Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines: An Oregon Guide For Reducing Street Widths

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An Oregon Guide
for Reducing Street Widths

A Consensus Agreement
by the Stakeholder Design Team


Prepared by the
Neighborhood Streets
Project Stakeholders
This guidebook is dedicated to the memory of
Joy Schetter
who passed away before she could see the
remarkable success of this project.

Joy’s leadership, hard work, calm manner, and

ability to work with all of the stakeholders
were key factors in that success.

Funding for this project was provided from

two State of Oregon programs:

the Public Policy Dispute Resolution Program

the Transportation and Growth Management
(TGM) Program.

TGM is a joint program between the

Oregon Department of Transportation and the
Department of Land Conservation and Development.

The TGM Program relies on funding from the

Federal Transportation Efficiency Act
for the Twenty-First Century (TEA –21)
and the State of Oregon.

2nd Printing - June 2001

Includes minor clarifications to the sections on residential fire sprinklers (pages 9 and 16.)
PROJECT Fire/Emergency Response
STAKEHOLDERS * Bob Garrison (Office of State Fire Marshal)
* Jeff Grunewald (Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue)
These Guidelines have * Burton Weast (Oregon Fire District Directors’ Association)
been endorsed by . . . Gary Marshall (City of Bend Fire Marshal)
Ken Johnson (for Michael Sherman, Oregon Fire Chiefs Association)
- Office of the State Fire Debbie Youmans (Oregon Chiefs of Police Association)
- Oregon Fire Chiefs Assoc.
- Oregon Fire Marshal’s Service Providers
Assoc. Ron Polvi (NW Natural)
- Oregon Chiefs of Police Kristan Mitchell (Oregon Refuse and Recycling Association)
John Fairchild (School Board Association)
- Oregon Refuse and Recy-
cling Assoc.
- Oregon Building Industry Developers/Consultants
* Ernie Platt (Oregon Building Industry Association)
- Oregon Chapter of the
American Planning Assoc.
Rod Tomcho (Tennant Developments)
- Oregon Chapter of the Ryan O’Brien (LDC Design Group)
American Public Works
Transportation Engineers/Planners
- Assoc. of Oregon City
Planning Directors * Jim West (Institute of Transportation Engineers: Kimley-Horn Inc.)
- Livable Oregon, Inc. Peter Fernandez (City of Salem)
- 1000 Friends of Oregon
- Oregon Department of Land Public Works
Conservation & Development
- Oregon Department of
* Byron Meadows (American Public Works Association, Oregon
Transportation Chapter; Marion County Public Works Operations Supervisor)

- Metro also supports the

guidelines and has adopted Non-Profit Groups
a specific set of guidelines * Amber Cole Hall (Livable Oregon, Inc.)
for the Portland metropoli-
tan region.
Lynn Petersen (1000 Friends of Oregon)

City Representatives
* John McLaughlin (City Planning Directors’ Association;
* Design Team Community Development Director, City of Ashland)
Members Cameron Gloss (City of Klamath Falls)
The Design Team was re- Jan Fritz (City Councilor of Sublimity)
sponsible for the overall Allen Lowe (City of Eugene Planning)
collaborative process with John Legros (City of Central Point Planning Commissioner)
assistance from a facilita-
tor and DLCD staff. The
Bob Dean (City of Roseburg Planning Commission Chair)
Design Team vested them- Margaret Middleton (for Randy Wooley, City of Beaverton Engineering)
selves with responsibility
for negotiating the issues County Representative/Planner
and guiding the develop-
ment of this agreement.
Tom Tushner (Washington County)
Lori Mastrantonio-Meuser (County Planning Directors’ Association)
Regional Government
Tom Kloster (and Kim White, Metro)

State Government
* Eric Jacobson (Department of Land Conservation and Development)
Amanda Punton (Department of Land Conservation & Development)
Kent Belleque (for Jeff Scheick, Oregon Department of Transportation)

Project Managers
Joy Schetter,ASLA (Department of Land Conservation & Development)
Elaine Smith,AICP(Department of Land Conservation & Development)

Project Mediator/Facilitator
Keri Green (Keri Green and Associates, Ashland, Oregon)

Many thanks to the

Neighborhood Streets Project Stakeholders,
Design Team Members, and the
Community of Reviewers
for the time and expertise
they contributed to this effort.
Table of Contents I. Introdution........................................................................1

II. The Isues............................................................................1

Why Narrow Streets?
Why are Emergency Service Providers Concerned?

III. Background.......................................................................3

IV. Collaborative Process.......................................................6

V. A Community Process for Adopting Standards............7

VI. Checklist for Neighborhood Streets...............................8

Key Factors
The Checklist

VII. Model Cross-Sections......................................................16


A. References and Resources.......................................21

B. Oregon Community Street Widths.........................24

I. Introduction The standards for the design of local streets, in particular the
width of streets, has been one of the most contentious issues
in local jurisdictions in Oregon for the past decade. The
disagreements have also been fought at the state level
among state agencies and advisory, advocacy, and profes-
sional groups that have sought to influence decisions made
at the local level. Previous efforts of these groups to provide
guidance have failed because of lack of consensus.

