Project Report ON Industrial Visit TO: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Hero Honda Motors Limited
Project Report ON Industrial Visit TO: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Hero Honda Motors Limited
Project Report ON Industrial Visit TO: Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Hero Honda Motors Limited
Submitted to:
Dr. R.K. Singh
Director – M.B.A.-H.R. &I.R
L.U. – I.M.S
Submitted by:
Namita Gupta
M.B.A.-H.R. &I.R (3rd sem)
L.U. – I.M.S.
H.R. & I.R. are important aspect of any organization as they deal with the
organization’s most valued assets – people working there who individually
and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the
business. I am really grateful to L.U. - I.M.S for giving me the opportunity
to visit the plant of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Hero
Honda, Haridwar and help gaining the practical knowledge which has been
an immense learning experience.
I would like to thank Dr. R.K. Singh (Director, M.B.A.-H.R. &I.R.) and
Dr. Archana Singh who arranged the visit and helped me enhance my
My special thanks to Mr. Pankaj Kumar at BHEL and Mr. Arsh Rachit at
Hero Honda who gave us useful information about the work life and various
policies and procedures followed and helped made the visit a success.
For all those whom I have inadvertently forgotten, thank you for everything.
Table of contents
S. No. Contents Page No.
1. Introduction 4
2. BHEL 5
2.1 Company Profile 6
2.2 About Haridwar plant 10
2.3 Observations 18
2.4 H.R. Perspective 20
2.5 Suggestions 31
3. Hero Honda 33
3.1 Company Profile 34
3.2 Observations 40
3.3 H.R. Perspective 42
3.4 Suggestions 45
4. Conclusion 47
Visit to industrial plant helps provide a practical experience of what we
study in classrooms and through the text books. They help make us
understand how people in an organizational setting actually work together as
a team and together coordinate towards achievement of organizational
This visit was a part of industry interface program where the students got a
practical view of organization and its working with a special emphasis to
H.R. perspective.
The objective of this study was to impart knowledge in the field of H.R. &
I.R. by the way of industrial exposure.
The methodology adopted for the study comprised of visit to the plant
premises and observing. A question and answer round was also arranged
where the queries were answered. Information available on the websites of
BHEL and Hero Honda was also used.
Company profile
In 1956 India took a major step towards the establishment of its heavy
engineering industry when Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., (BHEL) setup
at Bhopal. It progressed rapidly and three more factories went into
production in 1965. The main aim of establishing BHEL was to meet the
growing power requirement of the country. BHEL appeared on the power
map of India in 1969 when the first unit supplied by it was commissioned at
the Basin Bridge Thermal Power Station in Tamilnadu. Within a decade,
BHEL had commissioned the 100th unit at Santaldih, West Bengal.
BHEL manufactures over 180 products under 30 major product groups and
caters to core sectors of the Indian Economy viz., Power Generation &
Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Telecommunication, Renewable
Energy, etc. The wide network of BHEL's 14 manufacturing divisions, four
Power Sector regional centres, over 100 project sites, eight service centres
and 18 regional offices, enables the Company to promptly serve its
customers and provide them with suitable products, systems and services --
efficiently and at competitive prices. The high level of quality & reliability
of its products is due to the emphasis on design, engineering and
manufacturing to international standards by acquiring and adapting some of
the best technologies from leading companies in the world, together with
technologies developed in its own R&D centres.
BHEL's operations are organized around three business sectors, namely
Power, Industry - including Transmission, Transportation,
Telecommunication & Renewable Energy - and Overseas Business. This
enables BHEL to have a strong customer orientation, to be sensitive to his
needs and respond quickly to the changes in the market.
The greatest strength of BHEL is its highly skilled and committed 42,600
employees. Every employee is given an equal opportunity to develop
himself and grow in his career. Continuous training and retraining, career
planning, a positive work culture and participative style of management - all
these have engineered development of a committed and motivated
workforce setting new benchmarks in terms of productivity, quality and
Probably the most significant aspect of BHEL’s growth has been its
diversification. The constant reorientation of the organization to meet the
varied needs in time with time a philosophy that has led to the development
of a total capability – from concept to commissioning not only in the field of
energy but also in industry and transportation. In the world power scene,
BHEL ranks among the top ten manufacturers of power plant equipment and
in terms of the spectrum of products and services offered, it is right on top.
