Article and Prepositions

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Nasir Ahmed Khan SSUETIAN 2010-EE-043

An article (abbreviated ) is a word that combines with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun.
Articles specify the grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope.
The articles in the English language are the, a, and an.
(Use Of A , An , The)
1. Their was a knock on the door.I opened it and found a small boy in blue overcoat and a woolen cap.
2. He said he was an employee of the gas company and had come to read the meter.
3. But I had a suspicion that he wasn’t speaking the truth because meter reders usually wear peaked caps.
4. However ,I took him to the meter which is in a dark corner under the stairs.
5. I asked if he had a torch;he said I always read meter by the light of matches.
6. I remembered that if there was a leak in a / the gas pipe, there might be an explosion while he was reading the meter.
7. A football is round.
8. Ali likes the violin and his sister plays the guitar.
9. Ibrahim crossed the Atlantic Ocean many times.
10. You are the man who has been chosen for mission.
OMMISSION (No Article)
1. Honesty is sweet.
2. Pakistan is famous for beautiful scene .
3. English is language of English.
4. We go to mosque everyday.
5. My uncle is in hospital.
6. Children like chocolate .
7. I stay in bed till 7 am on Sunday.
8. Dinner will be served at 8.
9. World War 1was in 1914.
10. My brother is going to UAE.
A preposition is a word that conveys a meaning ,direction, time or other abstraction.
A prepositional phrase is used to modify the verb, nouns,pronouns and adjectives.
1. They have eggs (No preposition) breakfast.
2. Ali was a in hurry.
3. Men should help with the chore.
4. The ice was thick enough to walk on.
5. He used to sell fruit by himself.
6. Her hair need cutting with a sharp cutter.
7. He does his best for other.
8. She dares to say that on/to my face.
9. They had difficulty in getting a job.
10. Can’t you manage on Rs. 200 per week?
11. Am I in your way?
12. Was Ahmed on the cell?
13. I didn’t do it on purpose.
14. You being a good Muslim always abide by the rule.
15. We have some friend in for dinner.

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