Three Contributions To The Theory of Sex: Second Edition Second Reprinting by
Three Contributions To The Theory of Sex: Second Edition Second Reprinting by
Three Contributions To The Theory of Sex: Second Edition Second Reprinting by
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Language: English
Edited by
Numbers Issued
The somewhat famous "Three Essays," which Dr. Brill is here bringing to
the attention of an English-reading public, occupy--brief as they are--an
important position among the achievements of their author, a great
investigator and pioneer in an important line. It is not claimed that the facts
here gathered are altogether new. The subject of the sexual instinct and its
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 4
aberrations has long been before the scientific world and the names of
many effective toilers in this vast field are known to every student. When
one passes beyond the strict domains of science and considers what is
reported of the sexual life in folkways and art-lore and the history of
primitive culture and in romance, the sources of information are immense.
Freud has made considerable additions to this stock of knowledge, but he
has done also something of far greater consequence than this. He has
worked out, with incredible penetration, the part which this instinct plays in
every phase of human life and in the development of human character, and
has been able to establish on a firm footing the remarkable thesis that
psychoneurotic illnesses never occur with a perfectly normal sexual life.
Other sorts of emotions contribute to the result, but some aberration of the
sexual life is always present, as the cause of especially insistent emotions
and repressions.
The instincts with which every child is born furnish desires or cravings
which must be dealt with in some fashion. They may be refined
("sublimated"), so far as is necessary and desirable, into energies of other
sorts--as happens readily with the play-instinct--or they may remain as the
source of perversions and inversions, and of cravings of new sorts
substituted for those of the more primitive kinds under the pressure of a
conventional civilization. The symptoms of the functional psychoneuroses
represent, after a fashion, some of these distorted attempts to find a
substitute for the imperative cravings born of the sexual instincts, and their
form often depends, in part at least, on the peculiarities of the sexual life in
infancy and early childhood. It is Freud's service to have investigated this
inadequately chronicled period of existence with extraordinary acumen. In
so doing he made it plain that the "perversions" and "inversions," which
reappear later under such striking shapes, belong to the normal sexual life
of the young child and are seen, in veiled forms, in almost every case of
nervous illness.
patients, and assume that he puts it there. But such criticisms are evidences
of misunderstandings and proofs of ignorance.
Freud had learned that the amnesias of hypnosis and of hysteria were not
absolute but relative and that in covering the lost memories, much more, of
unexpected sort, was often found. Others, too, had gone as far as this, and
stopped. But this investigator determined that nothing but the absolute
impossibility of going further should make him cease from urging his
patients into an inexorable scrutiny of the unconscious regions of their
memories and thoughts, such as never had been made before. Every species
of forgetfulness, even the forgetfulness of childhood's years, was made to
yield its hidden stores of knowledge; dreams, even though apparently
absurd, were found to be interpreters of a varied class of thoughts, active,
although repressed as out of harmony with the selected life of
consciousness; layer after layer, new sets of motives underlying motives
were laid bare, and each patient's interest was strongly enlisted in the task
of learning to know himself in order more truly and wisely to "sublimate"
himself. Gradually other workers joined patiently in this laborious
undertaking, which now stands, for those who have taken pains to
comprehend it, as by far the most important movement in psychopathology.
It must, however, be recognized that these essays, of which Dr. Brill has
given a translation that cannot but be timely, concern a subject which is not
only important but unpopular. Few physicians read the works of v.
Krafft-Ebing, Magnus Hirschfeld, Moll, and others of like sort. The
remarkable volumes of Havelock Ellis were refused publication in his
native England. The sentiments which inspired this hostile attitude towards
the study of the sexual life are still active, though growing steadily less
common. One may easily believe that if the facts which Freud's
truth-seeking researches forced him to recognize and to publish had not
been of an unpopular sort, his rich and abundant contributions to
observational psychology, to the significance of dreams, to the etiology and
therapeutics of the psychoneuroses, to the interpretation of mythology,
would have won for him, by universal acclaim, the same recognition among
all physicians that he has received from a rapidly increasing band of
followers and colleagues.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 6
There are two further points on which some comments should be made.
The first is this, that those who conscientiously desire to learn all that they
can from Freud's remarkable contributions should not be content to read
any one of them alone. His various publications, such as "The Selected
Papers on Hysteria and Other Psychoneuroses,"[1] "The Interpretation of
Dreams,"[2] "The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,"[3] "Wit and its
Relation to the Unconscious,"[4] the analysis of the case of the little boy
called Hans, the study of Leonardo da Vinci,[4a] and the various short
essays in the four Sammlungen kleiner Schriften, not only all hang
together, but supplement each other to a remarkable extent. Unless a course
of study such as this is undertaken many critics may think various
statements and inferences in this volume to be far fetched or find them too
obscure for comprehension.
