Rose Dealer Catalog 2010

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Rose Publishing
2010 Dealer Catalog
All prices in U.S. Currency.
18 New Products

Two Best-Selling Topics

Now as DVD-based Bible Studies

Incredible Intro Offer - Just $63

For 2 DVD Leaders Packs (same title) + 2 Leaders Guides + 4 Participants Guides
+ FREE 10-Pack of Pamphlets + FREE 4-tier Acrylic Display

50% + Show Specials - ICRS Booth 1007

FREE FREIGHT See page 63
on Not-Yet-Published Titles
when you prepay your $100 net order (not available on displays)

[email protected] 800-532-4278 FAX 310-353-2116

f Christ
f the Birth o

The Christmas Story

The Advent o

Here is the story of Jesus’ birth and the fulfillment of Old Testament
prophecies in a beautiful pamphlet that can be used as a handout at
Christmas and as a Bible study to use during Advent. Using traditional
wording from Matthew and Luke’s Gospels, and beautiful full-color art, this
pamphlet starts with the angelic announcement of John the Baptist’s birth
and the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary. It continues with Mary and Joseph
traveling to Nazareth, the birth of Jesus, and the visitation of the shepherds
and the Wise Men. It ends with the Gospel story and a forward look toward
Christ’s second coming. This beautiful pamphlet will be treasured. Contains
suggestions for Advent celebrations and traditional suggested readings; also
includes suggestions for using the pamphlet as a Christmas program script.
Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches; unfolds to 38 inches. 14 panels. Fits inside a Bible
778X Christmas Story in Prophecy pamphlet..................... 9781596364202........... 3.99

Who I am in Christ
You are Complete in Him!
The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds us what God
has done through His Son, Jesus. We are “forgiven,” “beloved,” “new
creatures,” and more. Each word has a Bible reference. Be reminded
and reassured of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as
a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy in Christ, and
that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of
promises and where they are located in the
Contents Bible.
New Items............................................2-5
Best-Selling Books.................................6-7 757X PAMPHLET: Who I Am in Christ........................ ..9781596363908........ $3.99
Temple................................................... 11 765X Who I Am in Christ wall chart.................................. 9781596363984...... $10.99
Time Lines........................................12-14 765L Who I Am in Christ LAM chart................................. 9781596363991...... $14.99
Bible Overview..................................18-20
Bible Basics.......................................21-29
Reasons to Believe................................. 30 Christian History Time Line
Hot Topics.........................................31-41 PowerPoint This presentation shows 2,000 years of
Calendar of Important Dates................. 33 church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations
Specials.................................................. 34
Order Form.......................................35-36 of more than 200 key people and events that all
Spanish Order Form............................... 36 Christians should know. Special emphasis on
Cults & Religions...............................39-44 world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and
Gospels & Life of Christ....................45-47 Bible translation into other languages. Contains
Easter & Passover................................... 48
The Gospel & Life of Christ.................... 49 fascinating facts: • From the life of Jesus to
Church History..................................50-51 modern day • From Augustine to Billy Graham •
Prophecy & End Times......................52-53 From the spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam •
Reliability of the Scripture.................54-57 From the King James Version Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Over 100 slides.
Youth/Kids Corner............................57-58
Rose Bible Basics Books......................... 59
Displays................................................. 60 769X POWERPOINT: Christian History Time Line........ ..9781596364097...... $39.99
Best-Seller Lists...................................... 61
PowerPoint FAQ & Special Offer.......62-63
Spanish Pamphlets & PowerPoints....64-65
Bible Overview
800-532-4278 This presentation gives a fantastic summary of every book of the Bible—This is a great reference for ages 12 and
How To Order up. Easy-to-understand for young people and people
You may order by phone, fax, mail e-mail. with no Bible background, yet clear and scholarly
Mail Rose Publishing, Inc., enough for college students and seminarians.
4733 Torrance Blvd., #259,
Torrance, CA 90503 USA
PowerPoint has over 100 slides and is PC and Mac
Phone (310) 353-2100 or (800) 532-4278 compatible. Details on page 62
Fax (310) 353-2116
E-mail [email protected] 768X POWERPOINT: Bible Overview.......................... ..9781596364066...... $39.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.

Christianity, Cults &

Religions DVD-Based Bible Study
Lead a Bible study on Christianity, Cults & Religions –
without being an expert!
Christians need to know what they believe. This excellent six-session
DVD small group study teaches what the Bible says about God,
Jesus, salvation, and more, it compares it to the teachings of other
religions and cults. Covers Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses,
Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and more. Sessions led by Paul Carden,
Director of The Centers of Apologetics Research and former co-host
of “Bible Answer Man” radio program. List of session titles, page 39

Complete Christianity Cults & Religions Kit

$99.99 ($113 value!) • ISBN 9781596364134 Product 771X
Kit contains: Leader Pack with the DVD of six 30-40 minute video sessions,
CD-ROM with PDF files for posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts 784X Additional Leaders Guide......................................... 9781596364288...... $14.99
and banners, plus one each of the Leader’s Guide, Participant’s Guide, 785X Additional Participants Guide................................... 9781596364295........ $8.99
best-selling Christianity, Cults & Religions pamphlet, Rose Bible Basics: 788X Case of 40 Participants Guides (Save $70)..................................... . $289.00
Christianity, Cults & Religions 112-page handbook comparing 40 religions 404X Christianity, Cults & Religions pamphlet................... 9789901981403........ $3.99
and cults. Purchase Participant Guide for each class member. 789X Case of 40 Christianity, Cults & Religions pamphlets (Save $30).... . $129.00
662X Christianity, Cults & Religions 112 pg handbook...... 9781596362024...... $14.99
Christianity Cults & Religions Leader Pack $29.99 790X Case of 40 Christianity, Cults & Religions handbooks (Save $120)... . $479.00
• ISBN 9781596364271 Product 771DV 438X POWERPOINT: Christianity, Cults & Religions............ 9781890947323...... $39.99
Leader Pack contains: DVD of six 30-40 minute video sessions, CD-ROM
with PDF files for posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts and banners, PDF of the Leader’s Guide, which may be printed out.

Four Views of the End

Times DVD-Based Bible Study
Lead a Bible study comparing the four major views of the end
times—without being an expert!
The differing ideas that divide believers into four major
points-of-view are examined in this DVD-based small group
study. The new six-session study tackles Dispensational
Premillennialism, Postmillenialism, Historic Premillennialism,
and Amillennialism. For each view, the objective study includes
simple definitions, explanation and discussion of supporting
Scriptures, an overview of the view’s popularity, and a focus on
what we can gain from studying this perspective, and common questions and answers.
Complete Four Views of the End Times Kit
$89.99 ($98 value!) • ISBN 9781596364127 Product 770X BOX

Complete kit contains: Leader Pack with the DVD of six 15-20 minute
video sessions, CD-ROM with PDF files for posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin
782X Additional Leaders Guide: Four Views...................... 9781596364257...... $14.99
inserts and banners, Leader’s Guide, Participant’s Guide, Four Views of the
End Times pamphlet, PowerPoint with 40 slides to expand the scope of the 783X Additional Participants Guide: Four Views................ 9781596364264........ $8.99
teaching. Purchase Participant Guide for each class member. 786X Case of 40 Participants Guides....(Save $70).................................. . $289.00
350X Four Views of the End Times pamphlet.................... 9781596360891........ $3.99
Four Views Leader Pack $29.99 • ISBN 9781596364240
787X Case of 40 Four Views of the End Times pamphlets... (Save $30).. . $129.00
Product 770DV
690X PowerPoint: Four Views........................................... 9781596363014...... $39.99
Leader Pack contains: Leader Pack with the DVD of six 15-20 minute video
sessions, CD-ROM with PDF files for posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts and banners, PDF of the Leader’s Guide which may be printed out.

Buy 30 pamphlets, ask for any PowerPoint FREE. See p. 34

4 NEW Rose Pamphlets
What is in a Pamphlet?
Most pamphlets contain...
• Maps • Diagrams
• Illustrations
• Charts • Photos
81⁄2" • Time Lines
• Definitions
• Application
• Discussion questions
To see inside
each pamphlet go to

What are Bible Reference Pamphlets? These high-gloss plastic-coated fact

sheets that contain hundreds of facts and fit inside the cover of most Bibles. They include the most important
information on the topic at a glance. Size: 8.5" x 5.5". 12-14 panels.

Parables of Jesus Pamphlet available in July

Jesus used parables to communicate important truth about God’s Kingdom. This simple
14-page full color pamphlet is a perfect introduction to the parables of Jesus. All 39 of these
“heavenly stories with earthly meanings” are explained: the Prodigal Son, the Good Samaritan,
the Lost Sheep, the Mustard Seed, the Talents, and more. Excellent way to focus on God’s
purposes in the world. Includes tips for studying parables for Bible Study groups. Size: 8.5 x 5.5
inches; unfolds to 38 inches. 14 panels. Fits inside a Bible cover.

749X PAMPHLET: Parables of Jesus............................ ..9781596363823........ $3.99

Why Truth Matters Pamphlet available in July

What is truth, and how can we know? The Bible plainly tells the kinds of errors and false teachings
that Christians will be expected to identify and defend against. Explore nine enemies of biblical
truth: false gospels, false doctrines, false miracles, false gods, false christs, false spirits, false
prophets, false apostles, and false teachers. Learn to recognize the counterfeits through the light
of God’s truth. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches;
unfolds to 38 inches. 14 panels. 734X PAMPHLET: Why Truth Matters........................ ..9781596363564........ $3.99
Fits inside a Bible cover.

10 Q & A on Seventh-day Adventism Pamphlet available in October

Why do Seventh-day Adventists worship on Saturdays only? Who was their prophet, Ellen G.
White, and what did she teach about Jesus (identified as Michael the Archangel), the Trinity
(both God the Father and Jesus have tangible bodies), and salvation? What is the SDA Bible
paraphrase, The Clear Word, and how does it alter the original Greek and Hebrew meanings to
fit Mrs. White’s unusual teachings? Why do Adventists consider Sunday worship “the mark of
the beast?” What is the “investigative judgment,” and how does it deny the biblical belief that
Jesus paid fully for our sins at the cross? Christians need to be aware of traditional Adventist
teachings. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches; unfolds to 38 inches. 14 panels. Fits inside a Bible cover.

780X PAMPHLET: 10 Q&A Seventh-day Adventism.... ..9781596364226........ $3.99

Proverbs Pamphlet available in October Minor Prophets Pamphlet

The Proverbs is one of the most available in October
beloved books in the Bible The books of the Bible written by the
and this full-color pamphlet 12 minor prophets contain some of the
gives you a good overview and most powerful and beloved portions
includes discussion questions of Scripture. Great passages such as
for personal or group use. It “What does the Lord require of you?
explains the types of proverbs But to act justly and love mercy and to
and shows the richness hidden walk humbly with your God.” (Micah
below the surface when you 6:8). This pamphlet covers each of the
understand their structure and books and includes a comparison chart including author,
meaning. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches; message, recipients, and dates. Discussion questions
unfolds to 38 inches. Fits inside included for personal and group use. Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches;
a Bible cover. unfolds to 38 inches. 14 panels. Fits inside a Bible cover.
763X PAMPHLET: Proverbs........................................ ..9781596363960........ $3.99 791X PAMPHLET: Minor Prophets.............................. ..9781596364301........ $3.99

FREE SHIPPING on your $150 product order. See p. 34

NEW From Rose 5

What Christians Believe

At a Glance
Rose Bible Basics Series available in July
This full color book explains basic Christian doctrines, including the Trinity, Jesus
claims, resurrection, salvation, and heaven. It covers the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene
Creed. Includes charts that compare 12 denominations, the two most common
methods of baptism, and four Christian views of the End Times.
128 pages; 6” x 9” paperback.
772X RBB: What Christians Believe at a Glance................. 9781596364141...... $14.99

Parables & Other Favorite Bible Studies

Rose Bible Basics series available in October
Your group will enjoy studying these favorite biblical passages:
· Parables of Jesus (insights into God’s Kingdom life)
· Life of Joseph (on the purpose of suffering)
· Psalm 23 (comfort during difficult times)
· Life of David (God’s power in the lives of flawed people)
· Esther (Answers “Where is God when life is unfair?”), and
· 1 Corinthians 13 (Love Chapter: patience, kindness, perseverance)
Six-session study guide included. Full color with dozens of charts, diagrams,
comparisons, maps and time lines. 128 pages; 6” x 9” paperback.
774X RBB: Parables & Other Favorite Bible Studies............ 9781596364165...... $14.99

John 3:16—The Greatest Verse

wall chart available in October
One of the most beloved verses in Scripture. “For God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but
have everlasting life.” Includes devotional emphasis for each single word showing
the impact of God’s intention. Beautiful for your home, office, classroom, or
church foyer. Size: 19.5 x 26 inches; heavy chart paper; reproducible worksheets
on the back.
Not Final Art

795X John 3:16: The Greatest Verse unlam wall............... 9781596364387...... $10.99
795L John 3:16: The Greatest Verse LAM chart................ 9781596364394...... $14.99

How to Study the Bible Fatherhood available in October

This ready-to-use presentation is Making a Lifetime of Difference
perfect whether you are teaching Despite what TV sitcoms imply,
people with no Bible experience fathers are extremely important
or those who have been in the lives of their children! This
Christians a long time. This ready-to-use PowerPoint®
50-slide PowerPoint® presentation includes
will provide an excellent statistical data and biblical
introduction to studying wisdom and a good
the Bible. Your students sense of humor to show
will learn the basics of Bible the importance of fathers
study and develop the confidence to in today’s changing society.
read it themselves. Goes perfectly with the pamphlet and This easy-to-use presentation is a
wall chart of the same name. Topics: perfect overview of God’s important calling for men to
• Approaching the Bible “inductively”—asking “What does the Bible teach?”
rather than “How do I prove my opinions by using the Bible?”
be true fathers. It shows that God is our best model for
• Bible passages and topics to study. fathering, and explains the biblical teachings of love,
• Applying the teachings of the Bible to everyday life. instruction, and discipline. Goes perfectly with the
• Memorizing Scripture—12 key verses. pamphlet and wall chart of the same name. 50 slides.
• Using Bible dictionaries, concordances, and cross references You control the timing, order, and speed. See page 62 for
50 slides. You control the timing, order, and speed. system requirements.
See page 62 for system reqs. available in October
793X POWERPOINT: How to Study the Bible............. ..9781596364325...... $39.99 794X POWERPOINT: Fatherhood............................... ..9781596364356...... $39.99

Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more or a wall chart FREE. See p. 34

Best Sellers

Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps

See where Bible places are today, with the “Then and Now” Bible maps
with clear plastic overlays of modern cities and countries. This deluxe
edition has double the number of pages as the regular version, plus it
comes with a CD-ROM that gives you a JPG of each map to use in your
own Bible material as well as PDFs of each map and overlay to create your
own handouts or overhead transparencies. PowerPoint fans can create
their own presentations with these digitized maps. Includes all of the maps
on page 16, plus maps for Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, the Exodus, Paul’s
four missionary journeys, and the expansion of
the early church in the Roman
Empire through AD 325.

Includes CD ROM 629X DELUXE Then and Now Bible Map Book................... 9781596361638...... $29.99

Rose Guide to the Tabernacle

Full color with clear plastic overlays to see inside the Tabernacle
The Tabernacle (“tent of meeting”) was the place where the Israelites worshiped
God after the Exodus. Learn how the sacrifices, utensils, and even the structure of
the tabernacle were designed to show us something about God. See the parallels
between the Old Testament sacrifices and priests’ duties, and Jesus’ service as the
perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. See how:
• The Tabernacle was built • The sacrifices pointed Jesus Christ • The design of
the tent revealed God’s holiness and humanity’s need for God • The Ark of the
Covenant was at the center of worship. Clear plastic overlays show inside/outside
of the tabernacle; plus dozens of reproducible charts. You may reproduce up to
300 copies of any chart free of charge for your classroom. 128 pages.
Winner of The
Christian Retailers
Choice Award

673X Rose Guide to the Tabernacle.................................. 9781596362765...... $29.99

20-Foot Bible & Christian History Time Line!

Six thousand years and 20 feet of time lines in one beautiful hard-bound cover!
This unique resource allows you to easily store and read two time lines in book
form. These gorgeous time lines printed on heavy chart paper, can also be slipped
out of their binding and posted in a hallway or large room for full effect. The
10-foot detailed Bible Time Line compares Scriptural events with world history and
Middle East history. Shows hundreds of facts; includes dates of kings, prophets,
battles, and key events. Colorful photos and illustrations. The 10-foot Christian
History Time line begins with the life of Jesus and continues to the present day.
Includes brief explanations of more than 300 key people and events that all
Christians should know. Emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity,
and Bible translation in other languages. Packed with colorful photos. These two
time lines are connected end-to-end to form one long teaching aid.

Unfolds to over 20 feet

You can remove it from the cover to put on a wall!

346X Rose Book of Bible & Christian History Time Lines... 9781596360846...... $29.99

FREE SHIPPING on your $150 product order. See p. 34


180 Pages of Bible Charts

in a Reproducible Book!
Now you can have dozens of popular full color Bible charts, maps,
and time lines in one spiral-bound book. This is the best selling Bible
reference book of 2007 & 2008
The Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps and Time Lines Vol 1.
• Christianity, Cults & Religions • Jesus’ Genealogy • Bible Time Line
• Denominations Comparison • Islam and Christianity • Tabernacle
• Christian History Time Line • Ark of the Covenant • Bible Overview
• How We Got the Bible • Bible Bookcase • Temple and High Priest
• Bible maps • Noah’s Ark • Trinity, and more.

You can reproduce up to 300 copies of any chart free of charge.

192 pages. Hardcover.

You can photocopy pages for classroom use 314X Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines.... 9781596360228...... $29.99

* According to the latest Christian Booksellers Association Core Inventory Report

Order at Enter the
catalog code on the back as your discount code
Offer expires Dec 31, 2010, order now.
Buy any 2 books on page 6-7 for $46 (save $14)
Buy any 6 books on these pages for $138 (save $42)

Rose Book of Bible Charts Vol. 2

220 more pages of reproducible Bible Charts.
More popular Rose Bible charts (not duplicated from Volume
1) Topics include • Bible Translations comparison chart
• Why Trust the Bible? • Heroes of the Old Testament •
Women of the Bible • Life of Paul • Christ in the Old
Testament • Christ in the Passover • Names of Jesus •
Beatitudes • Lord’s Prayer
• Where to Find Favorite Bible Verses • Christianity and
Eastern Religions • Worldviews Comparison • 10 Q & A on
Mormonism/Jehovah’s Witnesses/Magic/Atheism • Pursuing
Jesus • and many others! You can reproduce up to 300
copies of any chart free of charge for your own classroom.
240 pg., full color; Spiral bound for easy copying.

672X Rose Book of Bible Charts Volume 2........................ 9781596362758...... $29.99

Buy 30 pamphlets, ask for any PowerPoint FREE. See p. 34


This new Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart was created

exclusively for Rose Publishing.
Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart
It provides you with an inside look at the –
• High Priest and His Garments • Gate of the Court • Court
Fence • Brazen Altar • Laver of Bronze • Golden Censer
• Holy Place • Tabernacle Tent • Table of Showbread •
Golden Lampstand • The Veil • Altar of Incense • Ark of
the Covenant • Most Holy Place • Cloud and the Pillar of
Fire • Mercy Seat
Offerings (burnt offering, grain offering, peace
offering, sin offering, and trespass offering)
Wall chart 19x26 Each part is identified by a number and is explained on a
reproducible worksheet on the back of the chart. Descriptions of each item include scripture references. .

This pamphlet shows a beautiful picture of the Old

Tabernacle pamphlet Testament Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai. The
Tabernacle was the special “tent of meeting” that God
instructed Moses to build. It was placed in the center
of the camp and could be set up and taken down
whenever the Children of Israel traveled.

Includes diagrams of the furnishings, the high priestly

garments, the sacrifices, and an explanation of the
551L Tabernacle Cutaway chart–Laminated...................... 9781890947491...... $14.99
symbolism that points to Jesus Christ.
551X Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart................................ 9781890947484...... $10.99
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
565X Tabernacle pamphlet........................................ ..9781890947996........ $3.99 to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
H565X Spanish Pamphlet: Tabernacle.......................... ..9780805465983........ $3.99

Tabernacle PowerPoint® Paper Model of the Tabernacle

This fantastic teaching tool allows
you to project on a screen—or Make your own Tabernacle
show on your computer The Tabernacle Paper Model is a full-color scale model
monitor—the text and of the Tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the
illustrations of the Covenant, the High Priest, and all of the animals and
Tabernacle wall chart furnishings. Made from heavy chart paper. Just cut out
shown on pages 9-10. the structures and figures, fold, and glue or tape. Perfect
Great for teaching large for ages 8 and up. Model size: 23” long x 13” wide x 3”
groups with a digital high. Available laminated or unlaminated.
PowerPoint 150 slides, details on pg 62 .

