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Introduction to Report

This report making of a certain selected organization was the requirement of internship
program compulsory for Business Administration students of University of the Punjab
Gujranwala campus. This report contains a detailed overview of services and working of
Zong Pakistan.
Zong is an international provider of high quality telecommunication, data and media
communication services. It is the subsidiary of China Mobile which is very large and well
known. It’s basically referred to as CM Pak i.e. China Mobile, world's largest telecom
operator. Having a customer base of over 300 million customers, its network routes 700
million text messages every day and handles 250 million calls every hour.Zong Pakistan
launched its operations few years back & replaced Paktel , setting precedence for further
foreign investments in the telecom sector.
Every one knows the role of “Human Capital” in the life of any organization. As present
era is solely an era of Humanistic capital so the organizations focusing on people
excellence are getting the competitive edge over its rival in the modern market. So being
a student of HR I have analyzed major HR functions and policies of Zong Pakistan which
1. Selection & recruitment.
2. Wages & incentives.
3. Performance management.
4. Career management.
5. Human resource planning.
6. Training & development.
7. Job Analysis & job description.
8. Orientation.
9. Human resource information system.
10. Operations and Security.

Introduction to Telecommunication
Every organization, whether it is a multinational, private business, government offices,
etc… depend on its people. These people working as General Managers must be trained
and kept motivated, offered good working environment and must be acknowledged at
Telecom industry is growing in Pakistan, with new companies getting license the
competition is tough as a result the consumer is getting benefit and enjoying cheap call
rates. With a population of 15 million countries, telecom is one of the best revenue
generated industry. As voice over IP, web conferencing and online video sessions are
becoming popular these companies have bright future ahead.

The main players is telecommunication industry in Pakistan are

• Warid
• Zong
• Ufone
• Mobilink
• Telenor

History of Zong
Paktel is a mobile telecommunication company in Pakistan. It was the first ever
company granted license to carry out cellular phone services in Pakistan, set up by
Cable & Wireless. It carried out AMPS services until 2004, when the company
launched GSM services as well. Its main competitor emerged in late 1990s as
Instaphone and soon began to dominate the market. However after the launch and
rapid success of Mobilink in 1998, both services lost market share. In 2003,
Millicom, bought Paktel. Millicom installed a new management team. In January
2007 Millicom sold Paktel for $284 million to China Mobile.
Recently China mobile company in Pakistan after replacing the code 0304 with 0314
now introduced its new brand called “ZONG” . With an introductory slogan “Say
everything” or “Sub Keh Do” & started its advertising campaign at popular print &
electronic media outlets.

Company Profile
China Mobile is the world's largest telecom operator. Having a customer base of over 300
million customers, its network routes 700 million text messages everyday and handles
250 million calls every hour.
China Mobile is perhaps the only cellular network that provides uninterrupted, reliable
coverage through tunnels, on highways, inside sky scrapper elevators as well on top of
Mount Everest.
One of the unique features of China Mobile servicing excellence is customising its
products, services and tariffs to suit the individual needs of its huge subscriber base.
There are hundreds of payment/tariff options to choose from according to one's usage
pattern, budget limitations and nature of use.
China Mobile is the first overseas subsidiary, China Mobile Pakistan has the license to
offer and operate voice, data and all value added services in the entire country.
One of the fastest growing cellular markets in the world, Pakistan is a key region that is
likely to offer expansion opportunities as well the chance to make a difference in the lives
of a growing clientele that is demanding and understands and appreciates better quality
and service standards.

China Mobile Pakistan (CMPak) is a 100% subsidiary of China Mobile. The
pioneering overseas set up of China Mobile came through acquisition of a license
from Millicom to operate a GSM network in Pakistan.
So far CMPak has invested more than US$ 700 million in the telecom sector in Pakistan
and an additional US$ 800 million will be invested till the end of year 2008.
With ambitious plans to cater to the fastest growing Pakistani market and to win over the
ever demanding Pakistani customer, it will be offering unprecedented coverage, voice
and data services as well as a wide range of tariff options to choose from.
CMPak's edge comes from the experience and expertise of running the world's largest
telecom service and the commitment they make to setting quality and customer relations
CMPak is geared to offer neatly packaged VAS products that will benefit the individuals,
corporates as well as small businesses. Led by a team of professionals from the field of
cellular communication, CMPak is determined to make its mark in the Pakistani market
and to change the way people communicate.

ZONG is the first International brand of China Mobile being launched in Pakistan. It is
meant to empower and liberate the people of Pakistan in every nook and corner of the
country. It will become a part of their hearts, their minds and bring about a change in
their lives that every one desired but few thought would be possible. The core essence of
ZONG is to allow people to communicate at will.
Without worrying about tariffs, network coverage, capacity issues or congestion. ZONG
will be supported by ground breaking communications, trend setting customer service
and an unmatched product offering which will redefine rules of the game and establish
ZONG as a serious contender for the number one spot.
ZONG would offer its customers with entertaining & innovative value added services and
will empower them by giving a wide variety of products, services & content to choose
They are privileged to be the pioneering country introducing this brand with others to
follow. And God willing, together they will also make ZONG a success story for others
to try and replicate.

The Brand
Zong font is futuristic depicting a clear and modern approach. It is simple and in italics,
depicting the move forward, yet comes out as composed and a coherent.
The new refined font couples a tinge of dexterity transforms in to a flexible outlook.
The blue background gives the brand a young and fresher look, whereas the type
phase, illustrates the confidence, stability and corporate image.

Color is second element in developing a distinctive visual identity; color can trigger an
emotion and evoke brand associations. Zong logo is predominantly blue, red and white;
the colors depict energy, youth, sophistication and optimism.
Different people, different landscapes, different cultures, but one nation, one common

expression, one common voice, one choice-Zong a brand that understands your needs and
speaks to your mind and heart.
Zong is young, progressive, energetic, genuine and honest, clearly someone from your
bunch of friends, who never lets you down and deeply inclined to your side-a true
companion and well wisher.
Zong a fresh dynamic and customized brand befitting your lifestyle in order that you feel
it as part of your life. A brand that you can always count on, sincerely, that understands
your needs, wishes and desires and helps you get connected with your loved ones
anywhere, anytime. So speak your heart out and be good to your expression as Zong is all
set to mesmerize you with the ever-entertaining

The Vision
“With perfect sincerity and integrity, we will strive to fulfill their triple-sided
responsibilities: their economic responsibility; their social responsibility and their
environmental responsibility.” As a good corporate citizen, China Mobile Limited is
committed to the harmonious development of its business, society and the
environment. China Mobile Limited will remain humble and keep innovating in
order to achieve pre- eminence.

Zong Vision Statement

“Make communication exciting”
We will conduct ourselves with integrity and live our company values deliver continuous
innovation and exceptional quality services Foster an internal environment of innovation,
collaboration and trust In doing CM Pak will become our customer partner of choice, our
industry employer of choice and our shareholder investment of choice

The Mission

China Mobile’s mission statement is “Communicate a Boundless World and Construct an

Information Society”. It aims to build an “omnipresent” mobile network to provide a
colorful set of mobile communication applications with “omnipotence”, to promote the
citizen’s level of “informationalization” and enhance China Mobile’s competitiveness at
an international level.
“Omnipresence” entails a secure, open digital network with seamless coverage which
allows everyone to use the network at anytime and at any place. “Omnipotence”
entails the continuous creation of all kinds of applications to suit the individual
needs of consumers and the prompt adaptation to new changes to the environment.
“Omnipresence” and “Omnipotence” are China Mobile’s ambitious plans and also the
objectives that China Mobile aims to achieve through its ethos “Perfection”.

Zong Mission Statement

“To be leasing mobile operator in pak by continuously innovating and offering
exceptional quality and service , to be a good corporate citizen and envy of friendship
between China and Pakistan.”

Core Value
Responsibility Makes Perfection
Five Key Values

1. Trust Worthiness
Trust worthiness to be promoted between employees and with customers. Building Trust
and Integrity must characterize in everything we do. We want everyone who comes in
contact with us to know that we do things the right way at CMPak. We work with
honesty, integrity and loyalty. We don't take short cuts.
2. Respect
Respect to be core part of the work environment .We treat each other with respect giving
individuals autonomy, privacy, due courtesy in day to day interaction with our customers,
suppliers, contractors, and of course each other. We tolerate and accept diversity.
3. Responsibility
Responsibility sharing and being aware of the responsibility with in the work place and
outside of it.CMPak is a much larger company today than we were. With this increased
size comes the challenge of operating in a timely fashion. We must avoid bureaucratic
delays in the pursuit of excellence. We must be agile enough to act faster than our
4. Communicate Openly
We want good news to travel fast and bad news to travel even faster up the line. We need
to be mindful of the importance of honestly communicating problems as well as
breakthroughs. The sooner we communicate a problem, the easier it is for us to marshal
our company's resources to solve it. We must communicate with each other at all levels
fostering harmony and a culture of openness.
5. Team Work
Team works culture with in the organization. CM Pak’s power comes from the talented
people who make up our company. By cooperating and sharing our knowledge with each
other seamlessly across organizations, we can make our company even stronger

Guiding Principles of ZonGerZ

The women and men (ZonGerZ!) of CM Pak, are guided by the following Principles.
They describe our company as we want it to be. We want our decisions and actions to
demonstrate these Values. ZonGerZ believe that putting our Values into practice creates
long-term benefits for shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, and the
communities we serve.

• ZonGerZ take responsibility for QUALITY… Our products and services will be
"best in class" in terms of value received for rupees paid. We will deliver
excellence, strive for continuous improvement and respond vigorously to change.
Each of us is responsible for the quality of whatever we do.

• ZonGerZ deliver CUSTOMER satisfaction … We are dedicated to satisfying our

customers. We believe in respecting our customers, listening to their requests and
understanding their expectations. We strive to exceed their expectations in
affordability, quality and delivery.

• ZonGerZ act with INTEGRITY in all we do… We are each personally

accountable for the highest standards of behavior, including honesty and fairness
in all aspects of our work. We fulfill our commitments as responsible citizens and
employees. We will consistently treat customers and company resources with the
respect they deserve.

• ZonGerZ value EACH OTHER… We treat one another with respect and take
pride in the significant contributions that come from the diversity of individuals
and ideas. Our continued success requires us to provide the education and
development needed to help our people grow. ZonGerZ are committed to
openness and trust in all relationships.