BHEL’s technological excellence and turnkey capabilities have won it
world wide recognition. Over 40 countries in the world over have placed
orders with BHEL covering individual equipment to complete power
stations on a turnkey basis. In 1978-79 export earnings reached Rs.122
crores, the highest for any year.
BHEL has its headquarters at New Delhi. Its operations are spread
over 11 manufacturing plants and number of engineering and service
divisions located across the country. The service divisions include a network
of regional branch offices throughout India.
Hitachi Japan
Against the picturesque Shivalik foot hill of the Himalayas and on the banks of the holy
Ganges in Ranipur near Hardwar are located the two manufacturing plants of BHEL:
Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant (HEEP) and Central Foundry Forge Plant
(CFFP) employing abut 10000 people.
Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant is equipped to produce steam and Hydro Turbines with
matching Generators, Industrial manufacturing Thermal sets up to 1000MW capacity.
Located immediately south of HEEP is the Central Foundry Forge Plant setup.
The Pollution Control Research Institute (PCRI) has also been set up at BHEL,
Hardwar with the help of United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The
institute is located just below the Shivalik hills towards the northern side of HEEP.
The Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant was set up in technical collaboration with M/s
Prommash-export of USSR. The construction of the plant commenced in 1962 and the
production of equipment was initiated in early 1967. In 1976, BHEL entered into a
collaboration agreement with M/s Kraftwerk Union A.G. of West Germany for design,
manufacture, erection and commissioning of large size steam turbines and turbo
generators of unit rating up to 1000MW.
Much before the manufacturing of the first electrical machine at HEEP BHEL Hardwar,
the HRD Centre was established in the year 1963. known as Technical training School in
the yesteryears, the foundation stone of HRD was laid on 17th July 1963 by the then
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Late Shri C.B.Gupta. The Technical Training School of
1963 became popular as Training School in the later years. In fact the campus and
building of HRD was the first to be built in BHEL Township. The earlier years saw
training of first batch of artisans and engineers in the erstwhile ‘Technical Training
School’. The Centre was utilized for large scales fabrication activity, which helped the
erection of Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant.
Over a period of 36 long years spanning more than three decades, the center has grown
both in its field of activities and magnitude of efforts made to develop human resource.
Initially the objective was solely training of artisans who were to man the plant of HEEP.
Skill training in the various trades relevant to the plant was indeed the primary goal. The
scope and function of the Centre later expanded to include training of supervisors,
engineers and managers. The growth of Center kept pace with the demands of changing
technology and complexities of management due to ever changing environment
1. Steel castings. Up to 50 T/pc.wt. Cast weld upto 80T/pc.wt.
BLOCK-1< This is the main block of HEEP named as Electrical Machine Shop.
The main products of this block –1 are turbo generators, hydro generators & AC
and DC motors.
Block-8< This is the last block of Heavy Electrical Equipment Plant (HEEP)
named as HEAT EXCHANGER SHOP. In this Block all type of Heat Exchanger
of Steam turbines are manufactured.
Engineering & commercial.
Personnel & Administration.
Works engineering & services.
Electrical Machine manufacturing.
Turbine manufacturing.
Fabrication & Welding.
Quality Management.
Technology & Tool room.
Insulation system & G.R.I.
Material Management.
Defense projects
Business Development.
Productivity & TQM.
Resource planning & Technological development.
Quality surveillance.
Material Management & Inventory control.
Gas Turbine projects.
KWU(Kraft Work Unit) collaboration
Pollution control research Institute.
Beside these there are four sub-departments which are controlled by personnel &
administration. They are as follows:-
• Personnel.
• Township administration & Development.
• Medical.
• Human Resource Development Center or training center.
The personnel dept. has been further sub-divided into the following
1. ED
2. GM
3. AGM
4. Sr. DGM
5. DGM
6. Sr. Manager
7. Manager
8. Dy.. Manager
9. Sr. Engineer/Sr. Personnel Officer/Sr. Adm. Officer.
10. Stores Officer/Sr. Accounts Officer
11. Engineer/Personnel Officer/Adm. Officer/
12. Store officer/Accounts Officer
1. Chief Technician
2. General Technician
3. Master Technician
4. Sr. Technician
5. Technician
1. Librarian
2. Compounder
3. Pharmacists
4. Nurses
5. Dresser
6. Telex/Telephone operator
7. Driver
1. Peons
2. Mails
3. Sweepers
BHEL is the largest engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in
the energy-related/infrastructure sector. BHEL manufactures over 180
products under 30 major product groups and caters to core sectors of the
Indian Economy viz., Power Generation & Transmission, Industry,
Transportation, Telecommunication, Renewable Energy, etc.
