Voucher Types

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9 Voucher Types

Voucher Type Description

Regular Regular vouchers are used for regular voucher entry. This includes both PO and non-PO vouchers.
Regular vouchers are also used when there is a need to replenish the petty cash fund.

Template Template vouchers are created using a standard template to provide an efficient means of entering
data for vouchers.

Adjustment Adjustment vouchers can be used to adjust existing vouchers, to associate two vouchers to each
other, as well as to enter credit and debit memos that reference purchase orders. You can enter
adjustment information manually, or you can copy the voucher that you want to adjust right into the
Adjustment voucher. The user will have the ability to select the Reverse Qty/Amt check box or Adjust
Matched Values check box, depending on their need. This will be used in a more general scope.

Journal Journal vouchers are used to correct the distribution information on a voucher after the voucher has
been posted, payment posted, and paid. This type of voucher will always net to zero.

Reversal The Reversal Voucher will be used to restore the encumbrance on a PO and reversing the PO's
matched quantity or amount for an unpaid Voucher. (Always check the Adjust PO
Amounts/Encumbrances check box.) Specifically, if the Voucher was entered in error and needs to
be unposted, unmatched, and closed, the State will use the Reversal Voucher.

Single Payment Single Payment vouchers are used to enter a voucher for a one-time vendor without adding rows to
the vendor table. This is useful for vendors you are unlikely to deal with again (e.g., rebates or
refunds). You must set up at least one single payment vendor, which is used as a master default. The
Singly Payment vendor can include such general items as payment method, payment terms, and bank
account defaults. You add the remaining vendor information, such as vendor name and address
directly on the Single Payment voucher.
8.9 Voucher Types
The accounting of stores in defence formations is generally done on a quantitative basis. In the case of manufacturing
establishments, however, the accounting is also done on a cost basis to facilitate preparation of annual production, trading and
profit and loss accounts. In store holding establishments’ items will be accounted for by quantity and condition. All records
pertaining to the receipt and issue of stores in Depots, manufacturing establishments, units and formations will be maintained
by the store holder in charge of stores. He will maintain ledgers, account cards, bin cards etc., to account for the stores. All
transactions in the accounts will be supported by relevant vouchers viz., receipt, issue, expense, transfer vouchers, loss
statements etc.,
The various vouchers prepared for accounting receipts and issue transactions are summarised below.
Stores received are accounted for either on Receipt Vouchers or on certified Receipt Vouchers. Receipt vouchers are used to
account for stores received from other establishments/ units/ Depots etc., based on quantities shown in their respective issue
vouchers. Thus, in respect of each Receipt Voucher, there will be a corresponding issue Voucher from the consignor.
However, stores received direct either by local purchase or by central purchase etc., are accounted for on Certified Receipt
Voucher (CRV). CRVs are also used for accounting surpluses found in stock taking. Thus, CRVs are used when there are no
corresponding issue vouchers or when no departmental consignors are involved.
All transactions relating to issues (Free issues, Payment issues, Loan issues) will be supported by issue vouchers. The
vouchers will show separately, where prescribed, serviceable, repairable and unserviceable articles except articles of clothing
and necessaries, which will be conditioned as either serviceable (new) part worn or unserviceable. As in the case of receipts,
issues are also accounted mainly either on Issue Vouchers (IVs) or Certified Issue Vouchers (CIVs). Issue vouchers are made
8.9 Voucher Types
based on indents / demands etc., and will always have a corresponding receipt voucher of the consignee. Unlike Ivs, CIVs are
made to account for Final issues like issues for consumption, issues on payment etc.,
In addition to the RVs and IVs, the following types of vouchers are also used in store accounting.
1. Adjustment Vouchers:
Changes in condition while in stock, will be accounted on Adjustment Vouchers provided no negligence is involved.
1. Nominal Vouchers:
Prepared to account for receipt and issue of stores wrongly received in Store Depots.
2. Expense Vouchers:
Prepared to account for stores expended in manufacturing / repair jobs etc and also for accounting losses authorised in
day to day operations, as provided in the Regulations.
3. Loss Statements:
To write off stores lost either due to theft / fraud / neglect or otherwise under the orders of the CFA.
In local audit vouchers are as good as cash. Each voucher has to be given due importance and under no circumstances
vouchers should be loosely handled, misplaced or lost at any level. All types of vouchers described above have prescribed
formats and it should be ensured in local audit that they are made as per the columns prescribed. For example, Receipt, Issue
and Expense Vouchers have the format prescribed vide IAFZ – 2096 (small) which provides for the IV No, Consignor,
Consignee, Authority for the transaction, ledger pagenumber with group and section, Condition of the stores, Quantity, rate,
value etc., While auditing the vouchers, besides the above information the following aspects will be looked into:-
1. Quantities shown as received in RVs tally with the Quantities shown as issued in the Ivs by the consignor and also tally
with the Quantities indented. All variations should be satisfactorily explained.
8.9 Voucher Types
2. All issues are supported by proper authority and no unauthorised issue of stores has been made.
3. Receipted copies of all vouchers have been received wherever necessary.
4. Stores issued for consumption are accounted for correctly in expendable ledgers and periodical issues made are
consolidated and charged off on monthly certified issue vouchers. The quantity issued is to be examined with reference
to the strength of the unit / actual requirement. The issue voucher should contain a certificate from OC to the effect that
the stores issued were actually consumed during the month for Govt. bonafide pruposes.
5. Issue of stores on payment is to be examined with the payment voucher to see that the issue is authorised/the rates are
correct. It should be seen that the money collected is credited in Public Fund Account and remitted into treasury
6. Charge off of stores on loss statement should be examined with reference to the loss statement which should get the
sanction of the Competent Financial Authority.

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