Sample - Que For M Tech Entrance B2u by Yogesh Muneja
Sample - Que For M Tech Entrance B2u by Yogesh Muneja
Sample - Que For M Tech Entrance B2u by Yogesh Muneja
1. Each question carries 2 marks
2. There will be no negative marking
3. Each question has four possible answers out of which one is correct
4. Candidates are required to tick the corresponding circle with a ballpoint
(1) A1 B3 C5 D2 (2) A6 B5 C3 D5
(3) A3 B2 C1 D5 (4) A6 B4 C1 D5
5. DNA is a template for
1) DNA 2) RNA
1) Nacl 2) NH4Cl
3) Na2SO4 4) KCl