NCP Pres
NCP Pres
NCP Pres
I. Patient profile
Name: “FIONA”
Age: 17 years old
Address: Lubi - lubi East Guinarona Dagami, Leyte
Occupation: Student
Date and time admitted: March 04, 2010 @ 3:10 pm
Attending Physician: Dr. Mary Antonette Picorro
Chief Complaint: Purpuric rash and fever
Diagnosis: Henoch – Schonlein Purpura
Date of interview: March 07, 2010 @ 3:15 pm
Source of Information: patient
Reliability: 90 – 95 %
II. Health History
2 weeks PTA, patient experienced unproductive cough with
whitish mucous secretion accompanied with itching sensation of
the throat due to changes in weather, relieved by herbal plant
such as lagundi and home remedies such as increase fluid intake
and lemonade.
1 week PTA, patient noted a palpable rash at lower
extremities (both legs) assumed to have appeared after a
mosquito bite. Thereafter, she noted the rashes to be increasing
in number and now reaching the buttocks and back of trunk. No
other associated signs and symptoms noted. She decided to go to
a quack doctor in their barangay and was given an ointment
(name unable to recall) for the rashes.
2 days PTA, after consulting with the quack
doctor her condition showed no signs of progress.
Still with rashes developed fever relieved by self
medications of paracetamol 500mf tablet but still did
not consult a physician
1 day PTA, fever persisted accompanied with
body malaise which prompted her to consult at
EVRMC and was advised to be admitted for further
11.Pain and discomfort -does not take any medicine -has abdominal cramping
for pain if not severe (such pain (PS: 6)
as mild headache) only -has joint pain at shoulder,
applies VAPORAB or knees, and ankle (PS: 7)
ointment usually relieved by rest
-skin: pruritus
12.Reaction or diversion -fond of singing -resting and sleeping
videoke and watching -talking with her
TV mother and father
Paracetamol antipyretics Inhibits the Mild pain Hypersensitivity GI: hepatic - assess overall
300g IVTT synthesis of Fever - use cautiously in failure, health status
q4h prostaglandins patient with hepatoxicity - assess type,
that may serve hepatic disease GV: renal location and
as mediators of failure intensity of pain
pain and fever Derm: rash, - assess fever,
urticaria note presence
of associated
D5LR @ 30 Solution for - provides calories - Fluid - contraindicated Endo: inappropriate - assess hydration
gtts/min intravenous and maintenance replacement and with patient with insulin secretion status of the
infusion and for of fluid caloric delirium tremens (long-term patient receiving
F & E: hypokalemia,
replacement and supplementation use of solutions IV dextrose
maintenance of in patient who contraindicated in - Monitor I & O
hyposmagnesia, fluid
fluid therapy can’t maintain patient with -assess nutritional
adequate balance intracranial, Local: pain and status
intake and who are intraspinal irritation at IV site - Monitor IV site
restricted from hemorrhage CNS: confusion frequently for
doing so. CV: heart failure phlebitis and
with fluid overload infection
insusceptible patient - Check vital signs
GU: glycosuria, frequently report
adverse reaction
Respi: pulmonary
- watch closely for
Skin: sloughing and
tissue necrosis signs and
symptoms of fluid
Hgb 127.0 g/l 120 - 160 Normal
Hct 0.41 % 0.36 – 0.47 Normal
erythrocytes 4.89mil/ul 4.2 – 5.4 mil/ul Normal
leukocytes 9.30mil/ul 4.5 – 10.0 mil/ul Normal
granulocytes 0.81 % 0.500 – 0.750 Increase
Transparency Turbid
Glucose (-)
Albumin (+) Indicate
Impaired physical mobility related In response to triggering event, the After 8 hrs of nurse – patient interaction
to joint paints antigen stimulus activates and series of nsg. interventions patient
Subjective: monocytes and the lymphocytes. IgA will be able to:
“diri gud aku nakakakiwa ngan form immune complexes with Verbalized reduce number of pain
scale from 7 to 4
nakakalakat hin maupay kay masakit antigens. The immune complexes
iton akun tiil pati iton akun kamot” build up and are redeposited in Maintain or increase strength and
As verbalized by the patient synovial tissue triggering the function of affected or compensatory
Objective: inflammatory reactions (joint body part through active or passive
-limited ROM effusion, pain, and edema) that can ROM exercises
-decreased muscle strength ultimately damage the involved
Maintain bodily function (particularly
