CEOStudy2010 ISA
CEOStudy2010 ISA
CEOStudy2010 ISA
on Complexity
Insights from the
Global Chief Executive
Officer Study
How are leaders responding to a competitive and economic environment
unlike anything that has come before? To find out, we held face-to-face
interviews with 1,541 chief executive officers, general managers and
senior public sector leaders, including 61 respondents from India and
South Asia (ISA) – specifically, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh.1
These conversations offer valuable insight into the agendas and actions
Figure 1 of global leaders.
Performance analysis framework
Standouts represent organizations from In our past three global CEO studies, CEOs consistently said that coping
different industries and from all
with change was their most pressing challenge. In 2010, we identified a
new primary challenge: complexity. CEOs told us they operate in a world
that is increasingly volatile, uncertain and complex. Many shared the
Top 50 percent
CEOs not only anticipate much less complexity than their peers in every Feel prepared for
expected complextity
other territory except Japan; they are also much less worried about it.
4 Capitalizing on Complexity
Embody creative leadership
In an uncertain and volatile world, CEOs realize that creativity trumps
other leadership characteristics. Creative leaders are comfortable with
ambiguity and experiment to create new business models. They invite
Embody disruptive innovation, encourage others to drop outdated approaches
and take balanced risks. They are open-minded and inventive in
expanding their management and communications styles, in order to
engage with a new generation of employees, partners and customers.
Build ISA CEOs are adept at dealing with ambiguity; 52 percent use iterative
dexterity strategic planning processes as distinct from formal annual strategy
reviews, while 36 percent favor quick decisions. ISA CEOs are also
customer willing to embrace new management and communication techniques:
relationships 63 percent tend to persuade and influence rather than to command
and control; and 31 percent prefer managed viral communication to
top-down communication.
Figure 3
Total sample
Decision style 25% 42% 33%
ISA CEOs are comfortable relying
on quick decisions.
20% 44% 36%
ISA 9%
How will you develop the critical capabilities to enhance creativity among
replace the word ‘innovation’
your leadership team?
with ‘disruption.’ It’s necessary to
In what ways can you explore, reward and globally integrate diverse and continually disrupt monotony, to
unconventional points of view? challenge and hence expand our
How are you challenging every element of your business model to get the
most from untapped opportunities? Media and Entertainment CEO, India
How will you leverage new communications styles, technologies and tools to
lead a new generation of talent and encourage breakthrough thinking?
How will you engage customers in new ways that increase interest and
loyalty to generate new demand and revenue sources?
How can you involve customers more effectively and directly in product and
service development?
Can you hear the voice of your customers through the vast amount of data?
Can you understand and act upon the information? Total ISA
6 Capitalizing on Complexity
more ISA CEOs are no exception; 54 percent are focusing on simplifying their
products and operations to manage complexity more effectively. The
most dexterous CEOs in our total sample are also much more intent on
reducing their fixed costs and increasing their variable costs, so that they
can rapidly scale up or down.
In what ways can you simplify processes and develop the agility required to
54% execute rapidly?
48% How can your organization benefit from taking on more complexity on
behalf of customers?
How will you integrate and analyze timely information to gain insight,
make quick decisions and enable dynamic course correction?
Have you implemented asset and cost flexibility and defined partnering
strategies to compete in your chosen markets?
The combined insight from our 1,541 interviews calls for CEOs and their
teams to:
We invite senior leaders to use this latest Global CEO Study to spur
ongoing discussions about how to navigate the hurdles of complexity
and how to prosper because of it. As your organization explores many
options to capitalize on complexity, we look forward to working with you.
Between September 2009 and January 2010, we met face-to- IBM Global Business Services
face with 1,541 CEOs, general managers and senior public Route 100
Somers, NY 10589
sector leaders representing organizations of all sizes in 60 U.S.A.
countries and 33 industries, to better understand their chal-
Produced in the United States of America
lenges and goals. Our response sample in each region has May 2010
been weighted according to actual regional Gross Domestic All Rights Reserved
Product (GDP) for 2008.2 IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks or registered
trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in
the United States, other countries, or both. If these and other IBM
We also analyzed the differences between financial standouts trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this
and other organizations, based on their long- and short-term information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols
indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM
performance relative to their peers, where this information was at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may
also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A
available. We used four-year operating margin compound current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright
annual growth rates from 2003 to 2008 to measure long-term and trademark information” at
performance; and one-year operating margin growth rates from Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or
2008 to 2009 to measure short-term performance. This service marks of others.
enabled us to identify the “Standout” organizations that were References in this publication to IBM products and services do not
imply that IBM intends to make them available in all countries in
able to improve their operating margins in both the long and which IBM operates.
short term. Notes and sources