Pashto Dictionaries Published: S. No. Title Author Year Publication / Country Language Number of Words/Pages Comments

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Date: 12 Nov 2005 Pashto Dictionaries Published Page 1

Number of
S. No. Title Author Year Publication / Country Language Words/Pages Comments
1 Riaz-ul Mohabbat Nawab Mohabbat Khan 1806 Only two
Ajaib-ul Lughaat Nawab Allah-Yar Khan 1808 Pashto, Arabic,
2 BaRets Persian, Hindi
A Vocabulary of the R. Leech 1838 Calcutta. Journal of the
Laghmani, Tirahi, Asiatic Society of Bengal
Highlands of Deer, Moghal
3 Aimaks Dialect
Chrestomathy of the Pushtu B. Dorn 1847 St. Petersburg Pashto into English
or Afghan Language to
which is subjoined a
glossary in Afghan and
4 English
A Dictionary of the Pukhto H. G. Raverty 1860 London Pashto into English 9,000
or Pushto or Language of
5 the Afghans
A Dictionary of the Pukhto Henry Walter Bellew 1867 London Pashto into English &
6 or Pushto language English into Pashto
Grammar and Vocabulary John Gordon Lorimer 1902 Calcutta: Office of the 345 Pages
of Waziri Pashto Superintendant of
Government Printing,
7 India
8 Khair-ul Lughaat Qazi Khairullah 1906 Pashto into Urdu
9 Pashto English Dictionary Mirza Said Mohammad 1907 Rawilpindi Pashto into English
Pashto Tarjuman Yefemet 1907 Tashkand 600 words, 450
10 proverbs
Da Pashto land grammar Tumanowich 1908 Tashkand 22 pages
aw qamoos (A short Dictionary, 5 pages
grammar and dictionary of Grammar
11 Pashto)
An Etymological Georg. Morgenstierne 1927 Skrifter utgitt av det 120 Pages
Vocabulary of Pashto Norske Vedenskaps-
Akademi i Oslo, Norway
13 Pashto Urdu 1931 India Pashto into Urdu
The Pakkhto Idiom: A Major George Waters 1932 Hertford, UK: Stephen Pashto into English 2 Volumes
14 Dictionary Gilbertson Austin and Sons Prepared by: Said Marjan Zazai (Afghanan Dot Net) [email protected]
Date: 12 Nov 2005 Pashto Dictionaries Published Page 2

Pashto Seend Mohammad Gul Khan 1938 Kabul Pashto into Dari 7,000/ 399+376
15 Momand Pages
Spetsale Pashto Lal Mohammad & Abdul 1940 Kandahar Pashto into Dari 10,000
16 Hai Habibi
Las Zara Pashto Lughatona 1941 Kabul
(Ten Thousand Pashto
17 Words)
Kratkij afgansko-russkij P.B. Zudin 1950 Moscow, Russia Pashto into Russian 12,000
slovar - (Pashto Rosi
Qamoos) (Pashto Russian
18 Dictionary)
Rosi Pashto Qamoos P.B. Zudin 1955 Moscow, Russia Russian into Pashto 21,000
(Russian Pashto Dictionary)
Afghan Qamus, Farsi pah Abdullah Afghan Nawis 1957 Pashto Tolana, Kabul Dari into Pashto
Pushto (Afghan Dictionary,
Persian into Pashto)
Da Afghanistan da dzino Shah Abdullah Badakhshi 1960 Pashto Tolana, Kabul Pashto, Dari, 225 Pages
zhabo aw lahjo qamoos (A Shaghani, Sanglechi,
Dictionary of some Wakhi, Ashkashmi &
languages and Dialects of Manji
21 Afghanistan)
Pashto Rosi Qamoos M. G. Islanof 1966 Moscow, Russia Pashto into Russian 50,000
(Pashto Russian Dictionary)
Urdu Pashto Qamus (Urdu Syed Anwarul Haq 1969 Peshawar Urdu into Pashto
23 into Pashto Dictionary)
English Pushtu Dictionary Barbara Hanley 1970 Kabul: Da Pohane English into Pashto 4,000
24 Wizarat
Pashto Zhaba (Pashto 1970 Pashto Academy, Pashto into Pashto Few editions have
25 Language) Peshawar been published
Rosi Pashto Qamoos K. A. Labidef, C. 1973 Moscow, Russia Russian into Pashto 32,000
(Russian Pashto Dictionary) Yasowich, Z. M. Klenina
26 Prepared by: Said Marjan Zazai (Afghanan Dot Net) [email protected]
Date: 12 Nov 2005 Pashto Dictionaries Published Page 3

