Remote Token Display and Sound System: Abstract
Remote Token Display and Sound System: Abstract
Remote Token Display and Sound System: Abstract
ECHNOLOGIES are main facts of a powerful strong and
T developed country. Today, the fields of microcontrollers
have their beginnings in the development of technology
of integrated circuits. People have always looked for ways to
add convenience and comfort to their lives. Displaying is one
way that this has been achieved. It adds comfort by seeing
and listening from distant place people the creating
information displays and is convenient because of being its
long distance serial communication. Fig. 1 Block diagram of remote token display and sound system
This research begins with an introduction to the concept of
the remote token display and sound system with serial This system is used to display the digit numbers which
interface and how it may be implemented keypad, LED corresponding a character. The incoming display data
displays, seven-segment LEDs, buzzer and PIC converts to sound function. People can know the token
microcontrollers. To express the numbers, this system can be number with listening pleasant sound from displace place.
Each unit consists of: the hardware and software
implementations. In this section, it is described how to
Manuscript received November 2, 2008. This work was supported in part implement clearly the hardware and software designs of each
by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Union of Myanmar.
unit of the system.
Miss Seint Seint Htwe is with the Mandalay Technological University,
Mandalay, Myanmar. Contact Phone: Fax: 095-2-88702 (Office,MTU), (e-
mail: [email protected]).
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2009
A. Circuit Operation of Transmitter Unit becomes a low level, the transistor becomes ON and the
In Fig. 2, transmitter unit is composed by add the LED corresponding LED becomes lighting-up possible condition.
control circuit, switch scan circuit and RS232 control circuit. A lit segment is decided by the condition of RB6 from RB0.
It confirms to input number by the small-sized seven-segment The LED segment lights up when the corresponding port
LED and lights the LED which corresponds to the group becomes a low level.
character. In switch scan operation, ten switches are used for the
group selecting, the number input, the sending, and the
clearing. PIC16F877A scans a switch in the order and detects
a pushed switch. Four-to-sixteen decoder is used to specify
the switch to scan. This decoder is four to sixteen decoder and
makes a corresponding signal port in sixteen kinds of signals
a low level. The detection of the switch operation is done in
RC4. When neither switch is pushed, RC4 is high level. The
oscillation frequency is 4 MHz. A transmission speed is
calculated by 4 MHz.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2009
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2009
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2009
The data receive process making the data receiving from The program creates a sequence of tones. A tone is simply
the transmitter unit is started by the data receive interruption the action of turning on an output, executing a delay, turning
by the Receive Interrupt Flag (RCIF) bit of the PIR1 register. off the output, executing a delay, then repeating the sequence.
The data is decided in order to receive. The transmitter unit Sequence of tones is produced by making a table containing a
sends start data first and transmits group, 10000th, 1000th pair of values for each note. The first value produces the
100th, 10th and 1st data continuously in the order. In the time-delay between the high and low of the output and thus
receiving process, it waits for the start data first. If the start creates the frequency of the tone. The second value creates
data bit is received it is read and the received position is set. the length of time for the note.
Then, the received position is incremented and the interrupt is
E. Program Structure of PIC16F84 for Sound In this section, it is described how to construct and test the
Fig. 7 shows software flowchart of sound programming transmitter circuit and the receiver circuit of the overall
process. The initialization processing is done after turning on. system. After the program is written, the microcontroller
In port mode initializing, the PORTA is used for the incoming would be installed into a device and run it.
data for sound specification. RA0 port of PORTA are set A. Circuit Construction of Transmitter Unit
input mode. And RB7 port of PORTB is also set to output When assembling an electronic circuit, a board is needed
mode and is used for the sound control of tune. In initializing on which the components can be mounted and wired together.
of the time duration, Different kinds of DELAY subroutine Mainly, PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) are used for
are used for the creating sound. The period is ten assembling the circuits. The transmitter unit for the system is
microseconds, three milliseconds and 250 milliseconds. made up of several components. It contains a PIC16F877A to
handle input or output ports and the out coming information
from the transmitter unit. Fig. 8 shows its construction which
controls the transmitter unit of the system. The step-down
transformer is used to change from AC 220 V to 12 V. Ten
digit keys, three group keys, one send key and one clear key
are mounted in the order. In this circuit, the first row is for
SW1 to SW5 and the second row is for SW6 to SW10 and the
third row is for SW11 to SW15.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2009
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50 2009
To extend the new transmitter unit, not only five digits but
also other more digits can be designed. To extend another
transmitter unit, the four-to-sixteen decoder 74LS154 can be
also used with cascade by controlling enable pin eighteen and
pin nineteen. After the output pins PIC16F877A increase only
one, thirty-two switches can be used. To extend the next
transmitter unit, the PIC16F877A can be also used Inter
Integrated Communication (I2C) with serial EEPROM
counting application bits.
In large receiver unit, it can be used not only five digits of
large-sized seven-segment LED but also more digits of
seven-segment LED. To extend LED matrix for group
displays, not only A, B, C but also other characters can be
To extend sound function, not only this music sound but
also other sound can be created. For further extension, the
other cables as RS422 and RS485 cables better than RS232
cable can be used for more distance between two units. The
overall system can be extended by using wireless
communication system between two units.
Firstly the author wishes to express her deep gratitude to
His Excellency Minister U Thaung, Ministry of Science and
Technology, for his special guidance to pay chances. The
author would like to thank their parents for their best wishes
to join the research. The author would like to express the
heart-felt gratitude to Dr. Maung Maung Latt for his
leadership and advice, U Clement Saldanha, Dr. Yin Mon
Myint and Dr. Nay Win Zaw for their encouragement,
support and suggestions. The author wishes to express her
deep gratitude to all persons who helped her directly or
indirectly towards the successful completion of this paper.
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