Computer Shopper March
Computer Shopper March
Computer Shopper March
• Desktops
• Processors .' Dilg.llila. '~_III ,Ca ..... ms • Softw'are
• & More!
Ultra-Fast ...____,_~ Desktop Systems
37' '~'A:eroCoo] [asyWMch ~'[IDIerm:aNEv'erre5t
~, It! WinAnUt,~
~':P,'lDS DH~401S
~'PNY .I:t.RE Ge:F'or~ 81300 cr i Scythe Ninja Copper
• Tuniq sanemm
~'llll!:~a Prod!uctsPowerhn:ner ~, WD c:av:l!::rr GoP
1.4 '.' Apple Mac::P:ro
'.' .ASUilii M:5M '·EW'~rex c:lo!,l,dBQok ,0, Gal~w<l1Y FX7020
.. ' liP PaJri]io:n'I'X2{)oo Se.ne5 It:n:~el'tajnmenr Notebook PC' '. sOtl'y VA,~O TP Ho,me Theal1e'f :PC
Gllide t:UI 37IFla'sh, ..
Ml!lm'u-'y'" MIP' -3 -p~ 'I!!I'Y' A-'Sl
!llil I - _.r .' I I r- R" ~lf I.
t8iJI'Uypow,~ Gmn'!1!'r Paladln 900. 18 ()_hetdokJon
210 .EW~1l PoUyAJ90
:20 RadiGaetlV,i;! iPC .Pi~8Sl.m!.
1~ A!j;t!.$. Ee~ PC ole-
22, ~G Club ,l':npO'!N~r ENPSI,I!5,
22. HP CQ' :2 S,10p
24\ Toshiba [email protected]:e .~.m
24, Fujit:su li:[0!!lookVl01.0
28 HP Pavilion HDX Enwrta]nrnf!nrt:
Not:e},ook PC (h!1iryH Edition) CiCMP,ONems:
1:1' AM[) PheJ1CJn 9000
:H) Shll1itfl~ XPC [lyiJ'I:i,:3i SX38P2 Pro
32 !nt~l COTE! 2~tOO)iil.l@ QX.9770
:12 [vGI!. @-G@'Fotte :8aOO
34 S • .:it!ek Pro Flight Volle System
34 logitE-~lrn. Q:iJ.tkkClIl:IIiI [l1'fij< 0000
35 i;:]fJ,er:ma"
35 H~ :PhowS111alJt casso :[email protected]:X·700Qi
4:3 Hal1~,G HC2BID:~B
43 VJewSonk'VX'2s:3/iiwl'rl
M De'l~ Ulu:tliSb,np 3OOt\W.P mr.I1I'A.L C'AM.E:i_:S,
46 Kodak. iE::ilSyS'hi)I~ V1.2'5:'3
,CCtiliSUMEIIiI: Uflil
SIO A:n:~~iOS 60S. Vlif'i
SO Mkrosoft. Zune 8GB
S4 SaupdTh~h VGi;.a1 Tt:af!l!1lf
5<4 msh@!p~:r 2002 'P'ro :P['@!m~,e.lf
__ 'mls MGfiJlm'5 "IiC:Iil' P;!j!~~I!IIC."m'S 5i lEn.tertodnmem: Desktops
!Sa. l'hliNU.d.L.ight .n..lIpto~s S9Netw.ork:-Att3lihEd·S:~0I:;Jge
~O Laser. :Ml1rers
61 Se(unty P.:rogmm'S
rt.]:'h~'t-w MARCH 2008 VOLUME 28 NUMBER 3 ISSUE 336
-4 Grc~t Gfaphil;"os, V~'lues •.. and Much More!
(lnec k out .!II n on fi ne·'f1'.xdu:· !live re'l,l i e'\IV of ATI'5 ia tes.t value-:pack:ed m~drange
grapnic~ card, thE! FladMrl HD36:S0-,it SliIP sorts t h@ new [lin~ctXl0.1 stOlm:lilrd. Go ID comp'ldershCl,pper. '!;f;InJrevieW5 for t hi ;. ·111 nd ,otIU'F rI~W rev~~'S.
Wher~ to Find to Fre ~ Softw.a Ife Our ~rnload5
Cierltel' serves IjJ p t hW'!j~nd5 of apps.::
C S<S1l'ntpall util.ities. vlruS. stoPlPers, p I·JO:to~diting sot mill re, <Inc! mue ~ more. 8e·Uer yet most ClI'€' lree, G~t 'en~;
c(lmputell'ShoPPcl: .. ,tormJdownloiillds
WlI"NZ!P 111.1 HA&All.OF 'IfOO mE· COM.mESSION ~aD:S CQVEiii1D
~N_QQ Itl .
,eOMji!\U~, Cl~RES
81 aur OCllhysician prevents <an awlan(:he of tl~ousamls af 3;Srm'll, phOW5Udes, R'SCU'e'S .. t reader (min (j, digitail mmy of his own making. and ponrl.@rs th@ I:J€'S~ ways to pe;rfmm ODSll1<!<l· k ~~U~ry' a~ a iPC's C8se--aUina til:al'swl'lrk
84 'Ti3lre B~rfect ])~gitn;lphoto:s Areyouf digit<llpho~oiO b!u!TYt,. il:ainy" or w~5h~d O1.iI:tl Th~ biii:M waytQ so,t'v~ ,th~~ pnml'@'lns:: Gilt: e;v@[)it:bil1ig.nght bt:'jore you rtaJke< th~ ,piic[u]j~. H~(eo'sll@wto 'so~:v"e fiv~· ohhe Inos~ OOml~lOIl proble~ns :iillln:M:e:Uf p,hooogm:ph~rs ean ~e'ciel1'lie.
'1:00' HQW W Juytib.e :Righl!:
Mu~tifu:r.!d:lon PTirdcr
Make Your Voice Heard
Co mplJ~erS ~op peo[,c:om has. I';) IJ! nclled two, new olf1Ul1e fD:I'tHr.l5. The rirstror PC building\, isa meeting p,IOIce for ,alii of your qIU~5ition:s. about putting, tog~thEr vour nexl de~~toll-ancl rl:hoo~~r'i9 the iilart~ The other
isa l(lunge wI, ~re yoo can ch~ t wi th other Gr:ml{Jutw, Shoppt!f' ro~df!u'S.
[Log on to com '1iI1NiI'!IhD lWoICOml
forum,s to check them QUt.
Compute'f 5I:Joppw In YOllr ln-Box
Sir!;!!1 UIP'~or- QUI r rl@'\IV's.1 ~UlH'S, O! nd ,g;~t the best lJtf Campu'~r Shopper delivered right. to your e-rnai] address. w.~ d"Sot ~~bute e i 9h t news; leUe r'S: each mnnth, ilndudifl1g Computer Shappe-r This MomUl. a monthly l)review of Computer Shoppers print maga;::il'1!e; B~'St [lownlo<lds, winer!! we hClnd~ick Ulll' most-useful free software; .Hld Hot Dea~'5, where you cenflnd Qut about great ~O!,vin:g~ on procil.!lct~ reYiew~~ by Computer StJ'OPPllr. Get COFlfu!cted:
ClD ... pl!'!iiholPper.c:amJn~5tetil:er
All the News That's Fit to Blog Campl.I.ter Shopper editor's ptJ5t candid takes on new P(·tllch products, servke'!i, ilIlild!llgs dai Ilv. Book ma~ ~ I[I'UI" blo~F Cigmpl.:ltel",ptalk
WMPI.£!Ii'E: PR:l'IlW1~1Ir MIiiIIi!I(E:1IiPU,:OE !l)';IJI.IrIE
91. ~r.fQtmm1c~ n~!k:wps
94 M:at'herlboavd]s
96 Flash .. Mi'C'tI.lory'.!3:asoo M:ll3 Play&rs
A LSD EN THIS ~'!5,1U11!
11. Browser gl:at1tildad~y Nel'Scape Navi.'E)rutor, a:[~@'r y~,s of slIbjug;atioH to ~.!::. takes i~ ilmil bow. AI~" fincl QlU hQW NPR plan$. to brwdc::mto th~ hearing- 0I:1l.a visi!:JJ1:.1mpmrN, rnndleltiIll Jililst 1'ltN.r' rnaFl.!i' of us are GDoglling m,II:rselv,f?&
~~II1I,'!:MElNTS 6Edim~' N'Qt..;- 98 .Ad l'ndf!x
LI,!!fil:ij 21m 'llCUi,t.iE. tl.ij.tlB!IU !llSU!: no~.ii' ~ ~~O!I~lll;~r!!Ci'!dl"" w.i1_!!!~ItU.~~~"g'l PI' ~ !W!dc~!xus. Ltr'g;:t.W~ .... LIC'! ~~ .• KltI! n~
No.!td,m lOOlect;'!o,o>iI~"t.W~paod oi~'Itd" N'II..Jloddi>:NI~ .. r.....IP!oI:Ii .. ikon.MoI~llib':;IIOO!IULI'!D<SiMl.'!oillR:~ ..... ~iiD f<mpJJ'<r ~ FD.s...~ III:Jd.o;m8DJ.i.l:-.~ rll!i1!"!!~".~~I;oP.Qb ~ lY'O~etMlfrft!:, ~ iU !l'W;IiU!<l5.F!ift!i:Olli1if',nIPil<d~.~~£iI;I!'o!odDtr~ill<IIiIi r-CNtT NlI!!I!ia, I!'II. '5I!i~C"U"®l~';!ldtMt!I!I.wr~" ~~ ~th""'''''<d!idir~~''" __ ''''otI!!n,_~.rm!; .. _.,_.".",".tho'''lllo:iJt! PI_fit "lJl!ElI~l~ h!,,« h!ll~'" C'l'l""II·tU~lOl!1rnlill"·~ 1n!..,Ij rll!n ......... '00-"". ,~~[!I C.~ET N;;t.o'~,~~,lijlcdi~_~~JlielO!il8~~M!;j!li.i!o:,lJLtIJ!''lIti~~~m''I<!~~ fCi'JI"tilf~O!l~lW~_~~~,LIoIil!"-I'!f!.~I.~~~1 fo!I,j;,1tI. iJ IRI"r.iopih!o5;i:;d_,~ \\1l1f!1"~"12,"~~~5. "C~~ ... ~r.:d~~dI 5:Ii!~IIL..b;.lu:. pr,wlu't,JiTHfi[U.4.
~r5, IB&:EII 'SOIIME T~ME NOW :5Ln~ ~pto~ overtook de-5ktops as the world's ~fe~d .type of oompute-r,llhaug)l you !pighrr oor k!1fiW it fmm the covers of computer ma,ga.2ines. Om~' l:ea'501l :ior ooteOOoks' surge in prrp1.1:Jarizyis the increase in the number of models off~I:edFol" un,der $,1,000, a price' point!t was oncethe so]e, dmnrun of desktop pcs, .P,et~r lMit i:md!g~t poor.!'~lelS h:a~ und,e<fgOlle :a Se-rioOIlS ~r.imsf~~ti.c!l'lfram the drnb sl.a:bs Qlfyearn pru;t~ when they ]m,~ked. design fI.a:ir and. W'E'.fe hobbled. 'by rQLttrl:a.ted parts and rerrilile· bilJti:eDY life. ill QUI: roundup ":'Aliomlahle .Portaibles~
(p. 53),. we t'l?sted f:mrr n.ewvalue-price lap~ops that tlt'rUWO '[ 00 asJ!HI(I to lflullU~, an '-11: 101ryl,,~_ ,1- ,n - --- . _NW_ - - ,.~ - ou - 11 - iiUrpe - ="'1'
They ma~' net be elPJ~pped with tlhe :~:lites:r hi~h-end ~!itm, b~t '~~ can more than hOitnd_l~ 'iW~J:Y-U~ C01'!"1putin.gtlasb, and you ltlay even besurprised by some of their f'€aru~s, Th~ Ga:reway P·6825,for exampie'. comes 'wiJti'l.:oI.htlge' 1l7_1-i1'lC'h SC:~~~l you'dl 1flotltl~liy ~N.p«t 00m a system. (ostling twice its price.
Spmki!ng of l1I(ltroOoQ!k;$withlmg_e screens, we
also l~w a rotiew of dle iat~t ~Q!l ~r HP'§ twx Entenah11ment Notebook PC (p. 2B).Yll.11en lit deln~ted ~\N,,~j m'(]!1'~]l~:i_go. the HDX fioooW Us with its gi. garntie 2O-1l-inch. M[J1ay (as 'W@1l as iw gte<l:t big prLC'e). and no.wius pe.rforma:nce has be~n becsred by a f-aster plQo~t;Wr <Il1dWe:£ie.r gffiphic. ~1,11 :lfJ'Ou'~ looking at the'otil~~r end of the price sp€wum"Asu$ has a hit with its $399 ~PC (pc Ui). a. tiny l.:.p· top d1Jat~.lI.lIn:o the lil11.m os.
Whle not~boob ~~ th~ hot sellers thesE!(l~~" p.l'l!tLijI' of O1..!f l."e:id.e:l"s staI lbu~ld,theiH.wn desktops or II,lpgtad@theit@XlISfung OH8. If you ,Pian on doing eithel.' one ~a~, the 1::111:'3:1'" fiuwJ;e,you.'lie! plubJbly <l.waxe dUi:l a J~ew I.noth-erooa.d ~ a mti~l compon~l::n to wnsider pUkh<lsing.'{Q"l]'U wam to consult OUT ''1008; M:Othe'l:'ooardlluYting Guide" fe,uJ!J1:e (p. 74):, where we breakdown <ill the lmiXluaa,.t d!e~ )AAl. need to eensideriu a newbcard, 3S 'l,l,l@Uastak@ a loo,k at eig,lt new models rbal£allge' from petf.o:ml8!nee beh@i'h.o:ths 'to roe-~r. rnol'ei compactnl.oboo.
One way to ypgrade your daily ('\ll: t)Jl'ening upyoulfs.ysrem is wiith:<li llewlCD na!OJ1:ito r, 1hoSie on a h~d#t and stilli. saddled with a, cb.,mky GRr can switch tea :l7-inch flatp:an@l [.of itrolmd ~:t50 era 'D.g..U:l(h~r far uniier$2SO, wllllile ~Illers and th~ whowan~ lots of multim@dh~ eptiens have Eheim.' D-wn screens to comi:der: Our feaillllre ~r-o]"":rou Eyes OnJyI' (p, 61' ldentines [our diff>f.'wnt ~ or lffi't'.rnma recommends the bes'i! I.CIJs to s!Jlti:Ju~'l(pa:nicu]a[ needs, 1:£ t.he t-womsplays we s11m!e51 for those loonnEl fOor a big screen don't fit the bill, we'I.~.<I:'iIoe tl'llJ'@E! lCOO:lie ~am panels in. ollr~~ws :sectioJ:1: a pair of 2S,.inch l"flOillIi· ters (Ha,nnspree(s H::.nns"G HG28,'lDPE andV'iewSm .• ic·s VX1835wJll,p, 403) and DeU's new high·end :30-l.n(;11 U]trn.sharp300aW.fP LCD (p. «).
YOl. 'can use-ilia!.: new mO'lll.Wrto v1.ew all the phetos ymJl take· wirth mgi,tal eamera, Of course, you may just W,8il.l~ to hit the Delete key on th,e ones that tumout bl!ul1yoroth.!H-wiselll':ll1.Sab~J;'" 10 <'iI'!Ioid.solne of thetypi.:~l digjt:aJ~imagjng pitlallil during }101JJ,r next shoot. tum to "'1'.rJJli:e PE!l;i'ect Iligi.ta]. Phows· (p, :fM) fot' :advice em. getti;I'I~ image-s in fOC:U:5, using whi~e bal.a:nclZ .oorr«t\", and more. Th~.n you'll be, SIliI.'e to hwe picture-pelliect hUi~Ees~o disPlay en yaur new s~n-whe-ther it's <J!t1iai~hed to yom: desJdop or part of 1II u.ewiaptopo
w~: want tlillhear fifiom )I''O:!JI!
Wh~t:iiilQiYMI'lhiilk ofthi!'i~~? lI!t 1,li§! IUill!fW: 1l!l!'clb:.u:k@Ctlil'fil;pmrs~cp.llIl!r.mml
[lt~(U'flVI ,~O~l'OA,. OIlL.lII<I{ SNn PanPl:l'l ~1.Ii~vn"'~ I~II!! r9'~ ./oOOf1~. &l.tfC~ []E5I~Ul m~'~)c ur~ Chris ~PhilI~
lolA N·.IIG'IN~ ~1l1 TeA .~U101I1rl Raou~1
~~,I'llllll ~'H T!:I·~ :i.t:l~II1~
.II:~)S QCI.I!.'n n'~1i'Q:I<I~ Eri~ I\~I, l~ l.. ~IIII
e O.NlI!1!!I! U'TIIi1!1i U ~JO!l5 Bilrl)' BI.flIl5iIl lid Braid"" J<lil'li~ B:>o!I~ ~~ GI'r]~-I"t ~,II 0' Ii'orilln. A$.;i ~m~""
AI", AA Cli DC. I!IE, Rl" ~A IL. tl" tf'f, ~,~ Pdl IE. ~i~ Mr.l. Mil MOo
NC, ~ rilJ,. N'!: a-I\ !li!i.,. AI, sc. Ttl!. T.!:, \I~ VT, w,~ ~ Ut~ {m "F.M!!!'!1icl!ll ""j)WI~:lnl~I!I~ mIR·~I~ VCI:~ '';lUl\1~r1 ~rman [917] 1i~ ~ EC.~g.t.I,1.l ~"',u.s M"'.it~~ ~.~ ~~r Ro;.:~ t91?j 3.~®iM .~~counr· rnctU1'Il.!{ DL.)Ii]~Li.'!l'It1l!lIb.:!th(9IiJ ~~'8,
"" ~:'I'~
sz, O!i. CQ.!A.IIl\.::s, Ml; m:!\IE. 11.. .... Nv.. 0;:. ~ $bi. LltWA.W¥.c.nad.>~C'5i~·~~ri»
w'~ ~·f· oi:'Q~'~1r ~.U S M';'H~Jt:,~'~ ~~ ~MI1H!r (m 326...s;Q9 l!.{(O uar €~ 1l:l!Jr IV': Di<llu L;)!~IlOO~h (917) 32(J,-Sf1a.
IW&R~"'lIIN~ M"'.un'I;t<,1I .ll.1li'I Mar,O! Fl'Ol:ibM U(:H~ IUt I:!~O IUJ~ ~,~ Rr~li~rd tff.!Ci'I
(~!!C U L.I!TU),l Dllg,I)C'TCIR SlTliiwrn Bllrl./;l f",C(~r ~'il~I~~T~~. ~11"'~~I~_i~Q~'I' ~&~I~~ !1iilII1k1~1~!l"I
~·RI!;!g'uu~~;m 1,I"'!I&~iiA .Rari;l~lI.~Cal!
U~i['UOp,flI[ jj~':ilIl!E!Oc~ SIl~JC,luli!:f '~r:lf1 JolrSl;l l>T~F. F ~,CCOIII'H\!i UT Tet·~!l.l Q\o,~~..11 a:r.u~ Ii· J!.~ M!!'jIUI'hH!:J ~ AdIi.;lI1~ M~ll~"'Z
:lon Mn !'A L.I! ~$ PIl!~c5l.(lr!'l'l·II.Il!l (IiI!! !);"lJi_~' S~ll.
[ill E ~ 5ii'Rn~c.'tr oHI ~ ~ A Elll:arnrotli R:o'b~H5 ~ H~'I ~M i!,iJ B."lrl",' 5o:J!vMl mI!I'
C~r 9hg~~. 12 "'~n ll.'iIC_lQ!h Ffl. 1'4~ 'rbr~.INiV 't)()161 Sal~~cr ocQ''!I9!I.j'(;6)',. EdiIOl,,,,I: 9f.l·j;lfi-3'OQ ~: nN.m·~D 6t!~tClttl~ St'!mc~:: eTi'·2'l4·739ll, ~lliY"':rt~lli:in I tl."llJiJrl~: SOO ·214·631a4
FOi'Si!!!i~~fI'Yi~ lI!nl~, ~-~!Iti., 'IliI'·UI(!fi!w.:I~·~lio!l.
~~b~~o:o:.'OOP~~W!nMQh.o;fG~,L!obri.'tI,!!l~ ~t:ho;t""D;~~."",066:I4it$~nE..miI . PJr!tl _nU'l~M' .. ,fI;dI''j/il!l~~doliMl
"""'" ~~tjit[CijU~·11'o.,,,...,...... ~ r;o1o iI;!~9l'. c IPO p!o~. W-k--r-_U5f~","",,;~_""-:l4h ... t!kit;=_~I'io:II:r-ti..rdilo'l.fcr .q'.~ '""t.>I.:.~~"".in w.1il'!lI,...b..mfplon, IBlKk ~OS~ (jiB.xh kl,11>.1JS. $ ......._~bDMlIIiiIi~;I.~B~.l\iI.:MchKb~IGo~ ~:,WoII~ts.t«Q.,;klm>B.~~ M~~ ~m$l»2. ~,M.ln~~1lt:w.~i'ft!l_~ __ ;_bUii!i\~lI:!i~~1h;o~iMj'
~."_ir]oWdo'1i;!1iwl"'IQ~~~!!'. ,*-wr~"";!~~~~ oo.,Ba.~~,(iO~
AT TH.1E r,OR:F::~FR(JiNT of the Internet I:i eom dt:lrh~g the 19905, Netsctlpe, was instmrnental in cre3tiitig :11. n.eww~y for people to use' their 'iC:omputers UJ "CiL:e-S:S the W~b,Bu~ with c(l:mpe:titi(l!Il increas-
i~\ii!! and the number of Netsc2Ip e 1J!S'~H;:jj dedining" the com Pill]]Y haspulled
the plug 011 irs Navig;a'tofWeb brewser
a ft'erB y'€~{r6.
A1tholil,gh the bta,w~l" 'WiU stiiH b~ dO'W'nloadabl@ fQ,1t the
time b~ifgg, iIIO:!". N~t$.l;'~pe'$ owner, ceased researchand d.evcelopment on february 1. incb.ldin;g support and sscurity 'lipdaJtes.
Re]easedi]ll 19SM. Navigarcr was based on Mtl:5alic, .~
\iWb bmw5'e.lI'pmj,~ct built by the N3;timlal Cente~ fair S'upercmnputingApplkaticnsat '[he' University of rmno:is- Many of theteam men~b!O'rs i ~!\c.h.lding
,Marc Aa:a.c'II:eessen, Sj)'LU::l of,f fW1U the univ,ers:ity to ere·at@ Ne'tsc::ap@ and! eemmereiali2Je!thepwduct. Netscape lose to great; heigj::Ln; duriUig
[he first Internet boom, <and, <I't ()nfl PQi~u, valued :aii: $2 billion,
!BU'~ Net:snpe 5::1IW its fOlftunes fa]L Th@ oomlxany b,t g:rou.rid 'to Microsofr~ft,e~ ~he $Qfi.~~ gi~nt La'l,m~h~dI. i'i!3:
Illt.eme:tExplo:rer we'b hrows.~r" Ne-t"$cap~ rn~rg~d, in~oAot in 1999, lMH N:dvi~ror never ~lned ~'tS. ma:r~et shaJ~ fron"! h1ih~lme:t~xp~.ol'ier.
While Na'Viga tor's popularity was waning. howe'tI',~r, N,Ei'rsc::Jipe sra rtt~d. en QlI~en -soures hrows'er project ealled Moz m~L 'The p:rQje-ct WQlI,dd 'ev\i!:nt'Ulally le, a d tothe creation of nr@fox, whkh ]!S eurrently SE!E'i:I].g an ~l'l,(:'n~:lI,SE!' inusers. The latest version of NavigatClIwl),S built eu ,F~R'fo;il, (1he can~,ino web brewseris also based
on Mozill.q Although N@iSC::l,P@ Navi:~9tof is ItO mote. it's spin,!: liws: on In Pirefcx, -L~ 1, S;h~
112 I'Irl!;1io I'eJrlhe He'-Iri!r(!~ af'Nl Visl c.t-imp.1lfi!d
~!2 W:'-r@ 8% E1~dj I2'trm 1ilK$ CM!r HD ovo
l~ l.!!mCi!!j L:te ~. Lthi!llffl·loo BcII.terill'5- 'T1Iml'lks; to Nanotromolog,'?
1:4 ~, PrctIUitlS( p( s
• 'TRENDSPOTTmN'G According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project. 47 percent of adult Internet users have "Goo gled" themselves using the popular search engine Goog,ie.
In a report released last December, the cenrer found that those users tend [0 be 50 or younger, with aboveaverage levels of educadon and income. Some cite the importance of their online presence for their jobs as one reason for the self-Googling. Besides searching for information about themselves, 53 percent said they have looked up mends and other people an Google, butmost say they do so only to reconnect, not St100p.~e:l'i!lKa'n~~1
S!KY',E. •. 1HE VOIC:l~ OVG]f.! Ililj~~r!'!~~ Pro~cN;QI (Vc,IP) p,rcrvideil. has allii!l!~dy b~fi!!~ rrl'Ollkiin!J in~I@ ... dS! '@I~bid~ of~he piC wUlh Il!'roduc;~'s. slu:hi <:IS dedlica~,ed co,rdl,! ss~taln d W~- Fi -balse d plltcmi!stholll~ ~!e't "e,u caU OtliU!f S:ky p!! 1lI!5,er:s, w'itim,O,I,rt: ,~ CiOli1iI,pl.rtlll:f, •. Rec,e~l~ 1',1', the: com,p:any I!.H'II!'II!e:iiled ~~s n>ex,t rCNJllld af liI'Iobi'l estlrategy wil~11\I ne'w ~a'l't n,ew d@'vmc~s th!l!l~ r UIiII! S~YIP'!!':s SQttwOIfle', Slkype il5Ol1lls'o maldliU]1 an eilrutilyi,nt!o, the I;~U ~IPIiRiQ[lne 1i1i'!0!
llhe new' p'rcld uc~s, ~liiIltegll'!1~1 ~c' 'these .str,a,tre,gl'es im:hld~ UiIIl! Sony Mvl,e, '(ofl'l-2 1l!iE!lr!iilOlilloi<lI: ·ccliI1mUnic:iIit:ow. '~l1Ile NJok'i,a 1'1iJ18i1O Interlfllet ir:albl'I!'t:.
!l'nd ~~~~I~~~01I~~d Ulj~lr~ Mgbn~ ~'C I[UMlIPC;) dlir~viic>e~. Als<ilil'. !,n.en, of'~h~ !'!!~W' Sony prn01lySt ... Mo!'!Po!!"blbl,~ 'Wiilll be ab~!etlc, dowlfill'e,a:d Skypl!'on~Q the'ii" ha,nd1h:e,mdl g,iiI,milngl 'CiOI1il5'Q~,e. Ol,nd busiliill!515 USef:5 Ci!J~ ,~dd the' Eleillkin l[lie5~tiQP' IlfItierfll,e~ Pho~e te, the'ir 'wofill! ~lnV~~ii!!!ll!!lmeilru~. IliIsers wiill lbe!i!,bl~e ~o mI~~e frl!l:'!l' S~ype..;to-:!:5,kvlll)~ c~H!>. ow S,kl'pe:Oul~ ,callis, 't:o 1iil!1iI.dlilliillealil,d Cie'"~:p!holil~' I!Isl!rs~Q:r ,O!I~@@,
Sky pe's, liiIew celli pholiile. '~~e
3 S kl"pep hOliile I~a pia rt n,elts1hrnp wi ~11lii
e~II"lii!th~IiiI~~ f!~roilt!i!l, HI!.Jti~h i !'!~~l!'I
],) lis a ~IOW-C([i5t hOl,ndset '~IiI,a~ 11e'~s JOt! ~o;Iik~ ';Iilll~'p hOIill!~ ,~",II:~ ,,~dl ~rl@'1!l ,$q!P'!HiC-$kyll)ol~ "!I'o~ce Cl!!lllls.l1s Wl~'~~ '!J,s,~~~tdS,kvp€l i n-
S:~0'!1IiI~ messj;!j!;i[es"ln the U:niited IrGlilt~dQLmI,tlhte pholl!!l!e :5Ie~lls ,~Oll" th.e eqluivale.OOII't of! .$11010 om
a liiIem:)Olml~lr, .. d. PO'!Y-1i!,SI" you-g,o pl,O!n. ,(Till,! ISieIiViClI!,ls
,",II'so ~vi!li I il!lbl,!!, ~1IiI ,A'!.!s~raWii~.A,!J'!lt r~!1.
Deliilma,rk, H'en! [K;oiiil!Jr 11~!elandf Itiil!~V!' ~n.dl ~$,wed'en.J $ kype ~s I>QQlli.iili'illgto'
i ntrod uc:e t he plililene:~.otlfl,e 11.11,.5. m"lrlk(!'~,!, but: th~' company liIiI<ly'~ali!:ie: h.ulrdll!sw~th ceill-pholmle cali'[~er:$ stiliites:jlC!lle. -LL!),
compl.ltershopp@;.com March zoos '1'1
A NEW [N1'f]A'rlVE w:iH nli':lbl~adio l'J.' to .J.iLearll'lg- ::lind, '!1.isio'l1- impaired people.
'The pmjlf:ciI:, spearheaded by Natiolr)!~IPuhik 1t.'1dio.~,:;I:r['i!l CO~'P0mtio~'
(131 maker of communicadons equipment).
and '[;1:J,wson University; w:m. ~ui.eHD Radio t~chnQIQgy to enable he~ringimpairedpecple 'W "$;~~" Jive' radio con tent on $v;e.dany-~,~l"liip:p€'drecelv~ ers by ~ppiying thesame precess fii\j, uaed htl TV closed -c1lprlclnjng to radio
bliO<I!dC3StS., The' tedmo]ogy wm also p~ovide audiocues 3.1'J.d 'Volce pWlnpts,,3S, \l.I'~ 11 as advanced radiQ-re'~ding servlces.fer people whe are
vlsuaHy impaired err bUnd,
Add]tiorl:<!J plansesll for thl1l es.talbli$tnn~lfl't ,of ~l:'I i.,tm:,natiQ~ :;1:1 eonsortium
of equipment m:aniIJf~cttn-· en •. brcadcasters, and other
org~niZ,:1lti.OI1;S~O ~.llelp (os;ter broad adopncn of the NPR, :!ci':Ur'i5i• and TOW;SO'll will detenninerhe stmteg;ic direction or rhe
org:aJnil:~i'rion. with 8S9:i.s:~::m~e from the i~').itiat1ve·s. fu ll raem bership. :HI"R. wiU ~iUpply much ·of the content, 'While' Harris: win pro\iidE! mueh of dle I r3'!'!.$,mi;s;s,ionre]~t~d t·ll!C'hilQlo·
gy. TawsOon, {!i~l fhe o~h@';r hand.wil] research the needs of the se:!~s:ofYdi$:ab~~d papl..!l~ti.o!l, as w~U as host the prlm:ary officeon it~ campus, -}cmQt~l.Qn ~~ug~o~
Warner Bra,s,!. 'taIB'.I£1l BIII,'·'r8, IExc:l:ulsively
WARNE:R BROS. has anM~nced th~~iJt wiU back dl~ Btu'my high·definiilion dwlC' fo:m~at ¢lolduiilif€']y. [nw'hOit,[·is eensidered a major setback re HI) DVIDil.l the<battJs' fOT :nel'U' genemtion .IDVD mp~maq. S'tarti.ngin May" the mO\de~ty~ dio wiJ] distdbuoe aN film and TV'discs in sta.mi<u'clOOD and Blu·ray fonn:ats !o1~ly;
FOil mere up~to.!the·mi'li1u~e i!~ctn P'lO roy)!' neW!i" .,'i~j~ the Co.mput'e'f' 51rop1'er' b~og. ShopTalk: comp.ub::,rr s, 5h~pt,alk
The' dedslen by Wam.e'.r, one of the- key t:1lrly su.pptl'l1ere; of HD DVID, is a huge wi 11 [orSlu· ray: 1'he' dedsl:on w:iS nm,dein response to M.T!Ollg consumer prefe.:ence for tJ::i:~S~:IJ.·rny fOI1'l',,:Jl, alooordiing to WaIner's anllouncemen.t.
Sony's PlaySt:alti.Ol'!1 9: ElMgiV,e~,'l EI.]u".ray m1llch. of ifS success,
since the ga.ming censole ~ oomp~lti!bk 'With s·llu.-rn.y dli~. ND Dvtl bias:
also made strides ~~[iy 'Wl!t~) ·sigrrifical1.[prlC'@ brsaks .fro.m l~ile[$ and theplatl'onn's main badret, Tos;hiba,
But W.uue:r'::; declsi.onwiU giveslu.-ray a distinct advan· lage,wid"l'five ofth.e se·\f@\n major Hollywood st\!dioo now oocklJ!lg :Glu·rny: On~ytlWO. Par.!Ir1iQ\'l1it~tld! Un-i,vets<lt support HD DVD.Ana1yr;isfinn .r()]1:es~er Resea:reh lerenlly released a li@po:rt that pf@dkted
th.1:! E!lm·my ro:nnaJt 'Wl:Ilild ul:timately p~.
The an D'lDPoorn;o>t100TIa] Group. an advocacy ol:g<!!ni:zati.onw~:o.QS,I@ members indllde Ult.el,L!'l!OO\i'l:), <lnd Microsoft. ca:nce!J.e(;1, a mediia. ~ent' anc'! $ylb~1!.1~nt rn~in~eM~M alt the Cons!J.m!~:r .SlectTOnlCs 5howin ]lInLU:tly ailt:er Wa:l11el~s Siilmoun.c@]1;:rent.-J.R.
liilI Ci~i' iisSIiI:E! 11,.,51: mi,ont~~ we 'wiicte about U1ii! 'i::IC!5i~iii!~ !li!~ '(;hmlj;il!ll!i~e:r '!1!i!t ... il;eli 'C,",fiIIII'iI1L!I5A •. A~ till,!! 1C;'CIDilr51.!Ime!ll Elh;:('t",:n~cs 'Stlruow iii" Jalmlil.!ilr)'. ,it was, ·a'nliil,oumiICled~ha~ $y5tlE!IifI<HI a!iiild i~ts,sl.!bsidli.ny Tig;eIiDifled.ccliiI1 wi'll ,;t[lql.!il1etihe' fi!!ma~mli ng'0I,5sets of COlm,U!5A, iWilil~cilili\1lg 15E!ver..a1 r.:e>t:ai I smres!i!lndl~he 'Com, W'e:b sm~e, •. Sys,temID wiilill !ri!!,taiinl the llilame. so' it Ilock'S iilliJe' ['cmI1!lpUSAwilllllivE! CiiiI.
N' .. ·
_ . al\0Wlrln_g
Ba,tt-e1Y Life 'Tenfold
~ .. il:lt~ IHe ~;s a majer COnCWiIil when it'I:OIm:l!5, to IpnW',!'!!I"lhungry polfi!:lliIIlle el!edi'o[llIrics, S!ucih as 1i1I~t:ebiIJ'lik W.pLlt~irs. ceml jPlIiIOIfle5,• €01 liiliI!I!I\iliS;; andl mlill~i' p!~v,efs !S1u(,111 as tJin.!i'!!' AlPple ilP>od. But !i'e:seaKlmEir,s .. t St:limiif,@!\d IJl'!iil,iltrsj,W ~!!liI,iI~ IiilnCi~Y(Med a l!JiI,e~hod thaM m[ght ¢x;wnd tlite .;:l1al'ge of IIiJt}hil!J .~:liIn hilt~>cri.e!li. ~p'(lUJti.~s, <is, IloogaiS!,~ ~eill'S ..
Usingl !il!1lnQted~'m;d!o· g,. Vi (ui, an assistant prt;J~es!OiDr of 11IIilI'~tJlliimi!dis S>i!:ii'ence ,Ii~d e.ngiin=.rilllilg at $~miirowtll. l\i:pl!iI(;:cd !::~r!:!Qn in Um~ lb .. ,tlt!!iI"'I·~ iU!Qdc w'itlh 5~Ii~Qn" Si'lli()@n hO!iSOII 'hi~h~r ~1ior.:ll]le ~~P",!lJty" h'Wd const~nt char,g~ 'iJllil!d liIise ~a!'l !Ii~U!i1l' !iiili"nn
to' d~J1lid~~b~ F!~uf'oili'~ !lIIIIli'In~e '!Ilf~ hatl:ell. By liIIi!iili1!l!1 n1l"~jrlnIJ~ hQw~ ever. Ci!!li tCI!.!Ii'uil a w~v to IJ1IreYiCnt ~hi!i ,d~!:Irodl~~ t;~n" kelPing ~h-e dlitl~lIn frern fJ;,,,.durlng wffime<ml! litsoialks uplitliii1um illi!l)m~. lin' tliiltrQlq'.~liIis advi!!lnce ooul'd all~wE!l n~bgQk '~ f!.J1i\11~;U ,OI~ Ifang <!liS lCllilc!i!rs.
The n~ r~sWlIi!::h IJiI1!!!V ~e\!'ol!!lINon~e IbOltte,rY' dey,el,o.pmenl bl.!t the hulustrv i·so OI'lso tllrYing' t;a, :5tUPlpl!2fn~ lii~hili!mIton teclhnolag. After s.dety hiuiilleilil'tssl.!ch as t~ec massi,v·e recall ",,1 I'ithi l!!iifiiI'i~Qn bi!llteii'illes, ~n 200~ !:iomp~ni'es, <!Fe Ifoollililil,g int05i!iif'e(', YEit still efficient. forms 'o~: pov.rel'~ -4.~5 L Shtl
Round one
'You've: g.Qt a :s-weet new HlD'fV, but now yml want a WiilY to recerd and 'W<IItch high ·d@finition (HD)sloows withl as liU~E!russ ,SIS p©ss:ib~e-al'l:d. wit~l,outspoiilil1:g Y!01I11: di:s~gn scheme. Sony's VAl'O 1'P Home "~leilite~ PC is an Updii[e' of the VA'iO TPl thll.t maintaies the and sty'Jish l'Otma shape, but adds H[) Gi1bleCam S1l,]Pp0rt. Tl'le- c;ol'ii1l.ponenltset <ii~:50 a CQre: 2 DllKl niOOpro~~S$.QI'; 500GB .of hatd drive space.and a: Blu ·my dri,\I'~ [or 1-ID r@cording. It's svailahl.e in twoedhions,~he s:l:<iincl:llrd ~whi~e. :sruting :U $t,:600} iillld pren.iul'll'J. (b~.3c:ki5m:l'iting around $3,000 and offe.ri~lg two ex~e.rn~] cableCal.'cl·.eompa~]ble tuners). So:tgyr!ectll'oll~r's. WWW,gOitySty'~.WJlkl
_._---_. __ .. __ ._-_._--_._--_._-_.,"-- - - - - - - - - - -- ---- ----------------------------_._._._.- - - - - - ---------- ------------------_.- - - - - - - - - - ------
Tiny laptop, tiny prlee
Looking flO!!" .~ s:imp]e port:lME rorn.pu~er rh:o!iI:'s very easy enthe \!J[;i]J,et? F:ver.e:l1's U!e"i.II $;g:gg CloudiE!tlok rn.ilgln :flt th.e oo,U. ft weighs ina t jus:t two pOI)l)d.s, .me:3lS'I,L~ES ::31 mere 9 lnehesin leng~h. a.ndaverages .5 hOUlS. ofba!UNY life from its f'Our-celL I'ith.i!um-ion ba.ttelY: You'll also gN fa! 1.2GHz\l'ia Ci'-M ultra-low~w]t~ge mobi~e :proces-
sor, .~OGB ,of h:llrd drive spa~e" a DV[ port. :11 fotlr-forllta:t ~ardooad.ei', a.nod :a 1,3-m~pixe] Webeam,B!iilcajjs~i't uses the :gOS operatimg systlem, you WO:ll!~ be ",hIe ttl
run luany ccmmonapps on i(' bll~ ~t eomea with aU the apen-scurcesoftware (such as Firefox and Op:enOffl.ce .
