GUIas 2007 de Neonato
GUIas 2007 de Neonato
GUIas 2007 de Neonato
New Guidelines
2007 Edition
Karen Scruggs, MD
Michael T. Johnson, MD
Normal Newborn Care
I. Prenatal pediatric visit
A. The prenatal pediatric visit usually takes place
during the third trimester of the pregnancy. Maternal
nutrition, the hazards of alcohol, cigarette smoking
and other drugs, and the dangers of passive smok-
ing should be discussed. Maternal illnesses and
medications should be reviewed.
Maternal History
General health and nutrition
Past and present obstetric history
Maternal smoking, alcohol, or drug use
Maternal medications
Infectious diseases: Hepatitis, herpes, syphilis,
Chlamydia rubella
Maternal blood type and Rh blood groups
Family History
Newborn Issues
Assessment of basic parenting skills
Feeding plan: Breast feeding vs formula
Car seats
Circumcision of male infant
II. Delivery
A. Neonatal resuscitation
1. All equipment must be set up and checked before
delivery. The infant who fails to breath spontane-
ously at birth should be placed under a radiant
warmer, dried, and positioned to open the airway.
The mouth and nares should be suctioned, and
gentle stimulation provided.
2. The mouth should be suctioned first to prevent
aspiration. Prolonged or overly vigorous
suctioning may lead to bradycardia and should be
avoided unless moderate-to-thick meconium is
present in the airway.
3. The infant born with primary apnea is most likely
to respond to the stimulation of drying and gentle
tapping of the soles of the feet. The infant who
fails to respond rapidly to these measures is
experiencing secondary apnea and requires
positive pressure bag ventilation with oxygen.
4. Adequate ventilation is assessed by looking for
chest wall excursions and listening for air ex-
change. The heart rate should be assessed while
positive pressure ventilation is being applied. If
the heart rate does not increase rapidly after
ventilation, chest compressions must be started
by an assistant. If the infant fails to respond to
these measures, intubation and medications are
necessary. Epinephrine can be administered via
the endotracheal tube. Apgar scores are used to
assess the status of the infant at 1 and 5 min
following delivery.
Sign 0 1 2
Neonatal Jaundice
Jaundice is defined by a serum bilirubin concentration
greater than 5 mg/dL. Clinical jaundice develops in 50% of
newborns, and breast-fed infants have an increased
incidence of jaundice. Differentiation between physiologic
jaundice, which is seen in many infants during the first
week of life, and pathologic jaundice is essential because
pathologic jaundice is a sign of a more serious condition.
I. Pathophysiology
A. Physiologic versus pathologic jaundice
1. Physiologic jaundice is characterized by
unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia that peaks by
the third or fourth day of life in full-term newborns
and then steadily declines by 1 week of age.
Asian newborns tend to have higher peak biliru-
bin concentrations and more prolonged jaundice.
Premature infants are more likely to develop
jaundice than full-term babies.
2. Causes of physiologic jaundice
a. Increased bilirubin load due to the high red
blood cell volume in newborns and shortened
blood cell survival.
b. Deficient hepatic uptake and deficient conju-
gation of bilirubin.
c. Increased enterohepatic bilirubin reabsorp-
d. Deficient excretion of bilirubin.
3. Pathologic jaundice usually appears within the
first 24 hours after birth and is characterized by a
rapidly rising serum bilirubin concentration (>5
mg/dL per day), prolonged jaundice (>7 to 10
days in a full-term infant), or an elevated direct
bilirubin concentration (>2 mg/dL). Conjugated
hyperbilirubinemia never has a physiologic cause
and must always be investigated.
II. Clinical evaluation of jaundice in newborns
A. History may reveal abdominal distention, delayed
passage of meconium, lethargy, light colored stools,
dark urine, low Apgar scores, poor feeding, weight
loss, or vomiting.
B. Physical examination should seek bruising,
cephalhematoma, congenital anomalies,
hepatosplenomegaly, pallor, petechiae, or small or
large size for gestational age.
C. Maternal history should assess history of
chorioamnionitis, forceps delivery, vacuum extrac-
tion, diabetes, dystocia, or exposure to drugs.
Failure to receive immune globulin in a previous
pregnancy or abortion that involved risk of
isoimmunization should be sought. Family history of
jaundice, anemia, liver disease, splenectomy, Greek
or Asian race, preeclampsia, or unexplained illness
during pregnancy should be assessed.
III. Laboratory evaluation
A. Diagnostic tests include blood group typing of both
mother and infant, a direct Coombs’ test, and
measurement of serum bilirubin concentration.
B. Ill or premature infants, or those with significant
jaundice (serum bilirubin >15 mg/dL) require a
complete blood cell count or hemoglobin,
reticulocyte count, blood smear, and direct bilirubin
level. In infants of Asian or Greek descent, glucose-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) should be
IV. Differential diagnosis of unconjugated
A. Increased bilirubin production
1. Fetal-maternal blood group incompatibility is
one cause of increased bilirubin production. Rh
sensitization occurs when an Rh-negative mother
is exposed to Rh-positive blood cells. Subse-
quent Rh-positive fetuses may develop
hemolysis. Other minor blood group incompatibili-
ties also can cause hemolysis and jaundice.
2. ABO incompatibility is the most common type of
isoimmune hemolytic disease. It can occur when
the mother’s blood group is O and the baby’s is A
or B. This type of hemolysis is relatively mild.
3. G6PD deficiency, a sex-linked disease, is an
important cause of hyperbilirubinemia and ane-
mia in infants of Greek and Asian descent.
4. Abnormalities of the red blood cell membrane,
such as spherocytosis and elliptocytosis, may
cause hyperbilirubinemia. Alpha thalassemia may
occur in the neonatal period.
5. Hematoma, occult hemorrhage, or
polycythemia (fetomaternal or twin-to-twin
transfusion, delayed cord clamping, intrauterine
growth retardation, or maternal diabetes) may
lead to hyperbilirubinemia.
B. Decreased bilirubin excretion
1. Delay in intestinal transit time, because bowel
obstruction, increases the enterohepatic circula-
tion. Relief of the obstruction results in a decline
in bilirubin concentration.
2. Crigler-Najjar syndrome is a rare, inherited,
lifelong deficiency of bilirubin excretion. Type I is
autosomal recessive. Patients present with
extreme jaundice (bilirubin concentration >25
mg/dL) and have a very high risk of bilirubin
encephalopathy. Type II is autosomal dominant,
and it can effectively be treated with phenobarbi-
3. Neonatal hypothyroidism is another cause of
prolonged indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
C. Increased bilirubin production and decreased
excretion. Sepsis often causes increased break-
down of red blood cells and decreased hepatic
excretion of bilirubin. Certain drugs given to the
newborn may also induce hemolysis or decrease
bilirubin excretion.
D. Breast feeding is associated with neonatal
hyperbilirubinemia. In healthy newborns, the danger
of an elevated bilirubin concentration is minimal, and
switching to formula feeding is unnecessary.
V. Consequences of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
Bilirubin encephalopathy (kernicterus) is defined as
the acute and often fatal syndrome characterized by
opisthotonos, hypotonia, a high-pitched cry, and late
neurologic sequelae of choreoathetosis, spasticity,
upward-gaze paresis, and central hearing loss.
VI. Treatment
A. Low-risk infants with minimal jaundice are ob-
served for an increase in the jaundice intensity or a
spread to the baby’s feet (jaundice advances from
Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Healthy
Term Newborn
Neonatal Resuscitation
Neonatal resuscitation skills are important because of the
potential for serious disability or death in high-risk infants
and in a few unpredicted full-term, low-risk deliveries.
I. Preparation
A. Advanced preparation requires acquisition and
maintenance of proper equipment and supplies.
B. Immediate preparation
1. Suction, oxygen, proper-sized face mask and the
resuscitation bag should be checked.
2. Appropriately sized ET tubes, cut to 13 cm,
should be laid out.
3. Medications should be prepared and an umbili-
cal catheter and tray should be prepared.
Suction Equipment
Bag-and-Mask Equipment
Intubation Equipment
4. Other medications
a. Volume expanders. Volume expansion is
indicated for patients who have known or
suspected blood loss and poor response to
other resuscitative measures. Albumin 5%,
normal saline, or Ringer’s lactate can be
given in boluses of 10 mL/kg over 5 to 10
b. Sodium bicarbonate is recommended
during prolonged resuscitation for infants
refractory to other measures.
c. Naloxone hydrochloride is given to in-
fants with prolonged respiratory depression
following narcotic anesthesia given to the
mother within 4 hrs before delivery.
Naloxone is contraindicated in infants of
mothers who are addicted to narcotics.
5. Umbilical vessel catheterization is recom-
mended when vascular access is required.
The large, centrally located, thin-walled and
flat vein is used, and a 3.5 or 5.0 Fr
radiopaque catheter is inserted into the vein
until a free flow of blood can be aspirated.
References, see page 182.
General Pediatrics
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus consists of hyperglycemia caused by
insulin deficiency, impairment of insulin action, or both.
Five percent of the population is affected by diabetes, 10%
of whom have type 1 diabetes.
Preschool 100-200
School-age 70-150
B. Insulin regimens
1. Starting dose of insulin. Most newly diagnosed
patients with type 1 diabetes can be started on
0.2 to 0.4 units of insulin per kg. Adolescents
often need more. The dose can be adjusted
upward every few days based upon symptoms
and blood glucose measurements.
2. Dosing regimens. Insulin should be provided in
two ways – as a basal supplement with an
intermediate- to long-acting preparation and as
pre-meal bolus doses of short-acting insulin (to
cover the extra requirements after food is ab-
3. Monomeric insulins
a. Insulin lispro (Humalog) has an onset of
action within 5 to 15 minutes, peak action at
30 to 90 minutes, and a duration of action of
2 to 4 hours. Insulin lispro is the preferred
insulin preparation for pre-meal bolus doses.
b. Insulin aspart (Novolog) is another
monomeric insulin. It is a rapid-acting insulin
analog with an onset of action within 10 to 20
minutes. Aspart reaches peak concentrations
in 40-50 minutes and has a duration of action
of 3-5 hours. Insulin aspart, like insulin lispro,
can be injected immediately before meals,
and has a shorter duration of action than
regular insulin. Insulin aspart has a slightly
slower onset and longer duration of action
than insulin lispro.
Pharmacokinetics of Insulin Preparations
Menstrual Disorders
The median age of menarche is 12.8 years, and the
normal menstrual cycle is 21 to 35 days in length. Bleed-
ing normally lasts for 3 to 7 days and consists of 30 to 40
mL of blood. Cycles are abnormal if they are longer than
8 to 10 days or if more than 80 mL of blood loss occurs.
Soaking more than 25 pads or 30 tampons during a
menstrual period is abnormal.
I. Pathophysiology
A. Regular ovulatory menstrual cycles often do not
develop until 1 to 1.5 years after menarche, and 55-
82% of cycles are anovulatory for the first 2 years
after menarche. Anovulatory cycles typically cause
heavier and longer bleeding.
B. Adolescents frequently experience irregular men-
strual bleeding patterns, which can include several
consecutive months of amenorrhea.
II. Amenorrhea
A. Primary amenorrhea is defined as the absence of
menarche by age 16. Puberty is considered delayed
and warrants evaluation if breast development (the
initial sign of puberty in girls) does not begin by the
age of 13. The mean time between the onset of
breast development and menarche is 2 years.
Absence of menses within 2 to 2.5 years of the
onset of puberty should be evaluated.
B. Secondary amenorrhea is defined as the absence
of 3 consecutive menstrual cycles or 6 months of
amenorrhea in patients who have already estab-
lished regular menstrual periods.
Differential Diagnosis of Amenorrhea
3. Laboratory evaluation
a. A pregnancy test and complete blood
count should be completed.
b. A history of a very heavy period with
menarche or repeated prolonged or heavy
menses warrants a prothrombin time and
partial thromboplastin time to screen for
bleeding abnormalities; a bleeding time and
von Willebrand screening panel will identify
more specific coagulation disorders.
c. Signs of androgen excess indicate a need
to exclude PCO.
d. Chronic irregular vaginal bleeding man-
dates that prolactinoma and endocrine
abnormalities (thyroid disease) be excluded.
D. Treatment of irregular vaginal bleeding
1. Mild bleeding or shortened cycles associated
with a normal physical examination and normal
vital signs requires only reassurance.
2. Mild anemia associated with stable vital signs
is treated with a 35 to 50 mcg monophasic
combination OC as follows: One pill QID x 4
days. One pill TID x 3 days. One pill BID x 7
days. One pill QD x 7-14 days. Stop all pills for
7 days and then begin cycling on a low dose
3. The patient should be continued on low-dose
OCs for 3 to 4 months before allowing resump-
tion of normal cycles. Iron therapy should be
4. If the hematocrit is <7-8 mg/dL or if vital
signs are unstable, hospitalization is recom-
mended. Intravenous conjugated estrogens
(Premarin), 25 mg IV every 4-6 hours for 24
hours, will stop the bleeding quickly. Conjugated
estrogen therapy is followed immediately by
OCs and iron therapy. Blood transfusion is
warranted only if the patient is severely symp-
tomatic. Dilatation and curettage is used as a
last resort; however, it is rarely necessary.
5. Antiprostaglandin medications (NSAIDs)
decrease menstrual blood loss significantly by
promoting platelet aggregation and
vasoconstriction. They do not have the hor-
monal side effects of OCs, and they can be
used alone in mild cases of abnormal vaginal
IV. Dysmenorrhea
A. Fifty percent of adolescents experience
B. Primary dysmenorrhea consists of crampy lower
abdominal and pelvic pain during menses that is
not associated with pelvic pathology. It is the most
common form of dysmenorrhea, usually beginning
6 months to 1 year after menarche.
C. Secondary dysmenorrhea is defined as painful
menses associated with pelvic pathology
(bicornate uterus, endometriosis, PID, uterine
fibroids and polyps, cervical stenosis, ovarian
neoplasms). If dysmenorrhea is severe, obstructing
lesions of the genital tract should be excluded.
Endometriosis is the most common cause (50%) of
chronic pelvic pain in adolescents.
D. Evaluation of dysmenorrhea
1. Gynecologic history should determine the
relationship of the pain to the menstrual cycle,
severity, and sexual activity.
2. If the pain is mild, easily relieved by NSAIDs,
and the physical examination (including the
hymen) are normal, a speculum examination is
not necessary.
3. Severe pain requires a pelvic examination to
exclude genital tract obstruction, adnexal and/or
uterosacral pain (endometriosis), PID, or a
mass. Ultrasonography is useful for evaluating
pelvic abnormalities or obstruction.