• With Responsibility comes Perfection… We take responsibility for our actions,
we seek to understand each other and behave in a professionally responsible way.
We value each others ideas and treat each other with respect. ZonGerZ seek
perfection in all things they do and we accomplish perfection through team work
and finding solutions to problems.

• ZonGerZ regard our SUPPLIERS as essential team members… We owe our

suppliers the same type of respect that we show to our customers. Our suppliers
deserve fair and equitable treatment, clear agreements and honest feedback on
performance. We consider our suppliers' needs in conducting all aspects of our

Goals and Objectives
Mobile communication is now a utility. You need your mobile phone. Zong team seeks to
meet consumers all communication needs by providing the best technology at an
affordable price. They give you:
Coverage - at an affordable price.
Convenience - at an affordable price.
Connectivity - at an affordable price.
It would be their prime objective to be rated as the best cellular service provider in
Pakistan by expanding their service area to every corner of the country which is to be
backed by excellent after-sales service.
As a major step towards achieving their goal of expanding their services rapidly They
have decided to award the expansion contract to different vendors in Pakistan. These high
ambitions would certainly lead us to become a major force in the development of telecom
industry in Pakistan.
We know that their partners Alcatel-Lucent Technologies, Ericsson Pakistan Limited,
Huawei Technologies Pakistan and ZTE Pakistan are very well-known globally for their
technical expertise and professionalism. The professionals representing their partners will
help CMPak achieve its goals in the shortest possible time.
Zong have completed acquisition of 100% shares of ZONG. US $ 723 million worth of
FDI has already been made in the country and on top of that They’ll be investing millions
of dollars in the future
Let me reiterate their resolve and uncompromising commitment that China Mobile is here
to stay which is why They are planning to continuously invest to improve their network
coverage and quality. China Mobile has the resources and technical expertise to become
one of the largest operators of the country.

While making any decision, Zong Pakistan has been ethically conscious. Since China
Mobile (the parent company) has is origins in China, , Zong Pakistan acknowledges its
moral and ethical duty towards its stakeholders and society. Zong Pakistan will not resort
to bribery or illegal offers to accept any decision; values will not be compromised to get
licensed. If the organization believes it is not ethically right, it will never take that

In most of advertisements they project themselves as the care taker of the values of
Pakistani people, so they claim to cherish the core cultural norms and values of the
Pakistani people. When the cartoon controversy arose, Zong condemned such actions
mocking religious beliefs and portrayed this on their building.

Focus on Management Development
Zong's management and organization is imbued with joint values. The Group
Management has devised five leadership requirements that apply to all managers in the
Group, and all management groups shall discuss what these requirements mean to them.
The demands are:

 Passion for business.

 Change and constant renewal.
 Operational excellence.
 Empower people.
 Integrity.

All managers are subject to annual evaluations based on these management criteria.
Human Capital Division at Zong believes in continuous improvement and is taking the
standards of service to the utmost levels of excellence.
From providing the best administrative support to facilitate employees work life to
creating benchmark security solutions, we are a team of enthusiastic, energetic young
people who are geared to perform the best always. From being the best in providing
benefits to our employees to the best in providing development opportunities, we have
managed to create a culture of passion for business, operational excellence and constant
We are committed to assisting employees in exploring, developing and maximizing their
full potential, encouraging continuing education through internal and external training
and development opportunities.
Together with your commitment, we will deliver positive results and create opportunities
that will benefit the Zong family.

Human Resource Policies
It is China Mobile’s part of H.R policy to retain and recruit the local employees, which
would benefit both the parties, thus they would be contributing in reducing the
unemployment rate in the country by providing new job opportunities & the
opportunity of training & development.
They would make this company the most sought after in terms of human resource,
network, and brand and customer service to begin with and show all their
stakeholders that They are the best professionals in this industry and They mean
To support and assist the local employees, CMPak would be calling in Chinese experts
who possess a rich experience in the relevant fields.
Moreover, on the front of Corporate Social Responsibility, They as a team owe a lot
to this society and would render their support in some social development projects.
They will also show and announce about their environment friendly Towers as soon
as possible.
Their plans aim to make this company grow very rapidly in areas like human
capital, brand, technology, distribution and services etc. However, none of these
plans can be achieved without a strong national workforce in Pakistan.

ZONG is committed on attracting and retaining the best human resource from all
over Pakistan. Its also provides a working environment which satisfies the
professional and personal needs of its employees.

Strategic Planning
The Company has set up a strategic management system to formulate the company s
five - year development plan and three-year strategic plan, which includes five

management modules: environmental analysis, an objectives system, proposal
formulation, measures planning and implementation assessment. These modules lay
down the action plan for the Company’s development and establish a strong supervisory
control system for the implementation of strategies, budgets and internal performance
management, strengthen the guidance and driving function of strategies on business

Budget Management:
Strategic optimal resources allocation
The Company has adopted a comprehensive budget management system based on the
company’s strategy and market analysis to ensure the Company’s strategy, business
plans and budget are effectively linked up and to guarantee that the key areas of
enterprise development are carried out with priority. The budget objectives also
provide a breakdown of responsibilities from subsidiaries, departments to
individuals and strengthen control and analysis of the budget implementation to
ensure the realization of the strategic planning.

Core Values
The Company upholds its core value in earnest, namely “Responsibility Makes
Perfection”. With “Communicate a Boundless World and Construct an Information
Society” as its mission, the Company strives to become the “Creator of Superior”.

Responsibility Makes Perfection

CM Pak is here with the same theme which they are following in China i.e.
Responsibility leads perfection. By this CMPak shows how much responsible the
organization is to achieve perfection.

Corporate Philosophy
The core concepts of the Company’s corporate culture are “Responsibility” and
“Pre- eminence”, meaning that the Company shall “Enrich the Public’s Livelihood”
by its “Noble Virtues”. To that end, the Company is committed to being a
benevolent, responsible and outstanding corporate citizen who never ceases in its efforts
in making improvements.
Based on the understanding of their triple-sided responsibilities, namely their economic
responsibility to grow, their responsibility to the society and their responsibility to the
environment, China Mobile Limited’s vision of responsibility is as follows:
“With perfect sincerity and integrity, They will strive to fulfil their triple-sided
responsibilities: their economic responsibility, their social responsibility and their
environmental responsibility.”
- The Company will keep its commitment to being an outstanding corporate
citizen and will fulfill its promises with utmost integrity, and it will continue its
efforts in innovation and pursue ever greater perfection without resting on its
laurels in order to achieve the harmonious development of the Company, the society
and the environment.
The starting-off point of the Company’s vision of responsibility is “acting in good
which bears the two-fold meaning of "sincerity" and "integrity" in ancient Chinese
culture. “Sincerity” is the starting-off point and driving force behind the continuous
efforts of the Company in fulfilling its responsibilities and “integrity” is the norm and
basic standards for the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

“Economic responsibility”-

the Company will pursue harmonious development for itself and will secure its own
sustainable development through credible and responsible economic activities. To
this end, the Company will demonstrate all its strengths, continue its efforts in
innovation and pursue ever greater perfection.

“Social responsibility”-

The Company will pursue the harmonious development of the society and, whilst
pursuing its own excellence, the Company will strive to achieve synergy with the
development of the society with a view to make progression towards the sustainable
development of the human society.

“Environmental responsibility”-
The Company will pursue the harmonious development
of the environment. To this end, the Company will endeavor to protect the natural
environment by reducing its consumption of resources and the impact of its
operation on the environment.

Code of Business Principle

CMPak activities should serve to illustrate that business success in demanding markets
can be achieved without compromising ethical principles or international norms. Their
Codes of Conduct have been adopted by the CMPak’s Board and are a key management
tool for influencing all their activities.
The Codes of Conduct cover areas that are important for ensuring solid business
ethics in all aspects of their activities. They contain specific and practical rules, and
set the standards for how individual employees should conduct business when faced
with competition and demands for meeting business objectives. Failure to comply
with the Codes of Conduct results in sanctions suited to fit the nature and extent of
unauthorized actions. The Codes of Conduct apply to managers, employees, hired
staff and anyone acting on behalf of CMPak.

1. Finance

2. Customer Services

3. Commercial

4. Technical

5. I.T

6. Human Resources

7. Administration

8. Legal Affairs

Finance Department
• Fixed Assets
• Corporate accounts
• Bank reconciliation
• Regulatory
• Budgeting and corporate affair
• Credit and collection
• Procurement and contracts
• Payables
• Reporting and commissions

Customer services Department

• To facilitate and guide the customer
• To resolve customer’s queries, requests and provide optimal solution.
• To inform and update customers about upcoming promos, AS and products.
• To minimize cost and increase revenue.
• The call center employees help solve the problems of customers on telephone.
• Identify and resolve root causes of chum and strive to minimize churn.

Marketing Department
• Develop and execute regular promotions
• Brand management
• Ensure successful new city / product campaign launches
• Public relations
• International roaming
• Value added services
• Strategic planning and pricing
• Monitor competitor pricing and other activity and report back
• Market research
• Sales analysis

Sales department
Indirect sales:
• Manage the franchise network
• Ensure achievement of sales target of franchise
• Coordinate with other departments for development programs
• Training of franchise staff
Direct sales:
• Meet assigned sales targets throughout the year

• Maximize customer satisfaction and minimize churn
• Generate new accounts and manage old ones
• Strong follow-up

IT /Billing Department
• Networking
• Rollout
• and M
• Network security
• Billing

Internal Audit Department

• Audit internal systems and processes
• Fraud prevention
• Introduce control mechanisms
• Revenue assurance

Technical Department
• Maintain and operate the GSM cellular.
• Plan and roll out network expansion as per the commercial target.
• Work closely with commercial and IT department to launch new services and

Administration Department
• Operations Department
• Infrastructure Department
• Safety and Security

“Listening to our employees attentively is the responsibility of ZONG HR. Your
feedback will be kept in absolute confidentially by being sent only to HR Operational
Excellence Team. We ensure the facilitation of the process in the best interest of the
Company and the Employees!”

