Fidoshook 725 RP
Fidoshook 725 RP
Fidoshook 725 RP
55 .. 725
and 55 .. 750
Fi- ''/JOCK/nc.
PHONE 865-524-7380 FAX 865-673-4nO www.flshoclLcom
WARNING - Any alteration 10 the design of this energizer may cause serious electrical shock and voids the warranty.
1. Install tl1li_energizer and the electric fenee according to these installation and operating instructions .
. 2. Mount electric fence signs in visible areas to identify the .electrified wire(s).
3. Inform everyone, especially children, who might possibly come. into contact with ttre
electrically charged fence, about its location and operation.
4. Instruct all persons how to disoohrlect the energizer in case ofeme$ency~
5. Never climb over an electric fence wire wlltle it is electrically energized.
6. Never ihstallan electric fence below high·voltage power plant transmission .Iines.
7. Never use ,more than one electric fence ene.~gizeronthe same fence ..
8. WARNING - Do not simultaneously connect an electric fence tcany other device such as- a caHle or poultry trainer. Otherwise, lightning striking your fence will be 'Conducted to aU ather devices.
g. DANGER - This energizer must' bEl' grounded. If it should malfunction, ground· ing reduces the risk of electrical shock. by providing a path of low reslstancefor the eleclrrc current. A p.roperly Installed ground rod electrically eonnected to the fenoe energizer output ground terminal p.rovides grounding of this product. An internal fault on an'ly grounded fenM. energizer could result in a risk. of harmful electric snoek on the electrifie.d fence.
10.Repair 01 the electric fence energizer should be performed by an authorized repair center onl~For the nearest repair center in your area. calI1·aOO~251·9388.
11. .. DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric sheek, 120 VAC line-powered energIzers are equipped with a pelarized 2-blade plug (one I9lade is wider than the other) so that it will fit in a polarized outlet only one way: The plug must be inserted into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed maooordanca wi.1h all local codes anoordlnanees, II the plug does not lit In the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electriclan to instal! the proper outlet. Do not alter the p,lug in anyway.
12.ft it Is necessary to use an extension, use only a polarized extension cord tna1 will accept the. plug for the unit. Repair or replace a damaged cord.
NOTE:. The followin,g ins1ructions are written for tfte SS·725·RPand S6-7SD-RP Elec::tric Fenoe Kits for Pets and Small Animals. However, if you have purchased a Model 86-725 or SS-750 energizer only, the. instructions will be helpful for constructing a fence with your own materials. R6AD ALL INSTRUCTIONS CA,REFULL Y BEFORE OPERATING THE £NERGIZliR.
Additional electric fence energlze.r:s and accessories may be ordered directly trom R·Shack if they are' not available through your local retailer.'
IMPORTANT: The SS·725 energizer emits a continuous low-level AC current output, and the SSw 750 energizer emits an interrnittentc.!Jrrent oLltput. Both deliver a mild shock which. Is not pleasant, but is usually well remembered. In tact, after several weeks or ellen sel/eraldays use, you may elect to disconnect your fence as most pets wiH completely avdid it..
· .. - .'. . '. "fem..1;
FENCING LAWS: Most stales have laws defining what consntutes a lega partition
fence or a fence along, a highway or rai.\way .. Local ordinances usually spe·cify acceptable iencin,g adjaoont home lots, III addilion.10caJ laws may prohibit the use of electric fence energizers. A permit may be required in some cases.
POWERSUPp·LY REQUIREMENTS: $$-725 and SS~750cplug into a standard 120 volt/BO Hz outlel. NOTE: Some models, are designed for a 230 volt 50/60 Hz input. Check. the energizer's I.abel. tor the correc' ,input requirement.
AC"F(VATlNG':THE ENERGIZER: Simply plug the power~lIpply cord into a $.Iandard wall outlet. If an extension cordis used, be sure that it is suitable for the application.
FENGEINSTALlATION: Drive the fence posts 3-6" (7.$-15 cm) intotM ground away front branches and stems of shrubs and plants. Otivea ground rod into the ,soil (preferably soil which, stays, moist) until only .2" (5 ern) remain abova the ground. Slide the ground clamp onto the rod and ti.ghten the clamp so that.a minimal amount of pressure against it will not cause it to slide up Or d9wn the rod. Refer tolllustranon 2. Firmly secure a length of electric fence wire to the ground rod b,y feeding the wire betv-Jeen ·the clamp and rod, then tighten lhe screw, Connect the other end of the wire to the ground terminal of the fence energizer by wrapping the wire once around the terminal between the, two washers; then securely tighten the wing nut.