• Tabernacle (full view) • Tabernacle (close up)
• Brazen (brass) altar • Court Fence Great
• Ark of the Covenant • The Holy Place Sunday school
• Lampstand (Candlestick• The Most Holy Place or
• Altar of Incense • High Priest’s garments Homeschool
There is enough information on this CD to teach 2-4 hours on the topic Kids Love this!
of the Tabernacle. You can show just one part of the Tabernacle or go
through the entire presentation. You control the order and the timing.
Bonus included on the CD: You can print out handouts showing every
slide in the show so that your students can follow along and take notes.

Sample Slides... 574X Tabernacle Paper Model 9781596360273..........$13.99

574L Tabernacle Paper Model-LAMINATED 9781596360280..........$17.99
553X POWERPOINT®: Tabernacle 9781890947743.................. ..$39.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.

Clear overlays
show the layers of
the Tabernacle’s
Rose Guide to the Tabernacle
Full color with clear overlays and reproducible pages
The Tabernacle (“tent of meeting”) was the place where the Israelites
worshiped God after the Exodus. Learn how the sacrifices, utensils, and even
Finalist in the Christian the structure of the tabernacle were designed to show us something about God.
Book Awards See the parallels between the Old Testament sacrifices and priests’ duties, and
Jesus’ service as the perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. See how:
• The Tabernacle was built • The sacrifices pointed Jesus Christ • The design of
the tent revealed God’s holiness and humanity’s need for God • The Ark of the
Covenant was at the center of worship. Clear plastic overlays show inside/outside
of the tabernacle; plus dozens of reproducible charts. You may reproduce up to
300 copies of any chart free of charge for your classroom. 128 pages.

673X Rose Guide to the Tabernacle .9781596362765........................$29.99

Tabernacle Wall Charts Wall chart 19x26

Wall chart 19x26

The Tabernacle
Old Testament Symbolism Points to Jesus
The Ark of the Covenant Whether you are teaching about Moses or the book of
Hebrews, you need this chart. The Tabernacle wall chart is
The Ark of the Covenant wall chart shows the most a beautiful teaching aid for children and adults. Many adults
important part of the Tabernacle and the Temple. God study the Tabernacle for the rich Old Testament symbolism that
instructed Moses to place the Mercy Seat and the Ark points to Jesus. See the parallels between the Old Testament
of the Covenant in the Tabernacle. It stood in the Most sacrifices and priests’ duties, and Jesus’ service as the perfect
Holy Place (the “Holy of Holies”) where God spoke sacrifice and perfect high priest. An excellent opportunity to
to Moses. This artist’s illustration is drawn from the share the Gospel in an unexpected way, by showing how God
description found in Exodus 25.Reproducible worksheets made a way for people to have fellowship with Him. On the
on the back include teaching tips. back of The Tabernacle wall chart there are four reproducible

546X Ark of the Covenant wall chart............................... 9781890947279...... $10.99 510X Tabernacle wall chart............................................... 9789901980857...... $10.99
546L Ark of the Covenant-Laminated............................... 9781890947286...... $14.99 510L Tabernacle chart-Laminated..................................... 9789901980925...... $14.99

Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more or a wall chart FREE. See p. 34


The Tabernacle Overheads

Tabernacle 20 Tabernacle
Workbook Transparencies
Packed with in this full-color
activities set of illustrations
and drawings of
This 40-page
every major part
workbook is packed
of the Tabernacle
with reproducible
including (1) full-
activity and
color illustration
information sheets
of the Tabernacle
on the Tabernacle,
and courts, (2)
the sacrifices, the
Tabernacle bird’s-
furnishings (including
eye view. (3) the
the Ark of the Covenant), the priests’ garments, and
gate entrance, (4)
the symbolism that points to Jesus. Includes diagrams of
life in the court, (5) priest at the bronze altar, (6) bronze
the Tabernacle, drawings of all of the furnishings, and
altar detail, (7) priest at the brass laver, (8) bronze laver
pictures of the High Priestly garments. Easy instructions
detail, (9) curtains of the sanctuary, (10) entrance to the
for setting up your classroom to represent the Tabernacle.
Tabernacle, (11) the Holy Place, (12) the golden vessels,
Make learning fun with worksheets, puzzles, craft ideas,
(13) golden lampstand, (14) table of showbread, (15)
snack ideas, and activities. Learn the Hebrew roots of
altar of incense, (16) veil, (17) the Ark of the Covenant,
Christianity. Perfect for ages 10 to adults. Size: 8.5"x11".
(18) the Mercy Seat, (19) the high priest and his
garments, and (20) the breastplate.
549X Tabernacle Workbook.............................................. 9781890947378...... $14.99 570X Tabernacle Overhead Transparencies 9781596360174...........$29.99

FREE Weekly
Bible eCharts
You will receive a link
in your email each week.
Sign up at

Wall chart 19x26

Tabernacle at Mt. Sinai: The Tabernacle:

God’s Glorious Presence Shadows of the Messiah
New wall chart shows the Tabernacle at the foot of This book explains each part of
Mt. Sinai with the people of Israel camped around the Tabernacle–the sacrificial
it. The cloud is the glory of the Lord filling the system, and the priesthood–and
Tabernacle and covering the camp and the mountain how they relate to Jesus. This
(Ex. 16, 24, 40). The glory of the Lord reminded easy-to-understand book helps
the people of God’s presence with them. Wall people understand God’s plan
chart is printed on heavy chart paper, and includes for redemption, the holiness of
reproducible worksheets and handouts on the back. God, worship, and Jesus’ priestly ministry. 245-page
paperback by David M. Levy of Friends of Israel Gospel
743X Tabernacle at Mount Sinai....................................... 9781596363731...... $10.99
743L Tabernacle at Mount Sinai-Laminated...................... 9781596363748...... $14.99 853X Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah book....978091554017.........$11.99

FREE SHIPPING on your $150 product order. See p. 34


Learn about the Temple that Jesus knew

Exclusive! Solomon’s Temple
Pamphlet, Wall chart, and PowerPoint.
Now you can see the inside of the Old Testament
Temple that was built by King Solomon. You can see the
Ark of the Covenant, the massive gold cherubim, the
huge pillars, the king’s treasury, and the golden walls. The
Temple was magnificent: 90 ft. long inside and 41/2 stories
high. It was covered with literally tons of gold, silver, and
Old precious stones that had been collected by King David.
It was to be a house of prayer for all people. God’s glory
Testament filled the Temple.
Temple Within minutes, your students will know the key points
and will grasp the wonderful Old Testament symbolism.
Wall chart 19x26 Jesus is our great high priest and the perfect sacrifice for
our sins. As believers in Christ, we are God’s temple and
God’s spirit lives in us. Perfect for teaching on the life
of kings David and Solomon. Reproducible worksheets
included on the back.
Chart size: 19 " x 26". Pamphlet has 12 panels and
unfolds to 33” long. 8.5”x 5.5” folded, PowerPoint is
ready to use PC & Mac compatible and over 100 slides.
552X Solomon’s Temple Cutaway wall chart..................... 9781890947521...... $10.99
552L Solomon’s Temple Cutaway wall chart–Lam............. 9781890947538...... $14.99
567X The Temple pamphlet...................................... ..9781596360013........ $3.99
744X POWERPOINT: Solomon’s Temple Cutaway....... ..9781890943755...... $39.99
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles H567X Spanish Pamphlet: The Temple......................... ..9780805495102........ $3.99

The Temple

This ready-to-
use PowerPoint
shows beautiful
pictures of the
Old Testament New
Temple built by Testament
King Solomon and Temple
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 the New Testament Temple
where Jesus taught. These
Temples were places of worship that were built by
Wall chart 19x26
using donations from kings and commoners. The
Temple was built to honor God and to house the Ark
according to the instructions given by God. Drawn to The Temple Wall Chart
Bible measurements, the illustrations show and explain This is the beautiful Temple where Jesus amazed the
all of the important features: the Ark of the Covenant, scholars as a child, where he threw out the money
the veil, the Holy Place, the Most Holy Place, the bronze changers, where he praised the widow who gave all
pillars, the “Sea,” the Bronze Altar, and the cherubim. she had, and where the veil ripped from top to bottom.
Perfect for teaching about the life of Jesus and Easter.
Sample Slides
See the Temple, the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of
the Women, and the Portico.
Four reproducible worksheets feature cut-away and
birds-eye illustrations of Solomon’s Temple, Herod’s
Temple, and the Tabernacle. Chart size: 19" x 26".

515X Temple wall chart..................................................... 9789901980024...... $10.99

744X POWERPOINT: The Temple............................... ..9781596363755...... $39.99
515L Temple wall chart-Laminated................................... 9789901980093...... $14.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Time Lines

Removable 20-Foot Time Line!

Put it on a wall, or leave it folded
in the cover and read it like a book

Bible Time Line Christian History

Compare Compare
Bible Events-Gold Christian History-Gold
to to
World History-Purple World Events-Green


33 inches

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 Wall chart 19x26 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds Biblical history World history Middle East history
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles (Blue Section) (Tan Section) (Green Section)

Bible Time Line pamphlet or chart shows hundreds of facts in biblical history. Includes dates of kings, prophets, battles,
and key events. Compare Bible history, world history, and Middle East history side-by-side. Did you know that …• Buddha,
Confucius, and the prophet Daniel all lived at the same time? • While the Shang Dynasty was flourishing in China, Moses
was leading the people out of Egypt during the Exodus? •
The first recorded Olympic games in Greece were held at the 487X Bible Time Line wall chart 9781596360259...........................$10.99
time of Jonah? • The Greek historian Homer lived during the 487L Bible Time Line wall chart - Lam 9781596360266.................$14.99
time of Isaiah, Amos, and Micah? • Mt. Vesuvius erupted and 420X Bible Time Line pamphlet 9789901983513...................... $3.99
buried Pompeii during the apostle John’s lifetime? 738X POWERPOINT: Bible Time Line 9789901983649............... $39.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.

Includes Christianity
expansion map

20-Foot Time Line!

Six thousand years and 20 feet of time lines in one beautiful hard-bound cover! This unique resource
allows you to easily store and reference two time lines in book form. These gorgeous time lines printed on
heavy chart paper, can also be slipped out of their binding and posted in a hallway or large room for full effect.
The 10-foot detailed Bible Time Line compares Scriptural events with world history and Middle East history.
Shows hundreds of facts; includes dates of kings, prophets, battles, and key events. Colorful photos and
illustrations. The 10-foot Christian History Time line begins with the life of Jesus and continues to the present
day. Includes brief explanations of more than 300 key people and events that all Christians should know.
Emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation in other languages. Packed with
colorful photos. These two time lines are connected end-to-end to form one long teaching aid.

346X Rose Book of Bible & Christian History Time Lines.... 9781596360846...... $29.99


Wall Chart, PowerPoint,

PowerPoint 150 slides, details on pg 62 Wall chart 19x26 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!

Illustrated with
Time Line Christian events by
Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church (ad1 to present day)
Key people
century and year
& events
history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more
than 200 key people and events that all Christians should
417X Christian History Time Line wall chart...................... 9789901980994...... $10.99
know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion
of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. 417L Christian History Time Line-laminated...................... 9789901981069...... $14.99
Contains fascinating facts: • From the life of Jesus to 413X Christian History Time Line pamphlet............... ..9780965508292........ $3.99
modern day • From Augustine to Billy Graham • From the 769X POWERPOINT: Christian History Time Line........ ..9781596364097........ 39.99
spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam • From the
King James Version Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Available
as a wall chart or a pamphlet.

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Time Lines

Classroom 10-Foot Time Line
TEN This full-color Bible time line is perfect for a hallway
FEET or office. It starts with Creation and goes all the way
LONG! through the lives of Jesus and his disciples, including
the Apostle Paul. See every key person and event in the
Bible. Time line comes packaged in a 8.5 inch x 11 inch
size and is put together in four panels end to end to
form a 10-foot long time line. It is simple and easy to
understand. Perfect for children, youth, and adults.

Great for every classroom 498X Classroom 10 ft Time Line 9781596360679........................ $14.99

Kings Old Testament Time Line

and New
Prophets available
(download for
From King Saul retail only)
and King David to
prophets Samuel,
Elijah, Isaiah and
Books of Bible World Kings of the
Jeremiah, this handy the Bible History History Old Testament
chart will make
biblical chronology Show that King David lived before the founding of
easier to understand. Rome, King Solomon lived 500 years before Aristotle,
Large type shows all The first Olympic games were held around Jonah’s time,
Wall chart 19x26
the kings and key Daniel lived at the same time as Confucius and Buddha,
prophets at a glance! and more...
425X Kings & Prophets wall chart..................................... 9789901980307.... $10.99 401X Old Testament Time Line wall chart......................... 9789901980147...... $10.99
425L Kings & Prophets-Laminated.................................... 9789901980376...... $14.99 401L Old Testament Time Line-laminated......................... 9789901980567...... $14.99

Reformation Time Line

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 Wall chart 19x26

This concise guide to the Reformation shows a time line of
key people and events. Gain deeper insights into the rise of Reformation Illustrations with Definitions
events by year leaders and places Charts and Map
Protestantism, and the influence of people such as Martin Luther,
John Calvin, William Tyndale, and King James. Learn why they Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
wanted to reform the church of their day. See 400 years of
church history alongside the colorful politics of King Henry VIII, 352X Reformation Time Line wall chart .......................... 9781596360914...... $10.99
Queen Elizabeth, and others. Includes: • Pre-Reformation Period 352L Reformation Time Line chart - Laminated................ 9781596360921...... $14.99
through the Post-Reformation Period (1300-1700) • Wycliffe, 353X Reformation Time Line pamphlet..................... ..9781596360938...... $3.99
Hus, Erasmus, Tyndale, Cromwell, Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, 355X POWERPOINT: Reformation Time Line.............. ..9781596360952... $39.99
and many more.

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Maps

Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps

See where Bible places are today, with the “Then and Now” Bible
maps with clear plastic overlays of modern cities and countries. This
deluxe edition has double the number of pages as the regular version,
plus it comes with a CD-ROM that gives you a JPG of each map to use
in your own Bible material as well as PDFs of each map and overlay
to create your own handouts or overhead transparencies. PowerPoint
fans can create their own presentations with these digitized maps.
Includes all of the maps on page 16-18, plus maps for Abraham,
Jacob, Joseph, the Exodus, Paul’s four missionary journeys, and the
expansion of the early church in the Roman Empire through AD 325.

Clear overlays show

maps of today

Includes CD ROM 629X DELUXE Then and Now Bible Map Book................... 9781596361638...... $29.99

Rose Bible Map Insert

Fits inside your Bible.
Clear plastic overlays show modern day
This ultra–thin Bible map insert fits inside the back
of most modern Bibles; 44 pages, including 8 clear
plastic overlays of modern day cities and countries.
This has more overlays and more color maps than
other inserts on the market. 5.5 x 7.75 inches.

686X INSERT: Rose Bible Maps.......................................... 9781596362932...... $16.99

Buy 30 pamphlets, ask for any PowerPoint FREE. See p. 34

Bible Maps

Old Testament Perfect for Teaching

Middle East Map About the Exodus
THEN AND NOW THEN AND NOW Wall chart 19x26
Wall chart 19x26

Bible Map Modern Day Bible Map Modern Day

The Middle East: Then and Now compares a Bible map The Holy Land: Then and Now compares a Bible map
of the Middle East side-by-side with a modern-day map. of the Holy Land during Old Testament times side-by-
The clear, colorful map with large print provides a simple side with a map of modern-day Holy Land. The clear,
way of enhancing many Old Testament Bible stories, colorful map with large print provides a simple way of
including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Adam and Eve, Noah’s enhancing Old Testament stories of Moses, Joshua, the
ark, the Tower of Babel, Daniel, and Esther. 19" x 26" 12 Tribes, Joseph, the kings of Israel. 19” x 26” heavy
heavy chart paper. Reproducible worksheets on back. chart paper. Reproducible worksheets on back.

301X Middle East: Then & Now wall chart . .................... 9789901980000...... $10.99 302X Holy Land: Then & Now wall chart ........................ 9789901980079...... $10.99
301L Middle East: Then & Now wall chart-Lam ............... 9789901980420...... $14.99 302L Holy Land: Then & Now wall chart-Lam . ................ 9789901980499...... $14.99

Perfect for Stories Follow Paul’s Travels

About Jesus THEN AND NOW Wall chart 19x26
THEN AND NOW Wall chart 19x26

Bible Map

Modern Day

Bible Map Modern Day

Paul’s Journeys: Then and Now compares a Bible map
Where Jesus Walked: Then and Now compares a Bible of the lands where Paul traveled, side-by-side with
map of the lands where Jesus walked, side-by-side a modern-day map of those same lands. The clear,
with modern-day cities and countries of the same colorful map provides a simple way of enhancing many
area. Shows Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Jericho, New Testament Bible stories, including Paul’s Journeys,
the Jordan River, and every other place Jesus walked. Barnabas, Silas, the Road to Damascus, Peter, and the
Great for teaching the Gospels and the book of Acts. churches of Revelation.
Available laminated or unlaminated.

305X Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now ......................... 9789901982943...... $10.99 304X Paul’s Journeys: Then & Now .................................. 9789901980840...... $10.99
305L Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now-Lam . ................ 9789901983018...... $14.99 304L Paul’s Journeys: Then & Now-Laminated ................. 9789901980987 .... $14.99

FREE SHIPPING on your $150 product order. See p. 34


“Then and Now” Bible
Microsoft PowerPoint users will love this easy-
to-use presentation that shows where places
mentioned in the Bible are located today.
This fantastic teaching tool allows you to
project on a screen—or show on your
computer monitor—the Bible maps and
modern-day maps.

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

312X PowerPoint® Then & now Bible Maps............... 9781890947736...... $39.99

H312X Spanish PowerPoint: Then and Now Bible Maps... 9780805466393...... $39.99

Compare Bible Times with Modern Day

Then and Now

Bible Maps
With Clear Plastic Overlays of Modern-Day Cities and Countries

Plus...Time Lines Comparing Bible and World History




LUgarit ES A
LHamath O LN
PaphosL PO LN
Mediterranean Sea TripoliL SYRIA M

(Great Sea) ByblosL

LEBANON SidonL LDamascus
* MariL
Tyre L



Riv *B
Tel Aviv-YafoL Babylon
Jerusalem LAmman
L *
Modern-Day L
Gaza Gaza Bethlehem
LOn Strip
(clear plastic
Suez Bible Map
Suez L Canal JORDAN
L Noph Elat LEzion-geber
(Memphis) L
Gulf SULA Gulf
of Suez of Aqaba
Red Sea

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5

#1 in, unfolds to 38 inches long.
Fits inside most Bibles
Bible Atlas
2007* “Then and Now” Bible
Maps pamphlet
Finally—your favorite maps in a portable
The Original Full Color size! Keep “Then & Now” Bible Maps
“Then & Now” Bible Maps pamphlet in your Bible for convenient
reference. Makes Bible study more
with Modern-Day Overlays interesting and relevant by showing where
Bible places are today. Full color maps show
Compare the places mentioned in the Bible with modern day cities Bible-times locations, with modern-day
and countries. Make Bible study even more interesting by showing cities and countries in red. Maps include:
where Bible places are today. “Then and Now” Bible Map Book gives • Ancient Empires & Kingdoms • The
you full-color Bible maps with clear plastic overlays of modern cities Holy Land (1300 BC) • United & Divided
and countries in this 20-page 8.5" x 11" spiral bound book. Kingdoms • The Holy Land (AD 1-70) •
Paul’s Journeys (AD 47-62) • Places of
306X “Then and Now” Bible Map Book........................... 9780965508209...... $19.99 Jesus’ Ministry.
307X “Then & Now” Bible Map Overhead Transparencies... 9780965508230...... $19.99 594X Then & Now Bible Maps pamphlet............ ..$3.99
ISBN-13: 9781596361300
* According to the latest Christian Booksellers Association Core Inventory Report H594X Spanish Pamp: Then & Now Bible maps ..$3.99 .
ISBN-13: 9780805495119

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Maps
Palm 52 Key Bible Stories
Sunday Here is a wonderful introduction to 52
to Easter Bible stories for adults and youth who
Wall Chart or want to know the basics of the Christian
PowerPoint faith. Each story entry provides the
This highly detailed key theme and synopsis, as well as an
map shows invitation to explore these stories in the
Jerusalem at the
The Temple at the Time of Jesus
Bible. A great tool for discipleship, small Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5
Wall chart 19x26 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38
time of Christ and PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 groups with new believers, and an
inches long. Fits inside
points out every event in evangelistic tool for unchurched people. most Bibles
Jesus’ life during the week before his crucifixion. See a Seasoned believers will also find the
bird’s-eye view of the Temple, the Mount of Olives, and brief summaries of the stories helpful to encourage their
the Garden of Gethsemane. The ready-to-use PowerPoint faith. In our culture, TV and movies have often rewritten
has more than 150 slides that go through each day from these stories and changed the message. Help people find
Palm Sunday to the crucifixion to Easter. the real story of God’s love and mercy.