E. Treatment of dysmenorrhea
1. Initial treatment consists of a prostaglandin
synthesis inhibitor, initiated with the onset of
bleeding and continued for as long as pain
lasts. Gastric irritation can be reduced by taking
the drug with food.
a. Mefenamic acid (Ponstel) 500 mg loading
dose, then 250 mg q6h.
b. Ibuprofen (Advil) 400-600 mg q4-6h.
c. Naproxen sodium (Aleve) 550 mg load,
then 275 mg q6h.
d. Naproxen (Naprosyn) 500 mg load, then
250 mg q6-8h.
2. Oral contraceptives are also very effective and
can be added if the antiprostaglandin is not fully
References, see page 182.
Nocturnal Enuresis
Nocturnal enuresis affects approximately 5 to 7 million
children in the United States. Parents may become
concerned about nocturnal enuresis when their child
reaches 5 to 6 years of age. There is a slight male pre-
dominance of 60% for nocturnal enuresis. Etiologic factors
include genetics, sleep arousal dysfunction, urodynamics,
nocturnal polyuria, psychological components, and
maturational delay.
I. Clinical evaluation
A. History
1. A detailed toilet training history and a family
history of enuresis should be sought. Other
pertinent details include the onset and pattern of
wetting, voiding behavior, sleep pattern,
parasomnias, medical conditions, daytime urinary
symptoms, bowel habits, and psychosocial fac-
2. Urgency or a history of small, frequent voids
suggests bladder instability or small bladder
capacity. Dysuria suggest a urinary tract infection.
Polyuria and polydipsia suggest diabetes
insipidus or mellitus. Encopresis suggests consti-
pation. Nighttime snoring suggests adenoidal
B. Physical examination
1. Most children who have nocturnal enuresis will
have normal findings on physical examination.
Height, weight, and blood pressure should be
2. A palpable bladder, palpable stool, ectopic ureter,
signs of sexual abuse, or abnormal gait should be
sought. Cremasteric, anal, abdominal, and deep
tendon reflexes that reflect spinal cord function all
should be tested.
3. The skin of the lower back should be inspected
for a sacral dimple, hair patches, or vascular
birthmarks, which indicate spinal dysraphism.
Mouth breathing may suggest sleep apnea with
associated enuresis due to adenoidal hypertro-
4. Direct observation of the urinary stream is impor-
tant if findings suggest an abnormality. Bladder
capacity can be measured in the office by having
the child drink 12 oz of fluid on arrival, then
voiding into a calibrated cup.
C. Laboratory/imaging studies. All children should
have urinalysis of a clean-catch midstream urine
specimen. The ability to concentrate urine to 1.015
or greater rules out diabetes insipidus and the
absence of glucose rules out diabetes mellitus. A
urine culture should be obtained if the child has
dysuria or an abnormal urinalysis.
II. Treatment
A. Nonpharmacologic therapy
1. Motivational therapy. The child should be taken
out of diapers or training pants and encouraged to
empty the bladder completely prior to going to
bed. The child should participate in morning
cleanup. Fluids should be restricted for 2 hours
prior to bedtime.
2. Behavioral therapy
a. Hypnotherapy involves having the child prac-
tice imagery of awakening to urinate in the
toilet or staying dry all night.
b. Dry-bed training involves waking the child
over several nights, and having the child walk
to the toilet when voiding is needed. The
eventual goal is to have the child self-awaken
to void.
c. Enuresis alarms have the highest overall cure
rate. Alarm systems can be used in combina-
t i o n wi t h b e h a v i o r a l t h e r a p y o r
pharmacotherapy. The cure rate may be as
high as 70% long-term.
B. Pharmacotherapy. Medication for nocturnal
enuresis seldom should be considered before 8
years of age.
1. Imipramine (Tofranil)
a. Imipramine increases bladder capacity and
also may decrease detrusor muscle contrac-
tions. The starting dose is 25 mg taken 1 hour
before bedtime for children ages 6 to 8 years
and 50 to 75 mg for older children and adoles-
cents. The dose may be increased in 25-mg
increments weekly up to 75 mg. Therapy may
continue from 3 to 9 months, with a slow taper-
ing over 3 to 4 weeks. Imipramine is inexpen-
sive. The success rate is 15 to 50%.
b. Mild side effects include irritability, dry mouth,
decreased appetite, headaches, and sleep
disturbances. Overdose can be lethal.
2. DDAVP (Stimate)
a. DDAVP is a synthetic analog of arginine
vasopressin (ADH). It decreases urine volume.
The bioavailability is only 1% for the tablet and
10% for the nasal spray. The initial dose of
DDAVP is 20 mcg PO or one 10-mcg puff in
each nostril within 2 hours of bedtime. The
dose may be increased in increments of 10
mcg every 1 or 2 weeks up to a maximum
dose of 40 mcg. Patients may remain on
medication for 3 to 6 months, then should
begin a slow decrease of the dose by 10
mcg/mo. If oral medication is preferred, the
starting dose is 0.2 mg (one tablet) 1 hour
before bedtime. If there is no response within
1 week, the dose can be titrated by 0.2 mg up
to a maximum of 0.6 mg nightly.
b. Side effects of DDAVP are rare and include
abdominal discomfort, nausea, headache, and
epistaxis. Symptomatic hyponatremia with
seizures is very rare. Contraindications include
habit polydipsia, hypertension, and heart
disease. About 22% become dry with DDAVP.
c. The high initial response rate of DDAVP is
attractive for episodic use for summer camp
and sleepovers.
C. Age-related treatments
1. Younger than age 8 years. Motivational and
behavioral methods that assist the child in waking
to void and that praise successful dryness are
2. Ages 8 through 11 years. The enuresis alarm
gives the best results in terms of response rate
and low relapse rate. Intermittent use of medica-
tion such as DDAVP can be useful for special
3. Ages 12 years and older. If use of an enuresis
alarm does not stop wetting episodes, continuous
use of medication is justified.
References, see page 182.
Poisoning is defined as exposure to an agent that can
cause organ dysfunction, leading to injury or death.
Children less than 6 years of age account for 60.8% of
Symptom Agents
or Sign
odors: Naphthalene, paradichlorobenzene
Moth- Isopropanol, acetone, nail polish remover
balls Arsenic, organophosphates
Fruity Cyanide
Garlic N-3-pyridylmethyl-N-4-nitrophenylurea
Bitter (VACOR rat poison)
Diagnostic Trials
V. Management
A. Poison centers can help with the diagnosis and
management of poisonings, and assist in locating
exotic antidotes.
B. Initial management of poisoning involves main-
taining an airway, providing ventilatory support,
securing vascular access, and initiating resuscita-
C. Decontamination
1. Skin, mucous membrane, or eye exposures
should be washed with a stream of lukewarm
water for 15 to 20 minutes. Soap is used to
decontaminate skin exposures.
2. Gastric lavage
a. Decontamination by lavage is preferred over
emesis in the emergency department be-
cause it is controllable. Contraindications
include nontoxic ingestions, ingestions in
which the substance is already past the stom-
ach or absorbed, and caustic or hydrocarbon
ingestions. It is most successful when per-
formed within 90 minutes of the ingestion. For
toxins associated with delayed gastric empty-
ing (eg, aspirin, iron, antidepressants,
antipsychotics) or for those that can form
concretions (eg, iron, salicylates), lavage may
be beneficial hours later.
b. A large-bore (24-32F) orogastric tube is
used, and 100- to 200-cc aliquots of warm,
normal saline are infused/withdrawn until no
more pill fragments are detectable in the
lavage fluid or until about 2 liters have been
c. Activated charcoal is effective for absorbing
most drugs, but it is ineffective for alcohols,
caustics, cyanide, heavy metals, lithium, and
some pesticides.
d. Overdoses of carbamazepine, tricyclic antide-
pressants, and procainamide are managed
with multiple doses of charcoal. Contraindica-
tions to charcoal include a poisoning where
esophageal endoscopy is contemplated, one
in which the toxin is not adsorbed by charcoal,
or a poisoning in which the patient has an
ileus, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, or re-
peated retching.
3. Enhanced elimination
a. Multiple doses of charcoal also can enhance
elimination by “gastrointestinal dialysis.”
Repetitive doses of charcoal are recom-
mended for phenobarbital, salicylate, and
theophylline poisoning.
b. A cathartic, such as magnesium citrate, is
recommended when charcoal is used be-
cause charcoal is constipating. Hemodialysis
or hemoperfusion can be life-saving for se-
vere intoxications.
VI. Specific toxins
A. Acetaminophen (APAP)
1. Single overdoses of greater than 150 mg/kg can
cause liver failure. Nausea and abdominal pain
are common. The patient may vomit repeatedly,
be mildly lethargic, or remain asymptomatic. At
24 to 36 hours after the ingestion, abdominal
tenderness and rising serum transaminase
levels signify onset of hepatitis that peaks in
severity by 96 hours.
2. The Rumack nomogram predicts the likelihood
of hepatitis. The peak concentration is measured
4 hours after the ingestion; levels greater than
200 mcg/mL at 4 hours are associated with liver
3. When acetaminophen has been taken in high
dose, or when acetaminophen levels are in the
range likely to cause hepatotoxicity,
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is given at a loading
dose of 140 mg/kg, followed by 17 doses of 70
mg/kg separated by 4-hour intervals.
4. Once NAC has been started because of one
toxic level, the full course should be given; there
is no need to get repeated APAP concentrations.
B. Alcohols
1. Alcohols include ethanol, ethylene glycol, metha-
nol, and isopropyl alcohol. Antifreeze contains
ethylene glycol, Sterno and windshield wiper
fluid contain methanol, jewelry cleaners and
rubbing alcohol contain isopropanol.
2. All of the alcohols cause inebriation, loss of
motor control and coma. Ethylene glycol may
cause acidosis, renal failure, and seizures.
Methanol may cause metabolic acidosis, sei-
zures, and blindness. Isopropyl alcohol can
produce gastritis, ketosis, and hypotension.
3. Concentrations of ethylene glycol or methanol
>20 mg/dL require the use of ethanol therapy to
block alcohol dehydrogenase conversion to the
toxic metabolites; hemodialysis is indicated for
concentrations >50 mg/dL. Isopropanol or etha-
nol intoxications usually require only close
monitoring with frequent measurements of
serum glucose. Respiratory depression, sei-
zures, and coma from ethanol poisoning and
levels >300-400 mg/dL require hemodialysis.
C. Caustics
1. Drain cleaners contain sodium hydroxide or
sulfuric acid; toilet cleaners may contain hydro-
chloric or sulfuric acids.
2. Laundry or dishwasher detergents may con-
tain sodium metasilicate or sodium triphosphate.
3. Signs of caustic ingestion include lip or tongue
swelling; burning pain; dysphagia; drooling; and
whitish or red plaques on the tongue, buccal or
palatal mucosa, or in the perioral area. Caustics
can cause severe burns to the esophagus or
stomach even in the absence of symptoms.
4. Inhalations are managed with humidified oxy-
gen. Skin exposures are washed carefully with
soap and water and then treated like any other
5. Strongly alkaline agents damage the upper
esophagus. Hydrochloric, sulfuric (muriatic),
and other acids damage the lower esophagus
and stomach.
6. Treatment of caustic ingestions. The child
should be given nothing by mouth, and endo-
scopic evaluation should be performed 12 to 24
hours after the ingestion. Emesis, lavage and
charcoal are contraindicated.
D. Foreign body ingestion
1. Aspirated objects will cause symptoms of
choking, gasping, coughing, cyanosis, wheezing,
fever, and poor air entry. While chest radiogra-
phy can confirm the diagnosis, a negative film
does not rule out aspiration. A foreign body
requires immediate removal by bronchoscopy.
2. Ingestion of disc batteries requires removal
when lodged in the esophagus; those in the
stomach or beyond should be followed with
repeated abdominal films every 2 to 3 days to
ensure passage. Disc batteries that have re-
mained in one position for more than 7 days may
require surgical removal. Coins or other foreign
bodies past the esophagus can be managed
with serial radiographs and parental vigilance for
their passage.
E. Hydrocarbons
1. Aliphatic hydrocarbons include kerosene,
mineral oil, gasoline, and petrolatum. Kerosene
and gasoline are capable of causing an aspira-
tion pneumonia and CNS depression. Petrola-
tum, mineral oil and motor oil do not carry signifi-
cant risk of injury. Aliphatic hydrocarbons in
small doses are not harmful if left in the stom-
ach. Emesis is contraindicated because of the
risk of aspiration; decontamination should be
attempted only if a very large dose was taken.
2. Aromatic hydrocarbons, such as xylene or
toluene, are toxic. Aromatic hydrocarbon inges-
tions necessitate lavage.
3. Aspiration pneumonia is suggested by gasp-
ing, choking, coughing, chest pain, dyspnea,
cyanosis, leukocytosis, and fever. A chest radio-
graph may not be diagnostic until hours after
F. Iron
1. Iron is present in many children’s multivitamins,
although the worst cases of iron poisoning
usually involve prenatal vitamins, which contain
60 mg of elemental iron per tablet. Iron is a
metabolic poison and is corrosive to gastric
mucosa, resulting in shock.
2. Ferrous sulfate is 20% elemental iron, ferrous
fumarate 33%, and ferrous gluconate 11%. Little
toxicity is seen at a dose of elemental iron less
than 20 mg/kg. Mild symptoms of poisoning are
seen at doses of 20-60 mg/kg; moderate-to-
severe symptoms at doses of 60 to 100 mg/kg;
life-threatening symptoms at doses greater than
100 mg/kg; and a lethal dose is 180 to 300
3. Early symptoms include nausea, vomiting,
fever, hemorrhagic diarrhea, tachycardia,
hypotension, hyperglycemia, and acidosis.
Intermediate symptoms (8 to 48 hours after
ingestion) may include obtundation, coma,
fulminant hepatitis, hypoglycemia, clotting abnor-
malities, pulmonary edema, and renal tubular
4. Laboratory findings include a metabolic acido-
sis with a high anion gap, an abdominal radio-
graph showing radiopaque pills in the stomach,
an elevated white blood cell count greater than
15,000/mm3, and an elevated blood glucose
>150 mg/dL. A serum iron concentration, ob-
tained 4 hours after the ingestion, of less than
300 mcg/dL is not toxic; 300 to 500 mcg/dL is
mildly toxic; 500 to 1000 mcg/dL is moderately to
severely toxic; greater than 1000 mcg/dL is life-
5. Treatment. Decontamination by lavage should
be initiated; charcoal is not effective. Volume
expansion with intravenous fluids, correction of
electrolyte/acid-base disturbances, and intrave-
nous deferoxamine are recommended.
G. Salicylates
1. Aspirin overdoses greater than 150 mg/kg are
toxic. Salicylates are locally corrosive, and
tablets can form bezoars near the gastric outlet.
Salicylates stimulate the central respiratory
center, so that the metabolic acidosis is compen-
sated by a respiratory alkalosis.
2. Early symptoms of toxicity include gastrointesti-
nal pain, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, confusion,
lethargy, and fever. Respirations often are rapid
and deep. Severe poisonings can be associated
with seizures, coma, and respiratory and cardio-
vascular failure.