Human resources department

• Employee services:
• Payroll information
• Leave and medical record
• Final settlements and provident fund
• Policies and procedures
• Employees record and recreation
• OD and effectiveness
• Training plan
• Talent management
• Performance management
• Employees’ retention
• Orientation employee communication

• Staffing and compensation
• Staffing plan and HR budgeting
• Management trainee and internship program
• Interviewing and selection
• Headhunters
• Compensation, benefits and incentive

Components of a HRM System

"Zong A multinational Telecom provider where people make the future"

Regardless of the size or type of the business, any organization’s most important asset is
its Human Resources. Human Resources management strives to achieve organizational
goals and goals of the employees through effective personnel programs, policies and
procedures. Personnel management program varies from organization to organization. If
there is good performance of personnel department, then the employees of the company
will be motivated and satisfied. The department manages and mobilized the human

Structure of the Organization

In Zong the hierarchy is very lean, in general the whole setup is centralized, all the
matters are to be reported to the main company and all the policies and targets are
approved at the higher level. But at the department level the structure is
decentralized. The human resource of Zong is highly skillful, educated and
committed towards their work. Mostly people working in Zong are masters in
specialized fields. According to them their human resource is their biggest assets.
Human resource manager is responsible of handling any disturbances but small
disputes are handled by supervisors. A continuous training is conducted inside and
outside the organization to improve the skills of the employee. On achieving
different target different intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are given. The job
description of each and every employee is predefined. Performance appraisal is
done on annual basis

Important information about Zong’s Human Resource

Hrm participates in strategic decision making of Zong. Approximately 2000 plus
contractual and permanent people are employed in Zong Pakistan in which 70% are male
and 30% female employees, they are preferring young and fresh talent as they have a lot
to give to an organization .Minimum salary starts from 20000 PKR.

The scope of human resource function increased in Zong during last 3years. Zong is
currently focusing on and using 360 degree approach.

Functions of Human Resource Department

Human Resource department of Zong Pakistan is termed as “Human Capital Division”.
Commonly for the human resource department the main functions are performed only the
selection. Recruitment and employee’s training. No doubt these practices are also
performed by the human resource department, this is not end of the game, and these
functions are the part of the activities performed by the human resource department. In
Zong human resource department also performs various functions on its side. The main
functions of the human resource department are,
• Recruitment of the employees
• Selection of the employees
• Placement of the employees.
• Proper job planning for the employees
• Guidance for the current employees
• Cultural Excellence (Training & Development)
• Compensation and benefits
• Operations department
• Organizational Development

• Making relationship within the organization among different department and out
side the organization
• Performance evaluation of the employees. These are few listed functions/activities
performed by the human resource department in Zong Pakistan. The further
elaboration of these points will be in next section.


Zong Pakistan has a skilled human resource planning department. As we know that each
human resource department in any organization play key role and operate like an eye of
an organization, like wise in Zong Pakistan they are performing their functions and
fulfilling their requirement of the organization by matching the organizational needs with
the employee’s skill, knowledge and ability whether these needs are identified or being
demanded by any department of the Zong Pakistan. Human resource planning in the
Zong is basically performing different kind of functions which are as follows,
1. Whether there is need for recruitment in the organization.
2. If there is demand from any department, they (HR department) identify the need of the
3. Placement of their employees.
4. Convenience to their employees.
5. Work for employee’s motivation.
6. Check on employee’s performance
7. Developing career plans for their employees.
Zong is newly born baby in Pakistan market, they have had strong competitors in their
fields, and they entered in the market of telecom where already the price war (price

competition) had been initiated among three pioneer companies of Pakistan, including
UFONE, MOBILINK and WARID. So the human resource department has to play very
important role in the Zong Pakistan in making itself a strong brand. Human resource
department will continue its effort towards nurturing a winning corporate culture and
building organizational capabilities by ensuring that its people will be able and willing to
perform at consistently exceptional levels. Human resource department performs
different kind of functions/practices in this regard to make its effort more and more
effective, are as follow:
• Recruitment & Selection process
• Performance appraisal
• Training & Development
• Reward Management



When hr department is asked or demand for more employees in any other department, the
activity HR department performs that first they compile the whole job duties,
responsibility grade, work unit and placement and afterwards they prepare the job
Job description:
A single job description is prepared for two purpose, first they use it to publish it in the
local newspaper which have a nationwide network and secondly they use the same job
description for the website where the online application facility for the new employment.
Job description they prepare for the newspaper has a slight difference from the job
description they have on their website. Job description they prepare for the newspaper is
very simple but the components they have in this job description are as follows:
Job title:
Includes the job title for which it is being advertised.

Department for which department the job is required:
Responsibilities Includes the key areas to perform, autonomy and power.
Includes the basic skills, knowledge, ability, experience and educational background.
They specify the gender for the particular.
Working location:
Sites where he/she has to place for job.
At the end the HR department specifies the address of their particular regional head office
and main head offices for these advertisements where the candidates send their resumes.

Recruitment and Selection

Group/organization always formed with two or more than two people. For this reason
hiring of the people from different sources is very necessary and important on its side.
Because its (recruitment/selection procedure) performance further leads the organization
to success or failure that how they are recruiting people whether it from within the
organization or outside the organization. Every organization uses different kind of
methods and techniques for hiring the people. In human resource language we can say
that, People are most valuable assets for any organization.
Zong Pakistan as it is said that they are new here in Pakistan market and they are facing
too many challenges, in which the hiring of the people is very important still the activity
of hiring the people is going on, the most acceptable reason for this, it is on the growth
stage of its product development, we know that with the establishment of the its network
they have to hire more and more workers/ executives and managers on their side.
Different methods they are using for hiring their employees are as follows:

Internal recruitments:

Internal recruitment stands for the recruitment within the organization, as they are newly
established business they do not have any kind of internal recruitment still they are
focusing on hiring the people from outside.

External recruitment:
External recruitment stands for the recruitment of the employees from other
source/externally. They perform different kind of steps in this category, For the external
recruitment first the need for the new employment is created or if it is being demanded by
any department. Human resource department first identifies the need of that job,
particular its expenses in hiring that employee(s), time required for its training and
orientation in Zong Pakistan. After the approval of the manager of human resource
department, different methods they adopt for the external recruitment are as follows.
• advertisement through news paper
• advertisement through net (official web site)
1. Advertisement through news paper:
Zong Pakistan also has jobs advertisements through newspaper. In news paper they
mention proper job title, job descriptions, placement, experience required, educational
requirement are also mentioned there and time and date for leaving the required
documents and place to where these documents are to leave.

2. Advertisement through official website:

Zong also gets the job applications from net through its official web site of organization.
There is formal network or database has been formed for online applications and people
can leave their resumes their on net .They are still working to improve their online
recruitment system.

After a substantial amount of applications have been received, the HR managers again
work together to shortlist the applications. This is done by carefully going through all the
application and by giving different weight age to the following criteria
• Quality of early schooling
• Grade obtained
• Extra Curricular activities
• Overseas travel and education
• Age
• Target University
• Relevant experience
The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed candidates along with blank
application forms by Date, time and venue for the preliminary interview is advised and
candidates are asked to bring along completed application forms. Panel of HR and line
management carries out competency-based interviews focusing on functional skills and

managerial and supervisory skills. After the preliminary interview is cleared people
applying for different jobs are tested in different ways. The following management
competencies are assessed by a panel of cross functional assessors In the case of
management selection:
• Communication skills
• Resource management
• Rational decision making
• Creative thinking
• Business development
The HR department is responsible for overall administration of the assessment centre
including training of the assessors.

After the recruitment and selection of the employees socialization and orientation of the
employees has started firstly the new comers or new employees have to report to the line
manager of their particular department and he is then introduced with the current values,
beliefs and code of the conduct of the organization.

Code of conduct in Zong:

1. Zong has a professional and positive workplace with an inclusive working
2. People have to behave with respect and integrity towards anyone comes into
contact with through your work.
3. They have to create an environment free from any discrimination, be it based on
religion, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race or disability.

4. They also have to create a working environment free from bullying, harassment or
similar. We do not tolerate any behavior that can be perceived as degrading or

Human resource department also believe that most of the things employees learn with the
passage of the time, main reason for that is there is always problem in the adjustment at
new place of employment.

Orientation of the employees

Orientation of employees at Zong Pakistan includes with the introduction with the
organization, a brief introduction about organization and as well their placement, policies,
rules, regulations, safety, health and some other basic issues in the organization. During
the orientation of the employees they are introduced with the supervisors, coordinator and
other employees working with him/her. They are introduced with their job and working
conditions and other initial information is delivered to them during orientation.

Equal opportunities
Zong does not have a gender-divided labor market. As a result of the changing
organizational structure, specific equality initiatives by the company have been taken.
Occupational groups with technological backgrounds (chartered engineers, engineers and
technicians) have been dominant and there was a major predominance of men with this

education and these skills. At the same time, units such as the directory enquiries services
and customer services had a clear dominance of women.
During recent years, this has evened out, due to increased awareness in recruiting
personnel in the various disciplines and due to changes in the basis for recruitment.
Zong's efforts to strengthen the Groups position as an attractive employer have resulted in
an increased recruitment of highly skilled women. Customer Services, which was
originally dominated by female employees, now has almost the same number of men as
women. The average salary for women has increased, and this unit now employs male
and female personnel on equal pay conditions. The average annual salary in the whole
organization for women is lower than for men. This is mainly due to the number of men
in senior positions outweighing the number of women.

Training Methods and Employee Development

The principles relating to the development of the working environment are made
available on the learning portal Learn at Zong in the form of separate e-learning programs
for both employees and managers. Zong believes that each individual is attributed with
potentials, which can be maximized by enabling conditions favorable to their growth.
It is recommended that staff gets an opportunity to engage and learn through active
involvement in HRD interventions, which could include trainings, workshops, learning
exposures, conferences, exchange visits etc. The staff training needs will be identified
through performance development program plans in consultation with respective line
managers and individual staff.
Line managers will be fully responsible for ensuring their staff receives access to training
and development events in areas that have been identified for them. The national HRD
budget will be located. The employee upon return form local HRD event will submit

detail report outlining key learning’s and use of training received in the organizational
work set.
Zong Pakistan is providing the training to its employees at level where the organization
feels about the performance gaps especially in engineering department and IT division
and level of technology does matter too. Zong at present providing the training to its
employees when they introduce any kind of new technology and further more they also
provide training to their employees in the call center division.
Most important thing to note that Zong Pakistan is still employing the experienced people
for jobs and at start they don’t have any kind of formal training.

Planned process for training & development

Training needs analysis:
Zong Pakistan identifies the training needs at different levels and provides them to their
employees in sense to enhance their skills, the training needs are provided at various
levels like whenever they introduced the new technology and when they entered in the
new place, they provide training to them.

A. Training to new comers:

Zong provide the training not only to its employees but also to its new officers working
outside the organization like franchise workers, sales officers etc.

