purchase, list out various methods of estimating the depreciation
Unit - I
of building properties, calculate the value of the property by different
Quantity Surveying: Introduction - Definitions and terms used, principles,
units of measurements. Methods of preparing approximate estimates

- 31 -
Reference books: Introduction to the concepts of green belts, satellite towns, neighbourhood,
Datta, B.N. Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering: Theory and Practice, 23rd ed. UBS in solving some of the problems in urban development. Indian context:
Pub. Distributors Ltd., New Delhi, 1993.
Growth pattern of urban and rural settlements; problems and potentials.
Bride, G.S. Estimating and Costing, 2nd ed. Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, 1982.
Rangwala, S.C. Valuation of real Properties, 6th ed. Charotar Pub. House, Anand, 2003.
Reference books:
Doxiadis, C.L. Ekistics: Introduction to the science of Human Settlement.
AR 6.5 HUMAN SETTLEMENTS Gallion, B. Arthur and Eisner, Simon. Urban Pattern: City Planning and Design, 5th ed. Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1986.
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4

Course Overview: L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
This course focuses on the review of origin of Human Settlements to the
level of understanding the various issues of Human Settlements.
Course Overview:
Acoustics to be studied as a determinant of built form with emphasis on the
Objectives of the Course: application to architecture.
To make the student understand various issues related to Human
Settlements and their implications on architecture.
Objectives of the Course:
To give an over view of acoustics as a determent of built from.
Course Contents: To equip the students with tools for application of acoustical design in
Unit - I architecture.
Historic Evolution: Brief review of the origin of early human settlements,
factors responsible. Development of various settlement forms. Types of Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
settlements (urban and rural) classification of areas within the urban The knowledge of specific acoustic requirements of different spaces
settlements in terms of types of land uses, densities, administrative Skills to deal with acoustic problems within buildings
division, building types etc. Land use and factors influencing it in urban Knowledge that enables to deal effectively with specialists and consultants
and rural settlements. in acoustics

Unit – II Course Contents:

Sociological aspects: Essential elements of society: Rural and Urban
Communities, development of Socio-cultural thought through the ages. Unit – I
Influence of religion and culture on domestic and civil architecture. Need to study acoustics; pioneers and their works. Acoustics examples
Urbanization: Facts and Theories. Socio-spatial problems of migrants, from the past: methods used for good acoustics.
slums, high and low density housing; high rise living such as isolation,
alienation, accessibility, conflicts etc as related to planning and design of Unit – II
buildings in different areas of the city. Basic theory: Generation, propagation, transmission; reception of sound;
Frequency, wavelength and velocity of sound; sound intensity; inverse–
Unit – III square law; decibel scale, decibel addition, small numerical examples in
Principles of Ekistics: Brief introduction to the theory of “Ekistics”. intensity of sound.

- 32 -
Human ear, Loudness perception, subjective effects, characteristics of
sound in speech and music, A-weighted sound levels. L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:6

Unit – IV Course Overview:

Room acoustics: Behavior of sound in enclosed spaces. Ray-diagrams, To understand the structural design concept of multistoried buildings.
sound paths, effect of geometry and shapes, sound adsorption, sound
absorption coefficients, Sabine‟s formula, and resonant panels. Objectives of the Course:
To provide knowledge in behavioral concepts and structural design of
Unit – V framed RCC and steel structures.
Acoustic design process and different types of buildings, Auditoriums,
concert halls, cinema halls, Seminar rooms, lecture halls, class rooms and Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
open offices. Capability to design structure for multistoried buildings in RCC and
Case study of an auditorium with a report containing drawings and industrial structures in steel.
calculations of reverberation time etc. Detailed acoustic design for any one
type of building. Course Contents:
Unit-VI Retaining wall: cantilever and counter fort types; design of cantilever type
Noise reduction: Sound isolation, transmission loss TL, TL for walls, of retaining wall.
sound leaks in doors, noise reduction between rooms, Construction details Steel Industrial Structures: Rigid frames and trusses.
for noise reduction. Noise reduction and built form, Noise reduction
through landscapes elements, landuse planning for noise control. Structural Design Project:

Unit-VII Students have to design any structure, either in RCC or Steel, which would
Noise reduction from mechanical equipment, Rubber mounts, vibration entail the design of all the basic elements involved in the project.
isolation guidelines, characteristics of duct system, noise in AC ducts, The class and assignment work should be supplemented with appropriate
vibration isolation of pumps and generators. site visits.

Unit-VIII Reference books:

Speech privacy, annoyance, background noise. Communication in open S.Ramamrutham, Design of RCC Structures Delhi, Dhanpati Rai publishing
plans, electronic sound systems, loud speaker‟s layout. Dayaratnam, Design of RCC Structures Allahabad, Wheelers Publishers
Ramchandra, Design of Steel Structures Vol. – I and II. New Delhi, standard
Reference books:
Poella. L. Lestie. Environmental Acoustics. Vazirani and Ratwani, Design of Steel Structures, New Delhi, Khanna publishers.
Moore, J.E. Design of Good Acoustics, The Architectural press, London, 1961.
Burris, Harlod. Acoustics for the Architect.
Lord, Peter and Templetion, Duncan. The Architecture of Sound: Designing Places of
Assembly. Architectural Press Ltd., London, 1986.
Egan, David. Architectural Acoustics, MC Graw-Hill Book Ccompany, New York, 1988

- 33 -
SEVENTH SEMESTER Phases of development.
AR 7.1: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN-V Scope for expansion for future developments
Safe and comfortable vehicular and pedestrian movement.
Issues of character and landscaping.
L/s: 8/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:9
Details pertaining to the disabled.
Course Overview: Students would need to undertake one of the design subjects for the studio
This Course deals with the design of large scale, multistorey, complex exercise.
projects and aims to develop skills for a comprehensive design approach in Students may be required to develop a brief, translate it into requirements
the areas of, housing design and campus design. and design. The evaluation shall be through periodic internal reviews. The
final submission will also include a brief report of about 1000 words
Objectives of the Course: explaining the concept and design proposals along with the main portfolio.
Develop skills for a comprehensive design approach in areas of housing It will also include a model.
and campus design.
Note: In end exam, which is a viva-voce, the students have to present the
Course Contents: entire semester work for assessment.

I. Housing Design: Issues to be addressed for the design project pertaining Reference books:
Alexander, Christopher. Pattern language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. Oxford
to housing design: University Press, New York.
Richard. D. Dober. Campus Architecture: Building in the Groves of Academy. McGraw
Density, mixed land use, ground coverage, development controls. Hill, New York, 1996.
Urban systems, services and their integration with the project. Chiara, De Joseph and Others. Timesavers standard for Housing and Residential
User requirements (derived from surveys) development, 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, Inc, New York.
Newman, Oscar and Others. Defensible space: People and Design in the Violent City.
Issues in appropriate technology and costs. Architectural Press, London, 1972.
Issues of hierarchy, identity of space, public and private scales of
space. Integration of community institutions etc.
Detailing for the disabled and the elderly.
Indian / local architectural responses to climate, culture, L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
traditional values, building elements, symbols motifs and special
Course Overview:
One minor design exercise related to housing design for specific target The course focuses on the environmental issues and concerns in the field of
groups. Example: poor rural habitants, rehabilitated groups. buildings and architecture. It addresses the study of efforts and major
solutions employed in solving them.
II. Campus Design: Issues to be addressed for the design project pertaining
to campus design: Objectives of the Course:
Issue in preparation of Master Plan for Institutions: academic, The emphasis is to understand existing concepts and ideas in the area of
administrative, staff housing, student hostels etc. environment friendly buildings and architecture and develop understanding
Environmental considerations. regarding infrastructural facilities and requirements.

- 34 -
Course Contents: Greening Building – Green Congress, US.(web).
HSMI. Sustainable Building Technology – HUDCO, HSMI (Human Settlement Management
Unit - I Institution, New Delhi.
Introduction to Built Environment: Environmental quality, Macro Koenigsberger, O.H. and Others. Manual of Tropical Housing and Building. Orient
environment, climatic characteristics, Water cycle. Urban Ecosystem, Longman, Chennai, 2003.
environmental implications and climatic change, Ozone depletion. Vis a Odum, P. Eugene. Ecology and Environments, 2nd ed. Oxford and IBH Pub., New Delhi.
TERI, The Building Energy Audit – TERI (Tata Energy Research Institute).
vis built environment.