English Pushtu Dictionary 1975 Pashto Tolana, Kabul English into Pashto 22,000 A one-way English-
Pushto dictionary.
Includes a list of
abbreviations at the
27 end.
Pashto English Dictionary 1979 Afghanistsan Academy Pashto into English
28 of Sciences
Pashto Pashto Tashrihi 1979 Afghanistsan Academy Pashto into Pashto 5 Volumes
Qamoos (Pashto Pashto of Sciences
29 Descriptive Dictionary
Rosi Pashto Darsi Qamoos E. A. Kedaiteni, K. A. 1980 Moscow, Russia Russian into Pashto 2,100
Lebidef, L. C Yasowich,
30 W. E. Mitrokina
Pashto Japanese Dictionary Nawata Tecuo 1982 Japan Pashto into Japanese 1500 / 183 pages
Rohi Mataluna / Pashto Tair, Muhammad Navaz 1982 Pashto Academy, Pashto into English A collection of
Proverbs and T. C. Edwards University of Peshawar Pashto proverbs
with translations
32 into English.
ZaRa Paanga Dost Shinwarai 1984 Afghanistsan Academy Pashto into Pashto
33 of Sciences
Lexique français-pashto Sylvie Heslot 1986 Centre de recherches et French into Pashto 60 pages
d'études documentaires
sur l'Afghanistan
Beginning Pashto: Glossary Tegey, Habibullah and 1990 Center for Applied
Barbara Robson Linguistics U.S. Dept. of
Education, Office of
Educational Research
and Improvement,
Educational Resources
35 Information Center
Pashto Urdu Lughat Haji Purdil Khan Khattak 1990 Pashto Academy, Pashto into Urdu 50,000
36 (Pashto Urdu Dictionary) Peshawar Prepared by: Said Marjan Zazai (Afghanan Dot Net) [email protected]
Date: 12 Nov 2005 Pashto Dictionaries Published Page 4

Intermediate Pashto interim Habibullah Tegey 1991 Center for Applied Pashto into English
Pashto-English glossary Linguistics U.S. Dept. of
Education, Office of
Educational Research
and Improvement,
Educational Resources
37 Information Center
New English Pashto Muhammad Hasim 1991 English into Pashto 2 Volumes
Dictionary Rahimi, Muhammad Wali
Mandozai, Atiqullah Neazi
Pashto Lughat "Daryab" Qalandar Momand, 1994 and Improvement, Pashto into Pashto
Fareed Sehrayi Educational Resources
39 Information Center
Zhabpanga (Vocabulary) Dost Shinwarai 1998 Danish Publications, Pashto into Pashto

Da Larghone Shaeri Mohammad Asif Samim 1999 Pashto into Pashto 1000
41 GaRane
Dictionnaire Pashto Kabir, Akbar Habib 1999 Paris: L'Asiatheque Pashto into French
Francais Langues et Monde,
42 1999 Broche
Angrezi Pashto Siendgai, Dr. M. A. Zyar 2000 Sapi's Center for Pashto English into Pashto
Pashto Sarbalona aw Research and
starbalona, gaRane aw Development
Tsargandane. (A English
Pashto Dictionary of
Prepositions &
Postpositions, Expressions,
Idioms Tranlation &
43 Comparison)
Pushto Siendgai (Pashto Dr. M. A. Zyar 2000 Sapi's Center for Pashto Pashto into Pashto 8,000-10,000
Neologisms) Research and
44 Development Prepared by: Said Marjan Zazai (Afghanan Dot Net) [email protected]
Date: 12 Nov 2005 Pashto Dictionaries Published Page 5

Da Abdul Hameed Momand Mohammad Asif Samim 2002 Pashto into Pashto 700
45 Farhang
Dictionary English-Pushto, 2002 Board of Scholars from English into Pashto
language of the Afghans = the Afghan National
Inglisi-Pushtuqamus Islamic Council in the
United States of
America. New Delhi:
46 Star Publications
Englisi, Pashto, Dari Shah Wali Yarzai Zeerak 2002 English, Pashto, Dari
Qamoos (English Pashto
47 Dari Dictionary)
Pashto Wayayzerma - Mohammad Asif Samim 2002 Pashto into Pashto 1100
48 Lughwi Zakheera
A Dictionary of Spoken Robert Sampson 2004 InterLit Foundation, English into Pashto 4000
49 Pukhto Peshawar
Pashto Qamoos (Pashto 1952-55 Pashto Tolana, Kabul Pashto into Dari
50 Dictionary)
Zafar-ul-Lughat Syed Bahadur Shah Zafar 1960s Peshawar Pashto into Urdu
51 KakaKhail
Pashto Rosi Jebi Qamoos K. A. Lebidef 1961-62 Moscow, Russia Pashto into Russian 7,000
(Pashto Russian Pocket
52 Dictionary)
Rosi Pashto Jebi Qamoos K. A. Labidef 1961-62 Moscow, Russia Russian into Pashto 7,500
(Russian Pashto Pocket
53 Dictionary
Da Pashto sheri aw adabi Abdul Khaliq Wasiyi 1962-63 Kabul Mujala Pashto into Pashto 518-529
qamoos (Poetic & Literary publications of
Dictionary of Pashto) Kabul Mujala
54 magazine
55 Arabic Pashto Dictionary
English Pashto Medical JakaR Shinwarai
56 Dictionary
Lughat-e Afghani (Words of Rahat Zakheli Peshawar
57 Afghani/Pashto)
Pashto-English, English- Nicholas Awde, Pashto into English, 235
Pashto Dictionary & Asmatullah Sarwan English into Pashto
58 Phrasebook Prepared by: Said Marjan Zazai (Afghanan Dot Net) [email protected]
Date: 12 Nov 2005 Pashto Dictionaries Published Page 6

1 Pashto Lexicography by Hakeem Hilali
Daryab by Qalandar
2 Momand
3 Pashto Academy, Peshawar University
4 ars Libri Ltd.
5 Mohammad Asif Samim
6 Pashto TseRane
7 ZaRa Paanga
8 Pashto Grammar by Dr. Zarghona Rekhteen Prepared by: Said Marjan Zazai (Afghanan Dot Net) [email protected]

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