Wall chart available as download only

310D Downloadable: Palm Sunday to Easter wall chart . ................ . ...... $9.99 715X 52 Key Bible Stories......................................... ..9781596363359........ $3.99

331X POWERPOINT: Palm Sunday to Easter............... 9781596360655...... $39.99

One-Year Bible
Reading Plan
and “Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path”—but
Central without a plan, it’s easy to lose
our way when reading through
Asia the Bible. This handy, fold-out
Map Wall chart 19x26 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 chart gives three different options
x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 for reading through the Bible in 52
This bright colorful map shows the countries in the inches long. Fits inside weeks. Options include chronological
Middle East and, along with information about each most Bibles
readings, Old & New Testament
one. Helps you pray for Christians in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, together, and daily readings from different sections of
and more. Perfect for studying the 10-40 window the Bible for each day of the week. 14 panels, fits inside
countries in this region. most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

309X Middle East and Central Asia map . ........................ 9781890947132...... $10.99
309L Middle East/Central Asia Laminated......................... 9781890947149...... $14.99 710X One-Year Bible Reading Plan............................ ..9781596363335........ $3.99

Exodus Where to Find it—

Wall Map Key Verses in the Bible
Travel with Moses and Don’t have a photographic
the children of Israel memory? Here are the most
from Egypt to the important verses in Scripture
promised land Follow organized by topic—
the colored lines step • Forgiveness • God’s love
by step: • Acceptance by God • Worry
• The first Passover • Christ’s death • Salvation
• Pursued by Pharaoh • Fruit of the Spirit • Anger
• Crossing the Red Sea • Beatitudes • 10 Commandments Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5
• Water from the rock Wall chart 19x26 • Great Commandment • Promises x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38
• The Golden Calf • The Tabernacle of comfort and strength • Jesus the inches long. Fits inside
most Bibles
• Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments and more. only Way • Faith, not works • God’s
Reproducible worksheets on the back include teaching mercy • What God requires, and many more. Perfect
tips, a glossary of terms, and a mini map. for people who do not remember the exact Bible
reference for their favorite passage.
311X The Exodus wall map . ............................................ 9781890947545...... $10.99
311L The Exodus wall map–Laminated............................. 9781890947552...... $14.99 655X Where to Find Favorite Bible Verses................. ..9781596361959........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Increase Your Confidence in
Makes the Reliability of the Bible
Wall chart 19x26
Wall chart 19x26
Books of the Bible has large print and bright color-
coded columns to show the major parts of the Bible:
law, history, major and minor prophets, Gospels, Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
and epistles. Reproducible worksheets on the back to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
(two in English; two in Spanish) include a “fill-in-the-
blank” version of the chart to use for quizzes and How We Got the Bible
memorization. will inspire your students with the
stories of early Bible translators. PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62
502X Books of the Bible wall chart .................................. 9789901980352...... $10.99 This time line of key people and
502L Books of the Bible chart-Laminated......................... 9789901980772...... $14.99 events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing
materials, such as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls,
papyrus, early hand copied books, and more. Features
people who gave their lives to translating and printing
Bible the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King
Bookcase James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.
• Features facts about early Bibles, including the Septuagint,
Bible Bookcase the Vulgate, the Wycliffe and Tyndale Bibles, the Geneva
is an old favorite Bible, the King James or Authorized Version Bible, the
for Sunday school Revised Version, as well as modern-day translations.
classrooms. The • Explains the importance of finds such as the Dead Sea
bright colorful wall Scrolls, which testify to accuracy of Bible translation
chart shows all 66 Wall chart 19x26 throughout the centuries.
of the books of the Bible in their categories (Books of
the Law, History, Poetry, the Major and Minor Prophets,
the Gospels, Epistles, etc.) Color coding helps students
identify the books. Reproducible worksheets on the 406X How We Got the Bible wall chart ........................... 9789901982738...... $10.99
back include a miniature of the chart in English and 406L How We Got the Bible chart-laminated................... 9789901982806...... $14.99
Spanish versions, both blank and filled in. 407X How We Got the Bible pamphlet..................... ..9780965508261........ $3.99
447X PowerPoint® How We Got the Bible....................... 9781890947460...... $39.99
545X Bible Bookcase wall chart ....................................... 9781890947231...... $10.99
H407X Spanish Pamphlet: How We Got the Bible....... ..9780805495133........ $3.99
545L Bible Bookcase wall chart–Laminated....................... 9781890947248...... $14.99

Why study the

Inductive Bible
Basic Principles How to Study the Bible
Wall Chart & pamphlet
This chart provides an excellent introduction to studying the
Bible. Approaching the Bible “inductively”—asking “What does the
Bible teach?” rather than “How do I prove my opinions by using
the Bible?” Applying the teachings of the Bible to everyday life.
Memorizing Scripture—12 key passages. Using Bible dictionaries,
concordances, and cross references. Chart: 19" x 26". Pamphlet:
8.5" x 5.5" unfolds to 33" long. The ready to use PowerPoint is PC
and Mac Compatible with over 100 slides.

457X How to Study the Bible wall chart .......................... 9781890947613...... $10.99
457L How to Study the Bible wall chart–Laminated.......... 9781890947620...... $14.99
458X How to Study the Bible pamphlet.................... ..9781890947637....... $3.99
Wall chart 19x26
793X POWERPOINT: How to Study the Bible............. ..9781596364325...... $39.99
How to begin Tools for Bible
to study Study
Ways to study H458X Spanish Pamphlet: How to Study the Bible...... ..9780805495188........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Overview

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Wall chart 19x26 Bible Overview Chart

The Bible Overview gives a fantastic summary of every
How to Use the Bible Overview book of the Bible— • Who wrote the book? • When was
Name of the Book of it written?• Key verse • Where was it written? • Message,
the Bible‘
main events • Outline. Easy-to-understand text for young
Author of the Book
people and for people with no Bible background, yet clear
Type of Writing
and scholarly enough for college students and seminarians.
Where Was It Written?
Wall chart: 19” x 26”. Pamphlet is great for students. Fits
When Was It Written?
inside a Bible cover: 8.5” x 5.5” and unfolds to 33” long.
Why Was It Written?

Outline: Topics and

Chapters 561X Bible Overview wall chart......................................... 9781890947699...... $10.99
561L Bible Overview wall chart–laminated........................ 9781890947705...... $14.99
Key Verses that
Summarize an 562X Bible Overview pamphlet................................. ...9781890947712...... $3.99
Important truth
768X POWERPOINT: Bible Overview (July 2010)................ 9781596364066...... $39.99
H562X Spanish Pamphlet: Bible Overview.................... ..9780805466607...... H562X

Six-week Study Guide included or, download at>News & Info>Downloads

Full color
128 Pages

The Middle East: Then (Bible Times) and Now (Modern Times) The Holy Land: Then (1300 BC – Twelve Tribes) and Now (Modern Times)

Canaan Divided CYPRUS CYPRUS

by Tribes
the Twelve Tribes
Simeon Simeon LEBANON







IRAQ Gad Gad Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea
(Great Sea) (Great Sea)
SUMER Issachar Issachar
SUMER ELAM IRAN Manasseh Manasseh
Ephraim Ephraim CANAAN CANAAN
Benjamin Benjamin










Full colorOver

Where to Find it in the Bible

112 Pages

The Bible Can’t remember which chapter that Bible story is in?
Need help finding just the right verse for that topic?
at a Glance This full-color book is a handy Bible handbook for
people with busy lives. Find quick facts about each
This full color book is an introduction to basic Bible knowledge
contains a Bible overview summarizing each book of the Bible, book of the Bible and your favorite Bible stories.
a Bible time line comparing Bible history and world history side Includes the basics of how to do Inductive Bible study,
by side, steps to studying the Bible, Then & Now Bible maps, an topical index of most loved and key Bible verses,
where to find favorite Bible verses, Bible promises, the basics 100 favorite Bible promises, and a one-year Bible
of the Christian life, and a Bible translations comparison chart. reading plan. 6-week study guide in back. 128 pages,
Download free study guide. 128 pages, 6”x9” paperback. 6”x9” paperback.

660X Rose Bible Basics: The Bible at a Glance................... 9781596362000...... $14.99 722X Where to Find it in the Bible............................9781596363441......... $14.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Basics
Armor of God
Stand Firm in Faith!
This well-known passage from Ephesians 6:10-18 shows the helmet
of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith,
and more, each with a scripture reference. This pamphlet makes an
excellent Bible study on prayer, character, and standing strong in
Wall chart 19x26 tough times.

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to

38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

PowerPoint 100 slides,

details on pg 62
524X Armor of God wall chart.......................................... 9789901982332...... $10.99
524L Armor of God wall chart-Laminated........................ 9789901982400...... $14.99
575X Armor of God pamphlet.................................. ..9781596360297........ $3.99
496X POWERPOINT®: Armor of God......................... ..9781596360495...... $39.99

The Fruit of the Spirit

Chart, pamphlet & PowerPoint LOVE
Seeks the highest good of others.
This wall chart and pamphlet encourage Christians to Gladness that is not based on circumstances.
live according to the Spirit, which allows godly traits Contentment, unity between people.
(“the fruit”) to be part of our lives— Slow to speak and slow to anger.
• Love • Joy • Peace • Patience • Kindness Merciful, sweet, and tender.
• Goodness • Faithfulness • Gentleness • Self-control Generous and open hearted.
These traits are impossible to have by our own efforts, Dependable, loyal, and full of trust.
but this chart will show believers how to walk by the
Humble, calm, non-threatening.
Behaving well.
Spirit and grow.

Wall chart 19x26

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
Sample Slides
557X Fruit of the Spirit wall chart..................................... 9781890947798...... $10.99
557L Fruit of the Spirit wall chart–Laminated................... 9781890947804...... $14.99
558X Fruit of the Spirit pamphlet.............................. ..9781890947811...... $3.99
671X POWERPOINT: Fruit of the Spirit....................... ..9781596362727...... $39.99

H558X Spanish Pamphlet: Fruit of the Spirit................ ..9780805495171........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Basics
Dare to Love: 1 Corinthians 13
Wall Chart, Pamphlet & PowerPoint
Real love is not for the faint of heart. These days, love is a risky adventure requiring
not only strength and character, but also a vulnerable, gritty commitment. Paul’s
famous passage on love, 1 Corinthians 13, is often quoted during weddings and is
still important as the years go by. Dare to Love unpacks this meaty chapter without
sentimentalism, examining and applying the hard work of loving another human
being—spouse, child, friend, or neighbor. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5
inches, unfolds to 38 inches long. The PowerPoint has more than 100 slides in this
ready-to-use presentation.

Wall chart 19x26

Pamphlet-14 panels,
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits
inside most Bibles
704X 1 Cor 13-wall chart................................................. 9781596363199...... $10.99
704L 1 Corinthians 13-laminated wall.............................. 9781596363205...... $14.99
702X Dare to Love: 1 Cor 13 pamphlet.................... ..9781596363175........ $3.99
736X Dare to Love: 1 Corinthians 13....................... ..9781596363588...... $39.99
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

The Lord’s Prayer

Chart, Pamphlet & PowerPoint
The Lord’s Prayer teaches the importance of praying for
God’s will, for relying on him for our daily needs, for asking for
Parables & forgiveness, and for help in times of temptation. Reproducible
worksheets on the back include a coloring page of the prayer,
and a prayer journal to encourage children and adults to pray
Other and keep track of God’s answers. Another worksheet uses the
Lord’s Prayer as a model for students to use to write their own
Favorite prayers. Know the four key parts of the Lord’s Prayer.
Wall chart 19x26
Studies “Debts”
Rose Bible Basics series available in October
Your group will enjoy studying these favorite biblical
• Parables of Jesus (insights into God’s Kingdom life)
• Life of Joseph (on the purpose of suffering)
• Psalm 23 (comfort during difficult times)
• Life of David (God’s power in the lives of flawed Pamphlet
people) PowerPoint
• Esther (Answers “Where is God when life is unfair?”)
• 1 Corinthians 13 (Love Chapter: patience, kindness, 508X Lord’s Prayer-debts wall chart................................... 9780965508216...... $10.99
perseverance) 508L Lord’s Prayer-debts-Laminated.................................. 9780965508223...... $14.99
Six-session study guide included. Full color with dozens
509X Lord’s Prayer-trespasses wall chart............................ 9780965508247...... $10.99
of charts, diagrams, comparisons, maps and time lines.
509L Lord’s Prayer-trespasses-Laminated........................... 9780965508254...... $14.99
128 pages; 6” x 9” paperback.
588X The Lord’s Prayer pamphlet.............................. ..9781596361263........ $3.99

774X RBB: Parables & Other Favorite Bible Studies............ 9781596364165...... $14.99 590X POWERPOINT®: The Lord’s Prayer.................... ..9781596361287...... $39.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Wall chart 19x26

Wall chart 19x26


The Ten Commandments

Wall Charts & Pamphlet NIV
Dignifies Any Foyer or Office
The Ten Commandments chart King James Version or Wall chart 19x26
NIV helps children and youth understand how God’s
rules apply to their lives. Includes the “promise” 504X Ten Commandments (KJV) wall chart....................... 9789901981960...... $10.99
about honoring parents that goes with the fifth 504L Ten Commandments (KJV) wall chart-Laminated...... 9789901982035...... $14.99
commandment. The teaching pictures help them 639X Ten Commandments text only (NIV) wall chart......... 9781596361782...... $10.99
understand concepts like “no other gods” and 639L Ten Commandments text only (NIV) chart-lam......... 9781596361799...... $14.99
“no graven images.” This chart will help students
577X Ten Commandments pamphlet........................ ..9781596360617........ $3.99
memorize the Ten Commandments, and make the
commandments relevant for today. Reproducible 503X Ten Commandments illustrated (NIV) chart.............. 9789901981267...... $10.99
worksheets include teaching tips and ways to apply the 503L Ten Commandments illustrated (NIV) chart-Lam....... 9789901981335...... $14.99
commandments to your life.

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Psalm 23 Life of David

A favorite Psalm of comfort From Shepherd to King...
This psalm has been cherished and read by countless From humble beginnings as a shepherd boy to king over
generations and is considered the most popular psalm. Israel, David is one of the most beloved and impressive
Now get an insider’s look at what the psalm is about—a characters in the Bible.
view from the shepherd. Learn how: Despite massive personal failures, David went down in
history as “a man after God’s own heart.” This handy
• The psalm reveals the yearly cycle of sheep moving guide tracks every major event in David’s life as well as
through their pastures the important people around him. Complete with maps,
charts and time lines, this pamphlet explores the life of
• Danger, drama, and salvation from death figured into Jesus’ most famous ancestor. 14 panels, fits inside most
shepherding. Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

678X PAMPHLET: Psalm 23....................................... ..9781596362819........ $3.99 694X Life of David Pamphlet..................................... ..9781596363090........ $3.99

H678X Spanish Pamphlet: Psalm 23............................ ..9780805495287........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Basics
Heroes of the Old

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

PowerPoint 100 slides,
details on pg 62 Get to know 10 key people in the Old
Where is God when things go wrong? Testament:
Pamphlet & PowerPoint® Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon,
Elijah, David, and Daniel. Includes a summary of each
I’s easy to see Queen Esther as the lucky orphan girl who person’s life, their character, symbolism, lessons they
won the heart of the king. But realistically, she was a young learned and challenges they faced. Learn from their
woman with a dangerous secret that could cost her life and examples how to follow God and leave a legacy of
her family’s. She was married to a king who had a history faithfulness in spite of trials. Also available as a wall
of killing people close to him. Worse still, the king’s favorite chart, page 45. Pamphlet is 8.5” x 5.5” and unfolds to
counselor was an Amalekite, a mortal enemy of Esther’s 33” long.
family. Esther had to keep a low profile, hoping he wouldn’t
make the connection. For Esther, life was unfair. But her story
brings a message of hope to all who face trouble by showing 488X Heroes of the Old Testament wall chart................... 9781596360303.... $10.99
how God works even through the fears and dangers. 488L Heroes of the Old Testament-wall chart Laminated.. 9781596360310...... $14.99
489X Heroes of the Old Testament pamphlet............ ..9781596360327...... $3.99
696X Esther pamphlet.............................................. ..9781596363113........ $3.99
H489X Spanish Pamp: Heroes of the Old Testament.... ..9780805466430........ $3.99
737X Esther. PowerPoint........................................... ..9781596363618...... $39.99

H696X Spanish Pamphlet: Esther................................. ..9780805495324........ $3.99

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

Women of the Bible Reference, Dates &

Meaning of her Name
History How God used Her
Old & New Testament
Featured women of the Old Testament Sarah and Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
Hagar, Tamar, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Jael, Bathsheba, to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
Naomi and Ruth, Esther
Featured women of the New Testament Mary, Mother
of Jesus; Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene; Mary & Martha; Lydia;
Priscilla; Dorcas. Each pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside most 632X Women of the Old Testament pamphlet.......... ..9781596361713........ $3.99
Bible covers. 8.5” x 5.5” Unfolds to 38” long. 634X Women of the New Testament pamphlet......... ..9781596361737........ $3.99
PowerPoint Features Women of both the Old and 766X POWERPOINT: Women of the Bible.................. ..9781596364004...... $39.99
New Testament All of the women featured in the
pamphlets are featured in this ready to use PowerPoint
presentation. Mac and PC compatible.

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5

x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38
inches long. Fits inside
most Bibles

PowerPoint 100 slides, Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

details on pg 62 to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Life of The Apostle Paul

Here is are the basics you need to know
about the Apostle Paul.
Includes: •Time line of all the key events in Paul’s
life: birth, persecution of Christians, conversion to
Christianity, call to be a missionary, and all three
missionary journeys. •Maps of each of Paul’s journeys.
•Paul’s writings, books of the Bible written by Paul,
Life of Joseph
Is God really in charge?
date, location, theme, and key verse. •Information on
Paul’s background. Where is he when everything goes wrong? The life
of Joseph shows how God can take misfortune and
Sample Slides... evil and turn it into great good. Joseph was betrayed
by people close to him and had every reason to grow
bitter, yet continued to obey God. And God was
working behind the scenes to change Joseph and his
family. This pamphlet helps us see meaning in suffering
and aids us in our own journey toward wisdom.
329X Life of Apostle Paul pamphlet.......................... ..9781596360839...... $3.99 Includes a map and time line.
345X POWERPOINT®: Life of the Apostle Paul.......... ..9781596360631......$39.99
753X Life of Joseph: God’s Power Revealed pamphlet.. ... 9781596363861........ $3.99

PowerPoint 100 slides, Wall chart 19x26 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
details on pg 62 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x
5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
long. Fits inside most Bibles

The Twelve Disciples The Gospels Side-by-Side

The Twelve Disciples wall chart gives descriptions
and details of each of Jesus’ 12 disciples. Includes facts The Bible gives us four biographers for
Jesus’ life: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
such as name, personality and character, key verses,
relationship to Jesus, strengths and weakness, and stories See Jesus from four different points of view and learn how their
views unite and flesh out an awesome portrait of God. Consult
about their life, death, and ministry. Great for discussing this concise chart to find out why there are four Gospels instead
God’s strength and forgiveness in the lives of everyday of just one • Why three Gospels are similar, but the fourth is very
people. different • How the Gospels complement—not contradict—each
other • Why most of Christ’s story focuses on his last week; and
470X The Twelve Disciples wall chart................................ 9781890947910...... $10.99 more.
470L The Twelve Disciples wall chart–Lam........................ 9781890947927...... $14.99
471X The Twelve Disciples pamphlet......................... ..9781890947934........ $3.99
495X POWERPOINT®: The Twelve Disciples................ ..9781596360488...... $39.99 674X The Gospels Side-by-Side pamphlet................ ..9781596362772........ $3.99
H471X Spanish Pamphlet: Twelve Disciples.................. ..9780805466331...... H471X

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Basics
Beth Moore

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5

x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38
inches long. Fits inside
most Bibles Pamphlet-14 panels,
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits
inside most Bibles

Statue in the Book of Daniel

Gives a fantastic summary of King Nebuchadnezzar’s
dream in the second chapter of Daniel. God told Daniel
that He would set up a kingdom that would destroy
all of the other kingdoms and would never come to an
Bible Promises of Hope and Courage end. Easy-to-understand text for people with no Bible
This easy-to-use tool is packed with God’s promises of background, yet clear and scholarly enough for Bible
comfort and love for His children. Appropriate for Bible students and seminarians. Statue image based on actual
study, personal devotions, or giving to someone in need Babylonian carving. Shows the Head of Gold, Chest and
of encouragement. These 100 favorite Bible passages arms of Silver; Belly and Thighs of Brass; Legs of Iron,
reflect God’s care for His people. and Feet of Iron and Clay.

554D Statue in the Book of Daniel wall chart............ ....Download Only...... $10.99
337X Bible Promises pamphlet.................................. ..9781596360747........ $3.99
555X Statue in the Book of Daniel pamphlet............ ..9781890947774........ $3.99

Wall chart 19x26

Wall chart 19x26

The book has

sold over 10
million copies

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles The Prayer of Jabez wall chart
This short prayer, with only four points, will bring new
Noah’s Ark inspiration to your prayer life and quiet time. It has
helped people get out of ruts in their daily devotions
Here is a Noah’s Ark chart that is perfect for all ages. It and opened their lives to new things that God wants
shows the massive ark and animals on board, and also for them. Instead of telling God exactly what we want
shows the size of the ark compared to everyday objects. Him to do in our lives, the prayer of Jabez asks God to
Drawn to Bible measurements, it gives an inside view do whatever He wants to do—to bless us, to challenge
that shows how the animals could have been housed in us with new areas of ministry, to keep His hand with
this three-deck floating zoo. It was larger than a soccer us, and to keep us from evil. This Old Testament prayer
or football field; about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and has many parallels in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount,
45 feet high (137m x 22.5m x 13.5m). Reproducible the Lord’s Prayer, and other passages. NKJV. Four
worksheets on the back. reproducible worksheets on the back.Jesus’ Sermon on
the Mount, the Lord’s Prayer, and other passages.
571X Noah’s Ark wall chart............................................... 9781596360181...... $10.99
571L Noah’s Ark wall chart–Laminated............................. 9781596360198...... $14.99 527L Prayer of Jabez chart-laminated............................... 9789901983599...... $14.99
572X Noah’s Ark pamphlet....................................... ..9781596360204...... $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.