. or¥,) you'n ne€d to do $Ont@' qutek C'ol:npU'ting wherever you b~ppen M be. h'tJ!l'I".e'x, WI.ttUH"IJ~rt)!_rolijj
.A new "e::dl'emely mobHe· en:tertainment sys~em." from. ASIIlS, lh.e M50S
is· aimed a~ 1l.]SE'tt; who want their nuil1imedia to tag otbng \Vith tliem, u~ 11.}I\bridTVruner :ann :t>eJ:tlLOt:e contfO.1 make :oor easy lecorditng <11m) watch· iog rJf'f'il shO'mO, while Hl:g'h-De'fii.litian Multi.nedta rnrer.face ,rH:DMI~ al~d S/P'])lfports emmre high-qlUllityvidieo and <rlldfu. A bl1ilt-in W12bcaln br:i:ngs users dWectiy il1ltl) thepieture, 01$ w1i!IL A. ]s.q,·,:inc'h SCfH'11 w~th
a reooltnion of 1.G8Oxl,O§(),mJCi aa nVidia GerOK',@ 8GOQM GT (256MB) gmp1tks caKli a150 mah it :a. gu'eilt chciC:;e:> fOT ~n\eJS woo w:nlit a ~r-ful system withol,.tt~lng chainedifO thelnil~ks,Prldnghad not been set .n press tlille. mlill'J'itk CQI'I1J,nltt:1;, uS:(U];5t(&'W1~~,
An Appll~ with eight clore/5i
Apple'$j,'l~frt:rI'el'l'lhip 'wid:'! inte] h~resulk!d ht:~ i(lt of i!~OOJati>ol1iS from the Oupeltillo-based. oompLllter oom:p<luy; Bi.l:t few naw'S-Qundeda.s immEd~~!ii!lyi~.npte:r.sive a:;;; 'I:he n~ Mil:l:: p:to,l,)ihkhuwtesl'Wo oflntel'$ 45-n,Hl:o:nnet:erXeon 5400 'qJlIad .. core I?r~o;rsinto ens po~diyl:sy.stem. The .!\.It';;!': Pro esn run as fast as :3;,2GHZ , and s!uppooi'tS up to 32GB! ,of DDR2 .RA.M and 1J.lpto 4~~m~ of hard drive! spaCE!. U also eomes ~ 'Wlilh an.All. Radecm. HD 26001."'[ graphics cam (with 2.'56MU3 ofvidec 'lne'n100y) and the ~QWIUfu_l Lwpaoo ~t~tn.ln~holt,th.e M~c Pro is ready fO'r dle most dauntiJ.1g tIlSb 'yw can throw at it-Yon caa,l, ~t dillal C]juadCOl'@ ron:fi.guraoons for a51ittl~ as $2,799. Appk, tvww,appl~-COi11
nblet ,or lap'wp?No", boUt
'The .H:PPmlwau ':IJiC2.!I}!I}~ ~!ilrie5iE:~iLteffDl]nMJI:'Qt Not@haokPC combines; the C'OHven'm@nc@ of a l:31p,top the versati]ity of a tablet, and to~~s inl?l~nty .of mulnmedia reat'll/lieS ('0 round lOut the package, With im:pro\!'~d h'IJ1,drwri,ting·~~ptll~ ~:t'!!pabihti~s: and <lmQI"e -p~ciSle 12,'hlCl.iIiCh-screel.1. display fwhic:h !rOlat~s 180 d~gffl~5and folds :lhq, t~l@ system. is ideal fUJ students. COl':l1PU~.~i.~ nete-takers, or anyone ~h:@ whQ m~~ds ftdl PC pOW~J bellii!<Ilththeir fast-luovin,g :styIus, The hi:g~l,-gloS5, HP Echo, finish gives it <I suave. elegant look that conveys just the' ri:gl::I!t sense- Qfbli8il:lt'ss·r~ady fun"lP'rid~.'J.:g starts <:It ,$1,299. fi€wil'U-lPt'lek{l!rd, WWU), '~p"e(!lJrl $p'eci~al FX Ev~l:Y p;il:;;~i,l1g year m~ kw it easier to get }'Cur g:n'l').e' on wiUl(i'l.vt raking it out 0.]:1 yQUX credit cam, £V'E!'! Gateway
IS g~tting !.nt'll ~hEo aeit .10W with i.t$ fX7020 desktop. which bo .. srs an AMD quadcorePhenom 9600 processor, 3GB of Rl!._M,:::.nd an nvid~a GE:'f'orre MOO' G1' eard.And
si nee the :fX1020 st:3!rt'S:a~ jmit :$1,.099" )1"0'1;1 wQn'~ pay
a premium. price f'OF that Pr:lU';I@ performance. Alw meluded !l'f@ a c:omboTV !t!J1I'Ie'ra:nd Media Gentierremot~ ~(lntrQt ~ig;ht·c;h~ntl@l ;audiO', .U1.d. an optical, di.hte with Labe]flas:h oochnoiogy fOir tJun'liing labe]:. dire't"tiy eate discs. Glll€WUji'. www,gateway;cCli1i
Asu's, IEee PC
Ullux-based ultraportable ms a low-cost winner
.PI;: R.FO RM A N CI, compat:ibility, and co11l.1fmt 31:'e UlstmJl1'y the bU2ZWOrdS wben you're shopping fm al;;'Jltnp" None of then 3ppli~5~o th,e $:399 .A5u$ [e,e PC-hull: that doesll'J.'t m~al']IOn :should!'i~ rons:ider this. uniqtle bucl,ge'rpo:r.t:llhie.A l:igl)tw~i~U. $Ur!~!r·:,;m;3Jl h9t~book, m~ Ee~PC ~mlii!$wi,ih ~n9'_'gh p¢'W-erand prelooded :apps ~oh;lr.tdile ~sk on-the-road pmductivity and (:O:mnlunieacirYf! n~€'ds" an ail a h:arg; prio~. SIU~, YOll'lls~f:ic€ s:tt~,1l! sp~ee" e:rgonam:ic!1;. ::l!ndVJindows com~tib:iHty; .But US'~it'S: who doni~ warn [0 bs burcl~r:I;I1;!d down.~r 'h~v~ m~it W>IlH'f.!u; '8mptied-m:ayli.nd the :8~ePC a perf'ect :m:ol!chil'~e for ~.k jobs, ..
avaiilabLIl' it! whirli€ ~r b'la&, the :E'~e PC: lioQk:s l:ike Oil tW~;H:hirds· scale model of a FEall~p:l'l!iP' ]ts specs :are eq ua]1y milli;1!irurl~d!; our r~E!w leVin_it fl1!~.tlllred :;Ji '900Mfj_]; C@l~ro!:!l p~s.or U!]d@H;l~d ~(l 63OMHz, S12MIB of .RAM r~l~gmdabl@ to 2,GB). a 4GB S(J'licl-!Otate n~sh drlv,e" and a 7·i~leh $e~m" white that configurra:tiQn
150 far from powoe.rfu:l. it lew dl~ EeeOC ~p irs w@igb:t ~t a [ombw 2' pounds" its, mE'<lSUFemernts: at a slim
1 "4R8,~G,S i;nd!~, and it::3 pri,ce ,J.l'St under $400.
once m€ Ee€' PC tinT ishes its: 2O'SK'OliLd booting proo!ss.,. what you see is not the typical Windows ]n~e:l.-fao!:e,. but rather a h~ght,. clJ:sron~]zoo. VlCTsian ofX<lndms UnluI.''T~]e system cemes loaded with mon~ th:lln 40 appL1C'.nlonsl g,.rme~. a~.d w~b links, ali ea:siIY~<!iCCeS5:1b'e!.il5~ng .tI.5~nlple tabbed intei,face tha( reqlJlITesno Linux exp.ellence.Aswith many l.dO'aportl3Jb]es, the Eee pc"!) tiny keys cal']: 00 a d~,a11'@11:g@~Oty:pe! 011. Tha no~ebook's 801);;:480 color $cr;e~n, me:anwhileo, is shaaJl3:r1d bright, but ilslrow ms011lll001'11 means y.ou'U do <I. lot of scro11i],'lg whenviewjng \V'elb pages. The 11Oteoo~k's £pef:i~ers pwvl:cl!e slllp:r1singly good. aumo, ,~ndwllli~"(! that Asu:s included a. byj!:t-]ll 'iNebcam.
As fer connectivity, you']] find thrEl€, USB 2.0 ports, ~Ul :sn· card slot, headpbone and microphon@ jacks, aVGJ\. output, andan .E'l:hen1e:t port,. <is well as ln~Ht"·in S02 .. 1.1b/iElWi.·Fi. Tha'l:'s 3 pn:!tty solid g,etup, sSJli'e fOl"[he 18ck of .B.~uetooth cOI::lllec:livity and an op"l:i'cal drive,
We cauldn't run aur t:!IPk"al.liJel~du'l1~lI'k suite on thett:ee pc, b1.n we weFe pi,*,seci 'Will:! what we· saiwoom .011.1:[ iniflJlmr:ll tes;ts.1.."lrge ~;pp:tic:arions typi.caliy [ook ~bol!1t 51:.0 '7 ~nd:s to lead, ~~,d ;al'l of' the inc.b.lded. Pl-ogn'U'l'S 1<1:11 smoothly;evel':iJ wh~H'l we h3.d oovernl
I::llm Tin'll" <1n.d Ii 9lid; lull suite Ilil:
Ilmilrnstal!ed 5.Q'hil!ml.'!j e.1!1SY",tIl.US:Iil' lin!lJiI'! Os. illl~llil'rl5i!,1~
CF<I!1I!pt'd !K~il~ .. ~; 't~ .• 11@~ s~rn@l'1; liUb §-tm:a>g@ S{IJilm; 110 DIIII!iI~:ootlh or 1l:p"H(a~ dri:';I"l!'!, Irmil.ed ll@dOrmillll[)I1!' !til,p.ab1m_)'
I~i 9OOM14z (~Ie~oll; 5,1~MEi DDo:l2; 4(,8 sel'lrll..slillE ,dril;lp. i-inch TFT; i<anolro5 Linw
M~r .. ilist. Pli'iil:e $'399
tI'J?€'l'I.~lt Ollee. F'lJ]]-~en X:Vid pllaybackwu smeerh. as t!,ii@lL
As!lsralt'elS the battery OIl3.shouI:S:, and 'we did achieve;3 !10Urs: <lind 25mJflUt~with VJi':F:i~:nd the $p~k_er di$~b'!~d.WithW!.·fi on. the batw:ty nas.'ted :2 heurs and 41 mimnes wh~te we ~ifo:lmed p.fOd'ucHvirytll$k§. -{)M'W J1.tlciJ'1
What's the Deal?
W,ith "' tinv ~1J~'Ylb@\ll\d.~mOtII~ ~~I'\~e!'!. OI~d ~t!'ipp(ld~down os. the tElEle ~( iSI!'l't:~or 'ev\ery,on~. IBut it d@iIiY~rs
u nma~~h~d p~irt~bnib' at: ~ Ibio1l!'!J~i~1 ,ri~~,
Wh~t: I~'s mr.IBelc.a""se of i~:s It;gh~ welglht ailul :small ~m!!:!?~ ,th~ l;~~ 'C m01lk!:l:!i, '!!lg'I1!'QdltrOlv~~i~!J ,~g:!iI"!p:gl!'\!lQ:jl.
lit co:!n hOlindlle o:nly basic 'Ciomp!.!~ingt.;!:S!k5,. Irn.Qwever" :!i1Uil:~h ... ~ W~b, brows$ngl,w~~d p,ro~~s~'ilil!~, "!'UI1!'!l"0l~,~hing videos.
Who i't"5!fc~, Eln~rv-I!evei~ IWlser:s wiltih :smaUi buc!, wen <!is '~nq!l!Ie'liiIIt Wool!:ing for <:I5Ulpeilf-cI!a ellp secol'I!!l!lo2il1' 'sl~l's~em,~he''Ii'' clI'ntakie 'on ~he IrQ<!!~.,
Wh01t:'S ind!:Jded:: ,An ul1I,del'll!:ilock:ed lWrid'eiUGIil cpu. 'S,li2MEI (l)lf RAM~ a ,4GB S1oliid-s,tatlt!' ,~:lFii\fe~ itiille X;lIliId'roS tiliillUX 1l)1Il~ra!tilllt!J!Ovs'l!i!m~ alll'lld !i!I'!Ier' 40 l:nrelo:aded W!'i!b I~nk:s~ 1S.,es~ and! apills. :5l!CIiru ",5 iFlifileFolXr Th'!i!!n~eli'ib;rd1f airn;!d t1pen(m;;~.
Tlhe battom llifll,~ Uke liIiIost lii!'l~rapcliitalil~e's .• the' Eee PC: wo:m{t ''';PI!!!f!<l1 'fiO <eveIY'one. Sut" if IPCI'~.!I~liUit¥ Is ki n!:" Clcmputi'ngl liiIeecls oil roe 'few', ,<I nd mo,l'Iey lis. SCi! !'!tie, tlllilis, n,O'~!!boo~ iisa n .a1'H:foadi~e o;pti.oln_
A,MID' Phle'lnDm 961010
Fi~rst-lgenerat!o,~1 quad-tore processor falls behind ~~r1tf!I's (PUs
i@;.lliJi'·h.M·llt'~d •
I ij 11111 I! D II
(I linn:!:! n '10
111m Ine:l<pe,!fI~~1! tnr 11 qJ,Ii;ld- C(l1i'J! (I!lUk i'liul~pE!nl;iE!ni ~e.~'Qt'l' l:;'Ilflir~U~1T !ii'n~plill!~ ~i!'~ lilXk[1lfI
am Sttw.ror perfo:riI1i1i1I11"~' than rornpar:<!'iJ1v [IIIril:!L'!lii IlIItJ!oI ell m :2 QL!ladtihlp:!i\i !iiSE,4a 1'IiI~IH· 1II1~diai in'lstll'lKt]t'lIIIS inlempa;~1.b1~ Wlrth ~fltl:!r,s ~5Ei4 iilS~rti(tiop'iJS
,Ad!o'Qll1KlIiilli, Mlnll' Oevl~El:5 l,!';IM'I.amd.WIifII
Mlir., Est~ Price $275
AMD'SPHE:NOM, the ~iOrn:r:olny's lOll;gaw~t~@<d qU.:l!d·coresuco~s$or '~o ~h~ ol.l:ai· core A:th]on;)(:2. has finally';l~ AMID enthusiasts hopi~,1g tha:t the 00'1npany ll.I"rn;tld s~e~l the perfo'lm:a:nc,E (',rown hack from l!1Jt@l'$ Gore 2 wUi he dl.s:::lp. poi!i]l@'d!, as the PhE!flOm is a decidi@'dly IT'!idr~M1ii~ prceesser Bargain Imnrers looking [O[ <Ii good"·LJel:fom' quad-cere :5j'$t€ID, ho'!lt!\!ver, might :Il'lldAMD'$ whui.on app@ali:ng;
T~1e FhlE'nom ~s a 'Cn!@ qU::l!d·rom chip. 'iMthroll.1findepS'ndent cores on a, singj@ die, A.('(Iorciing to AM[),~he- phenO'm chip's ~e~igned oC'CIte sh~uld ·off-er l.lp 10 2'Sperr:e'f1t :raster speed than a.F1 Al1l1on X2 OIt the same cioc1 [:E!lt@- Th@ :S'1)e!@{b.]~J will b@' !l!'Vlim g~'eat1i!r 'WiU':! m1.lltirore:ilW<lla:eprograln:5 , sach as some vidoo· editing packag€'s and games.
One signincal1.t i:mpirovemElint over the A thlcn ,,2 is the ability to runthe l11en'l:o[J cOllllroller
(.:ira .
quad-ceee :pJOCe550r
- mil!:h;~ fI nil AM:D';;: solution nUll\£! IlIppoe-.;aling than patflQrlnan"e endturoae:te. wil.l.
at ~t!; own. c.lock rnte. You C:llJl1 in:still.llfasr l,066MH~!rIem.Q.ry (or aVierc.loc.k slower. .RAM.) in <I systern without. Il.aving (1) (":h:ange the CPU's ope!1lti~l)g s:peed, AMD Ius ~15'O added. n.ew, faster multimedia instruetiens, called SSB.:!"" These: are'll't compatiMeJ. however, wid, lntel's s,s:t:4.i lnstruetions used an th!i:: n,ew Intel Penryn Core 2 prccessors, 50 programswill need to add specific supJlort for them,
Te!1ltlng "he 2.3GHz Ph,enom 9600, OUf V~ Pro 8 M1'E(;'2wnd~'r 'took. 7 m:i:nt!(~ and .2 5Ecm.'lds-.nota;bly :fuste~ than the ~,pe~d~~t du:akoro chips-rt's much :dO""'\V~ er, however, th:!l:trl! the com~r:lihly prtc-.ed Itll'@ll cere :2 Quad, Q6GOO, whkh fUnisihed the s~m.1eteslt ll1 3m]llutes and 47 sseo.nds- We :!law simila:f ~.rulu· in our mmes 1:eo:l'lIl1preooionanCl CirLebench 9.'5lE!S1S.
A c(l:mplet~ .P'hE!nom 91500 ~y$te:m; however, should also be less e::oq:,'I@l1s1V@ th.aii a oon~paJ"ab:~~ Q!5600 (:onf'iguratlQI;l" '~nan. Phenem S~leln$ Qff~. the performance yoo,'d expectin '(heir pric@ rang@. But w]Jl "as good! as expeded" be enough. for .A~D to remain compe-ti.tiW'@ with I'ntel? AMD has announeed ['aste'rPhel,'loms, which win reach s:l.elvlil~ seen after YQ\;l!U.W@ read t his--anal:heSle a roe' more' interest-
ing eonteudersthaa this first W'a,V@ of CPUs, -DtnnY' A.k~11
in this section
18 I!lHlmpS,
iBl:IV~i!r 'Game'u P<1I<1d1i!'! 900 Obcrda:k IQ,1lI
P~!lywen :P<:!'IVA 790 R:a~tDadiv~ !PC P'U'Smiil
'losh' !Pro
A200·EZ1204X Fuj:vi'SlII, Ufe8001l \1101:0
PC Ctllb Enpow.~,r ENlPS4'S HP Co fIlIPa!;ll 25,1Q,p
HP IPa'll'Riion IfIDX £1fi~8darl1lmenl IMQte<~o(j!k PC [Pennlfl IEditio!'!~
ShultUe XP{' 1P'.r'i!1ila SX.J.81P2 p~·o A;~'!Ji!il. EAHllS:7Q lap
In'b!1 CoNi' :2 Extreme ,r;p:Slf7Q EV'C~ e-(jef'on::e ,s800 '~TS 5121MB
Sa,utek Pr~ 1F11Jill'fd Yoke 5vstem logi~@!Ch Qu~d(C<l1:Jil Pro 901D0 E !iUl,flrllll1ili Cae$i!r
HP IPlillltDslll1~rt G8lBO MLcrcsofl LiflfCam VX·70ClO
HiI!nWl!~JC, H tiS' I)P,B Vri;!~S'O'!l!iC VX2S1S.vliIl! D~II UltrilSlim~Il' !1008WFP
46 m~Ii[A!b 'CAMERAS Kc;ldli!!k IE~S'!"Sh~re Vl~S3 (:i.E E10liO
S!(Ii CON9UMERliC:H Afl:l105I!5(}'S 'llViFi Mt!;fCSOU Zun>e SiGEl
S4 OOIFFW:AIRE S~u,nlTi!d'l \I'«klIll TI"~lr~8!" Df,!>klle,p~ ~ 20t1iB, Pw P~i!lrn;i!'~
Foflkt<!ils on 00v;' YI'~ test the ha:rdw~re ~I{if' ~1l'IIif'W, 'Ii ~it '~m[;l!~ ler~h[;l'~if r.'IDnlif 1-l1!i\'\I'\I'l/eT""s;~.
[iET' MDRE ONLIINE CJkk to www.compulersho9,pep;ol1! f'orthe ~atest un·depth revi,ew5. videos. and product nl!W'5.
iiBuy'pDw,er C,illm;er P,ililildin 91010
Exp'elrJ siV'El desUop, has outstand ing 0 i rectX.l 0 g am~n g ab H iti es
THlE: GAMJNG SCORES ach~e:ved by i:ilulypow-er's $4,'999 (::oIImer Pa]a;dhi 9OO~re truly smnedling to bediold" ttj)uTled
]f! the :highest: \!ie've seen yet our Direct:x '10 (DNW) Dill or }uare~ tES~; a: lrIi()ely play~b]e 7fl3 frames; per second ~Jps) ~~ ~"hBOx1,02:4" and deeent maJrks of 40.:iltps~t 1..600xll,200 "~lcll :3:5.lfps: at2,'560:ll1.600'• I'll 1011;11: [)oX] 0 mal of Comp~ll'Y of He~oes.
. . " ,~it :sma:9,hed the eompetitiea
111!j1!JH€'HaLf:U@li • with 104fp.s at l,:UOd ,02,4'
I I I ! I I I 'I I I Jallu176.4f"" .•. ,,,,, :3'1: 1.600XJ.,200.
III iI:lEiT'H R , • .F~
ThE Ga:I,ner P:1IJadin 9{)O'I: Clul~5tal'td rlfi!lIIIJK1(l 9<1rnililg, t'OloPil!~ilifI&5; vlfldwilS B!!!l-!'OliY/HEl OVO (OOJlb~ drilfe
achieves these ferllS by cI~lrt of in'! thre,e :nVidia GePo~e $$0() ultt.!! ~~rdls :!1!l:t tJ:p ill ;;I,3-W~.y Scrll~ble'Unk Inrertace (Sl~coil1ijgul:<Hion.
J nother areas, the Gamer Pal<i1oin 9(1~) is t~ss impressive-while lrn!'!ltel «(lIre ~ Extt'&!'lrIe Q,16SSU proceescr ~n.d ,4GiBof menl(lty are unq:ue:srio!]_,ably :pO'w.erful, other maehlnes w@'ve S@E!l1! roecendy have $cQ~dI h~gher 011 many of 'Our Ptod~ldrv,ity o:md DX$! gaming benchmark.tests,
_ - lEi<pel1ls~c; dO~IiI'l ,use'
D[j~3 ml'rnory,;: case T15 ott:el'l inC:O!i'¥~~I'ent
lmml Iil-ill (Dr!;! ~ lC);t,rreme 'Ql<6aSO (~~\r::hil!::~~OO l.l3C:;Hz~ .041(;8 D'DR1; lSOGF:liilHtI 7SOOB
h .. ~,d d~iVK; BllH>OlyfHD :eND l!I!:!mOO; DVO:l:!Fi:VII; m~ lflilol'll~i,nr lhllee lI\i1idiOli ceFol"!;e MQO !Lii:1wa 'gr~;phil;:s (jilrl!!~ (711BMB,), Win.rJQW~, \I,lstil UI!iIil'lM~
iBIIIVI~(l'W\~r, &OO~!Q2:·3IE.g, wwW'lihil!"(Xl'Ner:~ol1il
Di~~"~ IP!'i~~' '~4. £19£1
ladLing a .Penryn. processor and oudi't~Ed with DDR2R;AM, the Gamel:
PalAdin 900 is perhaps not e1ntirely future-pmet; Ie alsc h~$ l~ftle ~n the ~ ,of ~.:.rd:ting extras be-'Yo~1Jd ltsiBlu-r.3,yf.H:D DVO c-ombo drive- 1mB those three high-iEnd graphics cams, we a:ls.o had some reservat~ons ~:bllut ~h~' c;;:hQil;'~ of chassis; Th~ The:nna~~:al-!:eSWord M G<nning Ca$~ i(i; big. me'~aL
and 19:rurdy.', but the hinged door enthe rear panel made< co,nlJl~('t· ing cables q~mbernome .
iEluyiPow-e'~ has ~·we'et~ed the deal
witha.n Asrus 5'trik;erEl:treme l1:ForoE l58lJi motherboard, which p'[(fvi;d!~s for a toral of tfl~~ ~~[em::d seno:d ATA p-ol1$ {itliJO on !)1.e tear !Janel, one on the [Tont}: buut-Ia hquid cooling; two hacrd drives f~i' atotal of 900GB of $~!O~B;@ spa(:~; a 12:·f'OtmOit n<l~h·~'H'd~eadelr; W'i.ndQ"w~\rW<ta Ullilu3.te; and aJ~h~ee·y~at limited warranty, 13!..I'[ fOr more all-around pOW~T, you can find b@:'u@'r-and cheape''[email protected]:.'ldc;1tthew iMu rr.a)l'
Oberc1lak h'ln
Din:dX '91 are comes o,v,elrclocked OIUt of the box
[F YO U 'VE .A LWA,YS been interested in O'ii'uclot;;~ng blH h<lwn'u had g~i'ts el.1Ough tot!i.}! it yourself, you. might be intrigued by the dJ!s.ktop offerings froUl '01!iefdok,.Asdtll'oompaJ,'Ys n<ln1.@ Sygg@sts, ifs: mally ~n£o wtingjng asmueh ~momJa~ O!!s:p¢SSibl@ ironl every last campane:t1't:-<lindoo sys:~:el\L1 hIts the o'Lttside ViIOrld. :a:tiltS steck speed,
B1.!1.Ut lins:id~ a rn,ode-I.ately ]aQ5\\l Ant:e--c: C35e, cur$,:U,()7~ :~on fimt and fOlFenlloo~ demenstrarsd OOOrclok's OOl'J,Illn~trn@nJ W eoono'Iuy:
The PI:'ClO!sso:r was a 2.2GH.:z, Intel Go~2 000 E:.45oo, tb,e graphics mild .3]'1 nVirua Gerome B&Xl GT, and the,'RAM! 2.0:8 o[ I)DR2..soo" StU every component possible was threttled up. The 680i :5U m.othe!lbo<ll.'d W."IiS O\I'lliYdock:ecli by :33 percent, the proeessorratd,'leted,u~to 3GHz, and t"hevidi@o esrd a<:Iil."Jked tll 'r5~MHz frem 6OOMHz. rr~Hl' sole 250GB herd struckus as: '~kimpy,)
:B1.n no maner how yoo. Clwrclock a CQre :2 D' E4500,i!t's :still a Core :2 Duo D:l:SOO. whk]) lllli.'<llllS multith:llNliclled app.ii3udg<l.me5 wen't play ;1lS welt:'llsti"J.ey wonld 011 !111 foul'"cor:td preeessor.ln our gamiJ:lgtests with Supreme' CO:l'ml;l:atlldef,.
whk.h .a.l.uo;ng'o-ther Wing? me<ISIl.l~es ~,nul!:ithreadillg COlp~i1ity,th@ [on aw~aged jus1! 38.8fr.nnes per ~oond! ,~)~) at areselutien of 1.'2SOx1,OO4" 37.3,1]15 at l,'OOOt;t,:l:oo,.and :32..9fps, at :2,SWxUOO-p!ay· abi@', but on the sru:tt1;,@ty side.
.Ill our ,other D'n'OCtX 9 ([)X~J:) tests. the roo 11.1:>magedlUuch. bet-
te-r,but'bec<ll!Jse om ~ewul:"lii.tI: came wiith Windo,Wl!j XP !'Iroiessiou,alinstalled mther tha.n Vlli3t;I':I, WE·
WIlli C1n-C]
o 8~TTe~., ~
I:IimI Cl~t"oH!iJil'-'~OX i)l,!\E!a~otk· iiil~; '!lood DX9 g~rn[f!i!:! ~errorIiIIIl!IiIGe
m::;a Mrdd!!e·of-tlile.roild earnIJ()ne_[lts lfI1ilmht not s~tislY l~eif l!!Is.ers; SOl~lli:sIil'hatd dlmive.Wiiil" dQWs XP' Pmf,~ofllil~ OS iiIl~l1i!ii IiIIl rot10 suppoI!Irl
I~ 2;:U~Hz Wi't 2 [too E4Sl00 {(!J!;'il'!(lcckEl~ to 3-GHizl 2CBOOij;!::1: 200GB hill1d dr"r.r@; [)'IJ[li;!;RW; OV[).ij;lOM; .rJiO mOl1lit(J~; IilVild'liil GeF"Ql[{e 6600 [;T 'gr,Elph.lI;5 CSl:l!MB), Wim:ilaW5 X:P R,,~res. Si!lln<i~
W'i'!IW iI.dilil!rchllk.wm
can't ~p~rt on f~ :1)'::-::::1.0 gamingpwwess. As hs eempenems ,""W, more or less already pushed to their lilnits, w,e're not.5YJ-eho-w :it. will handle titl~ yena be fieleas.ed.. But ][you'.ffiwilli:l'Ig W tab:! 'Il\lie d1l3l:1Le, 'Oben1Ok has n'l,'ilde tIle JOIl tal. col'l'ilpeUing ~l -.M.M.
IPa,lywell PolyA190'
Unrremarkab~e dleskfrop is a solid gamer
1'HOlM::HPO t',VWE 1.,[.'$ $'ll,~/S(l:poiy A790 is the firstPh~lltlm
m ,!>,.iL;",fl""<;>'~"", .... .,""(1 ~, ... ""I~i3IA.'f examined,"" ''In''''J"''<Ill' ~ ........ , . ~~~ 1 .... ·1 _ ~ ..... '~'Ii "'!i,i~'~"'" .. \1 '~'''i iI;I< "I!'" -!11"J4,.1 ".~~ .. ' ,~,~i!.Io'."", 'Y'Ioi'MI;o; ~ ;'~9_'!!i'" --'''' l""'" ........ """ .... ~~
(:see review' on p" 11.7) and came'ill'li.lmY less than impressed. Sic we wlil-- ~fi 'tt ,~,'<';,U:itl"" -su c ,"ji.,~.l wh",n th ~ A790rall dto "_',' uswith in:
ffl _ ,e"" . I}' __ rp • ..,~L _ _ _ _ _ e _ _ ,_~ _, _ """""'" ~ _ _ _
gelleJ':liJ~ perlionll':L~l!nce.
lE'<-'n',-llm'iIYI,"',"'d kj., ~Cltl '''''f' V- r.D'l i> ,,~jj '[~- - 2- "'G' uzPI', 'Ii""'"", "5-00' .. ,,'" :s -~r~.'" . ~1 ...... "'... ' I.'$Y; "'""""", _il@ ,-, ,""'_ ' __ ,I; - _ ... ", ,.,
cru deljj\!'e~ unl:~ceptiona~, scores on OYir productivity benehm<irk tests- It took 4 minutes and 52 5~oon& to' finj.:ih oll!:~hdows; Medla Eno~r test.and 5 mn1!Vlt:esand 35 seeends to looulp1et@ ouriltm~s; oo:!~fSion n:i~LThe macl:!im~ regis~red 7 .o19~:nFUltu~.:.rk PC1M!al'k05. tl'lOltgh W'e!' also noticed oCC'asio,na] du:rtng
a nun'l~r of i;Qmmon i:)$k$"
,B,1I.tlthe addition of a 512MB ATIiJ::.tde'On HD '3550 graphitC:ii card, r€aIly boosted the ('(lmpu~€r'$ PO~~'rllia1. ma.kin_gil: a reascnable chcice for. filidy seriQUS ga_m~;n.g. its: $CORSO 0:[9,<5.'23 iu Flltill'f<@ma_rk's: 3DMark06 and 9),:,2: f:mmas per !>KOJ,.cl '(fps)iJ,':! CO~,llpa:llY of Heroes tboth at 1i,28(bil,024J'6o.tutlol1.}an: Mil OIbove avemge, es~cjal]y far a ~l:em at this; price, You eeuld even a.dd <I second, id.entica] card in Crossfire mode fer 5til~ nlOI,'e '3D' horsepower.
We imagJiJ:l@. th.ough. that the sY:S:~e1n':s currenr eemponents-whkh also ]nd,ud@ 74GB and 500GB hard drive~ and.two ~Q;;:: DVD:tIRW drives (one of which is ~\CJ!ujpp@'dl witl'1 liglltScrib@ d]sc::-~ab@liil1:g t:e-rhno]om-wil.] be sufficient [ormos:t peopl~. Unlike~y to
be impress)ed are hard-cere g<I[11:ern, whose l:ttads probably won't tum at ~he P.oly.Ai'OO·s faidy pedestr:ian @;l!:teriol', But for thesa who need i<i w~lJ· looled corn,putil!ir :for daythne chores that won't. bnck1e under during ~ong nigl.HS or World of\l!laiKmf!:, ths Poly A790 is an Iltff'Olrdable so]ut'km.
II~j]UI1j\billit~li@[iill •
I I I I I I I I! I U I o ~€T'~~'> ~
!U:m .. , CClOlli g)llm'in s I~fforlo 111,,~uie'~Qr the !:Ifi!)!!
mm lJJliI&l«~pthlln~1 ti!l!i!Sigug; luilXllII!(twity'lIlJJJ5 r'L!rII rolliarliwh! '~I~!l!!li~hl'l"
II3:lIm 2:2Ciffi; I'lhelillOnn 9st10; 4GB [lIlR2~"'4IGe Ollild SC100B
driVes; 1f1(1iTf'10;nltor. Airl RoIdeol:l HD' 3850 ~rilllhll:s [~12MI3.) WrIilOOw-S, Vlista H~me ~romiufll (Gthl)lt)
p.oI1fl,!l!!~1 '~sm;PlJ~r!> 8Q()-90O-~'36
Raldliaac,t,iv., PC P'lalSimii Capablel~ pricey rglamirllgi machine ~a,ck5, punch
THOUGH YO'Ll CAN (lET abase cOil-figuration ofR.acliioo.ctiw PC'srJ.Jasma fOIl"""s little ;1I;S $1;399,~OIl needto shell out more than $4.2.00~(lge~. a mode:! wi~h the loudest 'be]1s and whifit]e:s. I(Our review unit ['anSl i:lp at $4,,210.}.And while the, P~asnia]s
a ~ry c:::apable ma,~hil'l~., its 'Core :2 Quad proi:eSSQI: (overdocked. to '3G.Hl;), 2G.Bof :rmR2 MM,lmd. 768:MB t'l!Vtdi~ GeFboce 8800 G'l"X graphics Ulrdls (11'11:1 Sc:;Iblble Link: (!'iterf'ace rol)fi~tat:!(l!n) didn't: d~liver ili~ iJoonph we 'expected for' the pnce. You ~n't @-~n pl~ DirectX 11.0 (DX10) game~ on i~,~iM~ It$ oS-W:indows: ]i\p PfofessiOl"atl---d,oesn'lt handle 'the' ~tandal:'d!.
That ]S!l'l't~o :say the p]~3'r!l:l doesn't delivlZt c.l1!.il~'lity performance, In
OU:r benchm:afk~I1l:~r~s, its numben; w~.,e toutinely ]n the upper t<lnges of recent nQn-P,~nryll desktops we 'VI!! SlE!en, and in eerrstn t(;!s:ts:, the Flasi':!'la's;'lar~di
graphiC$ (;<l:rd!$ h~:lpoed it
'beat out iOt;nne oflheP:e~::Il.yn systems. Even. dlffi'~IJ]~ to give rhe Pi<lsma a ll!;,ulIket recoJ.umend!adol1 at tMspoil'lt-at Je-asrtitO anyonewho dO!i!Sn'l; 11J!l!@d sheer DX9 power at chev@ry highest f@S'ol1i.ltl.C1ns.
still" SOlne extras m~ght endearthe plasma to certain bu.y-' ers, rfycm want a mClretrndjt!QllaUy I:]egant look fOf yO\lf gaming bo.x, the P'I<lIS]l:'l~ ofren. an <mgulaf,. attractlve bla'C'kInlH"ll caS'e-Con:si:d@rably lL!SS sho\\VY thann13ny gtnnin~ mod@is,Upgrad@!:'!> w:ill 'i]k-E! halVing thres 5.25 -]ul;h external drive 'bIEiYS and three S.5-inch inte'rnal [email protected]:is:crimina:t:ing 8/imet's are 511oll'E1 to 3ppreciate the l.ggitech gamlng~eyhOfil:'cli. and mOU5e"
Ojjjlllmd:!£lllll'~I[M •
II I II I I I I I i :1 I
e 8:[11 T E;'1't ", li1l
l_!IlIB Very g.oo~! DX9 gO! m-
iny ,o'biliIJiI!'50i[ hi'gh I'f~ !;@lutiOJ1S; gaming! ke'l!ho~rd ilrld m~lJsl! ii'lclui:lect lilU<!! gr.lpl1k~ ,<!~tl5-j good soi.l~d ICartl\l '~il tree-ii'.eiOif pa!fl's.-;I1!~~·!I .. tl~r W<Jff.:l!'l:tV
III:CIJ ~peIilSfve; WEn.dms XP Prnfe-s~r~liIall'L<lt ccrnpilitl'bl'e With DXlOgames
~I 2,56G1'1I~ GmiQ'l Qu!i!d 'QX67{]Q: :«(,0'I!\~r(~()dte:d,kl3CiHzJ, :2,(jB 1!:l!lR:i!; twolSlJi[!B I!'IOI~ iliIrivu [M~II): lJai '$OOG'8Il!'IrG, dlriVf~ 1!J'iIII:licRW;liIo morfltor.
two nViid i~ fi8fol"ti!€!BOO G;;TX gr'il;piFIks (.;1rds 17€if!MEI" SU]; Wim!QW5 XP' PrQres:SilIllI1i111
Sound Bl;;Il,1Jer
X-.~i XtI."elueGame[ Fa fa 11 ty FPS sound card, and Uquid coolin.,g. Ane'!. a~hliEle~ye3.r parts-and-labor w<IIrrauty 'is niea for ev,e!IYolu!. But even these pluses ron't ma~:e this v~.ry goood. eemputer :a t~n'le:ndoUis vlil,1(tEl'. -M"M.
PC (1llub E:n1Ipa,w,er' ENIP'545, A, soliiid budget laptop in a lblallrrld case
TH g $999 PC: C UlB :Enpower ENPS4S ofFen; 3~:1l.d. 'more aa,mph th a nmost budgEt not~boob, butits looks, a're' decidedlyboU:ol':ra,-lie:r.
Dressll~d ina drab, t'Wo~tone chassis fha;['schtmkier than ~h.09i£' of most 14" 1!. -inch notebooks, tl.1J.e· 5.'5-pound P.:NP545 looks and rit1!e~$like- a blldge'[ noteb·ookof ye$:t-efYe~r-it simply ]3.'cks tJle pa:L1:iche of slee,ker ccnsumer systems 'W,e\!.e s,een. ' on the. ~\o~eboQk~ large keyboa:OO. is com.fortaibh:, but the tlnsmh-siae touch pad provedtoo small for om fil.~gel·5. Lj~ewuse; ,the mouse buu:ons were overly rigid.
On the p.llJ,$ $i.d~. th~l,;3jplop's 1.,280~BOO-ll'eso]unon display delivered uinas~]arp colors.and deep hlaeks th~t r€;i!I1y pop. fhe I.NPS4S also tumed out rich, ,c:risp .:'H,IdJio with good! baS$, tth.arik$ toirs built-in suhwoofer located on the bcttom panel The only rhmgs mi$$i~~g ar,e d~d!~t~te<d rne,hOI, bu!;t~1l$ and a vQ']Ym~ control. Cm'l.n€'ctilJir.y~wi:se, Ul@ENP54§. comes diec@'ndy
U I I I I II [1 0
l'! BIE:rn R " 1Q
II Qllli}.'1 ILow ",ri.oo~ JeilOCellMt s(feelll <1M audi« sa~!!II batlief'll life; p~rrwms beU~;r '!111i!!i1 rntl'St .!;il!Jril9i~t nlll~'bM)ks
IIBB IEI~rrl1f) ~Q(l~~tlft mw~ bi.i'~~~ [riel'Sv !!ailS) [110 nln!dr .. - ~"OhIlIIJIJUo"!l, fi!!@Wi~!! 1lI0J't:
1I!lIlI:m' 2'.2GIHI~ (o1'~',2 DuD T7SOO~ 2GB DDJR2l1G[JGl3: lilard
i;lriw; ICMD1;RVIl;l;ti.1·ihc~~ rrt 'Wiiilc!ims .xP' Pf~:I[~li:)fh"il
equipped, S:6i.lI'e f'Or
its 'lack cf a Pi.reWire j:~ik. In$t~;;ld of th~ low-
end dual-cere prO-aESSOI'S COm!fll,QlIl ln budg,el~ notebccks, our $y3t~m f'€'arur€da 2 .2GH~ c(J,re :2 Duo 17500 CPU, w,Mch QffilmiO a bit more p.a,wer f'O':I" handling mainstream tasks, Acrornp:;I:nying l'tWiiltS: 2GB of DDR2MM. ·~.l6{)GB 5,400rpmhOlrd drive, and:a OVD;1:RW d:cive.
A~ w-e expected, our cQnfigurntion didn~t break any records in om" benchmark tests, though its 1l10re-powedu] CPlI gave it :il" linl~ ~dg@ OV€!l: ma~w of t he budge-I[ M:[ebo6k!S we've tested rec@IMUy" @'slleci.aLiyi[1 the ml.1]hIJlediOi. departl¥U~'l'it:"B:att'ery-wi$e', we mlln::)ged~o squee:;:e OUt 2: hours and 22 minutes on our draln~e'l>,t, a g;oQc'!sc\me ('OF a tlrinand-light nctebock, One caveat; The notl€b[Jok'$fatl~ can b~ Ul1:b@:arably :nlOisy. -lotifs RQ1'llire-z
HIP CD[m'lpaq [Z51'10pl Business-fri,end~y ultraportable performs. well
W]"I'H :I'['S STU:RDYBU[[.]) <IIndamp'le 5eauity opilit,)l.u:, the .$1.8'll9 fl'P Comp\1q 2.510~)is a solid" safe, and sl-raitl a Qed u:btrapoirta'bl.@ [-or business tH'Ill'@l:@n:l.
Though irs charco,j[ ch<l§is is a: b~t bland :ainu blocky; the' 2510fl-S di.n.1inllnve size is Qltwet~hs just over ttu'ee pounds.} Th~La,p~op'\lY casirtglliiiluth ~t stl,trdjne,~ :ab~nt (001,1.1. Qtb:(:1: ulnaplVTtabtes we'u seen, whH~HP':s 3D DmreGuar.d prerects rh,@ ham dl~ f!ommav@,l .. buss, The lWOOobook,~ 1.280x800-l'l!so~ution. 12.1-indll>vid@"sc!l!@n dis:phyllS@s){P's 1ilutnHi~E! LE"[) l:>a:e]d~J1.t.maki:llg fur <In ewnlylbl.ighil diisplay, as wen 'as some <lpp<ll~Ull power savings; we welle all~e ee gli!t roltgJ,llytnree h01J.]n; of li!.]II:.;ti1rnnl.e petfomrnnce on a lJ<'ltte~.y(;'ha~e in 01..U' tests.
'fhe oompa.ct ~bo:aI1d is r~J~;fIb1Y ro:ra.~.· foritable~ the noteoook alae romeswith dual. pointing d~viees, but lac:J.i:,s ~ '\o'\i'(1bcl'ilrll. As f'or 'Wlire.1~ opti.QJ::IS, cur u::stUJ.llit came lIVith
B.luetooth 2.0' and. 002. !llalblgWl~ri. Qll~d. (Th5e/s no opti'O.n. for :802.nn om this s;Y3tem.) You t"ru'l aise Ft U'le .2510p wi~hwireleos.s bma.dband COIU1J&riv.ilY.: Our l'Wiew
~ni,t also camewidll ple.ntiful secmity options. ]ndudiiJ.l& an im.egI:<life'd flllgt'rprlnt OC<Inn~:r, an ~lnb~.dd~d 'rPM secmity chip, a.rJ:d .a smartcard R'ader,
Whlile the iloteb®k's ulna ·low~Vlo]ta~ ::I..2GHz Core 2. Duo U7600prooe.ssoris not IDe! fastest CPU out thew, we
11l3ii'almliM·MliiRi@l1 •
IIIIII t J i 0
o B~TT~8~' ~
~ Bi'lg:liItI2]'·r!!!olil \1,1[d!!. S(FIllE!nl LCD:. tiny aliid Iliglitlw,eigln, oot~turn~; Iol'5 (If 'iEwriitlll' QI1~[{lIilS; de(elil~liIjlt~rv iifu
am:a Fixed oolflfigu.ratloi!l; ~o SQit~~11i Wireless, Wl!bi~ilm; ~ul~ili!.r thalll simH~ra!f IPr,icNl <LIllra!l~r<tllIll~ :blmullooks
1E!l:lZm l.:tClH!z: COr,e 2: DIiJi1i ULV U7,60D; :2[;8: DCDR2: l00GBlI~i1~ IliIrill~; ,[D\I~ RW; ~2.l-ilill:h TfT:;
were pleasantly slu:pdsed its, application and productivi.· 'ly :pelronna:tlC>@, whicl'l !!!.\'M in
~inewiths:iJ:nilRrly config\lxed, 1J1,trn~rtables:. And wMledtelwtdboo!k':s integrawd [meil. OMit X~l00'GPU C"an~~ 1umdl'e high-,eond. 3D grniphi'rs, f[ supplied :tl:dequate powEC'rfur business IU!!Ii.'~. We only could ~on:ffiglue this sys~ln"!l rnmp<lnel'lts thl:'Qugh W's web site. -]osh~l(ii Gokiml:1:fil
Tos,hiilba SUlte!llli:te Pro A200-EZ22014X
Bljdg!2t business pOftab~!e lacks PoiJndJ'ch!e
[1' MAY. NOT 'be a looker, btu the-business-oriented Toshiba S~t@mJ1JE! Pro A2~H;Z2204X de!iv'[email protected]!!S and performance app!ropri:a'~e for its, b!lldge~ price,
The notebO'Ok's !';i-pound, bl.ui$h··black caiSe is blarnd!.-looking. and ]~pla:s,b,(: body fe~l~ che< .. I:5, dlallow"l':,=nt fuel
carries over to tile dicky mQUj5!~ buttons belewthe touch pad, 'fh!:! il.20()"s l'5.4·][lc11, 1, 28Q~800·r@sohltion dJi5piay 'Win dis <l~'potmt high-}ES f:ao!1!l, but onscreen llill~g~~ ~r~ hri;t:litOlrld viVid. unlike crherbusiness :portab~es" how~wr.the sc:teell is glOS$y I; (J'" m':ru"'"· .. \ t\ifl'.~"I.c _a1• - . 't n"""'c.,. to -.~"-"·-·d""''1,'''ct~ cr"~ 1'"" \rL •. "-~~"J' _'- .... 1 ... ~ ... ~s !I"' ......... __ g~"'''' .. 1. __ , .. I·~... ~_ " .. _"
typ:iC'<I] offiiC'e·lightlil1.g condititll,u;. AI:s>o. d.e pallel's optlm,<ll viffwing angle l$!t~1.~r ][mi,Md,o;md \W!'tlJ!~k€d that DVD nwvies w1e!r@ on the dark side.
Other f@'anJ~ are typi,C'<I.lfor the price poOlnL ytlu get OR 12(}GB h:a:.:d drive'. a n1:~.dti:fotmat DW burnet, 8O:2.11Wb/gWi-ri., and m~mllQl:y·~<t[i!'j SlCll:5" <lind. the usual ~lecoon
of ports. Missing are <:I, ling:erprint reader and Wek-am.
