Crow English

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ec) CROW Tete cnet. oa English ‘asiashoreignslLangfuage One man ona sinking ship to another: ‘Can you swim?’ ‘No, but | can call for help ‘Daddy’, says a little boy to his father. ‘I had a dream in which you gave me a penny.’ ‘Okay’, answers the father. HAND_, PHONE _7 S READ. pineal FOR SEE YOU. PAINTING |soMETHING) ean = SOLUTION \ ifs 'SUSED | SomEBODY MA_AZINE my povou | sick ¥ se ] a A ae rena | on ELEPHANT. SAYING? | NAME | NOISY | AO. ¢_copiLe ioe | park Sane fe aa oe pe oer ctouss BseD To, ae IT FALLS LoveD irs Too ROOM T ia eh oars ‘BICYCLE eee _ fa Penson ‘sue | is SITTING You bo | ‘stance | © a teen iocures pee e mets oma A > i 7 seu en : va | cane _ sce nar | | FoR me | WHEN | Lmal | peso a coo ea CLEVER ‘THE EARTH war You BEARD. | ene 22m | “ae ene so Se costo _ coor! L | A U ee ca Snoner, EEN TO > HE NEVER 1 COME _ | — Be ‘SHE LIKES ALC _OL. | LIVE IN ee ee Wo AOE ‘PAIR OF HE WAS: PAST FORM| 7 os | a a orev — | soa al | eata ore PART OF fe | NEW, _. | LONDON | @O. J, | opposite | ah | oo sr =o ras se t eee | ame coe mo | Sak roan st coo Crow — 750 words level Crow — 750 words level 4 ‘Be careful! Don’t eat that!’ says a big fish to a little one. "why? “Because they'll pull you out of the water and cook you for dinner. That is one reason why.’ ‘And what is the other reason?’ A doctor was invited to a bridge party: ‘Why? Is someone very ill?’ asked his wife. ‘Absolutely. Three doctors Ss ae = SemNON a ee Sao ramroal (are carson [7 | vouune al 7 opposite | 7 ; RIESE OF | rooTeALL ae | ove TEA ‘THe easies| rene aN Paving cur or orm ; tan wr | ove PROSE /wor ALONE] TN | aM KOS ‘sour ae PASSENGERS} wire FRONT OF : WATER ALL vinrcuna on EACH — | =— SOLUTION, LEMON? PLAYING IT. minus IR] 7 HE TOLD US| BELIEVE 18 FOU OF Six FE "aonost HES AS Ww Her. SHE ae wen 70 stone _| oct ToL9| ‘SLEEPY. a. oe ‘HIS DAD. ‘MEA. u al | | he - omaes rama. | | nro non Ten | woul a a ee ‘WHEN You | se waa |EME_ENC Kea ARE Lost (WHEN outs | coro see vou use| PLAYING. | pont eM serween tune | O_Nee To FIND HOP ON | SpDENLY ce | mum _ THe war —_| cones) | “your p > tom 0 | aes arren as wo Ten? our ura |rey'snow] ax | post. vou steer uromare ae ees FROM NEW tast_? = MACHINES ane "YORK TULIP. ETC. HOUSE OF ' | 8 I sasmeat Teouwo— mes a en war _ ‘nD WRT aoe caw see is mropa¥ seronet TDUKETO | | a wma awuneon weno ove ABROAD. | | Senoot » eos aes swe eveROY once more} | aor “aK ME cmp | os. HNvE TON Foo ce corona) ve : | — "poner. exoens oat | Ron oan ‘ove | chown nwtowy - slower so, Toes ft, erat wnt Asner AND SH, ” ‘unore { NATURE. | Seren WHEN | re ‘WE MOVED [PLL TAKE wr] — s wernt a Fron TOANEW raTneR's zi stor | MEY m - aHeRS owFicutr vine lorem er feo ewe home TO LEARN a ro | BUILDING. EARLIER. a > waaris ‘ ‘oun ema? Crow — 750 wards level Teacher: Mary, where is the English Channel? Mary: | don’t know. We... . An unbreakable toy is useful. It can be used... . 