The Victorian Fashion Era and Its Reform: Fashion Theory, Summer 2010 Prof. Bruno Lima Rebecca Glaser
The Victorian Fashion Era and Its Reform: Fashion Theory, Summer 2010 Prof. Bruno Lima Rebecca Glaser
The Victorian Fashion Era and Its Reform: Fashion Theory, Summer 2010 Prof. Bruno Lima Rebecca Glaser
its Reform
Fashion Theory, Summer 2010
Prof. Bruno Lima
Rebecca Glaser
The Victorian Era
• Stretched through the reign of
Queen Victoria (1837-1901)
• Beginnings of many artistic styles, social, political
and religious movements
• Time of “repression” and “prudishness”
• Very codified and strict in every area of life
• But also the beginning of the Modern Times
• Left marks in many areas of today’s life
Victorian Fashion
The Role of Women
The Victorian Dress Reform - How it
Relates to “Fashion Theory”
“No matter in which time period, the definite Essence of fashion is
Change.” (Kawamura)
“Fashion is an ideology of Social Change. Change must be
Possible and Desirable.” (Polhemus)
“A change in fashion is always initiated from the Upper Class.”