B. Training development phase:

Methods of training:
1. On job training:
Zong provide the on job training during the duty hours, which is totally about the job
2. Coaching :
Zong provide the coaching facility to its employees for their training like training in the
call center and in other official matters.

C. Training implementation:
During the training they are provided with the specific environment in which learning
aspects are there. Before providing them training one important element is considered
that how much information these people already have, whether the further information
which will be given will be fruitful or not for employees. They are first introduced with
the training purpose and introduced more with the specific environment they are being
provided for the training mode.
The training rooms for the employees are located in the respective department and each
training room is U-shaped and equipped with the white board and multimedia. Sitting
arrangement is very proper.

D. Training evaluation phase:

After providing the sufficient training to employees they are evaluated on the basis of the
different criteria, first they are assessed through their behavior whether after providing
the training they have any kind of change in their behavior and along with the leaning
purpose that whether they get the sufficient information from their training and they also
have to take tests through these training programs to confirm, there must no any kind of
performance gap after having the training particularly in their field. And afterwards the
employees are also evaluated through their output level.

Changes brought in Zong by HRM

• Employee development
• Employee appraisals

Compensation and benefits criteria in Zong

• Zong gives
• Medical
• Bonuses
• Allowances
• House rent allowance
• Utilities allowance
• Cost of living allowance
• Conveyance allowance

Regulatory Department
Regulatory department is supposed to make coordination’s with in the department as well
as with government agencies like PTA and even other telecommunication service
provider. Regulatory team is headed by Mr. Syed Naser Ali Hamdani whose designation
is Director Regulatory.
I had the opportunity of working in regulatory department for two weeks under Mr. Syed
Naser Ali and it was a very different experience. This is their basic working and functions
that they perform,

The Regulatory Team
Syed Naser Ali Hamdani (Director Regulatory)
Ahmed Faisal (Sr. Manger Regulatory)
Ayaz Mehmood (Sr. Officer Regulatory)
Waqas Raja (Officer Regulatory)

Inter department coordination

Head of Department would be the focal point for both Internal and External departments
For co ordination with regional offices , the concerned department situated at H.Q would
be the point of contact.

HOD shall be responsible to reply back the concerned department/stake holder with 48
Next level of escalation would be Executive Director in case any delay.

Area of Operations

PTA Affairs:
Regulatory department has to deal with Pakistan telecommunication authority on daily
• Any issue related to Licenses- Pakistan/AJK
• New NDC and Numbering Series
• Subscribers Antecedents issues/back-log.
• Complaints responds/replies.
• Towers /BTS Approvals
• Provisioning of Monthly/Quarterly Data.
• All sorts of correspondence with PTA on behalf of CMPak

Support to Agencies:
• ISI,IB,MI (Monitoring Equipment Installation)
• PTA Vigilance Department

• Interaction /correspondence with Ministry of IT on the policies and SRO’s.

Daily mail/Correspondence Mechanism

Type of mails regulatory responsible for:

- All the mails addressed to COO.
- All the mails sent by PTA, ISI, IB, FAB, FIA, MoIT and other government agencies.
- All those mail addressed to CEO but dispatched from the above mentioned agencies.
Internal Courier/mail man to handover the mails in person to any of the regulatory staff
by noting down the date and time due to the criticality of the mails.

The regulatory team would stamp the letter, assigning a specific Ticket Number for future
The Stamp comprises of Ticket Number, Received on, Due Date and Concerned
Department Name.
The Ticket number which consist of date, file number would look like this
02(day)-03(month)-10(year)/08(file number)-01(number letter received on that same
date for the particular file.
The above Ticket Number would look like this

Regulatory Team would then give a unique name to this letter comprises of subject of
that letter and date.
For instance: PTA-IMEI-BLK-KHI-9FEB’10
Once the tagging is completed, the document is scanned and e-mailed to the concerned
departments and their supervisors.
This document is then immediately posted on Regulatory Tracking Sheet, which is being
updated on daily basis and placed on Regulatory Folder.

Regulatory Tools and their utilization

Document Tracking System:
- Any In bond or Out Bond document has to be tagged and scanned before dispatching
or placing in its respective file.
- The tagging would actually help us in the follow up with different stake holders and
pulling out of the archives as and when required.

- Regulatory has bifurcated each folders on the basis of months, if you visit Regulatory
Link, the folders would look like this JAN SCAN ’10. This folder would consist of all In
& out Bond correspondence.

Meeting Schedule Sheet

- All the record of upcoming meetings would be posted in this sheet which is being on
regulatory basis.
- The meeting information are extracted from the letters/e-mail or verbal messages we
receive from different sources.
- Following are the fields which can be seen in this sheet.
- Date, Day, Time, Venue, Adenda, Concerned Person/Tentative Participants

Dead Lines Follow ups on Compliance Reports.

Our job is not over till the response of the concerned department is received, hence we
have to keep sending the reminders to the concerned stake holders till we get their
Thus for this purpose, this reminder sheet is being used which keep the track of pending

Current Affairs Folder

A folder containing the hard copies of all the correspondence occurred on account of
different Current Affairs regarding Regulatory Front.
This folder is being used for the Ready Reference Purpose.
Regulatory Team keeps it up dated on regular basis and removes the cases which reach to
its logical end.

Establishment of 24/7 Help Desk-Regulatory

• As per PTA’s instructions we have established a Help Desk operational 24/7.
• Locations, Antecedents, Call details are provided to LEAs 24/7as per their

Suggestions for the Regulatory department
• To operate 24/7 help desk efficiently, we need resource after 6 pm to 9:00 am
• Overtime allowance should be claimed to existing resource for working Day/Nigh

Packages & Products of Zong Pakistan

Following are the packages being offered by zong which makes them distinctive and
gives them edge over the rest of their competitors

• ZONG Prepaid Packages

• ZONG Postpaid Packages

• ZONG Internet Packages

• ZONG Mobile Number Portability

• ZONG SMS Packages

• Special Offers

• Recharge Options

Zong Prepaid Packages

Ladies and Gentleman, we bring you ZONG 45, the new pre-paid package of ZONG
which offers lowest call rates in the industry, with calls at 45 paisa only.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we bring you ZONG 65, the new pre-paid package of ZONG that
delivers 100% on economy and guarantees lowest call rates to any network in Pakistan.

Aik Second Packages

Make call for just 4 paisas per second!

ZONG Default Package

We promise to provide our customers with best services and offers that are transparent,
simple and miles ahead of competition; just like ZONG 80 Paisa Package.


ZONG's New SIM price now gives you the chance to join ZONG's network and enjoy all
of ZONG's packages and offers only for Rs 150!

ZONG Family Pack

Now set yourself free from worries about your mobile bills, minutes, charging intervals ,
balance ,Late night hours , Day time hours , offer hours , non-offer hours.

Lahore Unlimited
Get ready Lahore & keep your phones charged! Now make unlimited calls without
worrying about the balance or the time of the day you are calling with Lahore

12 Annay Packages
Talk for an entire hour - any hour, for only Rs.4.99 and for the first time in Pakistan you
can change the hour everyday

50 Paisa / Call (8 Aanay)

Any network any time
People claim of simplicity and yet give you half the truth. Only ZONG gives you the full
truth at half the price. Now make calls to any other mobile network for 8 aanay i.e. 50
paisas per call and you can change that number any time you want. You will have to pay
40 paisas extra for the first minute only.
So say it clear, say it loud, say it to anyone, and say it all!
To avail this offer please dial 907 from your ZONG number. This offer is available on 12
Aanay package only.
Addition/modification charges of Rs. 15 + tax apply.

Break Time Offer
For the first time in Pakistan, ZONG offers you the benefit of calling your friends and
family freely during daytime.

Late Night Offer

ZONG now presents “Late Night Offer” which now allows ZONG subscribers to make
unlimited number of On-net calls for as long as they want as many times as they want
between 0000 – 0700.

Free Package
Choose Unlimited favorite ZONG numbers and call from midnight to 7am - absolutely
free! This is a limited time offer, so rush now before you miss the deal of a lifetime!

ZONG Super Free Number

That special someone deserves something special. Now call on your one special number
24 hours - for free!

Voice bundles
ZONG was launched with a commitment to add value to the customer’s communication
experience. This is why ZONG has been the fastest growing telecom company in
Pakistan. ZONG has introduced numerous services that not just make communication
affordable but also make it more exciting. Keeping all these things in perspective ZONG
now launches VOICE BUNDLES for its prepaid subscribers. Using these Voice Bundles
customers will get free minutes and SMS against an upfront payment. Customers will
have 3 options available to select from. These 3 options are mentioned below
Voice Bundle Package

Bundle Price Free Minutes Free SMS

PKR 100 Bundle 80 100
PKR 500 Bundle 425 500
PKR 1000 Bundle 900 1000
*Customers can subscribe to these Voice Bundles by calling 912 and selecting their
preferred bundle of choice or typing “sub” and sending an SMS to 912.

ZONG Postpaid Packages

Nation-wide Tarrif

Line Rent (Rs) 100 300 600 1200 2000

On-Net (Rs.) 0.5 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.2
Off-Net (Rs.) 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.65
PTCL (Rs.) 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.65
FNF (Rs.) 0,4 0,3 0.2 N/A N/A
FNF Numbers 5 5 5 N/A N/A
Spouse Number (Rs.) N/A N/A N/A Free Free
Free SMS (On & Off Net) 20 20 20 150 300
SMS Rate (Rs.) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
VPMN (Rs.) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
MMS Rate (Rs.) 3 3 3 3 3
GPRS/ MB 15 15 15 15 15
Unlimited SMS (Rs.) 90 90 90 90 90
Refundable Security Deposit 600 1000 1500 2500 4000
Free Minutes
Free Minutes Break Up 100 300 600 1,200 6,800
On-Net 60 180 360 720 6,000
Off-Net 20 60 120 240 600
-PTCL 20 60 120 240 200
30 Sec billing
The charges are inclusive of the interconnect charges
Free minutes will be calculated on per minutes basis
We will offer 5 FnF (on-net only) numbers on 100, 300 & 600 package
FnF addition charges will be Rs 15 for each addition
For FnF Addition / Modification dial 1313 from your Mobile
Spouse number will only be applicable on Rs 1200 & 2000 price plan with zero charges
Spouse number can be added / changed once in a month
Free Minutes on 1200 & 2000 pakage are exclusive of Spouse number
Spouse number can be added by calling our help line or visit our Customer services
centre or by using Zong E Care: http://ecare.zong.com.pk

Rs 2000 LR package will have 6800 free minutes in total, 6000 minutes will be On-Net
with a daily cap of 200 Minutes (Fair usage policy)
The first 200 minutes of the day will be charged at Rs 0 after which charging will be done
at On-Net Airtime rates i.e. 0.2 per 30 sec
Unlimited SMS Bundle can be subscribed by sending a SMS “Sub” to 700
You can send unlimited SMS by subscribing to the SMS bundle.
SMS Bundle subscription will remain valid till your bill date.
Daily SMS limit is 500 after which you will be charged as per your tariff.
Please note that all calls will be automatically disconnected after 59 minutes.