Th@ $999 ,A200 'oom~H, 'equipped wi.tha.[~:tk~.y~owl@rlu12GH::! cCIl;;e 2: Dt]Q '17250 ,pl"'t;lee.~r, The maehine's 1GB of RAM lWrsus the 2.GB that's llowstand!,Hd issue on mest 'po:rttlb~es) lis a, dis<IIp·
"'"' poil1trnent b\1!(it':s ,enoygh to
"'lliI"'~J"'III"'fU"'[ # ....... ili'ii. 1"':I1""11""i]!!iiil~to.ll!!l1 ..., handle the pife]oad,ed -wind.Ows
[ I I I :1 I .! I i II I XI?!PI.of@slo:mil os. 'fh@ 11.200
o ~£T1~~.. ~
[~ lYe~tlIlt peril'crmance-!lOf tn!:! pnlMiP:' I<lfg!:!,. bri!jht ~jrn!!f1
I!mBI Bland de~t;g,f1i,: dle\lpr<eeling 'I::as.e, stiort bat ~~fY me; IUiSit ]GEI of RAM; Iilot $.lIIitabl'e- 'r'Or ;J[} g:raphiC'::>
[Bilm 2GHz Core 21!]~o n2~a; ~08 IUlliR2,J20Ci!B hard d~ive; OViO;l;lRW~ lSA-11U::hTn; WiFlrJowsX~ Pmre'5SiQ"~1
loslMba /.Ime;rica.. 8(l!IJc915i-TIS49 rMIW.tC'~ill}iMjOm
.ru:ru:[~mI-ll'k's PCMaricl}5, [~spe!ct;ililJe fur <I bucl~e-t
entry; On the other hand,the machine's 3D ped'Oirnumce and biln~ry ~.i:few,eJfe cli:sappo]nt· ing, The IHte'grat:@d Int@l GMA X3100>, sh::ui.n@l the nmjt~d 5ys,~em MM, delive'£ed a lew 224- Qn F'Utliu1em,ar];:'s. 3DMllrk06. On. 01.11: hsrsh DVI) rundewu t!lS:1[,~.'ilE!!' ineluded sixcell h:!Jitlle~ lasl~dI.Jus[ O'l\fel.' an hour- and-a ·h:ilf.-;/amil? .!3ili,:i res
Fujii't's.u Li'I:I.:Bu,okVl01101
LOW-IQost rr1,~)te book is short onfeanres
'fH.OUOH. ATTRAC'HVELY .PJUC.ED at$i:99, the .f'14jkStl Lif~· E!Jo'k V:I.01.o eomes up shOO'![ compared wlth other't models,
Desjgtled fur [he b'll~infS$ market, the 6.Z-potHulVWlo'S; fI'l!:;Iue-blaci<:l1iru:sh cl~n't do IUILlCh to emte the eye. thm.'lgh we did Uk~ the off-whHekeybo~r.dI. (Fillji~s1Ll :M$O d:Ji~.s d'le keybo~md .is. tJn'fortlil.nate]y, thebmfch pad~aC'ks a scroli :smp. and you VlO:Il1t brl! :any oonoolis,. ]l'[);~ge:li and video Joo.kqUi~te nice Oil the V101lQ's 5bairp. blight 15.4"inch wide"screen LCn,. btl1~he no~eoook ~ ~:1I~er:s and anemic .
. F:lJjitstlol.ltfiJEted ~he V1I!010 w.1tlll :!J l2OG'B hard dtive anc:Ji ~l'n. .Atl~ B02.1l1;7l}b/gW1!-F't r:)dio. The 202.11I.a :suppo~tis 'we)con'1.e, $in~ m~ny busi nesses ~Jy on it f'Qt in~",$~d rnng<e and $OOJnty; .A1as,.l!1leTeS noBluof'toot:h OO:r!i!1~ty. and dl~ VIOill ktcks :a U"lt'mlory-C1ud ~:l!der and a rnUf~ pOore. ~t dOO$ ind~lde a:n~ress~rd slot and! d~r@I;US;6 PQl1'~ (two on [he .sid~, one rnba~k-a Sm..lIrt ~1l:'a~~m~Ii!t)c
J\( d:ne heaT( of the V10IO l>ealt$ :a ':L6GHz: [n.t:el 'CXI·re 2 DUo 'fS2.00 C~boh;tePl!d by 2GB of D'DR2 SDRAM, That's 01
InJII13l'::Mli[ltiCd •
II I h I I I ~ II I D:J
Q Ill:":, iflE;11li " 1<0
om L<owpri~; Ibrii!JM i..CIl; Wi-A ~lIIli1pOO1: indmiE'!l eoo.n~,
'm::n I.rg;'I111JfI~~atJuJ1!.:;' IiIIl stroU pa~r bel,ow-<WE!'f¥.le- b .. UefY li'fe-;: weak s.peOl~WS
II'.'Q3if.1]1.fiC;Hz Con! 2: rJilO 1':J.:200lJ 2GB DDR2:12!Cll:iB m:ard illri~: Ill\lID~Rl!I'\I!;liSjHIiI(tI UTi
Wi~doW5 V'i:st<l Bl.I:9ilflessw1id 1~1.10u:!ilh ool-:t1ibo for mainFiJ;ir~~~ Com.~!!ter Sv~ttmsS;~m'Iit]otlis, but the
iBOO<liS,'lI4il8]i8 weakliJ~k i!o theint.<lI@d
uo;JuJil'Su\mm tnt-e.l CMA9S0 g:tal'h~ ,sys·
IDi~~I~tP~iI~e' 5ag9 lem. whir;:h ]JQ~ lip to
224:MII 'of system MM. ,At; <'II rssnlt, the no~~book d@liv@J@d ~ed. mostly 10\!,l'-@nd ~Slul.ts on OMl' OOndll'1l3lrkil:esllS.
Baillery life wasn't ~t, eitthet.TheV1.01JClilastedijusl 90 H11if!.nes OD our battery-maiD t<est,lllearlhlg you,'d be ][q~ky to g~t ll::J.Rie hours, of real-world operating time, That''s disappointing for :a HO'leboook ofd:ris siz@',but not far fromwh:ilt~'w seen nOlm other biij.dgeln.o~@OOo:~, -RtC'1.: B~idi!!
Palvilio,n NDIX Enltertaiinmanl, NI,oteiJ,oD!k PC [Penryn E:dli'tiianl)
Massiv,€! media-centric laptop qets a welcome soeed boost
AS WIE M:E:NTIOl'-l'F::Dlast :s,pring in OUll" revi.ew
of fhe Qrigin~J HP P:~vdion HDX En~en:Oi!jnmf'n't No[elboo~ PC, the H.DX is no ordinary desktopr.eplae,emen:r t'lQtlebook. Think of i~!l'Ot ~$ ~ ]~ptop. but more 35 aJl1 aU-in-one PC that happens, tofokl up rOll" eccasioual lil?]oc~'~icm.l!l it:slatest update, H,ewLeU-Pac.kard 11I:as kept everything we loved about the HDX-a 'Vibrant. za.t-lneh screen wh:}] a. clever hinged cle'iSigm, integrated over-the-air h:igh- d!e fil1i:itiol,~ -telell!lision ~HDTV) 'tun.f'l!", dual hard d.tiv~$ (t!p to 2S0GIB apieee], a removalil'e remote COT!~ro:~ recessed into the keyboard decl{while dli!liv@'rillg 1.tpgtad~d. componelH choices th:lJt improve th~ machine
,"'V!N'lI [urt'he'I'.
Firsta!HI f'or,~mo$t. HP rlowoUen:a. n I:W top -end CPUcho:ice: the InMl Cor~ '2 Duo TIl300, B~lilt~:::;ing Intel's new "lS-tlanOllletel' Ifflmyn process, the preC'~S51ar runs at 2.s,GH~ and featu.res an ,gOOMH~ front$id~ bus, iimppo:rt :f(l!r th~ SSE 4.oi.I:l,strnc:tionset for <enhanced multimedia, and oth er illl.l?[cnrCerm eurs,
The gr:a.p~lics PU}C'@sso'! alsesees a boost, rnov:iirl8 lrol.u the! :fine .A::r[ MobiliityRadeoll HD :2600 IT ChlpSII:~ '~l;i! the even bett~r i1Vid,la G~Force S800M GTS. And the st['Onger chip dllv>eS an u:pgrnded LCD panel, younowg@l; fuU :Jl0B0p H[) reseluden (1.;920.".1,200)" compared with 1,680 . ..;l,050ol.'!, the o:ri:ginO!llHDX bl1ild.l?lus:. yOU! C<l!11 now chaoSiealnong three hi~h·d.efinitian optka] ICb:i.vesto ma~e 'lIse o:f that s"r:r>een: HID [lVD-RQM, HIli [:l<VD·R, or the new Blu·ray reader. (Each ohhose dr],w.s 31s~ S1.]ppo:rts multifaril.nat standa.rd-defi:l'IltlOll ])'VDblul.'ling.~
As wid'! the ND DVD drive we saWOIJi the erigmal :HDX, ~he BllI-ra.y driv~ d~.I:ivers jaw-dl'opping images, Also" as with the preceding model, ov~r·thEi·a:ir HDTVbroad:c::asts look ,great,but the analog p~nr.iorl of the internal TV tuner aeliv,e rs 3, softe I: fc cus with standard cab[e-'I'V input than 'W~ w() uldpl,'erer. We sa w betterstandard-detlniriea TV qUii.l.ity froimthe external tuaer btmdled with :1lJnotber hlgh-end multimedia portable wehlstiedl re:c:emly, the Tcs,hib3. Qosmio G4S-AV'630.
i i]llp'lri;;gWiiUd •
I II I I I I I 'I I I ~
~ H!E.T'FIER.. '10
IGm PBmyn (IilU II'IIVirli[l' ~Plil liIIff'er bi'~l~w IlIliidmrrhllll~ 111101111 uri!l[rta~ HIDX~ ~Dlge~:ro-ililth S(~~ is. Q~lIJSal¥l-Cil~i;)Ie; ~~n be CO!iif<ig~red ""ij~h 'HD WD er ElUu·r,i"!.'!I'dri!o!P; Sill Flilfi! Blliool~llIt:
Il~fg;n and f!;dl'ill IWltu res, as gri~r r1a~ H[J)(
IIml!I M[dra~gJ! grilphirs ""m i!IIisll,PPl:lint '5E!rifllJl,~ 9~m!!rs; aniill'6i.;ll TV tJ,wm,yi:s just ~O-SQ
~ :::l.'5GHz 'Co:n!l2lD!Jo 193(}O; 2G!B Om2: lWQ,2501GB h<Jurrl dril.'es; SIIJi-rrilV re~.rt 1)'\,Nl::tRW (~IiI'I~~ ,20.1·inch rrn ''ll'lilIiUIDwS Vis~'a iriOn P,l'e.liFllliinii
HI!'I'III!U.,,~.1~~rd. rn~Q~6frm M'IW.,nJ!'li
Whi.l:e lhe eriglnal HDX we~esH!d came w:itJ14GB
of RAiM:. our t1pda~e-dl. iteration .In];veti. with ~ l'l'1o:re' il:ypical :2G:8. Still, the C:~Ur:lnd g;t1':lphicsimpr1Ovement$ shone
through .. , Tnel:lewer III a.chtne scored :a s~rong a40 on cinebe:och9'.5 (up ftom 7313' Oil the older b1l1i]d) and completed out' iThnes eonversion trial ill a mere 4 minutes and .2.1. seco:nd:sr---a~'),ong ~he bii;st results 'We've seen :fm!~' a portahi,e, Tolle HDI sC"Ol'ed G,4.~S Oil .F!t~turema.d::'s P-CMa:rkOS, which far oucpa.ces the 5,.Q9$ we iSaW from the QosmlQ, (The first HDX. \ve tested WllSa pre"]llfOCillcticm rncdel (h81 wou~dn't run PCM~rk_)
M san wlule, the f :gtaphl'Cs engine translates tCi irl'vpmved ~D g~l'I"iept:ruy. The-newer. nVidia-equipped EDX $.('Qred7.906, on .Fu~uremaJrk'$ 9DM<lirk06. lJpfw'fn '3.993 (Ion the origiuall-iDX, W~ also ·s~w <I playable ~Ofrnmes pet second ~fpi1l) on (Fin RE.AJ:~,-t~:St. compared w[~h 2SfpsQ:n d'lie origin:;!l machine. Mo:re important.the new machine d~i[v'll!r~,dI t:ha~ higher fps wid~ mest visu.d Il!'Hect$ sereo m::l!!!.i.!n~.m.l. Seri01J,lS g;a:mers wm prob'ably want to apt for a boutique rig wifh du;algta,p·hi.cs cards, but the Hvx win ce:rt:ainly suit more-casual gam,en s ,
JIIJltQ]d., HP rook a, veQf goocl!tla,~hinE!' al]d t'!'lad-e U better, B'uyers who just nesd to 'Wal:ch and f@'CQ[dTVpro.grams andE!l'ljoy high·definiti.ofl movies mighf fl(l!t W~fi~ 'to pay fow d~.'e iU;pgad~(I hQt~powej;,. by.'t iJ yOl;!l will n:,;;ethe :HDX' as 01. primary C'OlUPYt~:r OI:S wen as an entertainment Cf'l1ter. the fast~r compOnel1its wi!] certainly huny youtta.~ks alolC\g. ----Ill mit !ilsal~s
!S,huttl,I!' XPC P!riima SX38P2 Pro
An e'x(e'lll~err1tfoundati:otn for a powerfulll, transr;:mrtable IPC
USUALLY, IIF YOU WANT A COMFUTt:R. small ,enough to haul to sd.,.OO:~ ora tAN pOl!rty; :you halve ito settle for oh:ler, shnve]" eemponeuts, Now, wi.fh Shuttle's; XPC~rim a SX38!P2Pro. you can b'lli~d iii high"peTformaJnce. dU:<IIl- or quad-core PC that's no higser than aJ b:re:;ulboll:.
1h!11 $499 SX3SP2Pro is ~ "b:<lire,"bone$" PC~e~$e1rr:i'any; ;:li s:mSJll-r'arm-fllC'tor GIIse equipped with a power :supply anc'lan .LCA77'S,. ]nt~l·CPU-il:omp:atiblof' modllellbQ~d, il][Q w.I' you install YOl1r choice of eomponents. The tasteful designte'ts the b'laC'k maclnne blend into your Hving-'tQQm decor,
[ns:icle, the 5X1&P2 :Prc s.port':san e1!lh:1l.n.:e(i fanl h~at-pipe C'OOhng diii!$,~gn and huel's; latest X3S chipsst.In additkrn, the compact ma<~het.l-blliaird spor~s twO, X1l6 pel ['K"pl'ess (PC:!~~ ~,a slots, :allowing y.a\1. to install two :aingle-width video c.ams in ~ Cm$sFlire configmr:'lJion. ;a~ w@H a$
a ~;aptop-:styl@ n'l1nl-pc~.e silot t~!la't C~n acce]?>r a Wli·F[ card. YO'Y,'lI a lso find Q'Jl~ 5,2S,'lnch bay. thre~3S·hlCh
MliJtUiJ::''Ii5r¥UI14ttll I.
I I I i I I I I I II
Q B[TTE~', m
ll';)flil~" SrnmU. Sl!Ippmt!i IJ;I"~;c:kdilil(Jliniltil '~l<I .. 1 Cms;,e {jr'OliJhi!::5,,!:,O!rdlso; ~~fv Jlmf~ $!mIlP!Y; 5tick desl'9n
.I!iClI HMd drives ean !re n:~rsv; I( ~LJ 'f~ i1l .. Iso, rood d!!llrilflg h!!'.avv PiOO~~Lng; no IIlDRJ S'llj)lim~t;
ba.ys {one whh external ac~, an interual USB header for eard fflad~f$, or orner d~vk" .• four 'sloTiSi fo,t DDR2 (lw'~ DDR3) llJ.'lemOl'Y. and a oJ'50-waltt power SllPP]Y that can d.rive!' two midl~,d~o eards, The'r'~':$ ~v€!n OiIfJng€tprin'~ rn<3Jd~r for .P~ssword-fre,elogon, though it's dlfri,C'l.Ilt: to use du,eto i,t:s, placeIN.1~nt on the ]eFt ~idJe of the bOUQID door [Jan~l
Msembiy' requires just a screw:ddverand a bit of p"rl.enoewe put ((j.gif!/w~r :::I" pi!1'hs~kil~~r g~me< rig in j1!JS[ 50 mhr'!ut~s . YOl,ll C'U1 ~ven iQiveoc;lock up to ],0 pe:rr.::@llt While ihi: systl@111WaS rock-stable during e'Xb~'~1deidi g~mi:fig ~~r'!d vicleo-r'Eii'nderirag 't!ilS,~S, the f,m~ gotrn~h'~r loud dming heavy p;(~!j:$iing~ and hard d:riv,€ accesses 'Wel:'€ also 'ii,~ry audible_-I',I(tU1Y Atkin
Graphics (arcl offers unmatched perforrnancefor its price
1!i1tiimWIll'UIUiN] tit LLIIL]LI]U
ATI'S NEW RADEON HD 3870 CHIPS!E.Tm.aybE! its top'· of.the-]lne o:ffeling, butit's::.ictuaUy aimed atc::a,pturing dlli! mafn:st~:!:an:l. market, offedng, very goodpedQrmance OlJ areasonable :pnere. Tl:J,e $2:4,9 Asus IEAH3870 TOP SOllP:' up'rh@' HID 3870 by Q'IIE!:n::]oc:iking, the GPU ~ndl:!l1emol'Y, a nd bundUn,g .~ g(lOdD:iT@ClX 1:0 (DX10) game,. Compauyo[ Hel'Oes: Opposin!1lfwl,ltS.
ThQ1I.lgh based. QIlI the~me chip de~igJl ;;I.::'; th~ lHs-e'xpen-, :s,ivre,,-e·'.sJot HD' 3850, this 5012MB, DhectX 'lO.i-Teady card f(;!<I!UlfflS a, tldck flii!at ::'lflk that blocks au adja~nl: slot, Asus (I'lf,ercJocks the card. s$gnifica:lltIy, nlmling Ithe GPUat 8'S1.MHza:ncl the GDDR4, ~l'!Eln',Qlty at 2,2:86MHz. Install·
:il':1g two EA.HSE70 'fOP canis lets you drive up to Iour monit;on;,. or inerease 3D pe:norn:umc:e by enablh.lg Cl:oosFire mode, Upccllning drivers wlill SlJ.l~-
:port CI.'OSSF:i:reX" ::IJiliOlWln\g you toinstall Up' to fem 'cards [Dr even bene:r 'lD ~efifcr· In<lm;e (or use of e~~;ht mOilliit~rs. sim;y]tanrously,. Along '\1,dth s- Video and H pair of DV] parts, ~he ~:;lIrl lneludes &c]~ptern, for High·Defi:rlit'ian Multimed!
[ilterfar::e (HDM)) and C:OJ,lIlpoJ::i.ili!nt-vid:eQ olitltpnt.
]mage quaJily is excel~em~. with superb <lEI!ltialiasing aadrilrenng
and the eardrurned in s:j,grrific~ndy faster benchmark-test results thanthe HD 38:50, dlOilIg/h itstill feU behi l'ld. the s]ighdY1J:l,Ore ei.x:pensive GeForoe g~!l:m
GT;. G<lming-~esil: resul ts in QUI'
Company of Heroes, Crysl,Ij,f.'E:. A.:R., aBO worM ]1.'1 COlnflict :tests; were mixed at veiry h]glit reselutiou s (start]ng at '], ;SJ<2ClxJ. ,.200).
but stkh:ing,to ]ewer .m:lwluti.ons should deliwr very pi:l.yable frn.ine rates in many' DX9 and .O'X10 g.a.mes.
One' i.mportant note: Tl'lollg)i the cam ]5 \l.I'h]spe:r~ q;!Jill~ whem ]dHng;, during '3D gam]ng the fan noise became 'Very l'lot:i~e:i1Ib~!e. more so than. th.e HD ~850 er 1'1Vidil:l. GeFor~e 8800 GT or !!SOD O'I'S canis. -llA.
IJI!]!' IlnBl(,p!!liIs'weror its PEr· 'r:OfJili'l,UliOe< CU.;I$S; e::lIIcellent tmO)ge' @/JIa~it¥.; HIDMI OJJtJinU!:; :5lI~()~ts Oirerl>tlO.1
I.IlI:B SGf'lKli,'Ii,ila:t ncisy dU~~lfIg inre!1~~~i~n"l; 3D perrer!ffln(~ dirGPl' ,~l hi!lh~!ill'l!s.c1I1J1tiDn5; r~qUil'P!i 'l'll'lll!l sJ6t:!;.
A;s~sl(feik (rom.pWl~er 5,1o.HI9IHrSS~
Illnt,.'1 CDlrel,2 IEx'treme QX'9770
A, superfast (hip-but YOI~lllll palv'flor bra'ggling righits
INTF::l'S COR~, :2: .lP.::iETR.!EMr QX9770 'win be. the new eep-end 'Emnyintlwl; oeompany'$ consumer C!1'U line. '['he QX.9no Qffer~ anQt'ice:able, [lumgh not dramatic, speedup over the :previ,on5 [op-aif~rhe~1in;e Q_X96'5O-thollg'hl h'ltel s.a:Y$ it wm be prlc~d lrigher~han that $,1.,000 CPU. (~'8ct pricing WIl:9 mot Olwilahl.e ::t't :press time,)
'['he QX9770 includes the, same lmpmve meats introd.lnced with the QX$l65(t It's 'built on the smaller, 4!;;-I1,anometet 1113.lUlfactllringprooess; it beasts 3. whopping 12MB o·f Level :2 c<lc'helnemo,ry::H'ld it supports the lliEW' SSEtl, instrueticns, wn]cn can. dm'11I:l!l'lic:.a.Uy s;peed up so!roe '\I'idieoencoding and gJ~fJ;hi'!;$ operaricns,
Th~ QX9770 introdnces s:I:!ppon for ~he faste-r li600MH~ frol'lt~sidJe bU5 (FSB). up from 1,3~~Mi!-lz; :11 ~e,ed boost from :3GHl: to :1.2GHz; and$llghtiy more heat and POW@'( u:sage. of~ fk:iaUy:,. itr<@qllM[E!S a moth'erbo:.i!ro b:a$~d !O!i'I tl1J}~ bit,el Jt:.j,e) chip51e'l. as that's~h>e only chips~t cUrl"g:ently avail·
iii 1!I1!,:'T'I'E.n,. '1(11 I:iIl'iI l~t@5t 'ti@IISlJroor CPU yet;S1S:~,4 i'115trudicm·s'['UI d~'~I'III~ti[C!n~ speecll LIp ~lPpOl1ln!l <lil!PS; 'fl'!S! memt!m," Ib.arldwki~1i1
IIiiCII V.(!ry 1!iC1p8I1Siw" '~Il hv (ore :2 E:dreRsI: .. ~d .. rd5i I'ew "~~~5VfJP~rt 01111 its t~tlJ~, r,i;!!ils hOtlti!'r IiIta!lll 'Uie l'iie;;:t-liiiiglii~5t
PlmiiCe Net yet: annol!! need
ah:le th~it supports; ::I. 1,600MHz FS.B, but we got ltto :f(ln en ~l'l X3S"chrps~t mg~h~rbo:jfrdwith some ov'en:.i1Xki!ng.
Comp'ared wit'h the 0.",96'5<0. the QKg,nO\;. 'f;l Mer clock speed and fSB dJid buy usa no'~ic€ab:h~ speed hlcr,~a:3€.Th~moot d:r.;Il'".!'!J3rk il.'est was ou.r'VirtuaLDublDivX re!!lderin:g~ in which
til€! Q,X'9770 d~d in at2 minures and 2"1 $eoo~lds (ve.rsus::! minutes 211ldi 42; seconds on the QX%50 SY$'tern). O1Jlr Veg,a.:s,rm B MI?~G'21:t'!ld~rihg test W<l:l,O, ,,1$0 ],0 ~~cOl:1d1~~aliit@:f than the Q}<9G'50, G ... ming-test results were almost idel'ukal bet'wf,en ~he two ~hip$, j]o\!re'!fer" wjd) Ul@' QX9770 ~~t!h'lg only trWO frames P'E!f secend in P,E;,AR and company of Hero!2'S, (;iv'@l! ~hat [be- QX9650 ~'iad ai:ready :sil:(m~d significalIi!t $j)~~dilPS ow!: the last-generatiQiI1 CQTe :2 Extreme QX6$s:Q, 'Woe C'atl c:ffi,ciaEI.y declare the a<9no to be one blazingl.yfas't CPU.-:[ Atkil1
EVGIA II~G,efDlr,ce' 1818100 ,[iTS 51112,MB
Updated 91raph~ics card is a quiet, speedy (hoke
m~.rWH:EN NV,IDlA teC'e'ildy re'llea'~ed lb. Ge!FQ:(ce 8800 G'f d~sign, ilt ].!~ft thE! 8800 errs in a weird place:
The GTS was more expen sivethauahe GT, bu r sLower inl.Ulost rests. Wi tl'll the ad'veJl!: of the faster .5i 12MB 8800 G'fS cards lik@ EVGA's; 'E!-GlllFotcl"'! 8800 G'fS. ~hil! model makes <I. bstter show at earning ilto& OTS designation.
The '~-'G'eFQr(le 8800 (iTSi:s: <I double-wide card th""t blecks the adjacenll.:iol I!:) mak~ reom fOI: a ]'<lr~e heat sInk and quiet cooling fan, Th~' card l-@quir@s 011 slnglesix-pin power eennacter and. sports two dual-link I)V~ onq.lui!:s,. <IS
W!l,a as <'In <I.clditior.l<ll COlUleC[!Or f;o:r .s~Vi.~hlO Oil.' com:ponent-video output. n also 5~]pport'S High~ :~an dwiclth Digital Conte nltPmtect!Q u (lhough there's uQHigh-JJefh:dtiou .Muilinuedillllfllt<ElI:[:a.ce PiOrt}, Dir@ct>!: 10, and PCl: !Express 2.0.
Th~ 512MB SSOO G1'S has the same lrardwa rs-based PlLllieVia.eo .2 playbdJ~k suppert that '~he ,81600"3 nd" lower se'i, ha:we- include d.
II mllmW9{UI£MI •
I l ill i I I I II
a IIHHII" 11;1<
m:llt 1~~ellei1!l pefllOrm,UI!je, ~i'lha:nced 1iI~!tII!,l~ re'vlitlie;o·playb.;!ck iI({('reril~ion: qllie~ 0ifll!r.JI~~on
but which wasn 'r present in rhe 320MB <In d, G4{~MB models of the 8800 GTS. With hardware decoding (]if IL264vi.die!o" you' U seeles>s CPU usa~e w l'len watching H:D v[d~Q comp:ared wlrh earlier UCla cards,
.IEVGt\'S S12M~ e·GeFoooe 8800
GTSieH an oJigin,d-11.10del 'MOME! BEOO GTS iu the !:h~Sl in mest of our l!iests~ At '.I.,200xl,024 reselutien, fhe 512MB model delivered 132 frames per second (fps} inEE"A.R,,!j'llilfSUS: 88fl?sfor~:he 640MB v@:rs~Ol'l, WOlld in Conflier sa:w aseere .otf4 7fps, compared. wi1!h
!,£I'fp:5 on the 'eadiu card, Th'e ultrn-d~mand~ng; Crysls a~hieved S7'fps <li~high cle~<I!n, as oppos,ed te
2'S.Ups for the older card. Boosting the resolurian to 1,'920:\1,2.00 and tmuLfI:i5; em 3.lfl'ti·~:diasing l::i!llH tl'ilf1IHi!'W ems from the, old!e:r :mode~t'S erewn, but the GTS still d:icl 'VJ!l'T'y well. -.DA.
I!I!I:lI I!3lod.s a!ilj:;l(l!llt ~lot;!ilO HDM I OOlllli!ec:l:Or
LUlgi,tel[h 'QUliI:IIC,alm Pro 900,0 A.Webcr3lm that~iiives~p to its hyp'e
, ... "",rI L.OGIT:RCH'S $99.SJ.9 Q.lHCKCAM .PRO 9000 Webcam is e:3$.y to set i..!p and use, and it: ~ffu~$ :a bunch ot' handy eXl:ra;5.mjOllkh~,g it the best Webcam. we've seen forll'H);Si;: who war!l[ t(D do mO}'er:h:a:n the cceasicnal video chat, Plus, for Sk.ype users, the Pro '9000 OUe'l:9 a .. ~jgh. QUEilit,Y Video feo:ll'Ure~Ci us~ on Voice !i:lver rn~'emEt Protocol fvar!?} ClII1~s~Or1ig 3S you and the person you areSkypill:8 hw,e :pC:ll equipped. witl) dual-core CPUs,
The 2-megapb:e~ Webcam,wlth its Cad Zeiss, lens, records video :lit lip to 9:60:;:.72.0 phrels, takes photos at up to <In in~erpelated S me!'l~pi!(:els. and. can cJrelSte cllps tai]omclfor lU!obile' cle:vices or '!!,I'ideo~istipgs on ~E,ay" There's !iN~n a f:!li:~:t!;!te' thatlets you qui.ddy upload vid~03 toO "((J,u'lU.b~. Me'~nwhil.e, [..agjtech's pattn~rship with :sk-ype
led to the in~]ll's:ion of the "am 'is High Q.u a Uty V~cleo function, whkh enables. you to !nak:~ rem~r!k~bly s:b::fl!f]? "ideo calls Ilsing the, Vo~
S ~M(\e. Bu~,[o ,el!':l?~ri'~nc~ the MrJ.KU:(l·rll'.:j!oh,rtiQIl, lO·frnme· pe!r·~!I;ond vid.eo,
11r91j)jlijJD,}1iHmlI '"
I I J C[J L'I 1JT1
@ B·Ie;f"j"~R" ~
IDliliJ:JIIClliceUent. ~ideQ', ~ooio ql!l<!lit/iu ys",h£1 ~e .. h!lJ,es. inclur.iliUlg dil\ii!CJt. ~urriJbe: U;P:loodila~; &1irfo 'Qual it¥ vrtlM fo~ 91qrp1;!
iI:iEmII High g[:!~lilY Vide!!! '['Or S'kyP!l! r@;Ql!li i'I!'!ii duali-rore ~reo~· S(J" ne 118.11"5 pm,tediorn
l(lg1~c:ItSOO·23t·'717 W\lffl·!logited.(I(I!If!
bothpart]eil must h~e one of 'three L;Qgftecl~ carus capable of handling the ca[l~L YQ1IJ'U also hod"! n~d PQw~rfl!l SYSit@m:s: fa: w1th dU8il-c~~E :prrOCeil:sorn. the latest verslQll a,fSkype(1.6 or high!li!'[ fot W1ndt;IWs,}, and fa~1 hW'<I!dband connectlens,
other standout fiEatures of the Vkbcarnindudle great ]owligj!it l?@'rform;:;rric@, fa;Sl :::..uoofocu:S., and '~xL@'IJ@'!H sound qUaJ!ity frem tilE! lilJUilt·inE!cho-cam:@Lill'l.g mic, We de hav;e Olli@ lll!nC!f d~$i;Srl romp]a ~11't Th~r~'$n(l prol'e(tiQt'i for th.'~ l.m,s when t~l!~ cam's not in 1i.l$lI:,which CQ\l.~d be ;i!:n.i'~lileifyQ\ttend to :s;wff ~oe!:Iph(!tals haph~z;ardly i!1t~Jtyour laptop ·bag. ~Jo:sJltt1tl Goldl11;a.~
:S,.iitlek IPlra F;liiglht, 'Yolke 'Sysllem Must-have gear fOil Hiiight-sim fans
Q;;rlDr A YOKE (or ''',a:ii:pl:ane :stNrit1gwhee.J," to the non-aeiat:iQn,·indin~) such ae. S.<I1tek;'\s $14.9.9S1 :Pw fU:ght Syst~iLll is the l'lwst reali&tic way we know to shnulate Hyfing most g"@ner<l!.·a,v:iari.onpl<lll~@s <lind <liirEi.m~rs on a :~C:.
The ptoFIi[!jlbt in dud@s: both a yoke .<I:J],d, a separate> thretrle quadlii.lmtwitll three levers. The yoke and tl1ratHe:s conueetrogether and p[ug inroa single USB pert, via a cable
rh a l really should be lcngerre allow fOI" wid~r setups. Oth·· '~rwi$@ n it's a p@'d@ct a rrangern ~ D1itfor simula lin g a sing]~·
01' atwiKI·'@l:1gine! plane: il Y10ll wa~,.t to cenrrola U teur engine~s of <Ii BOe'll'lg "747, you canuse rhe ()ptt~na] $'59 PI·O flight Tluot-
tle Quaara ntte addthrsa mou~ level's" >compon>enl ]f1- eludes a sturdy damp [0 3.'l:t~dl
it abo\l'e orbe lowji'our
desk, and. the yoke eV!ensports a three·port: lISEl, huh.
ULm,tJ;1i-'I'1!11IutMd •
I ,I II I I I I I I I I III 'B,ETTE.~.. 'Ill,
Imm R@ill~1:[( d'm;igll; 11m· g~amm!illblei ~tldlilli();ll.d tb~i:lUIe qUadF~!ilts C,,1Il ~e addled; lili.dlt.,;111 IlJiS:9 h\J~
I.IiCD E!Oi ~aiilsi~e' ~or;oll g~mling, ,c.'Oltbdl~e(; slflillrt U9E1 cable
'S!i!U:ek, J~O,212·S>4112 W'\!';!VII'+,'S'<litek~,s;,H!~m
M:". lEst., [Prioe, $,1[49.99
En all, the yoke has 1.4 button andro.,b·r·switch pesiticns, as well as a, '!;'iew hal: ~nd <I working LCD elecx/ehrencmeter, If that's Blot enough" a threepo.s:itiQH switch Iets yOy aSSJ&11 seeond and third
il'u nctiens to each button. .Also! if you puU iii thretrle [ever hack P,3St the stop
ueteh, it sends abutrenpteas (hat can be used to engage revel~se thrust,
The-Pro flight: worked great with both M.icrosoft: Flight shrmlater X and X·Plane' 3 lfl eur t@stifl~. rr will OIJ50 work wlth eemba; m.ght sirnulaters.but, in terms o'f realism, Vt'I:y fewfj,ghiteu. use yokes iusread of srieks, !GraJ,',lled, it's. t'Kpe;nslve for a gamec::onilro]ler,
paJl:ti.c:ularly if you pair it with the $11l9.95 Pm :r'lig~lt Rudd!H" .Fe dal sy~til!m jfoJ' maximnm effect.
IB ut compared. wi~h the cost or time in !aJ l~e'!lIIl'.lane 01' pr-ore:sskll'lal simalater, it's: a barga:in. .. -Da·my Ark~ ..
E:nll,rmax Clliesair He.avy-dlLlty ke'yboard is packed withfeatur,es
'TH[ :f! t.;n:R M A ~ CA,[:SA:R~ E Y IB 011. RD captured Q,.~r aJtt~t'!tW'!l wi~h its geedleeks <lind rwmy Si:f;t-all.di won U:ri ov~r withitts lmp~~:S$il(il'e extras. If you're ~en:s.itivle to aesthetics, yQU',~] lQ'€ ![lil,e $75 C~E!iS:a]'~prov:id.E!d you (i,on'[ mind i~ ]:;a:pmp-slyleFeel
M~as.utin8 0_7S}lR.5;,::t"5 inches, the caesar fe-ature.$a QWE RTYby.s:lllt snrteunded by <I tn irrered bordel:, The rest of the bOOi.rdis encasedin steel mesh (including the wrist-rest <lr@a). un[ikemany key1boardiiO" the Ca@sar is heavy at 3.2 pO't!nd!s_ With its weight, rehhl wedg@' sl'!a~E!', and Ol,l'ltislip rubber feet. fhi:s keybo~rd $tay~ put" You also getthe option of rh~ rear of the k€'y· boardusing feet mounted underneath.
Eleyol'lI.d the! QWERTY area, yOlI'U nl::ld SQmeU51e'· ful coutrols, The caesar hasr:iv'@ red~l=:tb@'~ecl media·,c@tltric· hothy-s on~h@ left side {play/pause, stop, jnl;rilij~i\l and d eete~$e vol··
,;!ll!Imlnum 'OOillS'trl!l~tiD"; a t~ as >! USB 'liJub; ~l~ :mi:l ~lE!adflhc.1')I! j'ill:k5
ume, and mll.u:e:,. :pivei.nore lmtk~ys 1.::lIbeled in red on the right side yon access to mail, search, <llc.ld 'INlindaws V]sta~sp@dfic fnucrions (Flip :m, Gadgets, and Media Ceuuer). 111 3.dditi.cUCL, the .keyboard. serves as 01 USB 2.Q hub,with apert on the left <lind. right panels, M.lcmpiH)'ne· and heaaphone jacks llve ontfuetrnU,~ lng ed,ge; llmLsnalIry, your ~G\; audlo signa] travels tthroug;h the us B lntarfaee of thebyboard to om enbesrd audio dllp. We Ioved tha'l WI! ]'10 long@rnipped 01i.l'1?f our headphone cerd 0]1' m.oVE! d too faran d! 9.e:ciden.taUy Ind.led it out
G3mern may fh'ld many' of tl.'lese fe~tul!'es useful-but they (;{)1.1id also find theo half-size Fl. to U2 keys frustratlng. Anothe:rr pcsslble dl:<il.wback: is 1':hesh;lUO'w keY' travel. which n:u,IY anow you te (ype faster but could reet
it w·kwlaJ,rrl. -li2£"U-e A Vi&c.r
HP Phlal,Dsmart CI81,80 Photo-centric MFP has 'f,ew ~Iimitaltions
THE HP PHOTOSMAFi.T Cl1!lM comes; n~rlit:.:illiz:i.ngly close to h.1lv.i_ng everytlMn.g you could want. in ill reflson:a.blypriced. pl,:!Qtoocennic rall-Dl't -one p.rinter.
'Tbe photo pr]nt qualiry frcm ~he CS180's six-eeler inkjet print engine rivi~Js. ~he results fro¥n!n~ny dedic::~ted photo and snapshot printers. Sil'!L'lLlarl:!" the IndEt-]ll flatbed scanner, with its 96·
bit sean ning engine, holds its own ;:Jjg~in'i!.t m:1luy relad'llei.y· expel'lsi~~ seandakm~ moclie]!;, Be~~"l:se 'the (;oOpy function l"@lieil> onthe sean and prlint engines, its. results a:r~ also first-rare.
T]l,e C8180 fe:l!mres:a, buiH-in Ug~ltsen:b~c:;a,p~b]e PVD burner, so y·ou can atehiv@ phQtw with 01: without a PC. Yo,., also g~t wi·,Fi,Bluetooth, and Ethern@t ecnuectiviry,
(Note.~hough.[h.aiE you can'taccess the DVD burner ov-er the I'l!i\ltwork.) AU this technical g.OOd~l€$:;' adds l.~p to about $400., ulaking for M i.nrpressive setup. despite a f@w s;hOrtCQU1.h'lg$.
Tflol~ C8180 has .a ra! tlecl~n,gin@ $p·~,e'cl of 34pag'@iS p~~ minute ~Pl:'l.'l1.} in black and 33pPl.nin C'olor(both in dlaft m.ode),and ddiv~rn ~~$QlntiDn up ~o~,a:OOX1,,~OQ dots p~r inch. Thlil 3.:5·i ndl co! or r.C:D touch screen isa welcom.e· inclnsion. though paper·tra.y capacity is limited to only 100 sheets of letter-ssse steck, or 2Q4x6·inchi. sheers in the ph.ow t~ay.
TheC81:S0's speeds wete a mLlle!d ba;g, cQmpated with. other aU·,in·ones. O!.n·10·p<'lge~e'xt documenr (whi·ch fe.Jtln:es a ccmbinadcn oftext and imOllgesJprinted at <I reasonably fast 2 minut!:ls and '<Ji9 :s:eoonds.l'ex:tW<lis legib]@ down to 4.5·p oint ty[J€'-not laser-prurtes qU<llity; bur 1ijf@'lJ:&ooofor <lin int;jet
prfl .• tE!r~The im3~es in the document :1Ippeared nOI'lpl!x·elated. ,evenly t!1!Xhil'ed, and color-accurate. -Da"f.rJ1 !t1qH~h
(!! IHiTTER ,.
I#rI':t;:J Hig11.qu.IIlj~ p.rilli'~ing". scarmil'l!;, I.1t:lP'l:llililJ~ Wl·IF~. Blu8- ~llIoth, E~Y,,emet cap.1bi[ities.:
Li~11It'S(fil!le<·oorlilootibk: [l,V[) blll'rinI!r' !e'~~ you oiln:lnilm .plil~t@s; J,s..i m;:1iI wUllch 's[~el!!rn
Mlic:rasaft Li"e~Cam 'VX-70'00 PI enty of frearture s, but v ideo stumbl:es
A:S FAR AS FEATURr:s. GO,the'$99J<'MictrO:!'!oft Li$ecan'il 'IJX- 70'00 is. a prinl12' e:;;.ample of aI1·o'~eF<l!;:;hiever.!t 01]'121'$:;1 2-m.egaplxe!.sensoir, worlrn; 'with the major instant-messaging clients, and even has a built-in, nO~~N;ai1l~i1'Uimg mi(;oophone.Bu'l: whi.1e those fea:~ul:ies make the' cameraattraetive on. pape~, lltS f,El:lJi-wor]d :perfor1na:n~~ le~lre,s a lotto be desired,
Despi~e the camera's tOUlte.d '!,Vld, compatihility" certain OlIiS'peets of the VX-iOOO were designed s,pedncaUy fo,r M.kro50:~t'S Wtn,cl!o,w5 live Messenger. A:morng them is the camera's a.biUty to past images d:irec['ly to you]" Windows
L;j,\f@, SpaCiE<S blog_ tik~wi:) W€'hl'01Im has a d!e-diC'''ll~d Wl!ndOWSll:I.i'E C:$!ll bUUCI!r!, which summon$. a Ii~H of your fri. ends fQt one -teuch 'C9i]lil1.g when it~s pressed.
Th~ camera has a 71· deg:ree' wide -;lngl;e lens. It's, ,gl'@at fecr C:tp:tt.Ulllg t'IoVo or more people in front of the unit, but it tends tG teVeoi~ too much ba,d::gml,lnd if just OM parson is vis~bi.€! in th@frame.
[til: main sem~l,g p eine, th~2 ·megapiNii\i!] sensor, is also the v).;· 70001'$ big-
1114111]llijlaiSjl!ijll I.