Israel During Jesus’ Time The Synoptic Gospels and John

The word “synoptic” means “seen together.” It refers to the first three Gospels, Matthew,
Jesus’ three-year ministry occurred all over the ancient cities. From Syria to Judea, Jesus Mark and Luke. When seen together, these Gospels often reveal related accounts in very
brought the gospel’s powerful words and actions.
similar language. Scholars agree there is some relationship between these three books. The
Beirut exact nature of this relationship has been the subject of much debate. It seems that these
three authors either read one another or some common source, which explains why so much
of their substance and language are the same.
Damascus The Gospel of John, however, is different
Sidon than the first three Gospels. John uses
material that the other writers do not have.
Zarephath The wording of some of the stories is
Mt. Hermon
SYRIA different. John often added details that the
Caesarea-Philippi others do not include.
Dan Banyas
Qiryat For example, the name of the woman who
washed Jesus’ feet with her hair (John 12:3)
HEIGHTS TETRARCHY or that John beat Peter in a foot race to the
Mt. of the Seleucia OF PHILIP
Beatitudes empty tomb on Easter Sunday (John 20:4).
Ptolemais Akko Chorazin Naveh Many of these details have a personal tone.
(Acco) Capernaum
Mount Carmel
Cana Magdala
Ger gesa
Tiberias The Synoptic Gospels Compared to John:
Nazareth Mt.Tabor
Gadara Three Examples
Megiddo Beth Shan
Mediterranean DECAPOLIS 5)&(041&-5&95 &7&/5 %&4$3*15*0/
SAMARIA Matthew 3:11–12
General and generic language

Jordan River
Samaria Nablus
Gerasa Mark 1:7–8
is used about the crowds.
Netanya Sychar Luke 3:15–18
Shechem JORDAN John the Baptist’s
WEST BANK introduction of Jesus
Antipatris Gedora John names specific individuals who
Tel Aviv-Yafo Joppa Ramallah PEREA John 1:24–44 become disciples of Jesus through
Ephraim Amman Philadelphia
John the Baptist.
JUDEA Jericho
ISRAEL Emmaus Qumran Matthew 14:13–21
Jamnia Mt. Nebo Dialogue with Jesus is attributed to
Jerusalem Mt. of Olives Mark 6:30–44
Ashdod Bethany
the disciples as a group.
Luke 9:10–17
Ashqelon Ashkelon
Feeding of the 5000

John names specific individuals
John 6:1–14

Sample Pages
Gaza En-Gedi who speak.

Individuals are named in all accounts
ST Masada
Matthew 28:1–10 to a greater or lesser extent.

Beersheba Mark 16:1–11

The Resurrection
Luke 24:1–12 John is specific about the actions of
John 20:1–18 Mary Magdalene, Peter and himself
Dimona (the unnamed disciple).

Jesus Study Guide

Full color, 112 pages, with 6-week study guide
Who is Jesus and how is he different from all other religious leaders in the world? This full-color handbook provides
you with a solid introduction to the life of Jesus, his teachings, and the significance of his death and resurrection. This
book will help you discover the life-changing impact of Jesus of Nazareth.
707X Jesus.............................................................. 9781596363243...... $14.99

Why You Can Trust the Bible

We can trust the Bible. This full-color, 112-page, book is designed for personal
reference or as a 6-week small group study. (The study guide can be downloaded
free at It covers these key areas:
• The Gospels are trustworthy even though they were not written during Jesus’
lifetime—and why we can be sure of this.
• The stories of Jesus’ life and death were handed down reliably and recorded
accurately, and how we know.
• The Old Testament is remarkably true to the original manuscripts, as confirmed
by the Dead Sea Scrolls.
• We can know what the Bible says, even though all 5300 hand-copied
manuscripts are not perfectly identical.
This study is for analytical people who want to go deeper into the subject
of biblical reliability. It is an advanced book for anyone (both Christians and
unbelievers) who takes an intellectual approach. See the story of author Dr.
Timothy Paul Jones, and his journey from doubt to faith, online at www. and search for product code 661X.
661X Rose Bible Basics: Why Trust The Bible?................... 9781596362017...... $14.99

Why Trust the Bible?

Is the Bible an ancient document that has been tampered
Has the Bible been edited many times over the centuries and now
filled with errors? Some critics say that no one knows what the Bible
really said because the originals no longer exist. Are there so many
differences between the ancient manuscripts that it is impossible to
know what the Bible says? Despite the variences in the ancient copies,
the Bible can be trusted, says author Dr. Timothy Paul Jones. The 14
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x panel pamphlet gives easy-to-understand answers to these questions.
5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches
long. Fits inside most Bibles PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 Dr. Jones, has received the Baker Book House Award for excellence in
theological scholarship.
Sample Slides
603X Why Trust the Bible? pamphlet........................ ..9781596361393........ $3.99
620X POWERPOINT: Why Trust the Bible?................. ..9781596361560...... $39.99

H603X Spanish Pamphlet: Why Trust the Bible?.......... ..9780805495126........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Basics

Tough Questions about Christianity

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds Pamphlet
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles People who are questioning their faith or are skeptical
Jesus: Fact & Fiction about Christianity have many common objections to
Christianity that may not be answered by traditional
Pamphlet arguments. This pamphlet gives answers to these key
The “new critics” and popular culture have distorted objections:
truths about the greatest man in history. Author Robert • How can Christians say they’ve got the right religion
M. Bowman busts current myths and answers popular when all religions are basically the same?
questions about Jesus such as: • Was Jesus a mythical • Who are Christians to say what’s morally right and
figure? • Are the Gnostic gospels better sources for Jesus wrong?
than the New Testament Gospels? • Where was Jesus • Hasn’t science shown that the Bible is false?
during his “lost years”? And other questions, 14 panels, • If God exists why is there so much wrong with this
fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 world?
inches long. Useful as a discussion starter and evangelism tool.

682X Jesus: Fact & Fiction......................................... ..9781596362857..... $3.99

..9781596363076........ $3.99
692X Tough Questions About Chrisiantity..................
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

Wall chart 19x26

Slide Samples

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5

x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38
PowerPoint 500 slides, details on pg 62
inches long. Fits inside
most Bibles

Archaeology and the Bible:

New and Old Testament
Wall Charts, Pamphlets & PowerPoint
These easy-to-understand pamphlets (and wall charts) feature 50 434X Archaeology and the Bible: New Testament wall chart............$10.99
ISBN-13: 9789901981366
archaeological finds and dozens of photos for both the Old Testament 434L Archaeology and the Bible: New Test. wall chart-Laminated....$14.99
and the New Testament. These finds are important because they ISBN-13: 9789901981434
confirm the Bible’s accuracy and explain the ancient people, the culture, 624X 50 Proofs for the Bible: New Testament pamphlet............. $3.99
and the customs of the Bible. These discoveries show that many people ISBN-13: 9781596361607
and places mentioned in the Bible (such as the Hittite Empire and many 418X Archaeology and the Bible: Old Testament wall chart..............$10.99
ISBN-13: 9789901983377
of the kings of Israel) really did exist and have now been proven beyond 418L Archaeology and the Bible: Old Test. wall chart-Laminated......$14.99
doubt. People with skeptical minds will enjoy the explanations of each ISBN-13: 9789901983445
find and how it relates to our understanding of the Bible. 622X 50 Proofs for the Bible: Old Testament. pamphlet............. $3.99
The PowerPoint has photos of more than 80 key archaeological finds, ISBN-13: 9781596361584
many of which are rare images and not frequently found. Entire 621X POWERPOINT: 100 Proofs for the Bible............................. $39.99
ISBN-13: 9781596361577
presentation has more than 500 slides. You control the order, the
timing, and the speed.

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Bible Basics

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
Optional 6-week study

Understand the Trinity guide included

Pamphlet & PowerPoint & downloadable Wall Chart

The Trinity is one of the most important doctrines in
Christianity—one of the key doctrines that separates What Christians Believe
Christianity from other religions. This classic pamphlet, At a Glance
now available as a chart, explains that Christians believe in This full color book explains basic Christian doctrines,
One God in Three Persons—not three gods and not one including the Trinity, Jesus claims, resurrection, salvation,
God with three personalities. The Trinity gives dozens of and heaven. It covers the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene
Scriptures that support this belief, as well as answers to Creed. Include charts that compare 12 denominations,
questions and misunderstandings that other religions and the two most common methods of baptism, and four
cults have about God. The wall chart has four reproducible Christian views of the End Times.
worksheets on the back. Softcover, 128 pages.
410X Trinity pamphlet............................................... ..9781890947026........ $3.99
435D The Trinity Downloadable wall chart................. . ...................... ...... $9.99
685X POWERPOINT:The Trinity................................... ..9781596362895...... $39.99
H410X Spanish Pamphlet: Trinity.................................. ..9780805466119........ $3.99 772X RBB: What Christians Believe at a Glance................. 9781596364141...... $14.99

Pop Spirituality & the Truth Creeds and Heresies

Pamphlet Learn why the Apostles and Nicene Creeds
are so important

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

When Eckhart Tolle, a “spiritual master of no particular

religion,” can influence millions of TV and Internet
viewers to search within themselves for life’s purpose,
it’s time to measure those “truths” against the eternal
truth found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This pamphlet looks back to the historical teachings of
Bestselling author Dr. Timothy Paul Jones compares the church, bringing them to life for today’s believers. It
the claims of pop spirituality with what the Bible says, shows that many of the modern questionable teachings
addressing claims such as, • Every human being is of today were already present in the past. Understanding
divine • God’s Word is not the final authority • The goal how the church dealt with these issues in the past
of my life is centered in me • What I desire determines helps us to deal with those same issues today. Contains
what happens in my life • There are many paths to the the full text of the Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, and
truth about God Jones also shows ways teachers of Chalcedonian Creed.14 panels, fits inside most Bibles,
popular spirituality frequently misuse the Bible. 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

700X Pop Spirituality & the Truth pamphlet...............

..9781596363151........ $3.99 726X Creeds and Heresies Then & Nowt........... ..9781596363489..... $3.99
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Reasons to Believe

Worldviews Comparison Creation &

A worldview is the “big picture” view of the world, one
that attempts to answer all the big questions of life: Evolution
What is real? If there is a God, what is God’s nature? This chart shows how scientific findings about
What is a human being? How can we know what is paleontology, genetics, biochemistry, astrophysics
right or wrong? and mathematics cannot be explained by Darwinian
Topics covered include Evolution. Evolutionary theory says we ought to be
• Atheism –“There is no God.” • Pantheism –“God is all.” • Pan- able to expect human life to form from amino acids
En-Theism –“God is in all.” • Deism –“God is a distant creator.” • if given enough time, say 5 billion years. Modern
Finite God-ism –“There is a God, but He is limited.” • Polytheism mathematicians say that this is highly unlikely, even
–“There are many gods.” • Monotheism –“There is only one given 100 billion years. Pamphlet has 12 panels and fits
God.” • Biblical Christianity –“There is only one Triune God.” inside a Bible cover 8.5"x 5.5" and unfolds to 33" long.
Pamphlet: 8.5” x 5.5”14, unfolds to 38”panels and fits Wall chart is 19”x26”.
inside a Bible cover: Chart: 26” x 19.5”.

614X Worldviews Comparison pamphlet................. ...9781596361492........ $3.99

408X Creation & Evolution wall chart .............................. 9780965508278.... $10.99

616X Worldviews Comparison - wall chart........................ 9781596361515...... $10.99 408L Creation & Evolution chart-Laminated...................... 9780965508285...... $14.99

616L Worldviews Comparison - Laminated wall chart....... 9781596361522...... $14.99 409X Creation & Evolution pamphlet....................... ...9781890947019 ...... $3.99

Intelligent Design

This pamphlet is the best

Answers to Evolution
short description of what Intelligent Almost every middle school and high school student
Design (I.D.) is all about and why many scientists is required to study evolution two or three times.
and analytic philosophers today are embracing it and Science textbooks used in most public schools teach
distancing themselves from Darwin’s theory of the origin that Darwin’s theory of evolution is correct and should
of life. Co-authored by William Dembski, PhD, a leader be accepted without question. The pamphlet & chart
in the I.D. debate and a mathematician and philosopher, answer each argument point by point. Teach your
and Sean McDowell, MA, a popular nationwide speaker. youth group ways to respectfully point out errors in
This 14-page full-color pamphlet is an easy-to-follow Darwinism. Wall chart size: 19" x 26". Pamphlet is 8.5"
guide into this engaging topic about God and science. x 5.5" folded and unfolds to 33" long.
Fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38
inches long. 467X Answers to Evolution wall chart............................... 9781890947873...... $10.99
467L Answers to Evolution wall chart–Laminated............. 9781890947880...... $14.99

719X Intelligent Design pamphlet..................... ..9781596363397..... $3.99 468X Answers to Evolution pamphlet....................... ..9781890947897...... $3.99

H719X Spanish Pamphlet: Intelligent Design........ ..9780805495409..... $3.99 H468X Spanish Pamphlet: Answers to Evolution.......... ..9780805466355........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Hot Topics 31

Names of God
Pamphlet, Wall Chart & PowerPoint
There are many names for God given in the Bible, and each
has a special blessing for us. Elohim means The All-Powerful
One. El Shaddai means The All Sufficient One. Jehovah-
Rapha means The Lord Who Heals and many more.


445X Names of God wall chart......................................... 9781890947422...... $10.99

Pamphlet 445L Names of God wall chart - laminated...................... 9781890947439...... $14.99
452X Names of God pamphlet................................. ..9781890947507........ $3.99
343X Names of God PowerPoint®............................. ..9781596360815...... $39.99
H452X Spanish Pamphlet: Names of God®.................. ..9780805466348........ $3.99

Names of Jesus
Pamphlet, Wall Chart & PowerPoint
There are many names for Jesus given in the Bible and each
has a special blessing for us that will enrich your worship
and prayer life. This poster shows more than 50 names for
Jesus. This beautiful poster gives the definition, a scripture
reference, and shows the spiritual meaning for today.

326X Names of Jesus wall chart unlaminated................... 9781596360570...... $10.99

326L Names of Jesus wall chart - laminated..................... 9781596360587...... $14.99
327X Names of Jesus pamphlet................................ ..9781596360594........ $3.99
344X PowerPoint: Names of Jesus............................ ..9781596360822...... $39.99
H327X Spanish Pamphlet: Names of Jesus................. ..9780805495263........ $3.99

Names of the Holy Spirit

Pamphlet, Wall Chart & PowerPoint
The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity and is
called by many names in the Bible. This chart will inform
Wallchart your study and prayer life as well as enrich your worship
of God. Learn about: • The work of the Spirit • Spiritual
gifts and spiritual fruit • The living presence of God
within every believer • The Spirit’s role in Jesus’ ministry.


PowerPoint 670X Names of the Holy Spirit wall Chart......................... 9781596362710...... $10.99
670L Name of the Holy Spirit - laminated......................... 9781596362734...... $14.99
Bonus Feature: In addition to the 100-slide teaching presentation, the PowerPoint discs
contains a beautiful auto-run (continuous loop) devotional “slideshow” suitable for use on 665X Names of the Holy Spirit pamphlet.................. ..9781596362079........ $3.99

sanctuary media screens before or during worship services. 684X POWERPOINT: Names of the Holy Spirit........... ..9781596362871...... $39.99

Wall chart: 26 x 19 inches. Pamphlet is 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long. PowerPoint has more than 100 slides,
and includes reproducible teaching tips, handouts and worksheets in PDF format for classroom or personal use. Details on pg 62

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Hot Topics

Who I am in
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
Christ Pamphlet-14 panels,
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
The Bible & Money You are complete in him!
Wall chart 19x26 to 38 inches long. Fits
inside most Bibles
The “Who I Am in Christ” chart and pamphlet reminds
Hundreds of Bible passages mention money: its power
us what God has done through His Son, Jesus. We are
and its dangers and its blessings. This pamphlet gives
“forgiven,” “beloved,” “new creatures,” and more. Each
ten key biblical principles about money, including (1)
word has a Bible reference. Be reminded and reassured
God owns everything and has given us many blessings,
of the many qualities and characteristics you possess as
(2) Everything we have came from the Lord, (3) God
a believer. You are accepted, forgiven, and made holy
holdS us responsible for caring for others, (4) Money is
in Christ, and that’s just the beginning! Find dozens of
not meant to enrich ourselves or to be hoarded but to
promises and where they are located in the Bible.
bring blessings to others.
757X PAMPHLET: Who I Am in Christ................................ 9781596363908........ $3.99

741X What The Bible Says About Money.................. ..9781596363717........ $3.99 765X Who I Am in Christ wall chart.................................. 9781596363984...... $10.99
765L Who I Am in Christ LAM chart................................. 9781596363991...... $14.99

panels, 8.5 x 5.5
in, unfolds to 38
inches long. Fits Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
Wall chart 19x26
inside most Bibles to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Faith of America’s Founders

Pamphlet & Wall Chart
Fatherhood Here are the best quotes about God, country, and the
Encouragement & guidance Bible, from important people who shaped our nation.
Despite what TV sitcoms imply, fathers are extremely With so many contemporary public voices dictating
important in the lives of their children! This pamphlet conflicting versions of America’s spiritual and political
uses statistical data and biblical analysis to show the foundations, it’s good to be reminded of the words and
importance of fathers in today’s changing society. It actions of some of America’s founders.
shows that God is our best model for fathering, and Free PowerPoint Download!
explains the biblical teachings of love, instruction, and 347X Faith of America’s Founders chart............................ 9781596360853...... $10.99
347L Faith of America’s Founders chart - Laminated......... 9781596360860...... $14.99
348X Faith of America’s Founders pamphlet............. ..9781596360877........ $3.99
751X Fatherhood pamphlet...................................... ..9781596363847........ $3.99 Faith of America’s Founders PowerPoint is a FREE download