ZONG Internet Packages

ZONG default package

Interested in paying for the exact data volume you consume. ZONG’s per MB package
offers the cheapest charging unit across the cellular industry @ Rs. 15/MB + tax.
To use the service
Activation is as simple as the package, just dial 905 from your ZONG connection and get

Volume based Mobile Internet Packages

Voice Package
Packages Per MB Cost
Zong Default Prepaid & Postpaid Rs. 15
Zong Free Prepaid Rs. 10
Subscription charges for per hour package is Rs. 10+t Validity of Monthly Packages is 30
Mobile Internet unit is charged per 16KB
After the expiry of monthly packages, standard Mobile internet charges as per the data
plan will be applicable. To Activate Hourly and monthly packages dial 905

ZONG Mobile Internet Hourly package

Another spectacular service from ZONG that will keep you entertained 24/7. After
rocking the market with our services and all the amazing call rates, we are back with an
outstanding feature for all packages; ZONG hourly based Internet package.
Internet was never this economical and easy. In just Rs. 15/hour surf all you want and
whenever you want! It is really that simple…. It’s time to step out of the bits and bytes
charging domains to experience the joy and liberty of plain and real flat time based

charging. And that’s pretty logical too, why should you pay extra when ZONG is offering
you something which you’ve have been looking for.
With the hourly package on ZONG Mobile Internet you can avail a charging unit of only
Rs. 0.25/min+Tax. ZONG is committed to offer such packages for customers because we
know what our customers want, so here we are presenting the market with an opportunity
to just grab their cell phones, sit back, relax and experience the true spirit of the internet
with ZONG, through our custom made ZONG hourly based Internet package.
To use the service
Activation is as simple as the package, just dial 905 from your ZONG connection and get

Packages Voice Package plan Cost per min

Zong Per hour Prepaid & Postpaid Rs. 0.25

ZONG Mobile Internet Hourly package

Another spectacular service from ZONG that will keep you entertained 24/7. After
rocking the market with our services and all the amazing call rates, we are back with an
outstanding feature for all packages; ZONG hourly based Internet package.
Internet was never this economical and easy. In just Rs. 15/hour surf all you want and
whenever you want! It is really that simple…. It’s time to step out of the bits and bytes
charging domains to experience the joy and liberty of plain and real flat time based
charging. And that’s pretty logical too, why should you pay extra when ZONG is offering
you something which you’ve has been looking for.
To use the service
Activation is as simple as the package, just dial 905 from your ZONG connection and get

1: Rs. 15/hour + tax
2: Rs. 0.25/min + tax

Unlimited Internet Package

For customers who want to download loads of data, ZONG offers you the first Unlimited
Internet Package that you will simply love.

Daily Mobile Internet Package

It’s time to step out of the bits and bytes charging domains to experience the joy and
liberty of unlimited downloading. And that’s pretty logical too, why should you pay extra
when ZONG is offering you something which you’ve been looking for.
Zong introduces the only daily mobile internet package of Pakistan. Daily Mobile
Internet Package is a spectacular Mobile Internet offering that will keep you entertained
24/7. After rocking the market with our Hourly Mobile Internet Package, we are back
with an outstanding package for all our internet users; ZONG Daily based Internet
Internet was never this economical and easy. In just Rs. 5/day you can surf all you want
and whenever you want!
It is really that simple…Use the first 60 minutes any time during the day without any
additional charges.
ZONG is committed to offer such packages for customers because we know what our
customers want, so here we are presenting the customers with an opportunity to just grab
their cell phones, sit back, relax and experience the true spirit of mobile internet with

Picture Messages

Ran out of options of pictures available on your cell phone, you can know get them from
our content download service. This service allows customers to download Picture
messages from a wide variety of mobile greetings. Customers can get a list of picture
messages through our web site.
Customer will write PMC and send it to 747
Customer will get message from 747 having a list of Picture message categories and
Customer will reply to above received message by writing desired Picture message code
Customer will get desired Picture message from 747
Each message will be charged Rs.1.50+Tax

Charging will be Rs.2 per Picture Message

For Picture message code (PMC Send 747-charges Rs.1.50+Tax for each

MNP Mobile Network Portability

We are re-launching MNPs outstanding offer for all new Zong subscribers (including
MNP subscribers) on the media from today (18th November 2009). Now all your friends
and family members can switch to ZONG in the easiest way ever.
All MNP subscribers who activate their Zong SIMs will be eligible for this campaign.
All MNP subscribers can keep their existing number and code and switch to ZONG
network by
dialing 0314-3334455. These new MNP subscribers can now enjoy thousands of free
minutes and SMS for the next 12 months.
The Offer
All MNP subscribers to Zong will be able to avail an outstanding offer (details below):
12 months Minutes
1st month 100% free On-Net minutes on the amount of recharge
2nd month 25% free On-Net minutes on the amount of recharge
3rd month onwards 25% free On-Net minutes on the amount of recharge + SMS Free for
12 months
Minimum Rs. 100 Recharge / Month

SMS bonus
Recharge Value SMS Bonus
Rs. 100 – 199 75 SMS
Rs. 200 – 399 150 SMS
Rs. 400 & Above 300 SMS

* Kindly note that a minimum recharge of Rs. 100 is required in each month to avail the
Following URL can be used for placing MNP request through web.

Zong SMS Packages

ZONG’s latest SMS Bundles now give YOU the freedom to choose from a variety of
SMS packages tailored to suit your budget & needs! Keeping YOUR needs in mind,
ZONG offers a diverse range of SMS Bundles for its valued customers. From Daily to
Weekly to Monthly and much more, ZONG has the package best suited for you. You can
now select the perfect package custom-made to fit `our lifestyle and usage trend while
keeping the affordability in check! Remember to Say It All with ZONG!
Daily Bundle
500 SMS & 100 MMS for whole day only for Rs. 3.99
On exceeding 500 SMS, additional SMS to be charged as per tariff plan
This bundle would be valid for 1 day only * In order to re-subscribe your number should
be active and you must have sufficient balance available
Weekly Bundle
1000 SMS for whole week only for Rs. 10
On exceeding 1000 SMS, additional SMS to be charged as per tariff plan
This bundle would be valid for 7 days only
In order to re-subscribe your number should be active and you must have sufficient
balance available
Fortnightly Bundle
500 SMS / day for 15 days for only Rs. 50

On exceeding 500 SMS a day, additional SMS to be charged as per tariff plan
This offer would be valid for 15 days only
In order to re-subscribe your number should be active and you must have sufficient
balance available.
Monthly Bundle
500 SMS / day for 30 days for only Rs 80
On exceeding 500 SMS a day, additional SMS to be charged as per tariff plan
This offer would be valid for 30 days only
In order to subscribe your number should be active and you must have sufficient balance

Special Offers

ZONG Super Free Number
That's right you can literally talk your heart out 24 hours a day everyday to that special
someone - all for FREE!

Student Entrepreneur Program

For the first time in Pakistan ZONG has established a concrete earning opportunity for
students. If you are currently enrolled in a university program and you want to earn a
decent pocket money then ZONG has an amazing solution for you. Most education
institutes in Pakistan would be a part of this program through the appointment of
ZONG’s Ambassadors, specifically in cities where Customer Service Centers are
operational. These ambassadors will be required to have sufficient knowledge about
ZONG and all of its products to create awareness among students by not only offering
them to migrate to ZONG’s network but also by offering different products like New
Activation and Balance Recharging on a currently owned ZONG connection. In return,
each new student/customer will increase the ambassador’s earnings. These Ambassadors
will become a part of the ZONG Family with only a small deposit of Rs. 1000. In return
they will get one free good number, 5 ZONG Non-Personalized (NP) Sims, a telesales
Sim through which they will personalize NP Sims & sell a customer’s desired number,
and a Miniload balance worth Rs. 150 (The stated items are worth Rs.1000). In addition,
this ambassadorship will add great value to your Resume as this would give you hands on
sales experience.
Interested applicants can get themselves registered as ZONG Ambassadors by filling an
online form (link given below) or getting themselves registered at their respective
Customer Service Centers. On confirmation and issuance of ID, ZONG’s Ambassadors
would get their first issuance through their respective Customer Service Center. ZONG’s
Ambassadors can offer the following services.
Sell New Connections (via Telesales Sim)
MNP (change to Zong’s Network), MNP SIMS will be delivered Free of Cost
Miniload (balance top up)

Why take up this offer? What are the incentives?
Zong has come up with an exceptional incentive plan which would not only lead to
recovering the initially spent Rs. 1000 but also make more than 100% profit on sales.

Quarterly Incentive
After every three months each ambassador will be awarded bonuses depending upon the
sales volume of all above mentioned items.
Selected Student Entrepreneurs will be trained and briefed by Zong representatives at
Customer Service Centers.
All Zong subscribers who have not used their Zong SIM since 1st August qualify for this

Chitral offer
Unlimited Free Calls from Chitral!
ZONG once again proves it is a front runner in offering the best customer oriented
packages by introducing the first ever city wide, location based charging in Pakistan!
ZONG’s latest exciting offer now gives all ZONG customers based in Chitral the chance
to call their friends and family for free!

China Package
ZONG launches best packages to make calls to China. ZONG customers can choose two
offers within ‘China Value Pack’ or ‘China Smart Pack’. To subscribe to these packages
customers can dial 138 and choose English or Chinese language to proceed with the IVR.
The details of the packages are as follows.