Connect the fence wire to the fence terminal of the energizer and attach the w,ire to the 'fence. posts With the enclosed cotter pins. Place a, consr pin through the hole In the fence postal the height you wish ~he fenbe winHo be, then bend theanets of the cotter pin baekta keep the cotter pin securely fastened to the post. Thread tne wire through the cotter pin as shown in the lllustratlons, NOTE:. THE GOnER PIN WILL BECOME. "HOT" WHEN THE ENERGIZER IS ACTIVATED. You may also simply thread the wire through the holes in the posts without using cottar pins. Since' the pole is plastic,the wire wiH not b~bgrounded.
Wheh you raacn the end of the fenee, wrap the wire securely around the cotter pin on the last post. For maximum ettloienl:Y, add another level of wire by simply continuing the wire on the las! post to another level of holes and back down the fence as shown in Illustration 1 .. The minimum distance between the fence wire and the earth should be 6" (15 em) to avoid contact with grass and ground covers which will short out the fence. Do not anoW the fence Wire ttl touehanything 'but. the plastiC fe'noe posts or the cotter pins,
You may lengthen the electric fence up IcY a rsngeof 1 mile (1.6 krn), Simpl.y add more' electric fence wire to the Original by splicing the two wires together as shown in Flgure A or by using a splice connector. The Wire Should be either smooth galvanized or aluminum and can be any gauge between 12 and 20. Remember if, the connection must be tight. Always connect F~ .. ' A
alumInum to aluminum and galvanized wire Igure
to galvanized wire,. Avoid fence construc-
tions that cause injury to animals or GoOd Splice
the energizer in a dean, dry ar'ea·wfiere no PoorSpliee
moisturecan drip or blow onto it Do not mount the unit on the ground or in any area sUbjett to direct sunlight or moisture. It is advisabte, to install the unit inside a Weatherproof box or close to a buirdlng with an overhang (see Illustration 1).
FENCE MAINTENANCE: Periodi.cally inspect the fence line and remove vines, brush growth and fallen branches which wHl short out the fence.
FUSES FOR MODEL $S-750: Replace fuses with 111.6.amp time,delay fuses only. 3
Fact:. The large majority of ell fence energlzenrreturned for repair are not defectlve. The problem is usually In the fence construction.
If the fence is not operating properly, check the fence line to make sure it is not touching yPur house, trees, shrubs, grass weed.s er anything other than the plasti€ fence gosts. These will an cause the lenoe to short out Check your eonnectlons to the power source to see tl'iat they areseeure; Be- sure the fence and ground Wires are tightened securely by th_e wing nuts- •. If everything checks out. and you stindQ not have a "sting" on the fence line, you may have a poor groond,in which case yol,! may need te drive a &-8'(1.8-c2,4 m) metal rod into the earth and replace the ground wiref~Qm 1he two-foot ground rod to the new md (sea Illustration 2). If you suspect there is no charge from the energizer, perfoml the following test BE CARBFUL NOT TO TOUCH THE ACTIVATED FENCE WIRE .. Use a commercialelectl'ic fence tester to check the. outpyl on thefenoo Hne while it is aotivated. I.f there is no 0UtpUt, remove tlie fence wire from the energizer and cheek the qutput across the terminals with an electric fence tester. If the tester indicaJes output, the problem Is' with the fence .. If the teste~ indicates no output, the problem is with thecenergizer.
SS~725: TheoulpUloHhIs energizer can be checked using an' AC vottmeter; The opencirbliit (110 load) output IS between 7W and 900 volts AG. The amperage at short circuit CQnditJons ,maximum) is 6 to 10 milliamperes.
S$-150: The indicator lamp (located betwe.en thegTound and fence terminals) shows the-output to be OK when the lamp blinks under normal tenceload conditions. If the lamp does not blil'lk, remove tlie fence wire frem the energizer to see If the lamp begins 'to blink at n!:Fload conditions. If the lamp does blink. the problem is with the fence oonstructioTi .. If the .Iampdoes not blink, the problem is with the ener.gizer.
CAUTION: Always unplug the! energizer from its pow«!r source wb~n discon~ nectlng tbe fence wire. The 66-750 energiz~r's output can only bEt measured using a commercial type el.ectr:lo fen~ t.ester.
illustration- 2 depiCts a zypical electric fence circuit. When an animal comes Into contact with an eleCtiicall¥-oharg.ed fence, Iheanimal wIll feel the electric current because th~ electrical charge passes through th~ animal's boay, then throagh the ear1h to the ground rod.~nd then up the ground wire to the ground termihal of the energizer. If theanimal and the ground terminal of the are .not sufficiently ground.ed due to an improperly installed ground rod or fence system, or if the anima'i. is not grounded, then the path of electric sho<:k cannot b~Fcompleted and the animal will not feel the charg~,
4 . -
Terminate the fence by s&curingthe fence wire!o the last colter pin or insulator at the end of your fenee. NEV.ER connect the wire thai is connected to the energizer's Fence terminal to the Ground terminal.