The high level of quality & reliability of its products is due to the emphasis
on design, engineering and manufacturing to international standards by
acquiring and adapting some of the best technologies from leading
companies in the world, together with technologies developed in its own
R&D centres.
BHEL has its headquarters at New Delhi. Its operations are spread over 11
manufacturing plants and number of engineering and service divisions
located across the country.
As one enters the premises one is beauty struck by the green grass, lush trees
and blooming flowers. The factory premise is absolutely clean and free from
effluvia. Proper arrangement is made for ventilation. The environment is
eco-friendly and total pollution free. There are no fumes, smoke, hazardous
gases etc.
The general shift of workers is 8:00 to 5:00. There is no night shift for
women workers.
BHEL is also involved greatly in corporate social responsibility. Villages
nearby are provided with free medical facilities. Schools such as DPS,
Central Schools are supported by BHEL.
H.R. Perspective
commensurate with their performance, career advancement & goodwill
amongst all employees, & respect for the human individual.”
vacancies being created, the cause for these vacancies, viz., retirements,
death, resignations, transfers etc. It sees that a continuous review is done
& efforts are made for refilling the posts.
Recruitment is the process of identifying the sources of potential employees
& encouraging them to apply for jobs in the organization. The main purpose
of recruitment is to create a pool of candidates from which personnel with
required skill could be selected.
Various departments give number of employee's shortfalls in their respective
departments, because of retirement, death, transfer etc. of the employees, to
productivity services department. Then productivity service department
checks whether the number of persons demanded are actually required or
not. This department sends information to manpower planning department,
whose job is to get sanction from corporate office, the recruitment section
comes into action.
♣ From employment exchange.
♣ From advertising in newspapers.
♣ Through campus interview of reputed engineering/
management institute.
♣ From the post of technical/professional personnel
maintained by the N.C.S.T & other governmental agencies.
♣ Any other sources as approved by the competent authority in
Exceptional circumstances.
These posts are filled by external source & simultaneously, an internal
advertisement is issued for information of such of the employees who may
wish to be considered in the selection.
The relations between employer & employer, employer & employee,
employee & employee in an industry are called industrial relations. If in an
organization the productivity is positive then the industrial relation is said to
be positive & vice-versa.
With the approval of the govt. & drawing upon mutual faith, trust, &
understanding which the management & the labour elicited towards each
other, foundation was laid to create a forum for discussions on the problems
faced by the two group in an open atmosphere. The joint committee was set
up in 1973 at the apex level.
The employees are the assets of the company & so it is the duty
of the company to look after the welfare of the employees.
If we look after the employees & motivate them they will become more
productive & efficient. Besides the monitory remuneration to the employees,
the company should also make various schemes for the welfare of
employees providing adequate facilities in the area of education, medical,
housing, canteen, sports & cultural activities.
At B.H.E.L., the company is providing plant performance, shoes, dress,
insurance, death relief fund & medical facilities to its employees. On joining
the organisation, it is statutory binding on part of the company to give 1
jerkin, 3 trousers & 2 shirts to its employees & on alternative years; the
company provides 1 cotton shirt, 1cotton pant & 1 jerkin. The shoes are
given after every 2 years & a watch is given to the employees, once in their
provided in the township through full-fledged hospitals, clinics & peripheral
dispensaries, manned by qualified medical staff.
HEEP unit of B.H.E.L. has a separate dealing with welfare activities of the
employees. Its working is mainly governed by:
a) Factories Act, 1948
b) U.P. Factory Rules, 1950
c) U.P. Welfare Officer’s Rule, 1955
d) Safety Officer’s Act, 1984
e) U.P. Safety Officer’s Rule, 1984
f) Employee’s Safety Insurance Act, 1948
g) Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
h) Trade Union’s Act, 1926
Due to its large size there are 4 posts of security officer in B.H.E.L.