China Value Pack

Amount Minutes PKR/Min Taxes After Tax Actual Rate

China 500 500 250 2 87 413 1.65
China 1000 1000 600 1.67 174 826 1.38

China Smart Packages

Voice Price
Price Per Min. 1.67
Price Per Pulse (3 Mins. ) 5

SMS Offer
The subscribers of any China package will get a discount offer on SMS to China which
will be charged PKR 1.5/SMS, compared to the regular rate of PKR 5/SMS
At the time of subscription to value pack the customer should have PKR 500 or PKR
1000 in the account according to the package selected.
Validity period of this offer will be day subscribed + 29 days.
Day will be calculated on basis of the time stamp the customer subscribes to this offer.
If the customer un-subscribes the offer within 30 day time period, the minutes will be
deleted if he/she wants to add again, a new case of subscription will be considered

Overseas Pakistani SIM Information 668

If you are an Overseas Pakistani and have checked from PTA’s website www.pta.gov.pk
that there are certain ZONG sims on your name and you are not using them, please
follow the instructions below to get these sims unregistered from your name.
Details for overseas Pakistani SIM Information 668 - complaint form is as below:
Visit PTS’s website www.pta.gov.pk and obtain count of Sims against your
If count of Sims of Zong is found in excess of actual Sims in your use, download form
Overseas Pakistani Sim information 668 – complaint form
Fill the form and email scanned filled form at [email protected] along
with scanned copy of NICOP/CNIC (Both sides) and passport.

Company will give a reference number to the complaint and your NICOP/CNIC number
will be used for the purpose.
Extra Sims registered against your NICOP/CNIC shall be removed within 24 hours of the
receipt of your complaint.
Database at PTA’s website will be updated after 45 days. You can confirm removal of
extra Sims by revisiting after 45 days.

Pakistan’s Best Daily SMS Bundle @ PKR2.50 + tax!

ZONG always focuses on giving YOU innovative yet hassle-free products to make your
SMS communication easier! ZONG was the first operator in Pakistan to introduce Daily
SMS Bundle to provide YOU with the simplest means to SMS 24/7. ZONG now has the
largest variety of SMS Bundle packages for YOU to choose the package most suitable for
YOUR lifestyle.
ZONG now introduces its latest SMS Bundle – Pakistan’s Best Daily SMS Bundle
@PKR 2.50 + T. To subscribe dial *704# from your mobile

Mobile Phone Offer

ZONG is once again all set to launch the latest handset bundle offer for its valued
subscribers and we are proud to announce the launch of 3rd Mobile Phone.
Considering the immense success of previous handset offers, ZONG is back with another
handset deal with the latest handset on the offer that is bound to catch customers’ interest.
The new stylish handset comes with 1000 free minutes and 1000 free sms but that’s not
all, among a number of features ZONG is now offering the handset in two different
colors to provide the valued customers with the choice as per their preference.

Salient features of the handset:

Slim Candy Bar shape
FM Radio with loudspeaker
Color Display
300 Phonebook entries
100 SMS storage
Recharge Options

Mini Load
Get the balance loaded from any ZONG outlet for as low as Rs. 10* and upto Rs. 5,000*

International Top Up
Zong once again brings in a phenomenal service for its customers to enjoy and garner the
benefits of international top-up solution.

Yaari Load
ZONG understands the value of sharing small happiness in life, YaariLoad a service as
caring as it sounds shares the same value

Scratch Card denominations

Get the balance via scratch cards in Rs. 100*, Rs. 300*, Rs. 500* or Rs. 1,000* from any
ZONG outlet

Customer Service Centers and Franchisees

“The beacon of ZONG’s impression and torch bearers of a new era in customer
interaction, taking customer service into a portal of customer excitement. These are the
doors to ZONG’s first and foremost realization of its promise to excite customers with a
new trend in service. Setting the tone and ambiance which is second only to your home,
these are ZONG’s arms across the country to welcome everyone to experience the
comfort when a true promise is fulfilled.”

Zone Area Address

Central House # 137/c Gali Mohalla Grain Market Royals Traders Cigretts
2 agency Kamlia
Central House # 57 Mohalla Umar Farooq Colony Pir Mahal Town
2 Committee Tehsil Kamalia
Punjab Opp Sohrab Motorcycle Imam Bargah Road TTS
Punjab Zong Franchisee Main Bazar College Rd jhorabad
Punjab Shop # 59 A-2 Balu Khel Road Mianwali.
Punjab Ramzan Plaza Railway Rd Behind Lari Adda Khushab
Punjab Club Rd Near University Chowk Bahwalpur
Punjab Multan Road Lodhran
Punjab Railway Rd near Noori Mosque Sujabad
Central Rizcom zong office, Opposite MCB, Katchehry Road, Ahmedpur
3 East
Punjab Near Aga Khan Laboratory Circular Road Bahawalpur
Central Punjab Near Utility Store City Center model town Khanpur.

Zone Area Address
Punjab 142 B Baljum Chowk Shahi Road R Y Khan
Punjab 6-D Malad Chowk Main Bazar Sadiq Abad
Punjab Mazari Market Near HBL Rajanpur
Punjab Jampur Road Block # 14 Shop # 28/29
Punjab Iqbal Road Vehari
Punjab Marhaba Plaza Qaid Azam Road Mailsi
Punjab 129-D Allama Iqbal Road Burewala
Punjab AL Mehmood Petrolium Service Jhung Road Kabeerwala
Punjab Stadium Road Khanewal
Punjab Allama Iqbal Road opp Imam Bargah Mian Channu
Punjab Opp Caltex Pump Near Mumtazahbad vehari Reod Multan
Punjab Sharshah Road Near Jaleel Abad Opp Gild Hotal Siya Market Multan
Punjab Opp Alkareem Hospital Near Rasheed Abad Chowk Khanewal Multn
Punjab Usmani Arcade Near Kamati Chowk Circullar Road Muzafargharh
Punjab G T Road Koot Addu
Central Punjab Near UBL Chobara Road Lyyah

Zone Area Address

Zong has more then 132 customer service centers and franchises all over Pakistan. The
ones included above are only the CS that are located all over Punjab province.

CSC Operational Timing


09 AM to 08 09 AM to 06 11 AM to 05
Rawalpindi- Saddar
09 AM to 08 09 AM to 06 11 AM to 05
Karachi – Gulshan
09 AM to 08 09 AM to 06 11 AM to 05
09 AM to 08 09 AM to 06 11 AM to 05
09 AM to 08 09 AM to 06 11 AM to 05
09 AM to 08 09 AM to 06 11 AM to 05
Islamabad - Blue Area

09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Rawalpindi - Satellite Town Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Jhelum Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Abbotabad Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Sargodha Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Bahawalpur Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
DG Khan Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Sialkot Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Gujranwala Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Gujrat Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Sahiwal Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Hyderabad Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Sukkur Closed
09 AM to 07 09 AM to 06
Karachi - Boat Basin Closed
09 AM to 06 09 AM to 06
Quetta Closed
09 AM to 06 09 AM to 06
Mardan Closed
09 AM to 06 09 AM to 06
Gilgit Closed

09 AM to 06 09 AM to 06
Peshawar Closed

Management and Administration of Zong (Headquarter)

Administration Coordination Team

• Coordination with regions & other departments
• Admin Budget Management
• Admin services staff management
• CMPak Residencies Management
• Courier Management
• Acquisition of landlines and UAN #s
• Utility Management
• Admin Agreements, legal notices Management
• Negotiations with vendors and landowners

Management of zong is basically divided into three basic heads or three departments
nation wide and each has their own work team for performing the designated tasks and
The basic departments are as follows

• Operations Team
• Infrastructure Department
• Security Control Unit

The detailed information about hierarchy, functions and operations that are to be
performed by each department is stated below with respect to the headquarter where the
internship was performed. The detailed description of their work teams are;

Operation & Services Team

Operations team is managed by Ms. Filza Arbab who designates further tasks and ensures
smooth working of the team. They have a number of operations that needed to be
performed starting from looking after the guests to how the visa processing is to be done
and for whom is required , managing assets and verification of assets nation wide .
Operations team even looks after the maintenance of the building and arranging all the
events and national festivals and arranging furniture etc when and where required by
certain department of the organization. Arrangement of meeting and conferences and
making sure that everything starting from stationary to water is available as and when
Most of their dealings with the staff and outsides takes places using cell phone and
internet as the mode of communication as well as intranet for communicating and
updating the staff with in the organization.

Hierarchy Structure of the Operations Team

Sajid Mahmood

Muhammad Zubair Khan

Director Admin

Ulfat Hussain
Arfaq Ahmed

Mehwish Islam Mehmood

Asad Ullah
Saleem Ghufran Mufti
Sajeel Junaid


Tea Boys Zareef

Azhar 73
Scope/Area of responsibility
• Management Vip Protocol.
• Travel and accommodation arrangements.
• Visa Processing.
• Payments nationwide.
• Handling petty cash
• Arrangement of meeting and conferences.
• Assets management and verification nationwide.
• Auction Nationwide
• Maintenance of Building
• Maintenance & Arrangements of Furniture
• Arrangement for special occasion and national festivals.
• Installation, examination and servicing of Genset along with ATS panel,UPS,s
• Management of administer the admin portal of ZONG intranet.
• Store and warehouse
• Office supplies
• Cafeteria Management
• Management VIP Protocol

Timely arrangement at VIP Rawal Lounge For the Host and Guests
Issuance of Entry Passes for Rawal Lounge

Timely arrangement for Petty Cash for any sort of expenses to be carried out on the spot.
Good relation building and understanding with the Airport Staff
In case of absence of staff, timely arrangement for supplement staff

Travel and accommodation arrangements

Only Computerized TAFs to be accepted before making the travel arrangement.
Negotiations with Air Travel Agents on Cost Reduction
More Agents to be on board on Merit & Reputation basis.
Monthly Cost Analyses for Air Travel & Hotel Accommodation, Departmental wise to be
provided to Heads
More Hotels to be registered on panel specially in Remote Areas.
More facilities to be included in the packages

Visa Processing
Monthly updates on all Visas for Chinese Officials
Timely processing of Visas to avoid any penalties
Smooth processing and good relations with Government Official related to Visas
Friendly environment and timely facilitations to Chinese Officials
Relation building with Government agencies

Payments nationwide
Smooth and friendly relationship with Finance department for smooth processing of
Timely notifications to Finance deptt on issues related to payment delays
Facilitating Regions on urgent payments and supporting them in all means
Payment to be processed maximum after 2 days of Receiving the Invoices Nation wide.
Every end of Month list of Payments processed to be circulated to Heads.

Handling petty cash

Availability of Petty cash 24/7 to serve any urgent issues.

