Sample - Que For M Tech Entrance B2u by Yogesh Muneja

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for the session 2009-10
Maximum Time:One Hour Max Marks: 100

1. Each question carries 2 marks
2. There will be no negative marking
3. Each question has four possible answers out of which one is correct
4. Candidates are required to tick the corresponding circle with a ballpoint

1. The main sulfur gas produced through human activities is

(1) Hydrogen sulfide (2) Sulfur monoxide

(3) Sulfur dioxide (4) Sulfur trioxide

2. Heating or cooling depends on?

(1) Outer temperature (2) Insulation of the walls

(3) Heat capacity of the building (4) All of the above

3. Probability of getting an even number in throw of unbiased dice is

(1) 1/2 (2) 1/6
(3) 1/4 (4) 1

4. Match the following columns:

Column 1 Column 2
A. Radioactivity 1. Planck
B. Periodic Table 2. Thomson
C. Quantum Theory 3. Rutherford
D. X-Rays 4. Mendeleev
5. Roentgen
6. Becquerel

(1) A1 B3 C5 D2 (2) A6 B5 C3 D5
(3) A3 B2 C1 D5 (4) A6 B4 C1 D5
5. DNA is a template for

1) DNA 2) RNA

3) Protein 4) Both DNA and RNA

6. Which of the following salts when dissolves in water hydrolyses

1) Nacl 2) NH4Cl

3) Na2SO4 4) KCl

7. The accumulation of persistence organo-mercurial compounds in the living tissues of

consumers in food chains is referred as

(1) Biological magnification (2) Augmentation

(3) Bioremediation (4) Accumulation

8. What are the three Rs for a clean environment?

1. Recycle, reuse, redo
2. Remember, recycle, recreate
3. Recycle, reuse, reduce
4. Refer, recreate, redo

9. Which of the following is not biomass?

1. Plants and trees
2. Wood
3. Cattle dung
4. Water

10. Burning which fossil fuel is considered to be the cleanest?

1. Coal
2. Natural gas
3. Oil
4. None of the above

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