3. Laboratory findings include hypocalcemia,
hypomagnesemia, h yp okalemia, and
hyperglycemia (early) or hypoglycemia (late).
4. Serum aspirin concentration obtained 2 and 6
hours after the ingestion higher than 30 mg/dL
are considered toxic, those greater than 70
mg/dL are associated with severe symptoms,
and those greater than 100 mg/dL are life-threat-
5. Management includes lavage, which may be
effective as long as 4 to 6 hours after the inges-
tion. Multiple-dose activated charcoal is effec-
tive. Correction of acidemia, hypokalemia, and
hypocalcemia are important. Hemodialysis is
indicated for serum concentrations greater than
100 mg/dL.
References, see page 182.
Developmental Pediatrics
B. Occipitofrontal circumference
1. Microcephaly is associated with an increased
incidence of mental retardation, but there is no
direct relationship between small head size and
decreased intelligence. Microcephaly associated
with genetic or acquired disorders usually has
cognitive implications.
2. Macrocephaly may be caused by hydrocepha-
lus, which is associated with learning disabilities.
Macrocephaly without hydrocephalus is associ-
ated with cognitive deficits caused by metabolic
or anatomic abnormalities. Fifty percent of cases
of macrocephaly are familial and have no effect
on intellect. When evaluating the infant with
macrocephaly, the finding of a large head size in
one or both parents is reassuring.
C. Height and weight
1. Although the majority of individuals who are of
below- or above-average size are otherwise
normal, there is an increased prevalence of
developmental disabilities in these two groups.
2. Many genetic syndromes are associated with
short stature; large stature syndromes are less
common. When considering deviation from the
norm, short stature in the family is reassuring.
D. Dysmorphism. Most isolated minor dysmorphic
features are inconsequential; however, the pres-
ence of three or more indicative of developmental
dysfunction. Seventy-five percent of minor superfi-
cial dysmorphisms can be found by examining the
face, skin, and hands.
II. Motor development milestones
A. Motor milestones are ascertained from the develop-
mental history and observation. Gross motor devel-
opment begins with holding head up, rolling and
progresses to sitting, and then standing, and ambu-
B. Fine motor development
1. In the first year of life, the pincer grasp develops.
During the second year of life, the infant learns to
use objects as tools during play.
2. Reaching becomes more accurate, and objects
are initially brought to the mouth for oral explora-
tion. As the pincer grasp and macular vision
improve, precise manual exploration replaces
oral exploration.
C. Red flags in motor development
1. Persistent listing to one side at 3 months of age
often is the earliest indication of neuromotor
2. Spontaneous frog-legs posturing suggests
hypotonia/weakness, and scissoring suggests
spastic hypertonus. Early rolling (1 to 2 months),
pulling directly to a stand at 4 months (instead of
to a sit), W-sitting, bunny hopping, and persistent
toe walking may indicate spasticity.
3. Hand dominance prior to 18 months of age
should prompt the clinician to examine the
contralateral upper extremity for weakness
associated with a hemiparesis.
III. Cognitive development milestones
A. Language is the single best indicator of intellectual
potential; problem-solving skills are the next best
measure. Gross motor skills correlate least with
cognitive potential; most infants with mental retarda-
tion walk on time.
B. Problem-solving skills
1. The 1-year-old child recognizes objects and
associates them with their functions. Thus, he
begins to use them functionally as “tools” instead
of mouthing, banging, and throwing them.
2. Midway through the second year, the child begins
to label objects and actions and categorize them,
allowing the child to match objects that are the
same and later to match an object to its picture.
3. Object permanence
a. Prior to the infant’s mastery of object perma-
nence, a person or object that is “out of sight”
is “out of mind,” and its disappearance does
not evoke a reaction.
b. The child will progress to finding an object that
has been hidden under a cloth.
c. The next skill in this sequence is the ability to
locate an object under double layers (eg, a
cube is placed under a cup and then the cup
is covered with a cloth).
4. Causality. Initially, the infant accidentally discov-
ers that his actions produce a certain effect. The
infant then learns that actions cause consistent
C. Language development
1. Receptive language skills reflect the ability to
understand language. Expressive language skills
reflect the ability to make thoughts, ideas, and
desires known to others.
2. Prespeech period (0 to 10 months). Receptive
language is characterized by an increasing ability
to localize sounds, such as a bell. Expressive
language consists of cooing. At 3 months, the
infant will begin vocalizing after hearing an adult
speak. At 6 months of age, the infant adds con-
sonants to the vowel sounds in a repetitive
fashion (babbling). When a random vocalization
(eg, “dada”) is interpreted by the parents as a
real word, the parent will show pleasure and joy.
In so doing, parents reinforce the repeated use of
these sounds.
3. Naming period (10 to 18 months). The infant’s
realizes that people have names and objects
have labels. The infant begins to use the words
“dada” and “mama” appropriately. Infants next
recognize and understand their own names and
the meaning of “no.” By 12 months of age, some
infants understand as many as 100 words. They
can follow a simple command as long as the
speaker uses a gesture. Early in the second year,
a gesture no longer is needed.
4. The infant will say at least one “real” word (ie,
other than mama, dada) before his first birthday.
At this time, the infant also will begin to verbalize
with sentence-like intonation and rhythm (imma-
ture jargoning). As expressive vocabulary in-
creases, real words are added (mature
jargoning). By 18 months, the infant will use
about 25 words.
5. Word combination period (18 to 24 months).
Children begin to combine words 6 to 8 months
after they say their first word. Early word combi-
nations are “telegraphic” (eg, “Go out”). A
stranger should be able to understand at least
50% of the infant’s speech.
D. Red flags in cognitive development
1. Language development provides an estimate of
verbal intelligence; problem-solving provides an
estimate of nonverbal intelligence. If deficiencies
are global (ie, skills are delayed in both do-
mains), there is a possibility of mental retarda-
2. When a discrepancy exists between problem-
solving and language abilities, with only language
being deficient, the possibility of a hearing impair-
ment or a communication disorder should be
excluded. If either language or problem-solving
skills is deficient, the child is at high risk for a
learning disability later.
3. All children who have delayed language develop-
ment should receive audiologic testing to rule out
hearing loss. Deaf infants will begin to babble on
time at 6 months, but these vocalizations will
gradually decline thereafter.
IV. Psychosocial development
A. Emotional development. Emotions are present in
infancy and motivate expression (pain elicits crying).
B. Social development
1. Social milestones begin with bonding, which
reflects the feeling of the caregiver for the child.
Attachment represents the feeling of the infant for
the caregiver, and it develops within a few
2. When recognition of and attachment to a care-
giver develops, the simple sight of this person will
elicit a smile. The infant becomes more discrimi-
nating in producing a smile as he begins to
differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar
faces. The infant learns to use smiling to manipu-
late the environment and satisfy personal needs.
3. Temperament represents the style of a child’s
emotional and behavioral response to situations.
C. Adaptive skill development. Adaptive skills consist
of the skills required for independence in feeding,
dressing, toileting, and other activities of daily living.
Development of adaptive skill is influenced by the
infant’s social environment, and by motor and cog-
nitive skill attainment.
D. Red flags in psychosocial development
1. Colic may be an early indication of a “difficult”
2. Delay in the appearance of a smile suggests
an attachment problem, which may be associ-
ated with maternal depression. In severe cases,
child neglect or abuse may be suspected.
3. Failure to develop social relationships sug-
gests autism when it is accompanied by delayed
or deviant language development and stereotypic
4. Delays in adaptive skills may indicate overpro-
tective parents or an excessive emphasis on
References, see page 182.
Toddler Development
Toddlerhood consists of the years from about 1 to 3 years
of age. Affective development is highlighted by the tod-
dler’s striving for autonomy and independence, attachment
to family, and the development of impulse control. Cogni-
tive development is characterized by the transition from
sensorimotor to preoperational thought.
18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
• Copying a circle
• Copying bridges with cubes
• Building a tower of 9 to 10 blocks
• Drawing a person’s head
18 Months
• Removing a garment
• Feeding self and spilling food
• Hugging a doll
• Pulling a toy
24 Months
36 Months
Intellectual Abilities
18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
VI. Language
A. Beginning around age 2 years, toddlers use lan-
guage to convey their thoughts and needs (eg,
hunger). The 18-month-old has a vocabulary of at
least 20 words, consisting primarily of the names of
caregivers, favorite foods, and activities.
B. After 18 months, the toddler begins to put together
phrases. Early two and three word sentences are
referred to as “telegraphic speech,” and about 50%
of what the child says should be intelligible to
C. By the age of 3 years, the vocabulary increases to
about 500 words, and 75% of speech is understand-
able to strangers. He begins to make complete
sentences, and frequently asks “why” questions.
Language Skills
18 Months
24 Months
36 Months
Preschooler Development
I. Family relationships
A. Separation. The average 3-year-old child can
separate easily from parents. Some children cope by
adopting a transitional object, usually a soft object,
which serves as a symbolic reminder of the parent.
B. Fears and fantasies. Early fantasy, may be indistin-
guishable from reality, resulting in a tendency for
fears. By the age of 4, children frequently have
frightening dreams that they can state are “not real.”
C. Temper tantrums are characteristic of 2-year-olds,
but they should be infrequent by age 5, although
there is another peak at 6 years in response to the
stresses of schooling.
D. Oppositionality. Preschool children comply with
adult requests about 50% of the time. Parents who
are authoritative and firm but also warm, encourag-
ing, and rational are more likely to have children who
are self-reliant and self-controlled. A system of
discipline should include positive reinforcement for
desired behaviors; consequences for undesired
behaviors; and interactions that promote the parent-
child relationship.
E. Sibling interactions
1. Factors associated with greater sibling rivalry,
include opposite gender, difficult temperament,
insecure pattern of attachment, family discord,
and corporal punishment. Preschool children
often “regress” when a new baby is born, exhibit-
ing increased naughtiness, thumb sucking, and
altered toileting.
2. Sibling classes, avoidance of forced interactions,
a strong relationship between the older child and
the father, good support for the mother, individual
time with each parent, and talking about the new
baby are helpful.
II. Peer relationships
A. Play
1. At the age of 2 years, most play is parallel. By the
age of 3, children should have mastered aggres-
sion and should be able to initiate play with a
peer, have joint goals in their play together, and
take turns. Fantasy or pretend play gains promi-
nence at about age 3.
2. Pretend friends are very common in children up to
the age of 4. Mastery of aggressive impulses
should improve after 2 1/2 years of age.
Peer Relationships
Development of Independence
Identi- Vertical, Shapes Longer line Directions
fies scribble Hori-
Imi- zontal,
tates cross Cross be- Square
Circle fore square before tri-
Copies before 6 parts angle
cross 10, includ-
2 parts ing head,
Perso body, arms,
n-body legs
III. Communication
A. The 2-year-old has a vocabulary of approximately
150 to 500 words. The child should be speaking in
two-word utterances (eg, “My Mommy” or “More
Milk”). They often mimic what others say (echolalia)
up to age 2.5 years. Criterion for referral at 2 years
of age is a less than a 50-word vocabulary or not
putting two words together.
B. The 3-year-old speaks in simple sentences of three
or four words. Sentence length increases by one or
two words annually throughout the preschool
period, with at least the same number of words that
the child is old. The typical 3-year-old can count
three items, and a 4-year-old can count four items.
A 4-year-old who cannot converse with familiar
people with sentences averaging three words
should be evaluated.
C. A 5-year-old should use complete sentences
containing five words. The 5-year-old can count ten
objects or more and should understand “before,”
“after,” and “until”; “if, then.” They can discuss
emotions and tell jokes. Preschool children who
have expressive language disorders tend to speak
less often and convey less information than their
D. Strangers should be able to understand 25% to
50% of what the 2-year-old child says. By 3 years
of age, strangers should be able to understand the
child 75% of the time. By the age of 4, strangers
can understand the child 100% of the time, al-
though errors in “r,” “s,” “l,” “sh,” and “th” sounds
are not uncommon until age 7.
E. Dysfluency (aberration of speech rate and rhythm)
occurs transiently between about 2.5 and 4 years
of age. Persistent and worsening stuttering beyond
the age of 4 should be evaluated.
Sentence 2 words 3 to 4 4 to 5
length words words
Number Names 1,
of body identifies
parts 7
Number 2 4 named
of colors named
Motor development
Walks 10 ft Tandem
Skips Skips
Pedals 10 ft,
I. Physical development
A. Growth during the period averages 3-3.5 kg (7 lb)
and 6 cm (2.5 in) per year. Growth occurs in irregu-
lar spurts lasting on average 8 wk, three to six times
per year. The head grows only 2-3 cm in circumfer-
B. Loss of deciduous (baby) teeth begins at about age
6 years of age.
C. Muscular strength, coordination, and stamina in-
crease progressively, as does the ability to perform
complex movements such as dancing, shooting
basketballs, or playing the piano.
D. The sexual organs remain physically immature, but
interest in gender differences and sexual behavior
remains of interest to many children. Masturbation is
II. Cognitive and language development
A. School-aged children increasingly apply rules,
consider multiple points of view, and interpret their
perceptions in view of realistic principles.
B. By third grade, children need to be able to sustain
attention through a 45-min period. The first 2 years
of elementary school are devoted to acquiring the
fundamentals of reading, writing, and basic mathe-
matics. By third or fourth grade, children use those
fundamentals to learn increasingly complex materi-
C. Factors that determine classroom performance
include eagerness to please adults, cooperative-
ness, competitiveness, willingness to work for a
delayed reward, self-confidence, and ability to risk
D. Beginning in third or fourth grade, children increas-
ingly enjoy strategy games and word play (puns and
insults) that exercise growing cognitive and linguistic
Perceptual, Cognitive, and Language Processes
Required for Elementary School Success
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Dis-
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) is a
condition that appears in early childhood with symptoms of
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The symptoms
affect cognitive, academic, behavioral, emotional, and
social functioning, and persist into adulthood in 70% of
cases. The prevalence of AD/HD between 8 and 10% in
school-aged children. AD/HD occurs two to four times
more commonly among boys than girls.
Lack of attention to details or careless mistakes in school-
work or other activities
Difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities
Impression of not listening when spoken to directly
Failure to follow through on instructions or finish school-
work or duties
Difficulty organizing tasks and activities
Avoidance or dislike of tasks that require sustained mental
effort (eg, school
work or homework)
Tendency to lose things necessary for tasks or activities
(eg, toys, school
assignments, pencils, books)
Distractions by extraneous stimuli
Forgetfulness in daily activities
Fidgeting with hands or feet or squirming in seat
Not remaining seated when expected
Running about or climbing excessively
Difficulty engaging in leisure activities quietly
Often “on the go” or “driven by a motor”
Excessive talking
Tendency to blurt out answers before questions have
been completed
Difficulty awaiting turn
Tendency to interrupt or intrude on others (eg, butting into
conversations or
Exclusionary Criteria
A. Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms that
caused impairment must have been present before age 7.