FREE SHIPPING on your $150 product order. See p. 34

Upcoming Dates and Recommended Teaching Aids
Download this with LARGER print at go to News & Info> Calendar
June 14, 2010 - Flag Day the Spirit.
Faith of America’s Founders pamphlet, wall chart, and PowerPoint;
Names of God; What’s so Great About Heaven? Sept. 19, 2010 - International Day of Prayer
Psalm 23, Names of God, Names of Jesus, Names of the Holy Spirit,
June 20, 2010 - Father’s Day Lord’s Prayer, Beatitudes, Prayer of Jabez, Bible Promises for Hope and
Fatherhood: Making a Lifetime of Difference; Rose Book of Bible Maps, Courage; Armor of God; What’s so Great about Heaven; Strong in the
Charts and Time Lines Vol. 1 & 2; Deluxe Then and Now Bible Map Storm (praying for persecuted Christians worldwide); What the Bible
Book; Rose Book of Bible and Christian History Time Lines; Reformation Says about Money
Time Line; Christian History Time Line; Life of David; Life of Joseph;
Heroes of the Old Testament Sept. 23-29, 2010 - Feast of Tabernacles (Known in
Hebrew as Sukkot, starts sundown Sept. 22, 2010)
July 4, 2010 - Independence Day (U.S.) Rose Guide to the Tabernacle; Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall chart,
Faith of America’s Founders; Reformation Time Line; Christian History pamphlet, and PowerPoint®; Christ in the Old Testament; Tabernacle wall
Time Line. charts; Tabernacle Paper Model
August, 2010 - Back to School & Teacher Appreciation Oct 1, 2010 (starts sundown Sept. 30) - Rejoicing
Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines Vol. 1 & 2; Rose Book
in the Law (Simchat Torah)
of Bible & Christian History Time Lines; Deluxe Then and Now Bible
Rose Guide to the Tabernacle; Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall
Map Book; Rose Guide to the Tabernacle; One-Year Bible Reading
chart, pamphlet, and PowerPoint®; Christ in the Old Testament; Bible
Plan; Spiritual Disciplines; Essential Doctrines Made Easy; Creeds
Overview; Tabernacle wall charts; Tabernacle Paper Model; The Ten
and Heresies; Bible at a Glance; What Christians Believe at a Glance;
Commandments pamphlet and wall charts
Worldviews Comparison Chart; Denominations Comparison Chart;
Christianity, Cults & Religions comparison chart; Islam & Christianity; October 10, 2010 - Pastor Appreciation
Rose Book of Bible Maps, Charts and Time Lines Vol. 1 & 2, Deluxe
September, 2010 - New Bible Studies,
Then and Now Bible Map Book, Rose Book of Bible and Christian
Discipleship and Small Groups start History Time Lines.
Favorite for Women: New! DVD curriculum on Christianity, Cults and
Religions. New! DVD Curriculum on Four Views of the End Times; Oct 31, 2010 - Reformation Sunday
Women of the Bible Old Testament; Women of the Bible New Testament; Reformation Time Line, How We Got the Bible, Christian History Time,
Fruit of the Spirit; The Tabernacle (goes with the Beth Moore study); and Christian History Made Easy 12-week study and PowerPoint; Creeds
Statue in the Book of Daniel (goes with the Beth Moore study); Life of and Heresies.
the Apostle Paul; One-Year Bible Reading Plan; Spiritual Disciplines;
Essential Doctrines Made Easy; Where to Find it in the Bible; Christian Oct 31/ Nov 1, 2010 - Halloween / All Saints Day
History Made Easy book and PowerPoint. Youth Discipleship: God in 10 Questions and Answers about Magic, Spells & Divination pamphlet,
Real Life; Myth-Busters; Bible Time Line; Bible Overview. Favorites For Christianity, Cults and the Occult wall chart, pamphlet, and PowerPoint®;
Men: New! DVD curriculum on Christianity, Cults and Religions. New! Tough Questions about Christianity; Essential Doctrine Made Easy; How
DVD Curriculum on Four Views of the End Times Fatherhood: Making We Got the Bible (people who gave their lives to give us the Bible in
a Lifetime of Difference; Armor of God, 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by English); Strong in the Storm (modern-day persecuted Christians who
Jesus, 50 Proofs for the Bible, Christianity, Cults & Religions, Islam give their lives for Christ and what we can learn from them).
& Christianity,12 Disciples, Heroes of the Old Testament; Creeds and Nov 11, 2010 - Veterans Day
Heresies; How to Study the Bible. Faith of America’s Founders pamphlet, wall chart, and FREE PowerPoint®
September, 2010 - Back to School presentation; What’s so Great about Heaven? Bible Promises for Hope and
For college students, pamphlets on the reliability of the Bible and on Courage.
atheism: Why Trust the Bible; 50 Proofs for the Bible; 10 Questions and Nov 22-29, 2010 - National Bible Week
Answers on Atheism; The Gospels “Lost” and Found; The Dead Sea How We Got the Bible; How to Study the Bible; Bible Overview; Books of
Scrolls; How We Got the Bible; Christianity, Cults & Religions; Intelligent the Bible wall chart; Bible Bookcase wall chart; Bible Time Line; Gospels
Design, Answers to Evolution 24 Ways to Share the Gospel; 52 Key Bible Side by Side; 50 Proofs for the Bible; Bible Translations comparison
Stories New! DVD curriculum on Christianity, Cults and Religions. New! chart; Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps; Why Trust the Bible; Gospels:
DVD Curriculum on Four Views of the End Times. Creeds and Heresies; Lost and Found; Tough Questions about Christianity; Life of Jesus
Bible Time Line, Bible Overview; One-Year Bible Reading Plan (may be pamphlet; Favorite Bible Verses; How to Study the Bible; Following Jesus;
started at any time); How to Study the Bible; Worldviews Comparison Dead Sea Scrolls;
chart; Creation and Evolution; Knowing God’s Will; Spiritual Disciplines
Nov 25, 2010 - Thanksgiving Day
Sept 6. 2010 - Labor Day Psalm 23 pamphlet; Faith of America’s Founders pamphlet, wall chart,
(Patriotism, honoring workers, firemen, police, etc.) Faith of America’s and PowerPoint® presentation; Names of God; Names of Jesus; Bible
Founders pamphlet, wall chart, and PowerPoint® presentation; Bible Promises for Hope and Courage.
Promises for Hope and Courage; Life of Joseph; What the Bible Says
about Money Dec 2-9, 2010 - Hanukkah (begins sundown Dec. 1)
Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall chart, pamphlet, and PowerPoint®
Sept 9-10, 2010 - RoshHaShana (Jewish New
Year) December 25, 2010 - Christmas
Rose Guide to the Tabernacle; Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall chart, The Christmas Story; Names of Jesus; 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by
pamphlet, and PowerPoint®; Tabernacle wall charts; Temple wall charts; Jesus; Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps, Life of Jesus; Bible Time Line;
What the Bible Says about Money What Christianity Has Done for the World; Bible Promises for Hope and
Courage; Names of God; Genealogy of Jesus; One-Year Reading Plan; 52
Sept 18, 2010 - Old Testament Day of Atonement Key Bible Stories; Who I Am in Christ; Family Tree of Jesus Christ
(Yom Kippur)
Rose Guide to the Tabernacle; Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall Sign up for free Bible e-Charts and information
chart, pamphlet, and PowerPoint®; Temple wall charts; Tabernacle wall on important dates and events
charts; Tabernacle Paper Model; 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel; Fruit of
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Hot Topics

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles Wall chart
One of the most beloved verses in Scripture. “For God
Strong in the Storm pamphlet so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son
God’s love through tough times that whoever believes in him should not perish but
The lives of persecuted Christians have much to teach have everlasting life.” Includes devotional emphasis
us about how God gives courage, peace, and even joy for each single word showing the impact of God’s
through life’s toughest storms. Includes six amazing intention. Beautiful for your home, office, classroom, or
stories of believers who faced incredible hardship and church foyer. Size: 19.5 x 26 inches; heavy chart paper;
applies these lessons of faith, strength, and forgiveness reproducible worksheets on the back
to our own lives.
795X John 3:16: The Greatest Verse wall chart................. 9781596364387...... $10.99
795L John 3:16: The Greatest Verse chart-LAM................ 9781596364394...... $14.99
775X Strong in the Storm pamphlet......................... ..9781596364172........ $3.99

Knowing God’s Will

Navigating Life’s Tough decisions Heaven

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5

in, unfolds to 38 inches long.
Fits inside most Bibles
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62
Everyone needs a little help navigating through life’s
tough decisions. Here’s a road guide to help you have
confidence along the journey. Addresses questions What is Heaven like? Popular media portrays boring
such as: white clouds, but many verses in the Bible give hints of a
Who is God and why should I trust Him? What wonderful place of joy, vitality, and restoration.
does God think about me? What is God’s will?
How can I recognize God’s leading? What is value Whether you are just wondering or know someone
of suffering? What does God do with failure? facing death, the Heaven pamphlet explores everything
Scripture says about that elusive and much-desired place.

339X Knowing God’s Will pamphlet......................... ..9781596360761...... $3.99 698X Heaven pamphlet............................................ ..9781596363137........ $3.99
767X POWERPOINT: Heaven..................................... ..9781596364035...... $39.99

H698X Spanish Pamphlet: What’s So Great Heaven..... ..9780805495362........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Hot Topics

Compare 20 Bible Translations

Ever wondered why are there so many different versions of the Bible?
How do you know which translation is best for a particular purpose?
This handy fold-out pamphlet–compares 20 most popular translations,
reading level, describes each translation, explains texts used for
translation, gives sample verses in each translation.

• American Standard Version • Amplified Bible • New American Standard Bible

• Revised Standard Version • New Revised Standard Version • English Standard
Version • King James Version • New King James Version • New Jerusalem Bible
Wall chart 19x26 • New American Bible • New International Version • Today’s New International
Version • God’s Word • Holman Christian Standard Bible (Holman Bible)
• New Century Version • New Living Translation • New International Readers
Version • Good News Translation • Contemporary English Version • The Message

599X Bible Translations Comparison-wall chart................. 9781596361355...... $10.99

599L Bible Translations Comparison wall chart-Lam.......... 9781596361362...... $14.99

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 597X Bible Translation Comparison pamphlet........... ..9781596361331........ $3.99
38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Spiritual Disciplines
Exploring the Classical Disciplines of the Faith
God has called us to make disciples and be his disciples (Matt. 28:19). What does
it mean to be a disciple? This 14-panel, full color
pamphlet looks at the classical spiritual disciplines
that help us follow Jesus: • scripture reading, •
prayer, • fasting, • worship • service • solitude •
discernment • evangelism. It addresses questions
such as: What does it mean to be Jesus’ disciples
in the twenty-first century? Do spiritual disciplines
look different in an electronic age? How can
spiritual disciplines be a joy, not a legalistic
burden? Perfect for discipleship or small groups.

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to

732X Spiritual Disciplines.......................................... ..9781596363540........ $3.99 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Baptism is important for all Christians. This Baptism Comparison pamphlet is a
quick, clear summary of the biblical teachings on baptism. This is a good intro for a
new believer. Learn about: • Jesus’ teachings • The symbolism that points to Christ’s
death and resurrection • Why some Christian groups baptize infants
and others only adults (and Bible passages that support each view)
• The difference between immersion,
sprinkling, and pouring. Shows that
faith in Jesus Christ is key for both
kinds of baptism.

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in,

unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits
inside most Bibles 676X Baptism pamphle............................................ .. 9781596362796........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
NEW! Christianity, Cults & Religions

Pamphlet-14 panels,
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits
PowerPoint 100 slides,
inside most Bibles
details on pg 62

Leader Guide Study Guide

DVD-Based Bible Study for Individuals and Small Groups

Lead a Bible study on Christianity, Cults & Religions without being an expert!
Christians need to know what they believe. This excellent small group study teaches what the Bible says about God, Jesus, salvation,
and more, and compares it to the teachings of other religions and cults.
This DVD-based study includes: Six-session DVD led by Paul Carden, Director of The Centers for Apologetics Research and former
co-host of “Bible Answer Man” radio program.

The six sessions are:

1. Definitions, Discernment, and Defending the Faith For samples, endorsements, streaming
2. Essential Christian Doctrine information, and more, go to
3. Jehovah’s Witnesses (Watchtower Society)
4. Mormonism (Latter-day Saints)
5. Eastern Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age
6. Islam

Complete Christianity Cults & Religions Kit $99.99 ($113 value!) • ISBN 9781596364134 Product 771X
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bulletin inserts, and banners for you to print as needed.
• One Leaders Guide + PDF of the Leaders Guide on CD-ROM
• One Participants Guide. (Purchase Participant Guide for each class member.)
• One Christianity, Cults & Religions pamphlet (fold-out chart that fits inside a Bible cover)
• One 112-page handbook comparing 40 religions and cults: Rose Bible Basics: Christianity, Cults & Religions
• PowerPoint with 250 slides to expand the scope of the teaching

Christianity Cults & Religions Leader Pack $29.99 • ISBN 9781596364271 Product 771DV
• Leader Pack with the DVD of six 30-40 minute video sessions and a CD-ROM with PDF files for posters, PDF of the Leader Guide
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784X Additional Leaders Guide......................................... 9781596364288...... $14.99
785X Additional Participants Guide................................... 9781596364295........ $8.99
About Paul Carden: 788X Case of 40 Participants Guides (Save $70)..................................... . $289.00
For six years, Paul Carden 404X Christianity, Cults & Religions pamphlet................... 9789901981403........ $3.99
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Research Institute and was their
director of International Outreach
under its founder, Walter Martin.
He is executive director of the 662X
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Buy 30 pamphlets, ask for any PowerPoint FREE. See p. 34

Cults & Religions Comparison
Christianity, Cults & Religions
Helps you know what you believe and why

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pamphlet to include more than 40 world religions, cults
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religions from a Christian viewpoint and helps Christians
know their own teachings as well as the differences in
other groups. Excellent for people who have friends,
coworkers, and neighbors of other faiths. 110 Pages

Topics compared:
Authoritative Writings
Who is God?
Who is Jesus?
Who is the Holy Spirit?
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Other beliefs and practices

This book is a combination of seven very popular

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Each of these pamphlets — if bought individually — would cost

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Cults & Religions Comparison 41

Compare 21 World Religions and Cults at a Glance!

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Fits inside most
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PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62
This incredible chart provides full comparisons of
403X Christianity, Cults & Religions wall chart ................. 9789901980918...... $10.99 18 groups. Unlike other publications, it includes
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interesting practices and beliefs. The major world
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summaries of key beliefs.

Wall chart 19x26

Wall Chart, Pamphlet &
Many pastors, teachers, and Bible
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topics. What is the difference between

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What do each believe about God, the
Trinity, Jesus, the Scriptures, Baptism,
the Lord’s Supper, and salvation? All of
these 12 groups believe in the deity of
Christ and the importance of Scripture,
so what makes them different? On PowerPoint 100
439X Denominations Comparison wall chart..................... 9781890947330...... $10.99
the back of the wall chart is a family slides, details on
pg 62 439L Denominations Comparison chart–Lam.................... 9781890947347...... $14.99
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Cults & Religions

Islam & Christianity

Compare Basic Teachings & Beliefs
This chart allows you to compare the basic beliefs of Christians and Muslims
at a glance. More than one billion people around the world follow the
teachings of Muhammad and Islam. Learn what beliefs Christians and
Muslims have in common and which are different. Avoid common mistakes
Christians make when communicating with Muslims at school, neighborhood,
and at work. Know what Muslims have been taught about Christianity and
how to answer their questions and concerns. Ages 12-adult. PowerPoint Wall chart 19x26
contains reproducable worksheets you can use as handouts.

Topics include:
• The founder, dates, and location of important Islamic events • Salvation
and paradise • Who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are to Muslims • Key
writings and scriptures • Prophets • The role of women • Religious History
• Who God is • The Holy scriptures • The prophets • Practices and rituals
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Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

460X Islam & Christianity wall chart . ............................... 9781890947651...... $10.99

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PowerPoint 170 slides, details on pg 62 H461X Spanish Pamphlet: Islam & Christianity............. ..9780805466003........ $3.99

Christianity Cults & the Occult Christianity & Eastern

Compare 11 Groups with Biblical Christianity

This is a great way of getting your teens to talk about

their beliefs. With Christianity, Cults & the Occult,
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movements with a wide range of occult connections: including the major types of Hinduism and Buddhism,
Freemasonry, Kabbalah Centre, Wicca/Neopaganism, including:
Satanism, Spiritualism, Santería, Voodoo, Theosophy, • Origins; Founder; Other Major Historical Figures;
Anthroposophy, Rosicrucianism, Eckankar. Topics compare Sacred Writings; Key Beliefs on God and the Purpose
Origins (founders, dates, headquarters), Key writings, of Life/Salvation, Distinctive Practices and Major
Key beliefs, Occultic practices, Affiliated organizations, Celebrations, Denominations, and Number of Adherents
Symbols and photos, and News and Controversies. • Focus on the Dalai Lama
Includes a section on astrology and horoscopes, glossary • Profiles of other Eastern religions, including: - Sikhism,
of occult terms, and scriptural warnings on the occult. Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, as well as beliefs and
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Cults & Religions

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Wall chart 19x26

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
10 Keys to Witnessing
to Cults Open the Door with love Know What You Believe
Ten easy keys will prepare you to witness in a loving and Key Christian Beliefs
respectful informed way to the cults at your door. Tips This handy pamphlet and wall chart are perfect for
include spotting common objections cultists are trained anyone who wants to know the basic doctrines of
to answer, strategic questions to ask, and easy ways to the Christian faith. These 14 key beliefs of Christianity
demonstrate Jesus’ deity, plus do’s & don’ts and much are embraced by Christians around the world. Today’s
more. Expert author Ron Rhodes helps to dispel believers’ churches are filled with people who are passionate about
feelings of insecurity when confronted with cults. being Christians, but who may not know what exactly
Pamphlet is 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches and unfold to 33 they believe.
inches long. Fits inside a Bible cover. PowerPoint has over
100 slides. and is PC & Mac compatible 611X Essential Doctrines Made Easy wall chart ................ 9781596361454...... $10.99
611L Essential Doctrines Made Easy -Laminated wall........ 9781596361461...... $14.99
658X 10 Keys to Witnessing to Cults pamphlet......... 9781596361980........ $3.99 609X Essential Doctrines Made Easy pamphlet.......... ..9781596361430........ $3.99
668X POWERPOINT: 10 Keys to Witnessing to Cults.. 9781596362093...... $39.99 H609X Spanish Pamphlet: Essential Doctrine............... ..9780805495256........ $3.99

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Pamphlet-14 panels,
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to
38 inches long. fits inside
most Bibles

Why Truth Matters pamphlet PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

Common Doctrinal Errors
What is truth, and how can we know? The Bible plainly
10 Q&A on Atheism & Agnosticism
tells the kinds of errors and false teachings that Christians Pamphlet & PowerPoint
will be expected to identify and defend against. Explore Take a look at the important questions of life,
nine enemies of biblical truth: false gospels, false including: What can we know about the existence of
doctrines, false miracles, false gods, false christs, false God? What can we know about right and wrong? Is
spirits, false prophets, false apostles, and false teachers. belief in God compatible with science?
Learn to recognize the counterfeits through the light of
God’s truth. 585X 10 Q & A-Atheism pamphlet........................... ..9781596361232........ $3.99
587X POWERPOINT: 10 Q & A on Atheism.................9781596361256...... $39.99
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free
734X PAMPHLET: Why Truth Matter.......................... ..9781596363564........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Cults & Religions

Pamphlet-14 panels,Resources
Glossary of Jehovah’s Witness Terms Key Beliefs, Practices, and History
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
hrist of Latter-day Saints
Key Beliefs, Practices, and History
th, LDS
Else Do
Church Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe?
Adventists: Followers of the various movements inspired The inclusion of a work does not necessarily mean endorsement of all its contents or of other works by the same author(s).
0 in Fayette, New York (USA), by the teachings of American preacher William Miller

Great Crowd: Group of people mentioned in Revelation

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
(1782–1849), who predicted that the Second Coming of
tower Claims... The Bible Teaches... whose number no one can count (Revelation 7:9). In the