I I I I I i I II jill III EiIEiT'HR ,.11:1
Illil!D TIgh't im~e!llr .. tE(m With Wiiil(dfMiS ~esseUlger; lb:Yilhim ml(: (I~k!~s, !llQil~ l~n<e!J~~r:Qn'
IIiJ!tI \;!'fi!::iIetJ de·teri'Or~l'e5 Oit hig!'Q~~t ql,l;;l:lily s,eUil'lg~f'ir! d1m li'g'hi~li!1!g; cHg;it,d s'~iI~ ColOI be g~ilWf
gest: shorrfalLWhh thecamera set to 1.1 or 2 lneg.aph.:els, vh;l.~(J1 w:a$ iJ,iJ1b~o;!xab~~1:O w.a(ch. :app&::aring w:ash@d cutand lagging not:iceal!:!ly .. hi our tests" video looked. best whell :!let to 640ll:~80 re5!olution. s~~ it a'bo'V,~ that, ::InC! you'll be $Wck with choppy; au[-of-sYrl~ reool\d!ing:;l.The same held true
of the Wiiibca.m's; d.igi,ta] stills: 'th~'VX:'fOOO can c:aptur,~ 1.6· rl,:ueg;;Jpili>el inteq.;olatecl5iti1ls, but images ]oQked~rainy and CCi'lQd~'$s ~t the ~::hlghles[ r€!oolut ion- p~rf'Ott!'!I.:!nc~ :~ lse 'ITo6k
a IllOse-diiv@ III ~ow·iighl conditions: Di:Htii W<lrs s]gnifieoandy ob$cur<!d., and a greenish hue dominated the screen. F,Oof best Ie~ulli$,w~ ~;t;ommend yQU stick to a wel[·Ht rcem when US<ing this W~bcam.-l(),\oCLs RClmir,ez
~~ :::::::c::."C!:'
• .._.~_"-.Iii&_
_-.....~liiiiIii - .... -~
W'ithl 218~lln'Eh Mia'niit'DlrS", Size' II.ln't E:verytlhiln,g These twolarqe lCiDs part ways on features and performence
T.H ~ :PROl [FE: RAT ION of LCD- bru!ie-d te.lmsi.ol.1:S, ha,shelpM push ~ne] p.~ ['0 newll)li!m-mr~l::ingn~t pagle'~ dlB!1Ipt;'t'. too, for ooyer:s of LCD n~.ooi.torn. fO,T the desktop. welaitcbed Ol:n:t:o two 2a-inch displays {welt 27 ".5 be pr¢ci~), one from r.ebltive newrome.I.' Jia:nns.G (<Ii b.t:lOInd spun offby'TV 'm~ke:rl::b~ll1n~e} sud the Qther from @pl.ay'staiw:u'tVlEwSor~k.
'['he' two mcmirors ru:e meimt to work in ,combined PC and aud'UQ/v:id.ea ,env.iocmme!lll!$,,~oth orner :a HigJ.l-DeFinilion Mulomedia .. 1:n.t.e.rFace (I{DMI) couneetien and ail,9.ZD:l:1!..100 (Wi[JiXGA) reooh~tiorl. which is ide:1!ll ['Ol' rlisplg{y1llg lhigh-deliillftion COIl-' tent a.t full 1000p, But th;rur's whe:rethe, sil.'L1.iIlariries el.'ld. The Hilirtins,. GE~:n:tly OI.ffe-s gpodperfom~:J;!1~e ~u ~ low price. but irk!ck$: t:he mulfipl'e ¥idoo i;n[:.l~t$ rom~b it TV·wortl:ry;Vi~SQili'C~mod!d is: lo~ded wil:h extras a!ld pedigree, but pe:rl(f.m~l:'lce is wEUerrhan ii,V€ 'WO(lld haW' Eik~d, €Sp€d:aliycomlid€'ri:ng [h~ pritt.Th~ fu$;~ rncmitor oou~d be a b:lirra:;! for users who drm't need to. CO!U1E!N to more than Ol!@ di$[:l~:ay d~@' ata tim~. whi~d!e~~oomd cou]d! 00 ~. oollid choice fior poweru~ihhe_. prix:e dmp:perl.
Th~ H:;JJrm$.(; HG281[)PBOC[) is a $500 L-CD th,;llt ean h:aJ~dl~ jUg~ '~bo~n: a~lydiilSpla.ty demand, unless you're do:il';gld~-a:crurarY' graphics wo:r~ The rnQflii~or'$ native resaiutio:l'i pra(tically b~OOo di$pl~ high· de:l1ll'irion coott'te'I:J:t
Th€ $cre€n's. oldy maier $:ho,rt!romingis its lack (If ]n:p~ro..
The HG2SlDPB offers just two video ronn@ctio'l1S: D -sub for VCiA" ~nd HDMlfor a Also ~nt!ioyiil1g, though no~ critic a Uy se, ]s 'tl~e fa('t: mat the JlQWef 1lnmQh and four on$C're~n~djjsp]ay (OSD) buttons {:IiO'[ adjlllsting blig):ltness, contrast" rolor" and so on);:ne hidden 011 the back
of the bezel You'U need t:o use nli~m ~t least enee, baeause dte' HG2SlDPB arrives, with all of its s~nil'lgS cranked up.
Th@ geed lCl@'WS; is tJlt'll enee ymJ.~ve fiddled with the ~6.ettil~gs! tbe inu:age '1u:dity remains consistent, and youp:roba'bly won't nesd 1!O!J;&e the! buttons iiI:gain.
Image quality onti1is <l!!Splaiy is ontne ll1,ad;:ror its price. Testi:l1g under DisplayMate (WVl!"W',d:isp]a}!!!,)shawed. no n,lE!jor flaws. 'Th@ p.:u:H~l @x:il:l:b,tted SOUl@ slippagea~t]:'Ji~ ft''Y low ,ElJ'cl ef the teosfs g!""Y"sc3.]e ::ina 'top end of its white·le:w1 m<il.!;" but no more 50 than :most rol'lS:!I:l1In£'r-lev~]m!Omtitors.Texit i5 00..'lI(;1- 3b.1~ dCWiJ;l,W 6 point'S, in size, though it~ ~;tv]~d at G.6 po~n1[:S; O'r larger,. We' neted n.o hlcQI'oing or hl.umng lJl vi.deo p~ayb",ck: or g.:rmlng. <l!n!:I themonit'O:is eeler }1e]ldlitio1l ~s 'IInt~El good. We 'Wel'en.'~ijsi.mpf>essed, though; wilEh the' two 2.S"'!I.Ir.iift: ~D.Hegm:ti£'d $;pei';~OJ,'lI't C:OlU'J.t Oil them to delivtlrauc]i.o fide.liity:.
C~.mpt'lr>ed with d'le desktop m.oJ; most 101.1:::5 areused to, ViewSollic IS VX2S3'ljwm ($fi99}is S (I immense that you tend not 11;0 look at ~t$ of her fe;uures-y'(l'l,~ justsrare ail: fhE view.Bl1~t that bigg.e!r pi~tm'e' might blind you to some irn r - .p{H"~~nt drawb:adrs.
Aside from the screeu, connecttivlity is the di$pla.y"s
other bIg plns, The inpu [$ are on par with those of highde:finition TV sets" with component-video, composit,e-vidl.eo. S-Video. HDMJ; and VGA (D-Sub) connectors, as wel.~.:ls ::<Iudia-in tor itsi.I.:tt,eg,ra.t!ed 3-wSJt.t speakers and ~3. head" phone-out jack ,.llIe wide Jx,n(lm be:;!el hO'lI;S~'$: i[h~ speak~r~" whkJ1. d,'&!~iv~r p~.~nt.y Qf volume, H llQt lQt$ of~t1di(l fidelity;
our t€'~ting, hoWev'~.f" uncovered some problem s. :F(lr one thi illg, th e VX2S:35wm wo,nld not disptlay::!.'t its native reselurion whet!! conneC'ted to 'tile :HDMDport of 10m: graph·
ies cards, ]'r:oms
a ~!lng th~ le:f~
3i111.d right ed.g@s (If the deiktQP were pushed! out of slight. At best, wemanaged to diJspl.ay at 1.920:>;1,080, bllt theproportions w!!'re H bir distorted when 'lri,ewing graphics,
Meanwhile, QUr D]spl:ayMatesei~es or tests was not over],y kirrd fotthevx:2S'lSwm at extremes of whhe orblack, The monitor lost a bitmore dennm.lti'on <It those end points. in ooth < and. dig,i.t<ll medes. C:nu~J~ing the bnghtness and contrastup or down seemed to h<!!\l'@ nereal effect. Out:side of these boundaries, ev>t1!£Ything els'ere~Ls·tered perfec·t]y, especially color, 'Wili!ch is a mlljor plus for this dis:play-both in gra:phi:cs and video. TeNt: was perf.!eclly readable <:Ito!: above 6.8~oints. -Elm O'Bri.m
Goad aIIl!'ll1ctNli.'I' .laf1~ oJoI!tUIat~oDla
ctetill~'teIl(L tQ In 1lB'l' rlad- 01 \ Iyb-illhlilfeil~~_d ~ dl:ipl~ ,l!IlOIH':': ~r~iot1\\oflefl CflfIII1etI~~ tm-PC 'i'1~, fDMI
WO--flBB-S5Bl WNW~O,*-o:Im
Olen Ull,trilShilrp '3010a:WFP
Giant !lCD with a forw@lr~I"'lookilng ~intedaloe-ar~~ ,a hilgl~ prke
AT A WHOPP]NG ,$1}.I99. the Dell UltraSb:u'P 1QQflWFP isn't. for eve:~l'le. }3l~rr for that~:$:king: price, you g~t a s:tylish :3,p-t!lch d.1spla.y w,ith avarlety of couuectorssnd cOl'lVellieu~ fe;;atrures, .~.I.tlS. if$ fut'llre-pcroofed. with an upcoming disp'l~y eounector ~aUM Disp]ayPort A~tho'Ugh. fhe monirer's ~d'o'rmaneeisn't :a:spow-erf1U[ asw.e WOIuld have ti.k,ed., the :pkr1.H',e· qu:!ility is very' good. for most 1l]ses"indudiug, entertainmenr,
Den l.)asr1ecet';!tly i 1'11- proved the· design of its products.and it shows in tlw 3008VJFP. The 3008'WFP h':1il'l :a. bn~shEd-lnet;al con$:trnr:::tiotl th.a~ ffl$ts on <"11 degam (and heavy) glass $:~and- Th~ design giv~$,~h~ !f!on~t'Or. .~.ll1!XUri.o'ltS, higbtech quilh.y. With lW cantlleve~ arm, '~he srnnd ~n.QW'S th~ disp]a.y 'ill easily ::::,wiv,l!!i ~nd tilt. ,l'l!llId adJusting the h€'~ght ~s ,~q uaUy €!Ho:rtL~$s ..
'f~li!! 3008WFPis '@qtli:p]l'E!d
wl:lh nOt only Otl~· a:n~lQg D·s1!.l.b :<lndtwQ :DV1 !;>Qnnech;ll$l, butalso Mi(!lh·[)~fi~.ljhQn M),d· tin1!~dia~hterfa,re (HDM~.)~Hd ccmpcnenr-vldee conneetcrs for hooking up high·d@'fi~~jti.on WU1"c~S, <IS wellas co:mI:JQsite!··video IOIn,o, s- V~d~Ci'Q(].;t!ln€coorrs for o]d~r ~ '1 uipm€nt K~e,p in mind that' thesE' conn@efOrsw:iU only handle the video signal. The 3008WFP also h'als ~ pk1:1,.!re·by~pktl;lre fu~t.~re. ~lk"Nil'l& j~ to dlsplaytvifoy,ideo S.QUfCH Qnscwen, :side bys:ide.
The U]uaShaFp 3008WfP also hasone addiitional. v:lideo ecnIl@ctar, called DisplaY:f\()l1. I)]3f11ayPon is the successor to DV~, and th@i~lJClllllstry' OlI.!ocipate.sH will become thie n~w PC cHsp lay' s~all!datdL slini].::tr in ooj'g~oept to .HDM[. the IDisplay!Po.rt cable can carry not only avideo sigl.'J:al, but alse aadio and data (the latte~.· ['OJ llISB <lind. COIro I,eadel::S). Dfsplaypon 'POsi1]S:o C<lIl.1 be ba.ckw, a ]'d·C' wid~ DW, throu;h th@ lilSHl:!' of Di:splayPort·w·mr~. ilda,p~em •. As of press time"nowEver. no, eemputers QfieI'll!d Dis-pl.<liyPott QUtPllt, W we weui-n't <!ibleto lesllhis :fealul.'e.
The ~OOBWfP has a lnfllximUIll resclulion of:2 ,'560;>;1,'600. butte display ait this $ettil':lg, ytJUT vi.cleo eard must be ::Ibl.e :to ,hive the screen ait that resolution, which means it will need a d\Ja],U:nk DVI port or the I.):O( ·yet·I.·eadlyDlsp!;;!,iyPort cermectlen, Othe'nvise, the fl'lOl1i.tor wil1 scale d!JW1'li t.o 1,921Ox1,200, which nOlletl'le!less del1vefs
::1. ~at: piCru.[lei, 3:5 wel[ 3:5 n3.tiv~ support (or l!O'SOp hlgl,l·defi'll ltion soarcee, :DeH
.. Ise states t:hallm1i:ke hs previous 3-o..hlCh model the ~OO8WFPIl;1iI5 ll. H7 percent co~or garlm:nt and supports the Adobe 98 001.01' s:[3tl'l!cl:~l'dL 'Tl:anslatlol1:11t: sl.;ould ·s':::I'l:is,iJ those- w no work,
lilijnIOO:t.ill!"N u:MI •
® !l1~'f'H Irl " '10
DaiJ Il.o.;l~~ ,~J (~!'!'e~tIQIi!~ ilildu'd1:ng :IHIi)M~ 1~'MI OYI, and up, ,wW!in!ll' Of$;p~iI'j' p,o.r:I; br!allltiriul. 'silVl. iog; fre,:Hble St<HiiilJ" g~nernll'l gOQtJ Illl'rWrJIliilIllC!il'
m::a 'iOl'lill! miiml' 1lI!I!<I'knl'S~5 with It@!or and !lil:'ilY &i1r,e;wJi1!'
such :3~pb.otogr<iphers il!n.d glllphic c:be:s,ig~iLer5. Other spec:s il~.dude 11. :3 ,.oCi()-I:O -1, dYi!1l~mk OO:tllt!1l!!lt r;;atio, :I hrigh~ne'ls, r:lii'i:ngof ~70 cancel;;:!5 per sqU3J~ meter, an 8-millisemn.d (ms) gra.y-to·i~ response rime, snda piwel pir~h ,of o.25mrn'L
With allthese g:re:tlit spe'cs and. fei;lture.s.~he 300s:wFP is :3!'ild!1l1~m. :ri~ht? I'I1 rhMry.perhap$" hut :noten:tirely:, when put imoo use. lin Ollll" DisplayMaJte 1('!Jif!NW.d~'Sp1:3.y:m8tle'.c:olm) tests, we kl1i;~nd d13l tllle3Q(lSWf'.P d.i.d!.n~~. perfonn as w,eU as we had hoped at its def8:1JI]t factory s,euing5. Using a VGA comlection,rne monitor was '111. tad we:;gk with whi.tIE·-:leve] saturation :a:ndloOw saHu'.!Jiofi colors. 01Ut default Window,s; d,e$:l.uop im~g,e ,of a green fie:ld looked SQI:ri'Ewhat murky. ]r 01,1$10 fa]t¢i!'~dill th~ low end ::;lind ~.X'tr~me high end (If the gr.IY-:ll>cale test. rt d](i wen on our prlmary-colers, eolcr-tracking, and color-rampingtests, OlI:lthough h: was s]]ghdyw'@'ak on co]o:r seali n;g. FtI!1t .s:c~llng was gond!-W\E we:n1! ableto r~ad. font s.~z~$ O!IU~he way down-to, 5"3 POlllts,..,...,but h"eanb~ uuccmfortable if you!leed to. ~ead5macll. whille -cclcred fonts on ~. bl<lJ(;k bl<ll;'kgroundi. We a]~o nctieed SOITH;: $hadQwing in the bJgh.· cent rast test.
Ai'ilfar our movie and gaming-motion '~@$ts, ths pictU.1'e> qll;;ul·· ity was g.e:n@'I·aUy :~ood. and we- notieedv>E!:ry few stI!JWm. during g~me:p[ay. m.uing our DVID vi:ewing ,oiTIie MQttI~, we 'thought the p:i;;:t\ql:e q~l<!iily ~ !>Ughtly Ilo;j~, but that cleared 1i.V~?
when we rumed on the Dyna.lnk CQntnast featur¢- Overall. tile 3008WU p@rfQrms ootterthan El103t monitorsin analog mode, but don'r ;eXpEct s,upE!fb pedQI11!1::tt!!ce-
The displa,y performedl betler Us:il.1g its digit:.:li~.COll!l'@'ctiO:l1. n improved in tbe 31:"'eaS where ill was w~Rk in th,e! 3na~og bests, we wi$h the low·:Ii;<!it1.U1ttloll colors and whiw-l.evel· saruzaticn resulta we're 01 bit 5:1:~'Onger. OV'@'mU, comparedte
the ano:doij eenuaeticn, w@ tJiL01Jg!1:r the celces looked sharper; b:ri~ter ... nd.dleal~er. [f YOll. are looking CD'!' ,J monitor to h~l,ld]e celee-aeeurate WOfl'k, we su;gges:tY(}i.:itweak t:ti-!Iil!s,ett:D!ligsto see if H:le 3008iWFPt;::an fit YoQufl'leeds._:!.fS .l. Shill
Kod,lkEasySlharal V1253 (om pad shooter takes stli~lls and iHD video
KODAK '5 $279 .9'5EASYS HAR£ V12 53 packs :a surpdsll'lil amount of capability' into asmall peint-and-shootpackage, Na't only does it 'came with a 12.41-!.neg_a,pix:e1 CC:D. d~git:<ll image stabilizatien, f;;Hc:e re cognition, a wealth of <1Ili,nom at lc modss.and -a ]arge LCD. bur you get t~~~ :abiliry '~O shoo'tt lligh-q uaHt'y,higb-d~finitjon 72,()IFresoluric'l'Il 'l!'ldeQ. JtIS,[ be p:repared~iO wait befwe~fi shot$ and deal t!.fit·h mediocrl!' low-light perfcrmance,
Th~ camera's ccunecticns <3!!'@ a di50a:ppO~!lt:m~I1t. UllleS$; )!10'll hllyKodak,'is, ,ol:Hio:l1ai Easysnar@ dock, you mnst uS€! all, luelud!'i!d lllinH1S,8 cable. which has ;:i! smal], E!asy·tD·l(l!?i~ ~d~pt@r Monowr. t~l@ c"u:neta reo cllarge$ through theUSBi cable" $0 \'lnles,~ yQll want
ro hlJ;Y Ul:a~ optional dicH:k or a wall dlaTg@f,you']l need
<Ii .PC areund to bel) the V'125:3 juiced.
As fOl illl age 'tjJ\.udlty,.
th>e V12S3 tal,es eXlCeHent still plerures eurdeers 8nCl inwell-lit ~tE!as. The CCU picks up an almo:s:t disru;rbing ,UUQunt 'Of detaUthink ~ndhl'i,dnill pores. on clesepertra lts hots-ancl the f~ce·r@cog;nill]oll
c:apabi]ity l'n.eal.'lt that most of our shots were!focuse! d properly. ]lnages w,ere sl':larp and vibmn~, w!.th accurate white balanc-e and reali!Stk~:dor (aga[n, in well-lit shots). [1"1 darker conditions. lH'Iw~,el', dlE! camem' ]30 modes rssulrsd in e;);-
t [@ll1i!lly g,rniny hn,a~es. At night or in dim. Hght. I,e!:aving the cameof.::i on sutematie instead of choosini5 tl1e 3.Pluo~,.dMe' s~ene mode virtually' ,gllill:rantees lei grainy pho'to,
''['he camera takes sbcurthree secendsre start up, and you canS]1J<IIp up to three l:2-megaipl:!lf:l phctesin rapidsuceessien. Sut afterthat, the buffer fills up.1:Ind )1'Ou'1l1'l3ve 10 'Wi!iit up ee nine seeonds betweeus~.'D.ots. while the previous
-- - --- It
~ ElI>'f'n I!I ", 10
II:!:l!I:B Fiiile i!'t1la!!tii! qllOilily in welll· lit s:it~\LItiflJls; ~shOOits g~-!oo~'n.g H[)i vifhlo; com.llliid
II!l:a P'CH!)rstlO't"I!o·si1()lt~i_ il~1Pr th!!' ~iu:!'it till'lEl' ~trro~Q~ g ~rfllll' irnal'l~ il~ high iSO ~Ui~[;IS;' r:h,lrges c.nly OI!1ar USB 'Dr ilJiOln[l DptiDn~1 h.m:lw!iuej ,e-aSV,!OO,ID5ii' miiiii-USB ~d!lBpl~r
[I ~nkYf sillow [am isn 't worth the mane',!
GENERAL ElECTFUC dealdy kn(lW$wha;[ it's (i.Qlngwhenit comes to appliances <llrud.TV .n.etworks, Bu~ if the GE El04D is allY indkation. the eong]omer.;tl'e·s nal'l~le\!Jm f:a;]l f1::u in the d:igi.~j;ll-c~l'l'lIE{m market, The $249.,'1)'9 is a. dtHlky poil'lJtand -shoot that most phgtogra.p'hil;l'S wm wamto avoid,
lhe [1040 comes up slfloll't in s,i:l:e and speed. At 2.'lX:l,9>::(},9 inches a!~l,clI 5.3 ounces, it's h:~rd:ly the siimmEst model on.
the nUU~kleL MO.I:eover, 'th,e' E:104(l t:1i}:.e>s more than feur seconds to start ~p, and shut!!er 'I~g is abou~ Orli€ second,
] qml.Lity was also su b:p~r. Thiil!EI04O SPOrtS
a 10.1-:megapixel {~CD (which ]e-ts y!J'U shwt pkturesup to 3,648:112,736 pix~I$~ e : :lI foc~~ [~:!l!gth <of 40mm to ]60mll! .• <lind a 4.;.1 optical ~oom. In g~~leral" irnag~s pl:o-dll.oedin the autom a tie lJl'odi@' came out crisp in good! ]ignting, 'but (hey tended! tobe i:lloisy in low· light «Indi'[ionJll:-espe('i~l[y a~ higiwr ISOS~tttlfi~, Wors~. we noticed that photo q:yali~ was inoonslsmnt in both light 'a.nd dark e!'lvifOnm~nt$"
sti 11. the camera hassome selid fearures, such as,12Slcene modes.and the S-h-Iell I'..-CD allows for 112'<1:51 view:iJ.1~ and C01'lJ,':l!:DeilSa1!@S for the back of avl!!!wttl':ui@t. The electrcnicstabmZ:atiOiri f@;ab.:m:, meanwhile, !2'ffe!::dv@ly 'C:Olll(l!e-I1S;a[,!S fQt shaky hands, And the eaSY-1)o·t]se i.n·ct!illlefilpanornmlclo stitching ,audlled·I:ye·;removal funenons are: good ferbasic retou.C'hiug,
As :for cenrrels, <I. 1110a@' dial O:l'lth@, back (lIfrel:::; iSf!Ilt!ull. .s·h!OIft1::'U 1:5 lOITEl(ij,lI@'IHly used o:phOIll~, Sili!p.<I!<U'e bl,llt!:om for the trash and. menu ME! nice, but we would l'l< liked a dedicrt.ted. button :for placyback In:s~eaclof havil':lg to switch out of sh!Ootll.l,g mode. -JoMihail Rou,\JtClt
I ilIiim·11 ~~,S'!i! §!I;i1'I11~ mOOl3S:; ~kt!§ [lIIiIp:ri!'5silJi!' ,~oolQs, Tnl.good ~igli1tilll~
Ii:mII A bit dnm'k¥. shnw.;: pno1iDs ,are noisy ilil IIrN light, Ilri~v rli:if wlil~~YQ!i! {I,lilt
QE lDi~iki1 'Ca~.e~;)S 8OO-iXH3'99J
A.rEh'DS, 6:0:5 WiiFi
Wireless wonder redefines portalbl~,e vi~leo pl,aryers
WI1'.icl .1.'li'S BE'ST-1N-CLASS !!O'ee~:).. S!bl:lnd .. u'lt meltimedlia! f\eat(l.res. and grealt price, the A:rchoo 005 WiFi is the 'best portable v1.aeo player (PVP) weJv·e seen,
We tested the :$299.99 30GS hard-drive-based mode]. The device is .soli.dly built, with:<l. durable brushed-steel body that has sle e:k.S:~'lappY'-fesJ?<l!tiding bu tllOl'l;S ne:arly flush with its face, The ,~o:mp:l!niol.'l 4 .. :3:-]n~h teueh screen ]ooked 'E:l'!t:eptiorlOl] in Indoor lighting. with brig~t video and good. colo.1: representarlon .. We did have one dJesign. quibhle:
Th.ere's uowhereto store thestylus wifhi.n~he pla;
The 605 Wl.Fi ~iaJ'll fill nc-·
1i!jl!ilDri.1Iil.\lHZU!lI I.
I I I i I I I I I ! II @ !II.le:·f'~ ~ , , I{I
liJj~Ii!B Gargi:ClJI5 d'i:lP~Jy' sup" ports ~l!I'ire'i~ss ~lle b01!i1s.1~r .and iliClnteflt d!0Ii\I~k!<lcls:; WQ!'k$ with PLs. <I rKI 'M<lL1S; '~IIIelll!\l'It W!lib
ticn M a drag-::1i:!ld·-drnp $[it;;l'l'ag.e device (g,(lO d! n·~W$ for Mac U$NS) or a WltldO,W3; M~di", p]aY€J( device. For video plai"ybaJ('.k. It s~.p~ pons, MPEG-4! tina WMV (:lilt !)VD resolution]; for. audio, .M es, WAY; WMI\, and pretected VilMA. (Add'itkmtlil fd~ tYpl!l!S cost @'l(tr~._) [[1 addition, the 605 WiFi disp]:ays: liMP, JPEG, and :PNG pnQtoo, plus :PDFs. The device ;;1:]30 :3upporls wirde5s
b:ru\!l§@r, lIIia! pria!'
N(I ~l!IIil ~"jTl styil!lS, stollage; nll!l151;andmil UStB 'wlll'I!l!dll!F, mli!~ dlli)!u~ liattf!tV ~Ifl:!, flO AI( ~ha~g~ r
~!~~hO!i, 866·'89·4118 wWlll'·.~lrCh (I5&011111!
streaming o:f files from pes: Oil your network.
YOIJ m'n use the device'!1I Wi-Pi function fOl'Web browsing. tho'lClgh you'U ".eed :a, S;19.99pI11g-in ~f Y()U walt~. support. 'fo!' on-· lill~ vidso $t~<'!ming or AdQ 1m FJa$h.lnQnr t~t$. eVIll!!ly $it:e w~ browsed displayed and :scaledpmpe~rly.
For anadditional $99,99', A;rchoo off€!rSi 011" Ow. s:tarion, whid1 YOll to record TV progrnnI'W!:li:ng hnQ~he r::l!evic;E. The 605 WiFi wWI~sily downloads progD:affi H~tin~, somcorcij.lli LS as simple ~$ ~electi~~g a pmgrnm onscreen. One complnhlt about the station; it lacks O! bui:~t-in tuner; scit r'eco:w~ Qil:ly wha.t YOl]Jrew~~ching:2[ [he mcmenr.
ourbtgg~t iPe~f w:il;il:l.!;firh thE!' d~'~ b;JtJti~ty: It i~Wif U;S.f!!!!"· replaceable and, in onrtesta.Iasted rOl!gh~y 4.5 hours. performi118; 'llIideo playbadt. 30 mi iHltes: shy of Arl::hos' ~tim:alte. We ;)I]$Q yoearliled for an I.e <ld.ap~~r; unless you buy a door:k]ng IlrtatiO~,l, r€'C.h.u~gingis via USB cOil'Mii;!--Rich Gred1
Mlicrusofl Zune 8'GB
A smarHy featured A/V p~layler~bu[ still not Em ~Pocl
MJCRoso:n'SflItST. nash-menuN:y-bOlsed ZlHli:!]S a cOi'npemng pi.e>C1f 'of h.ndwa:re,bu1i It can't beat the fPodfQr ease of use and (lomp<u]bllity-a.nd. it can't even beat other Zlll.1e models for value, A.udio'phil@!ii wirth a large
mE!diia eollseticn would b Il! better __ iI!!!I_===".
:soerved. by sprin~;ing for th,e naJrd -d~iw· 'based ZlIme 810, which offers 10 thnes lin@ sto.ra:g@ of the $199 SGI:! U~sh model we tested, for jllst$SO mere, lMicTQooil <11.150 'ofters a 4GB iJaJsh model for $1419.)
for navi!l\l<ttion, the Z.une ~e arures two hard buttons, along wi.U"I the .Z.\me Pad. 1'his rounded, D-p3d-st.yle· centroller is laue h -sansulve .. Hitting the selset bUUiOl.'l at '~he center of the pilld c:an 'he a bit tricky,
S]l1iCle It lacks conteurs to ~\'Iid,~ YQ1JI.rd':Iuml'l. But this was aprcblem only when w@ tried to select songs whilJe on the mov@,
'T11@ Zune's bright
seN::: en is <I tad C'n~,~ll.p,ed at 1.,8 in ches j b.]tlh al,'ll::s to i.ts 320ll:2>iO reselmien, it';s: sharp ,enough to v:i.,ew
phetes <lind quick bursts
II§Qlllt(J!~illt"iliB't!ll1 '.
I II I I II ~ I I i:1 I I
III B ffiT"I' fll » lQ<
Um), 11i!1'egmtl Tn'ler'fa!lll!'; IFM hml!r; lO'IIi~l@ss·!>vn~ (ii!,j)abillty; mice, scwe'elill goot! OIOdic ,qaJlllitll'
DIm:lI ;m1GI3. ~lIn~ (0s;l' 'S'SO IlI'IIJIi@, tril:;kv·to-pmss. oont@r button
Mrcr(llfrQfI.B'n-.438·'9S6~, !;'I,!'W!,I'~..z:U!llfMlet
olvideo. A no;t\t?wol.dlY
acl.di.tion is the Z:UIH1'S, wg:rel.e·S's-sJn~ capaJbUides., wJ.lkh <I]1ow you to upload nileS from 'y~Hli:r FIe to your p]ayet ovefYl:llUf home network. tHe support [0[' vla·eo inI::lllcll@s MPE!G-4, and WMV files: audio lIl.cludes H.2G4, MP1,. WMA, WMA lesaless, Me, <ind. protec:ted·WMA audio files bought from the Zmu'!' M::lI:ketplace.
[Iil ",,11" audlctesrs, seund came through dear. and dean, with plenty or volume. A;sfor batte1:]f lifiEl, M.1cms,oft: mN~S the- 4GB and 8GB models at 24 hours for audio and 4 heurs fer vicleo.
-loui~ .IlmniTf'z.
SOlundTec.h VoclIl Tra·iner Softwcwe/mlc combo for virt ~Ja I sin Ig!i,r] gll,esson,:s
IS YOUR SINGING closer to Sanj:lya than Sil'i~'ttra? The sO'U1TIdR!ch Voc::~lT:r.aille'r!T'lay be abl~ to h~Lp you s:pW: th~ difference. '['his $9~ pau~k;ase---'whkh includes C.a:rry-ATh:nllll's singing c,oach 50ftwate and <!! USB micwphotl!e and atand=can teach you the' basks; in tune, providing r·~'a].tim@' :as you croon :lI.long.
The!rOo:ut'Walf,E'ttakes you T:h.mllgb a. series. of:1O Jeng~hy lessensthat teach jlOlUl rh~ f\'u'L,OJamentals o,f range and pitch. Along the 'Way, the Si.I:1.g]ll1g Co,<'!.'Ch $I0ft-W:;ill'e! tests your "lbmti~$ as; you hum er ;singi nto du~ i:nduJi€ d UghtSI1:ak~ USB microphone. Pi.tch bars show Wil·l:''!:@ y'OU should b'@ singing, and a rE!~l·tim~ ]ud!ic:;ato;r ]€'Hl you ~nClw jf you'r·!:! too high or low.Eaeh~nson works to h@,lp y'Ou determine y.oU[ range and then extend contrQl over you r voice within that :I:angiifi.
In additicnto lh€ ]~$:$(Ifli1l. yo'l;,~ C<l!!l pra('iti.<:esing~ngwi~h the included songs, using the real-time pitch indicator to uy~o improve your You can then play back a recording of your petf.Qullance· to heai' how the song sounded ou:~side' OfY01;U head, 'The C<lirg;y~A-Thne Web site has more than 530c'OlUlitl"y, lcoC'k,~OI?" andklda' songs you 'Can downlead re supplement the lndu,d@d[:lublh:-donlJin ltits, You. gd four downtoads f'(),r fr'~,@, l.Hi!t afterthat, tn@! cestis $3.95 fer Il]Ostscmgs;. Tha,t"s darn~dpncIllY- il!$p~l;i<tUy s iJ:'ICI@ these are just ,MID.[ le~,'lditions th<lit seimd Hkethey'r@ b@j,ngpJayed on a cheap C1tS]O synthe'S,!Zier.
Vi~t3 users, take n ote:
Our ini1l:ia] copy of Singing Coach wouldn't inst~d] an Ollr Vista U'1t"i.l.nat:e
Gm Singi"!,! ~SM'!:r1'5 iI!~D'IIid8 ,<In e:Qie~118I11l fOlllluit.atioiil in tIJJIdallJ1ielit<!ls:: adld:itlciilll!i!'~ prO! c:liice sott{lsa.vailaIb.1e-; g,ood iJun~lIed
'I!lmiI Addm6n~'I· !i0~iJi5 <III'!! !l'.)l:.1. b~l1iIe IYpr[(ey, i.lin,{j are Il1iIediOCr~ MIIl11o'ii,r:5ran5i,$li:IfMi!I~ rlelll,uir~
'i1I if\e~'If dig f~!' Vi!ri~.:I QI;ln'lp;itHbilily; !'IO !l!lJi:li7.!ij1lle<e' yOJj'11 ac:t!J~II!{ SO!.l"ti ,good i1ftlE!l" p:rar;t[dl1ll!1
t<sst sysu:m,b@,t:aus@
it weJu.ldn 't n~c::ogni.ze the microphone,. U you enceumershls issue, 801[uudi1':"errh wil] mail you an u pdated ]Ilsta t· l:uiom dise that fix:e S~IH~ problem. -rkrmy Arki~j
Srrlu""dTedll Wlll!'Wi5QlIIllIdi~tiuo~l1i
[DiI' k···· ..... ·2'··0'0' 8'·' Pi ' .. p. :-IS ree:p,er I ..... , _'., IF1Drelm,ler
Advanced toots forfme~tur1lingl your hard drive
COMPUTERS ARiE: LIK.E CARS: l:fyou don'r ma;int3.iu thel~. they' C::I.n ·tose ~he'ir pep . If ~u'\le ever lCopieda.i:lJrge video file to :your hard drive and seen it :pause and stutter more thanusual when you play it, you 've probably eIlIXlHtr:!tered a,fmgrnen~e,c] drive, 'WindC'Wshas :3 hlllit-in. def:r~glnen[~'~ion!;l@ty U'!::!Il !n::1lny win find ~deq:Il~'t!eri bur me
$99. ~s. Diskee.perl: 2008 Pro :Premier ".an do its ma.g'rc :il"l the ba,rkground 3:U'ttom,atk3!Uy wllile yO'lJ work-withQut s]ow:ing dow'll yom:sy:stern,
This is thauks to, a t&'hmoLogy ~bied Invis.bThs,k'ing. introdueed ~n DiBlw@p~r 2007. If the s1s~m ~~d!1E!', [liskE!~p@!r 20GB might grab ;;i.I:JJ:rge pe~e! of the ldle resOU.rces, but if you sl!dd~nly ]Q~dI up ~. program or 11$t'EHltQ ~n M1?3, ]It n1,QV~~, out of the way until the tJeS(!fUl'Oes are aV2I:i1a.b]e; ;:!.gain,.
on. ourtest syslI€m, me CPU l;;uliagf1!w'h~n idle nlljl.g~d: from Om 2perCe~ii[ before we installed the software, followlngth~ hl$.taUatian (a!'ildi w ith .3!U [om:3~]~
de-fr .. g ei1i.<lJjled~, CpU us,a:ge increased neari~np@'~ceptibly; r~.ij.giHg from 0 to ;3 percenr when idle- From the 11I1Rin scteen, yQ~1 can 'easily monitor the activtty and wale h Disk@:@'p@r 2008 P~U$~ the d~fragmil!ntatio'n wh@t! preces$tOr·ituer!!~iv~ OIctiv]tie~ 'come up. on ail 01 diet compurer, UU! impact was more s,ig~.1ificanx, bl!H still ta&era.bIiS!.
YoU can mill on die autcma tedfe<ltures if
IIElliH;:1iI1~t!jIIMI ..,
I I ! I I I ~ I II I
Illi UTTER "11:1
Uro,., .A.u~QlTIIiatiti'lllf tiI&r~aOl· liFliellll'5 dri'Wil5 fWl~h~ bijcik!!,oLlM; 1II.",e~ CI'I,("u p~elr $p.:ui.,gl.\j; II:)ptijll'1!i~e-~ e rtiI'e r ~f fre(,!utl!l'!Uv a~~~&'5~f.i1m;; GlI1I e'i:sa'b'11! omt®1'Il1l!tt<: Il1pl'O,p dl!fiiilg s. whill'! ![IJ) batt~JY Il!Jcwer
, - Ol~er sYsleP'1s 1ffiI~ see mCode'Sl !ii1~OOI'n!i,'o'!Ii~h ba~k-
IIjtlllJl'I.di di!h.i'lg,rn~t<J'tijDI1I" buill-un Wilfltlms d'efn;l!!ll 900tl ~nO!!lg:t'l (Dr
you pref~r te us;eDiisik€'epel: 2008 sll1~.ply as a manual defragt1'l@l1i1:@'i:.Wilh an und@rpOW!H@d ecmputer, or Oill@with 01,11. annoyingly loud dri.v@,yom might limitautemarie dE!frag to the ev;@ning;boun,.\.V:ith 3 l",(ptop, where addiriensl GPU 3.1'ld dl.1.'(.'IE1 ac:tivi.ty c:ould. reduce blltte:IY lUe, you am set Diskee[~@r 2008 te disabl,@ automatic de.fmg when rn,nnlng on battery power. -Dauid' E~9Hsh
Alh1iliWware H:ing::il1i"1B liD Entll r'~ I n mliCliiill Ce.n.tq!l' m¥!N.OIIIe:l"IWalfe.oom $3,1109 (as t'e'~~edJ.. IEditor5' .~tiI"lJg~ 11.11'
~'2,4'~, Alh'km X24WO.· .,.2(;8 1J:I:!lt2: l1I1iE'fl1mry 111')j,llo].!Ii!iiol~~ ha~cl: c1fiy,~5! Iii rJV[k!;r.lWI[lVICD-RAM
~, !lV~cljll GefDro8,7600 CiS !:If.~phit<i. (256MB)
III O!llli!1!i@,1r wa rJiUi~
BoUom Ill.liilil!Q
1~l.iIilt for U\ie IIJJjl5'Cale Irtu~dia:jIDhile .. tile l;lrflcF!{ !Hoi! rnHg~r18 is .<II wll~leql.!ip~d Med~<!J 'Genter, Viliith eu .. I!.·i!"V tuners,
011 1080p",re$olutionc1:iPiJbl~ nViidi~ 76100 CiS ~rO! ~hics coml, andl !1!f'lJO!l.IghWV iillpM·ts
titJ m~k~ <II IiJign·lfil1d 1r«l!i\i'~tr blush. 1Jf:ilik.@ A~ielliwioilre'!i ,otiher 1J0u,· UqulIl: bGllies, hCIWever,. Ulh; elllil:eirta;inme,FRt; PC W'O:il'~ offe·r !'l11.lch gijfft!in!!il jjCJ~"
HP p~v nhm Elite .9DDDt www.IriI.!!!
$·1~61g, (as 'liiested) IEdi~(l:rs' IRat In.g, el
II'V!GIfE~ Cll~ 2'Qutd Q6iIroO [wE'.rc:I'«keti to 3.i.GHi]
Ii, 2GB I)[)R2 !!!1!~mii:!1 Ii' '500GB hard dr~
iii' BIIiJi-rorv/IHD mlDdI!OliI-r!2~1 l:om'O(l
II' nVf:~i<l1 G~f,or~e 86'00 IGT ~fapl!l'k:~ (,512MB,)1 II,OOO-lpel"lfWalr.lill,ty
B~ItiID!fiI Un~
fhe: prwelitte ·of am oven::~tXkeod qL!ilad,core I'i!(l~e~r i!fithe Pavilion 1~lite m9·000t lhillltp5 enel'gi12:e<thi!> emitei't:all'il~
• mel!it ,PC;"" andthe D~W of m~di .. ·frhmdllY extr.<l~ doo5rlr~ hurt. Fo:r lInder $·1~900~ you gettol!l5
~f ~ivillig.-mii;lm-wortlw ports, a bll!ilt'""inT'V ·~L!iilef. 011 m·as.sive. SOOGB hard duivi;'. ;:'00 a LiiJhtS~dbeenabled' DiV'iD bU!I"I!'IeJ"· thet rea.dli; both 8ill.l-lrayiillnd HDrntO rned~,a!,
Ci~'t>l!way One" wWYr.Igl"tewiliy . .com $1.A99 (a5tl'.'!';te;Qij Editor's' F.!ijitililg; fill
1.1.S(;JH:1JJlI'E! DIm ·T:525:0 I. 2GB[I[l~2Ime<m"ry
I~ 4t10~B itL!lm,cl'tiYiil 1.II}ViI1",RW
1~.All R!aideJln H[) 26(1(1 XT PJo gldpl!iic.s [256M B)
" IlrUi[!gr:aiI«l19~in[~ L([D '. (D!l~·We.l~ w~rnr~nly
iEI!Otb!llm Until
~f '1lQll,l're ,lil dyed ... i PillthtN'l'(x)! JilC aser who craves ill s¥st~m· suc:ha:s UU!1 Apple iM .. c to '1::01111 yourowl\ tlhe GOiIwway Omll2' fits t!me IIlI U-mnostl,Y •. 111'1 .everyti1Jll1gfmm ~.~ .:iPIPEara:r\iGi'! olJl;ci51ettlJp to its l!.IS{)ge" l:ljds ~11:·i!1-Qn~ ente~tii!!ililmel1t P(feehi fllke afresh ,e:;;:petlie;nQ:)e. Vou won't, howeve~, II::II~· fl~QOred bv US! perTorm<l:rtOe:: This midrange Systlillfi! turood iill 1~L1f!' of..itlh~'·milllst;(IIre$ V!'lC!Uf ·~iI!S'~S •.
SOInv VA I 0 V(lx.. TPl www,.Sloil1l!lstyl'e.ttlm $1,599 [.Ii!> t:esil:ed] IEiditiQ rs' R~ltingl; fI'
II! U33~H,'~ :2 'DUD 1f5600 ., ~G!e' m~1Y
!i! ;OnG!B ~~an:l driV,~ IlDViD'o-Jl:W
.. limll!lgritecll g:ra;Jl!htes " Oilil~-~rw,aflfamly
IBoHo!i!i!1 U!!!;I;l!
AfJ. the baU~~'Or Y'Ol!Ir
II irvJmh!ll' rn~lliI1 illeail'S up, Sony's, V~IOVGX·1Pl sets ~I filew~tOlmld~rd w.r Ilow-coot M)edia, Centew Il'l11<IChln~s.. offerilfl9 a, ~Iid e;ntert~ij!'i!!tleo!'!l PC f«a wry ~easolialb~e Sl,59g~ just: don't exped ii'tto do mU:L:~ be!>f,DlE§ Imooiia cho!i"@s,.lts benehmark reSlJlts are IO!U9h~ i1Ibr,e •. bu:1:. ira rnk!ly, \l1:l!U do:!,!'t need much more· then wh~t Xr,mlYSI.!IPP~~ to a"qi:Ji!l'e amI! ffio;l!1<i1g,e Im~i:a.