The other point is the following: One frequently hears the psychoanalytic
method referred to as if it was customary for those practicing it to exploit
the sexual experiences of their patients and nothing more, and the
insistence on the details of the sexual life, presented in this book, is likely
to emphasize that notion. But the fact is, as every thoughtful inquirer is
aware, that the whole progress of civilization, whether in the individual or
the race, consists largely in a "sublimation" of infantile instincts, and
especially certain portions of the sexual instinct, to other ends than those
which they seemed designed to serve. Art and poetry are fed on this fuel
and the evolution of character and mental force is largely of the same
origin. All the forms which this sublimation, or the abortive attempts at
sublimation, may take in any given case, should come out in the course of a
thorough psychoanalysis. It is not the sexual life alone, but every interest
and every motive, that must be inquired into by the physician who is
seeking to obtain all the data about the patient, necessary for his
reeducation and his cure. But all the thoughts and emotions and desires and
motives which appear in the man or woman of adult years were once
crudely represented in the obscure instincts of the infant, and among these
instincts those which were concerned directly or indirectly with the sexual
emotions, in a wide sense, are certain to be found in every case to have
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 7
[2] Translated by A.A. Brill, The Macmillan Co., New York, and Allen &
Unwin, London.
[4] Translated by A.A. Brill, Moffatt, Yard & Co., New York.
[4a] Translated by A.A. Brill, Moffatt, Yard & Co., New York.
Although the author is fully aware of the gaps and obscurities contained in
this small volume, he has, nevertheless, resisted a temptation to add to it the
results obtained from the investigations of the last five years, fearing that
thus its unified and documentary character would be destroyed. He
accordingly reproduces the original text with but slight modifications,
contenting himself with the addition of a few footnotes. For the rest, it is
his ardent wish that this book may speedily become antiquated--to the end
that the new material brought forward in it may be universally accepted,
while the shortcomings it displays may give place to juster views.
After watching for ten years the reception accorded to this book and the
effect it has produced, I wish to provide the third edition of it with some
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 8
prefatory remarks dealing with the misunderstandings of the book and the
demands, insusceptible of fulfillment, made against it. Let me emphasize in
the first place that whatever is here presented is derived entirely from
every-day medical experience which is to be made more profound and
scientifically important through the results of psychoanalytic investigation.
The "Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex" can contain nothing except
what psychoanalysis obliges them to accept or what it succeeds in
corroborating. It is therefore excluded that they should ever be developed
into a "theory of sex," and it is also quite intelligible that they will assume
no attitude at all towards some important problems of the sexual life. This
should not however give the impression that these omitted chapters of the
great theme were unfamiliar to the author, or that they were neglected by
him as something of secondary importance.
I have added many passages in this edition, but I have abstained from
calling attention to them, as in former editions, by special marks. The
scientific work in our sphere has at present been retarded in its progress,
nevertheless some supplements to this work were indispensable if it was to
remain in touch with our newer psychoanalytic literature.
The fact of sexual need in man and animal is expressed in biology by the
assumption of a "sexual impulse." This impulse is made analogous to the
impulse of taking nourishment, and to hunger. The sexual expression
corresponding to hunger not being found colloquilly, science uses the
expression "libido."[2]
If we introduce two terms and call the person from whom the sexual
attraction emanates the sexual object, and the action towards which the
impulse strives the sexual aim, then the scientifically examined experience
shows us many deviations in reference to both sexual object and sexual
aim, the relations of which to the accepted standard require thorough
The popular theory of the sexual impulse corresponds closely to the poetic
fable of dividing the person into two halves--man and woman--who strive
to become reunited through love. It is therefore very surprising to hear that
there are men for whom the sexual object is not woman but man, and that
there are women for whom it is not man but woman. Such persons are
called contrary sexuals, or better, inverts; the condition, that of inversion.
The number of such individuals is considerable though difficult of accurate
(_a_) They are absolutely inverted; _i.e._, their sexual object must be
always of the same sex, while the opposite sex can never be to them an
object of sexual longing, but leaves them indifferent or may even evoke
sexual repugnance. As men they are unable, on account of this repugnance,
to perform the normal sexual act or miss all pleasure in its performance.