Quick Facts
(1805–1844) Christ would take place in 1843 or 1844. Watchtower’s interpretation these people are an “earthly Jehovah’s Witnesses by Robert M. Bowman, Jr. Names: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society;
Lake City, Utah (USA)
sfusions Eating, Not Transfusing Anointed Class: The special people who are “anointed” with class” relegated to live eternally on the earth. (Zondervan, 1995). Also recommended International Bible Students Association
od in over
into 160 nations
one’s veinsandviolates Scripture’s injunction is against the God’s Spirit, said to number 144,000; the only people going Heavenly Class: Another name for the “Anointed Class” are other related books by the same author, Year/Place Founded: 1879 (incorporated 1884);
st eating blood in Leviticus eating of blood; transfused blood is to Heaven according to Watchtower theology. (see above).
1,000 (including those on including Why You Should Believe in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
s”) Even when rejecting a neither digested nor metabolized Apostasy: In general use, a falling away from one’s Trinity (Baker Book House, 1989)
Kingdom Hall: Building for weekly meetings of two to Founder: Charles Taze Russell (1852–1916)
sf Mormon
a Jehovah’s Witness
(over 100 languages)his life, by the body when it enters through faith. For Jehovah’s Witnesses, a turning away from three local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (The word
God by leaving His organization, the Watchtower Bible Reasoning from the Scriptures with the
a future
ore place in Paradise.
than 40 countries the veins. “church” is never used to refer to Watchtower meeting places.) Jehovah’s Witnesses by Ron Rhodes
World Headquarters: Brooklyn, New York (USA)
and Tract Society. Jehovah’s Witnesses are forbidden
Birthdays and Holidays Celebrated (Harvest House Publishers, 1993) Estimated Adherents: 16.3 million in over 200
d Celebrations to read “apostate” literature (literature critical of the Little Flock: Another name for the “Anointed Class”
nations and territories (2005)
liday celebrations have The memorial of Jesus’ death was not Watchtower) or personal letters from “apostates” (people (see above), based on a misreading of Luke 12:32. ( Jesus Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse
p. iii
esus the only event Jesus’ followers observed. who have left the Watchtower). was simply referring to the small size of his band of Materials: Publishes magazines, books, and
19 only commanded the followers at the time.) by David A. Reed (Baker Book House,
other materials in over 400 languages
5:3 death, so true Christians Since they were Jews, they likely Armageddon: The final battle between wicked mankind and 1986). Also recommended are other
h Smith, p.anything
194 but Jesus’ observed all the Jewish holidays, just Jehovah God to end world governments and bring about the Other Sheep: Another name for the “Earthly class” (see related books by the same author,
, p. 188 establishment of Jehovah’s Kingdom rule on Paradise Earth. above), drawn from John 10:16. (By “other sheep” Jesus including How to Rescue Your Loved One
own wedding anniversaries). as they did Hanukkah ( John 10:22).
meant Gentiles who would come to faith in Him.) from the Watchtower (Baker Book House, 1989)
289; Gospel Truth, Vol. 1, p. 255 [1974 ed] Watchtower objections to celebrations Assembly: A large gathering of Jehovah’s Witnesses for
War Watchtower conventions. Overseer: An elder assigned to oversee specific INTERNET
ve “no part” in the “wicked based on pagan origins can be answered Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz
responsibilities within the congregation or larger
world, true Christians do by the fact that many customs today Babylon: All non-Jehovah’s Witness religious Jehovah’s Witness gatherings. (Commentary Press, 1983) Witnesses for Jesus, Inc.
ay 22, 1992
have lost their pagan significance. So, organizations and worldly governments.
p. 368 in politics, vote in New Light: Watchtower euphemism for changes in doctrine. What Does God Require? Biblical Answers
national flags, or fight in war. the principle of Christian freedom Paul Bible Study: One-on-one home studies, using to Questions Jehovah’s Witnesses Ask
ng James Version of Bible,” Church gives in Romans 14 when addressing Watchtower literature, designed to recruit new people New World: Paradise Earth, where only faithful Jehovah’s FreeMinds, Inc.
by Christy (Harvey) Darlington
the subject of holiday celebrations and into the organization. Witnesses who survived Armageddon will reside.
Book of Mormon, p. 47 (Witnesses for Jesus, 2001)
eating pagan sacrificial meat should Christendom: Disparaging term used to describe Paradise: Nature on Earth restored to pre-curse
Jehovah’s Witnesses: Their Claims, TowerWatch Ministries
h Smith, p. 345 hold true for all Christians. In verses “professed Christianity”—that is, all non-Jehovah’s conditions, the Garden of Eden in Genesis.
Doctrinal Changes, and Prophetic
w, p. 1
5 and 6 he writes, “Let each man be Witness religions that claim to be Christian—in Pioneer: A Jehovah’s Witness who participates full-time
22 contrast with “the true Christianity of the Bible.” Speculation. What Does the Record Show?
p. 345 fully convinced in his own mind. He in the door-to-door “Preaching Work” for a set number by Edmond C. Gruss (Xulon Press, 2001) Let Us Reason Ministries
Viewed as under Satan’s control. of hours per month.
who observes the day, observes it for
Christian Greek Scriptures: Jehovah’s Witness term for
the Lord, and he who eats, does so for Preaching Work: Door-to-door distribution of
“New Testament.” The Old Testament is called “Hebrew Watchtower literature and home Bible studies VIDEO/DVD Facts About Jehovah’s Witnesses
idtsoe, Joseph Smith — the Lord.” Scriptures.”
God, p. 170
conducted with potential converts.
Disassociate, Disfellowship: Terms applied to a In the Name of Jehovah (North American
Publisher: A baptized or unbaptized Jehovah’s Witness Resources on the New World Translation
Jehovah’s Witness who formally leaves the Watchtower Mission Board, 2004)
dracleAlso Know...
of Forgiveness, p. 212 which was a politically appointed government who participates in the “preaching work.” No set
job (Rom. 16:23). • Was Joseph Smith organization
a True Prophetof his own volition (disassociates) or is
of God? minimum number of hours is required. Witnesses of Jehovah (Good News Defenders,
208–209Governments expelled from the Watchtower (disfellowshipped). In
Russellites: Nickname given to those who follow the 1988) Silent Lambs
h Smith,Scripture
-16, pp. 193, 356 encourages Jehovah’s Witnesses and Medicine • Is the Mormon Godeither
God active Jehovah’s
of the Bible?Witnesses consider the one
p. 416
In addition to its changing positions on blood leaving an “apostate” and therefore subject to “shunning.” teachings of Watchtower Society founder Charles Taze The Witness at Your Door and The Witness
ction as “salt” and “light” in
lford Woodruff observed, “The dead Russell, especially so-called “Bible Student” groups that Goes Out! ( Jeremiah Films, 1992)
s. This
k after you asincluded prominent
they have after us in [the transfusions, the Watchtower Society• Does
has Mormonism Teach the Truth
Earthly Class: People About Jesus?
who followed Jehovah God and lived reject teachings introduced by the Society after his death. Watchtower Quotes • Is the New World Translation reliable?
of Discourses,
19, p. 229). and taken dogmatic and controversial medical on earth prior to Pentecost in  33 or became Jehovah’s Battling Over the Children ( Jeremiah
p. 269 stands which it later reversed. For •decades,
Why do Mormons Witnesses
Build Temples?
after 1935; their eternal destiny according to the Shunning: A form of disciplinary exclusion in which
Daniel and his colleagues
n Doctrine, 2d ed., p. 578 Watchtower is everlasting life on Paradise earth. “apostate” Jehovah’s Witnesses are ignored and treated as
Films, 1994) • Are only 144,000 people going to heaven?
from 1850into the
1940, pagan Watchtower publications condemned both Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood
and all if dead by their Witness friends and relatives. Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Real Jesus
iformly showThe Ethiopian
a preponderance eunuch
of males pasteurization and the germ theory of disease, Faithful and Discreet Slave: The servant commended
(MMOutreach, 1995) • Is the Trinity a pagan doctrine?
(apostle John in Jesus’ story in Matthew 24:45 who proved faithful Tetragrammaton: The four Old Testament Hebrew
charge ofWidtsoe, Evidences andJesus
the treasury. and campaigned vigorously against aluminum
in caring for his master’s provisions and was granted consonants (transliterated into English as “YHWH”) Testimonies of Former Jehovah’s Witnesses • Is Jesus Christ really God?
lling, p. 439 (captain of 100
cooking utensils (calling them “a curse to oversight of all his master’s belongings upon his return. from which God’s name is derived.
great faith” in Matthew 8, and humanity”). In years past the Society has The Watchtower applies the parable to its “Governing POWERPOINT®
The Truth: Another name for the Watchtower
elius is also commended as a forbidden its followers to accept vaccinations Body” leadership and claims that it alone has been organization’s changing doctrines. JW Research
granted spiritual authority over Jehovah’s people. 10 Questions & Answers on Jehovah’s Witnesses
n” in Acts 10. Paul mentions (“a crime against nature”) and organ
Theocracy: God’s kingdom rule. (Rose Publishing, Inc., 2006)
ed Erastus, the city treasurer, transplants (“cannibalism”).

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

10 Q&A on Mormonism 10 Q&A on Jehovah’s Witnesses

Key Beliefs Practices & History Here are biblical and historical answers to help
Here are biblical and historical answers to help Christians discern the differences.
Christians discern the differences. • How the Jehovah’s Witnesses began
• History of Mormonism • Prophecies by their leaders -were they accurate?
• Who was Joseph Smith? • Should God be called “Jehovah”?
• Where did the Book of Mormon come from? • Is the Trinity a “pagan doctrine”?
• Are American Indians of Israelite descent? • Is Jesus “God Almighty” or the “Archangel Michael”?
• What does Mormonism require? • Will only 144,000 people go to heaven?
579X 10 Q & A-Mormons pamphlet......................... ..9781596361171...... $3.99 582X 10 Q & A-Jehovah’s Witnessess pamphle......... ..9781596361201....... $3.99

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H579X Spanish Pamphlet: 10 Q & A on Mormonism... ..9780805495201........ $3.99 H582X Spanish Pamphlet: 10 Q&A Jehovah Witness... ..9780805495195........ $3.99
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

panels, 8.5
x 5.5 in, 10 Q&A on Angels
unfolds to 38 Key Beliefs Practices & History
inches long.
Fits inside
most Bibles

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

10 Q&A on Magic,
Spells & Divination Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
Key Issues and Viewpoints to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
Here is a tool to help you navigate through the information and Learn about what the Bible says (and doesn’t say) about
misinformation on the occult by using the Bible as the basis for these powerful servants of God. • Are angels real? •
evaluation of questions. Former astrologer Marcia Montenegro — Do angels have bodies? • Should we look to angels
now a Christian — answers the top 10 questions about magic, for spiritual guidance? • Are we guaranteed angelic
astrology, psychics, Ouija boards®, and more, from a biblical protection? • Will we become angels? 14 panels, fits
inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches.

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H680X Spanish Pamphlet: 10 Q & A on Angels........... ..9780805495249........ $3.99
H617X Spanish Pamphlet: 10 Q&A on Magic & Di...... ..9780805495294........ $3.99 Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Gospels & Life of Christ


Israel During Jesus’ Time The Synoptic Gospels and John

The word “synoptic” means “seen together.” It refers to the first three Gospels, Matthew,
Jesus’ three-year ministry occurred all over the ancient cities. From Syria to Judea, Jesus Mark and Luke. When seen together, these Gospels often reveal related accounts in very
brought the gospel’s powerful words and actions.
similar language. Scholars agree there is some relationship between these three books. The
Beirut exact nature of this relationship has been the subject of much debate. It seems that these
three authors either read one another or some common source, which explains why so much
of their substance and language are the same.
Damascus The Gospel of John, however, is different
Sidon than the first three Gospels. John uses
material that the other writers do not have.
Zarephath The wording of some of the stories is
Mt. Hermon
SYRIA different. John often added details that the
Caesarea-Philippi others do not include.
Dan Banyas
Qiryat For example, the name of the woman who
washed Jesus’ feet with her hair (John 12:3)
HEIGHTS TETRARCHY or that John beat Peter in a foot race to the
Mt. of the Seleucia OF PHILIP
Beatitudes empty tomb on Easter Sunday (John 20:4).
Ptolemais Akko Chorazin Naveh Many of these details have a personal tone.
(Acco) Capernaum
Mount Carmel
Cana Magdala
Ger gesa
Tiberias The Synoptic Gospels Compared to John:
Nazareth Mt.Tabor
Gadara Three Examples
Megiddo Beth Shan
Mediterranean DECAPOLIS 5)&(041&-5&95 &7&/5 %&4$3*15*0/
SAMARIA Matthew 3:11–12
General and generic language

Jordan River
Samaria Nablus
Gerasa Mark 1:7–8
is used about the crowds.
Netanya Sychar Luke 3:15–18
Shechem JORDAN John the Baptist’s
WEST BANK introduction of Jesus
Antipatris Gedora John names specific individuals who
Tel Aviv-Yafo Joppa Ramallah PEREA John 1:24–44 become disciples of Jesus through
Ephraim Amman Philadelphia
John the Baptist.
JUDEA Jericho
ISRAEL Emmaus Qumran Matthew 14:13–21
Jamnia Mt. Nebo Dialogue with Jesus is attributed to
Jerusalem Mt. of Olives Mark 6:30–44
Ashdod Bethany
the disciples as a group.
Luke 9:10–17
Ashqelon Ashkelon
Feeding of the 5000

John names specific individuals
John 6:1–14
Gaza En-Gedi who speak.

Individuals are named in all accounts


IDUMEA Matthew 28:1–10 to a greater or lesser extent.

Beersheba Mark 16:1–11

The Resurrection
Luke 24:1–12 John is specific about the actions of
John 20:1–18 Mary Magdalene, Peter and himself
Dimona (the unnamed disciple).

Sample Pages

Rose Bible Basics - Handbook with optional 6-week study guide
Who is Jesus and how is he different from all other religious leaders in the world? This full-color handbook provides
you with a solid introduction to the life of Jesus, his teachings, and the significance of his death and resurrection.
This book will help you discover the life-changing impact of Jesus. It covers the basic doctrines about Jesus, as well
as giving new insights, such as how Old Testament symbolism and typology, even the biblical celebration of Passover
point to Christ. This full color, 128-page book is a great introduction about who Jesus is and what he has done for us.

Includes these 8 pamphlets — Save $16.00 if bought separately

Who is Jesus? Jesus: Fact & Fiction Gospels Side by Side
Names of Jesus The Beatitudes The Lord’s Prayer
Christ in the Passover Christ in the Old Testament
Includes a six-week study guide for personal or group Bible studies.

707X RBB: Jesus...................................................... 9781596363243...... $14.99

Wall chart 19x26

Perfect for Stories
About Jesus
THEN AND NOW Wall chart 19x26

Bible Map Modern Day

Where Jesus Walked: Then and Now compares a Bible
map of the lands where Jesus walked, side-by-side
with modern-day cities and countries of the same Life of Jesus
area. Shows Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Jericho, This bright colorful chart shows kids 25 major events in
the Jordan River, and every other place Jesus walked. Jesus life, His birth, miracles, healings, His death, burial,
Great for teaching the Gospels and the book of Acts. and ascension. The chart may be cut into strips and used
Available laminated or unlaminated. 19” x 26” heavy as a time line. Wall chart is 19" x 26".
chart paper. You can write on it with wet erase markers.

305X Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now ......................... 9789901982943...... $10.99 436X Life of Jesus wall chart............................................. 9781890947170...... $10.99
305L Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now-Laminated ........ 9789901983018...... $14.99 436L Life of Jesus wall chart-Laminated............................ 9781890947187...... $14.99

Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more or a wall chart FREE. See p. 34

Learn about the life of Jesus

th on the
d the penalty
nity’s sin—
sical and
100 Prophecies
Fulfilled by Jesus
dead was
at he
ed death. It
that someday

Chart, Pamphlet
e will be
cted and spend
in either
or hell.
nnot save
ves because we
ver repay the
wed to God,
tter how many
hings we do.
is trusting that
Wall chart
will save us
gh Christ’s
ice. In faith,
cept God’s gift
acts on our
lf. He defends
efore God’s law
against the
sations of Satan.
n Christ returns
yone will see
. Believers will
with him in his
gdom forever.
ose who do not
eve will be
arated from
d forever.

Life of Jesus pamphlet

Students will be amazed to discover that Jesus fulfilled more
The Key Teachings about Christ
than 100 prophecies concerning his birth, life, ministry,
Who is Jesus? This pamphlet highlights how Jesus death, and resurrection. These Old Testament prophecies
himself and the New Testament writers answered were written down by Old Testament prophets 400–1500
this important question in their own words. Discover years before his birth. Wall chart is 19" x 26" on heavy chart
why Jesus came, what he taught, what he did—and paper. Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on the
why it matters now. Includes a time line of Jesus’ life back of the chart. Chart: 19” x 26”. Pamphlet: 8.5”x 5.5”
and a chart of key beliefs about Jesus. A wonderful unfolds to 33”.
introduction for seekers and new believers.

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles 511X 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus wall chart............. 9789901982813...... $10.99
511L 100 Prophecies Fufilled by Jesus chart-Laminated.... 9789901982882...... $14.99

717X Life of Jesus pamphlet.................................... ..9781596363373........ $3.99

537X 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus pamp............ ..9781890947194........ $3.99

H537X Spanish Pamphlet: 100 Prophecies................... ..9780805465990........ $3.99

Jesus’ Genealogy & Christ in the Old Testament

Family Tree of Jesus Types & Illustrations of
Double size chart
Extra large wall
charts showing a
top down of Jesus’
lineage all the way
back to Adam
and Eve. Now it is
available with more
than 1000 names
and 100 fascinating
facts. This chart will
help you learn Old
Testament history
and see how Jesus
Throughout the Old Testament, we see God setting
fulfilled prophecy.
up history for the coming of Christ, not simply by
speaking prophetic words, but by arranging the lives
worksheets and
of human beings.  “Typology” deals with significant
teaching tips on the back.
historical people that have symbols or events in their
Extra large 26" x 39" wall
lives that correspond to symbols and events in the life of
Christ. Includes Melchizedek, King David, Adam, Noah,
Issac––Rebekah Abraham, Joseph, and more. Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x
Actual type size: 5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
514X Genealogy of Jesus wall chart (Blue).................. 9789901983230...... $13.99
514L Genealogy of Jesus wall chart-Laminated.(Blue)............... 9789901983308...... $17.99
315X Family Tree From Adam to Jesus wall chart............... 9781596360402...... $13.99
315L Family Tree From Adam to Jesus wall chart-LAMINATED.............. 9781596360419...... $17.99 630X Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet.............. ..9781596361690........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Gospels & Life of Christ 47

The Beatitudes Names of Jesus

Pamphlet, Wall Chart & PowerPoint
Pamphlet & PowerPoint
Jesus’ beloved teachings
on finding hope and joy
offer a true picture of God’s
blessings for believers
Understanding the beatitudes
will help Christians learn how
to live the “Kingdom” life.
Those who follow Jesus will be PowerPoint 100 slides,
details on pg 62
inspired and challenged to live out these attributes in
contrast to worldly values: • Poor in spirit • Mourning
• Meekness • Righteousness • Mercy • Purity in heart • There are more than 50 names for Jesus given in the
Peacemaking • Persecution Bible, and each will enrich your worship and prayer
PowerPoint disc has reproducible life. The Names of Jesus chart and pamphlet give
teaching tips, handouts and the definition, a scripture reference, and show how to
worksheets in PDF format for apply each name to our lives today. Immanuel, Son of
classroom or personal use. God, Good Shepherd, Prince of Peace, King of Kings,
Messiah, I Am, and more...
Wall chart: 26 x 19 inches. Pamphlet is 14 panels, fits
inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches
long. PowerPoint has more than 100 slides, and includes
reproducible teaching tips, handouts and worksheets in
PDF format for classroom or personal use.
PowerPoint 100 slides,
details on pg 62 326X Names of Jesus wall chart........................................ 9781596360570...... $10.99
326L Names of Jesus wall chart - laminated..................... 9781596360587...... $14.99
327X Names of Jesus pamphlet................................ ..9781596360594........ $3.99
653X Beatitudes pamphlet........................................ ..9781596361935........ $3.99
344X PowerPoint: Names of Jesus............................ ..9781596360822...... $39.99
706X POWERPOINT: Beatitudes................................. ..9781596363212...... $39.99
H327X Spanish Pamphlet: Names of Jesus................... ..9780805495263........ $3.99

The Lord’s Prayer
Chart, Pamphlet & PowerPoint
The Lord’s Prayer teaches the importance of praying for
God’s will, for relying on him for our daily needs, for asking for
forgiveness, and for help in times of temptation. Reproducible
worksheets on the back include a coloring page of the prayer,
and a prayer journal to encourage children and adults to pray
and keep track of God’s answers. Another worksheet uses the
Lord’s Prayer as a model for students to use to write their own
Trespasses prayers. Know the four key parts of the Lord’s Prayer.

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

508X Lord’s Prayer-debts wall chart.................................. 9780965508216...... $10.99
508L Lord’s Prayer-debts-wall chart Laminated................. 9780965508223...... $14.99
509X Lord’s Prayer-trespasses wall chart.......................... 9780965508247...... $10.99
509L Lord’s Prayer-trespasses-wall chart Laminated......... 9780965508254...... $14.99
588X The Lord’s Prayer pamphlet.............................. ..9781596361263........ $3.99
590X POWERPOINT®: The Lord’s Prayer.................... ..9781596361287...... $39.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Easter & the Biblical Feast of Passover

Wall chart 19x26

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x

5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches
long. Fits inside most Bibles
PowerPoint is
Christ in the Passover over 100 slides

Celebrate your Jewish Roots Feasts and Holidays of the Bible

The Passover is the Old Testament feast that celebrates God commanded Israel to observe these feasts and
and remembers God’s liberation of Israel from Egypt. It holy days as memorials to the great things that he had
also foreshadow’s Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Examine done. These are holidays that Jesus observed all through
the biblical origin and symbolism of the Passover to better his life. Learn about Passover/Unleavened Bread, the
understand Paul’s comparison of Jesus with the Passover lamb. Feast of Weeks, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot,
Compare the Passover seder with the Lord’s supper. Passover Simchat Torah, Chanukah. See how these special days
2010 begins March 30. PowerPoint is over 100 slides.. point to Jesus as the promised Messiah. Size: 19" x 26".
647X Christ in the Passover-wall chart.............................. 9781596361874...... $10.99 Pamphlet is 12 panels 8.5” x 5.5”and unfolds to 33".
446X Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall chart ............. 9781890947446...... $10.99
647L Christ in the Passover-LAM wall............................... 9781596361881...... $14.99
446L Feasts and Holidays of the Bible–Laminated............. 9781890947453...... $14.99
645X Christ in the Passover pamphlet....................... ..9781596361850........ $3.99 455X Feasts and Holidays of the Bible pamphlet....... ..9781890947583........ $3.99
739X POWERPOINT: Christ in the Passover................ ..9781596363670...... $39.99 638X POWERPOINT: Feasts and Holidays of the Bible... ..9781596361775...... $39.99
H645X Spanish Pamphlet: Christ in the Passover......... ..9780805495379........ $3.99 H455X Spanish Pamphlet: Feasts and Holidays............ ..9780805466447........ $3.99

Wall chart 19x26

Wall chart Wall chart
19x26 19x26

The Temple at the Time of Jesus

PowerPoint 100 slides,
details on pg 62
PowerPoint is
over 100 slides

PowerPoint 100 slides,

Evidence for the Resurrection
details on pg 62 Chart, Pamphlet & PowerPoint
Palm Sunday to Easter Here are 12 reasons skeptics should believe that
Jesus died and rose again. Examine the historical,
Wall Chart or PowerPoint
archaeological, and cultural proofs for Jesus’ life,
This highly detailed map shows Jerusalem at the time death, and resurrection. Also, know the answers to
of Christ and points out every event in Jesus’ life during questions asked by skeptics and others. Learn why
the week before his crucifixion. See a bird’s-eye view the resurrection is central for Christians. Discover the
of the Temple, the Mount of Olives, and the Garden of evidence that has convinced critics over the years.
Gethsemane. The ready-to-use PowerPoint has more
473X Evidence for the Resurrection wall chart................... 9781890947958...... $10.99
than 150 slides that go through each day from Palm
473L Evidence wall chart–Laminated................................. 9781890947965...... $14.99
Sunday to the crucifixion to Easter.
474X Evidence for the Resurrection pamphlet............ ..9781890947972........ $3.99
331X POWERPOINT: Palm Sunday to Easter............... 9781596360655...... $39.99
600X POWERPOINT: Evidence for Resurrection........... ..9781596361379... $39.99
310D Palm Sunday to Easter wall chart–Download only.................. ..... $9.99
H474X Spanish Pamp: Evidence for the Resurection..... ..9780805466324........ $3.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
The Gospel & Life of Christ 49

Pamphlet-14 panels, Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to

8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
to 38 inches long. Fits
inside most Bibles
The Gospels Side-by-Side
The Bible gives us four biographers for
Jesus’ life: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
24 Ways to Explain the Gospel
See Jesus from four different points of view and learn
how their views unite and flesh out an awesome
“Why do I need to be saved? From what?” is a response portrait of God. Consult this concise chart to find out
becoming common in today’s society. Salvation can be why there are four Gospels instead of just one • Why
a difficult concept to explain to a postmodern thinker. three Gospels are similar, but the fourth is very different
Fortunately, God’s Word provides many ways of looking • How the Gospels complement—not contradict—each
at our situation—and at God’s solution. Dozens of word other • Why most of Christ’s story focuses on his last
pictures and illustrations will help you communicate the week; and more.
Gospel in ways every listener can hear.