This security measures for safety of employees.
There are two welfare officers who look after facilities like sanitary &
medical facilities, arrangement for travel to & from the place of work, & for
the accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their homes; &
such other services, amenities & facilities including social security
measures, as contribute to the condition under which worker are employed.
Welfare amenities provided by B.H.E.L. is divided into two categories:
a) Welfare inside the establishment
b) Welfare outside the establishment
Shirt allowances
New Year gift, calendar, diary etc.
Housing facilities
from organisation
Mosquito control center
Once the person has been recruited, his personal file is opened & is send to
the establishment section, to maintain all the records concerning him. In his
personal file, the person’s day to day requirement & all details regarding
him are recorded for this purpose.
HEEP unit of B.H.E.L. has four different cells:
This cell maintains the files of all executives of B.H.E.L., Hardwar.
This cell maintains the file of all the non-executives working inside the
This cell maintains the file of all the non-executives working in engineering
This cell maintains the file of all the non-executives of administrative
building & all the hospital employees.
Once the establishment section starts maintaining an employee’s file, it
states that the particular employee has completed his probation periods at
the factory & is now regularized. Then he is given various facilities like
LTC, festival advance, vehicle advance, house building advance etc. a
separate record is maintained for each & every loan & advance taken by
B.H.E.L. give LTC (leave travel concession) to its employees once in two
year calendar years, for traveling upto 1500 Km (one way) at any place in
India. A separate LTC ledger has been mentioned (a file type document), in
which there is a separate seat for each employee, according to his staff
number. In this ledger all the details regarding his LTC, are mentioned, like
how many time he has taken LTC, for going to which place, how many
family members accompanied him etc. Thus, if a person applies for LTC,
his record is checked that whether he is eligible for it or not. Then only
LTC is sanctioned.
The HEEP unit of B.H.E.L. has five large industrial canteens, providing
lunch, dinner, tea & snacks to the employees. There are 9 canteens
providing only tea & snacks to the employees in the administrative
building, aviation, hospitals, PCRI (pollution control research institute) etc.
All these 14 canteens have a work force of around 155 workers &
supervisors & 7 executives. Around Rs. 175 crores is the annual
expenditure incurred by these canteens.
The canteens buy maximum raw material like flour, sugar, ghee etc. from
government agencies. Spices etc. is brought from ladies club, which
charges 10% extra charge for providing clean pulses & other raw material.
The 7 executives working at the canteens are responsible for operation,
storage, procurement & planning.
The food, tea & snacks provided at B.H.E.L. canteens are very much
The govt. provides subsidy of around RS. 150,00000 per year.
General administration has got the following area of functioning, they are:
House building advance.
Death relief fund.
Contract labour.
Night duty/ Gate duty.
of interest rate which B.H.E.L. would have charged, incase B.H.E.L. would
have lend the money through its own fund.
In other words, previously B.H.E.L. used to give loan at around 9% interest
rate but now it doesn’t provide loan. Instead it allows a person to take loan
from any outside agency like LIC, HUDCO etc. which provide loan at a
higher rate of interest i.e. around 15%-16%. BHEL pays the difference in
the rate of interest, i.e. 6%-7%.
To apply for loan, a form is filled by the applicant & he submits his estimated
sum, photocopy of registry, plot number, its area, his present address, his
designation etc., with the sanctioned letter, it is submitted with BHEL & the
applicant is given the difference in the rate of interest along with his pay, by
payroll department.
Mode of recovery-
Recoverable in equal monthly installments (EMI) within a period not
exceeding 25 years.
The contract labours are engaged for work, which is not of a perennial nature
cleaning, dusting of township, hospital, guesthouse, canteen etc.
Apart from all other mentioned section, the personnel dept. at HEEP,
Hardwar has a separate section for the promotion of our national language-
This section has taken several steps for increasing the use of Hindi, in the
unit. Some of these steps are:
Every day a new Hindi word, along with its English version is
written on the boards placed at different places in the unit.
All the nameplates at the doors are having name first written in
Hindi, then in English.
Rajbhasha cell repeatedly asks the units authorities to write all
the official letters in Hindi.
Even the calendar of BHEL has dates & months in Hindi.
