Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
The main aim of the business is to earn profit. At any given point, the businessman
would be very anxious to know the financial position of the business and the information is
used for planning, control, evolution of performance and decision making. Therefore it is
very important that the business transactions are recorded, classified, and summarised
It is the art and science of recording, classifying and summarizing business
transactions in money so that the businessman can know the profit or loss in given period of
time and his financial position at particular date.
The American institute of certified public Accountants has defined the financial
accounting as the “the art of recording, classifying and summarising in significant manner in
terms of money transactions and events which in part, at least of financial character and
interpreting the results thereof.”
Basic terms:
Debtor: A debtor is a person who owes money. The amount due from him is called
Creditor: A person to whom money is owing or payble is called creditor.
Equity: A claim which can be enforced against the assets of the firm is called equity.
In other words, the rights to properties are called equities. Equities are of two types:
the right of creditors and the right of owners. The equities of creditors represent debts
of the business and are called liabilities. The equity of the owners is called capital,
proprietorship or owner’s equity. Thus,
Assets = Liabilities + Capital
Drawings: Any amount or goods withdrawn by the owner of a business for personal
use is called drawings.
Turnover: It means total trading income from cash sales and credit sales.