B. Some impairment from the symptoms must be present in
two or more settings (eg, at school and at home).
C. There must be clear evidence of clinically significant im-
pairment in social, academic or occupational functioning.
D. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course
of a pervasive developmental disorder, schizophrenia, or
other psychotic disorder, and are not better accounted for
by another mental disorder.
Dextroamph 5, 10, 15 mg 5 to 6 45 mg
etamine capsules hours
Failure to Thrive
Failure to thrive (FTT) is usually first considered when a
child is found to weigh less than the third percentile for
age and gender. Although FTT occurs in all socioeco-
nomic strata, it is more frequent in families living in
poverty. FTT describes a sign; it is not a diagnosis. The
underlying etiology must be determined. Ten percent of
children seen in the primary care setting show signs of
growth failure. Children with FTT attain lower verbal
intelligence, poorer language development, less devel-
oped reading skills, lower social maturity, and have a
higher incidence of behavioral disturbances.
I. Pathophysiology
A. Diagnostic criteria for failure to thrive
1. A child younger than 2 years of age whose weight
is below the 3rd or 5th percentile for age on more
than one occasion.
2. A child younger than 2 years of age whose weight
is less than 80% of the ideal weight for age.
3. A child younger than 2 years of age whose weight
crosses two major percentiles downward on a
standardized growth grid.
B. Exceptions to the previously noted criteria include
the following:
1. Children of genetically short stature.
2. Small-for-gestational age infants.
3. Preterm infants.
4. “Overweight” infants whose rate of height gain
increases while the rate of weight gain decreases.
5. Infants who are normally lean.
C. Many patients with FTT have either an organic or
nonorganic cause; however, a sizable number of
patients have both psychosocial and organic causes
for their condition. FTT is a syndrome of malnutrition
brought on by a combination of organic, behavioral,
and environmental factors.
II. Clinical evaluation of poor weight gain or weight
A. Feeding history should assess details of breast or
formula feeding, timing and introduction of solids,
who feeds the infant, position and placement of the
infant for feeding, and stooling or vomiting patterns.
B. Developmental history should cover gestational
and perinatal history, developmental milestones,
infant temperament, and the infant’s daily routine.
C. Psychosocial history should include family compo-
sition, employment status, financial status, stress,
isolation, child-rearing beliefs, maternal depression,
and the caretaker’s own history of possible child-
hood abuse or neglect.
D. Family history should include heights, weights,
illnesses, and constitutional short stature, inherited
diseases, or developmental delay.
Lack of Appetite
! Anemia (eg, iron deficiency)
! Psychosocial problems (eg, apathy)
! Central nervous system (CNS) pathology (eg, hydro-
cephalus, tumor)
! Chronic infection (eg, urinary tract infection, acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome)
! Gastrointestinal disorder (eg, pain from reflux
Unavailability of Food
! Inappropriate feeding technique
! Inadequate volume of food
! Inappropriate food for age
! Withholding of food (abuse, neglect, psychosocial)
! CNS pathology (increased intracranial pressure)
! Intestinal tract obstruction (eg, pyloric stenosis,
! Gastroesophageal reflux
! Drugs (eg, syrup of ipecac)
• Biliary atresia or cirrhosis
• Celiac disease
• Cystic fibrosis
• Enzymatic deficiencies
• Food (protein) sensitivity or intolerance
• Immunologic deficiency
• Inflammatory bowel disease
• Bacterial gastroenteritis
• Parasitic infection
Hirschsprung Disease
Refeeding diarrhea
Heart Murmurs
Ninety percent of children will have an audible heart
murmur at some point in time. Normal murmurs include
vibratory and pulmonary flow murmurs, venous hums,
carotid bruits, and the murmur of physiologic branch
pulmonary artery stenosis. Less than 5% of heart murmurs
in children are caused by cardiac pathology.
LLSB = lower left sternal border, ULSB = upper left sternal border, URSB =
upper right sternal border, MLSB = mid-left sternal border, S2 = second
heart sound, PMI = point of maximal impulse.
Normal Murmurs
I. History
A. The classic triad of symptoms associated with
asthma consists of cough, shortness of breath, and
wheezing. Postnasal drip syndrome can also lead to
symptoms that include cough, wheezing, dyspnea,
and/or expectoration of phlegm.
B. There is a parental history of asthma in 50 percent
of children with asthma.
Diagnosis of Asthma
PEF (% per-
sonal best)
or FEV2 (%
Asthma di- Days with Nights with predicted
agnosis symptoms* symptoms best)
Proventil metered-dose 2 puffs q4-6h
Proventil-HFA inhaler (90 PRN
Ventolin μg/puff)
Rotacaps dry-powder in- 1-2 capsules q4-
haler (200 6h PRN
Inhaled Corticosteroids
Beclovent metered-dose 4-8 puffs bid
Vanceril inhaler (42
Vanceril Double- μg/puff) (84 2-4 puffs bid
Strength μg/puff)
Leukotriene Modifiers
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor
Slo-Bid extended-release 100-300 mg bid
Gyrocaps, Theo- capsules or tab-
Dur, Unidur lets
I. Diagnosis
A. Exposure to aeroallergens, irritating chemicals,
foods and emotional stress may worsen the rash.
B. Acute lesions are papules and vesicles on a back-
ground of erythema. Subacute lesions may develop
scales and lichenification. Chronically involved areas
become thick and fibrotic. Lesions can develop
secondary infections with crusting and weeping.
Xerosis (dry skin) is characteristic.
Diagnostic Features of Atopic Dermatitis
Major features
Chronic or relapsing dermatitis
Personal or family history of atopic disease
Typical distribution and morphology of atopic dermatitis rash:
Facial and extensor surfaces in infants and young children
Flexure lichenification in older children and adults
Minor features
Eyes Nipple eczema
Cataracts (anterior Positive type I hypersensitiv-
subcapsular) ity skin tests
Keratoconus Propensity for cutaneous
Infraorbital folds affected infections
Facial pallor Elevated serum IgE level
Palmar hyperlinearity Food intolerance
Xerosis Impaired cell-mediated im-
Pityriasis alba munity
White dermatographism Erythroderma
Ichthyosis Early age of onset
Keratosis pilaris
Nonspecific dermatitis of the
hands and feet
Preparation Size
Low-Potency Agents
Mild-Potency Agents
Medium-Potency Agents
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is an extremely common in the pediatric
age group. There are two major forms of contact dermati-
tis: irritant and allergic. Common causes of irritant contact
dermatitis include overbathing, drooling, prolonged contact
with moisture and feces in the diaper, and bubble baths.
I. Clinical evaluation
A. Contact dermatitis usually first appears in infants 2-6
months of age. Infants and children have rashes on
the shoulders, chest, abdomen, and back. Infants
usually also have a rash on the face, scalp and
around the ears. Children older than 18 months old
tend to have rashes on the neck and antecubital and
popliteal fossae. Contact dermatitis usually resolves
by puberty, but it sometimes recurs at times of
B. Acute lesions are itchy, red, edematous papules and
small vesicles, which may progress to weeping and
crusting lesions. Chronic rubbing and scratching may
cause lichenification and hyperpigmentation.
C. Patch testing is useful for evaluation of persistent,
localized reactions. It also may be useful in patients
who have atopic dermatitis and experience a flare or
persistence of disease despite appropriate therapy.
II. Treatment of contact dermatitis
A. Moisture. Avoidance of excessive bathing, hand
washing, and lip licking is recommended. Showers or
baths should be limited to no more than 5 minutes.
After bathing, patients should apply a moisturizer
(Aquaphor, Eucerin, Vaseline) to noninflamed skin.
B. Contact with irritants
1. Overuse of soap should be discouraged. Use of
nonirritating soaps (eg, Dove, Ivory, Neutrogena)
should be limited to the axilla, groin, hands, and
2. Infants often have bright red exudative contact
dermatitis (slobber dermatitis) on the cheeks,
resulting from drooling. A corticosteroid will usu-
ally bring improvement.
C. Topical corticosteroids
1. Corticosteroid ointments maintain skin hydration
and maximize penetration. Corticosteroid creams
may sting when applied to acute lesions.
2. Mid- and low-potency topical corticosteroids are
used twice daily for chronic, atopic dermatitis.
High-potency steroids may be used for flare-ups,
but the potency should be tapered after the
dermatitis is controlled.
3. Use of high-potency agents on the face, genitalia
and skinfolds may cause epidermal atrophy
(“stretch marks”), rebound erythema, and suscep-
tibility to bruising.
Low-Potency Agents
Mild-Potency Agents
Medium-Potency Agents
High-Potency Agents
Diaper Dermatitis
Diaper rash occurs in 50% of infants, with 5% having
severe rash. The peak incidence is between 9 and 12
months of age.
Dermatophyte Infections
Dermatophytes constitute a group of about 40 fungal
species that cause superficial infections called
dermatophytoses, ringworm, or tinea.
I. Tinea capitis
A. Tinea capitis presents as inflammation with hair
breakage and loss. Inflammatory changes can
range from minimal scaling and redness that resem-
bles mild seborrhea to tenderness, redness, edema,
purulence, and hair loss (kerion).
B. A hypersensitivity reaction to fungal antigen can
develop, called a dermatophytid or “id” reaction. Id
reactions can present with either a dermatitis that
includes redness, superficial edema involving the
epidermis, and scaling or with a “pityriasis rosea-
like” reaction that involves red, scaly papules and
ovoid plaques on the face, neck, trunk, and proximal
C. Topical antifungals are not effective for hair infec-
tion. Griseofulvin is preferred for initial treatment at
a starting dose of about 20 mg/kg per day.
D. Selenium sulfide shampoo (Selsun Blue) is used in
conjunction with oral antifungals to reduce conta-
gion. Tinea capitis is contagious until after 2 weeks
of systemic treatment. Dermatophytid reactions can
be treated with topical corticosteroids.
II. Tinea corporis (ring worm) and tinea cruris
A. Dermatophyte infection of the body surface is
termed tinea corporis. Tinea cruris describes infec-
tion of the upper thigh and inguinal area. Examina-
tion reveals red, scaly papules and small plaques.
These progressively enlarge to form expanding
rings, arcs, or annular patterns.
B. Clearing in previously affected areas produces the
typical “ringworm” appearance. Topical therapy is
the initial treatment approach.
III. Tinea pedis and tinea manuum
A. Tinea pedis infection is often interdigital and is
induced by the warmth and moisture of wearing
shoes. The web spaces become red and scaly.
Fungal infection frequently spreads to involve the
soles of the feet or the palms, with dry scale and
minimal redness. Scaling extends to the side of the
foot or hand. Vesicle and blister formation and
itching are common.
B. Dermatophyte infection often leads to secondary
bacterial infection. A dermatophytid reaction may
occur, as described for tinea capitis.
C. Dermatophyte hand infection presents as dry scale
on the palm. Infection of just one hand in conjunc-
tion with infection of both feet is the most common
D. Topical therapy and keeping the involved areas as
dry as possible is recommended for hand or foot
tinea. Oral therapy may be necessary for recalcitrant
IV. Onychomycosis (tinea unguium)
A. Dermatophyte infection of the nail plate is referred to
as onychomycosis, characterized by dystrophy of
the nail, discoloration, ridging, thickening, fragility,
breakage, accumulation of debris beneath the distal
aspect of the nail and little or no inflammation.
B. Oral treatment is required to clear infection, but
recurrence is very common.
V. Diagnosis
A. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) examination of
scale, hair, or nail is the most rapid diagnostic
method. A sample of scale, hair, or nail from a
possibly infected area is placed on a glass slide,
covered with a few drops of 30% KOH, and gently
heated. The specimen is examined for spores
and/or fungal hyphae.
B. Fungal culture of scale and affected hair or nail can
be accomplished by incubation at room temperature
for 2 to 3 weeks.
VI. Treatment
A. Oral griseofulvin is effective and safe for treatment
of tinea capitis in children. However, its erratic oral
absorption necessitates doses of about 20 mg/kg
per day of the liquid preparation, always adminis-
tered with a fatty meal or beverage (such as milk).
Ultramicrosize griseofulvin can be administered at
the lower dose of 8 to 10 mg/kg per day.
B. Treatment should be continued for 8 to 12 weeks.
Liver function testing is not required when
griseofulvin is used for 6 months or less. Adverse
effects associated with griseofulvin include head-
aches and gastrointestinal upset.
Clotrimazol X X X Twice
e 1 percent daily
Miconazole X X X X Twice
2 percent daily
Econazole X X Once
1 percent daily
Ketoconaz X X X Once
ole 2 per- daily
Oxiconazol X X X Once
e 1 percent daily or
(Oxistat) twice
Naftifine 1 X X Once
percent daily or
(Naftin) twice
Topical Treatments for Tinea Pedis, Tinea Cruris
and Tinea Corporis
Terbinafine X X X Once
1 percent daily or
(Lamisil) twice
Butenafine X Once
1 percent daily or
(Mentax) twice
I. Pathophysiology
A. Urticaria (or hives) is an intensely itchy rash that
consists of raised, irregularly shaped wheals. The
wheals have a blanched center, surrounded by a red
flare. Antigens, chemicals and physical agents
(detergents or ultraviolet light) can cause urticaria.
B. Angioedema is an area of circumscribed swelling of
any part of the body. It may be caused by the same
mechanisms that cause hives except that the immu-
nologic events occur deeper in the cutis or in the
submucosal tissue of the respiratory or gastrointesti-
nal tract.
C. Anaphylaxis is the acute reaction that occurs when
an antigen is introduced systemically into an individ-
ual who has preexisting IgE antibodies.
1. The patient has difficulty breathing from constric-
tion of the major airways and shock due to
hypotension caused by histamine release.
2. Anaphylactoid reactions are not immunologically
mediated. Mannitol, radiocontrast material, and
drugs (opiates, vancomycin) may degranulate
mast cells and cause a reaction that resembles
II. Anaphylaxis
A. Causes of anaphylaxis include penicillins, insect
venoms, airborne allergens, foods (peanuts, eggs,
milk, seafoods, and food dyes and flavors), antitox-
ins to tetanus, and products of animal origin.
B. Symptoms of anaphylaxis include pruritus, injec-
tion of the mucous membranes, bronchospasm, and
C. Prevention of anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is best
prevented by avoidance of the cause. However,
anaphylaxis frequently is unanticipated. Individuals
with a history of anaphylaxis should be provided with
injectable epinephrine. Short-term desensitization
may be needed in a patient requiring antibiotic
D. Treatment of acute anaphylaxis
1. Epinephrine in a 1:1000 dilution (1.0 mg/mL)
should be injected at 10-20 min intervals at 0.01
mL/kg SQ per dose, with a maximum dose of 0.3
mL per dose SQ.
2. Oxygen should be administered (100%, 4 L/min)
and the airway should be secured.
3. Albuterol, 0.1-0.2 mL/kg in a 5 mg/mL solution,
should be given via nebulizer every 4-6 hours.