This aim of establishing a separate cell for promotion of Hindi language is to
develop a feeling of nationalism, among the citizens. We should take pride
in using our national language.
an accident occurs, immediate action is taken to protect the safety of
There are however certain areas in which the policies need to be reviewed.
grievances. Thus there should be one such grievance settlement cell which
and having the capability should engage itself in much more activities for
Employee Involvement:
the best examples of such programme could be quality circles. This would
Performance appraisal:
Beside using the Graphic Rating method, the company should also use other
methods like 360 degree Appraisal technique for evaluating the
performance as it provides a broader perspective about an employee’s
performance, i.e. “Multi Rater” system would maximize the breadth of
information and cancel our biases unique to particular source so that it can
be used as a more appropriate way of appraising employees and which
would also help to increase the credibility of the appraisal in the opinion
of the employees.
Company profile
The Hero Honda story began with a simple vision – the vision of a mobile
and an empowered India, powered by Hero Honda. This vision was driven
by Hero Honda’s commitment to customer, quality and excellence, and
while doing so, maintains the highest standards of ethics and societal
responsibilities. Twenty five years and 25 million two wheelers later, Hero
Honda is closer to fulfilling this dream.
Hero Honda has been the largest two wheeler company in the world for
eight consecutive years. The company crossed the ten million unit
milestone over a 19-year span. In the new millennium, Hero Honda has
scaled this to 15 million units in just five years!
Over the course of two and a half decades, and three successive joint venture
agreements later, both partners have fine-tuned and perfected their roles as
joint venture partners. As one of the world's technology leaders in the
automotive sector, Honda has been able to consistently provide technical
know-how, design specifications and R&D innovations. This has led to the
development of world class, value - for- money motorcycles and scooters for
the Indian market. On its part, the Hero Group has taken on the singular and
onerous responsibility of creating world-class manufacturing facilities with
robust processes, building the supply chain, setting up an extensive
distribution networks and providing insights into the mind of the Indian
customer. Since both partners continue to focus on their respective strengths,
they have been able to complement each other. In the process, Hero Honda
is recognized today as one of the most successful joint ventures in the world.
It is therefore no surprise that there are more Hero Honda bikes on this
country's roads than the total population of some European countries.
Hero Honda's bikes are sold and serviced through a network of over 3500
customer touch points, comprising a mix of dealers, service centres and
stockists located across rural and urban India. Hero Honda has built two
world-class manufacturing facilities at Dharuhera and Gurgaon in Haryana,
and its third and most sophisticated plant at Haridwar.
performance and price aspirations of its customers. At the same time
maintain the highest standards of ethics and social responsibilities.
This mission is what drives Hero Honda to new heights in excellence and
helps the organization forge a unique and mutually beneficial relationship
with all its stake holders.
Hero Honda strives to touch and transform the lives of customers by giving
them a mode of transport that is fuel-efficient, comfortable and environment
friendly. One that would enhance their efficiency at work, enable them to
share moments of joy with their families and add up to a better quality of
In a scenario where the customers have a few choices, Hero Honda’s vision
is to offer the highest quality at a reasonable price, to meet the customer’s
expectations, and to exceed them.
Behind the success of Hero Honda, is the saga of team-work. In the new
millennium, it stands committed to innovation, to change, to achieving
breakthroughs… to moving forward in the new century, while retaining the
values that have been like a beacon in this journey thus far.
Mr. Brijmohan Lall Munjal is the founder Director and Chairman of the
Company and the $ 2.8 billion Hero Group. In recognition of his
contribution to industry, Mr. Lall was conferred the Padma Bhushan Award
by the Union Government.
Hero Honda Motors takes considerable pride in its stakeholder relationships,
especially ones developed at the grassroots. The Company believes it has
managed to bring an economically and socially backward region in
Dharuhera, Haryana, into the national economic mainstream.
The Foundation has adopted various villages located within vicinity of the
Hero Honda factory at Dharuhera for integrated rural development. This
Raman Munjal Memorial Hospital:
The Raman Munjal Sports Complex has basketball courts, volleyball courts,
and hockey and football grounds are used by the local villagers.
In order to help local rural people, especially women, Hero Honda has set up
a Vocational Training Centre. So far 26 batches comprising of nearly 625
women have been trained in tailoring, embroidery and knitting.