This document is the result of the hard work of a group of

diverse stakeholders that finally developed that consensus.
Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines was developed to help
local governments consider and select neighborhood street
standards appropriate for their communities. As the title
attests, the handbook provides guidelines and is not pre-
scriptive. The authors hope that the consideration of the
guidelines and examples will stimulate creative ideas for
street designs in local communities.

This guidebook explains the issues surrounding the width of

neighborhood streets with respect to livability and access for
emergency and other large vehicles. It recommends a com-
munity process for developing neighborhood street width
standards, a checklist of factors that should be addressed in
that process, street cross-sections, and a list of resources that
provide additional information. The guidelines are in-
tended for local jurisdiction streets that carry limited traffic,
not collectors or arterials. They are not intended, nor are
they to be used on state highways.

II. The Issues Why Narrow Streets?

Streets are key determinants of neighborhood livability.

They provide access to homes and neighborhood destina-
tions for pedestrians and a variety of vehicle types, from
bicycles and passenger cars to moving vans and fire appara-
tus. They provide a place for human interaction: a place
where children play, neighbors meet, and residents go for
walks and bicycle rides. The design of residential streets,
together with the amount and speed of traffic they carry,
contributes significantly to a sense of community, neighbor-
hood feeling, and perceptions of safety and comfort. The
fact that these may be intangible values makes them no less
real, and this is often reflected in property values.

The width of streets also affects other aspects of livability.
Narrow streets are less costly to develop and maintain and
they present less impervious surface, reducing runoff and
water quality problems.

The topic of automobile speeds on neighborhood streets

probably tops the list of issues. Where streets are wide and
traffic moves fast, cities often get requests from citizens to
install traffic calming devices, such as speed humps. How-
ever, these can slow response times of emergency service
vehicles creating the same, or worse, emergency response
concerns than narrow streets.

Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission

recognized the values associated with narrow street widths
when it adopted the Transportation Planning Rule. The rule
requires local governments to establish standards for local
streets and accessways that minimize pavement width and
right-of-way. The rule requires that the standards provide for
the operational needs of streets, including pedestrian and
bicycle circulation and emergency vehicle access.

Why Are Emergency Service Providers Concerned?

Street width affects the ability of emergency service vehicles

to quickly reach a fire or medical emergency. Emergency
service providers and residents alike have an expectation
that neighborhood streets provide adequate space for emer-
gency vehicles to promptly reach their destination and for
firefighters to efficiently set up and use their equipment.

Fire equipment is large and local fire departments do not

have full discretion to simply “downsize” their vehicles.
Efforts by some departments to do this have generally not
been successful, since these smaller vehicles did not carry
adequate supplies for many typical emergency events.

The size of fire apparatus is driven, in part, by federal Occu-

pational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) require-
ments and local service needs. The regulations require that
fire trucks carry considerable equipment and that firefighters
ride completely enclosed in the vehicle. In addition, to save
money, fire departments buy multi-purpose vehicles that can
respond to an emergency like a heart attack or a traffic acci-
dent, as well as a fire. These vehicles typically provide the
first response to an emergency. An ambulance will then
provide transport to a hospital, if needed. To accommodate
the need to move the vehicles and access equipment on
them quickly, the Uniform Fire Code calls for a 20-foot wide
clear passage.

The risk of liability also raises concerns about response time

and the amount of equipment carried on trucks. A success-
ful lawsuit in West Linn, Oregon found that a response time
of eight minutes was inadequate. The National Fire Protec-
tion Association, which is the national standard-setting
body for the fire service, is proposing new rules that would
require a maximum four-minute response time for initial
crews and eight-minute response for full crews and equip-
ment for 90% of calls. Fire departments have also been sued
for not having the proper equipment at the scene of an
accident. This puts pressure on departments to load all
possible equipment onto a vehicle and increases the need to
use large vehicles.

III. Background Residential streets are complex places that serve multiple
and, at times, competing needs. Residents expect a place
that is relatively quiet, that connects rather than divides
their neighborhood, where they can walk along and cross
the street relatively easily and safely, and where vehicles
move slowly. Other street users, including emergency
service providers, solid waste collectors, and delivery
trucks, expect a place that they can safely and efficiently
access and maneuver to perform their jobs. Clearly, balanc-
ing the needs of these different users is not an easy task.

Oregon’s cities reflect a variety of residential street types. In

many older and historic neighborhoods built between 1900
and 1940, residential streets typically vary in width in rela-
tion to the length and function of the street. In many cases,
a typical residential street may be 24 feet to 28 feet in width
with parking on both sides. However, it is not uncommon
to find streets ranging from 20 feet to 32 feet in width within
the same neighborhood. Newer subdivisions and neighbor-
hood streets built since 1950 tend to reflect a more uniform
design, with residential streets typically 32 feet to 36 feet in
width with parking on both sides and little or no variation
within a neighborhood.