Micro-environment: Characteristics and components, solar radiation, heat
flow, air-movement, Water cycle, living environment and sanitation. L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4

Unit - III Course Overview:

Concepts of sustainable development: Brown field development, landscape To introduce the economics and sociological aspects in architecture.
elements and services, vegetation, on site sewerage retention, rain water
harvesting, recycle and reuse, alternative technologies, environmental Course Contents:
impact and ecological balance.
Unit – I
Unit - IV Brief introduction of general economics through an introductory survey of
Basic Building Resources: Construction materials, Calcarious, metallic concepts in micro and macro economics as applicable to building industry
and non metallic, properties, building components, alternative materials, as follows.
recycling. Passive and Active Energy Systems in building.
Micro Economics: The market, budget constraint, choice, demand and
Unit - V supply, uncertainties, equilibrium, technological constraints, profit
Building Infrastructure: Introduction to High rise buildings, building maximization and cost minimization, monopoly and oligopoly, production
operation and utilities, Electro-mechanical systems, plant and equipment, welfare and public good.
captive power, lifts and transportation. Building frame and layouts, FAR,
building fabric and envelope, modular systems, curtain walls, automation. Macro Economics: GNP, NNP, demand and supply, inflation, interest rate,
employment, saving and investment, monitory and fiscal systems and
Unit - VI policies.
Indoor air quality: Standards, fresh air requirements, Sick Building
Syndrome, VOC and pollutants. Unit – II
General discussions on various economic issues such as public versus
Unit - VII private participation, equity, labour intensive versus capital intensive
Introduction to building rating systems: components, weightage and points projects.
system, agencies and institutions, GBC, TERI etc., green buildings in the
contexts of Indian sub continent, building auditing Unit – III
General economics of the basic inputs into building construction- land,
Reference books: labour, capital and materials.
Green Building Technologies - Godrej Centre CII a Madhapur, Hyderabad.

- 35 -
Financing for projects, sources costs and utility in financing. Agencies and
institutions directly and indirectly influencing economic aspects of project. L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:2

SOCIOLOGY: Course Overview: Disabilities Act of 1995, requires that buildings are
accessible to disabled persons, there by ensuring equal opportunity to
Unit – V them. This course deals with and techniques involved in making such
Family as the basic unit of „Society‟. Differences in lifestyles due to provision.
regional background, religion, caste, income group, etc. and their
implication in Architectural design of the housing units. Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
Designing for barrier free environment for physically challenged persons.
Sociological aspects in the history of the evolution of housing / shelter
forms. Course Contents:
Unit – VI Unit – I
Sociological problems of interaction, isolation, privacy, accessibility, Type of disabilities - Orthopedic, Hearing, Visual Impairments, Provisions
conflict, alienation related to the planning and design of different buildings of persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and
with the references to the people of different age group/population groups. Full Participation) Act, 1995, National Policy for provisions for elderly
persons, Concept of equal opportunity, human rights, social justice and
Unit – VII empowerment of physically challenged persons.
Power structures in society – local self government, administrative
structures – structure of decision making processes related to building Unit-II
projects at various government and private organizations levels. American disabilities Act, Initiatives at global and International level for
protection of rights of disabled and also elderly person.
Reference books:
Amos Rappoport, House Form and Culture Unit-III
Wallis, Wilson D and Willey, M.M, Text book of Sociology, 1st ed., Khel Sahitaya Kendra, Study of Standards as given in TSS, TCPO, CPWD, ADA etc., and others.
New Delhi, 2001.
Charon, Joel M. The Meaning of Sociology, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1999. Information on various types of disabilities-agencies involved in disabled
Thio, Alex. Sociology: a brief introduction, 4th ed. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 2000. welfare, associated norms and standards there of.
Schaefer, Richard T. Sociology: a brief introduction, 4th ed. McGraw Hill, Boston, 2002.
Bilton, Tony and Oth. Introductory Sociology, 3rd ed. Palgrave, New York, 1997. Unit-IV
Stone, P.A. Building Economy: Design Production and Organisation a synoptic view, 2nd
ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1976. Design principles in Architecture for creating environments friendly for
Koutsoyiannis, A. Modern Microeconomics, 2nd ed., ELBS with MacMillan Press, 1994. various types of physically challenged persons. Design of ramps, guide
Nobbs, Jack and Hopkins, Ian. Economics: a core text, 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, London, rails, lifts, dimensions of wheel chairs, accessibility in public buildings,
1995. Signage, audio visual facilities etc. Design of Toilets and interiors spaces
Teck, Hoon Hian and Oth. Economics: theory and applications, McGraw-Hill, Taiwan,
1998. for use of physically challenged.
Dewett, K.K. Modern Economic Theory, Shyam Lal Charitable trust, New Delhi, 2005.

- 36 -
Unit-V Unit - II
Provisions in site planning – side walks, road intersections, access to A general and introductory study of inputs, objectives, preparation and
public toilets, parking lots and in design of parks. outputs of Master plan for a city; land-use classification, features and
Design details in public buildings, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, relationships with transportation. Meaning and use or implication of O-D
Transportation terminals such as bus, railway stations and airports for surveys, desire line diagrams trip generation, attraction, distribution and
barrier free spaces. modal split. Transportation and communication: potential and limitations
of roadways, railways, airways and waterways in the development of a
Exercises in design of spaces friendly for physically challenged persons. settlement.
Term paper on certain type of disability and requirements there of for
making environs barrier free.or any other exercise appropriately framed by Unit - III
the subject faculty. Introduction to housing and community facilities; role of F.S.I, densities in
housing. At least one exercise related to the preparation of a layout for a
Reference books: residential neighbourhood of about 5000 populations.
Micheal J. Bednar. “Barrier Free Environments”, Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Ive
Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment. Central Public Works Department, India,
Unit - IV
“Guidelines and Space Standards for Barrier Free Environment for Disabled and Elderly Basic methodology for planning of industrial areas and recreation areas.
Person, 1998.
Unnati. “Design Manual for a Barrier – Free Built Environment”, Handicap International,
Brief introduction to redevelopment schemes and urban renewal, problem
December, 2004, of slum and shanty areas and a review of the concepts regarding solutions:
clearance, rehabilitation and improvement.
L/s: 4/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3 Unit – V
Course Overview: Introduction to building codes and norms
The course is an overview of the issues of Town Planning and its Need and nature of building codes, standards and regulations, overview of
implications at the building scale. The course deals with regulations and basic terminologies, nature of building codes in special regions like
heritage zones, air funnels, environmentally sensitive zones, disaster prone
codes to be applied to building projects.
regions, coastal zones, hilly areas, etc.
Objectives of the Course:
To provide an introduction to the codes and bye-laws applicable to Study of building regulations
building projects. To make the student appreciate the implications of issues Overview of administrative processes for obtaining building permits at
emerging from an urban context. various stages; General Land-use, building classifications and permissible
uses; Norms for exterior and interior open spaces, Setbacks and margins,
norms for building projections in open spaces, considerations in FAR,
guidelines for open green areas.
Unit - I
A brief introduction to the implication of town forms in urban planning and
development processes at National, regional, urban, rural, levels Unit – VI
emphasizing the difference and relationships among them. Norms for Vehicular Areas

