NASA 120324main FS-082-DFRC

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The document discusses the design changes and flights of the second generation X-1 aircraft including the X-1A, X-1B, X-1D. It describes how the design was modified from the original X-1 and the goals and testing of each aircraft. It also details the accidents that occurred with the X-1D and X-1A and how the cause was identified.

The second generation X-1s used the same wing, horizontal tail, and engine but had a longer cylindrical fuselage. The cockpit design was changed and the fuel system was modified using a low-pressure turbopump and larger conformal tanks, increasing maximum performance.

The X-1D was destroyed on its first powered flight due to a fuel leak and spark that caused an explosion and fire. The X-1A was also destroyed by an explosion during countdown, found to be caused by tricresyl phosphate in the leather oxygen tank gaskets becoming impact sensitive.

NASA Facts

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Dryden Flight Research Center

P.O. Box 273
Edwards, California 93523
Voice 661-276-3449
FAX 661-276-3566
[email protected] FS-2003-07-0082 DFRC

Second Generation X-1

Photo E-2539. X-1B on lakebed.

The second generation X-1s used the same wing, horizontal tail, and XLR-11 rocket engine as
the first generation aircraft, with a new cylindrical fuselage just over 4 1/2 feet longer than the
original design. This was the maximum length that could be carried by a B-29 or B-50 launch
aircraft. The cockpit design was also changed to a “stepped” canopy, allowing the pilot to enter
from the top, instead of the side hatch on the original X-1. A more significant change was the
fuel system. The new aircraft used a low-pressure turbopump, which eliminated the heavy
spherical liquid oxygen (LOX) and alcohol tanks. The new, larger tanks now conformed to the
fuselage shape. As a result, the airplane’s calculated maximum performance had increased to
Mach 2.47 at 70,000 feet.

Four of the second generation X-1s were originally to be built by Bell Aircraft: the X-1A for
dynamic stability tests; the X-1B for air load research; the X-1C for armaments tests using a .50

cal. machine gun in the nose and a gun sight for the
pilot; and the X-1D for heat transfer research. The X-
1C was cancelled while in the mockup stage.

The X-1D (serial number 48-1386) was the first of the

second generation aircraft to be delivered, arriving at
Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., in July 1951. The first
glide flight was made on July 24, by Bell test pilot
Jean Ziegler. The flight was successful, but after
touchdown the nose gear was damaged, requiring
several weeks of repair. The aircraft was then turned
over to the Air Force, and Lt. Col. Frank Everest was
assigned as project pilot. Its first powered flight was
scheduled for August 22, 1951. The launch was
aborted, however, due to the loss of nitrogen pressure.
Everest attempted to jettison the propellant, triggering
an explosion and fire. The X-1D was jettisoned and
destroyed on impact. The X-1D accident board
theorized that a fuel leak had created an explosive
mixture of air and alcohol, which was ignited by a
spark from the X-1D’s radio or an external power Photo E-1758. X-1A with pilot Joe Walker.
74,200 feet on December 12, only a few days before
The X-1A (serial number 48-1384) was not delivered the 50th anniversary of the first powered flight. The
to Edwards until January 7, 1953. Ziegler made the aircraft began to roll to the left as it reached maximum
first glide flight on February 14, 1953. After a second speed. Yeager tried to counter with right aileron and
glide flight six days later, he made the first powered rudder, but the X-1A began to roll to the right. The
flight on February 21. The Phase I contractor flights aircraft then tumbled out of control, throwing Yeager
around in the cockpit, and rendering him unconscious.
He finally revived at about 29,000 feet, with the X-1A
in an inverted spin. Despite being groggy, Yeager was
able to recover and land back at Edwards, without the
help of chase planes.

The Air Force decided not to make any additional high

Mach flights with the X-1A, due to the instability.
Rather, the X-1A would be used for very high altitude
flights by Maj. Arthur Murray. A series of flights were
attempted during the spring and summer of 1954, but
only four were successful. On two of these flights,
including the record-setting flight of August 26, 1954,
which reached 90,440 feet, similar instability
occurred. This was not as severe as on Yeager’s flight,
Photo EC55-01799. X-1A on lakebed.
due to the lower speed and higher altitude. The loss of
control was traced to a decrease in directional
continued through April, when the aircraft was stability, which allowed inertial coupling to occur. The
returned to Bell for modifications. The aircraft was X-2 and X-3 research aircraft were also affected by
returned to Edwards in October 1953, and began a inertial coupling.
series of flights at higher Mach numbers. Maj. Charles
E. “Chuck” Yeager reached a speed of Mach 2.44 at The X-1A was turned over to the NACA for high-

altitude/high-Mach flights in September 1954, and tank and the LOX lines to the engine. TCP was used to
were sent to Bell Aircraft for modifications. The X-1B treat the leather gaskets in the tank and LOX lines.
(serial number 48-1385) made several Air Force pilot Tests indicated that when the leather gaskets were in
checkout flights, and was then turned over to the contact with LOX, the TCP was impact sensitive. The
National Advisory Committee for Aaeronautics on shock of the tanks pressurizing would, under certain
December 3, 1954. Like its sister ship, the X-1B conditions, cause it to explode. A reexamination of the
underwent modifications for its research role. four accident indicated that TCP explosions were
responsible in each case. The leather gaskets were
The X-1A returned to Edwards in mid-1955, and made removed from the X-1B and the surviving X-2, and no
its first NACA flight on July 20. Joe Walker reached a further explosions occurred.
speed of Mach 1.45, and landed safely. The next
NACA X-1A flight was scheduled for August 8. With the cause of the explosion identified, work on the
During the countdown, an explosion occurred in the X-1B resumed. A total of 300 thermocouples were
aircraft. The B-29 launch aircraft could not be landed installed on the aircraft for data on aerodynamic
with the damaged X-1A aboard, so the rocket plane heating. The first NACA flight in the X-1B was made
was jettisoned and destroyed on impact. on August 14, 1956 by John B. McKay. By January
1957, a total of two checkout flights and four heating
The X-1A was the fourth rocket plane destroyed by flights had been made by McKay. The data was
explosions. The others were the X-1D, the X-1-3, and considered representative of what future Mach 2
the X-2 #2. The investigations following each crash aircraft might encounter.
found no common factor in the accidents. After the X-
1A crash, the debris was brought in from the desert The aircraft then undertook a series of research flights
and laid out on a hangar floor. The X-1B which had for high-Mach number stability and control data.
returned from modifications only a week before the These were made beginning in May 1957 and
loss of the X-1A, was parked next to the debris. When continuing through August. A total of seven flights
the X-1B’s liquid oxygen (LOX) tank was examined, were made in the series. The X-1B was then modified
tricresyl phosphate (TCP) was found in both the LOX for tests of a reaction control system (RCS). Several
hydrogen peroxide rockets were mounted on a
wingtip, the aft fuselage and the tail to provide control
when the dynamic pressure was too low for
conventional aerodynamic controls. This was to gain
experience for the upcoming X-15 program.

McKay made the first RCS checkout flight on

November 27, 1957. Two more flights were made in
January 1957, before rains closed the lakebed until
spring. The plan was to resume flights at low
aerodynamic pressures. A preflight inspection found
cracks in the LOX tank, which would require a new
tank be built. This would have been too expensive,
and the aircraft was grounded. The RCS flights were
transferred to an F-104, while the X-1B was sent to
Photo E-4097. X-1B on lakebed. the Air Force Museum.

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