The inverted also manifest a manifold behavior in their judgment about the
peculiarities of their sexual impulse. Some take the inversion as a matter of
course, just as the normal person does regarding his libido, firmly
demanding the same rights as the normal. Others, however, strive against
the fact of their inversion and perceive in it a morbid compulsion.[4]
Many authors will hesitate to gather into a unit all the cases enumerated
here and will prefer to emphasize the differences rather than the common
characters of these groups, a view which corresponds with their preferred
judgment of inversions. But no matter what divisions may be set up, it
cannot be overlooked that all transitions are abundantly met with, so that
the formation of a series would seem to impose itself.
the nervous, or among persons giving such an impression. There are two
elements which should be considered independently in this conception: the
congenitality, and the degeneration.
That the inverted are not degenerates in this qualified sense can be seen
from the following facts:
2. It is found also among persons whose capabilities are not disturbed, who
on the contrary are distinguished by especially high intellectual
development and ethical culture.[7]
*Innateness.*--Only for the first and most extreme class of inverts, as can
be imagined, has innateness been claimed, and this from their own
assurance that at no time in their life has their sexual impulse followed a
different course. The fact of the existence of two other classes, especially of
the third, is difficult to reconcile with the assumption of its being
congenital. Hence, the propensity of those holding this view to separate the
group of absolute inverts from the others results in the abandonment of the
general conception of inversion. Accordingly in a number of cases the
inversion would be of a congenital character, while in others it might
originate from other causes.
The apparent certainty thus reached is, however, overthrown by the retort
that manifestly there are many persons who have experienced even in their
early youth those very sexual influences, such as seduction, mutual
onanism, without becoming inverts, or without constantly remaining so.
Hence, one is forced to assume that the alternatives congenital and acquired
are either incomplete or do not cover the circumstances present in
The conception which we gather from this long known anatomical fact is
the original predisposition to bisexuality, which in the course of
development has changed to monosexuality, leaving slight remnants of the
stunted sex.
But this second expectation was not realized. The relations between the
assumed psychical and the demonstrable anatomical androgyny should
never be conceived as being so close. There is frequently found in the
inverted a diminution of the sexual impulse (H. Ellis) and a slight
anatomical stunting of the organs. This, however, is found frequently but
by no means regularly or preponderately. Thus we must recognize that
inversion and somatic hermaphroditism are totally independent of each
Great importance has also been attached to the so-called secondary and
tertiary sex characters and their aggregate occurrence in the inverted has
been emphasized (H. Ellis). There is much truth in this but it should not be
forgotten that the secondary and tertiary sex characteristics very frequently
manifest themselves in the other sex, thus indicating androgyny without,
however, involving changes in the sexual object in the sense of an
slight contrary determination. The same also holds true in the somatic
androgyny. According to Halban, the appearance of individual stunted
organs and secondary sex characters are quite independent of each
After this discussion, two notions, at all events, persist; first, that a bisexual
predisposition is to be presumed for the inversion also, only we do not
know of what it consists beyond the anatomical formations; and, second,
that we are dealing with disturbances which are experienced by the sexual
impulse during its development.[11]
But however true this may be for a great number of inverts, it by no means
indicates the general character of inversion. There is no doubt that a great
part of the male inverted have retained the psychic character of virility, that
proportionately they show but little of the secondary characters of the other
sex, and that they really look for real feminine psychic features in their
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 17
The conditions in the woman are more definite; here the active inverts, with
special frequency, show the somatic and psychic characters of man and
desire femininity in their sexual object; though even here greater variation
will be found on more intimate investigation.
For esthetic reasons one would fain attribute this and other excessive
aberrations of the sexual impulse to the insane, but this cannot be done.
Experience teaches that among the latter no disturbances of the sexual
impulse can be found other than those observed among the sane, or among
whole races and classes. Thus we find with gruesome frequency sexual
abuse of children by teachers and servants merely because they have the
best opportunities for it. The insane present the aforesaid aberration only in
a somewhat intensified form; or what is of special significance is the fact
that the aberration becomes exclusive and takes the place of the normal
sexual gratification.
This very remarkable relation of sexual variations ranging from the normal
to the insane gives material for reflection. It seems to me that the fact to be
explained would show that the impulses of the sexual life belong to those
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 19
which even normally are most poorly controlled by the higher psychic
activities. He who is in any way psychically abnormal, be it in social or
ethical conditions, is, according to my experience, regularly so in his sexual
life. But many are abnormal in their sexual life who in every other respect
correspond to the average; they have followed the human cultural
development, but sexuality remained as their weak point.