- 37 -
Means of access, norms for access widths for various types of buildings, Rama Reddy, Padala and Srinivas Reddy, Padala. Commentates on Land Reforms Laws
in Andhra Pradesh.
requirements of parking spaces, standards for turning radius, access to
Rame Gowda, K.S. Urban and Regional Planning. Univ. of Mysore, Mysore, 1972.
service areas. Rangwala, S.C. and Others. Town Planning, 18th ed. Charotar Pub. House, Anand, 2003.
Singh, Alok Kumar, and Others (ed). Strategies in Development Planning.
Norms for Fire Protection Durga Prasad, M.V. Law of Flats, Apartments and Buildings, 4th ed. Asia Law House,
Hyderabad, 1997.
Overview of fire protection norms for various building classifications,
Hyderabad Municipal Bye laws.
norms for fire-exit ways and building materials, concept of fire zoning, Indian Standards Institution. National Building Code of India 1983. Indian Standards
doorways, stairways, passages and corridors, fire escapes etc. Institution, New Delhi, 1984.
Scott, G. James. Architectural Building Codes, New York: Vanstrand Reinhold.
Norms for building services
Norms for lighting and ventilation, introduction to basic terminologies, AR 7.6 ELECTIVE – I
components of daylight factor, general principles of opening for good
lighting, considerations in artificial lighting; general principles for natural Note: Housing, Urban Design, Architectural Conservation, Building
and mechanical ventilation, overview of norms for acoustical and electrical Construction Management, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design are the
installations. subjects which can be offered as electives. Apart from General
Architecture, students opting different Majors have to choose their elective
Unit – VII accordingly.
Requirements for parts of buildings AR. 7.6.1 HOUSING (Elective – I)
Plinth, Habitable rooms, kitchen, wet areas, mezzanine, store rooms,
elevated parts like chimneys, parapets etc.
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4
Unit - VIII Note: This course is intended for General Architecture students.
Introduction to local building byelaws
Study of local administrative provisions for obtaining building permits, Course Overview:
architectural control and provision of building services, regulations for The course introduces the basic concepts and issues related to urban and
super structures, building height regulations, regulations for multi-storied rural housing.
buildings etc.
Objectives of the Course:
Reference books: To give an understanding and appreciation of housing in terms of issues,
Bhagiratha Rao, E.L. Land Acquisition Manual in Andhra Pradesh. problems and directions.
Buch, N. Mahesh. Planning the Indian city.
Chand, Mahesh and Puri, Vinay Kumar. Regional Planning in India. Allied Pub. Ltd.,
Bombay, 1990. Course Contents:
Gallion, B. Arthur and Eisner, Simon. Urban Pattern: City Planning and Design, 5th ed. Van Unit – I
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1986. Evaluation of Housing:
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority. Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Brief review of the historical development of housing in various contexts.
HUDA, 1981.
Khosla, R.K. Urban and Rural Development in India, Delhi: Indian Publishers &
Distributors. Unit – II
Patterson, T. William. Land-use Planning Techniques of Implementation. Housing in India
Housing need and Demand: Housing policy and perspective at the national

- 38 -
level. Housing Agencies and their role in housing development. Course Overview:
The course focuses on creating awareness in students in the subject „Urban
Unit – III
Design‟ as a specialization in the area of architecture and urban planning.
Housing Standards
Basic principles in formulating housing standards for rural and urban areas,
desirable and minimum standards. Objectives of the Course:
To give an overview of urban design as an interface between the fields of
Unit – IV architecture and urban planning.
Housing Strategies
To import the knowledge about various developments in the field of urban
Review of different forms of housing globally – particularly with reference
to the third world countries. design.
Brief acquaintance with some strategies such as upgrading existing shelter,
stimulating private – sector production, developing building materials and Course Contents:
alternative technologies, improving architectural design., protecting inner- Unit - I
city renters, land sharing, resettlement etc. Discussion on Architecture, Urban design, Town Planning Interface. Urban
Morphology and Elements of Urban Design. Nature of urban design
Unit – V projects in public and private developments.
Housing Design
Traditional pattern of housing design Row Housing, Cluster Housing Unit - II
layout of concepts, low rise verses high rise housing, Case studies. Classical cities, medieval towns, neoclassic cities, and industrial towns.
Physical determinants during ancient, medieval and modern periods in
Unit – VI India and abroad. Characteristics of towns built by Hindu and Muslim
Housing Process rulers in India. Colonial inheritance, growth of post towns, civil lines,
Managing and financing of housing projects. People‟s participation, cantonments, railway and resort towns and Design in New Delhi.
Technology Transfer, development control rules and environmental aspects
Unit - III
Reference books: Modern movements in city design such as „city- beautiful‟ and Garden city
movements, utopian model Towns in the west. Changing structure of
Alexander, Christopher. Pattern language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. Oxford cities: sectors, blocks, streets, squares, buildings and open spaces.
University Press, New York.
Chiara, De Joseph and Others. Timesavers standard for Housing and Residential
development, 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, Inc, New York.
Unit – IV
Desai, A.R. and Pillai, Devadas. Slums and Urbanization, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. Role of planning agencies such as development authorities, Urban Arts
HUDCO. Housing for the Low Income. HUDCO. Commission in the design of cities. Influence of city development policies
Poulose, K. Thomas. Reading Material on Housing. Institute of Town Planners, New Delhi. namely Master plans, zoning regulations, on Urban Design. Built-form and
space requirement in residential, commercial industrial and recreational
AR 7.6.2 URBAN DESIGN (Elective – I) land uses, activities. Patterns of subdivision and land-development.

L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4 Unit – V
Note: This course is intended for General Architecture students. Elements of urban spaces: squares and streets. Use of landscape in urban

- 39 -
design, such as tree avenues, street fencing, side walks etc. UNIT – II
Lighting and illumination of cities, methods of lighting, signage and Conservation scene in India, recent work done by the agencies in India:
elements of utility services in the city. International, National and local. International charters ITC, UNESCO etc.,
pertaining to area conservation and historic cities.
Unit – VI
Urban conservation and its role in urban design. Past and present trends in UNIT – III
urban conservation. Role of architectural control in urban conservation and Emergency of conservation as a subject, brief overview of the second
city character and style. world war in Europe. Development of the subject. The scope of the
profession. Basic principles of conservation.
Reference books:
Bacon, N. Edmund. Design of Cities. Penguin Books, New York, 1976.
Approaches to conservation. Case studies from countries in India and
Benevolo , Leonard. History of the City.
Krier, Rob. Urban Space, 3rd ed. Academy Editions, London, 1984. abroad. Pioneers of conservation. Definitions and terminology, continuity,
Moughtin, Cliff and Others. Urban Design: Ornament and Decoration. Butterworth- change Transformation, Historicity, values, Authenticity, preservation,
Heinemann, London, 1995. Restoration, conservation.
Moughtin, Cliff. Urban Design Green Dimensions. Butterworth-Heinemann, London, 1996.
Moughtin, Cliff. Urban Design Street and Square.
Mumford, Lewis. City in History: Its origin transformation and its prospects. UNIT – V
Sprelregen, Paul. Urban Design: The Architecture of Towns and Cities. Concept of integrated conservation and its link with development planning
and environmental design.
Broad concepts of terms such as Reuse, Rehabilitation, Revitalization,
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4 Regeneration, Upgradation, Redevelopment of historic areas and cities.
Concept of Integrated conservation, related problems, issues and solutions.
Note: This course is intended for General Architecture students.
Course Overview: Pilot projects in Britain during the 1960s and later. Comprehensive scope
Provides definitions, developments of and the techniques in Architectural of Architecture Conservation, lessons for Indian situation.
Objectives of the Course: Legislation and international charters pertaining to conservation of area
To provide awareness and significance of conservation. (urban and rural) conservation, world heritage sites

Course Contents: Reference books:

Bisht, A.S., and Others (Ed.). Conservation of Cultural Property in India. Agam Kala
Prakashan, Delhi, 2000.
History and Theory of Conservation Feilden, M. Bernard. Conservation of Historic Buildings. Butterworth Scientific, London,
Conservation, concepts, history, principles and methods, development of 1992.
conservation in Europe. Adaptation and introduction of change in old Picard, Gilbert Charles. Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 2nd ed. Chancellor Press, London,
areas, adaptive reuse of old buildings. 1983.

- 40 -
AR 7.6.4 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (Elective-I) Human Resource management: manpower estimation at various stages,
recruitment, training, under and over manning.
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4
Materials Management: Materials of construction, classification
Note: This course is intended for students of Architecture and specific to codification, ABC analysis, estimation of materials procurement, inventory
students of Building Construction Management major.. / stock control, purchase procedure, stores management.

