Chapter 21 QA
Chapter 21 QA
Chapter 21 QA
T - F 2. Golden handshakes and corporate downsizing are two of the reasons for early
retirement. [21-1]
T - F 3. A client who has a Social Security normal retirement age of 67 will have a 50
percent reduction if benefits start at age 62. [21-1]
T - F 6. The standard of living enjoyed during the years just prior to retirement largely
influences the client’s expectations for his or her postretirement standard of living. [21-2]
T - F 8. Some states grant income tax relief for seniors by providing sliding scale
rebates of property taxes. [21-2]
T - F 9. A retired worker’s income can fall by the amount being saved for retirement
with no concurrent reduction in standard of living. [21-2]
T - F 10. Some expenses that tend to increase for retirees include medical bills,
recreation expenditures, and house repair costs. [21-2]
T - F 11. A 4 percent inflation assumption can be used for retirement planning purposes,
but this rate must be monitored to recognize disparity with the actual inflation rate. [21-4]
T - F 15. Fixed income investments should be held in private savings accounts and
equity investments should be held in tax-deferred accounts in order to maximize tax
efficiency. [21-5]
Chapter 21 Answers
1. True.
2. True.
3. False. The reduction is 30 percent.
4. False. Mandatory retirement is illegal in most cases.
5. True.
6. True.
7. False.A replacement ratio of between 60 and 80 percent of final salary can be
8. True.
9. True.
10. True.
11. True.
12. True.
13. False. Buy and hold should be used, not market timing.
14. True.
15. False. Fixed income investments should be in tax-deferred accounts (such as
401(k) plans) and equity investments should be in taxable private savings