Designs For Livability. Over the last decade, citizens,
planners, and public officials throughout the United States
have expressed increased interest in development of com-
pact, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods. The design of
neighborhood streets is a key component in this effort.
Nationally, the appropriate width and design of neighbor-
hood streets has been the subject of numerous books and
articles targeted not just to the planning and development
community, but also the general population. In May 1995,
Newsweek magazine featured an article on neotraditional
planning that listed reducing the width of neighborhood
streets as one of the “top 15 ways to fix the suburbs.” In
addition, developments such as Kentlands in Maryland and
Celebration in Florida have gained fame by incorporating
many of the features of traditional, walkable neighborhoods
and towns, including narrow neighborhood streets.

Safe and Livable. There is growing appre-

ciation for the relationship between street
width, vehicle speed, the number of crashes,
and resulting fatalities. Deaths and injuries
to pedestrians increase significantly as the
speed of motor vehicles goes up. In 1999,
planner Peter Swift studied approximately
20,000 police accident reports in Longmont,
Colorado to determine which of 13 physical
characteristics at each accident location (e.g.,
width, curvature, sidewalk type, etc.) ac-
counts for the crash. The results are not
entirely surprising: the highest correlation
was between collisions and the width of the
street. A typical 36-foot wide residential
street has 1.21 collisions/mile/year as op-
Graphic adapted from “Best Management
Practices,” Reid Ewing, 1996; data from
posed to 0.32 for a 24 foot wide street. The
“Traffic Management and Road Safety,” safest streets were narrow, slow, 24-foot
Durkin & Pheby, 1992. wide streets.

Award-Winning Neighborhoods. In Oregon, citizens, non-

profit organizations, transportation advocates, and state
agencies interested in the livability of our communities have
advocated reducing the width of neighborhood streets.
Several new developments that include narrow neighbor-
hood streets such as Fairview Village in Fairview, West Bend
Village in Bend, and Orenco Station in Hillsboro have re-
ceived Governor’s Livability Awards (See Appendix A for contact
information). Although cited as models of livable communi-
ties, the narrow street widths included in these developments
are not allowed in many of Oregon’s cities, often because of
concerns about emergency service access.

Emergency Response. The movement to reduce street stan-

dard widths raised concerns with emergency service provid-
ers. Thus, the most controversial issue facing Oregon’s fire
departments in the past decade has been street width. Fire
departments must move large trucks, on average, 10 feet
wide mirror-to-mirror.

Response times can be slowed depending upon the amount

of on-street parking and traffic encountered. Narrow streets
lined with parked cars may not provide adequate space for
firefighters to access and use their equipment once they have
reached the scene of an emergency. In addition, emergency
vehicle access can be completely blocked on streets that
provide less than 10 feet of clear travel width.

Authority to Establish Standards. Prior to 1997, there had

been some confusion over who had the authority to establish
street standards. Oregon’s land use laws grant local govern-
ments the authority to establish local subdivision standards,
which include street widths (ORS 92.044). However, the
Uniform Fire Code, which was adopted by the State Fire
Marshal and is used by many local governments to establish
standards for the prevention of and protection from fires,
includes standards which affect the width and design of
streets. The Uniform Fire Code is published by the Western
Fire Chiefs and the International Congress of Building Offi-
cials as partners.

This question of authority was clarified in 1997 when

ORS 92.044 was amended to state that standards for the
width of streets established by local governments shall
“supersede and prevail over any specifications and standards for
roads and streets set forth in a uniform fire code adopted by the
State Fire Marshal, a municipal fire department or a county
firefighting agency.” ORS 92.044 was also amended to estab-
lish a consultation requirement for the local governments to
“consider the needs of the fire department or fire-fighting agency
when adopting the final specifications and standards.”

IV. Collaborative This project was undertaken to:
Process “Develop consensus and endorsement by stakeholders
on a set of flexible guidelines for neighborhood street
designs for new developments that result in reduced
street widths.”
The collaborative process relied on two groups of stakehold-
ers. A larger group was comprised of a broad cross-section
of interest groups and numbered about thirty people from
around the state. A core team of nine members, a subset of
the larger group, was convened to guide the collaborative
problem-solving process, working in conjunction with the
consultant and staff. This “Design Team” consisted of repre-
sentatives from these groups: special districts, fire service,
state fire marshal, non-profit advocacy, traffic engineering,
builder/developer, city planner, public works, and a repre-
sentative from the Department of Land Conservation and

The Design Team’s responsibilities were to recommend

participants for the larger collaborative working group,
determine the priority interests, recommend a statewide
endorsement and implementation process, and provide
input on technical presentations required. At the Design
Team’s first meeting, they decided to assign themselves the
task of creating the draft street design guidelines. They
would take their products to the larger group for input,
recommendations, and eventual endorsement. Consensus
would be sought within the Design Team before going to the
large group. Likewise, consensus at the large group would
be fundamental to achieving the project’s goals.