Course Overview: Quality control in Construction: Importance of quality, elements of quality,

To introduce the importance of construction management in the field of organization for quality control, quality assurance techniques.
Unit – IV
Course Contents: Labour Legislations pertaining to construction industry, payment of wages
act, migration Act, Factories Act, Contract Labour Act, Labour Welfare
Unit – I Fund Act, Workmen‟s Compensation Act.
Construction in India; its role in development, importance of Management Construction Safety Management: Importance of safety causes of
in Construction, role of Construction Manager, Construction team, accidents, safety measures, safety benefits to employees, employees and
responsibilities and authorities of Construction Manager Organization. customers.

Unit - II Unit – V
Management Techniques: Economics of Project Management: Economic analysis of projects,
Planning for Construction Projects: economic studies, sensitivity analysis. Cost estimating principles,
Principles, objectives, advantages of planning, stages of planning. parameter estimation, detailed estimates, cost concepts, classification of
Scheduling: Definition, advantages costs, elements of costs, and cost analysis for control.
Methods of Scheduling: Bar chart, Milestone chart, Controlling, Life
cycle cures. Unit – VI
Job layout, work break down structure Budgetary Control Systems: Types of budgets, new approaches for
Project Management through Networks budgeting, responsibility of accounting, profit centre approach.
Introduction, objectives, advantages, terms and definitions, types of Financial Management: Meaning and scope, financial statement analysis,
networks, rules for drawing a network, Fulker son‟s Rate of numbering the ratio analysis, funds flow analysis.
Working Capital Management: Meaning, policy for working capital,
Introduction to PERT, CPM, difference between PERT and CPM, finding estimating working capital needs. Capital investment decision, long term
critical path. financing working of financial institutions in India and abroad, self-
financing, financing mechanisms.
Unit – III
Introduction to construction equipments, performance, characteristics and Value engineering: Definition, value engineering job plan, life cycle
usage of equipment used in large scale projects. casting, value engineering applications.

- 41 -
Unit – VII Introduction to irrigation systems – sprinkler trickle irrigation, drip
Introduction to Linear programming, Transportation problem, Sensitive irrigation and laying irrigation networks.
Unit -III
Reference books: Factors related to construction; of structures and systems.
Materials and techniques of landscape construction with emphasis on
Gupta, B.L. and Gupta, Amit. Construction Management, Machinery and Accounts, 3rd ed. appropriateness for intended use.
Standard Pub, 2005.
Construction of structure in landscape
Loraine, R.K. Construction Management in Developing Countries. Thomas Telford,
London, 1993. Circulation roads, parking, paths; Level changes – walls, steps, ramps;
Srinath, L.S. PERT and CPM Principles and Applications, 3rd ed. Affiliated East-West Press, Construction of Garden, landscape feature Such as screens, trellis, wall
New Delhi, 2003. fences gates decks; fountains and pool construction.
Singh, Harpal. Construction Management and Accounts 14th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.,
New Delhi, 1981.
Gould, E. Frederick and Joyce, E. Nancy. Construction Project Management. Prentice Hall, Unit -IV
New Jersey, 2000. Planting and establishment of woody plants, installing time, covers and
Shrivastava, U.K. Construction Planning and Management, 3rd ed. Galgotia Pub., New Delhi, herbaceous plants.
Chitkara, K.K. Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Controlling.
Tata McGraw-Hill Pub., New Delhi, 1999. Planting principles – Bed preparation, mounding, application of fertilizers,
Sharma, S.C. Construction Equipment and its Management, 4th ed. Khanna Pub., New Delhi, roll preparation, pruning and maintenance.
Reference books:
AR. 7.6.5 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (Elective – I) Landphair, C. Harlow. Landscape Architecture Construction, 2nd ed. Elsevier, New York,
Motloch, L. John. Int. to Landscape Design, 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4 2001.
Moorhead, Steven (Ed.). Landscape Architecture. Rockport Pub, Massachusetts, 1997.
Note: This course is intended for students of Architecture and specific to Pregill, Philip and Volkman, Nancy. Landscapes in History: Design and Planning in the
western Tradition. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993.
students of Landscape Architecture Major.
AR 7.6.6 INTERIOR DESIGN (Elective – I)
Course Contents:
L/s: 2/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:4
Unit - I
Study of landform its technical expression through grading plan, section,
profiles layout plans and earthwork computations. Note: This course is intended for students of Architecture and specific to
Principles of soil mechanics and landscape drainage and their application students of Interior Design Major.
to surface and subsurface drainage of small scale projects.
Course Overview:
Unit –II The course provides a frame work of the discipline by addressing to the
Basic principles of outdoor lighting, types of fixtures and their use in theoretical, social, historical, technological, professional aspects of Interior
varying situations. Design.

- 42 -
Course Contents: Reference books:

Unit - I Archi World. Interior Best Collection: Residence, Commerce, Office, Restaurant Asia I-IV.
Archi World Co., Korea, 2003.
The profession of Interior Design; Role of an Interior Designer- past and
Friedmann, Arnold and Others. Interior Design: An Int. to Architectural Interiors. Elsevier,
present; Scope of services; Interior Design Process. Interior Design and New York, 1979.
Concepts: Elements and Principles of design- an overview and their Miller, E. William. Basic Drafting for Interior Designers. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
applications in interior designing. York, 1981.
Kurtich, John and Eakin, Garret. Interior Architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
York, 1993.
Unit - II Rao, M. Pratap. Interior Design: Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. Standard Pub., 2004.
Interior Space planning and human dimensions. Focuses on physical,
psychological Behavioural and human factors, study of Proxemics, AR 7.7 WORKING DETAILS
Behavioural settings.
Unit - III
Introduction to the fundamentals of Interior Design such as Lighting,
L/s: 9/Wk Int:50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:6
Furniture, Space, Materials, Furnishings, Art etc.

Unit – IV Note: Students of „Architecture’ and „Construction Management‟ major

Colours in interiors – Colour Theory, Effect of light on colour, various are required to take this subject under Working Details.
colour schemes like analogues, complementary, triadic etc. Colour
symbolism. Psychology of colour, Industrial colour codes. International Course Overview:
standards. The Course is intended to improve the students‟ ability of detailing by
focusing on design and visual aspects and will be oriented towards the
Unit – V development of architectural design after the preliminary or schematic
Introduction to Furniture and Accessories: An overview of historical stage
perspective of furniture and styles, accent pieces and accessories from
Egyptian period to the present. Basic Furniture vocabulary. Styles of Objectives of the Course:
Interiors – Italian, English, French, Japanese styles etc. To sensitize the students in preparing finer design details required for
Unit – VI Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
Interior lighting – direct and indirect lighting, location and light grid Resolving complex aspects in the buildings with appropriate materials and
systems, types of luminaries, quality of lighting. Ambient, task and accent design details.
lighting. Exposure to eminent interior designers‟ works- Indian and
international. Course Contents:

Unit – VII UNIT - I

Business perspectives of Interior design – an overview of practice of Preliminary Studies:
interior design in India. Study of design details from available literature, case studies and site

- 43 -
UNIT – II Unit -I
Exploration of design details through sketches and drawings. Preparation Detailing at site level
of details to large scale drawings showing material and their treatment. Application of grading principles to assertain building levels, out door
levels and road levels.
UNIT – III Alignment of roads and pedestrian ways as per standards, detailing,
In depth development of design based on the design portfolio of the pathways and roadways using different materials.
previous semester, considering spatial, functional and visual aspects. Planning for surface drainage –detailing of drains both surface and
Details of large and small spaces in buildings. underground. Drainage plans for small areas scale.
Draining Techniques and devices for various situations – roof top terrace,
UNIT – IV porous areas, paving – ponding etc., Detailing of under drain structures –
Detailing for walls, floors, ceilings through detail drawings to large scale inlet structures culverts etc.
in the form of plans, sections, elevations. Surface Treatment; Cladding,
texture treatment. Unit -II
Planting details
Detailing of architectural elements such as staircase, balcony, verandah, Planning scheme responding to site characteristics and climate, functional
shading devices vertical and horizontal components of the building. and circulation characteristics, Aesthetic factors etc.
Planting scheme responding to plant characteristic as a design determinant
form, size, spacing, texture coter etc.
Design and detail of planter beds for various situation.
Detailing of Doors, windows, storage shelves for frames, shutters, joinery
Preparation of planter beds, installation and protecting plant material as per
of frame to shutter, shutter to panelling etc. and other fixing details.
Planting details for indoor situations – using different materials and
Design details appropriate for creating Barrier Free Environment.