730X 24 Ways to Explain the Gospel........................ ..9781596363526........ $3.99 674X The Gospels Side-by-Side pamphlet................ ..9781596362772........ $3.99

Following Jesus Gospel of

Basics of Faith and
Christian Living Luke
The Life of Jesus
This ready-to-teach
PowerPoint® presentation
can be shown using a
digital projector on a
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62
screen or just on your
computer monitor. Great
for teaching large groups of people. There are more
than 200 “slides,” which is enough material to give
Wall chart 19x26 several talks on the life of Jesus from the Gospel of
Luke. People love illustrations. This presentation gives
you plenty of interesting visual aids: Each paragraph
This easy-to-understand guide is perfect to give to new in Luke is summarized and has (1) an illustration, (2)
believers, or to go through with them. Includes the a time line, and (3) a map showing where the even
basics of the Christian life, including: Prayer • Bible took place. Great for teaching people who are visually
study • Worship • Assurance of salvation • Assurance oriented.
of forgiveness • Who is God and why he can be trusted
• Why is Christianity the only way, and more. Get
people on the right path so that they do not become
discouraged and give up on their faith.

492X Following Jesus pamphlet................................ ..9781596360358........ $3.99

491D Following Jesus downloadable wall chart......... ....................... ...... $9.99
Go to and enter 491D into the search field
494X POWERPOINT: Gospel of Luke: Life of Jesus..... ..9781596360365...... $39.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Church History

Christian History Made Easy

13 Weeks to A Better Understanding of Church History
This is the NEW full-color edition of the best selling favorite. This fantastic book summarizes the most important events
in Christian history from the time of Jesus to today in 12 easy chapters. Theologian J. I. Packer says that Christian History
Made Easy is, “...a beautifully simple, beginner-friendly telling of Christian history, a precious heritage.” The ready-to-use
PowerPoint includes lively teaching presentations to go with each chapter of the book Christian History Made Easy brings
to life the most important events and people in Christian history that every believer should know. Author Timothy Paul
Jones, Ed.D., makes Christian history refreshingly fun while at the same time informative and engaging. From kings to
monks, revivals to revolutions—follow the fascinating history of the Christian faith from the time of Jesus to today. Twelve
teaching sessions with more than 50 slides contain full-color photos, illustrations, maps, and time lines. Easy to use in the
classroom, small group, or church. 705X Christian History Made Easy Book............................ 9781596363281...... $14.99
721X POWERPOINT: Christian History Made Easy..... ...9781596363410...... $39.99

Know about the

Contributions made
612X What Christianity Has Done for the World pamp.. .9781596361478... $3.99
by Christians
and Christianity
50 Key Contributions
So what has Christianity done for society? This pamphlet gives dozens of examples,
from the abolition of slavery in England to advances in medicine and science. Includes
specifics about educating the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and
reforming laws to protect the weak. This is a valuable reference guide--buy one for a
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds skeptical friend and another for yourself.
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

20-Foot Bible & Christian History Time Line!

Six thousand years and 20 feet of time lines in one beautiful hard-bound cover!
This unique resource allows you to easily store and read two time lines in book
form. These gorgeous time lines printed on heavy chart paper, can also be slipped
out of their binding and posted in a hallway or large room for full effect. The
10-foot detailed Bible Time Line compares Scriptural events with world history and
Middle East history. Shows hundreds of facts; includes dates of kings, prophets,
battles, and key events. Colorful photos and illustrations. The 10-foot Christian
History Time line begins with the life of Jesus and continues to the present day.
Includes brief explanations of more than 300 key people and events that all
Christians should know. Emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity,
and Bible translation in other languages. Packed with colorful photos. These two
time lines are connected end-to-end to form one long teaching aid.

Unfolds to over 20 feet

You can remove it from the cover to put on a wall!

346X Rose Book of Bible & Christian History Time Lines.... 9781596360846...... $29.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Church History 51


“Includes more dates, events, and people than any other church history time
line I know of. I wish we had produced it!”
Mark Galli, Editor, Christian History Magazine

PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 Wall chart 19x26 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!

Illustrated with
Time Line Christian events by
Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church (ad1 to present day)
Key people
century and year
& events
history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more
than 200 key people and events that all Christians should
417X Christian History Time Line wall chart...................... 9789901980994...... $10.99
know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion
of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. 417L Christian History Time Line-laminated...................... 9789901981069...... $14.99
Contains fascinating facts: • From the life of Jesus to 413X Christian History Time Line pamphlet............... ..9780965508292........ $3.99
modern day • From Augustine to Billy Graham • From the 769X POWERPOINT: Christian History Time Line........ ..9781596364097........ 39.99
spread of Christianity to the spread of Islam • From the H413x Spanish Pamphlet: Christian History Time Line... ..9780805495393....... $3.99
King James Version Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls. Available
as a wall chart or a pamphlet.

Wall chart 19x26

Reformation Time Line

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62

This concise guide to the Reformation shows a time line of Illustrations of Key Reformation Family Tree of
People events by year Denominations
key people and events. Gain deeper insights into the rise of
Protestantism, and the influence of people such as • Martin
Luther • John Calvin • William Tyndale • and King James and 352X Reformation Time Line wall chart .......................... 9781596360914...... $10.99
more. Learn why they wanted to reform the church of their day. 352L Reformation Time Line chart - Laminated................ 9781596360921...... $14.99
See 400 years of church history alongside the colorful politics
353X Reformation Time Line pamphlet..................... ..9781596360938...... $3.99
of King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and others. Includes: • Pre-
Reformation Period through the Post-Reformation Period (1300- 355X POWERPOINT: Reformation Time Line.............. ..9781596360952... $39.99

1700) • Wycliffe, Hus, Erasmus, Tyndale, Cromwell, Luther,

Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, and many more.

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Prophecy & End Times
100 Prophecies
Fulfilled by Jesus Beth Moore
Chart, Pamphlet
Wall chart 19x26

Wall chart 19x26

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
Statue in the Book of Daniel
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds Gives a fantastic summary of King Nebuchadnezzar’s
Students will be amazed to to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
discover that Jesus fulfilled dream in the second chapter of Daniel. God told Daniel
more than 100 prophecies concerning his birth, life, ministry, that He would set up a kingdom that would destroy
death, and resurrection. These Old Testament prophecies all of the other kingdoms and would never come to an
were written down by Old Testament prophets 400–1500 end. Easy-to-understand text for people with no Bible
years before his birth. Wall chart is 19" x 26" on heavy chart background, yet clear and scholarly enough for Bible
paper. Reproducible worksheets and teaching tips on the students and seminarians. Statue image based on actual
back of the chart. Babylonian carving. Shows the Head of Gold, Chest and
arms of Silver; Belly and Thighs of Brass; Legs of Iron,
and Feet of Iron and Clay.
511X 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus wall chart............. 9789901982813...... $10.99
511L 100 Prophecies Fufilled by Jesus chart-Laminated.... 9789901982882...... $14.99 554D Statue in the Book of Daniel wall chart.. download only........... ...... $9.99
537X 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus pamph........... ..9781890947194........ $3.99 555X Statue in the Book of Daniel pamphlet.. ............ 9781890947774........ $3.99
H537X Spanish Pamphlet: 100 Prophecies................... ..9780805465990........ $3.99

Understanding the Book of Revelation Four Views of the End Times

Ways to interpret Pamphlet & PowerPoint
Revelation PowerPoint 120 slides, details on pg 62

In just a few minutes, you Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
can understand the Book to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
of Revelation better. There Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
are four ways that Christians over the centuries have to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles
interpreted this book, and each has insights for today. So what does the Bible
• See the key events at a glance, using simple symbols actually say about the end times leading up to the
in a chart format return of Jesus Christ? Historically, four views have
• Know Bible references that are used to support each view been most widely accepted. Finally, those four views
• Discover what the four views have in common are explained and illustrated in simple terms. Each
• Consider different approaches to topics such as 666 view includes a definition of the position with its main
and the Beast. points, supporting Scriptures, the time period for the
view’s main popularity, and Christian leaders supporting
that view. Describes each of these views.

688X Understanding Revelation................................ ..9781596362994........ $3.99 690X POWERPOINT: Four Views of the End Times............. 9781596363014 .... $39.99
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free 350X Four Views of the End Times pamphlet............ ..9781596360891....... $3.99

H350X Spanish Pamphlet: Four Views End Times........ ..9780805495270........ $3.99

Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Prophecy & End Times 53

New Four Views of the End Times

DVD-Based Bible Study for Individuals and Small Groups
Lead a Bible study comparing four major views of the end times — without being an expert!

What does the Bible actually say about the end times that lead to the return of Jesus Christ? The differing ideas
that divide believers into four major points-of-view are examined in this Four Views of the End Times DVD-based
small group study. This new six-session study shows four different Revelation time lines and tackles Dispensational
Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, and Amillennialism. For each view, the objective study
includes simple definitions, explanation and discussion of supporting Scriptures, an overview of the view’s popularity,
and a focus on what we can gain from studying this perspective, and common questions and answers.

Complete Four Views of the End Times Kit

$89.99 ($98 value!) • ISBN 9781596364127 Product 770X
• Leader Pack with the DVD of six 15-20 minute video sessions and a CD-ROM with
PDF files for posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts, and banners for you to print as needed.
• One Leaders Guide + PDF of the Leaders Guide on CD-ROM
• One Participants Guide (Purchase Participant Guide for each class member.)
• One Four Views of the End Times pamphlet (fold-out chart that fits inside a Bible cover)
• PowerPoint with 40 slides to expand the scope of the teaching

Four Views Leader Pack $29.99 • ISBN 9781596364240 Product 770DV

• Leader Pack with the DVD of six 15-20 minute video sessions and a CD-ROM with PDF files for posters, PDF of the Leader Guide
which may be printed out, and a CD-ROM with PDF files for posters, fliers, handouts, bulletin inserts, and banners for you to print as
For samples, endorsements, streaming information, and more, go to
About Dr. Jones: 782X Additional Leaders Guide: Four Views...................... 9781596364257...... $14.99
Dr. Timothy Paul Jones serves 783X Additional Participants Guide: Four Views................ 9781596364264........ $8.99
as Professor of Leadership 786X Case of 40 Participants Guides....(Save $70).................................. . $289.00
and Church Ministry at The 350X Four Views of the End Times pamphlet.................... 9781596360891........ $3.99
Southern Baptist Theological
787X Case of 40 Four Views of the End Times pamphlets... (Save $30).. . $129.00
Seminary in Louisville,
Kentucky. 690X PowerPoint: Four Views........................................... 9781596363014...... $39.99
Reliability of the Scripture
Why You Can Trust the Bible
The “new critics” claim that the Bible is an ancient document that has been tampered
with. They claim it has been edited many times over the centuries. They claim that no two
ancient manuscripts are perfectly identical and that no one can know what the Bible really
says. But are their facts and conclusions correct? Why Trust The Bible looks at the facts,
and applies history, evidence, and logic to show the that Bible can be trusted. This full-
color book gives questions and answers, charts and diagrams, and lots of evidence. This
is perfect for people who take an intellectual approach to Christianity and want rational
explanations of the arguments. You may download the free optional six-week study guide.
This book includes the content of these six Rose pamphlets: Why Trust the Bible; Gospels:
Lost and Found; Dead Sea Scrolls; 100 Proofs for the Bible; How We Got the Bible, and
Fulfilled by

Also available as Kindle, iPhone and iPad

661X Rose Bible Basics: Why Trust The Bible?................... 9781596362017...... $14.99

The Gospels: “Lost”and Found

How can we be sure the Gospels are reliable? Some modern critics are claiming that the
Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) were written by people utterly
unconnected with the eyewitnesses to Jesus’ life. They say they written so
long after Jesus’ death and resurrection, that they are not reliable. They
claim there are gospels that were included in the New Testament—and
later removed. This pamphlet will confirm the reliability of the Gospels by
showing how critics use a few points of fact and
then leap to wrong conclusions. It can be used
by high schoolers and up, and will be especially
helpful for those in a university setting.

Professor: Dr. Timothy Paul Jones

605X The Gospels: “Lost” & Found pamphlet........... ..9781596361416........ $3.99

619X POWERPOINT: The Gospels: Lost & Found........ ..9781596361553.... $39.99
Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

Why Trust the Bible?

Despite the “New Critics” we can trust the Bible
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62
Has the Bible been edited many times over the centuries and now
filled with errors? Some critics say that no one knows what the Bible
really said because the originals no longer exist. Are there so many
differences between the ancient manuscripts that it is impossible to
know what the Bible says? Despite the variences in the ancient copies,
The Bible can be trusted, says author Dr. Timothy Paul Jones. This
pamphlet gives easy-to-understand answers to these questions. Dr.
Jones, has received the Baker Book House Award for excellence in
Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, theological scholarship.
unfolds to 38 inches long. Fits inside
most Bibles

603X Why Trust the Bible? pamphlet........................ ..9781596361393........ $3.99

H603X Spanish Why Trust the Bible? pamphl.............. ..9780805495126........ $3.99

620X POWERPOINT: Why Trust the Bible?................. ..9781596361560...... $39.99
(Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free)

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Reliability of the Scripture 55

Increase Your Confidence in the

Reliability of the Bible
How We Got the Bible
This Chart, Pamphlet & Powerpoint will inspire your students with
the stories of early Bible translators. This time line of key people and
events in the history of the Bible shows ancient writing materials, such
as stone and clay tablets, leather scrolls, papyrus, early hand copied
books, and more. Features people who gave their lives to translating
and printing the Bible, including William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, King
Wall chart 19x26 James, Erasmus, and Johann Gutenberg.
• Features facts about early Bibles, including the Septuagint, the Vulgate, the Wycliffe and Tyndale Bibles,
the Geneva Bible, the King James or Authorized Version Bible, the Revised Version, as well as modern-day
• Explains the importance of finds such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which testify to accuracy of Bible
translation throughout the centuries.
PowerPoint 100 slides,
details on pg 62

406X How We Got the Bible wall chart ........................... 9789901982738...... $10.99
406L How We Got the Bible chart-laminated................... 9789901982806...... $14.99
407X How We Got the Bible pamphlet..................... ..9780965508261........ $3.99
447X PowerPoint® How We Got the Bible............... ..9781890947460...... $39.99

H407X Spanish Pamphlet: How We Got the Bible....... ..9780805495133........ $3.99

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds

to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Wall Chart, Pamphlet & PowerPoint
Discover how the scrolls help prove the accuracy of Bible translation. This
informative pamphlet gives a great overview of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Written
by acclaimed archaeologist Randall Price, The Dead Sea Scrolls pamphlet
is a quick reference guide to this important discovery. Learn how the scrolls
were discovered and why this find is important for us today. This colorful
pamphlet includes beautiful photographs, time lines of historical events, and
maps showing you where the Dead Sea scrolls were found.
PowerPoint 280
slides, details
on pg 62 Wall chart 19x26

Includes a basic,
and an advanced
presentation on one
316X Dead Sea Scrolls wall chart....................................... 9781596360426...... $10.99
316L Dead Sea Scrolls wall chart-laminated....................... 9781596360433...... $14.99
317X Dead Sea Scrolls pamphle................................ ...9781596360440........ $3.99 Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to
319X PowerPoint® Dead Sea Scroll............................ ...9781596360464...... $39.99 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Reliability of the Scripture
God in Real Life
To navigate life’s tough choices, teens and young adults need
a real relationship with God in their real life. This full-color
book provides clear, biblical answers to questions about
Jesus, Christianity, other religions, pop occultism, evolution,
sex, decision making, and growing closer to God. Great
for youth groups, Bible studies, new believers, or anyone
who wants to understand what it means to be a follower
of Jesus at school, at home, and with friends. Includes a
six-week study guide for personal or group Bible studies.
This full-color handbook of teens and young adults includes
the content of these nine pamphlets: Life of Jesus; Pursuing
Jesus (discipleship); Tough Questions about Christianity;
Worldviews (4-page chart); Answers to Evolution; 10 Q & A
on Magic, Spells & Divination; Why Wait (abstinence); What
Christianity Has Done for the World. Buying the book saves
$20 compared WHO IS JESUS? 35

What Jesus said about:

to buying nine 3. Why did he come?
What Jesus said

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all “For God did not send his Son into the
your mind and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no world to condemn the world, but to save
commandment greater than these.”—Mark 12:30–31 the world through him.”—John 3:17
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.... Love your enemies, do good

to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the
reward will great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to sheep. All who ever came before me were
the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not
—Luke 6:31–36 listen to them. I am the gate; whoever
enters through me will be saved.... I have
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must
come that they may have life, and have it
love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love
to the full.”—John 10:7–10
one another.”—John 13:34–35
“Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He What those who knew him
who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show best said
myself to him.”—John 14:21 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners—of whom I am the worst.”
—1 Timothy 1:15
Written by the Apostle Paul who was viciously anti-
God Christian until a life-changing encounter with the
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”—John 14:1 resurrected Jesus.
“[The disciples] were greatly astonished and asked, ‘Who then can be saved?’
Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all What the prophets said
things are possible.’”—Matthew 19:25–26 “Surely he took up our infirmities and
carried our sorrows, yet we considered
“If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now him stricken by God, smitten by him, and
am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me.”—John 8:42 afflicted.”—Isaiah 53:4
Spoken by Isaiah, a prophet who saw what the Messiah (the Christ) would do more than 700 years
before Jesus was born.

What others have said

Eternal Life “The Gospel that represents Jesus Christ, not as a system of truth to be
“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus
received, into the mind, as I should receive a system of philosophy, or
Christ whom you have sent.”—John 17:3
astronomy, but it represents Him as a real, living, mighty Savior, able to save
me now.”—Catherine Booth, Cofounder of the Salvation Army (1829–1890)
“I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has
eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.”
“[Jesus] matters because of what he brought and what he still brings to
—John 5:24
ordinary human beings, living in their ordinary lives and coping daily with
their surroundings. He promises wholeness for their lives. In sharing our
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and
weakness he gives us strength and imparts through his companionship a life
follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his
that has the quality of eternity.”—Dallas Willard, Philosopher
life for me and for the gospel will save it.”—Mark 8:34–36
Summary: Jesus came to save the world.

708X God in Real Life_16.indd 34 3/26/09 10:56:59 AM 708X God in Real Life_16.indd 35 3/26/09 10:57:05 AM

708X God in Real Life................................................... 97815963632508...... $14.99

Skepticism is everywhere. It seems like every day someone on
TV is talking about the “real” Jesus, or the “lost” gospels, or
a “new” spirituality or debunking Christianity. But what’s the
truth? Learn how to engage these popular issues with clarity
and solid facts in this full-color easy-to-read book. Covers
important topics that everyone faces: atheism, evolution, the
New Age, reliability of the Gospels, historical evidence for
Jesus, and the teachings of “spiritual” leaders today. Great
for youth & adults. This full-color handbook of teens and
young adults includes the content of these seven pamphlets:
Intelligent Design, 10 Q & A Atheism; Pop Spirituality; 10 Q &
A Angels; Jesus Fact & Fiction; Why Trust the Bible; What’s So
Great About Heaven. Buying the book saves $13 compared to
buying the seven pamphlets individually.

Full color
126 pages.