The large group was instrumental in providing actual sce-

narios of community experiences to the Design Team. They
also helped enlarge the scope of affected parties and corre-
sponding issues by including other service providers that
use large vehicles, such as school busses and solid waste
haulers. Members of the large group provided valuable
reference materials to the Design Team. They provided
substance that had been over-looked on more than one
occasion. Large group members were pleased to know that
a core team of well-respected stakeholders was representing
their interests. The Design Team engaged the large group at
significant junctures in its work.
V. A Community Unique issues will arise in each community, whether related
Process for to hills, higher density neighborhoods, or existing street
patterns. Close collaboration with fire and emergency ser-
vice providers, public works agencies, refuse haulers, and
Standards other neighborhood street users must be maintained
throughout the process. This will ensure that the standards
developed to meet the general goals of the community will
also meet the specific needs of different stakeholder groups.

Through broad-based involvement, educational efforts, and

sensitive interaction with stakeholders, a community can
adopt new street standards that will meet the transporta-
tion needs of the citizens, while providing and encouraging
a very livable residential environment.

The following steps reflect a realistic process development

and local government adoption of standards for narrow
neighborhood streets.

Steps for Local Government Consideration and

Adoption of Neighborhood Street Standards

1. Determine stakeholders
2. Inform/Educate: What is the value of narrow resi-
dential street standards?
3. Ensure dialogue among stakeholders
4. Identify specific issues, such as seasonal needs and
natural features
5. Prepare draft standards
6. Review draft with stakeholders/officials /public
7. Revise, conduct public review, and adopt standards
8. Implement and ensure periodic evaluation

Determine stakeholders. There are many benefits to a com-

munity adopting narrow street standards. Many stakehold-
ers share an interest in residential transportation issues.
These stakeholders must be included from the outset of any
new street standard adoption process.
Inform and Educate. A community or jurisdiction consider-
ing the adoption of narrow residential street standards must
conduct an open and information-intensive process. Narrow
streets have many advantages for a community, including
slower traffic speeds and increased neighborhood livability.
But there are some access trade-offs. A strong educational
component involving city council members, planning com-
missioners, community groups, developers and emergency
service providers must be conducted at the beginning of the
process. Agreement about the value of narrow streets, i.e.,
slow speeds, safer pedestrian environments, and more liv-
able neighborhoods must be understood and agreed to prior
to beginning to develop specific standards. There are many
educational resources available including printed materials,
videos, and professional speakers willing to share their

Develop standards that reflect local concerns. Once a

jurisdiction has determined that more narrow street stan-
dards will be beneficial, the development of specific stan-
dards, unique to the community where they will be imple-
mented, is the next step. Many cities and counties have
adopted narrow street standards, and their efforts can pro-
vide a model for the initial drafts. Review and input from
stakeholders, the public, and community officials will help
identify local issues and provide the opportunity to tailor
standards to local needs.

VI. Checklist for The checklist is based on five key factors listed below:
Neighborhood √ Queuing. Designing streets so that moving cars must
Streets occasionally yield between parked cars before moving
forward, as shown below, permits development of nar-
Key Factors row streets, encourages vehicles to move slower, and
allows for periodic areas where a 20-foot wide clear area
is available for parking of fire apparatus.

√ Connected Street Networks. Connected street net-
works provide multiple ways for emergency response
vehicles to access a particular location and multiple
evacuation routes. In addition, a connected street system
encourages slow, cautious driving since drivers encounter
cross traffic at frequent intervals.

√ Adequate Parking. When parking opportunities are

inadequate, people are more likely to park illegally in
locations that may block access by emergency service ve-
hicles. Communities need to review their parking standards
when they consider adopting narrow street standards to
make sure that adequate on-street and off-street parking
opportunities will be available.

√ Parking Enforcement. The guidelines are dependent on

strict enforcement of parking restrictions. Communities
must assure an on-going commitment to timely and effec-
tive parking enforcement by an appropriate agency. In the
absence of such a commitment, these narrow street stan-
dards should not be adopted.

√ Sprinklers Not Required. The checklist and model cross-

sections provided in this guidebook do not depend upon
having fire sprinklers installed in residences. More flexibility
in street design may be possible when sprinklers are provided.
However, narrow streets still need to accommodate fire appa-
ratus that respond to non-fire, medical emergencies. Other
types of vehicles (such as moving vans, public works machin-
ery, and garbage/recycling trucks) also need to be able to serve
the neighborhood.
The Community stakeholder groups should systematically proceed through the
Checklist checklist below as part of their decision making process. Also, your commu-
nity may wish to add to this checklist. The format of the checklist includes
√ room for comments: encourage stakeholders to make notes regarding their
concerns and record decisions about how the items in the checklist have been

The factors are interrelated and are best considered together. The items are
grouped by category in a logical order, but are not weighted.