Strict surprise checks on issuance of Petty cash and items in hand.
Timely processing of Approvals.
Proper documentation to avoid any discrepancies.
Surprise internal deptt audits of petty cash.
Petty cash and advance issuance list to be kept updated all the time.
Petty cash utilization by deptts for each month to be forwarded to Heads to control extra

Arrangement of meeting and conferences

Timely issuance of meeting rooms to the requested departments.
Meeting Arrangements form to be provided by the requested department at least 1 week
before the meeting for outside office arrangements.
Make sure Meeting rooms are ready and all the arrangements completed on time.
Food cost to be controlled upto the maximum possible.

Assets management and verification nationwide

Monthly Verification of Assets nationwide
List to be circulated to all Regional heads by maximum every 1st week of a month.
Nationwide Auction to be processed from HQ.
Assurance of Full support to Regions in this regard.
Every month Auction report to be circulated Nationwide as an achievement.

Maintenance of Building
More vendors to get on panel for small works.
Timelines to be followed strictly.
Supplies to be purchased from market on survey basis.
Cross checks on prices of supplies.
Surprise visits of building after office hours to control extra usage of electricity.
Control on electric appliances during office hours.

Arrangement for special occasion and national festivals.
Preparations in advance for planned national festivals.
Responsibilities to be distributed among the staff on each and every step.
Cash advances to be issued.

Installation, examination and servicing of Gen set along with ATS panel, UPS,s
Smooth relations with FOPS deptt to do all the maintenance work of Gen sets under
admin umbrella nationwide.
Each month services and maintenance record and their cost to be circulated to Heads.
Management of administer the admin portal of ZONG intranet.
Store and warehouse
Regular updation on Intranet Portal for the upcoming events and new happenings.
Policies to be uploaded related to any field of admin deptt.
New & old forms to be available on Intranet.

Store and warehouse

Weekly visits of store.
Cost control upto best possible.
Distribution control and strict Checks.
Monthly Cost Report for North & HQ on all supplies.
Surprise Quality checks and report to be submitted to Heads.

Cafeteria Management
2 or 3 Vendors to be checked for food and quality as back up options.
Price Checks.
Food quantity & quality checks.
Services checks.

Safety and Security Control Unit

Security and Safety information flow

Functions of Safety and Security

• Escort and Protocol Management

• Security Advisory
• Security Alerts
• Security guards management
• Security Cameras management and monitoring
• Assets movement monitoring
• Fire alarm systems management
• Firefighting and safety arrangements
• Visitors management
• Security and safety equipment provision
• Management of legal matters related to security and safety
• Processing safety and security related payments
• Management of contracts with security and safety vendors
• Awareness/ Trainings regarding security and safety

Safety and Security Achievements in 2009

Process Improvements

Efficient CAPEX and OPEX Budget utalization

Safety and Security arrangements made within assigned budget and cost saving done
where ever possible

Security SMS service (786)

Security SMS service to group staff nationwide and to regional groups introduced and
operated informing blasts, road blocks, sensitive incidents security situation

Security Advisory emails
For safety and Security of staff Critical situations, Processions, Road Blocks,
Precautionary measures, Security incidents information, critical areas identification done
via emails. Travel advise provided to staff for sensitive areas nationwide
Special security cover provided by police
Special security cover provided by police during High alerts in Islamabad, Peshawar,
Quetta, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi etc. and VIP visits
Fueling of sites by Army/ FC

Done in Swat and Buner and security cover provided to engineers during Forces
Operations against terrorists
Barbed wires installation and walls raising
For improvement in security of facilities installed at HQ, I-9, Houses, regional offices,
MSCs etc

Pasting of Anti-Shatter Film

Pasting of anit-shatter film on front glasses, doors, internal glass partitions on all HQ,
CSCs, Regional Offices, etc,.

Check posts and walk through gates moved

Moved from inside to outside facilities at maximum possible distance to minimize risk
Implementation of vehicles checking and detailed body search at entrances

Induction of IP Cameras

High resolution for face detection, Remote monitoring,

Best practices sharing, uniformity sharing
Regions other operators, Multi-National companies, Govt. departments for improvement
like Guards counting, anti-shatter film, IP cameras, Safety equipment, SMS, Improve
relationship with security and government agencies

Safety Equipment

Safety equipment Fire extinguishers, Exit Signs, Gloves, Helmets, First Aid Boxes etc
installed nationwide

Construction of Guards/Drivers room

Constructed at HQ ZonG tower TF for guards changeover and drivers sitting area
Security for events
Improvement in guard’s; weapons and uniforms Security arrangements during M3
events, Cricket matches, staff tours and other official events

Housekeeping and Event Mgt Safety and Security
To enhance the housekeeping strategy of Sharing of security information to HQ for
adding new vendors in housekeeping for corrective
quality services measures and updated
Cafeteria operationalized for hygienic Efficient support to HQ for the
food for employees installation of Anit Shatter film in major
Fumigation done in regional office and facilities in North Region.
cafeteria for hygienic environment Supported HQ for the optimization of
Supported in managing M3 function to guards resulted in company cost saving
Dream Resort Karachi Supported HQ for wall raising and other
Standardised the maintenance work at security measures for Zong office at
CSCs and zonal offices for controlled Dalmia
budget expenses Extended support provided to FOPS dept
Induction of new vendor for Mineral to recover insurance claim and in police
water supply to ensure hygienic and safe related matters.
drinking water
New hotels has been added for better
services and cost efficient.
Supported HQ for celeberation of
national day
Initiative taken for the standardized

crockery nationwide

Property and Asset Mgt Pool Vehicle Management

Supported in renovation of franchisees Agreements renewed on the same terms
phase II & tariff to save
Renegotiation of property rents for cost company cost
savings Efficient planning enabled to manage
Acquisition of parking area for Zong pool vehicles with minimum possible
office at Dalmia resources to save company cost.
Standardized the asset verification, Reduced the rental vehicles and arranged
movement and tagging company owned vehicles to meet the
Supported in renovation of S&D office needs from other regions for cost
FSD efficiency
Supported and operationalized sales Supported HQ for audit of PSO
offices in Blue Area, Mardan and
Installation of gensets at regional offices
and zonal offices
Support in Renovation of SnD office at
very low cost

Provide expert Safety and Security Services and be the process owner for all aspects of
Safety and Security for company.
Understand company’s Safety and Security needs and involve own team in supporting

Develop specific policy and provide direction for company’s Safety and Security
activities in support of company operations.
Ensure existing Safety and Security Plans and Processes are in place and adhered to thus
producing high quality outcome.
Identify and Maintain cost efficiency within company Safety and Security.
Establish internal and external networks, including Government Security agencies and
services, company Regions and Function Heads and Sub contractors, to ensure successful
Line Management and Leadership of Safety and Security Team including setting
responsibilities and accountabilities in for team.
Provide local travel advice for company Travelers as per COMPANY Travel policies.
Conduct Safety and Security Assessments for company assets and personal.

My Internship Programme

Zong Pakistan Headquaters Islamabad

(Human resource as well as Regulatory department)

Regulatory Department
Zong headquaters in Islamabad G sector has a 5 member regulatory team.Regulatory
department is supposed to make coordination’s with in the department as well as with
government agencies like PTA and even other telecommunication service provider, they
help ISI in important cases.

I was able to see how they operate and how they ensure the privacy and better service for
the user and how all the users of Zong can put forward any of their queries or problems
faced by them and through regulatory department all the basic issues are handled.
I had the opportunity to first hand experience how Pakistan Telecommunication authority
ensures security and privacy of the citizens. I mostly had the role of observation in this
department by sitting in their discussion and dealing with other department session and
seeing how the telecommunication sector operates and how major problems like
terrorism via phone as well as invasion of privacy and phone abuse can be dealt with by
advising caution.

Human Resource Department

Scanning , Printing and Filing

I has the opportunity to learn how filing of important documents as well as scannig the
hard copy of record of employess important information is done and stored in a form of
data base in order to keep a record on the intrant is done . As well as printing of the
important document and information takes place.

Issuing of monthly checks to employees

Employees who are holding senir posts in the organzation and earning more then 1 lac etc
their cheque copy is kept with the compensation personal and the actual check is issues to
them . The Hr personnal keeps a file holding the photocoy erson of the cheque with large

Documetation of employee information

Information starting from the C.V to the photocopy of the degrees of the employee as
well as their apprasial information , benefits given to them etc etc. In other words all the
information relating to a particular employees is stored and documented. I had the
responsibility of storing and arranging that.

Providing a helping hand to Recruitment , Compensation and benefits


Whenever the Human resource personnal needed assistance with their work I helped
them out to increase my own learning also and see how they work and what type of tasks
they get to perform .


 Mobilink

 Ufone

 Warid Telecom


As you can see the month to month comparison of Zong with other service
providers . Zong is doing good since its fairly new in the market and still
giving competition to the old telecommunicaiton members.

Zong came in the market two three years ago yet still its providing good
packages and service becoming a popular service provider.This above
graphical representation shows the comparison of last 5 year dars of
different telecommunication organizations.

SWOT Analysis


• China mobile is a Strong Historical and trusted Brand which is a major strength for it as
it is well established and successful in the world of telecommunication .

• Improving Network Services again and again is a major strength since it gives it an edge
over other brands like Warid , Telenor .

• Backing of World’s Largest Mobile Company is a huge perk since its an international
brand and recognized all over the region.

• Strong Relationship With the Government and PTA helps to improve their deals and
working environment with the government.

• Zong has lowest rates nation wide rates which has attracted the customers towards this brand.

• Strong image of parent company.

• Network portability: 500 people have switched from other networks to Zong which shows
that it is gaining popularity even though it’s still so new to the market.

• Location and geographic coverage(has around 6000-7000 sites all over Pakistan.Providing
service all over Pakistan including the northern areas ).

• New talent , candidates who are fresh graduates are preferred .


• Zong is considered to have a bad or not such a strong standing and a weak brand
image since it is still fairly new to the market.

• One of the weaknesses observed of the Zong network is that it has Low voice
quality which is a huge turnoff for customers who are planning to switch to this

• Zong still has room for betterment in its network coverage if it wants to give
tough competition to the market giants.

• PTA and Zong do not seem to agree on certain issues this is zong’s weak point
and they need to resolve this.

• Fresh graduates are preferred over old and experienced ones, who are less
experiences and not very serious about their work.

• Work environment is very casual which may lead to workers taking advantage of


• They have this opportunity that after fully establishing here they can Expand

• New product development: it can introduce new products.

• Zong has the opportunity of growing its customer base due to increasing trend of
using mobile phones.