-intolerance to activity and exercise tissue. When damage occurs injured
extremities) with absence or limitation
-facial grimace cells release chemical mediators
of contractures
-fatigue such as bradykinin, serotonin, and
-with the following vital signs: prostaglandin that affect the Prevent occurrence of prolonged bed
BP:100/70 mmHg exposed nerve endings of rest complications such as bed sores
PR:82 bpm nociceptors (pain receptors) and pneumonia
Perform ADL’s within level of own
Temp:38.4®C Medical surgical nursing by
ability with safety
NPS:7 brunner and suddarts
Volume 2
Page: 1887-1888
INDEPENDENT: -provide baseline data, changes on V/S After 8 hrs of nurse – patient interaction and
1.Monitor vital signs (esp. Temp and RR) occur if there is pain series of nsg. interventions patient was able
2.Monitor degree of joint pain (using pain -provides baseline data on the level of to:
scale) activity can patient tolerate Verbalized reduce of pain scale from 7 to
-maintains and improve joint function, 6 as evidenced by absence of facial
3.Assist with passive and active ROM and muscle strength and general stamina grimace therefore goal partially met
resistive exercises -strengthen shoulders and arms muscle Increase strength and function of affected
4.Encourage self care activities (eg. needed for walking
area as evidenced by participating and
Changing clothes) -promotes blood circulation especially to
increase tolerance in exercises such as
5.Encourage deep breathing exercises affected part
walking, therefore goals met
6.Encourage client to maintain upright and -maximize joint function and maintain
erect posture when sitting, standing, and mobility Maintain bodily function as evidenced by
walking -reduces fatigue and improves strength absence of contractures during
7.Maintain bed rest or chair rest when -relieves pressure on tissues and performance of ADL’s (e.g toileting)
indicated promotes circulation. And also prevents therefore goal met
8.Instruct SO to reposition patient shearing abrasions of skin Prevent occurrence of complications (bed
frequently -promotes joint stability and maintain sores and pneumonia) . As evidenced by
9.Instruct SO to position client with pillows proper joint position and body absence of bed sore and pneumonia.
COLLABORATIVE: alignment, minimizing contractures Therefore goal met.
1.Consult the physician or the occupational -useful in creating apprehensive Perform ADL’s within level of own ability
therapist and vocational specialist individualized activity or exercise
as evidenced by tooth brushing and
changing clothes without any assistance
therefore goal met
After 8 hours of nurse patient
1. monitor vital signs -provide baseline
(Note for any changes beyond normal
interaction the patient was able to:
data(inadequate sleep may Minimize discomfort and pruritus
affect vital signs) as evidenced by absence of
2. promote quiet and peaceful -reduces discomfort and scratching therefore goal met
environment by limiting visitor irritation and promotes Obtain adequate sleep as evidenced
(especially during resting time) adequate rest by 7 – 8 hours of sleep and absence
3.promote diversional activities of eye bags therefore goal met
-distract client attention instead
of focusing to itching
-helps hastens the feeling of
4. assist patient to assume being sleepy
comfortable position for rest or sleep
5.instruct patient to drink milk as
-helps acquire good sleep
6. advised wearing cotton next to the
skin rather than synthetic materials -synthetic materials can trigger
Etiology: UNKNOWN
But may be due to unusual reaction of the body’s immune system in response to this
(Due to previous infection of the throat or breathing passages)
Immune response
Antigen – antibody binding
Formation of immune complexes
In small vessels Redeposited in In intestinal In
(particularly in synovial tissue
capillaries ) epithelial cells glomerulus
Increased Ultimately
production of
damage the
vascular epithelial cells
involved tissue Irritation lining of the
Results in
Thickening of
• joint effusions glomerular filtration
•Urticaria Results to
• Flushing •Joint pain and membrane
skin rashes
•Pruritus edema
Purpuric Scarring and loss of
rashes) glomerular filtration
Tissue damage and Increased membranes
inflammation of stomach and peristalsis
small intestines
Increased Decreased
hyperactive bowel GFR
Bleeding and
ulceration sounds
absorption NEPHRITIS