Community Process/Decision-Making Notes

Good City Department Working Relations

Develop good, close working relationships between the fire/
emergency response professionals, public works, building __________________________
officials, land use and transportation planners, engineers, and ________________________
other large vehicle operators. The goal is to achieve trusting ______________________
working relationships that lead to effective accommodation of _________________________
each other’s needs related to agreements about neighborhood ________________________
street standards.

Consistency of Ordinances
Review all applicable codes and ordinances and make them
consistent with the narrow neighborhood street standards you
are adopting. Consider performance-based codes and ordi- __________________________
nances to address the larger development issues, of which _________________________
street design is just one part. Amend ordinances only when you _________________________
have the concurrence of emergency and large service vehicle ________________________

Uniformly Allowed __________________________________________

Uniformly allow narrow neighborhood streets by code and __________________________
ordinance rather than requiring a special process, such as a
variance or planned unit development. Or consider a modification
process similar to the City of Beaverton’s that uses a multi- ______________________
disciplinary committee review and approval process during the _________________________
development review process. See Appendix A for more info.

Community Process ________________________

Determine what your community process will be for developing ________________________
and adopting neighborhood street standards including following __________________________________________
legal requirements, gaining political support, and encouraging
public education and involvement. Teamwork and involvement
of all large vehicle service providers is a critical component for ________________________
success. Consider the potential benefits of narrow streets, such ______________________
as slower traffic, less stormwater runoff, and lower costs. Look _________________________
for ways to minimize the risk that fire apparatus will not be able ________________________
to quickly access an emergency and minimize possible inconve-
nience for other large vehicles. For more information see Chapter
V, “A Community Process for Adopting Standards.” ________________________

Users of the Street Notes
Use of Street
Recognize the needs of all of the “everyday” users of the street, __________________________________________
including autos, pedestrians, and bicycles. Street standards __________________________
typically provide for easy maneuverability by autos. It is very ________________________
important that neighborhood streets also provide a comfortable ______________________
and safe environment for pedestrians. Consideration should be
given to pedestrians both moving along and crossing the street.

Fire/Emergency Response and Large Service Vehicle Access ________________________

Provide access to the street for Fire/Emergency Response and _____________________
large service vehicles to meet their main objectives. Consider __________________________
the maneuvering needs of all large vehicles such as fire/
emergency response, refuse/recycling trucks, school buses, city
buses, delivery vehicles, and moving trucks. Fire trucks are _________________________
generally 10-feet wide from mirror to mirror and room adjacent ________________________
to a truck is necessary to access equipment from the truck. _________________________
Recognize that for some service providers, the federal govern- _________________________
ment has requirements that affect vehicle size such as fire
trucks, school buses, and ambulances.

Utility Access
Provide utility access locations regardless of whether utilities are _________________________________________
in the street, the right-of-way adjacent to the street, utility __________________________
easements, or some combination thereof. Consider utility ________________________
maintenance requirements.

Street Design
Traffic Volume and Type ________________________
Relate street design to the traffic that will actually use the street ________________________
and the expected demand for on-street parking. Generally, on __________________________________________
streets that carry less than 1,000 vehicles per day, a clear lane
width of 12 to 14 feet is adequate for two-way traffic, if there are
frequent pull-outs to allow vehicles to pass. Where there is on- ________________________
street parking, driveways typically provide gaps in parking ______________________
adequate to serve as pull-outs. If there is a high percentage of _________________________
trucks or buses, wider streets or longer pull-outs may be needed. ________________________
For street design, consider both the current traffic volume and the
projected long-term traffic volume.

Provision for Parking ________________________

Make sure that adequate parking is provided so that on-street ________________________
parking is not the typical primary source of parking. The objective __________________________________________
is to have space between parked cars so that there are queuing
opportunities. Also, parking near intersections on narrow streets
should not be permitted because it can interfere with the turning ________________________
movements of large vehicles (see illustration at the end of the ______________________
checklist). This can be accomplished by a lack of demand for on- _________________________
street parking or by design. The design option requires place-

ment of no-parking locations (i.e., driveways, fire hydrants, Notes
mailboxes) at appropriate intervals to provide the needed gaps. ________________________
Parking (con’t)
When determining the number of parking spaces required, __________________________________________
consider adjoining land uses and the availability of off-street __________________________
parking. Parking demand is likely to be less where an adjoining ________________________
land use is one that will create little or no parking demand (e.g., ______________________
wetlands, parks, floodplains) or if adjoining development will
provide off-street parking adequate for residents and guests.
On-street parking demand may be affected by recreational ________________________
vehicle/equipment if parking of such equipment is allowed. ________________________
Parking availability will be affected by whether a neighborhood _____________________
has alleys, if parking is allowed in the alley, or if visitor parking __________________________
bays are provided in the area.

Self-Enforcing Design....perceptions count!