723X Myth-Busters........................................................... 9781596363458...... $14.99

FREE SHIPPING on your $150 product order. See p. 34

Youth / Young Adult 57

Pamphlet-14 panels,
8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds Wall chart 19x26
to 38 inches long. Fits
inside most Bibles

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x

5.5 in, unfolds to 38 inches
PowerPoint 100 slides, details on pg 62 long. Fits inside most Bibles

Why Wait?
Chart, pamphlet & PowerPoint
Why Wait? gives 24 reasons for abstinence before
100 Things to Know When marriage. This pamphlet makes teens and singles think
Dating twice before risking their health and happiness on sex
outside of marriage. Includes 12 biblical reasons and 12
Important topics to discuss... medical reasons for waiting. Emphasizes God’s perfect
Here are 100 fantastic topics to consider when you are plan for marriage and God’s prohibition of sex outside
interested in someone. Questions cover topics such of marriage. Shows sobering statistics on incurable
as character, responsibility, Christian faith, honesty, sexually transmitted diseases.
motivation, habits, addictions, and danger areas.
Includes a self quiz and evaluation. 424X Why Wait? wall chart.............................................. 9789901980161...... $10.99
424L Why Wait? wall chart-Laminated............................. 9789901980239...... $14.99
448X PowerPoint® Why Wait?................................. ..9781890947477...... $39.99
443X 100 Things to Know Before Dating pamp........ ..9781890947408........ $3.99
428X Why Wait? pamphlet....................................... ..9789901980727........ $3.99

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds to

38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles

Tough Questions Pamphlet-14 panels,

about Christianity 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds
to 38 inches long. Fits
Pursuing Jesus
Pamphlet inside most Bibles I am a Christian, now what?
People who are questioning their faith Basic discipleship in language anyone can understand
or are skeptical about Christianity have many common for a new generation of believers. Answers the question,
objections to Christianity that may not be answered by “I’m a Christian—exactly what does that mean and how
traditional arguments. This pamphlet gives answers to do I do it?” Includes the basics of the Christian life in
these key objections: nonreligious language, including: What is prayer and
• How can Christians say they’ve got the right religion how do I do it? • What’s a church family for? • How do
when all religions are basically the same? • Who are I read this difficult book, the Bible? Why is it important?
Christians to say what’s morally right and wrong? • • What happens when I blow it? Who is God and can
Hasn’t science shown that the Bible is false? • If God he be trusted? • Why is Christianity the only way? • and
exists why is there so much wrong with this world? more.
Useful as a discussion starter and evangelism tool.
692X Tough Questions About Chrisiantity pamphlet..... ..9781596363076........ $3.99

H692X Spanish Pamp: Tough Questions Christianity..... ..9780805495386........ $3.99 636X Pursuing Jesus pamphlet.................................. ..9781596361751........ $3.99

Buy 10 pamphlets, ask for 2 more free

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.
Kids Corner Help Them Turn to God
During Times of Trouble!
God has promised to be with us in every trouble and
to give us strength and courage. He has promised to
comfort us and heal our broken hearts. Here are some
of God’s basic promises every person needs to know.

Wall chart 19x26

Life of Jesus 427L pamphlet-Laminated................................................ 9789901980659...... $14.99

This bright colorful chart shows kids 25 major events in
Jesus life, His birth, miracles, healings, His death, burial,
and ascension. The chart may be cut into strips and used
as a time line. Reproducible worksheets on back. Narnia
& Wall
436X Life of Jesus wall chart............................................. 9781890947170...... $10.99 Chart
436L Life of Jesus wall chart-Laminated............................ 9781890947187...... $14.99 Viewers
new wonders
as they eagerly explore the meanings and Wall chart 19x26
Christian themes of the world of Narnia with this timely
tool designed to introduce C. S. Lewis’ classic book to
youth and adults.This colorful, fact-packed PowerPoint
presentation explains Biblical themes and symbols,
including parallels between Aslan and Jesus. It introduces
major characters and themes in the book. Includes
photographs of C.S. Lewis and the wardrobe and a Map
of Narnia.
Wall chart 19x26 342X Rose Guide to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe................ ..9781596360808...... $39.99

Pamphlet-14 panels, 8.5 x 5.5 in, unfolds 341X Rose Map of Narnia chart..................................9781596360785.......$10.99
to 38 inches long. Fits inside most Bibles 341L Rose Map of Narnia chart - Laminated........................ 9781596360792.......$14.99

Noah’s Ark
Here is a Noah’s Ark chart that is perfect for all ages. It Wall chart 19x26
shows the massive ark and animals on board, and also
shows the size of the ark compared to everyday objects.
Drawn to Bible measurements, it gives an inside view
that shows how the animals could have been housed in
this three-deck floating zoo. It was larger than a soccer
or football field; about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and
45 feet high (137m x 22.5m x 13.5m). Reproducible The
worksheets on the back. Creation
Shows the six days of creation from Genesis 1. This
dynamic full-color illustration is great for teaching
adults or children about Adam and Eve and the Garden
571X Noah’s Ark wall chart............................................... 9781596360181...... $10.99
of Eden.
571L Noah’s Ark wall chart–Laminated............................. 9781596360198...... $14.99
437X Creation wall chart.................................................. 9781890947293...... $10.99
572X Noah’s Ark pamphlet....................................... ..9781596360204...... $3.99
437L Creation wall chart-Laminated................................. 9781890947309...... $14.99

=This product available as printed product OR download at, click on All Downloads.

Bible Handbooks on Popular Topics for Personal Use or Six-Week Small Group Studies
Full color books are collections of easy-to-understand Rose Bible pamphlets on similar topics. Each one
contains several popular pamphlets and saves you $10-20 off the cost of buying the pamphlets individually.
New Six-Week Bible Studies — Full Color.
Study guide in the back (or downloadable at Go to News & Info > Downloads)

Bible at a Glance Why Trust the Bible

Who? New or basic believers. Who? Adults who want to be able to
Message: Basic intro to the Bible defend their faith
Includes: Bible overview, maps, Message: The Bible is trustworth.
time lines, how to study the Bible, Includes: How We Got the Bible,
Bible translations Why Trust the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls,
Gospels: Lost & Found; 100 Proofs
660X 9781596362000............. $14.99 from Bible Archaeology

661X 9781596362017............. $14.99

Names of God Christianity, Cults & Religions

Who? Adults Who? Youth and adults
Message: Bible passages everyone Message: Know what you believe
should know about Jesus by comparing with other
Includes: Names of God; Names religions
of Jesus; Lord’s Prayer, Beatitudes, Includes: Clear description of biblical
Fruit of the Spirit, Trinity, and Christianity, comparisons with 40
Armor of God groups, 10 Q & A on Jehovah’s
Witnesses and Mormonism, How
663X 9781596362031............. $14.99 to talk with friends, neighbors and
others who are in cultic groups.
662X 9781596362024.............. $14.99

Jesus Christian History Made Easy

Who? Adults 12 Week Study
Message: Jesus’ claims about Who? Young Adults and Adults
himself: his power and deity and Message: Fast paced and easy-to-
teachings understand look at church history
Includes: Life of Jesus, Answers AD 1 - Modern Day
to New Age beliefs, Harmony Includes: A touch of humor as it
of the Gospels, Names of covers the key people and events
Jesus, Typology: Christ in the every Christian should know.
Old Testament & Christ in the
Passover 705X 9781596363281............. $14.99
707X 9781596363243............. $14.99

God in Real Life Myth-Busters

Who? Youth, Young Adults Who? Youth and Young Adults
Message: Christianity stands up Message: Reasons to Believe in
to the world’s messages God’s Existence and the Reliability of
Includes: Why Wait (abstinence), Scripture
Tough Questions about Includes: God and Science, Intelligent
Christianity, Worldviews Design, 10 Q & A on Atheism;
comparison chart, Answers to Answers to New Age Beliefs; Why
Evolution, Knowing God’s Will, Trust the Bible; and Heaven
10 Q & A about Magic; and
Discipleship: Pursuing Jesus. 723X 9781596363458.............. $14.99
708X 9781596363250............. $14.99

Where to Find it in the What Christians Believe

Bible at a Glance
Who? Adults, Young Adults Who? Young Adults and Adults
Message: Handy guide to favorite Message: Basic doctrines on the
verses and stories in the Bible Trinity, Jesus’ claims, Resurrection,
Includes: Summaries of 52 key Salvation, Heaven.
Bible stories, 100 favorite Bible Includes: the Apostles’ Creed and
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One-year Bible reading plan denominations, views of baptism, etc.
772X 9781596364141............. $14.99
722X 9781596363441............. $14.99

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Need help to select your pamphlets?

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Best Sellers 61

Wall Charts - Group 1 Top 24 PowerPoints®

Armor of God-Laminated............................ 524L Tabernacle..................................................553X
Bible Bookcase wall chart........................... 545L Then and Now Bible Maps..........................312X
Books of the Bible - LAM............................ 502L How We Got the Bible................................447X
Fruit of the Spirit wall chart-LAM................ 557L Christianity, Cults & Religions......................438X
Holy Land: Then and Now-LAM.................. 302L Armor of God.............................................496X
NIV Ten Commandments illustrat-LAM....... 503L Christian History Made Easy........................721X
Tabernacle CUTAWAY-LAM......................... 551L Four Views of the End Times......................690X
Paul’s Journeys: Then & Now...................... 304L Temple........................................................744X
Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now............. 305L Feasts & Holidays of the Bible.....................638X
Middle East: Then & Now- LAM.................. 301L Gospel of Luke...........................................494X
KJV Ten Commandments-LAM.................... 504L Bible Time Line...........................................738X
Tabernacle, The-LAM.................................. 510L Life of Apostle Paul.....................................345X
Names of God wall chart............................ 445L Names of God............................................343X
Genealogy of Jesus-LAM (xtra lg)................ 514L Twelve Disciples..........................................495X
Life Of Jesus-LAM....................................... 436L Palm Sunday to Easter................................331X
Christianity, Cults-LAM............................... 403L Names of Jesus...........................................344X
Bible Overview Wall Chart-LAM.................. 561L Denominations Comparison........................486X
Bible Time Line wall chart-LAM................... 487L Christ in the Passover.................................739X
Islam & Christianity.....................................596X
Wall Charts - Group 2 Esther.........................................................737X
How We Got the Bible-LAM....................... 406L 100 Proofs for the Bible..............................621X
Temple, The-LAM........................................ 515L Beatitudes...................................................706X
Twelve Disciples wall chart-LAM.................. 470L Dare to Love: 1 Cor 13...............................736X
Names of Jesus Wall Chart-LAM................. 326L What’s So Great about Heaven...................767X
Tabernacle Paper Model-LAM..................... 574L
Noah’s Ark wall chart-LAM......................... 571L Top 12 Books
Denominations Chart-LAM......................... 439L Rose Bk of Bible Charts, Maps, Time Line...314X
Place a $750+ net Kings & Prophets-LAM................................ 425L Deluxe Then and Now Bible Map Book.......629X
merchandise order and ask Creation, The - chart - LAM........................ 437L RBB: Christian History Made Easy................705X
for an 18-Pocket Wall Chart Ten Commandments NIV text-LAM............. 639L Rose Guide to the Tabernacle.....................673X
Display free on the same order. Feasts & Holidays of Bible-LAM................... 446L Rose Book of Bible Charts VOL 2................672X
100 Prophecies/Jesus-LAM.......................... 511L Bible Map Insert..........................................686X
If you place a $900 net Ark of the Covenant-LAM.......................... 546L Rose Book of Bible & Chr Hist Time Lines...346X
merchandise order, ask for 10 Exodus Map-LAM....................................... 311L RBB: Why Trust the Bible............................661X
free Laminated wall charts to Lord’s Prayer/”trespasses”-LAM................... 509L Then and Now Bible Map Book..................306X
offset the cost of freight Old Testament Time Line - LAM.................. 401L Classroom 10 ft Bible Time Line.................. 498x
2 each of the 36 Laminated wall How to Study the Bible-LAM...................... 457L RBB: Names of God & Other Bible Studies.. 663X
charts above = $906.59 net. 1 Corinthians 13......................................... 704L RBB: The Bible at a Glance..........................660X

Top 12 Downloads Wall Charts - Group 3

Pamphlet: Denominations Comparison........1440X Christian History Time Line-LAM................. 417L Top 12 Spanish Pamphlets
Pamphlet: Christianity, Cults & Religions......1404X Lord’s Prayer/”debts”-LAM......................... 508L How to Study the Bible............................ H458X
Pamphlet: Four Views of the End Times......1350X Christ in the Passover-LAM......................... 647L Fruit of the Spirit..................................... H558X
Pamphlet: Christ in the Passover..................1645X Family Tree of Jesus-LAM............................ 315L Tabernacle............................................... H565X
Pamphlet: Bible Time Line...........................1420X Solomon’s Temple CUTAWAY-LAM.............. 552L 10 Q&A Jehovah’s Witnesses................... H582X
Pamphlet: Names of God............................1452X Middle East and Central Asia Map-LAM..... 309L How We Got the Bible............................. H407X
Pamphlet: Armor of God.............................1575X Names of the Holy Spirit-LAM..................... 670L 10 Q & A on Mormonism........................ H579X
PowerPoint: Tabernacle .............................553D Answers to Evolution wall chart-LAM......... 467L Then & Now Bible Maps.......................... H594X
Pamphlet: Bible Translation Comparison......1597X Islam and Christianity-LAM......................... 460L Names of God......................................... H452X
Pamphlet: Tabernacle..................................1565X Bible Translations Comparison-LAM............ 599L Islam & Christianity.................................. H461X
Pamphlet: Esther.........................................1696X Christianity, Cults, Occult chart-LAM........... 321L Twelve Disciples....................................... H471X
Pamphlet: Understanding the Book of Revelation...1688X Heroes of the Old Testament-LAM.............. 488L The Temple.............................................. H567X
Dead Sea Scrolls-LAM................................. 316L Heroes of the Old Testament................... H489X
Creation and Evolution-LAM....................... 408L
Why Wait?-LAM......................................... 424L
Tabernacle at Mt. Sinai............................... 743L
Reformation Time Line................................ 352L
Worldviews Comparison............................. 616L

Buy 30 pamphlets, ask for any PowerPoint FREE. See p. 34


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� ¿Era Jesús una persona real?

� ¿Existe alguna prueba de que resucitó de los muertos?
� ¿Podemos confiar en los testigos?
� ¿Podría haber otra explicación?

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PowerPoint 44 Tabernacle Workbook 10 Family Tree From Adam to Jesus wall chart 46
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10 Questions & Answers on Atheism 43 What Christians Believe Fatherhood pamphlet 32
10 Questions & Answers on Jehovah’s Witnesses At a Glance 59 Fatherhood PowerPoint 5
PowerPoint 44 Where to Find it in the Bible 59 Feasts and Holidays of the Bible pamphlet 48
24 Ways to Explain the Gospel 49 Why Trust the Bible 59 Feasts and Holidays of the Bible PowerPoint 48
50 Proofs for the Bible pamph 28 Why Trust The Bible? 27, 54 Feasts and Holidays of the Bible wall chart 48
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chart 46, 52 Armor of God wall chart, pamp & PowerPoint 21 Fruit of the Spirit pamphlet 21
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A Books of the Bible wall chart 19 Fruit of the Spirit wall chart 21
Angels 44 Creation wall chart 58 G
Answers to Evolution pamphlet 30 Fruit of the Spirit pamphlet 21 Genealogy 46
Apologetics Fruit of the Spirit wall chart 21 Genealogy of Jesus wall chart 46
10 Q & A-Atheism pamphlet 43 Life of Jesus wall chart 45, 58 God in Real Life RBB book 56
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10 Q & A on Magic... pamphlet 44 Ten Commandments illustrated 23 Gospels: “Lost” & Found, pamp & PowerPoint 54
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100 Proofs for the Bible PowerPoint 28 Christian History Time Line PowerPoint 2 H
Archaeology and the Bible: NT chart 28 Christian History Time Line wall chart, pamp & Heaven pamphlet 37
Archaeology and the Bible: OT chart 28 PowerPoint 13, 51 Heaven PowerPoint 37
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Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet 46 Christianity, Cults & Religions wall chart, pamp & How to Study the Bible pamphlet 19
Creation & Evolution pamphlet 30 PowerPointpamphlet 41 How to Study the Bible PowerPoint 5, 19
Essential Doctrines Made Easy 43 Christianity, Cults & the Occult pamphlet 42 How We Got the Bible wall chart, pamp &
Islam & Christianity 42 Christianity, Cults & the Occult PowerPoint 42 PowerPoint 19, 55
The Gospels: “Lost” & Found 54 Christianity, Cults & the Occult wall chart 42
Christianity & Eastern Religion pamphlet 42
Trinity pamphlet 29 Intelligent Design pamphlet 30
Why Trust the Bible? 27, 54 Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet 46
Islam & Christianity wall chart, pamp & PowerPoint 42
Ark of the Covenant wall chart 9 Christ in the Passover wall chart, pamp &
Israel and Judaism. See also Maps
Armor of God wall chart, Pamp, PowerPoint 21 PowerPoint 48
Feasts and Holidays of the Bible 48
B Christmas Story in Prophecy pamphlet 2
Baptism pamphlet 38 Classroom 10 ft Time Line 14
Creation & Evolution pamphlet 30 Jesus 27, 45
Beatitudes pamp & PowerPoint 47 Jesus Christ
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Creation wall chart 58 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus 46, 52
Bible Maps Insert 15 Christ in the Old Testament pamphlet 46
Bible Overview pamphlet & wall chart 20 Creeds and Heresies Then & Now pamp 29
Evidence for Resurrection 48
Bible Overview PowerPoint 2, 20 D Family Tree From Adam to Jesus wall chart 46
Bible Promises pamphlet 26 Dare to Love: 1 Cor 13 wall chart, pamp &
Following Jesus pamphlet 49
Bible Time Line wall chart, pamph & PowerPoint 12 PowerPoint 22
Genealogy of Jesus wall chart 46
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Life of Jesus wall chart 45, 58
Books Dead Sea Scrolls wall chart, pamp & PowerPoint 55
Palm Sunday to Easter 18, 48
Bible at a Glance 59 DELUXE Then and Now Bible Map Book 6, 15
Pursuing Jesus pamphlet 57
Bible at a Glance, The 20 Denominations Comparison wall chart, pamp &
The Twelve Disciples 25
Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines 7 PowerPoint 41
Trinity pamphlet 29
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Joseph pamphlet 25 Parables of Jesus pamphlet 4 Strong in the Storm pamphlet 37
K Parables & Other Favorite Bible Studies RBB 5 T
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Knowing God’s Will pamphlet 37 Pop Spirituality & the Truth pamphlet 29 Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart 8
L PowerPoint Presentations Tabernacle Overheads 10
Life of Apostle Paul pamphlet 25 10 Q & A-Atheism 43 Tabernacle Paper Model 8
Life of Apostle Paul PowerPoint 25 10 Q & A-Jehovah’s Witnesses 44 Tabernacle PowerPoint 8
Life of David pamphlet 23 10 Q & A-Mormons 44 Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah book 10
Life of Jesus pamphlet 46 100 Proofs for the Bible. 28 Tabernacle, The pamphlet 8
Life of Jesus wall chart 45, 58 Armor of God 21 Tabernacle wall chart. 9
Life of Joseph pamphlet 25 Christianity, Cults & Religions 41 Tabernacle Workbook 10
Lord’s Prayer wall chart, pamp & PowerPoint 22, 47 Christianity, Cults & the Occult 42 Tabernacle at Mt Sinai wall chart 10
M Dead Sea Scrolls 55 Temple
Maps Denominations Comparison 41 Ark of the Covenant wall chart 9
Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines 7 Evidence for Resurrection 48 Solomon’s Temple Cutaway wall chart 11
Bible & Christian History Time Lines 6, 13, 50 Fruit of the Spirit 21 Temple wall chart 11
DELUXE Then and Now Bible Map Book 6, 15 Gospel of Luke: Life of Jesus 49 The Temple pamphlet 11
Holy Land: Then & Now wall chart 16 How We Got the Bible 19, 55 Temple, The PowerPoint 11
Middle East and Central Asia map 18 Life of the Apostle Paul 25 Ten Commandments 23
Middle East: Then & Now wall chart 16 Names of the Holy Spirit 31 The Gospels: Lost & Found PowerPoint 54
Palm Sunday to Easter wall chart 18, 48 Palm Sunday to Easter 18, 48 “Then and Now” Bible Map Book 17
Paul’s Journeys: Then & Now 16 Reformation Time Line 14, 51 Then and Now Bible Maps PowerPoint 17
Rose Guide to Narnia Powerpoint 58 Rose Guide to Narnia 58 “Then and Now” Bible Map Transparencies 17
The Exodus wall map 18 Tabernacle 8 Then & Now Bible Maps pamphlet 17
“Then and Now” Bible Map Book 17 The Gospels: Lost & Found 54 Tough Questions About Chrisiantity pamphlet
“Then and Now” Bible Map Transparencies 17 “Then and Now” Bible maps PowerPoint 17 28, 57
Then & Now Bible Maps pamphle 17 Trinity 29 Trinity pamp & PowerPoint 29
Then & Now Bible Maps pamphlet 17 Twelve Disciples, The 25 Twelve Disciples wall chart, pamp & PowerPoint 25
Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now 16, 45 Why Trust the Bible? 27, 54 Understanding Revelation pamphlet 52
Middle East and Central Asia map 18 Prayer of Jabez wall chart 26 Ways to Explain the Gospel pamphlet 49
Middle East: Then & Now wall chart 16 Prophecy What Christianity Has Done... pamphlet 50
Minor Prophets pamphlet 4 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus pamphlet 46, 52 What Christians Believe at a Glance RBB 5, 29, 59
Moses 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus wall chart 46, 52 What The Bible Says About Money pamphlet 32
Heroes of the Old Testament pamphlet 24 Four Views of the End Times pamphlet 52 Where Jesus Walked: Then & Now 16, 45
Heroes of the Old Testament wall chart 24 Proverbs pamphlet 4 Where to Find Favorite Bible Verses pamphlet 18
Tabernacle Cutaway wall chart 8 Psalm 23 pamphlet 23 Where to Find it in the Bible RBB book 20, 59
Tabernacle Overheads 10 Pursuing Jesus pamphlet 57 Who I Am in Christ wall chart & pamp 2, 32
Tabernacle pamphlet 8 R Why Trust the Bible? pamp & PowerPoint 27, 54
Tabernacle Paper Model 8 RBB: What Christians Believe 5 Why Truth Matters pamphlet 4, 43
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Tabernacle wall chart 9 PowerPoint 14, 51 Women of the Bible O.T. & N.T. pamp 24
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