DIlII KPS 42.0* www.lnlP.corrn
$2,J39 (a!>t!5tled) IEdiil'o~' IRatiing: 'tS
.' :2AGIH!, (owe' :2'(Ju~1 ~~Ol
III 3GElIDM2 ~~!11 .,1\oi!!!l3i20Gl8 h!i~¢! d~ves .' BIUJ-UilV~D\II11:t:mv [with limlntSt:rnb~)
II, nVidi!31 G(i!Foll(iE BOO []I GTS ~mpli!:](:'S, (2S6MBJ .,.2D-imlcJhLCD
" On~1'~ar warrdnty
B~no:m Un~
h1 retm'lS offe,ahll'es a:nd p~rfOnrnal!Fire. UI~ >CPS 4210 is Oil ~r wi~;h HPj!:! ~O,tI1P~ rab~y eq,uilPRled PalIil i:on Eliiie f1fi19000t
. DeU's hvg)le r-en~ 'ent:e Ift~i!fUi!'~·!'Ilt PC oosJtS<:i
few huncbedddiia f[!; more, but: our revJe-w uniit '~me wiitih$'DmJe ~~'Defllt ~tr~iS-i:rn:ll!.Iding dl 20·irl~h manit 'Or
~ ~d1 Adob~'::i !~ill~!' E~··
. menils Sh.!tllo SOIftw'al~E! suit;eo.--.that: make it: a t~rrific value·,
Dcll 'Inspb'oi1 1420rf!.
W'W\IV.delll.~JOrI1I $lP'S7 (<1£ te~~l2d] IEd~tors' lRatiflg,' e,
Ii' 2(111~ Colre 21[)w IT25a Iii' 21GB IElR2
I, ]6OGB MNltclrilolE
tI, Do!!ib~"klYeu OVD.±RW
", nVi'dilll G!!1IForoe Go 841Ji1JM Gs, u,raalhi!!l
1I,14,Jl·il'lfi';ill 1fT
II' Sii pO~Jlds
, .' Oifl:e-ye<lr ~~'a:r~t!m;ty
l!I~ttJ!I;I!iIi! liin~
A wresh ~iii;try if!! D~~l's Ibl'!eadl">iiliild·btJlttel'c:Or:li'" sumef-I!'lpro,p Illne;, time 5.4- ~fi1d tnspiroo, ]420 h~ts the m!O!ilm1st~!!';ijml 5wee'~ "Spot: ~fli 'reature:s, IP~ice, and lJdedoruna,llIiceo. Thlllf!lks~o its sr;:iIL\clI~t Qr c:tl!mpQiile'nts.ol.!w $1,757 Irevie\!V Itllil i'~ was; ,alblle:
lu keep up wiith 1m;J:re· ex~n!Siiv~ m~i!:l1il1~ wr!ve~;i~ed. And b'tJe l'Q D~lI"sw>o:l"(:i~ th~ uao doesn-'t ~J:lm!! b roa'lied !With '~r'iial~are.
Appie M.uB 1:1 ek P,ro www.alil·ple·.!Oorlnl $,1IS~,91 [a,5 ~5tJBd) IEdiil'o~' IRatiing, S
.' 2.2,IGHz, C~:.2: ~ T7S00 II' 2(j~, DDRJ:
II' '11211CE! hard dnii'rt.e
.' [lQl!Iibll--Lwer DVD±RW
., nVldill!IGeForoe 8000M GIf
II, 'jI5A={lnch m
.' S.jj powrlds
II' On:~-y,ei!lr WilIirIT,U1ZY
Po:rt:~I)I~ e rmoUlgJhtQtOl il;e' en the: IrQlG!d, yet iiWV!'liH'~
'rUlII~nooghto re'p~ace' your deskt(lp,Ou~ Apple M!i!ciBook ProilS a gil'e~t mix.olf high SP~5 arnd high ~!'t~le. The S\leil~e siiv,!!!" !'!o~~boolkft'at!,lre5 arm U:I]~bQcklit: displiIY that delirw'l1> stllJ.Miliilg im"!lI~$ .!Illd !lower sav" iflgs o1iitthe~me time.
It al'5l:i,f'E~tl!il~e$' 11!'ltle.1i'$ ~nt~ Rosa pliFiiJQ!'i1l1 ncil~i,!! p.aflQC!~ '~Mt l1a!S~on'l!e! Appl!e's
11 iii llma rk.,
Apple Mi:llcBook* wWYI.,appllr1.oom $1,/i99 1(~5tl'.'£te,Qij Editor's' F.!ijitililg; S '
,~ :2,ZC.Hl! lore 21Du\I nsoo ,·lGSOOR2:
"lifiO~e lD<!m d~ive
'. Il]ool:il~Ra>tf!r D\li1)",RW '.IIn.~e;i'iIIM ,gl<!llhie!i,
I. 13.3-indil TFT
II ':'2 ~ilUncls
'. (D!!e=~'WW~u'il'MIy
iEI!Otb!llm Until
~f Y!QlIll~~ !oo!kvngJ f(lr ,iii
Il a ~o,p 'that works illS weill Or'll tlile roa~a5 it dioe5 ~Ifi! ~he &icmrqe (a:nd tooi!;$ good d'oing liO, ~. Apple M?l.i:l3oo~ is YOIll!, ilesl.lbe't. Du', $Vi,9g 'test (!onfigur.aI'ti\)r.]1 (tJle b:as~I;[n;1! moo@'<1 eests $l,CilOOr) one~,ed 011 nearpedoect: b1l!iiillilre ,oistyle;. p¢rfO~l'!Ii!o:Iinc~. and lP:r~ce, plys; a kUIIe,r ~l1Iplic~~ranl ii!il~ka,g;e that: wr1ll imake any Wi!ii'ldows, user drool.
Den XPS Ml330 W'Ww .. $40091 (as tl~ted) IEiditiQ rs' R~ltingl; e
II! 2.2GH~ (iOfie 2' [IuCl17S:00' ., 2:Cl9 DDR2.
Ii! 160GB hald ciIt~
II [)(!i[JbI~I~ii!.r DVID:!:IRW
II; ilrV~droa G!lFClirfe ~ I3~OO[,;S 1(TI28MBJI
Ii n.3=cil1cll 1fT 1!41J@uoo~,
" O/lle~f&lr w .. lriramrly
ifJ!I;I,Uom U!i!,1;
Witih Irts h a lildsome de-slig iIiI" slilar,p ~il::i1le,n, <lfu:llong list: 'Oif feature OIPUCns" it's. hard nr)l
• to 10'!l!\E! the 11J.e!111 XPS;, IMmi330"-'t ~i5 Wloweil'ful but ffigl1t.~.g~t machine should limpf€!s5 1l!V@'~ th.@ most jild'ed ~ In:l'l"ers. IModels inl tine '5E1flies, ~~1Iirt iilt Oil reijl~r:]~b!le $1.299,thlXli'gh opll:OI1is <lnd upgrade'!> p'iJshed CliUf tfl$lli unit: lQ Q'!/Cr $2.00~'oot: cheap. b'ut stm reasoJm<lible 'ror<l lr1Ote~kof 'this ~aUber.
.... . :,_-- e- .. ~
Fujitsu Uf'e Book §G5m
~, 2AGH~ Caire 21Dt.iQ moo 'II :l(jll) D:I:!R2
~112.oGB l~aiJdld~iilm
Iii Oo~~Ie-L1ver II!JV~RW
ii' I1V~diil CE-F'Cilooe' 8600M ~l ' gr.1lphit:s
11,114.TI=1if'l(h Tn
B~tililm ILiil!ile
~fl'v~u'\I'e 1~~11 seereh~n9f(.'!f <! tt1ilrh'lrld~lllg:nt IjJortable fait your home Qm(~ or business but
find ~ t3..3-, screEn
ill wee bit cramped, the Uft!&!o,'k 56510 li:5 YOtir .lI11l1$_'f •. Wiitih 1iI st~rtilrlg Ifllrke of $lS29 [Ol.!~' [est: 1:'OlmfngilJl~atiolil came ilFl <It $2,,119J.~h~ .S!~510 iSl'llt Cilfleo!lJl. BUit iifs IJrtcelCi Uilil Un!l1 VU\~thoth~1I" ~rru~ Ij:)Qrt,jlbl~$ that (,"'!IT! ~I lol : of teehl1!o~Qgy ~mo ~tI,iln Ipaoe:it:ag,e .•
HP M~llISm;lilft 5l!!r\l'~r EX475 '!I!!'W!N. ~p.c)01"IiI $749.99 I!Itl. IEditor$' 'IRati:rl!Q> ~
~. 11·t·embyte (,}P;_lrity 'I' 7.:ll00rpm ~pinl f<!OO 'II 8MB cacii1~
Ii. USB 2..0, R!1!Wir:e4DJQ\ eSA. TA p@rls
'I' WiOOM~ .:2!m:U:D,.XFI or V1i~ta; M"~ 06 X .rru":llatm
ElQUom lll.illlil!lll MiiCr05O'ffs Wifulmvs Home $ef'!o!'er (iNH5) Q~r:ii~i!'llg sysWIT1I is ~Ifle lli!~s~. ·ea~esHo·iI.I~sokJ!~ ticmfo" bao!kingl up .and OOrF<lllin~ o3!111 ~hi: di5parab;: 1f1'1e1cl'l~lmas Tf! jl! Mt·· V!IO~ked lionne. lHewletU'Pa;ekardl's :ifiet~, re~ati"E!'~' iil'l@')!IP:~ffiiVe M@di;jl5rrn!~lrt 5@lVll!r EX415 uses W~ S, and provIde::;. plenty a~ S"tor~(l; in ~lwell-desig~ lfl<n'(i!w.~rre P<Khgeo ..
Ne~g,!!3r Re.:llld'vNAS NV+ AND442:5 www.ll! $1~Og.9 ~
IEdi~(l:rs' IF.!.ttTi1.g~ ~l
.·ll·lelOJibyte (~p.xi~ .' /',200r,m5l11i1ll rate iI. l6liMEI (~;rh!!<
i. USB 2,0 flIort$
Ii· Wind\cw:s:, M!'K
The IN@·t~r R~.-;J.dyrNJAS lNV~ oH' OOCkiLlP sof~wi:'lre, a,swell as ~mnnJSIe ~aiPiiI(ut'!f.fa$t read ~d mille 5i~~d5. leads oifh::oilItmes" O!!f!ld <! slH::iik d~sigl1-fo'f a hTg ~ l'id~e. It's amongl .~. most ~ riX!11!5~W HAS dlriw!l> we've f,ooktiM:Jlaf, but it'5 fum:iiiofi'ilil and @~~ykl· US(!', IIll1i1knng iii it gocdflitfor hon1e and! smali-,oUke users who ean ~ff:olid it.
SI;!:.:IgOito FreeAgem Pro Fi~W1rc: 4001 USB 2.IIlIiGSAl'A www.5e.l~t:e.OOI1l1 $274,.99 -
E.diw!l'S· IRating~. SI
•. 750GB (gP!ld~
iI· 7,2.0(lr~m flJli'm r<!Ul !!'BMB(,1(1]~
ii' USB 2~o, lRrIl!Wr:ril' liOO~ 6ATA port'S iI!i·Wiii1lclm-s..2000 GrXIP; Mlac: OS X 1~13.9 Oil" laJ!!;!r
B!lJfto:m 1.li11l~
Seagate's fulig~IV !!:Olfl" i1gllUrlllble: IMree"Ag~vY~ .~ is e~syto tJ5~ gI~. ~;w~t gi~byte'lPer-dbIIO!r Y<!I~; Ollild de!ive,i':S IJl'azilllg tra:nsfe~ l~at6. AIHIQUi~h thll! F~llll'lltP~·o·i:srn
a ~:S drive in too :~R!diltioiITia1 ~ffie.r ~15 siOttware I~t$; you easiily '[)Ciipym5 Orqto ~g;i)t~'ssef\li!lr; which you ~';iIIi!· access Oii~htN~
I 0 m'~ga 5to rCO" ter Pro NAS 150D wWi'i •. $79,9
Edit)Ql"~' R<lting: e
'5peifS '.l·!~~bvie<.(al!laltity '. 7;ZOOlrpm spln rril~Iil' ,. iSM!:! ~i!Ch~·
·.IJS!8: 2.0 ~rB
,I W,rnOOws 2lJ[l[lI, XP,; er Vi!lta; MOle: OS X 1O.J.~ (II' I\;terr
Siollom Li'ni(l·
~omegilts St)O',rCente,r
irs a 'great choice 'ffor ~mal~-Q~ h:(lm~oWf~es be;{;il!,liS~ of ~~s .~Ib~· ~y.erllge :s~e:d,. nL'gh caraci~. 'ba;,p .. b!~ Ibat::kiIJp $QnWOi ~~. and irl!tl'lgF03lted print: ·s>ervtlli'. ExPiilli1d your SWif'aJ9"l' CIIuOlt~el'lt viia its fO!Jj~ l]iSe ports, or I,JS~ th~ d~i\,i\l\l with
'~he im:h.!ood EMC RJet~ fOsped ExIJ:res'5 backup so:l'l"va ~e Oil! Up' to ~iil{~ P(s,
Mlllxtor Fush:m
Pc rs ri 1'1,0'1 Wdl Serve r www .. ma:doli".com $S99l99- l5ditio rs' R<ll'tingl: fit,
II! 50 OOB "~PiiJ~~lY .1. 200r1P-1n11 Sflin' ~at~ Ii! 16MB (,1(00
ii USB 210 pOirts
Ii Wimkrillls.2000.or XJP; Mi'!( 0:5 XJ:DIA Of lat~·
If YOlltre in the Il:'Il;! ~ke!t fora ~oiblJst devic::e. Ulat
, lets yell $tiJ:re., Oi~'91,ulii2:.e, ~nd ShOiiI'1~ VOli'uiQI!.I:S tYIP'IlCS ·Qfffill!~'-lInd 'f(l!l! Ci1!f!I
a Hord ·the priCle-C lOOc:k t;nn 'h MaililorF:iJsi'{;lIrl, Tmi@ dr~e's bU'll~·~nl iSle'i"iI· ·er ie<ts YOliI e··maILI II inks tl:l frie·nd15 andramill'!.', g~vil1l9 th~!TI ,l(~~ to <Illy fi'I'e~ YWI!>]p!edfy.
MliI~ror :):u~lon Pc-r!iolilfll WI;;:~S!;:j:""N;J1i"
Ii· 11,200~12Qijldllltrn.l1ihnmll [~~II!!lilll1
I!. Rat@d print ~p8~~ .2.lip~:il!11 [!iI1DJ!~iIrorne); 22pprm [oo~!:!I"J
1!i,1!Z8ME! m~roorv
Iii!. USB 2.0 in'tlllrri3C(!
Elollto.1IiI lhiIl1!'
With utSfaiSt 5pelOOiS and! impressi\lili: p:ril'lt qwlity,
. ~h~ CSlWfII, is <Jill ~cel· Ilem, relaJt~elly [n~~~ I:oklr ~Mef flrriflteil'~itll1 n~~king ,~~pab;ilut!~$, no~ to imiefl~iorna bl.!ilt·il1l dupleJ.lierrorr· all!!ooma.tfc OOJJ1I~~id~llpri!1t~
~ngl, !Ph:]l::;' L~)l~U'1k has ifl'lprov~d thfiS prinbeii'S ec()-'FlriendliilleS's by reduc:~ngl iits pcmer OOn$\JIml!iltiQmll amid ~tll;f,ar5w~t~.
'I L.20Q:d500dl)ll m.'I~iltli.lm motutioo
I~ ~~tH Illliillit speetl: 24~pii11 Cli1OOliiochmillil ~)j20fJiPiill (c'Ol@r}
'. 6l!MB IfliIII1!IfiIOIry
'I LI1SB.2.0 T~l'i!rfil)f!
iElloliom Une' Geare<dror 1l1l.0me:I!iISErs, and sm!ill WQ~kgrol).pS. Okll~s 'C$$ODn is, ~iI1 e1<ll:lilll'e;nt IflIl'tworiketi mor ~a&E1r IP.riln~t'r,. bllt
1,'1/50 pr.iJ::c~.~)O!'!sid~ri!'lg ut dO@:5!~'t have a b~ilt·Tn duplel:!ler oral'll :allilm.matllc a[)(urtl:ent fu,ede\F;ir1~e' [55i[)ijfi! is S'Wift wiitlh ~11 ~rinting tllflks, h~'Wewt aM slOOHs great Ipriilt q,uamtv al;l[""Q$the bo.ard'.
._ I I
jI(,Il'I!'OlC Ph:iSClr BS6iOfN \wm.xef\Ol(.~rom
IEditor$' 'IRati:rl,g, It,Ii
~ .2,400i'i2,4OOd~i m~ilfMif1! reooMiOill
'I' [email protected]. sp~~ 3OpIPI11l [mliuiO~~f;(lffle);m1PJl:m [oo!ar]1
III 256MB IIlI!l'I'IIory ~I U!SB 2~O fnn(ldaoo
ElQUom Ill.illlil!lll
Thanks, 00 Xerox's. IPWQP~ietaPi$Qliid·irlk t~ch~QTQgy,.th!ll Pll1iil~r S;lOOYN deiHv.e;rrs. s,~~y oUltp'"lrt 11i11;J:lllow per·page ~~~IOlrlg wiftlh prtini1s thlt lri\l.a~ .!J~i~I'·'~liId llaser's. It~s a Iblt pr~CE>Y. IIJl:II~ "'ff YOM're .Ibolking for <II Ihig;h·-volulITIlt hi,gh·qllll~ity ooiltlr pl11fi1ooli;. !OOI"ISikfer tJ1is solli~HiiI'k lo,ptiol'l: o/ll'er itstr~ d1tiWliili cmo:r·I"~1i c,ompe;tltiOl1..
S:iITIsung MIL-3051N WI'i'W •. $209;991 - IEdiil'o~' IRatiing: Ct
, •. ].lOO~'t2(U]d~t IllililximU!m ~®lutILoWlI
, III Ra~d ptilili sp~~: 28pp-n
.' 64MB rnIl'l!Illl!fY
II, USB:2JJ', ~imvllre·
B~llt!o:m UI1!C
.An ~.r::ellel'1lt: d10ice
(or a~~11 offlre l'I11th hi)gh-¥l;lrume prird[!lg n~is. thlis llIKItloc:hli'on' laBe:r olUers· Wir5itil~
pill ~e>r·ha~ 1111119 Qjli!t:io,fIl5" ~IP'" ~dlaJl:lle m~mt)ry, .zip.~ prrn.tsp~dis, nerl\Mo:rkil1g cO! pa'bi:lit:fiI1lS, <lrnldi h~gh·qlJl<llity bl~Qk-
;iii m!di-Whitl? output,. o1I,u flJli O'! low PlifCi!!I .. If Y0!l!1 ooni't need iiJlUitodupl!e::o:if'l51 m ~~Qr pr.irlll$. c,orlSider U~ius (;~IIJl"bl'e model.
II! 1;2[UJi!i161:lOt!1pi liFlUililliUnl
u 1~5Ghl'lio.f11
Ii! RatOOI pnint '5{P~; TI6ppm I! 8MB m~mollY
Ii USB2!Olnterf<K:e
!Dl;Im!'t w~nt a b[g, IbO)(;y IliliSW p,r~l1tier'ron yoor ,de'Sl!? The glb5Y!b!look S~un5lJng ML·~6~1 lets y;oy I!ddliTl'i:lnochf(lffle leser ll:rll'11t:rilg to ywr wo:rksp1i3!Ce wUh sty~. ns Ilooks oirt!Ollsl::I' Im~~!! 1ilho1l!11 skin de~ll: Ue MIL·163l] ,o,Heil'S el!lcell'e;nt IP;ril1t qll",lUly, quic:j( s.tartup tim@s, ~nd r@us~~'bly fast: p:rm.tspeed£.
St~g<l "OS Pj'~VllCY Suite leDS ' $7g.95
IEtlit(J:~' IRaHniQ1 e
S~~!"!i! Ae.qllil~fil:m~n,ts 1I,2S6MBIRAM
1Ij, UJi(JMB h~ntll'~riiwl,,:piK~ iii, Wilrndows, XP'(I~Vii.'!it;1
Although Stiegarnos IPJiivacy SUlite 2008 Ido@s!Il't off@r ~n ,~~ bas:lcsyol! mlgllil[ ,a500ciat!E! wirth 5et::UII"uly s.oHware. lit still irld~des ot;h~1i gre~t U1Unti!l~ thllt m~ke iil~lr~h~ii 1liI9I it more thanlWOrU'Ii,o,1l!iJi!e. We'
~,ike lh~ S:leg~I!i1Q5 Stii,f~ fe~tJ!.Iro, Whleh lets you create l!I iiillimit:@d V~lftjLlo'lll driVes. lihe' ~a(lkage' , a rrso ~l'u;ll!Jicl~Si,," pOWll!rful ~lInd cU5'~oml:ii!ilIbIE 'nll@~!Ohfiied~ ,d]'i'iIg 'roo~as,well at5<Jn
~ m~rr!~tl~~ Qe.:.t!"'W1cl-Of ;,"
Bft IJri9nder TotOiI Scc:u rlt:y :lOG9 IjIfflw.lbitd@fernclie,.com $59..95
E,tIriLtI~' IRaNrilg~ GJI
MtAko Intornd:
SI!CU ritv s.ult~ 2.008 W!Nw"mcafee,.~)Om $49;99
16c1j1Do,I'$' IR<ltii1g~ ~
Sry5'h~:rn :Rle,q!liIillc.lenit5 : Sy:5tem A!eqlliliJil:melilit!ll ii, W!:mw.~:;:;.2000. XlP,QlVl~~;l: II W~ndl;lWs,20C10, X:p,or Vlista
IB,o:Horn Une
Uy.oi,J'~ tiirCd Q~~ the inytuJr.:fOOeii;mUcs. o~ many ~urily ~i~ you'lll ap~reci .. te B!jtilJ.i?fe!i1lder TClt"ll5@iI;l,Jiriitry 200a'~ :5lI!b[,'t<!filoe·o'lll~u'-'sl)!ile alp" proadln. It isn't pii!!rt~!.':Ulalrily Hashv. lbut IElitDefen,d'er rem~T!!5 '0i111l' gfth~ !TIQS;t ~bst<!filti'w~nd (h~'~lil'ed seourily packagi'1:S 'We've ~riJr .~~fi.t~,. ~ts ddiilu'l~ wt~l1;gisoffer nrst-'r.!lt@' ltIoli1troll over anti!>llramn, a!lil~iVlll~lis"andl1lWJalll utim~~~ !:M "dirl<llil(@d l!.I5eU'S willi alS<il fJ:r:ld P~~m1'~ to trlilreliwith under d'le ~11;l~.
_M_ ~1IiiMi.~~UJ!iii!!!!~
lillllliiII!1!!I5iiIiIII!t.!IIBIIII_, -
~'I"iiiii!!i~ ~l!!lfI!!!IIII!iiiiiBI~ ~~~~
In tll!rms mhmctionl~llit.y:. IMI!:t!.(f!<E! Int~rMt. Seculrity Suite 2ClOB has; a lot I~~rng f(l!f li~. U cl@l~Ii@,1'S
alii the PC protedio;f1 you woold ex.ped f'romone ,of Ilhe·IiJ:ld~$llli!<limes~!IiI the l:u,Isill!e:n, io\l~ well: as a collection! of a:d'ditli'onill 'tOOSYOlli miglfltflll'idl i~ ifyOLi ean toil~u~t~ UIIl2i Ir!lG1o!i'a ~ac.lkl~s:ter Interface.
_1iH!'ijj;illill!'iill.~ ~1IIi!!!~ =.::~ -~~
- iiiliiiiiiiiiilllllilliiIHi
5ys~m Suit>e B Profc:s'5lon:1I· • .f.w;I1IILIiIl!St.~IOii11 $5'El9IS
EdlitQrs' R<itili1g: ~
'SV5te:ml R~q!Jii~~ni!e:nls ,·'64MBRAM
• WTntlij;n,!{S:?:OOrJ,XIR.!'iIr Vir.t<ll
Bottol!n I.hUl' lJe.siglnediito m~tdthe smpe' of o:tne-.r .1I1"i!l~n:e sec ~~ity !;I~ogr"!T!~on
h.! nfiI<lrlket Av.mquesfs Syst'e!'lm SWllib~' 8 Plrcrre.r. siD~al paclks in ,an t Iile eereteels gif ~ stOi!lfI~ d<!rd 5e'Cl.!!rYty Pi1ic!ulg:r:,
• includingl allltiVI.rus, al!'lHSi~re, <ilrilliiSipr.1lrm,. ~iI"Id 'fI;rew~11 ~pps. thl2i
bre,adthof ,~~ progr:am'5
han:!! drive maill1te mJilnc:.e Sl!Jift~ is imp~~s~ive. It!ut
other pacik<!gesofh!I!'O! beUer mJX ,of S2Culnt¥· QPitiallr~ thatare fIflCIue in·deplth.
Trll~d Micro hltemei Sccu rltv Pro www·.:IJl!!rfldm[c $69:95
EaitQf'!O' RMilng: fill
$v'5'1iem Ili¥cqllil;rl;nlient:!Ii ,·2:5~BRAM
'.l~OMB h<!rd dri\lle~pl!lie lj Wlind~XP orVisrtil
EI~UMl!iml Il.Jln~
'lirend Mlclro,'s II fiIItler~ V1!et S:e<curi:ly Pif{). is a 111 ilU-or-not ~il'lg~Hair.
lit dl2mi.!,rtds to be yo!)!'" antlvnllus,. 'nlrmaIU, anli$pyw~:re, arllliphis.n,rfl:g, ~rlt~-id~nt~ty-i~lu:lfit.
. amJ p~Qbil!blly ilJnit'u~!iIti sdluigol'll. S'IlIlI,ut's a, solid :'!).;:curilllii!~(k~ge:, (ind we love thillt U1lli $69:95 lllIifiU!' ilnt!lludiesfre;e !p'oofille ~&~ SlIJ/Prp!ort. A littlE!!
m(l~· hee;cl:(lm to rlLllil arlOither flIiIOlke:r'S seclilrit:y oorrrnponents woold be mli~ •. howe\,l~v·.
.1!ijiI1i!!I!I!!!!!oIiiIiii ~
0 _
0 .....
• 1IiiiiiiiI!!-
P,liO'S Boo~ quic'kl'l1'; has Ir{OMI pldllrtc,,tlr,.e m~dla.Jfonlrol!.; \1'I!~U(;11 al'ld horirolidtrl stroll glrll)!;' IJnwjde5'<JtI;es~ IJo medii! 11m. PJi~gtilt!Qfl'5 witit@ut bootilllgWii'llil!lWS;; !IUs at ':1100- dl!~i~lr1. Glttiimill!;
j:! ri~~~ ~!i. be~l.Illi~ul S~feelii; SICJllid Ill:!rl'(JJ1I'Ji1E1 r.1lL;!llt-~n WelKoiIm: 1"1 [)~ I poIlf!
C'CN~ Ilnte!lrii'l~@\[J glr<l!lljllC,!j. lilililil gamirrwvillel;J IJ::Illt!e'll'tij~l; !:Jill FiireWi~ Rort;'flf:!.'
~ROS StJriki~ d'il'!>i;n: l;iri,gkl. sl1a[p)I urHIl> soJlte! i$pe'o1h:r$ lCl,ng lIlil'UeJV
Ilfu; ,ir:1:J fe'<lltJre oSell "':It a irIui!!I!1l!l 'Mod!!'!
mN5 Kudge'I-P( flierllllrrJlIi)!I(@: LCi[) hilS l'Iilr~cm view,ing ang'les; ext@liiled· lift! balll!f'V p~Dlrl!lllle<5 from bottom; 110 HOMI p~J1l no liQn1'iguriitioil opti(J:n5
PRO~ Lew price: d~c;el"]jllOoking ~~~; beaulillfl !iCf~n~ (!omfarlatilll k@y. bQmc; solid J)erioUH[J I1CI? flJor the Ilrl .. 1il
CONS Ho-I1U1!I'I ~il'5ign: k!~k); d~drl:01!tOOl media b!,'II's. WilIiit:;Jm, Q;u n't play m~dhil witiiwLt 1w~'iJl!!l u~;li~~d CfJll1fi!9L".,tillll)l With jJ.lij 1GB !!I'fRAIM
ALLLm MON!TOMO)~!lQ'~ ~t!KI eQi;rIOiI. :5\.d'. voo ,can add 0i'DQ' tothe pu~ms@6f~ [lew d~k_.. ~op PC ~llir OlStngl [!;orne'i:iilll1QS ror frrel bu~ like ulmilu't{'F.i, III'KiIfIrtOl'S CllITIe In difh~lit'lf'Itniil'!lorS.ll3:.<Jl'g)lil'l" :bi)5ifmoot models wiJI pleaie' most ~sew-s r,oolt:[rtg 'hub $l)IlJ'Ie word ilflO(essi Ilg Of sei'ld e<·:nnail'~ but tillos@m!>''Pllays m:flI' ftlol huw thil' ~mmilFUj~ to play !!I;]Iinl!§ Illll'Cl;lX!r~ Qf ~i5pby high-de,finitK!nvid~ at
it!ii ~iu'li reso1w!ti'm.
To heI~voodeteriit1i~e what klffild cd ~ Villi f'!~~ we '~~fltr~h~d 01'1 fCU" UVj:l@S IIl'f IJSl!'l'5--iI:i'lanC'Jf!S ·iIf"{'io you'U fit Iln~o at. Jf,Bs:!: OOIJ of tlrl~ carego.oo'§.. W~ cdfter 00vi~ ror'i!iIOt, as well as a prwlur:t newmmenH" tlioll· or two to ,ccnsider;
WItl!':i'1IN8t cl~ss. ~~ LCD yoll"n;! cnri~d!!flng. ~p in mind tM typi'! or wilmrilnty !thill's im:luded. Ai~o~ if lfIlIli're te.51D~ iI ~ll'f\erJi ,<1'1: ,iI :sture, be S~ you're viewing it ~t ills !lativ,e I!fs~tuli~rt. ~nd ~~ Irr.!! sl;yabDot .:I~~il1l1J UM! '~!!SpI!~1 to load UP'] g.:ltlf'l@ or I!I1Ol.!'Te if'VOU il1lli!oo to US!! it fors[jcl-i plJt~s.
Users W~,'10 fall into this category will be mestcencemed wid. price, naturally. WhUe lhEl)l will ,look for the mest bang [:01' their buck, they will alse have a budget C<l.p •. M'ornl.ton; with
19· .c·I :20-iud:'J. screens now sell far between :$.200 and $,300. and 17-ind.'l variants eeme in at $150 or less, [,v.en-hlrge-r 5c~:eell sizes have come
down in. pr.I.c:e'; 22.·i~1t:h displays can be had, forareund $350. We eonsider the 19'- film) 20~h'ldl sizes te be l'oday's va]ue- sweeot spot
.But a lnldlget pricE! cOI.n.!!!'S wit1':i sacrifk·es. D~;m't expect to see features such ~3;S a USB 'hub, a flash-catd readee, or 111. flex]b]e stand. PerformallCf:"wise, hudget displr:l.ys might falter in arsas SUC'h3S g;rn.y-sc:ale and CO]ClI: reproduc-
ti.Qn. StUl" tbeyw:iH satisfy mesr easual users who usetheir ,~Gs only tcsu rr the Web 0]" wstehmeeles,
Reg1u:dles.s: of bow nU1d,1 you can ~ffmd, ]() ok [or :i1.no11i:tor til at has both:<l. mil eonnectnr {witb, suppert fnr High-DefiniliQn centem :ProteoCli~n~ H])CP-i:f you W3.nt[O v:i,ew protected c:ont'~nt' and an ~!lJlaJlog eenneeter. Also, 3M ell te'xt :reaClilibi.Licy 1:S :aJ must.
lr you'rea. b'!ilsi Il.e5S user, try to look for a large sereen tha'!: lets you view more infol!1Y1atim:'l side by side, as 'WeU as :::I. stsnd tbat one:rs senne fJex.ihili ty.
MP w119'1il7
E:.l1iIltors" Ai:ltlml5!,: CIJ eut of 10
P~ii~i Verv good! perJOflf'laI'!e:e;' ~~rhJI speaker VOrlll'l'l@:!i!~k o;;tyling
C .. ill S', Or!e,,¥e~ r wa r !'OIrrly,; gl~~ :screen is gr,arll-pro!1E in grr~fdlv li~ rooms
IF ALL YOU WANT in a wid.e-screen l'9-i.mch LCll) is extremely good locks, we 'would reccmmeudthe $2.~O HP w1907 in a he:artbe:u. But this b~aUl!:y also d~Hv'~'r$s.(lmil! of th'll! best enscreen performance W'e"'Ile seen.
unHb most mcniroes U"l€: w190] has :it gl'DSSy screen, like the ones, found on most 'fili!wn(lt~books:. This:
CQukli result iilglare and reflection troy bles in. bright Ugl'lt, but the screen offers <l hrigh tsr, crispE!( hn::J.gI1!~han conventlona.l in arre-finish di:spl~ys- Ii's eqijipp~d fo:r beth <!illalQg VO,A/,D'·Sub
and HDCP··cO'mpliant DVI cemrectlc us,
m Cl'tit D is:playMait~ (ww-w. ,displaJym:O!;te.comj tests:. the wlSl07 r,endil;l',t!di Iitray·~c~'le im ages well" scmething we
deu't normallysee in lowecstas-ineh LCDs, Th~ screen also showed fJ@D@rnUy solid eel or te~~ rcducnen • With good tr<tckin!1l. conslstenr eeler l',u':tl,ping., and exeellen t color seal ing, And. as @xpeeted., a digi.· tal connection yl@lded @\I'@1l better ima,ge quality: Oli.'l,[ only g;tipe is rhat it's cHEHcult to .r,ead. fon~s arsiaas below G pOi,I,~ts,.
]n !OlIl: :[)Vn-:playbacH: and. g;:crning tests, ths wH)07 ecntiuuedte impress, \lI]th games., we dhl. neriee some dlOp· pilleoSs whenpannin,~ around qukkl.y, butoverall, the monitor wasa'bie.> to kee'p up, wh.ich should s,l!Iti5tj casual. users, Th:e' buUt-in speakers don't of6 ferthe bes[ sound quality, but th.ey·~'e VEl'ly loud"
T:I'Ie only' d,cVII' ne r whirl the wl9'O'7 is its wan<lllity. H:~ o:f'f:ersj ust one year of li.nllted c,O!,l",er.ll;ge on the product, w.hi~.e a three"·y,ear warrauryis :mo.sdy stanela:l'd for the- i 1.'Ild.ustry:
Aceii' IP22,IWII,
Edi'lltH5' Ru1ing: fill out or 10
PfiCiS: AttrdttillloE!' stvflnog. \I\Ilrry gc!.:Jd fmi1~. 5IGalil1g Cons: Slll!lhtJi'l1 w~k 9r.iV-S!E;]I~ ~ElffllJrmilftEe.; '~Of~sc?Jirl9 with analog ,o('lnn.e'tio:r1~ ga.mers will ~~ disappointled by rTl!)tioo I?nOiITl,
THE $'364.,99MerP221lWd is an attrscti\r,e-lookil'1g, affordable 22-inch widescreen mcnitor, The sleek b]<JiC'kbe·ze] i$1 paired wiith ~~1 eq u~UY' !l;h~rp silver bsse, 'though theplastic bsse doe~m 't: ",Jlowfo.r any adju~tmen'i!:s apart from letti.~lg you tUt the d'isplay fore and a:ft a few degliE,es.. Arou nd bae 11: •. you i n find ~:11 !ll'l.aJo,1S PO:l't, plu.s a DV] p on Itha.t !;lupport~ HDCP,
Tb~ P221Wd has <I! 1,,(1;80>1:1,0$0 nativeresolurien, a 2,500-[0-1 eontrast fado" and a $id~ ·W" $Id~ viewing a.:ngJe. of '.1.70 degree's. In 011U' DisplayM~!'t,e~~s:ts. gray·s<::;wl~ perforrna nee
was g!!'I.1.@'I:ally we;al OVi:. an analog eonneetion. al-
thou,gh that improved somewhat when w\'!connec!ed via ElVl. The p,u1.e] also had major problems w1.t11 color scaJ.iJ.'lIg en the extreme Hg:ht
end when we used an .mal.Q,g eennection, We! noticed. So~me shadews ill the l:dgh-cli;mtrnst and n:ddmnge streillking pOl1ions of the test, 3$ well1'ext readab]Ji:ty was not a problem, howe\l"tn. and we we're most im.pressed with how dl@ monitor hand!l@d scaled fents; We eenld 1:E1ad eharaeters <IS small as 5.3 points, com fortabl.y.
In 0\1 r DVU- m.ovie~pIayback tests, metton was fluid, with. no 1I ~.lUSIU.i1l.l artifacts, G~rI:<tin dark scsnes could have been da.rke,r, :and,to our eyes,
the !'l'iI.ov:ie looked sharper '!.lihel~ the mo~ni'tOr W3.S eenneeted using DVL (Sw]u:hing to ~h.e monitor's movie setling dI.idn·'~ pl~ov1de 5ny Alse, hard-cere garners :tn:ight find t;I'l:e :P:4:~lWd di:sappoin tin,pite rile claimed s-milllsecend (ms) responsie time, we uctieed dippIng even w'hell panning camera angles V-I2:ry sLowly.
Speed and color accnmc:y are two of the most impo'r~ ant features a r'~qu]t€!:S_ speed, or ptxel-respouse :r~ue. l5i measured ill .mi.lli;Ser:o·nds. The lQw~r the r@~PQlfi$e rat'!l:. dl~ l:u~ttE!'r (rhell).r:e-tic:aUy) the !noF!~t(1r cal'! handle rhe fa:SH1'lQiVing h'nag~3 prevalent in mostga me s;.[frrhe p i.~eb c~nchange' q'U!ldr!y from black to white. you
should see .~.e$sghosting or dip'pin.g '(an. indk a · don that the IIIol.:dtor has trouble kelllrpil~g u.p). Man· ufacnrrers have started to marke'~ITiOhitor$ wi~h low re!iiponse rates (~olrHl a.s tow a ...3:.nn5) that targ,et gamers, but you should I[~ke ths dail1~ with a. grain of salt, as manufacturers use a va.i.iety
or methods to ,achieve
the ]ow nlllmber tsuch as measuring ~ &r~y·w-g[~y [@s.pol.lse tim erath I!!T than black-te-whrte).
Sinc>e mest g;3imes are a
vi-sual feast for your @ye5, YOU '11 waurte rna ke sure the l.CD can haudle cclers properly sc thatimage quaHty remains high. Another thing a :~'ilmE't w1.11 want to eensider is SlC'rli!e-]1J slze, 'tim m<lke sure the~a[u,es you play
and the graphics card.. you use caa handle the higher reselurien of a b.iElger displsy.
.1.'51005, P!l:i\2:211 _
5d~t!lifS' R~tililg~ e out ,or 10
P\lll:i5': ExcelllErU p~rrOjman!e: great de![;ig,n,;
~ol id b.JiliJ; remarif: a olv good spe,,mefS
CQlt:;;; $Q-ne df~~rtl>im wll~11 conrre'"t~d via O!~log;: ,1j bit IfJriC~W'CiOflf'LI$1r19 GlMCr,eel1 COIJt~ots
THE .ASUS PG221. ]sinde.e.>d a ga]nei;s dasphy. This 22-illch~r offers: ill! ~s:up@,I.·"low zms response mote, greaH1iounding speakers, <'Ind :ai1l3huuna:nc:e of inputs .. [lUl at
$599.95, all 'this qUOll~ ity will (lost you.
Th~motraivot indudes a,r~ ::I.djusf:ah]e,
],.'3:·m~ga:p~llel Webc-am thai!: r'~la}l"s ~li$;p jm<lg,e~ and video, A1$0 enbeetd are three USE! portaaswell SI,s mic .U1.G headphoue Jacks. An.s has <lJSQ' packed In an ~nay of muhiID@dja conI1L@ct]om:o" induding <!IMlog [)-Sub rVCA},ID'Vl·O (c(;ltmpliant with HDCP for copyrl,ght;-p retected high- d'efinidon content), compcette video .• s-video, and cemponent video.
The PG2:21's most
netabls extra, however, is,a ted til neepout speaker :system, which ecmprisss two S-WaJtt stereo, s<!Itelhtes aa,.d ,<I l'5~watt subwMfer, The ~peaker'$: yielded the mostimpl'essive sound w~'ve heard [[Ol'l1J moniwr.
Navi.gat:i.ngth.e Hl() menu &tJ;·lI.lctm:'e! of the cnscreen display ecutrels was a hassle. We had 3 couple of other nits:Wewhh AS1Ils h<icl included 'he:tte. doeumentatlen, and we found the four-In-one cable for VGAlaudi.oJm.lcIUSB a bit ch:mky.
1:~'iI. our DlsplayM::ue. tests, themouitor turned hi exeellent graiy-sca.le and c~lor-tr~ckit'lg results, and tlext fonts we-:re e::lJ~ily readable down to 6 points. ] n our DMTn. :3. MSItS, the, mOllit:or's perf 01'1n 3 nee W:I!S, e~i$p at ].28Ox:1,O~4" !but it demonstrated some UlH,igh try ho:riz:ont<1lil jaggies when HnkiEd via an :an.:dQg cenneetion. 'W'h!en ccrmecte d 'I!i:1ll!DV[, howe'ver. ;€i,a.mepi~y was: ~olJ'geous.DVD p srformance Was v~ry good. In a:n~log mod)e" but once again theresults were notke8l~bly better whhDV],
.~ngh -.De nnl~:I,onMu.h.i lll.e·c'lia lnte rface (HDM!} port that's :HDCp·.c©mpURn'~, if ~u:n.d[i:s~l.'t present; you (;"'1':1 also use
<I mn·to·HIDMJi1dapter (\I']d.eo only)., hu!: the DVI :port mnst S1.1ppOrt HDCP. as we-it
If you W'amt:~o use lthe displ8!J' as a televi$iol1!,~oOkfor thesame rhing$ you would with an ordinary tei~lII.ision: pi.ctu~e-ip-pk·tll:re ca.pabililr:y, ~. rel'M~e ecntrol, a built-sn HID tuner, and ellpabKe buih-ltl $peaJ"Er~. You wil] also want 3. he·~lthy mix of video inputs, such ;<LS component video" s-video, and eompcsne vidieo, p:~1.]s. an audioour: port ro.r hoo}:i'llg upthe monitor 'W'" stereo $J$t~m. W:!Int to vi~w photos all plugina USB dev:iver Ii mMhor with a built-in ilJs:ShuJ)
and memory-c8!rd reader offers that ,eonv@lf!le!fl(\e, lnu t:he dat~ must g<l tluough a (:omputer before it can be di$p).ay~d cnscreen.
D~111 UltlliDiSlh:illlFp 2J407WFP .. HC E~mtlf!.' RloUIi'I'5I: 'e out ofm
PlFQS,: rlOi .. l!JJr~·ficl1. strong p~dQfllf'!i~rl!;;e WIth '"' cl~1t.;;l1 C:Orlll1e"Cti~li: ~etrel"!,t hul!d1t1l!JaI.l'!;;
fJe<):i ble !Otll~d
C!!.iiI!!:= Weaker perflOM'!!.al"lc:e wii~n an OIM!ol;l toMection: smaU 'flOots Mt e:;sily re~doIhlE!'
II:t!II!!!!I!III!M FOR $&13, the 24-il'lch DeUUl!n'3'
I sha,rp 240'7\V.FP-HC dellitef$ oot .......,;=-... onciywnY~~,lie~~,t features such as USBpon:$, a njne,rtJl11'~J ffi€i!'lllozy,C":(Fd ['eaci!i!t, and all@Albl@ s'tand, b,.u· ~SQ ~I·
~enltimage q!!l::llity and pelf.o:rnlance.
The SQ1idlyibuilit 240llNfiP-HC 110113 a 1,1atiw J@Slolmion of 1,912.0"", ~ ,200 ~uld a 'r!imlS respc!l~se lime. Dell
also inl;'Ol'Jl'OtaW'$lts 1':rneC-olor teChnology, whkh it s.ays offer'S d@@Fl@trr~ds;! crisper b]ue,s, and! oott!N'oo,lo[' aVi!?rall_ lu a~~,tian to an analog D·S!lL'b ('VOA) OO!1bnectio.n, this rnenilOr has a DVI COJ.Ulectm: tll.:n supports HDCP. Plus, ~1I.1'1!l :ffnd "onrl,ec,oorn fa.: S~Vi.deo, aomposi.tevitioo, ami component video.