The design of the street should encourage the desired speed, __________________________
traffic flow, parking, and use of the street. When this is the case, ________________________
a design is said to be self-enforcing. This means that a driver ______________________
would discern an implied prohibition against parking by the _________________________
visual appearance of the street. A self-enforcing design in-
tended to reduce speed might, for example, use trees in
parkrows or strategically placed curb extensions. ________________________
• Unless traffic volumes are very low, 21 to 22-foot streets with ________________________
parking on one side can be problematic for large vehicles. ________________________
• 21 to 24-foot streets with no on-street parking should not be __________________________________________
considered because they invite parking violations. __________________________
• 26 and 27-foot streets where parking is permitted on one ________________________
side can result in chronic violations because the street will
look wide enough for parking on both sides.

Parking Enforcement ________________________

With adequate parking and proper street design, enforcement _________________________
should not be a problem. Where parking is prohibited, provide
signs that clearly indicate this, even on streets with a self-
enforcing design. Enforcement is essential and can be done in ________________________
a variety of ways. Consider tow zones or using volunteers to ________________________
write parking tickets. (The City of Hillsboro allows both police ________________________
and fire personnel to write traffic tickets.)

Public and Private Streets ________________________

Build public and private streets to the same standard. The need _________________________
for access by emergency and other large vehicles is the same
on private streets as for public. (In addition, private streets not
built to the same construction standards may end up being a ________________________
maintenance problem later if the local jurisdiction is forced to ________________________
assume maintenance because homeowners do not fulfill their ________________________

Hierarchy of Residential Streets Notes
Provide a hierarchy of neighborhood streets by function __________________________________________
including a range of streets such as residential boulevard, __________________________
residential collectors with parking on one or both sides, local
residential streets with parking on one or both sides, access
lanes, and alleys. ______________________

Connected Street System _________________________

Provide a connected street system with relatively short
blocks. Blocks should be no longer than 600 feet. (Make
sure also that each phase of a subdivision provides connec- ________________________
tivity). This provides at least two means of access to a _____________________
residence. Also, frequent intersections encourage slow, __________________________
cautious driving since drivers encounter cross-traffic at _________________________
regular intervals. In case of the need to evacuate a neighbor-
hood, a grid system of interconnected streets will provide
many routes that help residents leave the area safely. ________________________
Include alleys where appropriate. Alleys can provide access
to the rear of homes, and an evacuation route. Require and
protect street stub-outs and discourage road closures to ________________________
ensure future street connections. Cul-de-sacs should be ______________________
avoided both from a connectivity and public safety point-of- _________________________
view. If a cul-de-sac is used and it is longer than 150 feet, it ________________________
may need to be wider in order to assure there is adequate
space for access and maneuverability of large vehicles,
including fire apparatus. __________________________________________

Right-of-way __________________________
Address not only pavement width, but what happens from the ________________________
curb to the property line and utility easements. Consider what
will happen to the extra land that is no longer needed for the
street or right of way; should it go to extra residential lots, _________________________
neighborhood amenities or both? Consider balancing extra ________________________
land required for the right-of-way from the developer (for park _________________________
rows, for example) with a reduction of other requirements such ________________________
as building setback, or lot size.

Streetscape (Landscaping and Hardscape)

Design the street to be a neighborhood amenity that will _________________________
increase livability. Landscaping with trees and parkrows _________________________
considerably improves the appearance of a street and the ________________________
comfort of pedestrians. (Make sure that tree species and __________________________________________
location do not interfere with large vehicle access). Sidewalks/
trails, curb extensions, textured crosswalks, some traffic
calming features, and the preservation of natural features can ________________________
reinforce optimal function of the narrow neighborhood street. ______________________
Consider that curb design and the amount of impervious _________________________
surface affect water quality and infiltration rates for the sur- ________________________
rounding area. The street cross-section designs provided are
intended to function with or without raised curbs, given an
appropriate, compatible drainage system or adequate infiltra- __________________________________________

Block Length
Design block length to enhance street connectivity. Block
lengths should generally not exceed 600 feet. As block lengths _________________________________________
increase from 300 feet, attention to street width and other __________________________
design features becomes more important. This is because fire ________________________
apparatus preconnected hoses are 150 feet in length. With a ______________________
connected street system and 300-foot block lengths, the fire
apparatus can be parked at the end of the block where a fire is
located and the hose can reach the fire. ________________________
Coordinate block length requirements with spacing require- _____________________
ments for connection to arterial streets. Preserve integrity, __________________________
capacity, and function of the neighborhood’s surrounding
arterials and collectors by adhering to access management

Local Issues
Evacuation Routes for Wildfire Hazard and Tsunami Zones
Designated wildfire hazard or tsunami zones may need wider
streets to provide for designated evacuation routes, including 20 ________________________
feet of clear and unobstructed width. Different communities may ______________________
have different street standards depending on whether a neigh- _________________________
borhood is located in one of these zones or is in a designated
evacuation route.

Agricultural Equipment ________________________

If your community is a regional agricultural center, consider ________________________
adequate passage for agricultural equipment. Discourage __________________________________________
passage on residential streets.
Preserving Natural Features
If your community has sensitive natural features, such as steep ______________________
slopes, waterways, or wetlands, locate streets in a manner that
preserves them to the greatest extent feasible. Care should be _________________________
taken to preserve the natural drainage features on the land- ________________________
scape. Street alignments should follow natural contours and _________________________
features, whenever possible, so that visual and physical access
to the natural feature is provided as appropriate.