• Zong has the opportunity to win the customers of its competitors by providing
them superior service on lower price.

• Zong can be a pioneer in southern Punjab where it can promote itself and become
market leaders on the basis of this very fact.


• Threats of new entrants.

• Threat from other cellular brands Mobilink, Ufone, Warid, Telenor.

• Increasing customer base of Telenor and Ufone is also a major threat for Zong.

• Bad economic condition and instability of Pakistan is a huge problem for all
businesses in Pakistan.

Organizational Dilemma

Zong Pakistan is becoming one of the leading Cellular Company operating in Pakistan
with an increasing customer base. But still I observed few dilemmas in the organization
during my stay of 6 weeks as an internee in Headquarters situated in Islamabad

• Unclear reporting of subordinates.

• Very Expensive Cafeteria.
• Casual attitude of employees towards their work when no one is around to
monitor them.
• No proper guidance for the internees.
• Lack of time to time refresher courses and training for attaining up to date
• Allot of work burden and multi tasking required by young employees.
• No job security for officer level employees.
• Wastage of resources.
• Ineffective communication of customer complaints.
• Weak implementation of Job description.
• Employees are even supposed to work when not in office.
• No timely check on employees.
• No properly advertised external hiring.
• Reference based hiring obstructs new skills.
• Ethical dilemmas:

1. Employees leak information to their relatives.
2. Employees involved in fraudulent activities.
3. The facility of phone and laptop which is available to all the employees is
used for personal reasons.
4. Misuse of official resources i.e. printers, stationeries etc.

• Voice clarity and call discontinuity is a major issue of Zong and it can be solved
by using boosters in different areas.
• Their emphasis is on fresh, young and energetic personnel which is good but
besides this they should train their old workers as they are assets of the
organization and they understand some issues more better than the new
• If an employee is performing dual tasks simultaneously, he/she should be
well paid. In this way they can be encouraged and hence they will increase
productivity of the organization.
• As “customer is king” so Customers care services should be improved and
complaints of the customers should be solved in time.

Zong offers several promotions, services and packages to cater to different needs of
a wide variey of customer base. They have done considerable research In order to
understand customer needs of this region based on their cultural as well as religiuos
compulsions. For the first time users will get what they want, rather than being
made offers that suit operational needs more than user needs.
China mobile has proven itself as a brand now and it seems like they are going to
give tough time to other cellular companies in coming days. The hardest part of
china mobile was to rebuild the image that had been lost by Paktel: often we see, it’s
easy to make a new building, than of restructuring the damaged one. They are still a
fairly new brand and their customer base is limited in comparison to the market jiants so
they need to be really innovative and use young talent in order to reach the top.


Gary Dessler (2003). Human Resource Management,

Florida International University, 10th Edition.
Byars, Rue (2006). Human Resource Management,
Prentice Hall, 9th Edition.

Packages of Zong: http://www.zong.com.pk/packages.html

History: http://www.zong.com.pk/vas.html

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/zong Pakistan






Analysis: The examination and evaluation of the relevant information to select the best
course of action from among various alternatives.
Business: Any lawful economic activity carried on by an individual or a group of people
to earn profit through satisfaction of human wants.
Business Strategy: It is the pre-defined path towards the attainment of business goals
and objectives.
Business Transactions: An economic event or activity that initiates the accounting
process or recording it in the firm's accounting system.
Customer Service: Where direct interaction with customer takes palce in order to solve
their dilemmas.
CM Pak: China Mobile Pakistan is the official name of zong Pakistan
Corporation It is an artificial person created by law having separate legal entity with
perpetual succession and common seal.
Customers: Entity within a firm who establishes the requirement of a process
(accounting, for example) and receives the output of that process (a financial statement,
for example) from one or more internal or external suppliers.
Contractual worker: Worker who is not permanent and on the basis of a contarct of a
certain time period

Department: Sub divison of the company into different section on the basis of similarity
of work that they have to perform or do .
Employees: A person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in
exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an
independent business.
External users: External users are existing or potential investors, creditors, analysts,
financial advisers, regulatory authorities, unions, and the general public. They use
accounting information to make decisions about whether to buy, hold, sell, lend, continue
a relationship, or make an agreement.
Forecasting: Planning tool which helps management in its attempts to cope with the
uncertainty of the future. It starts with certain assumptions based on the management's
experience, knowledge, and judgment.
Goal: A goal is a projected state of affairs that a person or a system plans or intends to
Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management is the organizational
function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring,
performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits,
employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.
Human Resource Planning: Human resource plan is a systematic process of matching
the interest, skills and talents of individual community members with the long term goals
and economic opportunities in the community.
Internal users: Internal users are usually company managers who use accounting
information to decide how to plan and control operations on a daily and long-term basis.
IT: Information technology responsible for managing the intranet and the datanse in zong

Job Analysis: A job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties,
responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job.
Job Description: Job descriptions are written statements that describe the: duties,
responsibilities, most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position,
required qualifications of candidates, and reporting relationship and coworkers of a
particular job.
Job Specification: Personnel requirements of a particular job. A job specification sets
forth the skills, education, and experience required for a particular position
Low-cost Strategy: Under low-cost strategy business may design or produce its products
and services with acceptable quality at the cost lower than the competitors.
Management: It is the process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controling
activities in an organization in order to achieve a common goal.
Motivation: Motivation is a word used to refer to the reason or reasons for engaging in a
particular behavior especially human behavior.
Organizational structure: Formal and informal framework of policies and rules, within
which an organization arranges its lines of authority and communications, and allocates
rights and duties.
Owners: A person who owes the business and makes decisions about the future of the
enterprise by using its financial information.
Partnership: It is an association between persons who have agreed to share the profit of
a business carried on by all or any one of them acting for all.
PTA: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority.
Permanent Employees: Employees that are permanent members of the company and
getting all the decide benefits.

Qualitative Forecasting: Estimating method that relies on expert human judgment
combined with a rating scale, instead of on hard (measurable and verifiable) data.
Quantitative Forecasting: Techniques used to forecast future trends, e.g. the demand for
a product, based on manipulation of historical data.
Recruitment: Process of identifying and hiring best-qualified candidate (from within or
outside of an organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner.
Service: Any activity or benefit ha one party can offer o another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in ownership of anything.
Service Business: A service business is a business which provides services directly to
consumers or other businesses rather than products.
Sole Proprietorship: it is a way of doing business in which a single person owes all the
resources of the business. He earns profit and bears all the loss by himself.
Technical skills: Knowledge and proficiencies required in the accomplishment of
engineering, scientific, or any specific task.


Performance measurement and appraisal in Zong

Performance measured on the basis of

Annual appraisal
It is time once again for Annual Performance Appraisals. Based on your valuable
feedback, this time around we have revised the Appraisal Form to make it much simpler
with reduced attributes to save your time. The revised form is simple and user friendly, it
does not require any specific training and relevant resource material is available on this
It is mandatory for all ZONGERZ to set their objectives for the year 2010 in this exercise
regardless of their eligibility. These objectives will become the basis of performance
measurement in next year’s annual appraisal.
For your convenience, we are merging Performance Appraisal, Promotion and
Development Form into one. This will save a lot of time as the form is simpler and active
login time has been increased to unlimited. Your training needs will be extracted from the
Development Form, so take time in filling the Development Section and identify your
true training needs/areas.

24th December 2009 is the last day to complete this Appraisal Exercise. We recommend
that all of you have a few discussions with your supervisor/subordinate before starting the
Performance Appraisal Exercise.
All those employees who will get confirmed on or before 31st December 2009 will be
eligible for this year’s Performance Appraisal Exercise. For those employees, who will
get confirmed after the mentioned date, should rate themselves as ‘Not Applicable’ in the
PA Rating. However, it is a must for those employees also to fill out their objectives in
order for their performance to be gauged in 2010.

Six month Appraisal

In order to keep a better track of our employee’s performance, we are launching midyear
performance appraisal starting this year. This will also give you as an employee a better
idea of how was your performance till July 2010 and what proportion of your overall
objectives FY 2010 has been achieved. Also it will set your objectives for the period of
Aug-Dec 2010. The form is short and simple keeping in view that this is a midyear
It is mandatory for all ZONGERZ to set their objectives till end of 2010 in this exercise
regardless of their eligibility. These objectives will become the basis of performance
measurement in next appraisal.
13th September 2010 will be the last day to complete this Appraisal Exercise. It is a must
for all of you to have a detailed meeting with your line manager before filling out the
appraisal form and agree on performance rating and upcoming objectives as well as
achievement of objectives.
Below is the schedule to complete performance appraisal:
Launch by HR August 30, 2010
Filled and submitted by Employee September 3, 2010
Filled and approved by line Manager and Director September 13, 2010

Please note that there will be no extension in the communicated deadlines and that all of
you are required to complete the appraisal process before September 13, 2010. HR will
not entertain any requests that come after the deadline.
All those employees who are confirmed on or before 31st July will be eligible for this
midyear performance appraisal exercise. For those employees, who will get confirmed
after the mentioned date, their Line Manager should rate them as ‘Not Applicable’ in the
PA Rating. However, it is necessary for those employees to fill out their objectives in
order for their performance to be gauged in annual appraisal 2010.
Second is for those employees or departments whose performance depends on very
clearly defined KPI items. In this section employees will provide detailed description of
their Key Performance indicators (KPI’s ).
Traveling facilities
On our journey to become the leading mobile operator of Pakistan, ZonGerZ have to go
through challenges to achieve organizational objectives. ZonG has been an active
participant in this competitive telecom market of Pakistan for the past two years and we
are proud to say that it has achieved great milestones as anticipated. The Management
recognizes the continuous aspiration for growth and success that we all have
demonstrated with the remarkable teamwork and dedicated spirit. Each individual plays a
significant role in contributing towards the achievement of the company’s unprecedented
The Management is pleased to announce the bonus payout to all confirmed permanent
employees of CMPak. This bonus is a sign of appreciation for your continuous hard work
and dedication towards achieving the 1.1 billion revenue target for the month of March,
2010. All confirmed permanent employees on or before March 31, 2010 will be eligible
to a bonus which would be an amount up to 30% of their gross salary (bonus will be paid
on prorate basis for those who has not completed one year service). This bonus will be
disbursed with the April’s salary.
We believe that WE, TOGETHER, will continue to contribute and achieve our
objectives. We make efforts for our continued success, and that we have the strength,
motivation and desire to ensure that we achieve the targets for next three quarters


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