We ran our Dis· playM.i1Ite test [wice"
This category encompasses several groups, mel uding g~ m ~ rs, movI@ fans, and TV vl@'w,eu;_ rn fact, with LCD mo'nitor:So fha[ ~ffllo.aded wi~:h :lJJJ. dio/video coniu!c,tions!sQme~? e oi~!e m<li)f W<!l1t to usethem as. :se~oild:aty TV displays, As 'With meniters suited for g;t mi!1 g. YOti 'Il nsed to look: for .;1 dis:play that has. a fast Iesp cnse time ~tO keep up with rapid mo~io~n), offers gQQd color qU,<lility, and 1$ large enol;lgh for vie:wtn,g a1 a dist a nice. h'l ad d.itiQn, ]0 ok for a wl~h! screen for W <Itching DVDs in tb.eir prop @'~. asp act ratios,
rf youw:an,f to hook up <I h]gh~definitien dlevice:such <liS, <I ne'Kt·'genern:cion gaming C'Ol,lso'l:e, 01 11~gh-definltion liD Dvn orBlu-ray player, or a digil:al cable box, ensure the momterhaa ~
using both a.n~IQg and digitrd ccnnections.Jn QU.r analog test,
we were 'Somewhat disappofnted by th~ panel's g~neraJlyw@'~k gr:)jy,sc:Jl~ peTfnnn:!lin~e. Colo:r reprodUlct:ion, however, was: quite good" wilh the 24,Q7WFp·f.l:C excelling in tn'lcking,
ram pi~:lg., and 5(;a]~ng. Font scaling. 110W@V@iJ;", was subpar. with a digital cenneenon, matters i~nprD"'E1r1. Th~ mcniterproduced far better 21'a:1,:,c<l1112' l?~rf'Or;m~nee, ~nd oolaf p~dQtm~fI(;e teo,l.dned iSlOUd, althoughtl1!i!' lnonit~t still h~d treublewjthscaled fom$.
]f yOU'Ie! ]ooking vot a display (h,i!.( can m!2'lives: perfOln:lanC@, you can't go wrong with (his big boy-so lQng as yOl~ llSf:! a digit il J, conn ectien.
YI!llwSoni!ll: IDh:!lli1iIi!!n~ NXI516!2w EditD~" R<I~i!1!i1I; e out of 10
Pro:.; W~~1t~ or in!pUts, ill1d~cli'nl1l H DM~ ~ifY g~ ~rform"rJQe; buil~"il'il HID ~Lm~r
CJlH15~ C<ln .. chle~e M9~-dle'F oolot nop refioluliMl; oollOSO",
VIEWSONIC':S $349 Diamani NX1932w ts-iueh d:i'splay includes ::I host of inputs: HDM[\Vith HDCF and audio suppere, as wel] as compo51teo-video, cempouent-videe, and S-Video eenaecters, these with its built-in tuner, and (hi,s jack of 'SElv,~ra I,vldeo trades can deubleas a hig!i-definlt]on te]evision (H!llV).
1n tnt til. the NX'19S2.w is lTD ~re ']'V than l1l'loni~QI:" A10ng w'itb O'ller~tlle~a]:r rseeprlen from an HD r-IllHmn a, thE! bu]lt-]fI tuner accepts aJ st~n.dar.d C:<I-
ble- 'fV signal. U you want [;0 w'aJ'!:ch lQ8Gp HD content at its [inUre-solution, however, it worn he poss.ible due to the "OfigU'3iJ~lSi of~he display's 1,~411x:!lIOO resolution,
In om: tes[s,~he W.X193:2w went rhmugh D]splayMate showing no serious :I:latws:. Color andlSr~y-sc:a.le reproduction W!1'!re' mostly accurate, e~cep t ;'iii the very limitaofthe test l:auge3" and text W3:5 're'11i!c1!::1Ibl.e :aJt:
6_8 points ='Ina larger. In our gamirls-mor lon e-:';i?rdse, w~nott~d no ghQ$'ting cr 5m.lIld,gi.fQ.:!l: d1!llrins: vigol"ous :play whh Doom 3and COrnp:3!lY of Hero es.
1h~ dis-play r~qL11red us to hl1k~r with. itsaeem fea1tun
to b"llat!il;'~ <I full-screen vet:su~ a dlsprepcrtlonate '<I:ppeadng image, how,~ve:r" ones the tW@':ildng was done" picture qua1itywa::o !:!x(@U@m.
The 'tWi) 5 '\V:ai'tt sp eskers den't ~'X. ",,~dyprovide ·thea;ter.·q\l<l]ity~r;lynd, but th~y hav~ :sm-plisin0 rich bass and V@1)i' linl~ of the buzz that:oheu. aCCQm· panies audie fl;-om t1l.'l, speakier drive-Is.
1145")) If.r------
In th]s category, it's 31] about the size, and that means :a screen 24 inches erlargar, You can eXp!H:'t to pay 3,
preminm i' a]t1'lough monitors in ~hi;s categol.Jl are also dropping in price, wid:1i some mew .28-i.nd~ models priced wen ~~klw $'ll,OOO. (Check out p. 43
:for r,ev.lew:s of Ilew 28 -inch LCDsfml'l'i :H:"~'H':W!l'pn::e and View$oPlc.)
Grapldc artists, such ,:115 p:hot.ogrnp]ler$ or designer$,. areone group that '!.11m. benefit from using a large screen, If YOll belong to [his group. p~y ar-
'~ell1 rion to the :monitor's; l:'e501tl~'ion, geomeuy, (:O]Cl'[' and g.r:a!y-sc:aJe perfcrmance, 31.1J.d. caHbmti.oll. BecaU5e you'.11 ne,ed eo replicate what JOu SleE! 011- screen on paper, you'a Hilled to ensure ro:iOT ~'e(:u:r:il" isperfeu.
A~S.Q, fW~~ that V~ly l:<l!rg~ ~o·inch m(M~h!orn~eq1!lire graphics cards that support "dual-link DV],~ which €i1.' ables thO!? c~rd to drive the screen :lit ~ts lMgh@'~H n~ti\!'e rEl solution- Although these h1l.1g:escnens will wad:: w.ifh single·linkDvI and HtlNlt ecnnectiona at 1,,~'2Oxl,200 u::so]utkm, you will need dual-link 0"1.11 to achigv~ 2. 5~11 ,600"
GlIlbe,w*,y XHD3DOO !5~lt~P.ii· R~Ij!ilg; I~ out ,or 10
1P1'~: ~erfull peri(mT'k"lfl1& with d'-uai-~in~ DVllt.(lOt1Ielt'lorr; 100 ds @f ~udir;ivldeo t~liItS. il1dl!Jd'ing' H I:lMl~: ifICll"u:l'l'~1 :!>p~~~~ Q.;Ir
It;:afl!;; Ornlii·-ye-ilf warr<l"~Y,; ~ .. ker perfOl'!!ilOInc:e wfllei'l 1!!I~Fi!~ V,eA er .. ili'lgl~·llnk [WI oor![1Iec;l<jgn
a;~.THlE: SOLIDLY BUIU Gat~ay X HD3000 3(Huch db:plaJy offers imptessive perfennanee :and eau serve well as beth ,a saeend-
Ci~~ew<:lY XH[)1301JO
ary te'I.,e!i~s:ion and . .\1i compu ter monitor. That's thanks. to its w~<lih:h of audic and 'Video ccnnectors, whic1n VGA, D\I'I {slJpportingHDCP). ~o.mpOin.e n~: ... kll.eo, ~.nd. HDML It alse includes a, Sop E.akerbacr th~r attaches e'3si1y tothebottom OF [he display; the eight-$pe~k~rr a:rr:ay produced e:x:ce Uen'[ soun d. ill! our tests, n you Wa.l1t to ge-r fhe most out of d'le pallet however, 'jIQ,(~"n need the right 'e,(Jjuipment=and $1,699 in your waUet.
The XHD:3000's n resolution is ::11 very high 2,5601).;],600_ To\!''e this f@so]mion, you.:!" PC"suid@o eard must $UPPOU du.~l-linkDV]----<i!d\erwl:$'~., the bigh~:'>t r~$:ohrtion yot! can set the mo'nirlor to l$l,920$l,200,
Th~XHD3000 handled celors
weU with an a.M]og conneetion, al[bough coler sc.aling was: amiss aft
the extreme light end o,f the :range. r'Onit ::l'CiiI.Hng. on. the other hall d. wa~ excellent. with the :singl!e-Hnk IDVI.
co nns Ct]OI]. II'! a U:elS imp rOWE! d. ibut the meniter still had same twubles. with g~y scales and 'C!C! lor SiCa ~i nilS,
At 2.Si5Oxl,600 ,ll's,ii,'],g dual-link ·DVI). graY'5cal~ performance W"'5,Wry strong, all d. (lv@raJ] cclorp erferman ce was, exeellenr.
Our main beef: thewarnuny, The di:splayis C:O\I'E!'red for. jnst <I ye-arfOlrthistFl~e of high-end d]5p]ay, we expect lOl.'lgE'1: coverag:e,
Ei!!Iitors' A .. ~iI1i9': e outof 10
Rros: Good dlQilalfjer ror'J'l'lOar'lce; flel>; ible 'stO!oi1ld that pivot .... ~rlO'E:~-lookiogl
(.f! JII 5: Warr<!nty C!1'1~ Ol"l.e year; We<<lk-ef perliOl'U'f'l<!l"Icll!' wilj;rJ a 1l.11C!!! ~oo ilec:~ion:; glossy 9< reBrn t'ln be. djstt;l[:;trng Milder bri!;BM lighL'S
"["'1'1 E $570 HI" w24,0824:- inch d~.s:play
doesu't off!ll~erfe~l perfcrmance, but its balance of price, gf@<li[ Looks,H~x.ibmt)'. t@Ht!JIl@S, and abov@-avernlle N!:5t resuhs makes it i':I gc.od buy,
A:p<ltl f[Qm dle- ~lee k pian Q -blac k de$ign" the wZ'4GB's moot noticeabl€ trait is its glo.ssy sere su. When used ]n a brightly lit E!nvir,onment, rh€' g1,.!da.c~' '1S: hlghly refil:'cti'le- and prone togla ~e. (AhhO'vgh~hew240$ h~:1l o:!. built-in ambient-li.ghtt 5e-nSOT,we didn't notice i'e w()rk~ng+) Whl?nl!$~d under indirect ligJnhClg or in the dark, hOiw@ver, the w24D8i:s a pleasure te look ar.
T{h e moni~or has a f1ati ve t·uo]u· den of 1 ,9:20:l: 1 ,,20'01, which iSe'I:1.Q]J.lgh to handle msop HD content. Wh:at's; unique about the w2408,. d1ltrugh, is i ts n~xibl~ stand .. It swivsls. tilts, pl.w,ot:s, ra]5@S, and lowers. i\.dju!Ot·ing the staadis simple, and its[]<Ii~ base 1e<ts yQU, s:tow your keyboani beneath the panel,
'J1Ui! w2.40S's p erf.ol'" is v@ry good" With aJ .• ani8J.log ~Ol'lJ'le:ct]ou. f.h,e m:oni.tor showed some hiccups with grnY'·sc1ile ren denll_g, cQ]or,ram:pi ng,
plimary'cQIQrs, and ~Q1Qr :jO~<llillg,
but casual users em.p,loying itfor everyday tasks: won't notice these issu~s_ With,Q. DV[ ecmrscticn, th'il! w2.40S pe·rformed we]l displ,g g:raysCaJle centenr, paft" an our ]OW-:'''H1i.lJ'OIlion color test and at rhe dark end of ou r ex'tren'le ,i5.fay-sc-ale test, It alae impfQVeciwh@n CO,~u1i@ct~d vi a DV[ in .3Ii@!ClS where it was weak
in our ana log tests.Pent :scaling Was gQQd cverbcrh connections, and
Wfi! Wl:£<i::! abletc read text as sm,alll as 5 .. 3; pein rs,
At: press time, .H.P announced an
'U pd3 ted versiea ,oHhe w 24Q8 th at fea:tll.u:e:s: an H.lJM [ con n ector instil'! ad ofDV[. 1..1ke Its, wlS10;7 couuterpart
~he display ]5, only covered bya elisa.p· pointing one-year wdiuaI1t)'-
Additionai reporting by Il:il.l FGtrtie (lnd Bill O'iBriel'l
8tXI-686-fjfi88, ....... W*,'i$!Ii1lUOOll
Mother'boa· d Buying Gide
By Denny Atkin
FI:S;IIJ" P;RIlCE:'5S0IJS and 3D videocaro.s gl;!t 3] thE! ~OlY when if c;omes tol:n1llJdlil'lg or upgn_di!~g a :sy:srem, bUll: me !:D~ti!:herlxm!!'d is th~l!!I'!Jj~mg hilltn m;;l.t ti~ ,~~lYth~l'1g 00' :sether, MoOre thalf! just: a circuit hoard wrrb st()!~ ands.oc'k€-~ fur your compmm com· pm,e~lts.,the :!llOlh~~l;'d is alsohemeto d\~ cltilts and traces those oompomi~nls U$~ to C'Ommll~;i(,<IJt'ewtth e~cl"! other; C'l1oosiing the ri_gb:t mothefbo.atd wheHiUpgradi~lg
or builJdinga PC is key !O g,ettiTlg5'~;;!bility 3ndthe iJ@$tp~rt'orn'U.:il'l~ fJ1lJJfI yrrur other oo~OJ.'lE!nts..
]f you'v.e ,e:wr add~:d an ·expansi'Ol"I
~m or a disk ihivew yQur PC, you,ady hav~th@o nec€fils:al)' :skilh, 00' install
i. Il1.CltheilJo.atd. Tll@ most dl:ffiadt parlt of d'l~ p~d!n~ actUalty (TI),nes oofon;you cuack 0J.Je'l1 the case: selemngthe light ~rd for your l.l~$1 ~nd I;l'ns.~ril1g ihOllt ym1haw the p;rope. hardw.u:e to plug
lt1!to the IJooni. This guide wil give you a qu_i.d rundown wthevari'[email protected]~ to oonsid.@r when ~iJilOCha5ing a motherlxlard, in OR'l:i:i: to h~ thl:! best :foulldation rO·f
buildimg your perfect Pc. Then'I~ t:li~e
a look a~ :1!va~~ty o:~' m(}th~tOOaros,~ngillg ftomperrl:Jrma'I'iCie m.(l~'!Stersth~~ ~n. handle m1!Alri:pl~imk~d grar~hies cards to mmpact,al!l-in-one rn.olhel1boa~_8. [hat just need a CPU., mmnocry, and $(orag~ ro mab a. (()!I'ilpFete PC
K~p in miltd th:;tt simply l(lpd~tmg th€ mot:herboo~rdwil-] off'IEr a :margilPai pe'l'fermanee increase Ott be$t~t's: ot!!1ywotth domg if yall also p~n to update some 'Or all of 1]1I,e ((lmp<ll'!~!l1:S Ibata._l;'J;![_h~ b.i_gg~t perlOml~n'K'e botnonew,in yt:lursyst@lll, such as th.e CPU, graph!ies Cam, and hard drive, ('iQ'u ean g~tmQre help OJ::I1JIpgrading t'hos€ oompone~nts atoo~p~t~[!:.o:p~!!!; OOJn.I'tn.:!ild.~~'_"Q\I!!ll.)
t) to a f~$h::rCPU i$ a (10111rn,o!1 ~~t1 f:w ml)'ilJlg a new m~nherboa((1. E'IIE)1 ~fyour6id OOaird sportsthe &1-11' $OC_1';~ @tyoltr llew CPU re.q~, matlces om! that an cld@·roo.ud.won'( warli:.with [he n!!W@St chipS due 'to differences iil volJtage, B~OS S~1pPQrt, and d'1ips-et fe<1itto:;es,
Intel standardized o:nili~L'GA77S socket du,~yeall! "go. 00 viJrtuaRy' all modem i.1]othe[boa~ for lntel
des.kitop CPU:., use that seeker, On the .A:MD front, the camp<u1jI' mov,ed IiOl'l'!. Socket 939 00 Socltet AM2 baektn mid·2,C(!!Gi, and with tih-e
introooctionof. tl.1>e 7- s:eties d'l!ip~cs, has I]'lml'li!d to Sock@tAM:2+. The new AM2-i' &OCk~~ is: badcwam& rompi31rible Mt'l.'l S0t2~t AM'2, so we!:c:t suggest going
'Wlith au .. AM'2+ board even ifyou'r:e! plan:oms: tv lise an Ci~r Athlon :<2 ]?l:tICflSSOr, to :keep ope:n~h~ p¢SiSctbilky of u~ij!~sro a ~rvpl~··Q;lt',e (If qY;;l,dI·c~· Ph~l1Qm chip.
ThE big dedsi_on here is: choosing ~ :motherb~rdwl:ili th,€! ri,gln dUp$t't" 1)pi· GLUyco1'!.:sisting ofrwo ,ehips ,(we Nomh, bridge and :sot!Jth'ixri.d~}" 'th~'~ de'~Enni:nES: various :fu~to:rn such as ~~ernOlJ epeeds, ~twiQ!1-'S1,Q1: c",~bi]i,t1~$,.andl bus speeds. Int-l:], A!MU, and nVidia are ~_t!llong th@ d:uipS@-t m<1lJ1!l¥f<il,cm~rsyou'l!I @nO(lunter;Th.@'@asiest way to de:~E!rrnjnE!' ~h.Etfe..attrres: of a cllipse~ is 'to lOok a:~lhe mothe:J'bootd's f~~.tu~ lw,t chirp!lt't ch~(:acteristk;s; will be reflttted by the 1Xl00'd~ (E!pabiiines: how m<l11!i gJ]lP.llics·c.ud sklt:s are Ot]e-Md, w[u!iliel.· Sel1a:I .. AT'A (SAT1\) ami'S are sU~j:lal1:ed, nQwmany n~twotk· ;iJ~g. ports <III.'E! a'l'.ait3bJe, rnmlso ,al1.lfyml want tQ usethe newes,1l technQlogl.~~, such as p~rs with a ]il:s.t fronhiide bus. ~FS:B) O[UUllbiple graphics cou&" you"U neecl to pick a boatdwith arnipseit that 'thaitSiuppom; (~~em. W~ suggest stiCkii'lg Vllith the l,,,test chIpset foeV~s:h;IIU', ~1(;h ,<IS ltWel's, G, P, and X Si"11:fffi; nVkJia'S ,600:1 and 750178Oi;<ll'ld AMDS]·[email protected],lng :mcrtheiboonis ibued on these neweor chipsets you the latest felilwres and. possibly :spa~ you !lOOm having 00' replace YOlwlf motJ:u::.boardj~ .• lB mcnths when you're lie,any to upgrade agalin.
~f you'r;e uslJ.~ m~mooy jit)m your prm-
0'l15 mmpmer on. YOUfl1.e\l,I' mothexboatd, choose a bo<l~.dwith D:DR2. nlemozy supPJll: ~lll~les5 your eld PC iSre.tlllJ ancient anduses :p.taiIl old. DDR.'-at w1m:h palln-,.lt's tin1@'
·~o buy new ~, :l-ilWi·el.,dllntel-dxilp;set beanls aJea;vaihb.~ein both IJI])R2 and. :[)J)R3~nlo'ry·sl.ot D!I)R;2 memory :~ma]ns Mal:il.llltimlly less, e:~~ve tl'lan [)DR3fo:rtl:t.e moment, bur DDIO offers f<t!ster s.(P@eds 3.fld the· In est pot~ntial f()l~ I:"u" mrelliP,~cles. A few J:a:lIatnmru:::hH'efS, sud! as
Clg;llwte. oIJ'e:rooaros suc.h as the GA-X3SDQ.6. wliIieh hrus5!X1rets far both D.DR2 and. DDR"l,.:lI~owirt,g ya,u to use'older memory l'lO'!lJ andllpgJ.ade afterpa4ces drop.
CU:rnmtly. ] I'IIte l- ba.sed bMrds 3re{I.~e ml1y Q'!1:~S '~hat c~n mak~ use of DDR3 melY.lOly,tl'lo1.1gh .AM.ID plans teintrednee ~Ul?port fm'the m:e'W m€i'l,!cwyin 2{).}9!.
THE S,LOTM&CHINE Ga!mM51oolci~'gfo:rtop gr.aphic5~rf' 'Will Wilut t(!Je~~!lIJ~ that tb,dr motfuerb.orurd Offel:5 acleast one pcr ~l?ress (PCIe) X1Ei grnphics,,m slot You ~inC!e .. se gnrphirs .penoJi'l~,Slll{'e further hy installi~'l:e:, 'ml,.illipie graphics (':alms. TJnr¢frun:aJt~lY, wl'liim YQ'U ~1rI drop a singll;: g-m;aphics card from a::ny !l:IIa1lu:fuCll;1r:er into your ~pl1.i('$·ca:.rcl! ~Iot, cunanrmerherboards '~~'laitcan host n'lulJti!ple' gmphlcs c~lidis SiJ!.pp¢rt: eit!l1~r nVldia's s~akl.hle Link ~nterf'aCe {g~~ ar.KM:[)'s; Cros.sFire te-c:lmology, bu.ulltJt botn,thus., if you W<!i~n sulfporc: fal' more than cne G)!I'C, you'lllileed. to de~ cide wh"'ther~:tfre going '~O apt f'Or SUo or' Crossfil:e-rompatiblE! cams andc~E! iii. 'boord. a('Cordingly,
Tlw n~t mQtheroowm liet yQU go e~n mrtherby add]!1g up tOI three l3~Way SLl) Of ~b1Ji[ (Grossfir@X) vid~o cards. You'n getth€ bes~'~nrrmlance if ~11 of :you'rvl(iro slo~s support X16 romlll"J,1"mica:tions. some d'U~"$lotb~rd$, $I,lcl'!~$ those ba$ed Oll the InmlP:3i5 cMpwt,nm, the ~oond card inx4mooe. S"gtl]fi~,ultly SlOW,lalg. down tl'.ll'llti.card o:peraMrt
~u'I,] ;also WRnt to check that the'fe arl.! enough rem<l:in~a~g slets to support a~,ly Olthl:,T ~ YOY. waIn ltl! add. Many bcatds hawpl!enty of pele slots, which ·often go;edi. but skimp onslow that sUpp<J~.t Hr:J.E! fading PClstandanllfyou'oo b1,;fild· ing a ho:me-th(!a:~er I?Cal'ld want: to add, say. 3 pair ofPCITV"tune:reams and :a PC:! sound caed, you'U need to em'1.ue that your Systoel.'l:l has three open PC] slots, and that nOJle of th@ln is b!~d iJyou'Ui! using a oouble-wi:dtlt 'IIi.doo earn,
oWously;you, need to male SUi:£, the bosrd you choose will fit in ycmr PC'S easa I\l~~,·sic2,\@ moth@:rbo'iuiis·UiS@rhe-ATXfunn [actOI:, which de:fiinesst<fndlUrd dirnel~_· si.ons forthe board, <IS 'ilwll <l~ ~J.aC'.e'mem Qr m.oo:ntinghole-s., COll~,p(m.el1Jts, an{i, exp3:nsian s.lo~;, You mngenerlll1y'sW';),l) outany .ATIl:. oo3J:'dI. fer 3notllliEf,thou:gh seme '!Ii91iario!"S lin c-Qlnpo.nel'tt. pIOl.ce'.mellt mil ~~:iI!k:e for difficulties in smaJ[ or no:nstaa.ldiatd An::
compU:~E'r eases, Alsoj SOl1l1e :PCs, from ml:ljol" man.ufaCtl.ll~ SUQh a'S Hewlett~ P:8danrl. SI.ndl.DeIl use elMltom ease:a:nd.ooolingccombinatiClm. tl~<lit might prew'fit iMttd1.~tion of th.ircl-'p:uty :mO'[J~rds,
MlcroATX bO!ards use the gt'neml ATX df$ign. but they~:ndude fewer exp{lrns:io:n slots, :illbwmg for a shorter bO:1lrdthat ~n ftt ip ::fl: i9m~Il!e.r ~e. 1ilese a!fe popular Wilthbuilclers ·of home"theaterfCs" '\vho are (R':iting smrul compul{"I'S ~o:r p]acfment ln their stsreo ncb.
R€<:E!l'1it ~~ saw'a push to ere::1I~-a new is,ttI!ld~rd, B'FX. which movOO. bQ~Rl oomP'Ofi~n!t$ around and (hupped the pD,we.r sllpply~o thebottom of '~h~ ease, with the airnor impmVil~8 thermal m~~~llllent: [1}si.d~ 'th~ Pc. Wlt::hlh~ o:Id~m- 0.( ('()!)]er pnx-esoors aInd I:n:tyers' ~5ig;tance to a new :standard, how~,t, ~:'te not seeing newBJXboards on the marbt.
OM CQm:pon~l1t(h~!'1!:'$: Oil key ooffipaalWntO}fOlJIf lTI,QtherOO~Id-gnd (lite yP'1!i!'re lrlkely 00 need to rep,laa~
if you're lJLpgrn.dingto a cu:tti:ng·@dgl:! moth~Jt,oo~is 'nfle .pow~r SU,W~t Not onlYlnight YO-H,r'new ~mp ~q\l!ir~ morevro:ttage th~fl the one it'$ Jepiacing, but it migrualw \R dii:r~rmlt p()~r eonuecrors, A f'ew ~~!l$ ago" powetslipp1iJl!s<'Ittarned. to motheruoillrds usin~ <Ii single .:W·pln ATX contLer:lO'r, now, that eenneenon bas gIOWllto 24 pins, Tlilen a second connector was added,oommonlyrefer:r'ed to as an ":r:FiSf.Al'X1."lV"ronneclOr. It :Ii!rst :appear@d! in ~ fQl,lt-~i'll vmion, then w.ith eight pins .. AlI, of the moth!!;'ab~OOs hm ~qWl'le 24-pill ~T.x colmec:lcm;, and whlile· :OOiWe can gel by with the four-pin version of the:
US! JIlIX12V cable, a :few I:eql~ the :full etgJ.'ll,ins.
Your best bet is to .pul'dt ... se a JPOVler Sllpply that's 1ifrl{l1iJ.e, VIle used C-o:r:;aKS new 1'X{'SOW supply when resling Ibo<JJms rOTthis article, [J!: offen pl~]lIty of power, 3nd.lik~w:iij~, [('laill)' new pawer SUppilesi 'bod"" the: A'FX ~nd.EPSI A'TXt2Y' C'OlUloctm:s, are sp.]it ulto:2Ol-4 and 4+4 pllin c:.onfigur..I00l.lS, acceml:'I1Od.atillgmothe'l'boAros oM ::mel! new: 1tll.lso indudleos f~u]" .PGl~ graphiC!N:arrl com"!le~[ors in!!. 6+.2 mnf:igomtiClIl, 31\" lo\.vinS it to :acwmnlocliate the newest
Keep Ihese 10 In mind once you've fotnI the ..._ rno1IaIxJard am am ready to bstaH It m you' a:qut8t
comput!r$ Marth 2008 75
video alrds in Cms.SFireO'[ SLt mOO.E'S.
:[)on't skil'np when bu.yim.1g~a powenupply, Thougl.'l you can fhtCl 'ge1!leric Jl'O\Iver supl'li,e,swith prices as low as their wamge mtings ~re high, t'h~ Oif~en den't pt'CNide de~t!. st~ie [p(l,wer, An me:xpEr'I$ive ~r 51l1pply m'8J promise tots of wains, but once you start ~oading itt up with ha.trl. drives, video ca:r&" and id~jgh-enc] p:mce;ssor, .it m~y !lot pU.lllliP ou~r:be neceooazy volt~ge. ,[,his GlJIl lle;Su1t in m'l].ue-,di~t3hIe system crash!es: and other .rellability pl'oblenls,
Now' youshou[d hllve, a d1J.&·k:lisl. of 'wha:t yo~ n~d~o look for whelrt f()1')i!!iderillg
.~. b~fd. Thill:k:!lOOluwriring d~ yO'ilJr needsfrOf!1 each of the previous ~tkm$ when you go mO'tll~ibo:a!rd ~hO'pping" Th~l way. you (:<11) check thE ·sp~:i~JtioncS and ~fl:$.U~ tJi:'Hlot your roard Il.:a$ all th!il!ri,gh:t slQ'tts, soc]:,e(s. and s~, far tns p2!:ritS YO'la W,U'l.t ,to p1.U:~1 i~~
PER F(nl~MA,tU::I:,
1M O'J'11fi E R I, Q It R D.S A$ooPSE3 [)12[u~e Wifli·APCtl
This $300 :!]l,tiel·e,pu boaird is one- tJf the priciest in tilts, fOundup. but ~t:s also rOCkst a hl~.loaded~o ID@ gill:sw1ithfi:amr~s. and it h~~:}ic~UE!mov~rdxking c~p:iliill:t~ theai! ~I@;t 1.l:S IIJSE! Int@l'S q]l:9770 Core 2:
lntel X48 Boards On Appro.ach
if )Iou plan to' puq'l;hJi$Ii;'- or somil;'diOlV lIfig:r.;w:le to-a protessor UllOi~ supports .:J \600Ml!=lz frCl:l1t·s~de bus (FS B), Y·lJodll w.mi: lo purchase a motherboard based on 11'1t:er~ iJptOmJlr1ig X48chips,.e.1:. It's the
f[ rs.'t tliilP,set tha t lets you nin .[Ii CPU ata 1,;6lO01v1H1 FSB · (H.e-rdockin9 (osuch as LIMe Intel Ge-re :2 &ll'E'm~ QX9770 review~d om p.'3·2}. Un !orl:una.'I,e-ly •. X4S-b..sed n10111e;roo,mJs. Mifoerq'l y.Ei't 's!iippif1lg wli'ie-n this article WL'!'r'll 00, press,
TI\>i)1.!9h Intell jSp'j't Lhe firS!: oomp..ny thiat comes to Inti iidl when you tlfiink of ·e>xt[eme 931miii"llg. lhe ,co.mjlOlP1.y'sUJpeoming X48 ~o.;Il'd, wtloE!-f'i,Olm~d
., Bone T~i11~"looks. ro hiM? 0I1~ fhl!:! r~q1.lisit\f! stuff to bui k:8 a h~gr'-Ii;.'!ld ~i'fClm~.:;~,o!;~ PC There ';]:i'Q thf~~ PCle x16 .$Io.~, klUI' IJDR3 rnemory slot'S, heat sinks ,galore, and, ,of course, support mr the 1,,5QOMHz f'SR ~t'5 also one or tl-1e first .ATh boards. we~'I1~ seen that tires. awa;y wd'lih the 'f:lopP'lM:ini'le COlfll1etmr;
~rl'tel doesr:{t of'ACletlly '~jjpporl 011 erC. leek il'l g, blit the ,compali.y ~'II~S mdide,;, \I\Ii!:!<'IUh of Oii'.e-rdocker-fniienrJlv ·settil1gJs av.aJtablI? in recent verslcns (]if its hii£llh.~rtdI boards, ASliJ5 will<!lso OUe-f Ule PSE3. PFe'miLlITI, wmnch is an X48-b<i,se-di updBit,e of the P'5E3IJ.elUJ{e thaJt 'we W.e'\iuew here.'ltl'!moe CPU with itE 1,6(]!QM.R~fSB. m fa.c:~, the psn De.]t1xe is the board 'IJle (1jrrendyUSiEl f:o·1' muih of our proc~r <lind grnphlcs·~rd (:e::;ring.
Ih~ FSE3 Del1!;~~€W;:f'i-AP0n uses Intel's X3S cbipset and indU!diesr'Qu.a:~I.ots f6rDDlO m.emory at 'LlP to ]"BOOMH2. Iit':s lO<ldedw:ith cOllitiecl'ors.ind'l.ulil1;B: six
U$:B.poru (plus su[";!pO'rt for' $~ mo·Je vii a header&) and a pair of ,~~t(:€'m ",1 SAT!!. (eSATA) POrtS for eXt@rnalhard dm,n~s.A.]so, It l.Isss[he AscUS Q-COlmeclOr
~nodul.e to make a:ttl.lC'hingthii! t<ing~ ofU::O <l/Dlidls;W':itchwi~'es [[om j!'OlIU case a ;snalp. There's a pair of PC [Ie 2.0 xlJ.G\l'iide!o slots, m]~'po:rhl':lg All's GrossFifE! standard. Also on. oo.lI:d is <I third x1l5 slot th;at runs at x4 s!p(\elds, an Xl. slot and a pair of PC.I slots.
th@'booId has bull r- in IDm:aU
802,11n VJj,·fi'i,whkh, eanaet as an access ptJIinr, in additiO!1llo
its pair of Gigal>it :Eth,ernet peru, A gilTlu~kky-ye~-cool feattll'E'!
is [ll;1'l'eS5 ~te. whkh hHSYiJU lbootinstan.rly'into the SplashTop o~rati1~g: ellViroonmenil: bu:i]t
hl'~o the boa.lxI.'lfou can look up :OOJ:nethmg Oil the Web or mab
[1. Voice over :ltliteme1 Pmwc.o,l (V'olP) l:!a.liI. withmli~ a fuJl·sc1l]e OOoHI:P. ('['he 1.'iI.,ini-OS 11351 just.
t'!M:I p';rogrnms~kype and a Web
b:rowS@'r~o don't ~~tQ O(l:JuytJ'Lmg too cQ,n'lplica[edJ
~y. SR:a!ble, :and higli'l~ owrdod;:able by knowLedgeable ll.lRrs. this is <I'll ~XW~lrt: bc"rd to US!§! as moe foondation of a higll:pt'uol1n:anoe :syst@IR
,GIgabyte MA791J.r-'x·[)SS
:EI~~d Qn.A:Mtl~ 79(1f,\!; i;hipse~, Ci~byte$ $219' MA700fX-DSS: can usethe new~he· nom CPU as ~[J a~ SOck~.tAM:2 Athlon X2 aJIro Semprr:m preeessers. Us HyP@r· 'TI,<I{11Sport bus runs ax up to 30Hz, <lind it supports: DD.R2 memooy ltil'lliung at up to :l!.oo5.MIJz.
This board lacks the fQ~r..skrt ClOSSFilI,eX supponohhe MSiIK:9A2 Platinum (se@' 1]~It pag@'). Qff'ering lIMHi:'OLd just tl,V\(;I Fall! ;,::16 slots: :SUP1'011i:rJ,g sta:ndmd CtoosFiR, I:mt '~ha:tt: nQ1l1jkeiy~tl'b~ Oil:li ~'\IIe fermost lJ.tsern. It also spal,~ thfW .PCJe xl skililii and a pair of ro:sklts"ln a.d.d.1lron tosuppon ['Of upte 10 USB ports, 011 pair o[ .Fir@Wim cennee;!, ::lind t\II'O eSAT1!. pons, tl.'lere"s also sn oid4ashi.oJ.1ec'lse':naJ porI, a. fu<3ib.!l.Te!
that might diPpeali~o usem woo wrlt~
;and debugso!hv,as.·e.ltsAlC889A 7.1' channel i.'I:miio f~3.tU["KDTS Connect, whidl. enhanlJE'S: s!.urouncl seund it YOllllse the dtgi:tal output
Th~ ooard.~ayout is ~1le:mllyveIIY good, wlith, pl!en1i'ji' 0'( clearnnre far ~l kI~ CPU coo~ers,b"tt the BAM S:lots 3ire ~5 tigbJtIy spaced aIS wtl,'ve seen, whkl'lmight cause' coolingiS5UM ify()u lXlpulaite all four slots wit:1.1L IlIMMs, thrltt h.lVl:1' th.icl::heiii.t sinks.
M~ sure you instal] tb,e latest BIOS updates:;, eur ooa.mi:nitt1lll1y haciprool("ll1s m.aintainialg l'l'lemcny setti~lgsi b1J~ the :B,IOS updclle rured tihose.
MS[ :1(9.1\:2, .Platinum,
Based, on AMIts new lOOP;:: dlipset-we $179' MtHK9A2 P1atinum supports both A.ruiD~s new C[11Ladoo:re' Phemomp~orancll,sroA:thlon X2 and Sen:'!.p:I'otl pITl!OE~rs on ·ilI. Hyper'I'rID:li5J1On bus i1I!t up tlQ 2.600MJ:i:Z. Four brigh:~ly oolorecl slots suppar[ up to :BGI. ofDI.lR2 lJil66 RAM. The chipsetis. eooled ~ MB'J's siick Ci~u-Pipehe~'I:-pipe oooli!lg, $J$t'~m though Wfi! havm't had heat ~b~em$i with other mFX oodJds;, MSl'$ cooler is d~fjni~lYID~ mOStaUffi~1l' we've seen,
TJ:te. flJJurPCle ~16 Ctlnnectons :al:''€ spaced! so that the K9A~P]atim,lm c.;m :;!t:Ctlm-
moo.<'lte f.our do,uble·viidth An :bd@on HD 3870 ~ cards, 'OO1l1pa~dJ w:idl, soms n~.othell;i.o;m;ls that ]i.n1,]1 you to singleW'idth cam'!>, when filUng all fQ1i1J C~F'iJ;eX elets, YQl.!l '11, need a case it'll.athas <In additional slot OJVerbe·lbw th.emotherboard, hOW>i:Voer, to use tlns colmgur.lltlol'l (not ttl mlfmuon ·1lI.U():t:t:SW.r ~owe'r :mppl;1,
'fhl!! beard's leaded in other I:espects: suppo:rt for 10' USB ports, a pak of r!l;,eWire connectors. a single Gig<lb:it Efhem~t peer, dual eSATA cOI]''IIrteCilot:S, elgin-channel] R@:;)I~ekA1C'888 audIo,
<Lud M·rnlflnee:tDT adaiptefsthat silnp]ii'y C:Ol"Hlocting C'a~e switche,s <line] LEDs. As
fs usual for M:5&produGtl]". the B[O$ is lrulideCl. widl oveu;]ockiJ1Qll O:piI:I.OI'lS, ,i1IUOW~ [ng e!xpen ~rs to tweak their Syst:elllS ['0'1" exl:rn peorfol'l.nanc,e. MSI.'s \l!Jintio'Ws O'I.i'eJ'dQdcingso[twtue, on the otlUl'T hand,
g~ve us an cccasional lodmp,
Jllit its plik~·, rh~ KJ1A2platlnum is an @l!Oi![lem \lalu~ as the :foundation fora 'topp~ffbrma~Phet'iom ,s.ystem.
XYX' !1!Fome 1,8oi. SiLl
Th~ ~].@W~st boaro. in this: roundup, tTI~~ $339 In nforc:@ 780li SLl is
the- first we'v,!:' seen that'su.pports
nVidi:a's, tripl~·gra.phi~·Clil;rd 3-Woa:y :5,U rea'll.lN O'int of lh~' boo-!;. flO',l can use 3~Way Si..t 'With some old€r 6soi dksigns, but you'll need to' obtain th@triple-SU eoaneetcrs t~.~3t .>Ire induciedil1 the bo;.: here.) 1b use 3· Way Sl], Y·Oy'n need a trio
,of top -end G:~:Force ,8800 G'TX or 'lJln'a! can:i:s. the board also s<uppO!Jl!S ;Z·.Way SU with any SU-cap<ilble Geoforee card.
Tbis lf1tel·c::ru bQ~~d is b~~d(l:n hVidia'$ Il~wllIQrC1e 7roi o!;'hip~i:!t O!.ndn:ppo,rtsf5:S :5J.OO1:'& ru"p to 1,331MH;1';, pelt zo (though irl jusl twu aHts ~:r[@@ :1:16 slots), and DDR2 mmlary up jo 1,200MH2. 'It's glii!-a~d toward gam@l'E and icE'3tllires:tol'1softwe'abng ,options in the 8[00, ~n b€~er. nVidia"$ tlpdatled COJ:1iUol panel gives '~l,l:pl:ecedent:edl oo1"1!trol <lind ]l.lOl'1itoring ofvolta:ge, [l~que;nties, and! sp@@ds men wiIlrin 'lNJ!lldoW'$. ,Alongw:ith ril:r'e@ PC[e MiS slets, it f@iaJtlilreS a .single PCIe loil slot and a. pail: ofPCI con-
necro~ W~th wP,pt:1!)[ f'Or up ~o 10 USB2£l ports, a pair. o:f ,fu@w~ ports" dll_01l Gigabit :E.thenle<t ports, and onboordi, e~~,t-channe] HD audio.Hlis Ward is loaded.
A1w new en the IfX nForce 700. SUI.s lillthu&lSlSt Sy~m Arcbi~'ecture (ESA) certilication. ISJ\., is a new oon~mm.l;katioJ."1 pTO· wool th<t~ lsts llw moth~rbo,""rdnad;; and oonh'olyoul"powe:rsupply, coaling :system. and cllams, status, NQ ES.A eemponenrs were avaooble to connect lio,tklle Iboam durin:g mtr tests,lbulI: majQr mnlp:a!nies such as Allhmwam:e, eool![ Master, Deli, EVGA,and tIP' ha.vE! S]gllOO on 10 suppmt it
:~[ you're an SI1 user looking wr ma'ci,· mum Jl'O'~oell,~;lI ]K'tiOlmanoo~ooCiy, the Xf.K urerce 780!, SlJ is <lIlexceIlelltcook:e. You shou!dI be fibre t.o m1tfi<lge a ],fIOOMHl fSB with tll@ besnl, thOllgh ef eeurse Olli''er~ dockingp~rfol'1mmc:e isn 'It gtl!9tant-eed. It YOIil w8nt ,cutting-edge rt'lemcny snd CPLI suppo:tlI in a.nSU SYS~e1'nl., nvtdifl :5hO\11i1, be reieasing another diipset u~telflt:erin 2rJ08 mppol'tin:g 1,600MHzFS£S ~:nd['U:ll~.3 lUemO'l'Y;
- - ~ - - -- - -
Asm. PSK :Pro
The Asus:P5K Pro is a itl.idn:mge tI.1.oth· erbcardthar'se litrle green as well :~!i;l, not in co~,o[--i!:'s black-hut in power usage, 'The board [eatm,"eso the Asus En@rgy PWc1E!:80si:ng Unit: (EPU)chil]l',. d,-esigneato drop CPU power eon$;ultil,ptiQlI when idUng or Iunning nonG:emancl:lng appl1cadons:.