4. Administration of diphenhydramine or
chlorpheniramine and corticosteroids should be
considered when a complete response to epi-
nephrine does not occur.
III. Urticaria
A. Hives most commonly results from ingestion of
foods, food additives, or drugs. These usually cause
hive formation for only a few hours to two days.
B. Cold urticaria may be induced by exposure to cold,
which may result in hypotension after immersion in
cold water.
C. Cholinergic urticaria is characterized by the ap-
pearance of small punctate wheals, surrounded by
a prominent erythematous flare. These small papular
urtications are pruritic and appear predominantly on
the neck and upper thorax. The lesions often de-
velop after exercise, sweating, exposure to heat, or
D. Solar urticaria may be caused by various wave-
lengths of light (280-500 nm). It is uncommon, and
it is treated with sun screens.
E. Chronic urticaria is caused by ingestion of food
substances that contain natural salicylates. Sensitiv-
ity to the food additive tartrazine yellow No. 5 fre-
quently is found in patients with salicylate sensitivity.
F. Exercise urticaria is characterized by hives and
bronchospasm after exercise.
G. Genetic deficiencies of complement factor H or
factor I may cause urticaria. Patients who have these
defects frequently develop severe hives, particularly
after exposure to cold or hot water or alcohol inges-
H. Treatment of urticaria. Urticaria generally is a self-
limiting disorder and usually requires only antihista-
mines. Hydroxyzine 0.5 mg/kg is the most effective
treatment. Diphenhydramine 1.25 mg/kg every 6 hrs
is also effective.
IV. Angioedema
A. Angioedema is similar to hives, but the reaction
occurs deeper in the dermis. It causes diffuse
circumscribed swelling. Angioedema is often ac-
quired, or it may be observed in an inherited disease
known as hereditary angioneurotic edema (HANE).
B. Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema (HANE)
1. HANE is characterized by episodes of localized
subcutaneous edema of any part of the body.
Attacks of severe abdominal cramps and vomiting
may be caused by edema of the bowel wall.
Severe attacks of colic may occur during infancy.
2. Laryngeal edema may sometimes progress to
total upper airway obstruction, pulmonary edema,
and death. Attacks of palatal and laryngeal
edema may follow dental trauma or occur during
upper respiratory infections.
3. HANE is inherited as an autosomal dominant
disease. However, about 10% of cases are
caused by new spontaneous mutations, which are
passed to offspring.
4. Prophylaxis against attacks of angioedema can
be achieved with impeded androgens (ie, andro-
gens that are only minimally virilizing). Stanozolol,
at a dose of 2 mg/day; or danazol, 50-300
mg/day, can prevent attacks of angioedema.
C. Acute angioedema does not generally respond to
epinephrine, antihistamines, or steroids. Treatment
consists of supportive therapy with IV fluids, analge-
sics, and airway management. Fresh frozen plasma
is generally effective.
References, see page 182.
Infectious Diseases
Fever Without a Source in Children
3 to 36 Months of Age
Most children have a febrile illness before their third
birthday. The majority of children have either a self-limited
viral infection or a source of bacterial infection. When the
history and physical examination cannot identify a specific
source of fever in an acutely ill, nontoxic-appearing child
less than three years of age, the illness is called fever
without a source.
Bacterial Meningitis
Therapy should be initiated immediately after the results
of lumbar puncture (LP) are received or immediately after
LP alone if the clinical suspicion is very high. Should this
procedure be delayed by the need for cranial imaging,
blood cultures should be obtained and antibiotics should
be administered empirically before the imaging study,
followed as soon as possible by the LP.
I. Pretreatment evaluation
A. History. Bacterial meningitis often presents with
fever, vomiting, and nuchal rigidity. Symptoms
consistent with a viral infection of the upper respira-
tory tract commonly precede the development of
B. Older children may complain of headache,
photophobia, or neck or back pain. Younger children
are commonly irritable or lethargic. 20 to 30 percent
of children have a seizure prior to diagnosis.
C. Children have a stiff neck, and Kernig and
Brudzinski signs may be present. A bulging or tense
fontanelle in an infant or a sixth cranial nerve palsy
suggests increased intracranial pressure (ICP).
Advanced illness is characterized by lethargy,
dehydration, or signs of septic shock.
D. Seizure activity should be assessed, and the follow-
ing historical information should be obtained before
antibiotic treatment of presumed bacterial meningitis
is instituted:
1. Serious drug allergies.
2. Vaccines received.
3. Recent travel.
4. Recent exposure to someone with meningitis.
5. Recent infections (especially respiratory and otic
6. Recent head trauma or craniotomy.
7. Recent use of antibiotics.
8. The presence of a progressive petechial or
ecchymotic rash.
E. Blood tests. Initial blood tests should include a
complete blood count with differential and platelet
count, and two sets of blood cultures. Serum electro-
lytes, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine
concentrations are helpful in planning fluid adminis-
F. CSF examination should be obtained for cell count
and differential, glucose and protein concentration,
Gram stain, and culture. Cytocentrifugation of CSF
enhances the likelihood of detection of bacteria on
Gram-stained specimens. The CSF Gram stain is
positive in 90 percent with pneumococcal meningitis
and in 80 percent with meningococcal meningitis.
G. Characteristic findings include an increased white
blood cell (WBC) count, usually composed primarily
of neutrophils; an elevated protein concentration;
and a low glucose concentration, which may be less
than 10 mg/dL. Bacterial antigen tests should be
reserved for cases in which the initial CSF Gram
stain is negative and culture is negative at 48 hours.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of CSF and blood
is most helpful for documenting meningococcal
disease in the patient with negative cultures.
H. Children with focal neurologic findings or coma
should receive a computer tomographic scan before
Group B X
Escherichia X
Listeria X
Streptococcus X X X
Neisseria X X X
Fungus X
Cryptococcus X
Tuberculosis X
Virus X X X X
I. Epidemiology
A. The highest incidence of acute otitis media occurs
between six and 24 months of age. The incidence
then declines with age except for a limited reversal
of the downward trend between five and six years of
age, the time of school entry. Acute otitis media is
infrequent in school age children, adolescent, and
B. Risk factors
1. Age. The peak age-specific attack rate occurs
between six and 18 months of age. Children who
have had little or no experience with otitis media
by the age of three years are unlikely to have
subsequent severe or recurrent disease.
2. Sex. Males have a higher incidence of acute otitis
media than females.
II. Microbiology
A. Bacteria. Most of the bacterial isolates from middle
ear fluid are streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis.
The conjugate Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
vaccine has had little impact on Haemophilus acute
otitis media because more than 90 percent of cases
of Haemophilus acute otitis media are due to
nontypable strains.
B. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most important
bacterial cause of otitis media, associated with 25 to
40% of cases.
C. Haemophilus influenzae. Nontypable strains of H.
influenzae are second in importance in causing
acute otitis media, responsible for 10 to 30% of
cases. One-third to one-half of strains of H.
influenzae recovered from middle ear fluids produce
D. Moraxella catarrhalis has increased in frequency in
middle ear aspirates of children with acute otitis
media, responsible for 10%. More than 90% of
strains produced beta-lactamase.
E. Other bacteria. Group A streptococcus is only an
occasional pathogen. Small numbers are identified
for Staphylococcus aureus and anaerobic bacteria.
Gram-negative bacilli are responsible for 20% of
cases of acute otitis media in the first months of life,
but these organisms are rarely present in the
middle-ear effusions of older infants and children
with acute otitis media. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is
associated with chronic suppurative otitis media.
F. Viruses. Viral infection is frequently associated with
acute otitis media. Sixteen percent of middle-ear
fluids of children with acute otitis media are associ-
ated with viruses, most frequently are respiratory
syncytial virus, rhinoviruses, influenza viruses and
III. Clinical manifestations. Symptoms of acute otitis
media include otalgia or ear pain, hearing loss, and
vertigo. Otalgia is more common in adolescents and
adults than in young children.
A. Otorrhea or ear discharge or swelling about the ear
(which may indicate disease of the mastoid) are
specific physical findings, if present. Nonspecific
symptoms and signs include fever, irritability, head-
ache, apathy, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea.
IV. Diagnosis. The diagnosis of acute otitis media re-
quires evidence of an acute history, signs and symp-
toms of middle ear inflammation, and the presence of
middle ear effusion.
A. The hallmark of establishing the diagnosis is the
demonstration of fluid by pneumatic otoscopy; the
finding of a red tympanic membrane alone is not
sufficient to make a diagnosis.
B. Otoscopic examination identifies a tympanic
membrane that is often erythematous due to
inflammation, bulges because of the expansion of
fluid in the middle ear and is immobile because the
middle ear is fluid rather than air filled. Cloudiness
is also common.
C. Aspiration of the middle ear fluid is warranted if the
patient with acute otitis media is toxic, has immune
deficits, or has failed prior courses of antibiotics.
V. Treatment and Prevention of Acute Otitis Media
A. Symptomatic therapy
1. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen may improve
pain. The topical agent, Auralgan (combination
of antipyrine, benzocaine, and glycerin) im-
proves ear pain scores at 30 minutes after
2. First-line antimicrobial therapy. Amoxicillin is
the drug of choice for otitis media because it is
effective, safe, is relatively inexpensive, and
has a narrow microbiologic spectrum. Doubling
the dose to 80 to 90 mg/kg per day divided into
two doses increases the concentration of
amoxicillin in the middle ear. The increased
concentrations provide activity against most
intermediate strains of S. pneumoniae and
many of the resistant strains. Only S.
pneumoniae that are highly resistant to penicil-
lin will not respond to this regimen.
3. Penicillin-allergic patients. In patients who
report penicillin allergy but who did not experi-
ence a Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction (urti-
caria or anaphylaxis), cefdinir (14 mg/kg per
day in 1 or 2 doses), cefpodoxime (10 mg/kg
per day, once daily), or cefuroxime (30 mg/kg
per day in 2 divided doses) can be used.
4. A macrolide (erythromycin plus sulfisoxazole,
azithromycin, or clarithromycin) is preferred for
children who have had a Type 1 reaction to
amoxicillin or other beta-lactam antimicrobial
agents. Erythromycin plus sulfisoxazole
([Pediazole] 50 to 150 mg/kg per day divided
into 4 doses) may be the most effective, but is
has an unpleasant taste. Five days of
azithromycin (Zithromax) 10 mg/kg per day as
a single dose on day 1 and 5 mg/kg per day for
days 2 through 5) or clarithromycin ([Biaxin] 15
mg/kg per day divided into 2 doses) can be
used. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim)
may still be useful in regions where
pneumococcal resistance to this combination is
not a concern.
5. Duration of therapy
a. A 10-day course of an oral antimicrobial is
recommended for the treatment of acute
otitis media. However, a shorter course may
be adequate, and a single dose of
azithromycin has been approved.
b. Ten-day therapy is more effective in patients
under age 6. A five- to seven-day course of
antibiotics is appropriate for children ages 6
and older who have mild to moderate dis-
6. Treatment failures. With antimicrobial therapy,
the signs of systemic and local illness usually
resolve in 24 to 72 hours. Lack of improvement
by 48 to 72 hours suggests either another
disease is present or the initial therapy was not
a. High-dose amoxicillin-clavulanate (90 mg/kg
per day amoxicillin, with 6.4 mg/kg per day of
clavulanate in two divided doses) is recom-
mended. Alternatives include the drugs cited
above for penicillin allergic patients, includ-
ing cefdinir, cefpodoxime, and cefuroxime.
b. Ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg IM) is effective for the
treatment of acute otitis media in children
who fail amoxicillin. Three consecutive doses
is superior to a single dose. Children should
be given the first dose and then observed
carefully for 48 hours, a second or even third
dose should be given if clinical symptoms
and signs do not respond to the first injec-
tion. Patients who fail amoxicillin-clavulanate
should be treated with a three day course of
parenteral ceftriaxone.
Second-Line Antibiotic Therapy for Acute Otitis
Ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg IM
A lower respiratory tract infection (LRI) develops in one in
three children in the first year of life. Twenty-nine percent
of these children develop pneumonia, 15% develop croup,
34% tracheobronchitis, and 29% bronchiolitis.
Age Abnormal
Bronchiolitis is an acute wheezing-associated illness,
which occurs in early life, preceded by signs and symp-
toms of an upper respiratory infection. Infants may have a
single episode or may have multiple occurrences in the
first year of life.
I. Epidemiology
A. Bronchiolitis occurs most frequently from early
November and continues through April.
B. Bronchiolitis is most serious in infants who are less
than one year old, especially those 1-3 months old.
Infants at risk include those who are raised in
crowded living conditions, who are passively ex-
posed to tobacco smoke, and who are not breast-
II. Pathophysiology
A. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading
cause of bronchiolitis in infants and young children,
accounting for 50% of cases of bronchiolitis requir-
ing hospitalization.
B. Infants born prematurely, or with chronic lung dis-
ease (CLD), immunodeficiency or congenital heart
disease are at especially high risk for severe RSV
C. RSV is transmitted by contact with nasal secretions.
Shedding of virus occurs 1 to 2 days before symp-
toms occur, and for 1 to 2 weeks afterwards. Symp-
toms usually last an average of 5 days.
D. Parainfluenza viruses are the second-most-frequent
cause of bronchiolitis. They cause illness during
autumn and spring, before and after outbreaks of
RSV. Influenza A virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus and
Mycoplasma pneumonia can all cause bronchiolitis.
Rhinovirus and mycoplasma pneumonia cause
wheezing-associated respiratory illness in older
children, while parainfluenza virus and RSV can
cause wheezing at any age.
III. Clinical evaluation of bronchiolitis
A. Symptoms of RSV may range from those of a mild
cold to severe bronchiolitis or pneumonia. RSV
infection frequently begins with nasal discharge,
pharyngitis, and cough. Hoarseness or laryngitis is
not common. Fever occurs in most young children,
with temperatures ranging from 38E°C to 40E°C
(100.4E°F to 104E°F).
B. Hyperresonance of the chest wall may be present,
and wheezing can be heard in most infants without
auscultation. The wheezing sound is harsh and low
in pitch, although severely affected infants may not
have detectable wheezing. Fine “crackles” are
usually heard on inspiration. Substernal and inter-
costal retractions are often noted.
C. Cyanosis of the oral mucosa and nail beds may
occur in severely ill infants. Restlessness and
hyperinflation of the chest wall are signs of impend-
ing respiratory failure.
IV. Diagnosis
A. Infants with bronchiolitis present symptoms of an
upper respiratory illness for several days and wheez-
ing during the peak RSV season.
B. Chest radiography typically shows hyperexpansion
and diffuse interstitial pneumonitis. Consolidation is
noted in about 25% of children, most commonly in
the right upper or middle lobe.
C. Oxygen saturation values of <95% suggest the
need for hospitalization.