Refereces: Unit -III

Site furniture and features
Wakita, Osamu A. & Linde, Richard M. The professional practice of Detailing of elements used in landscape design for comfort, information,
architectural detailing, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1987. circulation, protection, safety etc.
Liebing, Ralph W. & Paul, Ford Paul. Architectural working drawings, New Detailing of landform, water and architectural features.
York: Wiley, 1977. Detailing of furniture, roof decks, terraces, stairs, ramps sculpture,
Robert, C. Mc Hugh. Working Drawing Hand Book, New York: VNR, 1977. pavilions, shelter, signage, fences freestanding walls, gates and barriers etc.
Note: Students of ‘Landscape Architecture’ major are required to take this Outdoor lighting:
subject under Working Details. Lighting types, design criteria specifying different types of fixtures for
various situations and project typologies – Development of lighting
scheme. Lighting details for specific issues like legibility circulation safety
security, high lighting, background lighting – using different materials and

- 44 -
Unit -V Design and detailing of window dressings and furnishings.
Pool and fountains:
Design and detail of water features such as pools and fountains using different UNIT – VI
materials and specifications. Detailing of doors, windows, storage shells for frames, shutters, joinery of
Construction details – of water containing structures fountains ponds and details for frame to shutter, shutter to panelling. Fixing details for partitions.
different water effects.
Reference books: UNIT – VII
Landphair, C. Harlow. Landscape Architecture Construction, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Details of Signage of different types: Types of signage, materials used
New York, 1988.
in signage, Installation procedures, design criteria.
Motloch, L. John. Int. to Landscape Design, 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 2001.
Moorhead, Steven (Ed.). Landscape Architecture. Rockport Pub, Massachusetts, References:
1997. Wakita, Osamu A. & Linde, Richard M. The professional practice of
Pregill, Philip and Volkman, Nancy. Landscapes in History: Design and Planning architectural detailing, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1987.
in the western Tradition. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993. Liebing, Ralph W. & Paul, Ford Paul. Architectural working drawings, New
York: Wiley, 1977.
AR 7.7.3 WORKING DETAILS: INTERIOR DESIGN Robert, C. Mc Hugh. Working Drawing Hand Book, New York: VNR, 1977.
Chiara, Joseph De, Panero, Julius, Zelnik, Martin. Time-saver standards for
Note: Students of ‘Interior Design’ major are required to take this subject interior design and space planning, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
under Working Details.

Flooring: Details for Large and small spaces, combination of different
materials, inlay works integrating lighting, services and communication

Surface Treatment: wall panelling, acoustic treatment, dado, details of
moulding, Wall cladding, ornamentation, show windows etc.

False Ceiling: Integrating various types of false ceilings with AC, HVAC,
Lighting and other advanced electrical and electronic devices.

Colour: Representation of colour schemes with standard finishes and
catalogues on drawings.

- 45 -
EIGHTH SEMESTER The evaluation shall be through periodic internal reviews. The final
submission will include a brief report of about 1000 words, explaining the
AR. 8.1 DESIGN STUDIO concepts, design proposals along with the main portfolio, and a model.
AR 8.1.1 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN-VI (DESIGN STUDIO) Note: In end exam which is a viva-voce the students are to present the
entire semester work for assessment.
L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:9
Note: Students of Architecture are required to take this subject under
Design Studio. Alexander, Christopher. Pattern language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford
University Press, New York.
Course Overview: Lynch, Kevin. Image of the city.
This Course deals with the design of large, multi-storeyed, complex Newman, Oscar and Others. Defensible space: People and Design in the Violent City.
projects. Architectural Press, London, 1972.
Watson, Donald and Others (Ed.) Time saver standard for Urban Design. McGraw –Hill,
New York, 2003.
Objectives of the Course:
To develop skills for a comprehensive design in urban context (Example:
housing project, Shopping Malls etc.) for making a complete design
portfolio from the brief to tender drawings.
L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:9
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: To develop skills for
comprehensive understanding and dealing with Architecture of a group of Note: Students of Construction Management major are required to take this
buildings, inter connected with elements of urban design. subject under Design Studio.

Course Contents: Course Overview:

Major studio work, focusing on construction management of large scale
I. Urban Design: issues to be addressed:
projects for effective and efficient implementations.
Issues of urban structure, urban space and form.
Issues of conservation.
Objectives of the Course:
Issues in zoning, land use, density, development control. To equip students of Construction Management specialization with various
Issues of building in context, urban infill techniques of project implementation.
Integration of diverse functional needs, access systems,
parking, services etc. Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: The skills related to
construction management of large building projects.
II. A comprehensive design portfolio from brief to tender drawings
Course Contents:
III. Design detail portfolio, (at least one example each) using Preparation of working drawings in detail for large building project
i) „Hi-tech‟ materials / construction. (building more than 5000 sq. mtrs.) covering the following aspects
ii) Conservation related materials / construction. Implementation scheduling –Resource planning-time, labour, material,
Students would need to undertake all of the above design subjects for the equipment and personnel requirements, estimation-scheduling, control and
studio exercise. procurement.

- 46 -
Preparation of network charts and flow charts with control mechanism in To expose students to wide range of design alternatives and preparation
place, including quality and cost control – sticking to budgetary estimates comprehensive designs for landscape projects.
and foreseeing any disturbances in scheduling, devise resilience and
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
adaptive measures.
Basic skills in design and orientation in landscape design are prerequisites
Report of Construction Management: Preparation of Project report on any for the students. The student is expected to obtain skills in development of
live, ongoing or completed-large scale project. concepts based on perceptual evaluation of site and propose design
alternatives. Solutions to small and medium scale landscape design
Reference books: projects

Gupta, B.L. and Gupta, Amit. Construction Management, Machinery and Accounts, 3rd ed. Course Contents:
Standard Pub, 2005.
Loraine, R.K. Construction Management in Developing Countries. Thomas Telford,
London, 1993.
Emphasis on form and spatial relationships leading to open space
Srinath, L.S. PERT and CPM Principles and Applications, 3rd ed. Affiliated East-West Press, order and frame work.
New Delhi, 2003. Concerns for Social, Psychological considerations of the individual
Singh, Harpal. Construction Management and Accounts 14th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill Pub., and large groups of people, their interaction and resultant forms of
New Delhi, 1981.
Gould, E. Frederick and Joyce, E. Nancy. Construction Project Management. Prentice Hall, environment.
New Jersey, 2000. Issues related to functional requirement and design strategies.
Shrivastava, U.K. Construction Planning and Management, 3rd ed. Galgotia Pub., New Delhi, Microclimate and environmental consideration.
Chitkara, K.K. Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling and Controlling. Issues related to health, welfare, safety and enjoyment.
Tata McGraw-Hill Pub., New Delhi, 1999. Issues related to zoning, density and develop controls.
Sharma, S.C. Construction Equipment and its Management, 4th ed. Khanna Pub., New Delhi, Issues related to services and site development.
Issues related to visual and aesthetic and contextual consideration.
Students would need to undertake one small and one medium scale designs
in site planning.
L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:9 The exercises taken up shall deal the issues comprehensively from general
understanding to providing complete landscape design solutions. The
Note: Students of Landscape Design Major are required to take this subject exercise can be split into different stages such as Data collection, Case
under Design Studio. studies, Synthesis and Design development.