Ih@ board is also w@il·@' Its Intel.P3S chips'etsnpport:s45'.;n<lHol:lle>t@'[ Inl'Eil Penl,~'I1prot::@ssors on aJ l,33lMHz FSEI, and! its fQUT .[):CU~:2 sO!C'ke!tssl1p:pcli1! m,emo:ry at up to l.,OISGMHx, The board. eperts a 1"'.<1]1:' of CliossFJre -cempatible PG[E'K16 slots. but the' second. sJOil @uly runs at ;;:4 s~Jee!d. Wit]],t'Wo'slots <I.biI@to tun at M16 speed, an X~8!1!'l is :I be~ter choice f'OJ' CoossFJa-e ll:5<'1g,e. There are also two .PCle xl sL<.l,ts, tW"oP'CI. slets, two FireVlire pons, support: ror up to 12 USB pens, and. RealtekAC883 HI]) audl~o, but 110 e'SATA ~o:l"
Ot.'le'aspect oft:he :P5K's l3Yout is cumberso:rtl.e: Tnt!: main .~moreT oorllnector is v.redg.ed between ~ pc:re :11:16 sl.o~ and the CPU, The 'lJundlle of .W'tres. fPOm the :p""w,~r SIJPplytJ'IJ.'!J5 :sell;, in the '~'whe:trl :instdlin~or rem.oving yOIl~ vi,dm card, or insta.Umg a lUge CPU moler. mh'e:I.ue, the design is good" with~he other (1l;bl.e (011- :n~:to:rs.pkt~ :.'liootlrldthe edge; Ilndllow:prol'i!e C''~ h~t s&nb O~\ boom,
Gigabyte GA·:p:35C-:I)S3~R
Though it's not the newest motherboard in GigaJbyte's: midrange stable, the $159 GA-P3SG"DS:1Ii. is n,ot:ible fOI: its support for beth DOR3 aud legacy :DDiR2m~mory; [f you 're building :11, :syst,e~n 11,OW' and ypu~ve l!l1\1'ested in :high-p~rfor:mOlin,c@' DDR2 RAM. this board wiU let you continue to use up' to :four modu'le$ a;t SPIil~.dIS up 'to' I!JDR2 1l.[)G~MK~. Then. in t'he f11!~u:re, y,ou can remove the DDR2 memQry and update to :a pair of [)10M 1.333MH1: or slower modules. f'totl can'tmix DDR2 and :DDR9 modules, :how@vet:)
Tll.l!s: fuU-si::::e AT}! board uses '~he In~el :P35, ~~~i~Ql:t]ng [tlte) prceessors atup ItO a 1.333MH~fSB> Th,@n's a sing]@ PCI,e )l16s1ot, as W@!U ~:S 'thre,~ pel Xl and ihre~PCI slots,
Though there are aJ nu]Uber of adj'!.1s1ablepa.· rameters for QV,erdodl:i I'i,g the beard, mOiSt or rhe'ITI ~:rehjd.den. (Precss Ctd+Fl from t'heB]OS screen to enable the Advanced menn :),
This blue bo:ardi, with g'Old!colored he~L(i:htks and neCiUCOIOifeld. mel'iL'lOlY :nul drive connectors, is sure te s,~an,dl (1\1'1: hl '21. !,IIlndowed case, T]u~ bClllud. supports; eight USB connectors, but itlacks flreWk@'and ;8SATA. perrs, U: fll'a'!:uffls 7 .t-channe iALCaS9AH][) ~ udio,
If YQll want to use DDR2 ~n@,~l~ory }lOW but l1lfaJnt headreomfor future p@'rforma.nC€ updates, ths GA~P35C· DS::3:Ris, :a. good! dloke, as longas yo,u're happy with a sing;I,~ video 'card.
Gigabyt~ GA-HPVM-s:z..H
13:~:ge,r:lI 01"1 nVidl~'$ nFrm::'e 6:3.0i ch ~p:set: w~th a CdorC'e '71(lo!J'!tii!!~gratedGr~pb· i':$;Pt(lC'eS!~ot ,~[G:P}, tht$84 'GA-7SPVMS2H s1l,lpports ]ntE'l processers using
an FSB u.p to il,333MHz, and 800MHz; DDR2 memory in two DIMM slo~'3 ..
CNQt~ th<l!~ nVidia s:ays that irs 630i, 650.i, <lind ssot ehipsets :may have iaSL'l@'$ with ther!l~\iJ'~s:t ot5nm quad-cor€! processors, such as dl@ Co~:@' 2!Extr@me Q,X'9'iS'SO, but dual-core :and e-afHet quad-cere ChlP!> will work figl~.}
TheCieFot"c~ 71'(H) [GP aces a good job witI'D. Vista,'s Aero illi:ledac@ and whh DifE!cfK '9, g~Jn@ [i. ~t ]o\!J-'(Q'm!2dl11n'l r,esolutiO'lls, bm because it lacks
oVid fa.'; PllreVl:deo h~!rd.ware videQ a:cc~]~'raIWI.1,.it',s, dcesn't play back hi\gh-definition video as :S-Inooth1'y as H'lte1's: DG33l'1 {SI'!!@ the nll!lltwritelitpl [f you wanr to beast lOOlU HD or 90 perform alice .there 's a PC!ed6 video slot,in a,d.dJtion to, a PCI:e xle:IIQit and two ,PCI, slots. The board fe:<I.tures: VGA, DV]!. and HDMl outputs. so it's ready
to eennset to an HDTV, Tl'le'l@ at@ j1!.'!st lhl:,@e intern a I. SAIA pens, but also all 'ErSATA con.,!~ctol:',SUppoirt for 10iJS[! ports, and a p'air of FlreWire pcrrs, You also g~t a HO'llPJI' eenneerer, as 'Well as
a ooun!l! cterfer an opt jon alpara llel prin t:er porr, 3 mn~ :~E!"lt!Jf~ nowad ays"
En;U~!J;slast5 ]ooll:il,'l,g tebuild a fustsys~ t.~rn on the cbealp shol]ld notethat the GA-73PVM-s-:m dees.include semebaslc o'ife'rdocklng ]ike wi~h thE!' previons board, hlt: Ct:r]+F1 in the BIOS: [:0. enable advanced settings. Vo,u can even ()li.i'e'rdoc:k 'the integrnted ,graphiC's ~hip,.
[nte[ 003.31'L
l:n~el's DG33Tl i51). we[].·equi.pped, Lo.w"c-0.5t Mi.c-mATX bO>rrdth:u
makes an e:;cenentfo.mda:tio;!l~m a small general-p1Uqmse PC erhome dU~'::lirn~r computE!f. B::Isem on ]tltE!l's G33 Expre8S C'hlps:et within~egr.:lted GMA. >:3100 vid~g. th~ board $Juppom CPUs: at up to 1,333MH.:: :rss, <lind 1,]P to four DDR2 OOO'MHZ rnem(l~ DlMMa. Th~ BIOS is old-sdscol hll@l-nQ o, suppart!: h€!)E'_lrr d.o~" how~E!r,lli!lt y<l1U d1(1{lSE! whether (0 amgn 128MB or 256MB of SY.'lt!l!m MM to video m€mo~
The-integrated vide-o yotli enough, power to nlJ1i Vista with, Aero enabled, and it does a good job playing back HI) viJ.dE!o,b'lU :forg<llming. you'U want 110 add a dedicated vid!!!!;) card. YOY can do justth.n,thanbtQ the sil.'lgl:e pele ,!'i;lGslQt Th@re 1S alse apair of PCI@x 1. slots. al.ld ;Bi Shlg~@PCI slot, The D G3JTL has Ol goo d! assortment
of pens for an il'lex:p,ens]ve. compact beard, w.ith support [or 12 U5.~ perts, !two f:iTeVl:il:,e ccnneerers, 'O]g:abit Ethefl'lEH, and rn!'~ standard SATA ports and an @5ATA port. You also get motherbeard eenaeeters fo[' a Medi.a Center-cQI,npat]ble (IR) rec:eJ,v,er and tfanS]njt~el:':, Both "'lOA
and DV[ video outputs are included, al'lid lll,e i.l·chtllm.el HD :mCli<l'll'tdud,es [lo]by .Home Ti.,.·e:ulE'rs;oftwar·e,. There's no !f.Ioppy COlUlectoa" haweve:r.
The DG~ 3Tl's s:t~bU.ity, wealth of pons, and eoSA:'1'A S~ppOict make: it: 1). good choice [err budget builders as long as; oVElrcLocking_ and eur-ef-ehe -bex 3.1) gailning :aren't concerns.,
co 111pLf~efSh{) M.m:h 2008 "9
I 'OOcEtftly ~Oti~:~'~ 1ll:!1~ 8S0MMz COil'tl~pa(j PC olf tBi1Y. The OiWlltl' .~wt' Q PQ!l;Sl:.Vo:rd' aMi it~l'Id f:Ol'90t it ] [hoL~ght It!! I loould :h~lJ~ to dQ i.s !I!)~d, Q. ttl'l'lJj(}S, (llolt th~ p;Qii!$ tt:Jord ~~ep$ l'IleJIt~i'i1),1.J;eril'l9 OIl rhi? COl'r.!pU!!:'lr. ['im tdoo t1ai~~~ il'1w rh~ OOTkP l~l~ !ity al'ld lOQ:dif19 QC'fa~"'}i9:'
'VI./!, nrl' COM!,U,,!,I!;~S:HOPp![;~.,c:m.~ .F'OJl,U~;S
The p~sswQrd-pmtectiOl'l scheme that's Jocking you our is ba ~d in the pC's B~$ii~II~:pl,]~O~L~tU Systel'ln (BIOS).I:r's desigMd to Ji!l'~Enl wr1rkitlooil.1,nds. but it's not inf$iUib]~. To get around it, yOliil,'U ha'li€ to reset the BIOS settiugs, which 3]@ storedin a specially!?€' [email protected]}call1ild C:Mos~n the motber'OO~m.
[f you II a,ve the PC.s 11'[email protected]:d m:anu~l (or can find it online}, :Iook up :s"'meth~~1g called [he "dear CMOS" jump€'r'==<l! 'tiny pltl!stic: connector bri.dg, ing a set of Plol$-Fo[lQ,wtnep!oc@du[@ inth@' m.anua] to f@Setit: typically, you'll shut dO'Wl'l the PC"rem,Q1(f,e the~ower ~Q[d, ~hifl:~he j m:r;l,j;le<i,' tQ a clIiff~R'mpaiJr or pins. pl~g in and restart, then I'~p eat tile pro e ess , r@tnming th,e!' jUI.nPe'f 11:0' its oligin!:!l state The procedure varies by oo.n:d,thou\~ (.modi can ha,vE' l,H.otherboard-moit~l ~ns@'qj~en(;Kif yot! devi~ue fulr:I,~, ill, 50 don't }US:l wi.n~ i:t O'n my 3clvi(;~look it: up!
Aquick-and·diny alternative, if you can't IlO·C:<'Ite the jumpe'f OJ [l'Ianual,is, t.1O yam].:; the CMOS battery. UsuOilly a coin cell (sjmi~,1u' to I!i.U overslze watd;l batte'I:Y~" it: feeds <I trickle of power to the, CMOS memolY '1:0 preserve the
cia! ta itholds when '~he PC is ,off. Wi·th the power detached, as :above, remow the CMOS b:lit'i:elyfor about 10 minutes, H~pl<!l~e' hJre~onJ",ect eveTYtbing, and boa~ up .. T]H:~ PC should bfl.'!.!'e< fewened to Its f:diC'tOl'Y BIOS settings, minus the BIOS P<lSiS:WO:rd.
J":n:q:lh:n~nf,tQ9 to p'LJ:r:dti3se rl PC ~s~ Ql'ld do i1. bit of'-er~persoil'lailizil'l~, De you halle e~p~rtlm(e drmi:fi9 ha-Je~ .. s~Y.f'Ort~.e (t(bi'tl9~$~d: jqrwQt-wr OOt:;I!itl~, d~:i'1lugh ~JI ~i~tI'I~n:um c-a~? Is thft~ (I rffl~jn drill' l1ir f should 'use? r wi U pt>oMbly also ~i~ve W ~rm~~!liI~ror s~ lto!!1'tt
Also, Witilt's tllebm' ~. 00 c-aroe ou('pJ'exi· g!tl$? ~. WQS hopi~g to cdd QrI ¢;ctmJ~MI e.;dtQiUsl: h~fll wdlthr- Cl!:~'1,t1y, ~ Oh!y id'eNI i.s a D~· mE'! {so:njl!~it19 I haUf' no l1~m~ wfth". KWH!l'A,!;:[
Vl.oi!. 'tHE: COM P'I,]IT:E:A:$H:ii:)i!!'~EJ1. COM FO!l;'I:;J'M is
1:hi,s sounds L]b f'l.illl! Qif course, !> v~l1do:!)s. se]~. :S.PQ!!ty ca:s.e$O~t.h many
of th@ mods you want aln~ady mplace, Aruec's F182 and .P190, for @'l!a;mpl~, h~vl2 ptedriUed holes for watE!t-cool:iJlg hose-so
T h e most e ssenti a I [001: sa fety glasses. Fly~ng slivers of metal or plastic are no joke-and no, vour eye,glasses won'tprotect YOIU.
A [email protected] er simlihu.· rotary tool. is a han - dy ~de-kick for til]!> 'kind of CU$·'tomi.z.atlol1, It. q~j:J.l(mcal. vllIri;ablE"·spsed drill that acOi.!pU drill b:it$,it alsocan ~r\!\e <1$ :<1/11. edge 5J~.wtherir yen] install <I !>ilcldl.IJig drum or disc, a nUl-erif outfined with:il "c:ut.ting WfUl!@r dise, and many other frmr:tions-
A Dt:emelis ll~fn.l fClf rutting outand smooihirng shapes inPle!rl;gtas,lIu:t fot Cl.ll~ ling cifcularb~owhoJes in,£; fur f<l!l1s, a ~~.roLe saw" bit f'Or }!lour regul .. u· h01..~&eho,id drltl (l:r dJi11 p l'eSS ]5 mu:c:h~m:l'. Look
rot' :3. [email protected] :saw 'Mth mughty i:il."I!e same dii1t'O""~~rM the fan type you intend to ira" stall (OOnll~l,, 01' l2On.un). HigJ,-
84W'eeketu!l1 P'-rliliect~ Tai-E' PerfEct Di'[J!'IiI1 Fks 87 Bi.!llI'!:I yo~!: OIivn:
IN.I!!.i',1 Pro!:iIJct§ lor
B!.ikIIfI9 .. CU$~orn p(:
quality hole"SiaJ\ll bits cost $2.0 and up. but
H· - . ,.~ .. '"," ~)",1- '.(~'hatrborfml cht..oom~,
<!n • .rv"W"6'l, .. __ .-.-. -- .. -----l(g,--. 'I
sells cheap sets '(0 expe:-rWnf'll.t wit~L Mike sure: th€ hol€! is big f;>nOiJ,lgh onlyoo~~p.ooe [he r"l'l bla.de5'-le;a_ve .el1ough material anmnd. the ~dges, t~ mount th~ fa~il fmm~! Ansa. dwugh pl9.lgJas is e!OiIsy (0 cut, damp ~t down !iL.nd wiltfo~ the ~a :cI!round!
the hole with rapetc mil':l!irt110!1e' tl1-e chance (!jJ~J:~kLn,
curun~ iblowh,oIe~in a C'a>S@'S aluminum pan!;) i.s mdciet; yO'lj m.ight need CI!t[:~
tins 0'11 (whidl can be m~~y1oo ke,ep the hol~ ~aw from5~iz;~ng 'Up, .As for dri]~i!1g luo1.ilndl,lglwles fQr fOlJnsl Of hob~'s 00 P'~ watier-cooling heses lhro~lgh. 'st~]'Idard st@e] drill bi:ts sufficefo'ra]umintuu, is soft. YOu''U pJ:obablyneed cawide ,ot eebalt bits (<la~,d1 a.mng oil' to drill the st;:~] portions of a case, howt'ver.(fol: large..hol~s. start 'Wi:th a smd-dia~,]l@~' ibi,t and work your way to bi~er ones, enlarg-
~g the hOile.) U:se ~ i'lselle file otUreme] debumng <!lttachment [Q[ smoothing.
And, ['Or holes th'l'ilt wi]] host water·«loli~.'lg hoses, buy and iinsit<ll1'e!dg@ lJ~.olding so d1e! h~ doesn1t c:hafe all the nut: edges.
Above all, the most essential 'teal: s3~e;ty glas&e'.s. Flying sli,ve:rs ,o:f lm.etal or plastic au: no jO'~~<lnd.llo, yam ,eyeglt'u; ~IJO!'t'1 p.mtied you"
J haJJI? a,ixJwt 2,000 35mm sl~des ftl CCllnJUsels tl'la:t J'd Nke to put an diSC, ~Ti" ",~em'o· ry. is there a device w methodJo!' doing' tf'lis wifhoutsc.a:rming eachsiidr!! by [~f'li?' RICHARD MIi.·'I':E:R
Fa, I'IIiIDl'ie tiP5 and !:uJy]ngl a dvi'iI:~. v1isit the c,'rJ..mputer Shopper F~'rul1ils! compute If'Sh!:!! DR er.coml forums
] ki:lOW o:ftw'Q'W'ay~ 11;0 per;form, bulk slide sC3Dning. Th.@ first (and less: desirable) :ffiquires ,afllatbedl seannss 'l:h>i,t s:uppo'!!ts; ua.nsp:uE'nq
sml'lniI1;g;. 'fou can purchase he,Idling (runes (die' scanner nl'ight eve!, com~ w.ith one) thatlet yo!.:! mOUl'lt s~.d.,es :in a.~dI the size of the 9C:innin:3: bed. (Check for bund]ed ooftware t:ha,t autom~tiiCaJbr'p.arse5 the scanned <ll'e:l into $epO!Imre inl~ge fi~e$,,)'T.he downside of ~he :f:I:atberlapp:roa~h: Fl:atbeil!s :provide much ~!~~e:rior 11l:Ility'fo.r slidesca.nning than moo'~ dedinted. :slidesca.nners.
The second method is to purdulise
a de;Clka.led. slide scannertnst has ;'lin :llj'~oflEed option. Some slide scanners aceept ~wernl s,l~de$ at OOOE! tn a ~nnp·style holder; (K:P<nioC:;l. Mhto]ta'$ D~r.n;1i~,e sC;;[" IJ'\,!,\,ll UI. :a;l'ol,J,nd $JOO. (~k~s four at a cim~. for ~rnp]e,J A few support htghel.'-VO~.~ ume mffi:ho;r!1ocalf~~u~ !l@'lth~r the fee.ciers northe ~nners themselves arE:! cheap, On~ sample p::!l.iri,ng is Mkon's Caoirscan 5000 ED series slide scanner
(;;( m.ll ~ <Y'II'ii) ,iI' d ~I .' . " _ _ mt1 "'F'· "10 _,[QL_~ ,!,~."""".n ._lewm.p;",s ",_.,, __
sJlide-scaJ,ming attadnnent (about $450).1 (an"tvolit:h for tWE!' freed"er. aud I notih'edi 1:1 refrain of oomp~'ilintsonUI1i:! about jams. hut ~t dQc~sacQ~~'t slides in batches of SO.
,~Q,oomkl~~lllg hQwlm!l.lly s:hcl~ yo~! have,insl$t on a scanner tll:alt employs DigiltalICE or a Qompatabl(:! automatic imar."~(ora:ti.o!1 tochnology: Ai[jt(H~mo1l::i!l (Ii,rscratthes" din, and other debris common on aging s:~ites call s<'ivey'Ou loads ofti,me. Al,'IN1, !,lQn'~ ::iltiimp on t:he ilqU]p'lllenti-thls
is <I h!.Jg:e job. and yoru, can always, ['t'&eD.the gearwh,er! yOU'll? dornl.e-
J wrned' oa, th:e' COO1tf!~t' Advusor il'lWindoows X,P PrO'jessh:mai,!ltft J forgot my password, Now J can~~ go t'O i:'l!Jo~jt: 95 pefcl1!11tofW~b
. .
~itE!s" f,lot,tl' {CQJ~ ll~nt off dw Ad~isol'?
Co:nteifl~ ArlVisar, b(lil:tinto Will.d,ows and [ntemll!f E;l!pl.p~r (:l'tIoo:hl > h'l'teme't: Optio,ns :> Content}, is a.~ool. you can \:Use to !keep family nlermhers (~ad; cllildren) fm!l']'l aeoE'ssing i:n:<ipp:mp:I:i.:mite Web S!~f,S, bacSed om oontemil:mtifigEI the, sites iI:J'leoll'lseiV'es pro. '\Iide.. ArIel tb.e,<rein ]i;es the pmble:l!l'1l: Ma.ny ~i~:eil! dOOl~tEl'i.\p.lijy OCl!llte'!llt Advtsorratil~g:s. yg~~,;'ljn bltxk <\C'Q~~, ~o~l unrated $ites~ rhellt'byhlockh.'l.g or the Net----o:rr y.ol,t canaUetwaco€$$ t(l aU urnarecl sioo~ whkh 'makes C:On:~entAdvisror hrge'1yinef-· f~ti~. r~ sounds li~ you blod:li!d aecees 100 a.]~. l.m~~ed sites, ReinstiU.itng [t won '~help: thesoh.aion liS O!. ~,~sny~ak-
Before '!.vjth the :R!egisuy" (,'IilI1Q'y~ first back it 1lp",··dl:iHgil!5: tad(,~ €ff~t lnsr':;mdy (Visit s,uR~rt''.CQm/ ~1li/a221'll6 fo( O! prinlJH'.) o'nee done, go
to Win OOWlO , Filegi~hy-~ditiI1gY;tililj. Rl;'gedit (S.tart ;. Jun. type RiGEDrn'T. and hit OK). N a 'Io':iga(ie 00 HfiffiY_OOCJl...1,__ MAClUNil :.' :s;onWARilil " Mi!i:~:osoft > 'WilltOJO,l;ll!:l; :;.. 'Cu:n;entVi@~sion > hWkies ::.. ~~t:I:ng~~ Ti'l:ei!'e, you should see a Regi$~ry mtry {'Or <ilkty WI:o:oaicaHy named "K~"l dun: hosts the .p<tSSword. in questlou, U's eneoded, though, so you can't J'tlst ])e!i!·k <!J~
'TIP' Of' THE :MONT.M: lUUJTE:, .. F'O,:RCE MAlt, F'IX,
My OOUlpwter ~QS{' Eh~ ~b~lity (0 dick ti1r<Ju,gl1roe'! ~dJd"n!'~~ ityperl'in!.led 011 Webi'~.ges. r could still e!ickhy~!lfI~S to rt!aeh 'W~b~ltes, hl,i~ ~h~l J d~c~ed ~~ ~-tl'Ig:~1 ~ddfes!l', ~n~~{>Id: of lawl'td1:iilSi my mar! progmm: (Ya:~ M~iiJ '~Hld in-serting the Qddre~i~ (he "TO;'" j1@1lci. J gQ[ c:m.errow m(!SSQ~e".
TitejixllJQS if Wlililndtiue.1Ul\E!l1!t i~to ]uter'itet~b;er (fools::;. .rl'lt~t Opriom; ~ ~Rlil'lISJ,. £eJene~ al'll aiternate ~ll'IaI! ~mm, aiw clicked .App!y, Then ll'E!2ied:ea the ,~;n1il11~ prog!um J ~rnlN to·t.IS!l' ('!M~.H'MQi~J Ill'la.dkktd App!f g!l(iti~rob!rnl5QI~hNi. K]M KO'RNII':l:i'I.US
KW1, tllanb fOJfd~,@ ti~J.lf illUSlmleS <Ii Windowstro:ubde· ,s.hooting maxim til at warks !iI'lIl'plis'ij;l~Jyal1ea: O:iveVitiudo'WS or lEalSwffi; kicl;in the pants by deactivating, then reaaM1Jjg,'lg~~J c;l}anging and. ~tlg. as ytl1liL didl' the 1J'Q1JiL'bl:e:i>@'m~ eempe[l@nt, ft"altul:@, Ormml] settin:g:, Ybu<:l: be smprlsed just how ofwn tl1.13 seel1L~jng1ymvia[ aedeneuees balky WhlQOWrlil oohav.iof:
the password. ])e~ete th.e~ey lngnt" did;; ,on it', and choose Dele'te,),~lrte1i'l rebM~, 'the need for :::I. passwordto r.we,:oIk co!!trelU Advi!!oli"'s seull'J;gS should now be gone.
JilIn 111m! Q:lld AMDu(ppiy h~r slttks Ql'id (\OO!f~19 fal:tS witPl ~he ~r CPU:,;. 1Ilry also p:l''O'' .,t~C ti! t~'M?yt41' W.Q]I7:l!)laty. IlMlL!rtn9 us the CP'lJ:swrm't autrht'~t. So 'why d'o peo;pJ:e btl]l aft\frr,;~a,rll~[' ,~eRt si:lllt$ Qfjd cooll~19 IrQ ~:13? GI:RISH MOD~: normal operating !::ond:ilti.olfls {'H'J.cli some al:)Iltl!!1Y1a[ol' thehe~t-$·~nkffa,:ri :a$~~mb~yprovid~d with ret<!illn~e'l ~nd, AMiD chip::> works justi].he. Afte![m;:l!dre't g'€'aJ' comes ]tl!t'O :pl~y if you've bought ~. ro!nmerc~l-syst)em -'builder (,aJls.o caJlled "OE:M~') vf'!r:sio:rl of 'l cPU, whll(;hoft'~1"! comes without: dccumentation or coolingi~ar". ii1ftennad::ret cooling i:s also useful H yott've created an .adverse thermal I~nvimnmien[ ituriCle "aUf PC {$ay, by Q'\I~fdod:ting) that the si!:ock ssu ff can ''t h.andle.
AMtheT' <lppe,,,,l; <!Jil'stll@ti~~T Som,t' afterma rket coolershave a slicker design than :stock models (foi'tthose W1't1l1 transparent or window€-d C',a·~l1!s). others: CineI:' luore cooling horse~o"v'er" thanks to a ]~rg,er hea~ sink, ~. b~gger (or hig1~er-\SI~,~ed) fan, ]e~~,glhy heat pipes to dmw awayl:ui!at. OJ some combinatien 'of tb.@ three.
Fix your bi.ggest digital photography mistakes=, before t hey ~happen.
~'II~ Pe.' ',. ·,..L.ct· - lal\e I " =--rn= ~,_,
Dig!ital Photos
o UIil.lll,I,11L C:A.MI~A.A.!Il, .A R,I S'IlJIIJi1I'PO:~j,I::D tom ake photography easy; yet we churn out millions of bad photos every day: Smne problems are unavoidable due to the hmttanons of the camera, Most, however.. can be solved with just a little knowledge or experimsn tation,
Here ere five (01'111110n pitfalls that everyphotographer encounters, as well as sunple ways to preven t them. Wlth film-based ea. rneras, you didn't know wruchphotos were bad until long after they were taken, and you had to pay
to process the bad ones along rwith the i
good. With digital cameras, you can learn 1;:
from your mistakes nnrnediately=at no ~ additional coot. !
I!:U111 iilnate' 1J,IIur
lmag.e blur hag. seltMa] possible C~1JIse;, "Il~~~k of .:11. pi'!l,oto as a slit:'e of time. H thi; cr..mera's :ap~rtu:re is open [or just 1I25mh >Cif s semrlll,theR'~ litrle time rm'the $'Ubject or camer~mOo ~r'rll:lli'e enOllgJ'I to c!!'ei!l'E·e a 'blurred photo, If the ape'r~me is open for a q1l~~rter of a. second, hQW,eve'l':i' (h:li~'s '!10~ thE' case. Phomgraphy is; all about tracIe-oCfs, W.ith less. available light,the shuttell" speed! m.ust slow dl)w]~ oocaprru~ mOl!:e ]Jght. ]I'~ sud:t ca$e$, cmll:siderushlg atripod or monoped, OJ si,mply once the ag;llnst scmething whl~e' shootil~g. Clmel~ all' lenses with built-in im~e stab:ililn.t!,on can h.e~p to ~1iminal~,bI1Ur by roo~lr:ing camera mt)!!liE'n~ent. 'rhoughthar f~a,tttm will have no effectt on blur eaussd by 3;ubJ€'C[ :mQvel'l~,ent. such as; ~ ~:trn~ting dog ora spe¢dil'!g bicyde.
1b see firsthand th@ @ffect of e .. rmsra mO'!f·E!m~mony®r
A tr~t'I·Ol1· n,ol,~od Will hell' vow, 'S'~d,y ~ur photQs, try an cal:n1l.~:ra. fo.:rless him: il1llm'jl\"tig~lt (lQ]ldimolls"
b1.doo:r $.hol in
lowUght whiL@holdingth@· camera away from your body.lB~ sure to tum ofhhE> ~J]d! jm~g·~ :s~81Wi~t1o:n. Nnw r~~~ ith~ ~,me shot using a tripod orr with. 'th@caullernpl<!iced 011:1 3, table. The sKOind shot sholJlldbe sl::liBrper 01: have less vi su <11 no.ise. 'TIl' both shots again, this time mnside in bright light, a~~,d YOlfLl ~~ 1ll'$S Qf a differe·noein sharprress or noisebet'lueenlhe two.
Reduce· no i:s:e
Why dO' your Low-Ught phO'tos: look like a ,distant TV stata.Qn: morevisualnoise th,<I;l:l recognh:abLe ]n:!ag>e? One tradt-offthat cameras 'Can maJ;elO achieve low-~igl11! phattlsis to allow h~gher ]~~.5 o:f ws:u..,l noise, :By i!]:crt'asif~g the- 1:S0 s!p@!l!d. say from 100 taBOO" you can capttll"Eiwrel]-iUumlnated !O'l,oV-I~ght shO'ts. but the nQi~~ le~]:j; nl,[ea~ dramatically,
if YOll;u; "am ern has asmall sen!Jar, ,d.l<ll'"il.C'teJ:is.ti.c of most in~xp@n$i1l@>1.nod€~s, then 1l0lS@ can be ap~tlbllil!n'J: ~V~l1 at ISO 200. Don't confuse- the I'lJmnberof n':l(!g~prn@]s; with sensor Siz.I@, ho·\\I',ever. A s..
meg.api'!!.el. digital sJngle&l.eusI"'mlflex. ,(dS&..R.) model 'With :8 large senser luay 1.1:1:111 l1.n~ <tmllnd 8. 10.megapL1lel. po.hltand-sheet witb
3. sm.11I11 se~l:S()]" MJ:lIl.'lY pcmt-andsllootl1'lode]s mill"
CiOl.U'llg·e YOIl] Iron1 Ma"ke' :s:~re ·YQlU· caan.era's [SO :epee-Ill mat:r;h~
SlllOOtillg in lew you~ eJIlvl.ml1llle'nit ~o ~('!t1!Ufl@ no~sll ~n :phoros.
iight. bemuse the noise levels are much '~OO .high. OtJle:r cameras, es]X'd,I:IUy ones with Inanua:l controls. let you decide whether the qu~.tity trade-off is worthit.
1h ~e· h~w weU::rour can'leraj'll:ggles low·li:gJu pe'rlcl1nanee with higb le'Vels of I,'loise, ~hetC'kr]:<e phll'tOO you\'ealt"Mdy ~3,p~ h~r<ed, Assuming you'velOopied the phooo$ to Y0I.IJ C'Ompu~er.'s hsrd drive, open, WIndows EMp]orerJ rlght- diCk each photo me, and ,C:haO$eProperrcies from the menu.In Wiodow:s XP. select [he Sumrn:::lry tab, ",n.d dl!::k the A~naed 'button; in Vis:t;;a, se]e('~ ;the Am-emg f}\e lis-ted hems,YOQ should ~ee ulSO Speed," look:rnT phoTIQSth:lt ha\l'e~n lSO ·of 2ilO or higheT. YOn 'll be 2Ible to see ~t, wbk'h :ISOspe1ed the v:j!!ij,al noise becomes. abj:E:ctiol'l!' able, If your ca:mem aUo'!W':S you to m<llnm;jUy set the ISO speed, you'll h<L'II'e ::11 bettersense of how fa:r~o push th.e ISO setting for your low~Ught photos,
A commor; mistake i:!! to move up close to a subj€C't ;itg:)Jdi thenwonder why th€ shotis QlI;!~ of focus,. The tm.age' w1:W !'1~ve ]ooJ.i:edifine'on y.a:lJJJr cameras tCD $CM€rn, bur when youllOok:at th,~ shot full-size ou your computer screen, Y0l;lt1Ealize the focus wasamiss, check your ~,uTlel:<!':$ mannaler online specif:icatio!l'1ls '~O see !~ow dose your :zoom can f'Orus. th@~l. see if your camera h~~ a macro mode fotsub. }E!d~ ~h:a,t are @ve-ri. dooet.lf YoOu bl:p in mind the distance where the notmal focu(l: ends ~Hd the Macri]) focus begjn;s, YCiU, C~l1 ;red~loe the ll'Uim, .:;rf our-ef-fccas !>hQI~ by swi.tching t~,1e focus settings,
whil~ you'r@ ).ooklin:g oVm'th~ manual or online $P~$" ('h~d;, outthe r.m:~;e of YOlU cameraa built-in 01'1: aeC'e!>scny flash. H you'~ too Close, the fl~;s.h may bathe your ~ubjeet in a bUnd· ing whit'@' li~:n, wa.shing it if yo:maecessory flash can tilt, ny aiming it at the ceill~g te sQilter", the light" St:al .• cl! toOo [<IIf away~ and the fi,BlSb will have no e{f:ect. You J1t.ightthii~k thatlast plO,h1:l'i:s ObVl.ol]S, bUlllllghttirne 'visiooil"S to tbe .~l':n:pire' SUl:te Building routinely fire thelrflashes out oV1er th<@ ci.ty, somehow expecting New '!fodi's buildings and the' New Jersey coa.stline to bemuminatecl by.3 tillY Hght b,ulb.
TI~!tillg yc>lU" H"sh ,~[1 :S(if~~n Ill}@' lo:gla,t w,hen "'Q"l~,'(e shl.ncdiing; cbs!! to YOUT :S.'t~bjed.
liIla~,a nce't he .ii'llhll
Dc the ta hl'e1 ]flJInPS 11':1 your phetes emil a strange red·o;ran,~1!1 ~~ow, while- e'll@l'Jthin~ elsE! rlIaintains eeler :integTi:ty? you~' esmeraisn't out QH:ii,b:!J-it's simply that the wh]te·bah,nc~ central can't ,adjust to two types Qflighl 501.I(.Ces, Sunll:gfflt and t(lu:gsllen ]lgfil:3 lmve' different coler tempem.tuu:!,s=OUl' ,"'yes can't se>el the cliffe-Hinee, but photos. show the lights 'l1S 'two distinee eelors,
There's no way jl'o,ur c:::ameorn cal':llulndle both, sumaltan e-
ol~:sly" ~ f you setthe wh.iteblll]::lince {lor :5U n.1:ight, the t[mgstel:l, lamp w.iUlook red, or h:JO Wium; if you set the white balance for the lamp, the light from the window 'win lao.!.: Mae. or too cool . .Add a fluereseeur lig,ht, and. it [llay ,gi'l.l'e off a g~last~].i' gree'n 6nt .. A prof~$Sional photographer migh t repla ceo l:he ~l1mgs'ten bulb wirb ,;Ii. spe. dill dayl{ght[en'!!.!? erature bulb or 5ti.ckl1l
'[t,mgsten-;~emper:uul"e plss ti~ fUllEr onto the window glOil.s;$, You i]l just have ro b¢ c a rdul not ~o ~ni1( Ught sources with vOllrying colcr [,emper:uxrre:!l.
Mo~~ca m<eJ<li s;1!~t 'You s.w:itchfrom :aUlam atie white IJ alance to ~ rrlaJl1l'1,al se:tting far d~yH:€;~lt., ove:rc3;St:sunUgllt. t1ixng~,ten Ugh'titlg. crflucrescent Hghting. E;,:pet:irnoetlt. with the setdngs to see how they would O!fvect YoOIlU photos, and 'U'-y them out: in ~ f~w mi~ed·lighi[ environments, You'H b~ tl!!!'tt@t pr@pued for those times Wh~~.l the automatic white! m~sjU!dg~s th~' optimal cO](l!r 't~mperat'i,.tre.
]f ;roy!': ~OO'n~r.~'~ wh'i~ll!-~];;i!!1it.:~· ~~!~t:!·,o! ~!H~'t pWPllrily ,canJbmtl!d, y.ou-aoo @V'l1!ryoU(! wito, vi~, yal'll" pl:u:.ltQs.-'ITh1lY see iied.
A;v'oid exl:remeSi
Cam@Tas ean't reeerd the same broad rang!!' of tight and, d~dl:th::i!tt the human ff1~ (":iU'!! sae, If du: c'Onlr.ast~'Hlge is ,!!'x,t'I:eme, the camera will h<itve ~(I $~.;rifi~ sQme:thing. T'h~t m3'k~$ Iba~k~it phetes, such as 01. p~[fQnll:er onst a ge. dimc1ilJt
00 expo5e <:orrect]ywidl. th~fuUy auoom",ti.c settiug. You wam thl: camera to set the @:;:pOSl.llfe for the perfonn@r-nolt the dark bac:kgrou~.'ld. SimHarly,. a child p]aying in the snow is f'ru:ne! import.mtthan thssacw!lf.IHh~
camera tries to a,v@~;ag,e the e:q:Jo.sllm,. the cn]ld wi.11 ap~ aar too dark.
~fpQS:$ib~~ , uy to u:posiricn the csmeea or su oj@r:tt)IJ reil'l il. the! ",,,. trerl1es o;f lighr, H Ji"Ollf caJrner:a. has manual conu"Ois, ex~e'rim@nt with settmg the exposure (or 3. speclflearea, SUCll as a (<lice.
Check to see ifyo'lt:r camera has pr,erprogr:u'll.rnJ.ed :s:tyl,es, or scenes, that are opl,imizeci !for stage, nlghtrlme.beach, 0,1.' snow. T~st those med es to :s>ee how much they dlverge from the a:utcm:ti'lftlc setting. By becO' f~mi!ta,r wlth the modes now, ),'Ou'U be luore c:clI:nfal't~ble :s:w]'[:C'hing to HI~m later.
S'!i!t. y01l]~ GilII:fiI.'ii!'ra;-'s 0Xpo:n11i11l! flJf nu~ pl!f'Sion a;r '~l1ihg yci;i m.Qstt Wl'liill~ to cii[p'~ire. PhotOg;i'~I1~ iln.l~ommother :POaitioa.l, aliso flL'tight help,
• •
,Z:ut Alltlr;e,~ What eau]d show your :lff~c:tion mere th<li:rl It PC cilJ.5tnm-bu.i1t: for your si~dflc,m'l: other, clad in a ckl!ssy. satin -flnished ease adorned 'With crystals? If ~not:1ting!" is youII' :!insw!:l'r,g.e:t mls esse i1ndget build~ ing, The $110 Al]~u,e fHlm [111. Win In<ty look familiarto gelSl'he3.d~I.t's ,:1IICt.uaUy ar,e:nnls'iled I'll Win .PJp'ha: 1JGiQ cue····:i[lul1 tbis version has [elnj~ nine flair, with. :I noml desig~ and Sw:aTov::1Iki. C'l"y:sra]s bOl'ld~d onto tbe surface, OptiC8] drlves re-sidle behind <I clever po'p"up pall:e] on the front face, and <Ii 5ll:3lp-On b~~k panel wi.'~h C'l'u'aiW:1!y$ hkl!e's uns~ghtly excess C:!lli11iI'.g, The C:a:ge accepts Mic-mATX. motheibo~d~. bl Wi~ DeIi~iOrtffimtj 11)1 WlRi'l'1-W ~tl,'US
G'i:e:an '8J,ir :i:nitiative
One 1)[ ourpet peeve i1! of PC main1i!1'nance: tIyillgW de,grmk esse f~ns dogged with ye<lI'S of dllsJt and debris, You diOltl"t halVe tlo resert to au old t'OO~hhru~h and canned 3lr ~f you outfit YiiJur next ~C::bui.ld. with :tn~r:max:'5 $1.5.991 Eve're:'lt 1l20mm.CM'e fall-thefa.n-Made <3!ssembly isremooable
(Qr de3l'll"g, pi~n5. the design ]m:d{laes ~ .~i~hl:we]ght, vlbrstion-redlur'ing frame with air intakes oufound t:he edges to r""!! air.i'loVl.!' n.oi5e. And t:h~ moddel'-ffiqui.s:it:e lb]ueL.~I) llghting ~~l be' switch:edoH, fer times 'when ym,il'~e net in
a .t nedder mood, [1:I.emlQX~ ww lIjI,rnl'n1l'
Ger your ne:li.'[ m.edi:a.-pc: build high.definiti.Cln.~@dy~ vrithQiUt t110$@ burnt-bw!:lgel blul!5'-'With d1@ DH,-401S fromIlLDS-!.pWS is a JoinJr venn.n'l'l be'tWeen Phmp~ and L~t~-On,) Cap'.i\bleof~dKlg 81lg-rnydi~C5<, as W!i1U MDVDIli a.nd CDs, the drlVoI1! hh:~ :i1! new-Low price pointO!f $199:99. th@ S@'nal ATA CI.l$vlOO hasa black b@Ri. and comes with
~ silver :s[p~r.e far m~:~hing ~ silwr ~S8'. cyberLink's bllndLedPlj'WetIDVD ;;lit!? handles. disc-pbyback t.asks. flllllips: & .Li~e-cm IDigilU! .solLltio'ls, wUJw.pids:t~ct~co:rn
IwmputershcJ;Pl)er,mrn. March 200887
___ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... __ .~. __ ... _.a .. _ .... __ ._. ._ .. __ .. __ ._ .... , __ . ._. __ .~ __ . ._._._~. __ ... __ .~ .. _. .a. __ ... __ ._ .... ... _
A. co,[d, ta.Uboy Add a~Q\W:t of Qooling to y~urtovro:r of power withrhe scythe Nhlj;[l GappEr :S!CNN::U]OO0.. Thls $70 CPU CQOL€'f 111.ea· sures almost 6. j!1~hes hig!l ,elev3~ed by six e~rossing hea:~ pipe.s:. (Cruildt yo~.r ca~'s O'\l"erhead .cl~ra~l('e before b!J.l,y]!lg.) th~ cooler is ~ol1~patibte with jU:lil't albCiUI any rece~t-model AMD or~h[e] CPU: !noUT!~l.g ~J for the vanO'u:s: sod~t typ~s is il,lC'h~.d. Scythe 111.d~desi(s 12m~,lm SliipStte'Oilffi COQLili1g fan. a low·speed. 'Iownois,~ mcdel, for q1l,1iet Cip~Iation. Scythe u.s.A, www,scytl~e-~.(llm
Hard. drive h.aven
The 1'\rnlQ S1U]oC:h.1m serves Y0l.1r hard chive in three' widely diJfe,ringways. T~.'li.s $2:9,99 device lE'CS you installa s[<1Ind<'llrd 3.S-imch hard drive into aJfran:~-acaessible 5,25-inc·h. dri~ bay. lts hefty ~luminum he'l'r Sil'!k. :1I~d.ed by' thert'l'Hd pads, draws heat away frem th€! drive. :be1V· ifl:g prolong its ]ife, whi~e' the airtight .1.'loiJI!;Ising keeps dd~ chatter and other 'lJp€'rOOlii!:ing noise ccntamed. '['he C':1Is~ngi' whkh comesin black or ~Hvw. :acc€pts !IDE or serial AT!.\. dr:iv€s" ']\rnlq, reMl'i'lme-!u\s t!s:ing the Sa.P('tUltll with drives that ~nge in thiCkn~$$ from 23mm tQ :27mm. Thniq .• IITl~~~.nmig.[Oi'll.tUl'
:Sus,tainaible' sto:ra.fJe
Designed with. el).e'I:gyelffide-IlC)l' ill mind, the WD C;:'Iviw- GP pack'S. <I full te·mbyte oJ 'Cj1ata into a :;, ~:HllCh serial ATA hard ,clliive,. I'a[1 elf Western Digi.ttll s GreenPmve;r iiille ou powe'Nkllwns hard cirives,tthis Cmri.:1r n.·dtlc:espowe:r COtlSlI.mption by !I, to 5 watitSwe-rsU!;. COlllplHln,glntemal ~ri:w-s, Westem nigitaJ b~cks. the Ni.ue 'W'.ltl'l!l. rh.r:eecyeal' W'M!',U]ty, 'Ti.~e drive eests :$$ p:'IIl~kaged ill a. re~w kit (,s. cahlin.g. ma!l:llJgement Soft'Wi9Jfe,sr:rew5, ;'lind. cliocul.'llent<lition) or $299,,99' forthe hare dd1ll'e·.lt's :also aw,HBible' ~~~. 750GB ar '500GB. C'.1Ij)acities. W4l's[em O,[gk{:!l wWlU:wd('~
Juice m:aeer
upd a ting yQ~I:rpc~s PQ'w~'$,1ll,f!ply 1!Jini~ (PSU)
to' aceemmcdate ca. newgl:Ollphks card I:; a blg hassle-e-norrc mention pric€'y, 'tIOI).fo:r an €XT tra 3.2S W<ltts witholliLt replacing the PSU, drop the $89',99 ~wer Partne·[ from. Ultra FI.'Odi!Ucts into a S..25-im:l.l (il:i.v,e into the malin pow~rlirle ootweeu your :PC"s motherbeard and PSU, and you 'ye got tlue watts, The dewke provides two fOlll,-"p:illl MtlllllX connectors" 111 addition tesix- and e]~Ju-lfl]n PCl:EXPUhSS eonn.eC~iOI:S fur the 1<lteSt :power~ ]u;mgry ~r-apl'li.cs cards. ui~ P'rQd;m;:t~, ~,'lw~\P.~t[:f~prQd~ctS:,('Qrn
Grap,bical gO~,getler
Unless you're ::I no&l'lol!cl:s·bar:mdi g,amh'llgfal.latk:, thE! XLU GeForce· 8200 OT f r em .pt..N. (or <I S1mU<fr card l:Jasli!Q on the S::3II,l1ll! GeForee! c,hipset)1 win most likely b~ <lb~g ste.p' up in graphics The! ~st pan; It costs half the \.b5Jual.t$i5001 pliC'e tag of the ]al'e.s'l extremeperfO:I1TIam:e cards. The KIJ~,8· suppans Di:re,ctX 10, aswell as Qn·ccElm decoding of lID DVD and Bh,]_iray video ttl minimize CPU burden, U also supports du~l·1i.nk 01\1] for dis:p~,1:I.yin~v:ery hi~ reso]utlan5C!]~. hllg~ menircrs, .1j·nd P.CllE'x:press 2.0 [!:)r 'l.i'ideo lNIndwiclth. J'ust mske :s(lre YO~lr metherbeard call aecemmodate it, PNY' n,bJJ.o1a9ies>WUllw.pnj~mm
'F~:;Il~re~ nO' short a g:e: of fiasl:l.y fan <Ind. t'empe'~:anrre monitera to fill 3 .. PC's spare baysbut.most ofthem leal 'up a. s,2S-:i,ncn bay; not that for.lon'l 3.S-im:.hf@f tha:t"sw3.1tin)jl for fioppy dri\ to m:a.kle a. comeback YOli'll! :find. f~w dlri.w -bay dev1~~ with .asp:retrty a 3. ~-im:l'l face as Ae<oocoo.l 's $2-4SJ9 ta5~tcb. Three remperarurs prebes monitor beat at s.jlO'tsyon choose ] YOiln 'C3.SlE:!, and pass .. through i('Clib~E!5f>()r three case fans ena!bLe vlSY3] mOl1itorin:~ oJ
r,an spin rates. The :a!ttrac::ti\l\(i! L,CO r(,rldon~ 'Win spruce up your CfiS~'S :faoe, and the mo(i, can alsomggel' au .3.lIdio alarm if a threshold temj!l@mnu'@ is e'.x:c@@d.ecl.Ae{roCool .www.tlerO!
c@mpute!r5hopf!u~r"OOITI. Ma~ch 2008 ,e9
9[ ~~Dest;!ws 94 MllIiI12ruo.wm
96 EbsMyle'!])QrY-Bi§erl MP3Ru~'!::i"'.i
PRDCE55DR Power ruJIlSIl'I'S mi;e:ed 'tine ll.i'Jst. i(io, witijiill <I t!OP-IfI.otcih AMI) OJ I n®e~llPf\oClE!S'Sor:~ suc~ asti~e' ,AM,[!II X2 or IPhenl(!lmnl s~ri:El!iS~, (II!!' 11~~~II's Core .2l[)uo 1')11 ~Dl'!e
.2 Extreme. v,ourlill hav:e· ImliiliXiml!ln1 power .urn,!:! t!!ile bes~ pW'C!t;e,diclmii pg!!i§iib!lle~'f1orn ~yst~'m ~~tir~djio;mll.