A good Secure ~__,......."
connection is .
essentirutor II~ -."..... ••••• <, L-- .~p .' 00 .....!- 0 _"" ~
proper operation II c> I! _......... --. II?'_ .' __ p I J
of the fence. ~ c ..... ~ I> --;[" • -..... c>" ~~.,.. C ...... I> -;;-
II~ .<i,':::.:,:,. L~~LOSS OF POWER to-the
w ROC! II ..... fence occurs when weeds
:: Metal Indicates Charge Flow or shrubs are allowed
" Ground Rod to fOl:lch the fence.
" you have Installed the lense Concrete, brick, woOd, etc. do
Clamp properly and still are not getting not conduct electricity as well
G~~~~~ ~~:s~~?: t~~/~rie'~~:n~ ~~ is fesn~~~ge~i !~:~;f~~:~~id
not reachlng permanent wet patios where Ihese materials
ea~peclally in dry may be used as the grounding
climates or in sandy soli. surface lor the animal.
Since the earth is half of your complete electric fence circuit, the animal must "touch both the charged wire While being in contact with earth ground. See Illustration 3 tor installing a two-wire fence system in areas where poor soiland earth grountling oonditi.ons exist Note: Animals that are prone to jumping may be difficult to confine. You may need to try differenl heights and/or tence configurations in order to determine What type of fence installation works best in your particular situation.
If the ground rod and/or connection where the ground wire from the fence energiz-
For areas where poor earth grounding conditions exist
One wire for the FENCE (or charged) wire, Terminate the FENCE Wire and the
and one wire for the GROUND wire. GROUND Wire (SEPA,RATELy) at the
last fence post. NEVER connect these wires together,
~ Indicates Charge Flow
er connects to the ground (od IS not properly installed, the complstlon of the electrical cir~it may not be possible. likewise, the'fence \fire must always tie insulated properIyfrom touching shrubs, tall grass and ether ~leGtrically conductive objeCts. Otherwise the electric ch13rge from tlie fence wire leaks off to' ground through weeds, etc, and,the fancelosas its shocKing_ !1ower.
ExpIanat,lQn of illustration abov,e:
A) Dog rece;ives a charge because it is-in with the charged FENCE wire and the GROUND wire at the same time.
S) Dog receives no charge because it is tGluchingonly the GROUND wire and nonhe FENCE wire (or charged wire) at the same time.
C) Dog. receives no cnarge because it is fpuching orily the FENCE (or charged) wire and is not grounded.,
NOTE; If you have installed a two·foot ground rod and .do not g,at adequate charge on your fe-nce, you may need to instan a 6-8' (1.8:-2.4 m) metal 9r'0und rod. 00 not operate
siJy fence .system Without the use 01 aground rod. /
Remember, a. chain"lJnk fence is ea.rth grounded and cannot be electrified by hooking a charged FENCe wire cireGUy to the rnatalfance. Tha-charged FENCE wire must be insulated from the fence lJy using electric fence Insulators as shown. Fi·Sliock manufactures a complete line of
quality insulators. _ \ .
The model SC,50 Exten~,ion Bracket Insulator is -shown here.
Fl-Shock, Inc. warrants this fence energizer tor one year from. the date of sale 1.0 thlgl ori.ginal consumer purchaser against defects fo materials and workmanship. This warranty does not or circuit breakers where applicable. This warranty does not cover damage to the energizer caused by, storms, lightning, flOQd~ misuse, aI~eration,.incorr&et ihstalJation or handling or any other reason not related to product malfunctions or defects i'n the materials -or woJ'kmanshlp of this product, Defective units must be> sent to an authorized service center for repair. Call 1-8-00-251-938B 'for ttit;! nearest repair center. The warranty s.nall apply only while.. the. original eonsumer pur=chaser ·owns the product YOU MUST RETAIN THE SALES RECEIPT FOR PROOF OF PURCHASE.
WARRANTY LIMITATION; There is no other expressed warranty on this energ;ler.
NeitfierFi-Shoo • Inc. nor the. seHer is responsibl.e for any incidental or c.onsequential damages arising from tlTe use or loss 01 use of this
Any warranties implied bylaw are limited in duration to the term of this warrantY. AShQ~k, Int;.'s maximum liability under'any warranty, expressed, implied, or statuto.ry, is limited to-the purchase price of the product. Thei pureaaser's exclusive remedy"shaU be only as slated herein.
Some Jurisdictions do not. aHow limitation on how kmg an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or Itmitatfonse( incidental or consequential cjamages, so the above Iil'Dilations or exclusions may nota,pp-Iy to you.
MODEL NO, _-"-- __ ~ SERIAL NO. _
·Call ToU Free 1-800~251-9388In, the USA and Canada 8:00 AM_:3:00PM-ES·T Monday through Friday