Jesus L. Huenda, Is Coined From The Popular Filipino Checkerboard Game of Dama, (Or Lady in
Jesus L. Huenda, Is Coined From The Popular Filipino Checkerboard Game of Dama, (Or Lady in
Jesus L. Huenda, Is Coined From The Popular Filipino Checkerboard Game of Dama, (Or Lady in
By the way, DAMATH is part of the inventor’s position paper, Non-formal mathematics
education: the Sorsogon National High School experience, delivered at the 1978 First Southeast
Asian Conference on Mathematical Education, PICC, Manila; 1979 and 1980 MTAP national
conventions at Legaspi City and Quezon City, respectively. 1981, 1983 and 1988 Philippine
Expositions, PHILTRADE, Manila; conference, Mandurah, WA; Australian Association of
Mathematics Teachers 13th biennial national conference, Hobart.
1. To integrate the Filipino checkerboard game of dama into the teaching of mathematical
concepts and skills.
2. To encourage the utilization of recycled materials in constructing damath board set (for
classroom use only).
6. To promote awareness of girls in mathematics [as king is to the game of chess, so dama (or
lady) is to damath ]
Teacher’s Notes:
Any game can be trivial or worthwhile. It all depends on the players of the game and
when and why. Feedback from teachers who have tried damath is encouraging because they have
found it appropriate, fun, and useful in their classes. All 12 games are to be played in pairs.
Students learning mathematics in this way have been found to associate mathematics with
wholesome and purposeful work. These games may introduce, supplement, reinforce or refresh
concepts, skills and attitudes.
To get the most out of damath, read the accompanying guide sheet and list of materials
needed. Determine what extra work can be assigned to pairs of students who will carry out the
activity. As a follow-up activity, some mathematical investigations concerning damath may be
assigned to small groups of students, or mathematics club may conduct community-outreach
damath competitions highlighting awareness of girls in mathematics. In doing so, observe
student’s performance and reactions and record them in a cognitive skill checklist and attitude
respectively. This, together with your assessment, will provide you with significant data for
future reference.
The inventor welcome suggestions from teachers in the field by sending it to: Jesus L.
Huenda, Curriculum Development Division, Bureau of Secondary Education, Department of
Education, Culture and Sports, Palacio del Governador, Intramuros, Manila. Suggestions and
input can be mailed to him using the following form: (See next page).
In DAMATH, there are 12 games to play. All of these games are original especially designed for
you - - - to make you do and play mathematics, have fun with it in thinking, making a game plan,
and using your common sense, honesty and fair play.
Guide Sheet
• Teacher’ Manual
How to S T A R T
24 chips should be placed first on the following squares on the DAMATH board <=
Red player moves “-1” to an adjoining vacant square ( 5 , 4 ), thus,
to the scoresheet the player writes on the first column under the
heading “Move” with [-1 (5,4) ] to mean “-1” goes to a
square located 5 on its x-axis and 4 on its y-axis.
1. In the example above, Red player with piece “-1” is required (pass is not allowed) to take a
piece “2” of Blue side by jumping over the piece to be taken and landing on the latter’s
adjoining vacant square, which, also, determine the symbol of operation to be used.
“-1” takes “2” by jumping over it (player gets the piece “2”) and
finally lands on a square (7,2) which has minus sign on it. Thus, on
the scoresheet, the player writes on the first column with “-1 – 2”.
Moreover, on the second column under the heading “Score”, the
player writes the answer as “-3”. While on the third column under
the heading “Total Score”, the player writes the total score by
adding whatever points in it, thus, “-3”. Round off numbers, if
2. A player can take one chip or more than one chip with the required option to take the greater
number of chips.
3. A Red chip is declared as “dama” if it reaches any of the following squares:
4. Once a piece is declared as “dama” it could slide diagonally forward or backward in any
vacant square provided no opposing piece blocks it. It could take a piece or pieces and have
the privilege of doubling its scores.
5. The game is ended it - - -
In (a) or (b), the remaining piece or pieces are added to the total score. Finally, the player
with the greater accumulated total, wins the game.
How to score
Shown below is a Damath Scoresheet. Initial entries on it were taken from the above
examples of player’s move and in taking piece or pieces.
Red Blue
Player Player
What it is about
It is a game of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of integers, rounding off
numbers, and point plotting.
What it is about
It is a game of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing counting numbers; rounding
off numbers, and point plotting.
Same rules as in Activity 1,but the “0” chip is replaced by “12” [ “12” is on the reverse
side of “0” chip]; and, negative signs have to be disregarded. Thus, initial positions of the chips
are as follows:
What it is about
It is a game of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing Whole numbers ; rounding off
numbers, and point plotting.
Same rules as in Activity 2, but the “12” chip is replaced by “0” [ “0” is on the reverse
side of “12” chip]; and, negative signs have to be disregarded. Thus, initial positions of the chips
are as follows:
What it is about
It is a game of adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing fractions; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity1, but adding, Subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions
are used, thus, all entries on the Scoresheet are fractions.
What it is about
It is a game of adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing decimals; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity 4, but instead of fractions, the decimal equivalents are added,
subtracted, multiplied, and divided. In taking a chip or chips, results of mathematical operations
are rounded off to the nearest hundredths.