It is this sexual overvaluation, which so ill agrees with the restriction of the
sexual aim to the union of the genitals only, that assists other parts of the
body to participate as sexual aims.[15] In the development of this most
manifold anatomical overestimation there is an unmistakable desire
towards variation, a thing denominated by Hoche as "excitement-hunger"
the girl. Our attention is here called to the factor of loathing which stands in
the way of the libidinous overestimation of the sexual aim, but which may
in turn be vanquished by the libido. In the loathing we may observe one of
the forces which have brought about the restrictions of the sexual aim. As a
rule these forces halt at the genitals; there is, however, no doubt that even
the genitals of the other sex themselves may be an object of loathing. Such
behavior is characteristic of all hysterics, especially women. The force of
the sexual impulse prefers to occupy itself with the overcoming of this
loathing (see below).
morbid conditions.
The substitute for the sexual object is generally a part of the body but little
adapted for sexual purposes, such as the foot, or hair, or an inanimate
object which is in demonstrable relation with the sexual person, and
preferably with the sexuality of the same (fragments of clothing, white
underwear). This substitution is not unjustly compared with the fetich in
which the savage sees the embodiment of his god.
The case becomes pathological only when the striving for the fetich fixes
itself beyond such determinations and takes the place of the normal sexual
aim; or again, when the fetich disengages itself from the person concerned
and itself becomes a sexual object. These are the general determinations for
the transition of mere variations of the sexual impulse into pathological
The same holds true in the end with looking which is analogous to
touching. The manner in which the libidinous excitement is frequently
awakened is by the optical impression, and selection takes account of this
circumstance--if this teleological mode of thinking be permitted--by
making the sexual object a thing of beauty. The covering of the body,
which keeps abreast with civilization, serves to arouse sexual
inquisitiveness, which always strives to restore for itself the sexual object
by uncovering the hidden parts. This can be turned into the artistic
("sublimation") if the interest is turned from the genitals to the form of the
body.[20] The tendency to linger at this intermediary sexual aim of the
sexually accentuated looking is found to a certain degree in most normals;
indeed it gives them the possibility of directing a certain amount of their
libido to a higher artistic aim. On the other hand, the fondness for looking
becomes a perversion (_a_) when it limits itself entirely to the genitals;
(_b_) when it becomes connected with the overcoming of loathing (voyeurs
and onlookers at the functions of excretion); and (_c_) when instead of
preparing for the normal sexual aim it suppresses it. The latter, if I may
draw conclusions from a single analysis, is in a most pronounced way true
of exhibitionists, who expose their genitals so as in turn to bring to view the
genitals of others.
The force which is opposed to the peeping mania and through which it is
eventually abolished is shame (like the former loathing).
form, and masochism or the passive form. Other authors prefer the
narrower term algolagnia which emphasizes the pleasure in pain and
cruelty, whereas the terms selected by v. Krafft-Ebing place the pleasure
secured in all kinds of humility and submission in the foreground.
The pain which is here overcome ranks with the loathing and shame which
were the resistances opposed to the libido.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 26
Sadism and masochism occupy a special place among the perversions, for
the contrast of activity and passivity lying at their bases belong to the
common traits of the sexual life.
That cruelty and sexual impulse are most intimately connected is beyond
doubt taught by the history of civilization, but in the explanation of this
connection no one has gone beyond the accentuation of the aggressive
factors of the libido. The aggression which is mixed with the sexual
impulse is according to some authors a remnant of cannibalistic lust, a
participation on the part of the domination apparatus
(Bemächtigungsapparatus), which served also for the gratification of the
great wants of the other, ontogenetically the older impulse.[21] It has also
been claimed that every pain contains in itself the possibility of a
pleasurable sensation. Let us be satisfied with the impression that the
explanation of this perversion is by no means satisfactory and that it is
possible that many psychic efforts unite themselves into one effect.
The most striking peculiarity of this perversion lies in the fact that its active
and passive forms are regularly encountered together in the same person.
He who experiences pleasure by causing pain to others in sexual relations is
also able to experience the pain emanating from sexual relations as
pleasure. A sadist is simultaneously a masochist, though either the active or
the passive side of the perversion may be more strongly developed and thus
represent his preponderate sexual activity.[22]
In the majority of cases we are able to find the morbid character of the
perversion not in the content of the new sexual aim but in its relation to the
normal. It is morbid if the perversion does not appear beside the normal
(sexual aim and sexual object), where favorable circumstances promote it
and unfavorable impede the normal, or if it has under all circumstances
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 28
repressed and supplanted the normal; the exclusiveness and fixation of the
perversion justifies us in considering it a morbid symptom.
The sexual impulse of the psychoneurotic shows all the aberrations which
we have studied as variations of the normal and as manifestations of
morbid sexual life.
(_c_) The partial desires which usually appear in contrasting pairs play a
very prominent rôle among the symptom-creators in the psychoneuroses.