This Scheme was launched on 21st September, 1999, covering the nearby
villages of Malpura, Kapriwas and Sidhrawali.
At Hero Honda, the goal is not only to sell bikes, but also to help in making
the world a better place to live in. Besides its will to provide a high-quality
service to all of its customers, Hero Honda takes a stand as a socially
responsible enterprise respectful of its environment and respectful of the
important issues.
"We must do something for the community from whose land we
generate our wealth”
The above is a famous quote from the Worthy Chairman Mr.Brijmohan Lall
Quality Policy:
Hero Honda is committed at all levels to achieve high quality in whatever it
does, particularly in its products and services which will meet and exceed
customer's growing aspirations through:
Hero Honda Motors Limited is the world’s single largest two-wheeler
motorcycle company. It is recognized today as one of the most successful
joint ventures in the world.
Hero Honda has helped in the development of world class, value - for-
money motorcycles and scooters for the Indian market. The company's
meteoric growth in the two-wheeler market in India stems from an intrinsic
ability to reach out and come closer to its customers, with every passing
Hero Honda strives for synergy between technology, systems and human
resources, to produce products and services that meet the quality,
performance and price aspirations of its customers. It is a world leader
because of its excellent manpower, proven management, extensive dealer
network, efficient supply chain and world-class products.
As one enters the premises one is beauty struck by the green grass, lush trees
and blooming flowers. The factory premise is absolutely clean and free from
effluvia. Proper arrangement is made for ventilation. The environment is
eco-friendly and total pollution free. There are no fumes, smoke, hazardous
gases etc. Hero Honda has been strongly committed not only to
environmental conservation programmes but also expresses the
increasingly inseparable balance between the economic concerns and the
environmental and social issues faced by a business. A business must not
grow at the expense of mankind and man's future but rather must serve
Excellence in quality is the core value of Hero Honda's philosophy.
H.R. Perspective
The strategic Human Resource Development (HRD) goal of Hero Honda is
to create an atmosphere of technological and managerial excellence to
become a globally competitive organization. With the changing
environment, rapid technological changes and greater customer demand, the
overall objective of the Human Resource Development plan is to build a
vibrant and learning organization, so as to meet the challenges of quality and
excellence, recruitment and retention of competent human resources and
develop high commitment and a sense of belongingness to the Company.
Gurukul, a full fledged and complete and separate building is provided and
maintained at Hero Honda as a training Centre.
Performance Appraisal:
Employee Communication:
Safety Policy:
Hero Honda is committed to safety and health of its employees and other
persons who may be affected by its operations. It believes that the safe work
practices lead to better business performance, motivated workforce and
higher productivity.
• Continuous improvements in safety performance through precautions
besides participation and training of employees.
There are however certain areas in which the policies need to be reviewed.
Recruitment method:
more campus recruitment and written tests, interviews to check the ability of
grievances. Thus there should be one such grievance settlement cell which
Performance appraisal:
Beside using the Graphic Rating method, the company should also use other
methods like 360 degree Appraisal technique for evaluating the
performance as it provides a broader perspective about an employee’s
performance, i.e. “Multi Rater” system would maximize the breadth of
information and cancel our biases unique to particular source so that it can
be used as a more appropriate way of appraising employees and which
would also help to increase the credibility of the appraisal in the opinion
of the employees.
Each and every employee must be informed as to where they stand insofar
as their performance is concerned and to assist them with constructive
criticism and guidance for their development.
Both BHEL and Hero Honda are one of the largest engineering and
manufacturing enterprises in India in their respective fields. They are
committed to customer, quality and excellence, and while doing so, maintain
the highest standards of ethics and societal responsibilities. Both have
excellent manpower, proven management, and world-class products.
They both occupy a very significant position in the economy of our country.
The organizations understand the fact that the people are the centre of the
whole system and most of the problems in organization are human related,
as human beings are dynamic and complex. In order to create a performing
organization and to sustain the performance, the human resources should be
competent and efficient and the foundation is tapping down competent
workforce and retaining them.
At BHEL as well as Hero Honda the workers are not seen as a liability, but
as a key resource which needs to be carefully nurtured and constantly
developed. It truly believes that a "Learning Organization" is essential for
survival in the present era of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization.
This industrial visit to the plants of BHEL and Hero Honda at Haridwar has
been an immense learning experience for all the students.