D. Arterial blood gases should be obtained to assess
the severity of respiratory compromise. Carbon
dioxide levels are commonly in the 30-35 mm Hg
range. Respiratory failure is suggested by CO2
values of 45-55 mm Hg. Oxygen tension below 66
mm Hg indicates severe disease.
E. White blood cell count may be normal or elevated
slightly, and the differential count may show
F. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) of
nasal washings for RSV are highly sensitive and
V. Management
A. Outpatient management of bronchiolitis is appropri-
ate for infants with mild disease.
B. Criteria for hospitalization
1. History of prematurity (especially less than 34
2. Congenital heart disease.
3. Other underlying lung disease
4. Low initial oxygen saturation suggestive of respi-
ratory failure (O2 saturation <95%, with a toxic,
distressed appearance).
5. Age <3 months.
6. Dehydrated infant who is not feeding well.
7. Unreliable parents.
C. Before hospitalization, infants should receive an
aerosolized beta-adrenergic agent. A few infants will
respond to this therapy and avoid hospitalization. If
the response is good, the infant can be sent home,
and oral albuterol continued.
D. Hospitalized infants should receive hydration and
ambient oxygen to maintain an oxygen saturation
>92-93% by pulse oximetry.
E. Treatment of bronchiolitis in the hospital
1. Racemic epinephrine by inhalation may be
administered as a therapeutic trial. It should be
continued if an improvement in the respiratory
status is noted. Racemic epinephrine is adminis-
tered as 0.5 mL of a 2.25% solution, diluted with
3.5 mL of saline (1:8) by nebulization. It is given
every 20-30 minutes for severe croup, and it is
given every 4-6 hours for moderate croup.
2. Ribavirin, an antiviral agent, produces modest
improvement in clinical illness and oxygenation.
Ribavirin is helpful in severely ill or high-risk
patients. The dosage is 2 gm (diluted to 60
mg/mL) aerosolized over 2 hours tid for 3-5 days
using an oxygen hood. Treatment with ribavirin
combined with RSV immune globulin adminis-
tered either parenterally or by aerosol is more
effective than therapy with either agent alone.
Corticosteroid use in the treatment of bronchiolitis
is not recommended.
I. Clinical presentation
A. Pharyngitis caused by group A beta-hemolytic
streptococci has an incubation period of two to five
days and is most common in children five to 12 years
of age. The illness is diagnosed most often in the
winter and spring.
B. Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis
usually is an acute illness with sore throat and a
temperature higher than 38.5EC (101.3EF). Constitu-
tional symptoms include fever and chills, myalgias,
headaches and nausea. Physical findings may
include petechiae of the palate, pharyngeal and
tonsillar erythema and exudates, and anterior cervi-
cal adenopathy.
C. Patients with cough or coryza, are less likely to have
streptococcal pharyngitis. A sandpaperlike rash on
the trunk, which is sometimes linear on the groin and
axilla (Pastia’s lines), is consistent with scarlet fever.
Conjunctivitis Diarrhea
Cough Nasal discharge (except in
Laryngitis (stridor, croup) young children)
Muscle aches/malaise
Nonsuppurative complications
Rheumatic fever
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Suppurative complications
Dosing fre-
Antibiotic Dose/dosage quency Duration
Acute Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is defined as inflammation of the conjunc-
tiva; it is usually caused by infection or allergy. It is often
referred to as “pink eye.”
I. Etiology
A. Neonatal conjunctivitis occurs in 1.6-12% of new-
borns. The most common cause is chemical irritation
from antimicrobial prophylaxis against bacterial
infection, followed by Chlamydia trachomatis infec-
tion. Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus
pneumoniae may also cause infection in newborns.
B. Rarely, gram-negative organisms, such as Esche-
richia coli, Klebsiella, or Pseudomonas sp can cause
neonatal conjunctivitis. Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an
unusual cause of neonatal conjunctivitis because of
the use of ocular prophylaxis.
C. Herpes simplex can cause neonatal
keratoconjunctivitis; however, it is almost always
associated with infection of the skin and mucous
membranes, or with disseminated disease.
D. In older infants and children, H influenzae is by far
the most common identifiable cause of conjunctivitis,
causing 40-50% of episodes. S pneumoniae ac-
counts for 10% of cases, and Moraxella catarrhalis
is the third most common cause.
E. Adenovirus is the most important viral cause of
acute conjunctivitis. This organism often causes
epidemics of acute conjunctivitis. It causes 20% of
childhood conjunctivitis (most occurring in the fall
and winter months).
II. Clinical presentation
A. In the first day of life, conjunctivitis is usually
caused by chemical conjunctivitis secondary to
ocular prophylaxis.
B. Three to 5 days after birth, gonococcal conjunctivi-
tis is the most common cause of conjunctivitis.
C. After the first week of life and throughout the
first month, chlamydia is the most frequent cause of
conjunctivitis. Severe cases are associated with a
thick mucopurulent discharge and pseudomembrane
D. Gonococcal conjunctivitis can present as typical
bacterial conjunctivitis, or as a hyperacute conjuncti-
vitis with profuse purulent discharge. There often is
severe edema of both lids.
E. In the older infant and child, both viral and bacterial
conjunctivitis may present with an acutely inflamed
eye. Typically, there is conjunctival erythema, with
occasional lid edema. Exudate often accumulates
during the night.
F. Many patients who have both adenoviral conjunctivi-
tis and pharyngitis also are febrile. The triad of
pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, and fever has been
termed pharyngoconjunctival fever.
III. Diagnosis
A. Neonates
1. In cases of neonatal conjunctivitis, a Gram stain
and culture should be obtained to exclude N
gonorrhoeae conjunctivitis.
2. Chlamydia trachomatis antigen detection assays
have a sensitivity and specificity of 90%.
B. Infants and older children. Outside the neonatal
period, a Gram stain is usually not needed unless
the conjunctivitis lasts longer than 7 days. The
presence of vesicles or superficial corneal ulcer-
ations suggests herpetic keratoconjunctivitis.
IV. Differential diagnosis of conjunctivitis
A. Systemic diseases. Most cases of red eye in
children are caused by acute conjunctivitis, allergy,
or trauma; however, Kawasaki disease, Lyme
disease, leptospirosis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,
and Stevens-Johnson syndrome may cause con-
junctivitis. Glaucoma is a significant cause of a red
eye in adults; however, it is rare in children.
B. Allergic conjunctivitis
1. Allergic eye disease is characterized by pro-
nounced ocular itching, redness, tearing, and
photophobia. This recurrent disease has seasonal
exacerbations in the spring, summer, and fall.
Children who have allergic conjunctivitis often
have other atopic diseases (rhinitis, eczema,
asthma) and a positive family history.
2. Treatment
a. Topical decongestants: Naphazoline 0.1%
(Naphcon), phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine),
and oxymetazoline (OcuClear, Visine LR) may
be used qid, alone or in combination with
ophthalmic antihistamines, such as antazoline
(Vasocon-A) or pheniramine maleate (Naph-
b. Topical lodoxamide (Alomide) 0.1% ophthalmic
solution, 1-2 drops qid, is helpful in more
severe cases.
c. Topical corticosteroids are helpful, but
long-term use is not recommended; dexameth-
asone (Decadron) 1-2 drops tid-qid.
V. Treatment of acute infectious conjunctivitis
A. Gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum is treated with
ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg/day IV/IM q24h) or cefotaxime
(100 mg/kg/day IV/IM q12h) for 7 days.
B. Neonatal conjunctivitis caused by C trachomatis is
treated with erythromycin, 50 mg/kg/day PO divided
in 4 doses for 14 days.
C. Bacterial conjunctivitis among older infants and
children is treated with polymyxin-bacitracin
(Polysporin) ointment, applied to affected eye tid.
References, see page 182.
I. Pathophysiology
A. Dog bites account for 80-90% of animal bites.
Infection develops in15-20% of dog bite wounds.
B. Cat bites account for 15% of animal bites. Cat bites
usually present as puncture wounds, of which 30-
40% become infected.
II. Clinical evaluation of bite wounds
A. The circumstances of the injury should be docu-
mented, and the animal’s immunization status
should be determined. Determine whether the
animal was provoked and to record the time of the
B. The patient’s tetanus immunization status, current
medications and allergies, history of chronic illness,
or immunocompromising conditions should be
assessed.The wound is measured and classified as
a laceration, puncture, crush injury or avulsion.
Wounds are evaluated for injuries to tendons, joint
spaces, blood vessels, nerves, or bone. A
neurovascular examination and an assessment of
wound depth should be completed.
C. Photographs of the wound should be obtained if
disfigurement has occurred or if litigation is antici-
III. Laboratory and radiologic evaluation
A. Radiographs should be taken if there is consider-
able edema and tenderness around the wound or if
bony penetration or foreign bodies are suspected.
B. Wounds seen within 8 to 24 hours after injury,
that have no signs of infection, do not require cul-
ture. If infection is present, aerobic and anaerobic
cultures should be obtained.
IV. Microbiology
A. Bite wounds usually have a polymicrobial contami-
B. Pasteurella Multocida is a gram-negative aerobe
present in the oropharynx of dogs and cats. It is
found in 20-30% of dog bite wounds and more than
50% of cat bite wounds.
Outpatient Antibiotics
Peripheral Lymphadenopathy in
Palpable lymph nodes are often found in children because
their immune systems are being activated by environmen-
tal antigens and the common organisms.
Lymphadenopathy is caused by reactive hyperplasia of
undetermined etiology in 50%. Nearly one-third of children
have granulomatous diseases, including cat scratch
disease, mycobacterial infections, fungal infections, or
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X). Thirteen
percent have neoplastic diseases, such as Hodgkin
disease. Chronic dermatopathic or bacterial infections
comprised the remaining 3 percent of patients. Only 20
percent of biopsies will demonstrate a treatable disease.
Localized Acute
Subacute or Chronic
Staphylococcus aureus
Group B streptococcal “cellulitis-adenitis” syndrome
As above
Kawasaki syndrome
1 to 4 Years
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Atypical mycobacteria
5 to 15 years
Anaerobic bacteria
Cat-scratch disease
Cause Examples
Fungal H i s t o p l a s m o s i s ;
coccidiodomycosis; crypto-
Protozoal Toxoplasmosis
Lymphoproliferat Angioimmunoblastic
ive lymphadenopathy with
Autoimmune lymphoroliferative
Rosai-Dorfmans’s disease
H e m o p h a g o c y t i c
Allopurinol Penicillin
Atenolol Phenytoin
Captopril Primidone
Carbamazepine Pyrimethamine
Cephalosporins Sulfonamides
Gold Sulindac
Symptomatic Therapy
Intestinal Helminths
Intestinal helminth infestations most commonly affect
travelers, migrant laborers, refugees, children of foreign
adoptions, and the homeless. These parasitic infections
are associated with day-care centers and overseas travel.
I. Clinical evaluation
A. Intestinal helminth infections are usually asymp-
tomatic, but serious infections may cause symptoms
ranging from abdominal discomfort to severe pain.
Anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, pruritus, rectal prolapse,
bowel obstruction, and death may occur. Hives and
eosinophilia may develop, and the worms may
sometimes spontaneously exit the body through the
B. Stool examination. Examination of the stool for ova
and parasites is the most important test for
helminthic infection. Stools are collected using
plastic wrap under the toilet seat. Fresh stool may
also be obtained by rectal examination.
II. Enterobiasis
A. The pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) is the
most common helminth. Pinworms present as anal
pruritus in irritable children. The disorder tends to
occur in temperate climates. Many patients are
asymptomatic. Heavier infections may cause insom-
nia, restlessness, vulvovaginitis, loss of appetite,
and intractable anal itching.
B. Pinworms are about 10 mm in length. The female
worm has a pin-shaped tail. At night, worms migrate
through the anus, then deposit their eggs and die on
the perianal skin. Microscopic eggs infest clothing,
bedding, and other surfaces, often spreading to the
entire family.
C. Pinworms are diagnosed by examining the perianal
skin. The stool is usually negative for ova and
worms. To obtain the eggs, a tongue blade covered
with clear tape is placed sticky-side down over the
perianal skin in the morning. Specimens are collect-
ed on three separate mornings, then taped to glass
slides and taken to a laboratory for examination.
D. The elongate, colorless eggs measure 50 to 60 µm
and are flattened on one side. Worms may also be
visualized if the anus is examined late at night or
early in the morning.
E. Treatment
1. Mebendazole (Vermox), one 100-mg tablet
orally, is safe and effective. A second dose is
given 10 days later. The entire family is treated.
2. Infested clothing and bedding are washed and
fingernails should be kept trimmed, and the
perianal area kept clean. Dogs and cats do not
spread this infection. Relapses are common.
III. Ascariasis
A. Roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides) measure up
to 18 inches in length. The infection is fairly common
in the rural southeastern United States and is fre-
quent among immigrants. A. lumbricoides only
infests humans.
B. Ascaris eggs reach the soil in feces, and they may
persist in the soil for more than a decade until they
are accidentally consumed. In the gut, worms may
cause intestinal obstruction. However, most patients
experience only vague abdominal discomfort or
C. Treatment
1. Mebendazole (Vermox), 100 mg bid for three
2. A follow-up examination of stool for ova and
parasites should be performed in two months.
Family screening is recommended.
IV. Trichuriasis
A. Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura) infestation is less
common than Ascaris infestation, occurring in the
southeastern states and in foreign immigrants.
B. Whipworm eggs incubate in the soil. When swal-
lowed, they travel to the colon.
C. Adult whipworms are 30-50 µm in length, with a
thread-like anterior portion. They can live in the
intestine and produce eggs for several years, caus-
ing mild blood loss and symptoms similar to proctitis
and inflammatory bowel disease. Rectal prolapse,
diarrhea, loss of appetite, and hives may occur.
D. Treatment of trichuriasis is the same as for
V. Less common parasites
A. Hookworms
1. Hookworms develop in the soil from eggs in
feces. The larvae are capable of penetrating the
bare feet and causing a pruritic rash. The larvae
eventually reach the small intestine.
2. Adult hookworms are about 10 µm in length, with
a hooked anterior end, which they use to con-
sume 0.03-0.15 mL of blood per day for 10 to 15
years. Manifestations include iron deficiency
anemia, chronic fatigue, geophagia, failure to
thrive, and depression.
3. Treatment consists of mebendazole as described
above and iron supplementation.
B. Strongyloidiasis
1. Filariform larvae are capable of penetrating intact
skin, persisting for 40 years or more in the small
intestine. It can also be spread in feces or as a
sexually transmitted disease. Persistent unex-
plained eosinophilia in a patient from a region
where Strongyloides infection is endemic should
prompt serologic testing because stool specimens
are often negative.
2. Symptoms are usually absent but may include
pruritus, pneumonia, abdominal cramping, and
colitis. Treatment consists of thiabendazole
C. Tapeworms
1. Beef tapeworm is transmitted by inadequately
cooked beef, reaching up to 10 to 15 feet in
length in the gut. Diagnosis is made by passage
of ribbon-like tapeworm segments or by finding
the eggs in a stool.