If snow removal and storage is an issue in your community, ________________________
consider snow storage locations, and whether temporary parking __________________________
restrictions for snow plowing or storage will be required. Some ________________________
communities may consider providing auxiliary winter parking
inside neighborhoods (though not on residential collectors).
Work with your public works and engineering departments to see _________________________
if any adjustments may be made in terms of operations or street ________________________
design that would make narrow neighborhood streets work better _________________________
for your community (wider parkrows to store snow, for instance). __________________________________________

If maneuvering on icy roads is an issue in your community, __________________________________________
consider parking restrictions near street corners, auxiliary __________________________
winter parking at the base of hills, wider street cross-sections ______________________________________________
on hills, or seasonal parking restrictions on hills.

Sloping or Hilly Terrain

If your community has steep slopes, make special design _________________________
provisions. This can be done through utility placement, ________________________
connected streets, sidewalk placement, provision of one-way ________________________
streets, property access, and minimizing cut and fill slopes. _____________________
Other Community Concerns? __________________________

No Parking At Interections
On narrow streets, parked cars near the intersection can inter-
fere with the turning movements of large vehicles.

The solution is to prohibit on-street parking within 20 - 50 feet

of intersections.

VII. Model The following three scenarios are presented as “model stan-
Cross-Sections dards.” However, they do not represent the full range of
possible solutions. Communities are encouraged to use
these as a starting point; innovative solutions can be designed
for local situations. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

√ Streets wider than 28 feet are NOT, by definition, a “narrow street.”

√ Two-way streets under 20 feet are NOT recommended. If, in a
special circumstance, a community allows a street less than 20 feet,
safety measures such as residential sprinklers*, one-way street desig-
nations, and block lengths less than 300 feet may be needed.

* Fire sprinklers in one and two family structures must be approved by the local building
department in accordance with standards adopted by the Building Codes Division under
ORS 455.610.
Scenario 1
28 Ft. Streets
Parking on both sides

Queuing Required

Scenario 2
24 Ft. Streets
Parking on one side only

Queuing Required

Scenario 3
20 Ft. Streets
No parking allowed

No Queuing Required

Summary of Three Potential Scenarios

28 Ft Street
Parking on both sides

24 Ft Street
Parking on one side

20 Ft Street
No on-street parking allowed

Appendix A - AASHTO - The Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets,
References and also known as the “Green Book,” is published by the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
Resources (AASHTO) and is considered to be the principle authority on street
geometrics. Narrow streets are sometimes cited as being contrary
Annotated References to traffic engineering practices because they may hinder the free-
flowing movement of vehicular traffic. However, the Green Book
supports the notion of using narrow residential streets. For ex-
ample, the Green Book states: “On residential streets in areas where
the primary function is to provide land service and foster a safe
and pleasant environment, at least one unobstructed moving lane
must be ensured even where parking occurs on both sides. The
level of user inconvenience occasioned by the lack of two moving
lanes is remarkably low in areas where single-family units
prevail…In many residential areas a 26-ft.-wide roadway is typical.
This curb-face-to-curb-face width provides for a 12-ft. center travel
lane and two 7-ft. parking lanes. Opposing conflicting traffic will
yield and pause on the parking lane area until there is sufficient
width to pass.”

Residential Streets – Residential Streets is published jointly by

the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National Association
of Homebuilders, and the Urban Land Institute. This book was
published to encourage a flexible approach to designing residential
streets to respond to the street’s function in the transportation
system as well as part of the community’s living environment.
Residential Streets is a hierarchy of residential streets, including 22’-
24’ access streets with parking on both sides, 26’ subcollector street
with parking on both sides, and a 28’ subcollector with parking on
both sides where “on-street parking lines both sides of the street

ITE – The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) has pub-

lished several documents that refer to the recommended width of
neighborhood streets. The 1993 publication Guidelines for Residen-
tial Subdivision Street Design states that a 28-foot curbed street with
parking on both sides is an acceptable standard “based upon the
assumption that the community has required adequate off-street
parking at each dwelling unit.” In addition, the 1994 publication
Traffic Engineering for Neo-Traditional Neighborhood Design, (NTND),
states that the recommended width of a basic NTND residential
street “may be as narrow as 28 to 30 feet.”