Course Overview: Reference books:

This course will focus on design and development of small to medium
scale projects and aims to develop skills for design of comprehensive Southerland, Designing the new landscape.
Hacket, Brian. Planting Design.
landscape proposal for simple residential landscape, community level open
Laurie, Michael. An Introduction to Landscape, 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
spaces and campus design. 1986.
Objectives of the Course: Lynch, Kevin. Site Planning. MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1962.
Jellico, Man and Landscape.
To expose students to issues concerned with landscape design and site

- 47 -

L/s: 9/Wk Int: 100 End Exam: 100 Total: 200 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:9 L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:6

Note: Students of Interior Design Major are required to take this subject Course Overview:
under Design Studio. The course supplements the previous courses on theory of structures, while
introducing the advanced development in structural form. The students are
Objectives of the Course: expected to understand the theory behind these structural forms and not
To enable the students to demonstrate design ideologies in the field of only expected to solve numerical problems.
interior design
Objectives of the Course:
Course Contents: To inform the students about the recent developments in structural forms.
Interior requires that students have a full understanding of the interior To increase the student‟s ability to identify the structural forms suitable for
design field and have mastery of the design process, presentations, project architectural expression.
administration and business skills.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
Two interior schemes of different functional types: Residential / The students are expected to gain knowledge about the recent
commercial at different scales will form the major design assignments. developments and advanced concepts in the structural forms.
Focus is on Portfolio creation by producing a complete and correct set of The students are expected to analyse and understand the nature of stresses
working drawings, from plans through details and specifications and that are developed in the major elements of advanced types of structures.
sample boards
Course Contents:
Portfolio preparation
The student will create a portfolio that clearly expresses his/her ability to Unit – I
design by using detailed drawing, rendering and Model Making. Usage Construction and form, Structure and Form Equilibrium under simple
photography and graphic design in preparing a professional portfolio is tension or compression, the catenary and the arch, the simply supported
also encouraged. beam, the domical shell.

Reference books: Unit – II

Structural elements: Beams and slabs Arches and catenaries; vaults, domes
Archi World. Interior Best Collection: Residence, Commerce, Office, Restaurant Asia I-IV.
and curved membranes; Trusses, Portal frames and space frames.
Archi World Co., Korea, 2003.
Friedmann, Arnold and Others. Interior Design: An Int. to Architectural Interiors. Elsevier,
New York, 1979. Unit – III
Miller, E. William. Basic Drafting for Interior Designers. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New Relation between structure and architecture, Geometry of form and
York, 1981. structural function, Aesthetic theories of the expression of structural
Kurtich, John and Eakin, Garret. Interior Architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
York, 1993. function in architectural form.
Rao, M. Pratap. Interior Design: Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. Standard Pub., 2004.

- 48 -
Unit – IV Course Contents:
Structural Systems: single and double layer grids; braced domes, ribbed Unit - I
domes, plate type domes, Network domes, Lamella domes, Geodesic Building safety from Natural Hazards:
domes, Grid domes. Braced and folded structures. Earthquake, Fire safety in buildings, Cyclone effects: High winds, storm
surge and safety aspects in buildings, related to Cyclones, Floods,
Unit – V Landslides.
Space frames: Folded plates, shells, cyclonical shells, Hyperbolic
paraboloids, free forms. Elementary Seismology:
Cable structures: Simply curved suspended roofs, combination of cables Occurrence of earthquake in the world, plate tectonics, faults, earthquake
and struts. hazard maps of India and the states.
Causes of earthquake, seismic waves; magnitude, intensity, epicenter and
Unit –VI
energy release, characteristics of strong earthquake ground motions.
Curtain Walls: Types of Curtain Walls and their Components Structural
Seismological Instruments: Seismograph, Accelerograph, Seismoscope /
problems, construction and erection.
Multi SAR.
Reference books:
Unit - II
Candela, Felix. Architecture and Structuralism. 1963. Introduction to Theory of Vibrations:
Lane, Allen. Developments in Structural Form. Penguin Books ltd, London, 1975. Single degree undamped and damped systems, resonance, response to
Macdonald, J. Angus. Structure and Architecture, 2nd ed. Architectural Press, Oxford, 2003. earthquakes, elastic response, concepts of response spectrum.Flexibility of
Michaels, Leonard. Contemporary Structures in Architecture. 1950. long and short period structures.
Schall, Rolf. Curtain Walls: Design Manual. Reinhold Pub., New York, 1962.
Siegel, Curt. Structure and Form in Modern Architecture. Crosby Lockwood and son Ltd.,
London, 1962. Unit - III
Subramanian, N. Principles of Space structures. Wheeler and Co., Allahabad, 1983. Site Planning, Building Forms and Architectural Design Concepts for
Zannos, Alexander. Form and Structure in Architecture: The role of statical function. Van Earthquake Resistance:
Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1987.
Historical experiences, Site Selection, Site Development.
Building forms: - Horizontal and vertical eccentricities, mass and stiffness
distribution, soft storey etc.; Seismic effects related to building
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3 Plan and vertical irregularities, redundancy and setbacks, Special Aspects:-
Torsion, appendages, staircases, adjacency, pounding; Contemporary
Course Overview: international approaches.
This course introduces and explains disaster resistant methods of
construction Unit – IV
Performances of Ground and Buildings in Past Earthquakes:
Objectives of the Course: Earthquake Effects:- On ground, soil rupture, liquefaction, landslides;
To develop understanding about the nature of disasters and their effects on Behaviour of various types of buildings, structures, power plants, switch
built environment. yards, equipments, lifelines and collapse patterns; Behaviour of Non
To develop understanding about the ways of building that world resist Structural Elements like services, fixtures, mountings. Social and
disasters. Economic Consequences of earthquakes, Lab simulations of models.

- 49 -
Seismic Design Principles: Arhold, Christopher and others. Building configuration and Seismic Design.
Concept of seismic design, stiffness, strength, period, ductility, damping, Disasters and Development -
National Geographic. Restless Earth: Disaster of nature.
hysteric energy dissipation, center of mass, center of rigidity, torsion, Singh, P.P. and Sharma, Sandhir. Modern dictionary of natural disasters.
design eccentricities; Ductility based design: Design of energy absorbing
devices, Seismic base isolation and seismic active control. AR 8. 4 ADVANCED SERVICES

Unit – V L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
Structural Detailing:
Innovations and Selection of appropriate materials; IS Code provisions for
Course Overview:
the buildings:-IS:1893-2002, IS:4326-1993; Horizontal and Vertical
Study of special type of services and facilities employed in buildings
seismic coefficients, valuation of base shear, distribution of shear forces in
designed for specific functions and operations. The emphasis being on
multi-storey building; Seismic Detailing Provisions: Masonry and Wooden
different types of building and operations, services and equipment
Buildings (IS: 4326, IS: 13828), Adobe houses (IS: 13827); Seismic
employed for carrying out their function
Designs and Detailing of RC and Steel Buildings:IS: 1893 – 2002; IS:
13920 – 1993; IS: 456 – 2000; IS: 800 – 2004; Special reinforcing and
Objectives of the Course:
connection details in structural drawings.
To develop understanding of requirements of facility and services,
definitions and terms used, their working provisions to be made in building
Unit – VI
Earthquake Resistance Construction Details:
Various Types and Construction details of: Foundations, soil stabilization,
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Principles and installations of
retaining walls, plinth fill, flooring, walls, openings, roofs, terraces,
specialized services in buildings and building complexes.
parapets, boundary walls, under ground and overhead tanks, staircases and
isolation of structures; Local practices: traditional regional responses.
Course Contents:
Unit – VII
Unit - I
Construction Quality Control:
Special services in High rise buildings and provision to be made for
Sequences of Construction: Good supervision practices, Critical check
installation and operation.
points and certification at certain stages, reporting, maintenance of records,
Lifts: Types of lifts, Passenger, Capsule, Hospital bed- lift; goods-lift etc.
Working and operation of lifts, parts of lifts; industry standards and
Vulnerability Assessments and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings:
capacity calculations. Provision to be made in buildings for installation;
Seismic vulnerability evaluation of existing buildings; Weakness in
Introduction to working of escalator and design;
existing buildings, aging, weathering development of cracks; Concepts in
repair, restoration and seismic strengthening, materials and equipments for
Unit - II
restoration of masonry and concrete structures. Methodologies for seismic
retrofitting. Electronic Systems in Buildings: Telephone and communication,
EPABX networks, transmission. Security systems, Burglar alarms, video
surveillance, access control. Computer labs, access flooring, server rooms.
Reference books:
Abbott, L. Patidc. Natural disasters.