2. Pork tapeworm is far more dangerous than T.
saginata since its eggs can cause cysticercosis,
the invasion of human tissue by larval forms. In
severe cases, the larvae may invade the central
nervous system, causing neurocysticercosis.
a. Pork tapeworm is found in immigrants from
Central and South America. Patients with
neurocysticercosis frequently present with
b. This diagnosis should be considered in the
evaluation of a patient from Central or South
America with a new-onset seizure disorder.
3. Dwarf tapeworm is the most common tapeworm
in the U.S. This tapeworm is 1 inch in length.
Ingestion of food contaminated with mouse drop-
pings may spread the infection. H. nana infection
may cycle in immigrant children for years.
4. Fish tapeworm is occasionally transmitted by
undercooked fish, especially from the Great
Lakes region. It can occasionally causes
megaloblastic anemia.
5. Treatment of all tapeworms consists of
praziquantel (Biltricide) or niclosamide
References, see page 182.
Orbital and Periorbital Cellulitis
Periorbital cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the skin and
structures superficial to the orbit; orbital cellulitis is a
bacterial infection of the orbit.
Reaction of 5 mm or more
Children suspected of having tuberculosis (chest x-ray
consistent with active or previously active tuberculo-
sis; clinical signs of tuberculosis)
Children in close contact with persons who have known
or suspected infectious tuberculosis
Children with immunosuppressive conditions (HIV infec-
tion, corticosteroid therapy)
Reaction of 10 mm or more
Children younger than 4 years of age
Children born in, or whose parents were born in, regions
where tuberculosis is highly prevalent
Children frequently exposed to adults who are HIV in-
fected, homeless persons, IV and other street drug
users, poor and medically indigent city dwellers, resi-
dents of nursing homes, incarcerated or institutional-
ized persons, and migrant farm workers
Children with other medical risk factors (Hodgkin’s dis-
ease, lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal
Reaction of 15 mm or more
Children older than 4 years without any risk factors
I. Clinical features
A. Infants and young children with UTI can present
only with fever. The presence of another potential
source for fever (upper respiratory tract infection,
acute otitis media, acute gastroenteritis) does not
rule out the possibility of UTI. Other less common
symptoms of UTI in infants include conjugated
hyperbilirubinemia and failure to thrive.
B. Older children with UTI may have fever, urinary
symptoms (dysuria, urgency, frequency, inconti-
nence, macroscopic hematuria), and abdominal
pain. Occasionally, older children may present with
failure to thrive, nephropathy, or hypertension
secondary to prior unrecognized UTIs. Suprapubic
tenderness and costovertebral angle tenderness
may be present.
Older Child
Agent Dosage
Inci- 8% 88% 2% 2%
in chil-
I. Clinical evaluation
A. Lower abdominal pain is the cardinal presenting
symptom in women with PID, although the charac-
ter of the pain may be quite subtle. The onset of
pain during or shortly after menses is particularly
suggestive. The abdominal pain is usually bilateral
and rarely of more than two weeks’ duration.
B. Abnormal uterine bleeding occurs in one-third or
more of patients with PID. New vaginal discharge,
urethritis, proctitis, fever, and chills can be associ-
ated signs.
C. Risk factors for PID:
1. Age less than 35 years.
2. Nonbarrier contraception.
3. New, multiple, or symptomatic sexual partners.
4. Previous episode of PID.
5. Oral contraception.
6. African-American ethnicity.
II. Physical examination
A. Only one-half of patients with PID have fever.
Abdominal examination reveals diffuse tenderness
greatest in the lower quadrants, which may or may
not be symmetrical. Rebound tenderness and
decreased bowel sounds are common. Tenderness
in the right upper quadrant does not exclude PID,
because approximately 10 percent of these patients
have perihepatitis (Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome).
B. Purulent endocervical discharge and/or acute
cervical motion and adnexal tenderness by
bimanual examination is strongly suggestive of PID.
Rectovaginal examination should reveal the uterine
adnexal tenderness.
III. Diagnosis
A. Diagnostic criteria and guidelines. The index of
suspicion for the clinical diagnosis of PID should be
high, especially in adolescent women.
B. The CDC has recommended minimum criteria
required for empiric treatment of PID. These major
determinants include lower abdominal tenderness,
adnexal tenderness, and cervical motion tender-
ness. Minor determinants (ie, signs that may in-
crease the suspicion of PID) include:
1. Fever (oral temperature >101EF; >38.3EC).
2. Vaginal discharge.
3. Documented STD.
4. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
5. C-reactive protein.
6. Systemic signs.
7. Dyspareunia.
C. Empiric treatment for pelvic inflammatory dis-
ease is recommended when:
1. The examination suggests PID.
2. Demographics (risk factors) are consistent with
3. Pregnancy test is negative.
• Pregnancy test
• Microscopic exam of vaginal discharge in saline
• Complete blood counts
• Tests for chlamydia and gonococcus
• Urinalysis
• Fecal occult blood test
• C-reactive protein(optional)
IV. Diagnostic testing
A. Laboratory testing for patients suspected of
having PID always begins with a pregnancy test to
rule out ectopic pregnancy and complications of an
intrauterine pregnancy. A urinalysis and a stool for
occult blood should be obtained because abnor-
malities in either reduce the probability of PID.
Blood counts have limited value. Fewer than one-
half of PID patients exhibit leukocytosis.
B. Gram stain and microscopic examination of vaginal
discharge may provide useful information. If a
cervical Gram stain is positive for Gram-negative
intracellular diplococci, the probability of PID
greatly increases; if negative, it is of little use.
C. Increased white blood cells (WBC) in vaginal fluid
may be the most sensitive single laboratory test for
PID (78 percent for >3 WBC per high power field.
However, the specificity is only 39 percent.
D. Recommended laboratory tests:
1. Pregnancy test.
2. Microscopic exam of vaginal discharge in saline.
3. Complete blood counts.
4. Tests for chlamydia and gonococcus.
5. Urinalysis.
6. Fecal occult blood test.
7. C-reactive protein(optional).
E. Ultrasound imaging is reserved for acutely ill
patients with PID in whom a pelvic abscess is a
V. Recommendations
A. Health-care providers should maintain a low thresh-
old for the diagnosis of PID, and sexually active
young women with lower abdominal, adnexal, and
cervical motion tenderness should receive empiric
treatment. The specificity of these clinical criteria
can be enhanced by the presence of fever, abnor-
mal cervical/vaginal discharge, elevated ESR
and/or serum C-reactive protein, and the demon-
stration of cervical gonorrhea or chlamydia infec-
B. If clinical findings (epidemiologic, symptomatic, and
physical examination) suggest PID empiric treat-
ment should be initiated.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Acute Abdominal Pain
The evaluation of abdominal pain in children is problem-
atic because the pain is often difficult to localize, and the
history in children is often nonspecific.
I. Epidemiology
A. RAP occurs in 10-15% of children between the ages
of 4 and 16 years. About 13-17% of adolescents
experience weekly pain. The overall incidence
appears to peak at 10 to 12 years. RAP is rare
among children younger than 5 years of age.
• Chronicity
• Compatible age range, age of onset
• Characteristic features of abdominal pain
• Evidence of physical or psychological stressful stimuli
• Environmental reinforcement of pain behavior
• Normal physical examination (including rectal examination
and stool guaiac)
• Normal laboratory evaluation (CBC, sedimentation rate,
urinalysis, urine culture, stool ova and parasites)
IV. Investigations
A. Laboratory investigations should usually be limited
to a complete blood count, urinalysis, and examina-
tion of a stool specimen for occult blood. In the
presence of diarrhea, a stool for enteric culture and
ova and parasite examination is indicated.
B. Radiography. A single view of the abdomen can be
useful to confirm constipation.
C. Abdominal ultrasonography can be valuable when
obstructive uropathy hydronephrosis, ovarian cysts,
or gall bladder disorders are suspected. Enteric
duplication also may be revealed by ultrasonography.
Ultrasound is appropriate when the pain is
lateralized, when there are abnormalities on urinaly-
sis, or when the pain localizes to the lower quadrants
in a female.
D. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum protein and
albumin levels, and stool for occult blood should be
obtained. If IBD is a possible diagnosis. Endoscopy
and biopsy will confirm the diagnosis. Upper gastroin-
testinal endoscopy with biopsies will confirm the
diagnosis when the pattern of pain strongly suggests
peptic ulcer disease.
V. Management
A. Functional recurrent abdominal pain will be the
diagnosis in the majority of cases. The parents
should maintain a sympathetic attitude that acknowl-
edges the pain but encourages continued activities
and school attendance. Parents should refrain from
questioning the child about the pain if the child is not
complaining. A trial of increasing fiber by dietary
modification may be useful.
B. Psychogenic pain may respond to the intervention
of a psychologist or psychiatrist.
C. Constipation requires treatment with regular stool
softeners, preceded by an enema.
D. Lactose malabsorption. A lactose-free diet for
several weeks with lactase-treated milk should be
tried. Ice cream and cheese should be avoided.
E. Enteric infections or infestations require treatment
with appropriate medications. Abdominal migraine
may warrant a trial of migraine prophylaxis. Prophy-
lactic pizotifen, cyproheptadine, propranolol, or ami-
triptyline could be considered.
References, see page 182.
I. Pathogenesis
A. Factors causing CNSD
1. Excess fluid intake
2. Carbohydrate malabsorption from excessive juice
3. Disordered intestinal motility
4. Excessive fecal bile acids
5. Low fat intake
B. CNSD occurs when fluid intake exceeds the absorp-
tive capacity of the intestinal tract. Malabsorption of
carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose, sorbitol) in fruit
juices contributes to CNSD.
C. CNSD presents between 18 months and 3 years,
with 3-6 large, loose, watery stools per day for more
than 3 weeks.
D. Stooling is most frequent in the morning and does
not occur during sleep. There is an absence of
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, blood,
fever, anorexia, weight loss, or poor growth.
II. Clinical evaluation of chronic nonspecific diarrhea
A. The current number and type of stools should be
determined. A diet history should determine the total
calories, fat, milk and juice consumed daily, and it
should assess prior trials of food elimination.
B. The timing of introduction of foods into the diet
relative to the onset of diarrhea, and a 3-day diet
history should be assessed. Usage of antibiotics,
vitamins, iron, and medications should be sought.
C. A family history of irritable bowel syndrome, celiac
disease, inflammatory bowel disease, infectious
diarrhea, or food allergies should be sought.
D. Physical examination
1. Growth chart plotting of weight, height, and head
circumference are essential. Children who have
CNSD should continue to grow normally; devia-
tion from the growth chart or a downward trend
suggests inadequate caloric intake or a disease
other than CNSD.
2. Signs of malnutrition or malabsorption include
lack of subcutaneous fat, eczematoid rash (from
essential fatty acid deficiency), glossitis, easy
bruising, or hyporeflexia.
E. Laboratory tests
1. A fresh stool specimen is tested for neutral fat,
pH and reducing substances, occult blood, and
Giardia antigen. Neutral fat suggest pancreatic
2. Fecal pH and reducing substances will reveal
carbohydrate malabsorption if the pH is less than
5.5 or if reducing substances are greater than 1+.
3. Occult fecal blood is inconsistent with CNSD
unless there is a perianal rash.
4. Giardia and Cryptosporidium are common and
should be excluded with 3 stool samples for ova
and parasites.
Stool Evaluation
pH <5.5 Carbohydrate
Reducing sub- >1+
Constipation is common in infants and children. The
problem usually resolves after modification of the child’s
fluid and dietary regimen.
I. Pathophysiology
A. Persistent difficulty with the passage of stool may
lead to impaction, stool withholding, and fecal
Acute gastroenteritis consists of diarrheal disease of rapid
onset, often with nausea, vomiting, fever, or abdominal
pain. It occurs an average of 1.3-2.3 times per year
between the ages of 0 and 5 years. Most episodes of
acute gastroenteritis will resolve within 3 to 7 days.
Secretory/enterotoxigenic Inflammatory
C. Fluid therapy
1. Mild-to-moderate dehydration
a. Mildly or moderately dehydrated children.
Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is the pre-
ferred method of rehydrating a child with
dehydration. In most western countries,
rotavirus is the most common cause of child-
hood diarrhea. In such patients, Pedialyte,
Infalyte, Ceralyte, Naturalyte or Pediatric
Electrolyte is appropriate. ORS should be
given at 50 mL/kg (mild dehydration) or 100
mL/kg (moderate dehydration) over a 4-hour
period. Replacement of stool losses (at 10
mL/kg for each stool) and of emesis (esti-
mated volume) will require adding appropri-
ate amounts of solution to the total.
2. Prevention of dehydration
a. Children who have diarrhea, but not dehy-
drated, may be given glucose-electrolyte
solution in addition to their regular diets to
replace stool losses. The well-hydrated child
should continue to consume an age-appropri-
ate diet and drink more than the usual
amounts of the normal fluids.
b. The diet should emphasize complex carbohy-
drates, such as starches, cereal, and fresh
fruits and vegetables, with no sugary or fatty
foods. Apple juice and soft drinks, such as
cola, should be avoided, whereas sports
drinks, such as Gatorade, are generally well
tolerated. If the child is breast fed, breast-
feeding should be continued.
3. Severely dehydrated children who are in a
state of shock must receive immediate and
aggressive intravenous (IV) therapy. When the
patient is stable, hydration may be continued
4. Intravenous rehydration
a. When intravenous rehydration is required, it
should begin with an isotonic solution (normal
saline, lactated Ringer). Severe dehydration
clinically is associated with a loss of 10-12%
of body weight in fluids and electrolytes (100
to 120 mL/kg); therefore, this amount plus
additional losses should be infused.
b. Infusion rates of up to 100 mL/min are appro-
priate in older children. Infusion rates of 40
mL/kg are given over the first 30 minutes,
with the remainder of the deficit (70 mL/kg)
over the next 2.5 hours, until the calculated
fluid loss has been replenished.
c. For infants, correction should be slower, with
infusion rates no more than 30 mL/kg over
the first hour and the remaining 70 mL/kg
over 5 hours.
d. Subsequent maintenance fluids should be
given orally. Oral fluids should be initiated as
soon as the patient can drink. They should be
given simultaneously with intravenous fluids
until the total fluids administered have replen-
ished the calculated deficit.
D. Antibiotic therapy. The effectiveness of
antimicrobial therapy is well established in
shigellosis. Shigella is the cause of bacterial dysen-
tery and is the second most commonly identified
bacterial pathogen in diarrhea between the ages of
6 months and 10 years. It causes watery diarrhea
with mucus and gross blood. Treatment consists of
ceftriaxone or cefixime.
E. Refeeding
1. Children who have diarrhea and are not dehy-
drated should continue to be fed age-appropriate
diets. Fatty foods and foods high in simple
sugars, such as juices and soft drinks should be
avoided. Well-tolerated foods include complex
carbohydrates (rice, wheat, potatoes, bread,
cereals), lean meats, yogurt, fruits, and vegeta-
bles. The BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce,
toast) does not supply optimal nutrition.