Street Design Guidelines for Healthy Neighborhoods – Pub-

lished by the Local Government Commission’s Center for Livable
Communities, Street Design Guidelines for Healthy Neighborhoods was
developed by a multi-disciplinary team based upon field visits to
over 80 traditional and 16 neo-traditional neighborhoods. When
combined with other features of traditional neighborhoods, the
guidelines recommend neighborhood streets ranging from 16-26
feet in width. The team found 26-foot-wide roadways to be the
most desirable, but also “measured numerous 24-foot and even 22-foot
wide roadways, which had parking on both sides of the street and
allowed delivery, sanitation and fire trucks to pass through unobstructed.”
Oregon Resources Fairview Village. Holt & Haugh, Inc., phone: 503-222-5522, fax:

West Bend Village. Tennant Developments, 516 SW 13th St.,

Suite A, Bend, Oregon 97702, phone: 541-388-0086

Orenco Station. Mike Mehaffy, Pac Trust, 15350 SW Sequoia

Pkwy, Suite 300, Portland, Oregon 97224, 503-624-6300,

Street Standard Modification Process. The City of

Beaverton has a modification process similar to an administrative
variance procedure. If you would like information on this process
contact: Margaret Middleton, City of Beaverton, Engineering
Department, P.O. Box 4755, Beaverton, Oregon 97076-4755, 503-
526-2424, [email protected]

Additional References Street Design Guidelines for Healthy Neighborhoods. Dan

Burden with Michael Wallwork, P.E., Ken Sides, P.E., and Harrison
Bright Rue for Local Government Commission Center for Livable
Communities, 1999.

A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offi-
cials (ASSHTO), 1994.

Guidelines for Residential Subdivision Street Design.

Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 1993.

Traffic Engineering for Neo-Traditional Neighborhood

Design. Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 1994.
Residential Streets. American Society of Civil Engineers
(ASCE), National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), Urban
Land Institute (ULI), 1990.

A Handbook for Planning and Designing Streets. City of

Ashland, 1999.

Eugene Local Street Plan. City of Eugene, 1996.

Skinny Streets, Better Streets for Livable Communities.

Livable Oregon, Inc. and the Transportation and Growth Manage-
ment Program, 1996.

The Technique of Town Planning, Operating System of

the New Urbanism. Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, 1997.
Narrow Streets Database. A Congress for the New Urbanism.
Alan B. Cohen AIA, CNU, Updated 1998.

Washington County Local Street Standards. Revision

Project No. 2455. McKeever/Morris, Inc., Kittleson & Associates,
Inc. and Kurahashi & Associates, Inc., 1995.
Washington County Uniform Road Improvement Design
Standards. Washington County Department of Land Use and
Transportation, 1998.

Livable Neighborhoods Community Design Code. A West-

ern Australian Government Sustainable Cities Initiative. Ministry
for Planning.

Woonerf. Royal Dutch Touring Club, 1980.

Creating Livable Streets: Street Design Guidelines for

2040. Prepared by Fehr & Peers Associates, Inc. Calthorpe Asso-
ciates, Kurahashi & Associates, Julia Lundy & Associates for
Metro, 1997.

Model Development Code & User’s Guide for Small Cities.

Transportation and Growth Management Program by Otak, 1999.

APA Recommendations for Pedestrians, Bicycle and

Transit Friendly Development Ordinances. TPR Working
Group Oregon Chapter APA, 1993.

Residential Street Typology and Injury Accident Frequency.

Swift & Associates, Longmont, CO, Peter Swift, Swift and Associ-
ates, Longmont, CO., 1998.

Appendix B

Oregon Community Street Widths

City/County No Parking Parking Contact Information
Parking One Side Both Sides
Ashland 22' 25'-28' Maria Harris, Associate Planner, 541-552-2045

Albany 28' Rich Catlin, Senior Planner, Albany Community

Development, 541-917-7564
Beaverton 20' 25.5' "infill 28' Margaret Middleton, Engineering Department, 503-
option," with 526-2424
rolled curb
on other
Brookings 30' John Bischoff, Planning Director, 541-469-2163,x237

Clackamas County 28' Joe Marek, County Engineer, 503-650-3452

Coburg 28' Harriet Wagner, City Planner, 541-682-7858

Corvallis 28' Kelly Schlesener, Planning Manager - Community

Development, 541-766-6908
Eugene 24' 28' Allen Lowe, Eugene Planning, 541-682-5113

Forest Grove 26' Jon Holan, Community Dev. Director, 503-992-3224

Gresham 26' Brian Shetterly, Long Range Planner, 503-618-2529;

Ronald Papsdorf, Lead Transportation Planner, 503-
Happy Valley 26' Jim Crumley, Planning Director, 503-760-3325

Lincoln City 28' Richard Townsend, Planning Director 541-996-2153

McMinnville 26' Doug Montgomery, Planning Director, 503-434-7311

Milton-Freewater 28' Gina Hartzheim, City Planner, 503-938-5531

Portland 20' 26' Steve Dotterrer, Portland Department of

Transportation, 503-823-7731
Redmond 28' Bob Quitmeier, Community Development Director,
Seaside 20' 26' Kevin Cupples, Planning Director, 503-738-7100

Sherwood 28' John Morgan, City Manager, 503-625-5522

Washington County 24' 28’ Tom Tushner, Principal Engineer, 503-846-7920

Wilsonville 28' Stephan Lashbrook, Planning Director, 503-682-

Source: February 2000, Livable Oregon, Inc.

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