Guima has the top ranking overall with 63 points. He played in 17 total matches and made it to the final table in 14 of those, achieving an 82% final table rate and average placement of 3.5. The document shows rankings and statistics for 27 players in a poker tournament series held between February and June 2010.
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Dashboard Guima Ranking Geral Matheus Ranking Valor Cazuza Última Mesa
Guima has the top ranking overall with 63 points. He played in 17 total matches and made it to the final table in 14 of those, achieving an 82% final table rate and average placement of 3.5. The document shows rankings and statistics for 27 players in a poker tournament series held between February and June 2010.
Guima has the top ranking overall with 63 points. He played in 17 total matches and made it to the final table in 14 of those, achieving an 82% final table rate and average placement of 3.5. The document shows rankings and statistics for 27 players in a poker tournament series held between February and June 2010.
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Dashboard Guima Ranking Geral Matheus Ranking Valor Cazuza Última Mesa
Guima has the top ranking overall with 63 points. He played in 17 total matches and made it to the final table in 14 of those, achieving an 82% final table rate and average placement of 3.5. The document shows rankings and statistics for 27 players in a poker tournament series held between February and June 2010.
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