- 50 -
Unit - III Objectives of the Course:
Fire safety in buildings, portable fire fighting equipment, built in wet riser To impart awareness and technicalities of code of conduct, and the
system, sprinkler system, fire hydrant, class of fire and occupancy. significance of Architects Act 1972 in Professional Practice.

Cooking gas distribution, piped gas supply, bulk gas supply, bottled gas Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: Legal, Technical and
supply, Relevant NBC other standards, Stoves, burners and grills. Financial aspects of Architectural practices and management skills for
professional practice.
Unit - IV
Swimming Pools: Pool design, Tank and channels, cascades, finishes; Course Contents:
Water circulation, balancing tank. Filtration and water treatment; Water
quality and disinfection Unit - I
Role of architect in society; architectural profession as compared to others
Unit - V professions; difference between profession and business; architect's
Hotel services: Specialty; services required for hospitality industry; registration, COA, IIA and other organizations related to architectural
Laundry services; Kitchen services; Channeled Music, Internet. profession.
Architects approach to works; ways of getting works; types of works,
Unit – VI works partly executed by other architect; various precautions to be taken
Environmental services: Waste generation, types of waste, treatment and before taking up the work; conditions of engagement between the architect
disposal facilities, Industrial buildings; Hospital buildings. and client; commencement of work.
Unit - VII Unit - II
Alternative energy sources for buildings: Solar energy, Hot water
system, photo voltaic cells; Biomass digesters; Wind energy. Architect's duties; drawings to be prepared; Architects relation with other
parties connected with works such as client, contractor, sub-contractors,
Reference books: consultants, municipal and public authorities.
IIA Code professional conduct; COA rules; Scale of charges; units and
Faber, Oscar and Kell, J.R. Heating and Air-Conditioning of Building. Architectural Press, mode of measurements - clerk of work and his duties; Inspection of work
Surrey, 1945. during 'construction; certificate of payment to contractor; bill of quantities;
Prasad, Manohar. Refrigeration and air-conditioning, 5th ed. New Age Intl. Pub., New Delhi, Schedule of rates, tenders; public, limited and negotiated tender documents
and allied formalities.
Tiwari, Satish. Water and Energy resources.


Contracts; types of contracts such as item rate, labour, lumpsum, cost plus
L/s: 6/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3 percentage etc.
General principles of Indian contract Act; Building contracts, conditions
and forms of contract, study of standard contract of the Indian Institute of
Course Overview: Architects. Administration of contract. Principle of Arbitration, Indian
The course provides overview and specific conditions of COA regulations, Arbitration act 1940, Powers and duties of arbitrators, revoking authority;
Architects Act 1972 in Architectural practice. umpire, award etc.

- 51 -
Easement: definition; various types of easements; document and servant Namavati, H. Roshan. Theory and Practice of Valuation, 2nd ed. Lakshani Book Depot,
Bombay, 1991.
owners; essential conditions for enjoyment of easement; Fire insurance's
definition, cover note; insurance for new work and additions; insurable
value of property, claim for damage due to fire. AR.8.6 ELECTIVE – II


Unit - IV
Preliminary knowledge of transfer of property Act; registration, stamp duty L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
under registration and Govt. Power. Income tax, wealth, land acquisition
Acts; general information about land acquisition procedures.
Course Overview:
Accidents during progress of work and after completion, damage to The Course prepares ground for the students to gain an understanding into
persons and properties affected; workmen's compensation Act with regards the fundamental issues in architectural Photography and develop the skill
to the affected persons and properties. to create Articles/presentation capturing the essence through the
Consumer protection Act and related acts on Architects. photographs.

Practice Architects Act 1972; Professional Practice Regulation and Course Contents:
architectural education regulations under the Architects Act.
Unit – I
Unit - V Definition of Photo Journalism - Brief History - Photographs as social
Documentaries - Birth of modern Photo Journalism since 1950s - visual
Types of offices for architectural practice; staff structure; filing of records;
awareness – visual survey - EDFAT methods in using the camera -
correspondence and drawings; maintenance of accounts; presentations in
Equipment required for Photo Journalism.
meetings, recording minutes of meeting. A small report to be prepared by
each student after visiting an architect's office.
Unit - II
Emphasise on the usage of language and Vocabulary- introduction to
Role of consultants and Co-ordination between different consolation on a
methodology of writing essays, compositions, prissy writing, listening
big project.
comprehension analyze talks and information gathered and to edit
gathered information to build an article.
Study of building bylaws to enable to design and prepare drawings for
submission to concerned bodies.
Unit -III
National building code, Fire prevention and safety measures.
Photo Journalism in perspective - Snap shots - Advance amateur
Photography - Art Photography - Photo Journalism - Approach to Photo
Reference books:
Journalism - News Papers and Magazine Design elements: Page make -up
Banerjee, D.N. Principles and Practice of Valuation, 5th ed. Eastern Law House, Calcutta,
- Layout - color scheme - Font - Blurb - Pictures - Ads etc- Other
1998. magazines - Documenting of Places - Rural- Urban - Public relations.
Dalton, J. Patrick. Land Law, 4th ed. Pitman Pub., London, 1996.
Indian Institute of Architects. H.B. Professional Practice. The Architects Pub. Bombay. Unit - IV
Indian Standards Institution. National Building Code of India 1983. Indian Standards
Institution, New Delhi, 1984.
People journalism and law-legal boundaries-issues libel and invasions of
Namavati, H. Roshan. Professional Practice, 8th ed. Lakshani Book Depot, Bombay, 2001. privacy-ethics-the photo journalist on scene

- 52 -
Unit - V homes, offices, industrial, hospital, art galleries, museums and
Building pictures - Instant, Report - Editing - Editorial thinking – the exhibitions, case study of at least one type of the building by each
picture Editor - Editing practices, creating drama - Photo editing - student.
Documentary-evolution of the word document-methods and techniques.
Unit – IV
Reference books: Out door lighting: road lighting, high-mast lighting, tunnel lighting,
Kopelow, Gerry. How to photograph buildings and interiors, 3rd ed. New York: landscape lighting, decorative lighting, facade lighting, spot lighting.
Princeton Architectural Press, 2002.
De Mare, Eric Samuel. Architectural photography, London: Batsford, 1975. Unit – V
Busch, Akiko. The photography of architecture: twelve views, New York: Van Lighting as determinant of form for architecture with graphic examples.
Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1987.
Mehta, Ashvin. Happenings: \b a journal of luminous moments, Vapi, Gujarat:
Hindustan Inks, 2003. Unit – VI
Mohd, Al Asad. Architectural Criticism and Journalism Daylighting, advantages of daylighting; design tools in daylighting. Case
Sommer, Robert. Tom Wolfe on Modern Architecture studies and various examples, behaviour of daylighting in an interior
spaces. Potentials of daylighting as an energy resource.
Unit – VII
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3 Integration of daylighting with artificial lighting; lighting controls,
intelligent building systems for lighting.
Objectives of the Course:
The course is intended to give an indepth understanding of the scientific Unit – VIII
and design aspects of lighting in Architecture Conservation of energy in lighting use of daylight, optical fiber lighting,
LED in lighting and the emerging trends in lighting.
Course Contents:
Reference books:
Moore, Fuller. Concepts and practice of Architectural Day Lighting. Van Nostrand Reinhold
Unit – I co., New York, 1985.
Light and vision, basic units, photometry and measurement, quality and Valia, Anil. Designing with light: A Lighting H.B. International Lightning Academy,
quantity of light of different sources of light. Daylight, incandescent Mumbai, 2002, Architecturl Physics: Lighting.
lamps, halogen lamps, electric gas discharge lamps, fluorescent lamps, Hopkinson R.G, Her Majestrip stationery office, London.
high discharge lamps. A market survey of lamps with cost and technical David Egan. M, concepts in Architectural lighting Mc Grew Hill Book
specifications. company, New York, 1983.


Design of lighting; lumen method, point by print method, design tools, L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:3
design documentation, simple numericals.
Course Overview:
Unit – III The course provides a framework in understanding the Theoretical,
Specific lighting design requirement of different buildings such as historical functional and human issues of the subject.