2. Introducing the child’s regular form of milk early
in the course of therapy is recommended.
F. Antidiarrheal compounds (eg, loperamide,
diphenoxylate, bismuth compounds, Kaopectate)
should not be used to treat acute diarrhea.
V. Laboratory examinations
A. The presence of blood in the stool, fever, or persis-
tence of the diarrhea for more than 3 days may
trigger a laboratory pursuit of an etiologic agent.
B. Microscopic stool examination. If erythrocytes
and white blood cells are present, particularly in the
setting of fever, a bacterial pathogen
(Campylobacter, Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella)
should be suspected. Many red blood cells in the
absence of white blood cells suggests the presence
of Entamoeba.
C. Stool culture should be reserved for individuals
whose diarrhea has not responded to fluid and
feeding and for those who have fever and the
presence of leukocytes or red blood cells in the
D. Rotavirus should be suspected in a one-year-old
presenting in the winter months with a three-day
history of vomiting and watery diarrhea with mild
dehydration. Laboratory evaluation in this setting is
generally not indicated. If the diagnosis is unclear,
stool for viral particles or rotavirus antigen
(Rotazyme [R]) may be helpful.
References, see page 182.
Gastroesophageal Reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is a common condition
involving regurgitation. GER implies a functional or
physiologic process in a healthy infant with no underlying
systemic abnormalities. The prevalence of GER peaks
between one to four months of age, and usually resolves
by six to 12 months of age. Regurgitation occurs in 40 to
65 percent of healthy infants.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a patho-
logic process in infants manifested by poor weight gain,
signs of esophagitis, persistent respiratory symptoms, and
changes in neurobehavior. GERD occurs in approximately
one in 300 infants.
I. Clinical manifestations
A. Infants with GER regurgitate without inadequate
growth, esophagitis, or respiratory disease. Infants
with GER are thriving and represent the majority of
infants who present with this condition.
B. Patients with GERD may manifest persistent regurgi-
tation with secondary poor weight gain and failure to
thrive. Other infants may manifest signs of
esophagitis, including persistent irritability, pain,
feeding problems, and iron deficiency anemia.
II. Diagnostic evaluation. In most cases of GER, no
diagnostic study is required. Although scintigraphy may
best quantify gastric emptying or aspiration, it is not as
commonly used as the upper GI examination (barium
III. Management
A. Conservative treatment of GER involves thickened
feedings and positional changes in infants, and
dietary modification in children. Healthy infants who
regurgitate may be managed by thickening feedings
with up to one tablespoon of dry rice cereal per 1 oz
of formula.
B. Smaller, more frequent feedings are recommended
in older infants and children. Completely upright and
prone positioning is beneficial in infants with GERD.
Soft bedding materials should be avoided in this
setting. Prone positioning is not routinely recom-
mended as first-line management of simple regurgi-
tation without evidence of GERD.
C. Pharmacologic management
1. H2-receptor antagonists
a. Cimetidine (Tagamet). The recommended
starting dosage is 10 mg per kg per dose four
times daily before meals and at bedtime for
eight weeks. Potential side effects include
headaches, dizziness, diarrhea, and
b. Ranitidine (Zantac) 1-2 mg per kg per dose
two to three times daily (2-6 mg per kg per
day) is the starting dosage. Potential side
effects include headaches and malaise, but
ranitidine has fewer central nervous system
and anti-androgenic side effects.
Dosages and Side Effects of H2-Receptor
Agonists and Prokinetic Agents
5-Aminosalicylic Acid
2.25 g tid
sone 100 mg PR Local irritation
Enema QD-BID
80 mg PR Same as enema
Folic acid 1 mg PO
I. Pathophysiology of vomiting
A. Vomiting is usually preceded by nausea, increased
salivation, and retching. It is distinct from regurgita-
tion, which is characterized by passive movement of
gastric contents into the esophagus.
B. Projectile vomiting results from intense gastric
peristaltic waves, usually secondary to gastric outlet
obstruction caused by hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
or pylorospasm.
C. Retching often precedes vomiting and is character-
ized by spasmodic contraction of the expiratory
muscles with simultaneous abdominal contraction.
II. Clinical evaluation of vomiting
Other Pregnancy
The majority of children with epilepsy have an idiopathic
disorder; the neurological examination and neuroimaging
studies are normal.
Partial Seizures
–Simple partial (consciousness retained)
–Complex partial (consciousness impaired)
–Partial seizure with secondary generalization
Generalized Seizures
–Absence seizures
–Myoclonic seizures
–Clonic seizures
–Tonic seizures
–Tonic-clonic seizures
–Atonic seizures
Unclassified Seizures
Lennox-Gastaut syn-
drome 2 - ESM (drop attacks),
1: First-line drugs
2: Second-line drugs
Chronic or recurrent headaches occur 75% of children by
15 years. Migraine is the most common headache syn-
drome in children. It is characterized by periodic episodes
of paroxysmal headache accompanied by nausea, vomit-
ing, abdominal pain, and relief with sleep.
I. Clinical evaluation
A. Headaches are characterized as isolated acute,
recurrent acute, chronic nonprogressive, or chronic
progressive. A social and educational history may
identify significant stresses. Analgesic use should be
B. Physical examination should include measurement
of growth parameters, head circumference, and
blood pressure. The teeth should be examined and
sinusitis should be sought. An arteriovenous malfor-
mation may cause an asymmetric, machinery-like
cranial bruit.
C. Papilledema. The presence of retinal venous
pulsation on funduscopy provides evidence of
normal intracranial pressure. Visual acuity should be
measured, and a detailed neurologic examination is
D. Investigations. If increased intracranial pressure or
an intracranial lesion is suspected, a computed
tomographic (CT) head scan should be performed.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be required
to diagnose subtle vascular abnormalities or
pituitary lesions.
E. Lumbar puncture may be helpful if pseudotumor
cerebri is suspected. However, lumbar puncture may
result in herniation of the brain in patients who have
obstructive hydrocephalus, an intracranial mass
lesion, or cerebral edema. Neuroimaging should be
performed prior to the lumbar puncture.
Feature Significance
Simple analgesics
Other Drugs
Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease (KD) is one of the most common
vasculitides of childhood. The annual incidence is highest
among Asians and Pacific Islanders (32.5/100,000
children <5 years of age), intermediate among African
Americans (16.9/100,000 children <5 years) and Hispan-
ics (11.1/100,000 children <5 years), and lowest among
Caucasians (9.1/100,000 children <5 years of age). KD
should be considered in any infant with prolonged, unex-
plained fever. It is typically a self-limited disorder; however,
complications such as coronary artery aneurysm, de-
pressed myocardial contractility and heart failure, myocar-
dial infarction, arrhythmias, and peripheral arterial occlu-
sion may develop.
I. Diagnosis
A. Diagnosis requires the presence of fever lasting
five days or more without any other explanation,
combined with at least four of the five following
physical findings:
1. Bilateral conjunctival injection.
2. Oral mucous membrane changes, including
injected or fissured lips, injected pharynx, or
strawberry tongue.
3. Peripheral extremity changes, including ery-
thema of palms or soles or edema of hands or
feet (acute phase), and periungual desquama-
tion (convalescent phase).
4. Polymorphous rash.
5. Cervical lymphadenopathy (at least one lymph
node >1.5 cm in diameter).
B. Children who do not meet the criteria may have an
incomplete or atypical form of KD. In addition, some
patients who manifest five or six signs may have
other conditions.
I. Clinical presentation
A. Pauciarticular JIA affects females more often than
males. The peak incidence of pauciarticular JIA is in
the second and third years. It is less common over
five years of age and rarely begins after age 10. A
child with large joint involvement beginning in the
early teenage years most commonly has a
B. The typical child with pauciarticular JIA is a girl who
is noticed to be limping without complaint. Often the
family notices that the child “walks funny” in the
morning, but after a little while seems fine. The knee
is often swollen.
C. Pauciarticular JIA affects the large joints (knees,
ankles, wrists, elbows), but virtually never begins in
the hips. Systemic manifestations (other than
uveitis) are characteristically absent. Thus, fever,
rash, or other constitutional symptoms suggest a
different diagnosis.
D. The involved joints are typically swollen and tender
to compression. They may be warm, but they should
not be erythematous. Limitation of motion may not
be present. Long-term complications of
pauciarticular JIA, include uveitis and leg length
II. Diagnosis.
A. The diagnosis of pauciarticular onset JIA is based
upon the presence of arthritis in four or fewer joints
during the first six months of disease. If a single
joint is involved, arthritis must be present for at
least three months and multiple alternative causes
of arthritis must be excluded. If two or more joints
are involved, arthritis must be present for at least
six weeks, with the elimination of exclusions.
B. Laboratory findings
1. Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) are frequently
present in pauciarticular JIA and are associated
with an increased risk of iridocyclitis. ANAs are
typically present in low or moderate titers in a
homogeneous pattern. Antibodies to dsDNA, Ro,
La, Sm, and RNP, and rheumatoid factor should
be absent.
2. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is close to
normal, there is a normal white blood cell count
without a left shift, and a normal platelet count.
C. Differential diagnosis
1. Dactylitis (a swollen finger or toe) may be
pauciarticular, but is more typical of psoriaform
2. Children over the age of 9 years with arthritis
involving the hips or knees and enthesiopathic
symptoms also do not have pauciarticular JIA;
these are manifestations of a
3. Children with plant thorn synovitis, septic arthritis,
osteomyelitis, or even Lyme disease are mistak-
enly diagnosed with pauciarticular JIA. These
conditions are usually associated with elevated
acute phase reactants. These conditions are
often acutely painful with sudden and dramatic
onset, the opposite of pauciarticular JIA.
III. Course and prognosis. Most cases of pauciarticular
JIA are benign, resolving within six months. Fifty-four
percent remit completely. The major morbidity is
typically related to the development of uveitis. Recur-
rences occur in 20 percent of children. A few children
with typical pauciarticular disease evolve into chronic
destructive arthritis. There should not be any systemic
complications of pauciarticular JIA other than uveitis.
A. Uveitis
1. The most serious complication of pauciarticular
JIA, occurring in approximately 20 percent of
children, is the development of uveitis or
iridocyclitis (inflammation of the anterior uveal
tract and the adjacent ciliary body). The subgroup
of children with pauciarticular JIA who have
detectable ANAs are at greatest risk of develop-
ing iridocyclitis.
2. Uveitis is often initially silent; by the time the child
complains of pain in the eye or difficulty seeing, it
is likely that permanent and irreversible damage
has already occurred. Thus, routine screening is
necessary. Screening must be performed by an
ophthalmologist and includes a complete slit lamp
B. Leg length discrepancy. There may be significant
asymmetric overgrowth when a single knee joint is
involved, resulting in a leg length discrepancy over
time. Joint injection with glucocorticoids early in the
course of pauciarticular JIA may prevent leg length
discrepancies. Leg length discrepancies of less
than 1 cm are probably not important. When they
become greater, however, proper gait should be
maintained by placing an appropriate lift in the
opposite shoe.
IV. Treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
A. Medical therapy. Pauciarticular onset JIA is usually
responsive to nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) or selective COX-2 inhibitors.
Methotrexate and other immunosuppressive drugs
are rarely, if ever, required. However, some chil-
dren will have disease activity in one or two joints
for a prolonged period that does not respond to
NSAID Treatment of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthri-
I. Clinical evaluation
A. If microscopic hematuria has been present for 1
month or more, further investigation for the cause is
indicated. Vigorous exercise such as jogging or bike
riding may cause hematuria. Abdominal, back or
flank pain, especially when associated with bruising,
suggests child abuse. Dysuria, urinary frequency,
and suprapubic pain or tenderness suggests a
urinary tract infection or hypercalciuria.
B. Abdominal pain may be associated with an abdomi-
nal mass, nephrolithiasis, or Henoch-Schönlein
purpura. Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
agents, antibiotics, methyldopa, and other drugs can
cause hematuria.
C. A history of edema, hypertension, skin rash, pallor,
joint swelling or tenderness, abdominal pain, or
bloody diarrhea suggests postinfectious
glomerulonephritis, Henoch-Schönlein purpura,
lupus nephritis, hemolytic uremic syndrome, or
immunoglobulin (Ig) A nephropathy.
D. If sore throat or pyoderma precedes the hematuria
by 7 to 30 days, poststreptococcal acute
glomerulonephritis must be ruled out. Hematuria with
a concurrent upper respiratory infection strongly
suggests IgA nephropathy. Each of these forms of
glomerulonephritis usually is associated with
proteinuria and RBC casts.
Evaluation of Hematuria
I. Dehydration
A. Maintenance fluid and electrolytes
1. Sensible losses, primarily urinary, account for
50% of daily fluid requirements. Caloric require-
ments for growth can be estimated as equivalent
on a kcal-for-mL basis to water requirements.
2. Factors that increase the requirements for calo-
ries and water are fever (10% for each degree),
physical activity, ongoing gastrointestinal losses,
hyperventilation, and hypermetabolic states.
Body 0 to 10 10 to 20 >20 kg
Weight kg kg
Water Vol- 100 mL/kg 1000 mL + 1500 mL + 20
ume 50 mL/kg for mL/kg for each
each kg >10 kg >20 kg
Estimation of Dehydration
Degree of Dehy- Mild Moderate Severe
3. Differential diagnosis
a. Normal anion gap (hyperchloremic) aci-
(1) This disorder occurs when HCO3- is lost
from the body, either through the gastro-
intestinal tract or the kidneys. Diarrheal
fluid is high in HCO3-, high in K+, and low
in Cl - . Thus, diarrhea causes
hypokalemia and hyperchloremic acido-
(2) Failure to excrete acid occurs in mild
chronic renal insufficiency and RTA.
b. Increased anion gap acidosis may be
caused by diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acido-
sis, ingestion of toxins (aspirin, ethylene
glycol), and renal failure.
4. Treatment of acidosis
a. Bicarbonate should be given when plasma
HCO3- is <5 mmol/L. Bicarbonate should be
added to a hypotonic solution and given as
a continuous infusion over 1 hour. The
amount to infuse is calculated with the fol-
lowing formula:
Vesicoureteral Reflux
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is defined as the retrograde
passage of urine from the bladder into the upper urinary
tract. Vesicoureteral reflux occurs in 1 percent of new-
borns and 30 to 45% in young children with urinary tract
VUR predisposes to acute pyelonephritis by allowing
bacteria to migrate from the bladder to the kidney.
Pyelonephritis may lead to renal scarring, renal injury with
subsequent hypertension, decreased renal function,
proteinuria, renal failure, and sometimes end stage renal
disease (ESRD).
Clinical presenta-
1 to 5 I and II Antibiotic
1 to 5 V Antibiotic If renal
prophylaxis scarring or
is op-
is op-
6 or V Surgical
greater repair