MEM,O:A.Y· 5t;artwitlm. 2GB. an.1:! rmak.e 511i1I'e\!,~ur motJin.E!1fbo,<lml !;lliIplP!I:Irh; mO:If~., U,P9,alde! '[I'I!f1frm aoidli·I,i.orl\a~ 1 GB orf DDR::;!, rme_al"\!' wiH cost: rClI.Jl£,!I1I'hr '$50,.
CRAP,M~[,5 Ma~ s,ur'e YOU'ire IJriliilrilliiin,ga hi'ghr-end !liard witli!,!I' ~'i!,!~im~rn Qf2.S6,MIlI(lf ~~~Qry. I~ YQ!J'¥~' g~ d'!l~p POI:iJl,)e<ts, 910 'wmu. a ,d~:II~].,~,al~tilS(!iI'~<!Ib!~e Urnk Ihllll!erflllii12: (:SOLI]I 'or CIVIossfii!'lfl~y$ti!lm.
HIARiD mUlViE, S:tali wi11l!,Mc, Idri'l!'es iilll. ,a:RAIID Lllv~il Oailtll''<iIrY fel" 'qui,dtfl'le ~oe;:OO5~ ~!i1{l1'fast (!ipp~lil:i!1,tio" IliI'ilJlf!~hi~'!l!. F'or IilWlilk storage, ,get a tl!l!il'id dri~ of, 320Cra gilt mii'ilrgel!!'" l1pgrJr.!i~e,! IEiiilch .n:ild~t~D!'!~1 SC~8 '!.\lif s1urage wiU ,"o!i~i!bg~ $40"
OP'lr~CAt EtIRNES,Wlii!:at's b,eUie,rtha~ oillilil DV~RW? 1r\NI~~liIIrt: il:h~t"s ~omplet)e' ,overki~IL Silicic: w\i~h~ne IOVID bUlfirier~ an.d 'tlim,eilfli, ,~it1l1!e,1!' a! (D'iRW ,or I}V][J'-ROMlfof' oil
'seoondltl.~iile.!!e: A :S!f[IH'Id DVlJ1:tR'W drive will [Jost abc'llll!~ $40 m.otiE!,t.han. <Ii CD~.RW~
C:A.SE IPe'I'Jl)tlm!1I ~"e IPC'~ ,n'!!i1Jd spa,liJElfor' both Ii!O~,PliJrlf!":t!S ,and c~olirnJgt :510 get a hl~11 ~C,W\er.:. Ma~e SlliIl:'e aiUr'flow lis . ,at:ieq,uate ailfli,d~hatV'QlJi h .. ,v~ 1!",DQ'1iftl f'a'f 'gfj'MlIYth.AIIsl!I)~ IIQ!jk forfl'ic.n~-p:ilrllil,e'l U5Et Fil~W~ll'ie'" .ufIIld <I,udlio iil'l,pl!lllt:shr ,eas,v a~!~ss., A. Il'iIIiIum~i'~,rlltl:"1 rnemoryacill'id rei!llders!mlo~rll:illbel irl1lduded, ~OOl.
:!liIWlUliD AND S!PEAK,ER5 D.ilfilliiitfi'ly go,~(j(ir a C1le;di~ak!cm ~g~f!d l:ii!m:l. ,1~Iil~lJ,d~ ~p@"!k~.!'.~ ~I~(luldl~~,~ f,in o1dv.~!,!~~.g~ ,of tllm:iIl 'sQlimd ",am"s,a'billliti~5., MGst~op ['am5, 8up,polrt ilmiJ11I~r!iii",e 7.~~~h!l!l1~ll!ill Silil!iliowarnd s.oun.d;: w[~l,ltihelr Y(lU Wiilililt !SeVen 'or ei'ght llipeal:rers iisvou~[OIII.
M'ClN.TOR. Fol!!' g~mi"gl ~J'!d '!!fidel;!' pl.{lrJb,~~ik wi:th flat~
p:1I nll'l~1 diis:pl'at,s. t.he 'I~er~h,e' pi!X\fil:~~!fespOlllr5~ Ii mjei,· ~h.e' slml(l!o~h~'!' the ll!i'idl.llr~. bQokhll!i' ;11 Irrath!'9 Qi~ ~ mli~llii~e:~@~:ds l[rn5) ow Ie:S5M'Dit <iIIVera:giil' uiS<lgle~ 'galm1ers: wii~lwant rI!oU~i:ng h'igh:elll' th .. n 6:m,!iii.
P!rl~e* Plrotil551t!r'
I"iud, ID!lriVe(~)
OpU(-.l1 DriYe(~)
$11500 loc.ta! .!WlI&t64 lCB AiI1 ft!~~ f-[l TMll]{l(;8 i1"w.~ NOI1ll!
$1799 l.'93CH~ t:Ofll'::/! 1(;B IIVldT~ ltefOfU T~1~8 1w.'O N~ffi~'
&tl~lI: [)(58(I1J 8800GJX (lQ.(IOOrlWl) UV[h.JM1
tmilt1§~· .. '$5,.899 (dmu~~~!!~)
iakCafi!·2 2m Twi:l1!ill R~lf.eOiI TwolJl.'1(;El lv.iI Naill!'
~l~ ull~Qi!(fI85(I !i[l,l9OOlXl (lQOOOr~~ D\l'O:i::RW
ileJ!)Il£ ~- 75DOB (dmu~~r) !laiD!l'!: IMU "",,m!t 1I'i'ibf! InttMr~~!! ~'i.I.:IbM:m
tIDd 'St.rcilllfr~!ilPIII'l> j»te1T!1!1~llh~Jl thli,fJirfr 800-~3li71 1~;J~~afu~t~'dffe:l'!i,
~tO!l ~erf~ftl~ k lap,[lifd Qlh"llilld~ at rIJellQY i!Drl i!!Wall} 9r.Whics,~~d ~'KJ ~1!!l~U! iad:ill!'slilall ~~tI dmg
Yolill51d ~t~njJgll!Jlnq fOIThJlOi'l~m he~. bt!11j"!OOI(tIf! ~nii~'iefl filu PemJ'Ifl-bMeid ''l'$l~$'fof <fji!llll:ilil jhe ~ ijI!~QlIe~
. -- - - - - . - . -
IWQrafiU $3,99~ 14G1c1! Alhbl M 2CB 1~II'IVidi;! h'Q.25OCB D'IIO:llRW I\IOfil~'
~26lroo.. ~OOOO (OOiJbie·larer1
tHIJe-S~ ~.IDJ :iQt:(ari!'2 2GB Tl~-on'lltnr(;j T_1OOCB l)i'[)j;iIM' W\li:trn!
El;~r1!il'll!' Q!!:ffiWi{I ~n!&m1J (d1liu~I~·r.a~r1
[ao.rtldadkedl [Jl{ c;]itkOO) ,~(Ir dle deeUJt-~l'e'cl g..:!i'f'Ioi'f \\iItQL'Oii!~~ '~"e'il'l~~~!11 tII~ I1f1i1~e-etl"~ III ;JlgIiJ!1t .1l~l'IhNid.
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,~(o!~~-f~tJG;iIi :Ii1'orlBll..
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1jri!\iEli:Dl.2 :tHBO 1.mfh(~,~2 Z{!B n'll"ldiil (jefO!Ui 250GB ,CW±Wl' lNo!Ue Gffilt form r~t« k!rW"I~gl!l1:]i!:JJ lIu;U;ih w"' ...... Eilr!i!!!.mw.£oID
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DY~ t\lOIF.
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ImI~GillOO ~rn (dc,JbI~,lIlref) l'lMi1IlfI~~lllI'Ir~ ~'e sp.n lorr~ll!fOOf If(flnil· B&Fl~56!6
~ $6,313 :.t9lQfb~fj1'2 leB IIVldT~lt~ofU 1nl1 1J\I'lJi:RW Naill! 1Il~ o.i»M~'Iil!:wi~'" I!JNt:QjJ!fii:!:{.m!,
&uer!'ll:' Xf800 86OO(lTX iflD,OOOr~fllll (deu~I\;'·~~rl b!lt'o\li~~ 5('50~~Y'i1liJj~ffM;;L1lmfQf ~
prl~!!'~nls;l8:Ih, • "lBa,5~' pri~~ r,~'IIil;(;l'S 'll'et:lid~r'5 dBfiilult (an1ii[J~n".t~on, Mm;t 1fIl~ls; <Ire ronlfl~,Llrabh:l. Pfi~~, a~~' stl:bjiKll'9 dl!i'lng;!'!'. See· com liiUtw,rSi:Ii!Q'ppeUiJlE 'I'or full !'e'!.H:ews Q! p rod'ucts In bolldf,~~e,
92, March .2008mrnput:efsho,p,pe(,oo.m
FORM FACli'DA The-form fador s!li,ts~he s~:a'li>d.ui'd 'fbrl\!l me~hefboam":s Idimensions~ 0150 well as~he IPOS'ut!lcmilrlgl'!l1~ mcuili1lltilillg hales '<!IiI,di'Illll:POlliiliSiQn slots;: ~yU' (0Ii~ mlll~5!JlPiPrGrt; 'tihe' ta-lililil~ia:!!:iliorojf tillite boal1d 'VOU II!:hoo:5ie. M!o:st of iliodi!lt~S mll)~herOOarosi!:ro I~]d out in 'tIi!,@ AT){ fO'Ji'. fii:!cmr. :HJome' ~h~ ,OItH' buffslcoi<ingtc, b'l1!ildl a Iiirvllil:!'il-'lOcmr'f'lntend~<y PC sho:W!ild 'wlII~id!!I' OJ 5m~lI~r iM!~ltr,cA1X b~~r,d. fhC<Sill' gl'\ds USJ;l tle 'gen:rt;!raIAlrX desigiil by~ il'll:h,!~~ 'fE:wer IlOsIQ~s" ,O!~~owi'liiIg 'foui'i!1 :5hortleli' board '~'''~ calill fit ill!il a small>er ,~"se.
CPU! SO CiKET ¥OUIC tmOS~ ilm:pol1il! IilIIt dedsioilil when bUY'II'I!!:li ,OIl mcth~rb~~l'd ihi th~ l!i~cceS'5~r fam~'~V~I!IWil!l!'It YOWlr bOiJ.rd tlO SU,PPQ:JI't~A:MDI's Inewest:so!l::ket: iisthe ,AIM2"'r tffiruoug!h yol.! ,£·.)lfill :st!iU f,req,l4Ientl~ filDlld older ,AIM2 boal:'ds wi~h 754 ,Oi' '9.319 :50c~etsj:t!iile LCA 175 s:cd~et power:-s I'n~el'~ mesiC: "'Kent p,wl:es:sor:s.~hel!l\!ilh ollder ,47',8 ~cllkets, are stfilll,au~ Itinere. Check. Y,OUili ,pf'(la!ssor:~is :S:PI!CS t;o '!!IIiiIISUl1e' iit willw,cl'i!: witil "Ii'1e!.l!r motffiaerli!ie;aml'ssocket, 't:ype~
RAMI 5'11101"5 M!os~ m,otherbo,ard'slieat;ulretwo tiC 'four m't,mo'ry sl:ot:s" I[S:e,ca!lll!sre IOf tll1le~1t $i!z'e'~ IMiicl~,A],X, bo,.m:I,5 tellilld tlO eUer fti!wlerrs~lots th,ant'heiir A:'ID'X countie'rpli!I~'t:s,,)
'WJ!' ~m IOP~I :5Y~~:rn! ~i;I~gj:'~lI!n Itl!!p5et
(g~!1~. G~p"!~~
RAINlISlJ!,jipg!l't l'Q:tS Audl~ ~pan$l!!in 5l~~,
Pi!J1'~r 'g~
H!~!id:~i'~" E!lNd!il~ IF1InilO!!t~
AI!!!IE!ilrdlless ,elf 'the lilGiI,rdi V',o>!.! c'hoc,se,. lliIIIal(e sUire li't: lilia'S ,e'n o'W!ghsliOltst)oOlcc:om m>oda~!e 'fo,u r n e'e drS. For o~~~nu.!lml llI,erf'armaliiilill:~,. llloo,k, f,or b !:Ialii'd s tlfulat SliIlp'p'i:!irt f·al5telf CD R::Z 0'1' D:I]IR~3: fiI1elfiltlo'rv~ n,otre ~liiIla~ tj~e:seh'll!'o types, alre not
i nlte,rchall1'lg:eiaJble.
'5TIl).R!AGE Thougliil :Serial, ,ATA I[SATA]lihOi rd dlrlilfeS ~I'!!i! WiI:OW 'the' ilili:dUStry stall'U!lafld" mOl5lt, iiii1,at'hj!~lI!:ioil,rds s,t.~ll oflie!F IIDE clonWil;ect:o:rs~'('l'r hoo;king lliJ!p ~~d~f hi!f1d drjrr",!!s o!s w~III •. ,Pi. 'fu!t!L!j'\e-IiiI'~;O~ :sysll1em 'Wiil~ liel:, IPFiIiili1l'aIi1~V "llI'll SArA, driv'es:;. Ibut i~ ,Olll llIiUeedi ~ DIE,; chedtfo:1t ,m:m,pa.tibiUty Ibefoll'e VO:l!ll PWln:Ii1:ii'lSf' .. PCI'SL-O'1'S lM:05l~ .AT>:: m.o~lherboarl'ds p'fovid,e' at: lea:st, ~'Ci!>l:llr IS!~OI~S' '!lor ,tlfxFHln':;iian, wl1lli.clTIl wiilll lil,e {ffiivided ~etweelm s,tam;iardi PICI and t1he n:eilHelr. fil,s/be,!' PiC I Ex,prYe!S-s tPi(I,e) 511~t:i. lpelle sl~,~tscUffieir in siz'!I: a~ldii P'fHMii r.ln,cea:occ,rdin'!3 ~~It:he' nl!lllit1'blero'~ liilrnlks. Gr ~alfnles,,~llaley' s,l.!Ippor~ .• , As a resullt. PCI e glltii'l p:hmc'Sicarlllilsiilr'e dle'5iglillled'~,olr the wid,i!J·r idEi, sIIQ~. wirn:ereaSil!11iI E'lhelrn.j!lt: ,cli1li~d o'r'l'V':-~UlFH!!r cal'ld wm P,l'c,!J,aib,ly reqluilre 'Dli'ilily a~ ::K'1I. mf yc,ur' ImotiherlJi'o,liiri:il ha,s newer IP(I'E: 2,.0 SIO't:5, they will be b1iu::l!!walfd·.ccmpaftiblle wrn~'h oll:hlif PiC I e ,~all:'lIiiIs., '~Matthew MIJri"'dY~ ,5£,aj"a r Edltw
AiE!ln I: OMP~TIE!l:
UA1J'5 !'rn1I'94]{,fJ iW.olJ[J!~ C'oi! IDE. IrMCiofAS8llI TI'iQF\O~_d6. !WOKI Faull'two ~e' M'IW ...... 1MOOlI'I
lcm' ['2CiBmoliliJ four'sr..iIA t.HJi't~dlillul :510-523-0500
So:kat nl{liR<I~fti' ~mfU~, ~ll!lE l~~~ One Fl[!1~1I:1\ 1"1Ip,(~1Ii:\ sw't]Y<'e ~e
Ml2 SID (OCB11a) If/liWso'''I'4 d"'Wii!1 dfir@M
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,~i2. ~r Wried 'lburr.SA'M "1 Se~iWi!i!li11.1o tnQiPCl
nfe'U~ dJall~
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AMl 5:;lOSllKP (E(,8.!TIlld 5ATjj, diJl~1 FU:~1.~f!U
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liAli'S 1M.el9i5YJ FculDfll_i, lbllOC '~leijrt- T~[l\C1f'idfit~lirel hurftwc ~
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AM2. 9OO'SUMW (f:l[.ttllllli:.) _ ~'Jf;!J, dlolr11~1
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"0 IE}: prESSEdOiS !1Jumi)er of re .. r-pillf!e'l portslilu!1illii!f of orlliJ~",!1lllh~ .. de r co:n!lecto~. I'ofulle: III Ite .. t!ler ma,y S\!ppart flluJI~iiPte p~rt$.
C:Qmpult.e; March 2008 '95
SiliORA:I!:i'E Whn~ti~S!h·memo!1i' pJ~!lfS c, hcI~d .<IS. m;a1lntY SlC!IngiS as 'the,1f h~~dl-dfill"ve-ib.ased l!w~ilhre<n. the, lhave no mrI0,vllI1IiEll ~rts, :~th~ won't ':!Okj'p ,d!JJirIllBlpl!l¥batk.ifhOlrt: m~~estlTmUflI O! gl'5t chake ~if'yoll!rn 1!!_5eV~!!l!!Ir ~'Iayerwbile exercising. 5,elli!g)e c!lpi(lil:!1i~nlnge 'f!l'Qm SDM:9 to, 3~la, wUh4Ci.B b:c-Jing ,!:II ~,p!!!!'!arswHt 5jmt: lbeltween c~pa:ll:ity' amtCi ,[,OS:t~
AUDIO FORMAlS An p~l~rs support: n~tiYe Mil! ~l~~C:k. b!li!t dilifiefge illl,S"IJPJllQlf1ingl oth«'flTe mml<!ls., Afi!ple's I!ll()Flylar i'Pnd ,pl .. yers awe' lie only de'ol'J~.5 that SUP.lJoriit Sle(iure ,AAt:;. ~Ii'u~!ks, from iasJ1iWil:e1S Store. Other pJia}!!ers millY SU,poril:I~Il!IJr,e! AAC:~l'j!5i Inii~ \iiill if"un~ ~frwiD!il. Mii!Ii1¥ ~~ers. b!l!! nm ~'Pcd~wli~~ Illlarynusecilillii'e'WlllIdl:iws Media Audio 1000iMlA;)flles,j' rnII1os1:'. tliJ;1IlJt n~t ,<!I~of,lites.e l:liiilits'W;m alSiG h!il!iliildi'e 5etli!liie WMA.s lil'W!aiflt:h~d kim online :stcrfes,5!!l!:ch ,as 1~a,lIl5Wf aliil,clI ,Zune Market· pl\a:~e\, frew,er devi~es, S1!!Ipport Mlir:rc50ft~5 Wil'l!!lows Media DRM liD ('" dj9I1taJ..;nglil~M\lge.1illit8mct tedllm.ologyl, bul:.tf1.ose thm: do wiUWOi1k, will miMSi~~'!!!!bsmi'l'tJQn 5ervi~sldl as: 1N\a:~e TOl IGo.
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P'IiitIOTO' ,li VU!lEO 5UP;PCl'R.T IDes:pimthe:tr S!malll5!TlZe, iI1i'!Il1!liIY ~mas'h players Ifrl<!VI!' ceilb:1f 5Cil'«'nsf'Of dls,p:~iI¥inglm!i!g~ and lOQliil!!U~ 'Ii:O!iIiI , .. 150 plO!r'l!' b~t:kyid~ 1i1~ Mosit o~ these dwi~ co.", ho:lmitd]le vidE<o ~QAillpress.N1 mn MREG·4, klr.miil,\,. thoughseveifa!1 'su,p,pl!)rt~d:ditimi!~j I~ode~ ~:ch ,~AVF. I)N)(,~liId WMV: •. ElATTlERY Fi!ash 1':!I1~,ers with '!i!llpmpllietary' liil!C!hal1ge!i!'IlI~e bOlitb!.y 1;V~tc.d~off~r' b!twe~1 S ,and .20 Ihol:!lrS, of IP~ .. :vIb .. C!k. th.~l!!gh i! ~'can filmmlf' longef'tmtil<!fI 50 iholJf5 C~i!! srng~1!' 1li:1~:arge •. I'f YtlY'flevi:mJlI1Igl digit~1 imag~5 ~r'v~deo." '!four d!!1!l'ioe"s battteliY wm dr.all'i11 f.:!stllrlf'~iililIl'IIl i~ wo:!!i!'ltil "VO'~1 only pl~eda:l.l!:dto tf~d!!;5.
FM TUNE::IUVOICE REC'ORD:EIA; If you want: to Igel!: the
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rp~ $79.99 lG! MP3, W,t.M. VilMA. twrg 15~L!J:l. Uw. ~ PrwI t:rn~ iIOb.:!'A:MI"3~~·d~ .. tob:LI!I¥.nI
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hiP!. WMA. W};IIA ~I!". Ii~ 11Ci11. No
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Abe~.1h~eliliJJg~~te'~ilrttldij!OJl;;g;JlI!!!lEliid- _.~~!iL;oI!l
fliHI~ipl.wi~1r!'.'t!lJ!'l~~~I~IiIII~LlSII~.l !Of. ,E!lfIIi-726.347j
~a..g;jl-p~~r 1Dli .. ~r";lri~ intelra.~ Wm-~ ~!£t9f1,Jr-d~rceaHAu-rJ8,~!.
$19l,99l$4g,g.! 5'I;M3,I t;J1P3 ~ 1IlllO!n l.Go:z. INC
= l39-9!lI~S9,99 .~x.s t<tJ=t'5. Wt.M. WI!; ~ 15~ M~ y~
laJJi(,m~1i!t $99.~iml99J lCMClll MP5, WMA. Wt.1A 'r:~ lOlwu! 17m. ~.
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DAM'1IlrAv. Audilr6i! ¥iIlrooot.1wil; llIlfiI.~Tl!!(,g.~rbrn~I1I..m~ 'iI6~1N~bsfr 0!rn IhJsrb~:$b,il:HI1 IjIjj,FL
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A bitKfUI!rllf-Ihi!-f1. OO!i!reIWl~lff, Ha511i1lfu!t 'fll'I\II'.';O!_.cml
IBU~t:a*5iJJfi'11nilil!lQl~~'i.',lQfdet. fJifl~7ffi3
,lb!:!ir~'t ~~~lIIl!1l~ll"lill!i'a ,I~ IMIlt bilk-. wt
Ihi;Wallilni)fl i~~m al!JLlhtr P"i'(ll" .... ,.lIri~~r<l!iiinl
'krlIfrll.1~ n~
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iilJ~D'lI EllA tI M ~ii!II(A.
1~~il$~II!'I!f·h .... ~~< d'etwl'5gIe\ltiiIWfIdi~lIiIiL., ""W'NJ..ol!hibit.WfJI
MIlInn'Deodl~ru:OO:!. ~iliN e1itr..ll1.lilll~ aro.:n&-[l920
tflldt-llll,him p'bj'tf&lslrI'llJlJr~~~I'itlMI~ ~- 11f'11iIt-91ltlll!l~~lIIIini;ll'ltil'l'l!gffilroon\'oill7lW,~
tkdl~(~wr. oot b.!.r""~ 1in15ialpclei'l.l.inl
Apple iPbd Toudl I' :S~gJ$3991 [SG61])ei(i'~]1 II Edi,k!.~S' Rll1iffilg!: ~
Wan~ iI!1iPI1~"~' wi~h[)ut:, weJl', 'the'" pll1one!' P<I-!rt? lltEliiPlX:! lQ!.I~1i1! iiS; fh~ anS'lil/.!lIr. This: \l'ide~· wcn11rn/!l pl~'!I!ris, H<lJWlti'fwl iins'ide'Ili'iiil:d am. ,alli1clll iut 'sounds, IgfEla~. tOil,
Apple ilPbd ~ano • Sl:4'\91$:~9'Si1 (1:iCiBJ,8GIB) " Edioo'.rs[ RaUIilli£j!i e
lliiliillillks to its liillift:y new shape" a;~t!ned 'ViideQ l~apill!:iillat1y~ ,and ilil1pf'mile.din~rf,iI.ce, ~he 'tlliIi~lilII~· ![Jl!ne!li'atilo.lfiIl~nc is,i!1 t~p·'tllt'5h Illl\ayer'with an ,I!IHomlallle- Illrlee.
App!'~ IP'od
(!'~,;t1;I~'!1~ g.,fil.' ~~29\.g~ tgl $l4g,gg (4~B .t;Q 3iiiCB),. IEd!tQr~ R!I~1!"!g; I.
Thi~ 111i~~cl¥ plii~L'J M.P3 pl!'llfer I_"'V !mmQllfer m1Jij[th i!'!l~he Wd'f of ,design Uili~t hut mt: 5tm Waf! ~l§, 100000~rwith its< b ~{Iu~iful :!i(IiWn. ilt:l:adcd h1l"~!1Ire sd. ~:Jt:ml ~~nt: s.olll!i!'~ q!J~lUiY. ~!i!"[!J Ig!1~t lbiltlill!:y ll'irfc'"
. l ,S l , 100[[1 ~eo~oo .,.. 381 ~ 42
A- Dama , , ~.adamUs.a.fom , , •.. 33
.sas., " " "." "." wWlN .• a·bs.t:-om " " " 6.'2. '90
. A'DiS, . "" ..•. ",. " " •. " " ",. " •. )UJI!]~Li\b.~,Hh ". "" " ,,' " " 93
America,'fll Power Gonversi.on. ••...•.. o ••••• www.apc.oom/promo ,.o •••••••• 51l- 5:3.71
Bu11'a,io 'f~ch:noh:)IY' n ' WYlw.bu . "''' 1.9. 5S
:oiSCQ'lle'f C~rcl ' ••.••.. ,., n •• n. ,., ••• , i'l,WJy.d j'SiCO'VleItard ,('Om .•• , ••• ". ,,' "0'" '7
@Wiz " "' " , ~~m " "''' ,,:ao
GMX " , 'WWW.gJlI1l' ,l]!.] - 49
fJ:f , ..•. .h~gQfroadl4J. , " .•......•......... "". 113
i BU'nOWllR " , ,www"ibu.YPoW'€T.rom, , ..•...•..•... C'ov~ 2. 1
Intel ' j,J[Jk~~ug , COy. 4
P.errn FOSlte-l" coUe,ge ..•......•............. , ..•. '\IIW'W,flen.nooste-rgdu , 25- .27
:Robo[ollll'1l ...•.. ·o •• o · •••••••••••••• · ••••••• ~, •••• www.lI.cboforrn.(.orn/cs :86
Sa,g.~r , , , ag~m9 tebWk .com " , , :8, 51
1'min~m:llldi USA •. mm VLVltW;,mlJ:JJ5te:ndusa.cQID "' m •• 29
Trell.Dt!it '~lld net.t:QlT!ll , " 4S
bdll !!i!t~i'I{ii I~ I~ !iO Pi.lblj5~':5 a.1!I,plovol1 and MC.llJl~~n~ fI'~~1!!W4 I ~UM'l>I::. TI!II:'. """- ~hitl'll! hll!~n '1Ih~1 i!llYJ~ .. ~ ~~ by C~~,~ r~ U'I~ ,~f~ of ~~. ilif!d mt Iht gf .:~ ,i!Q~15tr~ ThoeiMlYmiser 11;li$ Pi!iF€M~ Iik ,r,ght ,d '~flI!f~I~1!I'i'I inComptMr ~ IiIflty and d~ !I!lIt: h_ rtiJ~· rlg';t 'tel .. ~ ,~1'!e ,~d rn My O'Ihllr ,~, of pill!lll:a~lon. ~ a:re nat ~~1~ lar i'I'II~*", m ~fM'!nb;, O!!t~~p'hb! 'I'~ !!nd wm !'1m i5~ ~!IldJl'S (:If EiItV !tind ftlOl -.Ii !:'IHl!i':" ,~rJn:1I'I'_!o ,,gid d.i;i!I' ,~~etK'1~, iI~ ~§il!lillit:t f'or .~~ '!i~!!it~ 1;).' t~~oon~m.'tiS, g~ ~Uf;o' 1i1~ Jlf~~ l!MI 311ililli! '10 MmlI'IilV th~' IMII~~ o~ CQpI.jJIIkr ~' kiF '~P,!,' ~ ,~l~ cl~ m:!: ii!rtilI ~~~ ;!1isillg th~t:Wngm., '(!m.{1iIl~ ~ !!!i ~t 1101 ~hl!' ~~ UUt s~~elQefiiS ~terl1iir!~lshl~~ ,~:nd lli!:ndUII9I"hing~, ~Iil~!lles, <I~ m.!I!nejf- '!iii" ,_ mon"~M~ !l1ati_
~~eli· 5hw[ij be 5U~~'I!!1 "I! ~, ef ,~~~i4l!I!!' ... ~fh]" ~J!\Wk'o :'N~. Th):! 'L!I'JjWMll!i, IHpl'~ lilI th~~tl:kk\!I, EiCIII:I'M" oiIfIdl .5, ,Ire' '1IlIoe' iii 'iJI'ic w~i~~ oJ"", n~ ~1~ t~, ~f
~.g~ '7:2 MlIIIlison~. 10th n fII,I ..... ~~ NY It)(H6
~t~ ml~,SOO~:j':!t67 IUGi.O!li!<tl: 911-326-8700
~x: 2U·o'j8~~~1l ~~l:I!!i HI3 SI:I ~ki~ 1!,i'7,2I4-noo,
I'I'II'k liamliCIl'BS; -~.'-
... _ .•. 5'
B.efu~ you. iSlIlhmit ~Hyp:nv:ate htfo:trnal:l(lt'l. b~ sur€' that th~ dattli will be e'n(1']1Y~ed ~ndl ~n5:~nii[ted CI~ra :j;~QU:!:'e oo:t!i~~ectiQn. ,901!hym~r bww$.er;;md the shopping sit~'$ g~~r ~h(lilld support industzy st:lnda:rds sneh ~5 Secure El,ee~roiticm~i'i.$action (SE11 Qr SeC'lJl~ S()!l;ketSlayu (551). ch~ck your tm)w's~r's padlock loon I' found in 'the lO'w~rlight com~r of mo~~lJrowsers_lhe lock shQul.d 00 in (he dosedp,oSiihon when th,¢ ~,rn1~ct~QiIl ~, secure,
Look f¢f M::JJ1$ of appn:M'I.l fro,m '[he Bi:!tmer Bijs~ness: Bureau arIla 'fRUSTe -on rutesyoy, :shop, They '!l.i'lU ensure the conlpany is legilt'imame and that your ~@rwnal lnfo.nllatioo will be protected when yous:hop theFe . .Also, lnaJny @ltIpail1li~p'O$t thl:ir pliwaq poJici>e,s, ol::J:Une-look fOT them" Th~ should disclcse what lnfor·, matien is beil1.g oollecl@d on Ihe site <In.d h~w i~is being used, Whel,lev;eol: possible, opt cmt of havil .. g you:r~ersonal inftlllTl;a;UOJ.l used for marketiugpurpesea
Never create :p~wQmsbaSied caperscnal i.nifonna.ti~n. snell as your birth d<llt@, .: address, or Social S.ecJUrity nmnm-r. hliStead,lI.Se;fl. 1.:un.lque cOmoon~it:'iml of leuelfS,' oTsy:n'lools.
If 'ytiU have doubts: :I'Ihm.l.t the v]rt.u)~ of :iii ~a~El~~, visit an advO(;a,. C'f site, Uke Fle.sel.lerRattings,C'om fits~:-'llll.s hu~ckr€etozy of eus· temer r,ooews of hundreds of online YendJo~ wi]! d:u~ you in on prior eustomers' Qp:i.niQ~'I'$. Ead1 g((l!'JE! has :acustom!l!Jr·saOOa.ction f:\;;uin.e: based on feedlba~.t i~'l ;1ire~s i.ndl:.dingshippil:\g and! ~wm polici·~~.pri£jng, teeh !nllp:p~g;t. and KkeruhiJ'O'd of future purdiases. Ha.v@ a pos.iti,v@ (,o:r ~~lt~bi@) sliopP'ing e.lqJE!:ri'E1noe? Sl]!aj~ your!!~orl1:11isfortune~ by I?Q$ting Y0141: OWl! nEvim.v;
A M·br.aLnertl"!~:t b~~mre:p~:i!.nng' Alw~ysp:ay 'With a cremt cam,
so you and y,ollu:plrrch<l£es am protectedLYQI.;! m:ay be able to dispute a seller's d1;R1l:ges if the goods you buy on~~ne' don't alliv@' or it you .<Inm 'ls-atlsliie-dwith your purchase, ]f)'Qu have an 1.l:ltau· thonO'led ch,ngt' on :yowu; cre.c1!i.t card, under f€!d!;':ral~aw your li<lbility is Iimi~ed to $'50. ][1 fact, m,'lc'ltH' C::EHliliin eneumstanees, some !''d comp<;lI'l]1i!5wiM, ellen pay this tlUIOIJJI.nt (OF}Il)U.
In addition, some credit cards Wll1l'bl e'."1nel."Jited W<li~llties; or other advJnt~gesfu;rpun::j~,1l;Si@S madle with the eerd,
6 T.HIE.- D. IE. V I.: L. . )S .. ·.·· :IN THE DETA:n:.S
nipJe .. dhec'k ORten;; bE-fOlie finaliz· (nelllCi on Ill. d.lee:l;:oUlt p3ge,
tA ~2.'2" ins~eadl oJ:I:':I" 2~ in the
qilllil:il:tlty' box can be tragic .i:fyou don't CIl:tch l[ in tim.e,) And ah'lays ~eep a rectlm of. everything y01i1 buy onliin.e, Be StlFe to p.rin.t: <:I copy ortake, 3~e':u C3~'tture of your final erdersereeu, 'INil,tch cmt for.;thaJt J1f'fi),Kt to send ~. ,81l' e·n1.<lii] oOO1,'lIfi:m'l.1lltiml ef'purehase. They Inay ship a lligfuel"lcost it,eM, and U!d'eSlS you h:a:v~ a receipt. the'l'reJ's no proof the e-tlliJle!rs-err~ die W~h:!l: prod.urt.
TAX AND SHlPPING Scn~tilli:i!le the sbippinii! ~r~dI feES tacked onzo YO~lr hill ·hefme youllnrrdiu: a purchase, P.¢r·Et~m fees and ~li~di~~d.ihlip· 'p~l~g !lleit1lJ.Od:s mn Iblooi!: ymlr total 'purcll.'a!se pn~. Look, fur S;it~s,thail; offer low-coot shipping methods or th .. t deliver f~e Qf ~ha~' when you p~;!Ice a large order. cha.rging s:aj~ tax !5 ~q1l,i!l_tli!d by l.awhl 14II.:1I:ny ~s:~;;a~e5>.
Know th at Ith@ federal nad@ Commissi.on's: Mail o:rT~l~phofleorder Merol1anaise Rulli! I!:'x!lends to !Jl1lin..e ord'ers,. Th:~$ me~iJt$ th:atun]e~,theco~:o:pany stares olth~~. your me-rcha:ndi$I?' must 'be d.@Ltv@red within gO days,~f ~he!l'~ :are de~.ay,s,,(he sen~r must notify YO\l.
19 •..•. A ... · 'VOID .... UNHAPP:Y
M a ny euline t@'ta:il@rs c:h:,u!;e a l'estooong fee (l.tiliJ1.1ally ,a.l'Cllunc'l15 perCelll! of the pl,Jlroh~ptil;e} fur the return ,of n011,de[ecli,ve items. t!i@ SUI@' abou:tyour c-hoiw .. and don't (o.rg,etW check the rstum pcl.iey befn:r;E! you buy, 'HIe wary oJ online vel'ldal:5 th<llt ,),on't post Qont~ct cletal.]s or return PQlicies on theIr si,tes, .ReplQ,tabLe selllers 'win alW'aiyste]! yotuhow to :i1l1i!'l
in ('oudl witl'l ~::Ii!H:n. and hoW' to l'etllm :lIl)]lod'net,.
..... .' CUSTIOME:R SERVICE [frau do ~xperience a plobl~m wi~h. sn online p1L'l.K'ki.3se, ~lotify
the colllpalljl' immeCi13['I1'ly. Check
the site for a fu}~.-flIee phone number, an e-mail address.
or HlClks to c~tg~ome]' :semr:e. ~f the company i.tself doos
not re:so~.'jI\e the, tlmble1fi, contact the ~Uer .B\lIsin~:s ~h.l~INm ~lb~lJl,Qmlnoe.c:r;g)! the Fli:ldel'ft[ Jir.ade Conul1.issJon (,Www;kclgavlfitdoompl~mt. hfilj)~ or Y·Qllr Sl:aite atltllmey gene:rars offi.ce {\VWlN.n.lilag •. a:rG1,oQ :Iodge a coll!1pl~i.nt.
(ombinling a copier, a scanner" a printer, and, sometirnes, a fax machine into one' device, multifunction printers [MIFPs) are idea'il for home' offices or small businesses. Hen~'s how to pick the !rig ht one for the job",
For print dnties, MFPs. are :aVi1I,i]:able that nse laser or i.nkjet technoIQa:ie's" AI~hQugh laser MFPs
:<lJre more e~ll1iPensive', they gl!j!\e
you sh:afper te;l:'I: and fas[lerpr.illt speeds. Malflocillromeh~!ser MF.P:s are agood her for those on a ibuclget, though pricier eeler laser units areal5io, available, I'nkje'~ MFP~ orf~t color printig'lg fQt much less money, but [hey can't compers wifh laserson prilrn qu aHty and (!Ope'n~.ting CO:S(S_
:rot '1.~mall~Ibl!:!line~$ ,$etup, seek OU[ MFP$ tl'l.;ai!: offer built-in wireless netwoddng $0 muJdpbil!'Pc:;: can share one devi~. If you're $ea~li."1ing, c('pying. or fax~ng l;li'g~ lliYU"lber.!:\ of decumenra, a, unit that Ofi'€f3 all. automa tic document feeder (ADF) and, oprional p~;p€r tr.ay~ will e(llfle in hOllnolr
If you need your MFP to also p!dllH out digital photos., look ftJi['in~j@t l<'lodi@lswiEh bniH-in memerjcard slots Or a }lictBrid ge peat. 1']l'!!Se features let you print di:reedy from OJ: camera or it'S memory card widun;~t lH>ing a FC. Some MFFS off~'r <I built-in .LCD thatlets youp,re,v:i,ew and edit shots befou= print~n:g,
:~Sion S~~,~ "':X8400 1(WWW.;~pSOil·ll(Jom! $'99~9i9J'
'['11il' CXMOl j;sn't ~,' b1.u ool'lSiclerintl its low price,[J)l.s oo1o.rinl:j@t MfJi dnJn~s nt ~·"lu3.ity't~~ doou.meliit'l> :lnd ~h3J]J'pho,to£,:Ii!s l.nciMdya] i'l:tk tID.k5 he~p .yml :S<iV'!il mOl:ley when. replacing Galnidges, and the pi~e'n.t inks dley"li'e fill~d! with ~]:l.SYlie your printed photos wil11ast for 'yelal'S. ]tlS ~ line dloicce foil" home users,
D~·nM~tiifiulncllior.ll. Laserr frln:teri 12:5, (~,dtell.c!:lm. $19:9'),
]fyo1!t dOIl't need to pri~.'l:t in co:lor, the: 112Sis <11:111 aif:ol'.:l!31ih:!'mollocl:1!ranU! la.6<er .MFIP thialt ,o~fers!ipeedl, idea:~.~o.r ihos.e who need "1:0 QU;t;pl],t a lot of
'l:elllt documents .. BllIrsi:nesslISt'FS w:i11 Il[ppl'e'ciate the st31ul.",fllone'[8x fealure, 30-paige AI)F, <lind ool.oT-'5C1l.1Ili1iliing capabitl:ities.
Ciliin.or.ll,Piixm:a. MX7ilHili .tI'. l(uiiia.CR!l'lcOliilt,OOm, :$lU9.9')
The only d.own.side to th]8 remarkabie inkjiet M,~P IS lts semewhar slow print s:pE!.eds,p<i:rtic:uJafl.y wiltliii photos. Otl'iLll1lrwise, t'he MX700 provides excellent and copy q ua1ity. and Off'lilIS u:s,efu.l stnaH-offiCJe features such as [:axing capability; .~the'rale'l ne!'twcnk_, i~].g. ~nd aJ.l1 AD:r.