- 53 -
Objectives of the Course: Morley, John. The history of furniture: twenty-five centuries of style and design in
To impart a comprehensive understanding of the general theory and the Western tradition, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1999.
practice of the subject. Aronson, Joseph. The Encyclopedia of Furniture, 6th printing, New York: Crown
To inculcate in student a natural curiosity in allied discipline of design Pub. 1944.
Saville, Laurel. Design secrets: furniture, Gloucester, Mass. : Rockport Publishers,
Course Contents: Datschefski, Edwin. The total beauty of sustainable products, Hove: Rotovision,
Unit – I 2001.
Understanding of the functional and formal issues in design – study and Papanek, Victor J. The green imperative: natural design for the real world, New
evaluation of popular dictums such as “Form follows function”, form and York: Thames and Hudson, 1995.
function are one”, “Less is more”, “God is in details” etc.
Evaluation of visual design for functional objects. AR 8.7 DIGITAL TECHNIQUES IN ARCHITECTURE
Gestalt theory of design: Law of closure, law of proximity, law of
continuity etc. L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: 3 hrs Cr:6

Unit – II Course Overview:

Evolution of furniture through ages till present day The course focuses on the convergence of techniques and skills acquired in
the area of CAD and Computer applications in the earlier semesters, for
Unit – III developing digital tools and techniques for architectural presentations.
Human factors engineering and Ergonomic considerations; Principles of
Universal Design and their application in furniture and product design. Objectives of the Course:
Exploring use of Computers for documentation and presentation graphic
Unit – IV design, 3D modeling.
An introduction of various manufacturing processes most frequently
adopted in furniture and product design such as, Injection Moulding; Course Contents:
investment casting, sheet metal work, die-casting, blow-moulding , Unit - I
vaccum – forming etc. Creating Data Bases for building design Tools for data analysis; HTML /
Dream Weaver
Unit – V
Signage and Graphics – Environmental graphics: signage categories and Unit – II
Interactive Multimedia: Power Point Presentation Techniques, Content
Unit – VI Development
A detailed study involving the design aspects of any on of the following:
Lifestyle accessories, Luminaire design, a piece of furniture, Point of Unit – III
Purchase design, Signage. Preparation of Building Plans shapes and layout, using software; Layers,
Shape, Text, Line Weights, Line types, Scaling , import – export
. Product design, London: te Neues, 2002.

- 54 -
Unit - IV
Wire frame model, Handling, Export Formats, Rendering, Animation, Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred:
Video Streaming Student should be in a position to comprehend the design philosophy,
theories, data analysis and application in a chosen area of study.
Unit - V Course Contents:
Image Processing; Image Transformation, Image editing, resizing, Each student is expected to prepare a design thesis based on the
Brochure / Catalogues / Hand outs preliminary work undertaken in the Architectural Design-VI Studio, under
an approved guide/adviser by the department.
Unit – VI
Introduction to Estimation of Buildings with computer systems: Thesis should reflect the knowledge gained from the entire course
Preparation of structural members, Development of frames, Loads and undertaken by the student in the previous semesters.
loading and analysis.
The particulars of schedule, content, presentation, format etc., is to be
Reference books: decided by the department, from time to time and shall be strictly followed.
At the end of the semester, each student is expected to submit all original
CAD. Comedia Publications , New Delhi.
Guide to dream weaver - Macro Madia Publications.
drawings prepared as per the department's specifications. Three copies of
Omura, George. Mastering in Auto CAD 2000. BPB Pub., New Delhi, 1999. the report in the specified format along with a model submitted to the
Parker, Daniel and Rice, Habert. Inside Auto CAD Daniel. 1987. department, after obtaining the approval of the respective guides / advisers.
Teyapoovan, T. Engineering Drawing with Auto CAD 2000. Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2000.
Underdahl, Brian. Windows 98 one step at a time. Comdex Computer Pub. New Delhi,
The department shall schedule the final viva-voce, at its convenience,
1998. only after the receipt of the thesis submission by a student. The
Zampi, Giulian and Morgan, Conway Lloyd. Virtual Architecture. performance sheet submitted by the advisor and the thesis committee
should be the basis for allowing the student to appear for the final viva- -
For End exam, viva-voce is to be conducted by a jury comprising of an
external examiner, one internal examiner and head of the department or
AR 9.1 DESIGN THESIS his nominee.

L/s: 27/Wk Int: 200 End Exam: 200 Total: 400 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr: 30 References:
Mukhi, H.R. Technical Report Writing: Specially prepared for Technical and
Competitive Examinations, New Delhi: Satya Prakashan, 2000.
Course Overview: Barrass, Robert. Writing At Work \b a guide to better writing in administration,
business and management, London: Routledge, 2003.
Thesis should reflect the knowledge gained from all the courses undertaken Seely, John. The Oxford guide to effective writing and speaking, 2 nd ed., Oxford ;
by the student in all the previous semesters. New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
Jo Ray McCuen, Anthony Winkler. Readings for writers, 9th ed., Fort Worth :
Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1998.
Objectives of the Course:
Treece, Malra. Effective reports, 2nd ed., Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1985.
To develop assimilation, synthesis and application of research in

- 55 -
AR 9.2 PROJECT APPRAISAL REPORT For End exam, the project report will evaluated by a jury comprising of
one external and one internal examiner.
L/s: 3/Wk Int: 50 End Exam: 50 Total: 100 End Exam: Viva-voce Cr:6
Shaju, H.Olby. Project planning and management: Primavera Reference
Course Overview: Guide, Channai : CADD Centre Training Services Pvt Ltd., 2004.
The student will be required to produce a project feasibility report for the Sachithanandan, A.N. Reading Material on Project Formulation &
specific design undertaken for the design thesis. Appraisal, New Delhi : Institute of Town Planners.
Tompkins, Bill G. Project cost control for managers, Houston: Gulf Pub.
Objectives of the Course: Co., 1985.
Sensitize the student to the technical and socio-economic feasibility of the Punmia, B.C. Project Planning and Control with PERT and CPM, 4 th ed.,
design project. New Delhi: Laxmi Publications (p)Ltd., 2003.
Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: TENTH SEMESTER
Analysing a design project for technical and socio-economic feasibility.
Course Contents:
The student has to submit a project appraisal report on his / her project in End Exam: Viva-
the design thesis. L/s: 30/Wk Int: 0 End Exam: 200 Total: 200 Cr:36
The report may consist of the following:
a. Environmental impact assessment of the project following broadly Course Overview:
the provisions of the relevant Acts. Internship for a period of not less than 20 weeks.

Objectives of the Course:

b. Socio-economic appraisal of the project and the design To provide experience in Architectural Practice.
considering factors such as behavioral aspects, security
considerations, costs for different user groups, aesthetic Expected Skills / Knowledge Transferred: The skills required for an
preferences, etc.; architect to grow into a complete professional.
c. Technical feasibility – through construction and structural
Course Contents:
detailing of contentious areas of the design, checking for
feasibility of layout for service systems and specifications; Every student must work in an Architect‟s Office as a full-time trainee for
d. Costing of the project – economic viability and financial viability a period of 20 calendar weeks (excluding Viva-voce) from the date of
e. Legal and planning aspects / issues – Land use, Zonning commencement of training. The Chief Architect in the firm should be
regulations and density regulations, access to physically registered with the Council of Architecture and have a minimum of five
years of practical/professional experience after her/his graduation. The
challenged, fire safety, green rating, etc.
student should involve herself/himself in various aspects of work in an
office like working drawings, presentation drawings, quantity estimating,

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site supervision, municipal drawings, etc. Detailed instructions regarding
the training, the frequency of reporting to the department, etc. will be
issued at the end of the Ninth Semester, which the student must strictly

After completion of training, every student will have to submit a detailed

report with a set of drawings on at least two projects on which she/he has
worked during the twenty calendar weeks of the practical training period.
This report will be evaluated at a viva-voce by a jury consisting of one
external, one internal and head of the department or his nominee. After
submission of the report the department at its convenience will arrange for
the conduct of the viva-voce examination.

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