What it is about
It is a game of prime numbers; integers; squaring numbers;
rounding off numbers; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity 1, but in taking a chip or chips the results of algebraic operations
are squared if it is an odd prime number.
What it is about
It is a game using the Fibonacci sequence; counting numbers;
Cubing numbers; rounding off numbers; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity 2, but in taking a chip or chips the results of mathematical
operations are cubed if it is a Fibonacci number.
What it is about
It is a game of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing
binary numbers; and point plotting
Same rule as in Activity 3, but in taking a piece or pieces binary arithmetic is used. Thus,
initial positions of blue and red chips are as follow:
What it is about
It is a game of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
Division in module 12; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity 3, but in taking a piece or pieces binary arithmetic is used. Thus,
initial positions of blue and red chips are as follow:
What it is about
It is a game using trigonometric functions; trigonometric identities; changing
degrees to radians and vice – versa; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity 1, but in taking a piece or pieces (this time, integers are
expressed in degrees) trigonometric functions and identities are used. Thus, initial positions of
blue and red chips are as follow:
Chips in degrees Position of Blue Chip Position of Red Chip
Csc 0 (5,2) (2,5)
Sin –1 (3,2) (4,5)
Sec 2 (7,2) (0,5)
Cos -3 (1,2) (6,5)
Cot 4 (4,1) (3,6)
Tan –5 (2,1) (5,6)
Tan 6 (6,1) ( 1 , 6)
Cot –7 (0,1) (7,6)
Cos 8 (5,0) (2,7)
Sec –9 (3,0) (4,7)
Sin 10 (7,0) (0,7)
Csc -11 (1,0) (6,7)
What it is a
It is a game of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing numbers
in scientific notation; and point plotting.
Same rule as in Activity 2, but addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of numbers in
scientific notation are used; thus, entries on the Scoresheet should be numbers expressed in
scientific notation.
What it is about
It is a game of common logarithms; logarithms of trigonometric functions;
and point plotting.
Same rules as in Activity 11 or Activity 10, as the case maybe, depending on the player’s
agreement, but common logarithms and logarithms of trigonometric functions are used,
respectively. Thus, entries on the Scoresheet should have common logarithms or logarithms of
trigonometric functions, as the case maybe/
d. A player’s chip is declared as “dama” if it reaches the other player’s designated “dama”
locations or squares. A dama chip can move or take a piece to any unoccupied square
along the diagonal path. Moreover, when a “dama” takes a chip the score is doubled;
when the “dama” is taken the score is also doubled; when a “dama” takes another “dama”
the score is quadrupled.
e. In taking more than one chip, the “taker” chip shall remain as the initial addend,
minuend, multiplicand, or dividend as the case maybe. (This means that MDAS for
multiple operations shall not apply in this case).
f. A “move” is good only for one (1) minute, while the game’s duration shall not exceed 20
g. The remaining chips shall be added to the respective players.
h. The game ends when any one of the following situations occur:
i. The player having the greater “total score” wins the game. In case of a “tie”, a 10-minute
rematch follows thereafter untill a winner is declared.
j. No player is allowed to compete in a level lower than the one specified for his grade
k. In playing, the “TOUCH-MOVE SYSTEM” is used. Once a player “touches” a chip, it is
imperative that he uses that chip for that particular move.
l. A move is considered final once a player releases the chip, and he cannot change his
move after he has released the chip.
m. The use of calculator is recommended.
n. All players in each level are ranked according to their respective number of games won to
determine the winners. In case of a “triple tie”, the “the point-system” is used.
2. Sample in scoring:
Chips Move Score Total Score
KWH fca in Pesos KWH fca in Pesos
+ like Units 3 kwh + 5kwh 8 NS 8
+ like Units P 2 + P 10 NS 12 12
+ unlike Units 7 kwh + P 4 NS NS 8 12
- like Units 5 kwh – 9 kwh NS NS 8 12
- like Units P6-P0 NS 6 8 18
- unlike Units 7 kwh - P 4 NS NS 8 18
÷ like Units 3 kwh ÷ 5kwh NS NS 8 18
÷ like Units P6÷P2 NS NS 8 18
÷ unlike Units 7 kwh ÷ P 4 NS NS 8 18
× like Units 3 kwh × 5kwh NS NS 8 18
× like Units P 2 × P 10 NS NS 8 18
× unlike Units 7 kwh × P 4 NS NS 8 18
3. Player having the least total electric consumption WINS the game.
LEGEND: * NS – No Score
* fca - fuel cost adjustment
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 X ÷ - + 7
6 ÷ x + - 6
5 - + X ÷ 5
4 + - ÷ X 4
3 X ÷ - + 3
2 ÷ X + - 2
1 - + x ÷ 1
0 + - ÷ X 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
7 X ÷ - + 0
6 ÷ x + - 1
5 - + X ÷ 2
4 + - ÷ X 3
3 X ÷ - + 4
2 ÷ X + - 5
1 - + x ÷ 6
0 + - ÷ X 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reg. Phil. Pat. Pending PIDI No. 4715