1A : EARTH, a (He's MY wae Ea anon] cS 000 ] ‘wo | wave wer] ne = = eee ss peu ca ab | DINNER Teacuer | \7 ox | LooKiNG rouno | 7 et | tone | we COMM |HE USED To| ‘A_TaKES| STTONTT IN| pgesenr en sown | Rp | is pe ‘DOOR ‘on Tuar [ME USED THE Kins To| THE LIVING | (5° You. rat ee eae more pa || eee OPEN. CHAR, | BEM ‘SCHOOL, noo it ia 50 is } FCA : e ANUMBER TOUCH | ITHELPS ~ | LIVE WITH THE | YOU FIND pie tae aa esas mourn | YouR may ron oe | 7 | 1 ‘eve > minus Sc souuTon | SET OF | pears | | wes nor |e | rou | swe sm woruane. | J | sanooau. nurs | Mow or a one wary | ess nevean waTHEMAr- iy | cre 165 0K) a Gocs'To var von Tanna 7 : oNveRsry| Fo vane Mana __[p Saater i DECIDE is wre b wee wi, ie | recur =| | | | Pay. coneEN atone s ANIMAL _ a Es HOCKEY. | el rH | anc wi taneiveD Area war | veeraate toes} RR | ox E ° ‘recs {rar wanes ‘peuoeK 0 oven = as neal 3_Denty ison | > | SHE'S. bot - (PUT YOUR [OF THE BOOK. _ canner SOLDIERS Senost sae encER ora nave Fron oo == COUNTRY GRAPES et ea ~~ JONE OF THE] 7 jaaee goon. ae sour, : is — ease nes wre 300055 | sieaizoaM, = NEXT |g HE RIGHT?| 1VE, rar FAR ‘our wee [SMR Nam ‘anna our s =e E > vem [> | vinyl b Bee amano “em ont | | san ones ‘ortme |souertm svn. | sovow WER’ Tie Bar Srnec | - = = 7 ] ARE YOU 7 oe ‘your. bio she _ ‘opposire THe SisteR, FATHER'S: YOUA (OF FRIEND agen ‘SANDRA erormen's . oun ‘ ‘YOUR... ee ASSISTANT: oe ters oto 000, ers aime wene POR os WALK hearer ‘THE NIGHT. =, SGhintesinktlih tieinitnihenitl Crow — 750 words level Son: Father, I’m getting i ae). married. What do you think? zo Father: Well, | had hoped my — Irish bishop and philosopher son was... . (1685-1753) TEACHERS veceraaie| = TAKE A mak | 7 ‘WiTh A PLEASE, wuar vou | <7 120 am z 7 st anima | S7 Wirt Your /avesrions| STRONG cose Downs cioaRerres| soumion | spanish? Wwiene THe \ UNITED UKE CAMERA. ‘AND TASTE AND 'D0OR| ‘BOOK ‘ADA. * ‘Suesere oe Se ccaRrieLo ATER THE | HE DONT = = ae VERY ace car inc’s_|MADE FROM = | ‘YOU STAND. ‘SALT Foon vu | snow Te iecicons| ae wre | THEM | | ont ware 7s euTTBD. ut a are a S SATURDAY pete were [ARE AR “ sumone cera oars ane work i o cra wen. oppose SOMEONE YouLo0K por ae speaK ro |_ you une jor sorrow ono wns eo: wr meen eee Someone BaNeINa? aa we CAME bow You pica a |S eurwng| | ee | ster? TWENTY soLuTion yj = aa Te a E |napa very a : me | onowmeur ae . i ee eS ‘BIG ONE = Go_E | Tomo_ow] | “POKER' IS 7 eB a cic 'rM.cOING Nor wernt | ACARD vis_R OF s WATER- | TO THE OTHERS: | nad ‘omo) | BRA | NoTe_oK | museum ae — | vou xvon eral ra | | _ inepnone ciue | ‘ins. | |_ rasrer __ SUNNY, | |NUMBER SO} ‘CAKE? | | WORK WE DO} é bende or JUST _ ME, | | FOR MONEY| | Baa Hees 5 Twas ane vou 7 waren ~ Tae awe le000 0 vex an nner THAT FALLS) ecenb oF Nous es ons ‘vee FRIDAY? MOUNTAIN Ue. sky AaTHUR | christmas. we wi c coer aera aco | saan ‘eanyou aren | very om | SSD) [war ean 7 —w D> ave you YOURESO wount WE can ‘cor, ea ne_ we | (erect eave, | avering “tower ramen ae Mra ‘San OF | Srounces | you ano FRIENDS j Tran es Pea aes eh en WE WERE A] ae a ‘tone war iit me aa Coun | nice Sone. roneion | la I dae eed Re amie ieee 10 ‘The Indians are coming!’ ‘Are they friends or ‘What's your new sister’s enemies?’ name? ‘| don’t know yet. We can’t | think they are friends understand ... because they . Saray DONT CALL FeRo0 wre NOT COLD an a PART OF eRe! we NEXT YZ | semrew woTHER CHILDREN axial |” Nove on cones | muna Go-t WEEK, ILL AMONTH (UK, LEARN. | WeNEED coope_ am = = ves ors souetins jmenrs ren sro acme pen NEARLY HOLIDAY. AT SCHOOL 160 ABROAD} UMP Fim starr] ae ORANGE VY tar can ony FoR| VEGETABLE| You seer o10NT souuTon R © | teuseo wnar ou HAT Chem leewrin rs ato BUY RABBITS: 'AT NIGHT My _ CAR, Ke | : _ i WHEN HE HASN'T woman ROAD (N isan panes : ARRIVE, wo RuLes Kroneion seen souunon : sas Ter COUNTER counrie) My NE | NAME IS oe eee 8. My us | WHAT A PETER cHo0_e = Tr mececan | mung go we WiLL HAPPENED ecarwTHal GG ris THAT 30E? THE TWO TAKE YOU DYEARS | KNIFE AND HIS SON IS eT ISNT ‘wir e « ATE_GER : —}- [swe T WHERE | MARRIED > Renee ees | > aa moar ‘Grano- vcrson| ‘ove Ir WONER | BACK TO ive? i PLEASE, THE POST at OFFI 1s Iwas juss oar ust surireel 1 A oF orator ACROSS MUCH TROUSERS | Hy THe Now | = | 2 "AROUND same = —— veceraBte| nemwity NOT THESE| | VERY BIG wir ann Ds] er ULES | ‘STORES LATIN IS AN] PROMI_ ME] | Ee ra Name oF & - aeINA ace, ‘He soc | OLD — | ore fitan BooK secret ra, ere (MONTH ae C1 } ¢ PLACE ‘AS FOOD one crour| terre merURe : A SUMMER THE RIVER THE HOUSE “THEY ARE MONTH A2ON ao Two THEY Love THE Doe CeaviN ey wa PLAYING are lcowr recta PART OF ey FOO WALL Food: esa ‘THE FACE FRONT. wre le on NOT STAY = DO You’ sae | » | TooeTHER | ‘ARE THEY want ro tHe | comme? BEA ‘coLauR oF| m8 a | HOPE Po. e ‘mtr Acces) | war : ‘ZERO WE HAVE - - GIVEN DAY - HE'S ONLY | FOUR SONS| — OF THE ROSES ARE| 22 BUT HE'S] ‘BUT __OF OFTEN | MONTH OR ere E JALRE_DY Al ae oom coLOUR a AMONG o ; YEAR MANAGER. vw us. 4 S _ rs wo uves| v sKGKET On ari ‘erone owniNs you Buy rr = (Crow.—750 words Jevel. Crow = 750 words level ‘If you try (on a bicycle) to run over a dog, he knows how to avoid you; but if you try to miss him, he doesn’t know ... .’ 12 ‘Daddy, why do swans have such long necks?’ (Mark Twain ‘So they don’t drown when 1835-1910) the water ...!’ aS eA Le eee we Tor ne auiey ner Toone Tenn] frase oT] \ a pa oe rtravetteo| \7 BEGnNwo| <7 eerie woman | 7 meake. | 7 Taos | 7 a \ onuairen. evervone OMe Nor so cen | toa, | TES foes \ | Rowe wr Far sm : \| SOLUTION | 23) / _ TURIN, HOT Lesa THEM? ANIMAL DAUGHTER. WORK. Te 1 DONT a tee peace | enn isren, re in INor Pustic| my House. | nee a ny 800% em | reat I an canvou kes ox wii ve Me Tree keer oFF you ume | i: Some oH | THe COFFEE oR| al Trane = = _istwe 70, TV are srekk A pare T “Jocnon_y| TODAY? FROM THE