Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Assess Responsiveness
No movement or response
Call for code team and Defibrillator
Open the airway, look, listen and feel for
If Not Breathing,
give 2 breaths that make chest rise
Check pulse
Bradycardia Tachycardia
Go to Fig 3 Go to Fig 4
Assess Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Differential Diagnosis; call for help
Give CPR and oxygen
Attach monitor/defibrillator
Shockable 2 Check rhythm Not Shockable
Shockable rhythm?
3 9
Ventricular Fibrillation or Asystole or Pulseless
Ventricular Tachycardia Electrical Activity
4 10
Give 1 shock Resume CPR for 5 cycles
Manual biphasic: 120-200 J When IV/IO available, give
Monophasic: 360 J vasopressor
Resume CPR Epinephrine 1 mg IV/IO
Give 5 cycles of CPR May give 1 dose of vasopressin 40 U
5 IV/IO to replace first or second
No dose of epinephrine
Check rhythm
Consider atropine 1 mg IV/IO for
Shockable rhythm?
asystole or slow PEA rate. Repeat
every 3 to 5 min, up to 3 doses
6 Shockable
Continue CPR
Give 5 cycles
Give 1 shock
of CPR
Manual biphasic: same as first
shock or higher dose
Monophasic: 360 J Check rhythm
Resume CPR Shockable rhythm?
Give vasopressor during CPR
Epinephrine 1 mg IV/IO. Repeat
every 3 to 5 min or
May give 1 dose of vasopressin 40
U IV/IO to replace first or second
dose of epinephrine
Give 5 cycles of CPR If asystole, go to Box 10
7 If electrical activity, check
pulse. If no pulse, go to No Shockable
Check rhythm No box 10 Go to
Shockable rhythm? Ifpulse present, begin Box 4
postresusitation care
Continue CPR
Give 1 shock
Manual biphasic: Same as first shock or higher dose.
Monophasic: 360 J
Resume CPR
Consider antiarrhythmicsduring CPR:
Amiodarone 300 mg IV/IO once, then 150 mg IV/IO once or
Lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg first dose, then 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV/IO, max 3
doses or 3 mg/kg
Consider magnesium, loading dose 1 to 2 g IV/IO for torsades de pointes
After 5 cycles of CPR, go to box 5 above
Establish IV access
Obtain 12-lead ECG
Is QRS narrow (<0.12 sec)?
ST elevation or new or presumably new LBBB; ST depression or dynamic T-wave inversion; strongly Normal or nondiagnostic changes in ST
strongly suspicious for injury suspicious for ischemia segment or T wave
ST-Elevation MI (STEMI) High-Risk Unstable Angina/ Non-ST-Elevation MI Intermediate/Low-Risk Unstable Angina
Start adjunctive treatments as indicated Develops high or intermediate risk criteria
Start adjunctive treatments as Nitroglycerine (refractory chest pain, pulmonary edema,
indicated beta-Adrenergic receptor blockers mitral regurgitation, hypotension, etc)
Do not delay reperfusion Clopidogrel OR
beta-Adrenergic receptor blockers Heparin (unfractionated or low molecular weight Troponin-positive
Clopidogrel heparin)
Heparin (unfractionated or low Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor
molecular weight heparin)
Consider admission to ED chest pain unit or
to monitored bed in ED
$12 hours Admit to monitored bed Serial cardiac markers (including troponin)
Time from onset of Assess risk status
symptoms #12 hours? Repeat ECG/continuous ST segment monitoring
Consider stress test
#12 hours
High-risk patient
Refractory ischemic chest pain Develops high or intermediate risk
Reperfusion strategy
Recurrent/persistent ST deviation criteria (refractory chest pain,
Reperfusion goals:
Ventricular tachycardia pulmonary edema, mitral regurgitation,
Door-to-balloon inflation (PCI) goal of 90
Hemodynamic instability hypotension, etc)
Signs of pump failure OR
Door-to-needle (fibrinolysis) goal of 30 min
Early invasie strategy, including catheterization and Troponin-positive
Continue adjunctive therapies and:
revascularization for shock within 48 hours of an AMI
ACE inhibitors/angiotensin receptor
Continue ASA, heparin, and other therapies as
blocker within 24 hours of symptom onset
HMGCoA reductase inhibitor (statin) If no evidence of ischemia or
ACE inhibitor/ARB
HMGCoA reductase inhibitor (statin) infarction, can discharge with