eee ee VERY SMALL ~ on eae an ao fe war Twn 70 1 = PIECE OF ano eack | 7 THE hs [ENO OF THE|_", PLEASE, EA BIKE. | Tie class muste THAT | araeoor country. | Svowest Snr |Feicomne | By_ awa | natn AND ou es si0e PANE) | ‘ADESK. ‘0_ToBER a ot Tut Love FR yOu roR nave ne v0 | nave vou oun a sToNe im exer ses | "aceNn7o nor young |—oF ne | SMe To REPr | ToNDON? sean wer eres —Ac000 a some nice [PONTMAKE| crasa _ CREAM Ba ABOVE) is pata 5 PPLE az | WORKS _ RY COLO] cor ww ee rar coro you unvewexr | OR YOULL | “PShos | “owcer e s SLEEP. annve? | | “tome.” | WAKE THE | agsistanr. | FOOD) uta on | pea nen : A | A ‘SUNDAY cs. ARE on | soma moNDAY? FRenos. PART OF aE ee ' THE cat HAIR ON A |THE EARTH rast FoR ee | WE LWVE On| | um on mans Pace) "Thar ie a we? THE Not WATER | near) Co ai you rook ren = aa “AOL WOULD You WHEN IT'S. T tinevour | 7 _|vemreovo| mar | was. | WRALWAS Hove vou] ‘TEA WITH WATER coupy | THERE To. ‘SWEET. | oot none] “ee Covers 00 besteroart| “Eiaaer ee THE SKY IS - T ce Amen any |we-com | vouneaR wee oF 2 Fans oF ‘evoupe. | OMe a nun SHOES ON b er com vouune ‘ons ‘rren Ports —— MONDAY Grow ~ 750 words level Crow = 750 words level 14 QW « “ Sam, why ar2 you standing as aa? in front of the mirror with Allises, your eyes closed? (proverb) ‘| want to see what | look... . were, say Come Tronour OF TROWEER THE LIKE wor cyeap| SOMETHING anman nti, MuLoeT_] 1uveon | come ear or] iTS, 8 VERY Topayr: NOT HEAP rears WOT —eoop _0sPrTAL ae, ELEVENTH ern | earn | ose | PORE | AT nor ory | RNDOF aa srs Rane: True Next | Or aTAGL | AKO GET oar | a | euro pia nabu_e THEFOOH u stanion. | Button. | WARM pocere (its ca HELP Me mae We ste sowwTion AY Ib | [as | wince ‘ean vou_| |W Sroon —Towe | wa vou"| A HORSE? every oa Wav oUF : rs use HE EEL sousO8 V 10 Recono| 2 ‘ASQUARE N | "roan" | ’S0UNo HAS FOUR : ——}—__} __|_ vs Taiow Te] - eae ‘sums Tocer_ NAME OF & ; Nowe is (oer 00K, Fu NOT FAR ‘ouror —— row us. 80) ek HesA | ea) | compu un ‘wanes wa on i ] cour seman Ie oe ELEGANT saTuRoAY mom | as Nor Lave TS HETALL THE EYE coro Te THe 4 © SHORT? loP a Hous Sawer | suNeLe x THE WATER cama a ae ern pe ecalD » or Fan “reo | > mx De | oursioe? 4 wusamto: on | ams FoR s000 | PART OF He cooks | | 7 THEBOOY avo Wastes lox uF Sa ESS eee me, ce senay ‘wet Sor me | "Mes at row Tom Sree | | | 8 com. AND JERR 4 oFnonri AN. ] £6. 1HE Apr Hor wa we or yours] DaNUse on| coon at sear FoR | ‘THE MLE foo FOOT ND POR 3" TRYITAGAN | ane, wor Run) peopce irs | ene You ear ir HARD | | sss | omen eae = aan | cron | oppose ae cota oe uses oF | |iprostse } HEAR ‘SOME Lewow owen poe > tow ue} ‘wa NEWER, a a xERCsS| = cant HE z (even x F_Renr Rainy | ae EVERY = ccomnes 4 : a StaTion an mornin || vee wo aan. ‘_ opposite | None room ir "opie Ci | - = : now! | APERSON ‘i Te | 1x sunonr | me 000 _, | worms ro] sananais | Seevou aren Putter UATE. | Crow ~ 750 words level yw — 750 words level | ey Te ey) yy RO ais 16 ‘Steve, why aren’t you helping your brother?’ says a mother to her son. ‘What do yuu mean I’m not helping? We just separated the job. He is cutting the onions... .” FLAG IS. MAIN | SZ a HEALTH) N TE LY! a ED, ware|—AVELLER) SOLUTION | ROADS eee eee aa OF unvensity| OVEN nen anime tor ‘AND BLUE, ‘CLOSED. ARTISTS: | oppose WORK. ATTHE | THIS FILM THIS YEAR. OCEAN Vv ‘OF LOVE ‘oF 16__| WAS_! » ~ | _-CLASS LA aaa |BecAUise ir WAS HERE pores SHOP_NG. Was AyaaTe T (wes ALo_y] = ‘a 7 CAN | You op > ‘DRIVER 50 nt ey frou can _| ‘You OPEN WHA CANT _ Werte STH MY ru HAVE | ey ope ema eecal Mee pore R “rowaro"| xv or ‘THE PHONE] ae ‘HE GOES AGAME = = BIKE |AF_RNOON| MEET _ = ICTURES EVEN IN, — FRIDAY? ‘LIVING > lou mous 7 as — ere — ILIKE ICE ee [po YOU PAY] wor coup D VEGETAR- FRIENDS. sean ia THE _ ror NOT FROM. ‘STAYING AT] IANS DON'T THe CLASS Room? comer eno we NUT ron [17S Have our Tate NEAR sm PAST FOR AT i TE avOURITE WAITERS IN ean 11, iE _A THAN THE: TERS PGi ©] = He )- o SEL Seam | ORDN CLEVER Secon. ‘OCEAN RESTAURANT. Tonicht, | ROAD. | BOY. = ARRIVE siti ‘VIENNA ‘OUR OWN | i anoeN | rm neo - | ae pa c cereal er nest s ea OVER v0 : vents Ooo | Crow ~ 750 words level (Crow — 750 words level Question: How many ‘Real Men’ does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: None. ‘Real Men’ we wart, ENVELOPE > Pur ms. 25) ‘ana ee Rock sTaR vou cua} "your. Tee warn SHE Lives oF THe > ‘TOP SLEEPING USTEN TO > a Grow — 750 words level ‘How do Eskimos put their clothes on?’ SS a Crow — 750 wards level Man: It's very cold outside. Would you mind closing the window? Taxi driver: And if | do, do you think it will be ...? An Italian composer and violinist who became a priest in 1703 /rHinc Goon] <7 Aramous | S7 THAT MOVES |, THAT JANE | <7 lvears O10) 7 oa = ue | Y HAPPY | 1 DONT AGAIN PART OF THE AIR To |SUMMER HE| WAS 7 ——- LR MINUS | ON TOP OF KNOW HOW] BANANAS, | WOT TRUE be London ‘mane vou | GOES ONA DRIVING A Se et TENT | THE port. ee YOU AND | nl FeeL coo. | BOAT. NEW CAR? FILM i Paar WORLD. on beni =e WE UKE Taal CATS. NEXT STOP, | SHOR, NG? 1978 1 ‘AD. ont DIFFICULT HOW CAN] 7 b ve Lost z | Love wy Rives ‘comes oer | my wa. GRANKY'S real — eat (es tare oa ae Ca hive a A PeTunes | encusn | | ‘veuow | ‘po vou | NOT PEN a a a DID HE DO tiem - | » | —_ wets | wren, | Snowe ate aa | rn eet | | fretamoe) ore | rawr | cameo into vou ROW | einer BUT | ee | oma congue ine ae aes | wer er ste | coves sons a jisecus pee PEOPLE Se oerosrre areas 5 aa T | atau |HOTIN HERE! | 7 THE CAT shits reas aan itty NOTTAR | mw ome ae | 7a cINEMA? HE'S BUSY. oar “MONEY IN ite ‘PUT SOME ec The Usa THEY SAY > bums | oe Son coecare | ooo “ote | ee (eres a | D = oo =a aa ees = re u (aR E | HIS FANS AW. ROLEX? t a a 7 | TELL THE » you | \wuar Does] me ae ne rates a | Re | , a youwe eae cores sat chee wren ed | im ey eointataNO ddeedadionel. 27 Soe 22 os Far ° ae ° eS ‘That man is the richest og » \)) ( whose pleasures ... .’ rs oa (Henry David Thoreau a_ \ : sips te A tragicomedy by William American writer and poet, Shakespeare 1817-1862) one name wy Foe cnnis. | 7 wenave | vouoowr| <7 RS Lome | HERES Pe |weose ane! noren Fe, ee poe souumion JAN ENGLISH Have BE someone | sowumon | orrosme covrosrre |"woses ‘see You were neat “ooar | “arraio “Tune cats eee | lor oursie| OFLOVE | —ovER. nor web ot remit’ | yp, HERE? ae : oon, oes swe FUR } van 0 = er | Tencnen 1S YOUR T a rs Tete wsion| sanaiis son |! wear mL sis casserre | Teacher > an va iar oe | [THERESA = 1 _ a etn Fe once me srs / | “ror vourser eae ‘BUT ILIKE POL_EMAN Not OFTEN}, Tonyou | CRAr ware tT in (ena an ‘Mone | Souesooy Bar | axa rong “wow much wears re | | vecer_.e|“ooes ir "a CRILLED sour | OO | READ are¥ao8! aster - ] = ‘5 YEARS, OPPOSITE hid \ OPPOSITE ‘BIRT_AY oe san me | Freer Daven | | ormasr Present | stranarety | a - a | wer AL wien 00 5 7 ‘svenioex |= von [se] oma = a ay ae |~ m ‘AccioeNT mare | stones rr TAKE? ustenne - | awe ares THE BED. = | Aran nor lcioane_es| Anna ent seer arene: ‘ane AD v Whie er (Morven for vou. [pearu_y | enon | istic P TURES TE schooc rm cnn s_Ke sonco Veet va pur your ‘ a Nor many hee =, SOMEONE ‘ awry. mee b a ace aM very a (bos | news_pen|'"ustr ere Ko. Ane. RONG} | et oi eee | > \ oo | ate, ‘HOW Lona| artanic wonkwes, Does Fea soon’ ieee ‘YOU ANDI | arial oes we > wornine ra cast ‘ows n su. ‘caw Serta ana eaten (Crow = 750 words level MinsiinalR Detail ihindadl ‘How much does this dog cost?’ ‘One hundred dollars.’ ‘Does it love its master?’ ‘Yes. I've already... .' ‘How old are you, Sarah?’ ‘Minus 4.’ ‘How is that?’ ‘My Dad says my Mum was thirty-four when | was born, but wouro | = THAVE TO 7 WHEN |_T0o rece oF ire ‘ADON_ey anna, [7 ‘co Nom, wnat |tHey sun) | Peoruem your HAIR L y BEEF FOR | ToUCMy | OFLATE HA ae vyoucan | orrosre leur te THe | "HOUSES | "potano or poor | “8100 USE YOUR | sk_Ne COOKING | 4rPcE PIE? EARS. RIDE TUCStaY anseR? | FROM sreae Lone ou | wren = LONGER raver. ‘seo He coulp Nor 1 rm ware wart Nor ME cLoseo > |THE BUS. ARRIVES. is wosite wnat vou sas sToLeK one | FEEL a TOM ANDT a = HE Loves REAL, NOT THINGS OF rRtenos. | Au_uw — 80K corr Tees Play fase WEAR IT ON | TOGETHER. Your roor sours D > lwnere vou Tis wars fra aerren| WORK Us rom ‘Tost mane Cait sTaNoING wwiere vou SOLUTION 7 5 sive up | Sive veer CAN LEAVE = Le —Aca ‘APLACE | 15 _your “Queens | D Ts ONE 1s| es SWEAR or 1". | | fsaano a eon aT vouean men iee| | ‘ORME THE OTHER rou covoun oF | : \ 0 5onn ler co paay an MONEY IN e_aps | INWATER comme LEARNER, EAST ‘BRAN (wav8e) | Nor ey | weary WA os_TAL Rope one Jeans —vod ‘Maw OR “ToL eae PERSON, [Recor Awonan | vouTmare| | UNCLE AN iw ONE TANG, Chance 7 Ter TOFRO, = oT Jone onour| omReeTON, some rc \ fmt 3 a : 1rs0N G sured OF > ‘your Heap MOTHER oR] ca. RS. FATHER | THE OnE THE D00R ow wo USES 13s wnat 00 an ‘some THING (c.0se) emeroen_| \wsteR YOU THINK pLomeines | tasee neon > \wnarss THE| lied WETHER bad [aN HOUR I Ms KE Wet) 8. Tovar? Boo ave Foo own oppose int aN sae ‘or wer shes “700 Crow — 750 words level Crow - 750 words level 26 “You won't believe it! I've bought an encyclopaedia for my husband!" ‘Really! My husband doesn’t heed ...!' ‘Jeeves, water the flowers in the garden!’ “But it's raining, sir.’ ‘No problem. Take ann. nA Boat umauase prouen| Ce | cumon | ec. | _Pebee | ames | comecr | pene OR A TOWN eiccer. | ,RAININS Woman "AND | IDEAFOR yous TOGETHER en ean eae ase D | NOTHING IN | | ‘THis BAG: me z ‘NOT THE 7 ‘unr | [7] terre ]D0 IN YOUR] BUY A KILO ——, a poate ar a a sow 5 say tora Me, ne NOT THE ‘THE SEA oa : one J weve ees: | ‘BUYING |THis PHOTO} - — ‘THINGS: WAS TAKEN veo, : |somerting| : | ia BABIES WOW WaNY =i = K savor | RE YOUR| aaa ones D 2 lees anes, | Fane A_uaces BE USED ees NOT WEAK ss as ae aoe ranma tess, Feel = en a ore ee b | twas | ‘cHoose cn : TEN. (9.58) ‘CHILD. YOUR KEY. ‘On YouR Not cow |i HABA caR| is taar tees cm 7 Cara aa SHE DO? TAKE heey pe (Crow —750 words level A fairy story written by An Agatha Christie story Oscar Wilde | wnat ime P< shor Po me nouse WeWeNT THERE ARE Toe > a sotution | 10. You cani__ | COAT 18 EMPTY. voy HOME: 60 ON | stanion | or some serene | 12erc.0ce| seacres | | _mewaen ne ru > ] We RAVE [THERE ARE ee Two EYES: feats | ‘SOME ‘AND a pworos —_ mote —awos. | _ [pena BA_cony, THEY HAVE = ARE YOU my Touch ‘L_PARE \ [ Spee | Bion | neon | “pa D ae em oe “Two Times YEAR-OLD | ogtME 9 | OF TODAY | ME OF Hi vot {EAPOL0 | sonesr 0 anus. Nane rare eriten | Tne river | | ‘wien 1 ‘ou snouta| ‘Anawe NoTeB_K woul | APLACE lPraen | | 7 lee YOU URE tueso_y TaERE | Lore YOU THIRTEEN es To _THis WANT TO | MINUS TWO) AND | HAVE| e EVENING? Ne Even | is. Ere mnie re 1 a we someting] | es — sean. won ever ove | tor e a | > a ear: > ie san rs 1 very | HAVER _ ano. | |Your NAME ON 1 saw THE ee swomine | “Dat wormen | cetreR | WE FIST uEEN vont vesTERony | 60 OUT OF OF THE Conor : AnaCe ceeee| | (MEN WEAR | LL TELL ss TONTEAAT|| ene t Manou | Youwy Y Cc | bovine ca ly ‘THE NECK | __CRET. ly ar ASEAT. DONT) | OR_INAL ee is ‘COME AND | aang |r hd = ‘SPAN ‘WOMANS wonrror | stones | PANTING ro Name aN, ‘THE YEAR: THE ‘SOME: = FOR. Vee ws ar WHEN YOU | woow |e aes oe a > unett an se wwe ‘ee TOP | TOTAL ‘CON__NuED| —— |ABOUT THE THE WHITE | 3 THERE'S A AT THE i Tne ‘ance Soret pli MoUTH THE LUNCH AT we canven torevact, (Crow +750. wordeitenal iDootesteiBinidiatedaial: 30 ‘How can you govern a Pa Mark Twain's original name country which has 246 ...? (Charles de Gaulle 1890-1970) Samuel ... = ‘wren We mesa [a Fou] > = "EVERY DAY] Wis PANT: P= Te You swe : foes a ee see — you ask] 7 Leave He War we IGET UPAT| INGS ARE ‘RIDGES ‘writ ee | ee Sous |" or me ae, WiLL ‘YOUR Home| souuTioN | comes ON WEAR ON /SOCLOCK”| SHOWN IN ON THe ome. areal poe aa [Sones MAKE} wer ‘counter, "me our Foor Onn | aN ven = (vers ar oan ‘rou Yoveo natvet'r| oss ranes i ices j can D rotaroes ano wor asa | mm | camera FAST. j | ARE _s. —} ToONT i i weer ey = 1 ‘without VEHICLE wwaruyn |_®A a ee | vseans anreooe wears, |g He | Moret SEFORE 8. aoa ‘COME TOA| nore -. TALL? [MY RAINC._"] Yi. _— PLACE ad EVENING] es T rw s_ie | {iGo To BED} KNOWN BY > "AFLAT IN ar asour | torsor | ‘own | aceon peorte | ae 4 }__ f = an — igor | TH Bur NT POOR: YOU WEAR | \NICE _ FOR] ae | saTuroay | Coes | recon | ects Troxvour oa ma” | ares | oe Paci ont nae " simoay | | weative) | 1 7 T Teanistay | 00 vou D smta_HT | ere | Go mar? Awont_y irsnows | STACHT roor_asrel AK TONIGHT? | —— “MAGAZINE. ‘THE TIME | you SEE | pares a | she ean S| Lace 100. E TERT ON ‘AN ANIMAL na | [77 wana ere urn nce | ‘woman ae | | agree SHE | sisters | ‘ane | a_eaoy once _ roma BOOK | BORN ON THE] | BOOKS ARE] WALK, Sion [Om oury | ‘une ‘You use youcan | SMALL | 1s _your AFLOWER. =SFoR Haver | TOWN | a EPA wou ‘res ARG | AFLOWER THOMAS oe ‘WHAT IS _| HE'SA TS wars 10 | 12000 _ex| eo mmures| > 2000 ror very nce iat, ihe | *eug.oF | me YOUR vu * ous "EXAMS! mr, 08. | ED. MEDAL | A et BE ] THE aoe ‘yOu THiNik | sranoinc roman |S power ormnew | ae ones te { ees) DRESS? | winioow. u | oe wieaT rover wen wean we muon ri — ‘ moriER's ae ‘cer fart wh Snort ‘ssrens a cow Snr ane ur | NOT EAST sewn aa = ‘wean YouWAsH ‘You can iN YHE END your ‘Dom me \-ortnas HANDS Ano} wirnour | ‘BooK, ae DIFFICULTY] wont Crow = 750 words level Crow ~ 750 words level A soldier got a letter from home. He opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper with nothing on it. ‘What's that?’ his friend asked. ‘A letter from my wife.’ ‘Why didn’t she write anything?’ ‘We had a fight and we are MOtia. 32 Two policemen are standing at a bus stop. One of them asks: ’Shall we go by bus or on foot?’ The other one thinks and wrens Po were exacty ‘your nae ovou come FE RNOWs ERE me erat woe] wet no faronne | orits ‘on at ‘won ‘nua ave YOU austen | naoven pote. Your =? | women we tn “resi7” | San tean ani) ‘cuss orf Sree, ease wove mw 1 peat ean (coun ue tromnor | is) couwrme) THE oR «or \ob0w wasn Crow ~ 750 words level asks. Treneerng] You ware] hd wrnit | 7 oraper_nt 709m event a vorane — ne eave | \ [rie woe ‘Aveo opposite : | eecome woLoaY | | sPnina is a aeauTru | larin_ crv ‘AT won | Youean THE sky | SerosmE |i5 Ano oF 0 You murs as re Ler] | OTe ‘you? | a = | ye way IcLAs_oom| , WHICH | is_Iuers | ("Sake | cceano | T Grow — 750 words level | CSEIES NEIEMOEIE) al\v/olyla| vy SIN IS. sin. a] 11 /o}L a PA9T Spiom OS7 ~ MorZ a |N/O|N A ALIN, 3/9|Vv| SOHNE | Seon 1) ¥/0/9. ae B/iiviylvid)3is) Nin Alalw)3/&. N/V] x v wi 1 HS) 1 }_aHL NO: S| WivPAlT [o/c | BAS a aor S/3/O/OfaH|s |v im] qisir'auae a[O)v|nON|¥/7 33m ofr, sisli]» sft Van cones wee 3/S|O/H | 1 N/N|e. EIEIMESENE! <|O. qWi\v/5. 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