We have learned to know them as carriers of new sexual aims, such as
peeping mania, exhibitionism, and the actively and passively formed
impulses of cruelty. The contribution of the last is indispensable for the
understanding of the morbid nature of the symptoms; it almost regularly
controls some portion of the social behavior of the patient. The
transformation of love into hatred, of tenderness into hostility, which is
characteristic of a large number of neurotic cases and apparently of all
cases of paranoia, takes place by means of the union of cruelty with the
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 32
Beta. Wherever any such impulse is found in the unconscious which can be
paired with a contrasting one, it can regularly be demonstrated that the
latter, too, is effective. Every active perversion is here accompanied by its
passive counterpart. He who in the unconscious is an exhibitionist is at the
same time a voyeur, he who suffers from sadistic feelings as a result of
repression will also show another reinforcement of the symptoms from the
source of masochistic tendencies. The perfect concurrence with the
behavior of the corresponding positive perversions is certainly very
noteworthy. In the picture of the disease, however, the preponderant rôle is
played by either one or the other of the opposing tendencies.
psychic and the physical. The simplest and most obvious assumption
concerning the nature of the impulses would be that in themselves they
possess no quality but are only taken into account as a measure of the
demand for effort in the psychic life. What distinguishes the impulses from
one another and furnishes them with specific attributes is their relation to
their somatic sources and to their aims. The source of the impulse is an
exciting process in an organ, and the immediate aim of the impulse lies in
the elimination of this organic stimulus.
In the perversions which claim sexual significance for the oral cavity and
the anal opening the part played by the erogenous zone is quite obvious. It
behaves in every way like a part of the sexual apparatus. In hysteria these
parts of the body, as well as the tracts of mucous membrane proceeding
from them, become the seat of new sensations and innervating changes in a
manner similar to the real genitals when under the excitement of normal
sexual processes.
But we must also remember that the assumed constitution which shows the
roots of all perversions will be demonstrable only in the child, though all
impulses can be manifested in it only in moderate intensity. If we are led to
suppose that neurotics conserve the infantile state of their sexuality or
return to it, our interest must then turn to the sexual life of the child, and we
will then follow the play of influences which control the processes of
development of the infantile sexuality up to its termination in a perversion,
a neurosis or a normal sexual life.
[1] The facts contained in the first "Contribution" have been gathered from
the familiar publications of Krafft-Ebing, Moll, Moebius, Havelock Ellis,
Schrenk-Notzing, Löwenfeld, Eulenberg, J. Bloch, and M. Hirschfeld, and
from the later works published in the "Jahrbuch für sexuelle
Zwischenstufen." As these publications also mention the other literature
bearing on this subject I may forbear giving detailed references.
The conclusions reached through the investigation of sexual inverts are all
based on the reports of J. Sadger and on my own experience.
[2] For general use the word "libido" is best translated by "craving." (Prof.
James J. Putnam, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. IV, 6.)
[3] For the difficulties entailed in the attempt to ascertain the proportional
number of inverts compare the work of M. Hirschfeld in the Jahrbuch für
sexuelle Zwischenstufen, 1904. Cf. also Brill, The Conception of
Homosexuality, Journal of the A.M.A., August 2, 1913.
[5] Many have justly emphasized the fact that the autobiographic
statements of inverts, as to the time of the appearance of their tendency to
inversion, are untrustworthy as they may have repressed from memory any
evidences of heterosexual feelings.
[6] With what reserve the diagnosis of degeneration should be made and
what slight practical significance can be attributed to it can be gathered
from the discussions of Moebius (Ueber Entartung; Grenzfragen des
Nerven- und Seelenlebens, No. III, 1900). He says: "If we review the wide
sphere of degeneration upon which we have here turned some light we can
conclude without further ado that it is really of little value to diagnose
[7] We must agree with the spokesman of "Uranism" that some of the most
prominent men known have been inverts and perhaps absolute inverts.
[12] Although psychoanalysis has not yet given us a full explanation for the
origin of inversion, it has revealed the psychic mechanism of its genesis
and has essentially enriched the problems in question. In all the cases
examined we have ascertained that the later inverts go through in their
childhood a phase of very intense but short-lived fixation on the woman
(usually on the mother) and after overcoming it they identify themselves
with the woman and take themselves as the sexual object; that is,
proceeding on a narcissistic basis, they look for young men resembling
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 40
themselves in persons whom they wish to love as their mother has loved
them. We have, moreover, frequently found that alleged inverts are by no
means indifferent to the charms of women, but the excitation evoked by the
woman is always transferred to a male object. They thus repeat through life
the mechanism which gave origin to their inversion. Their obsessive
striving for the man proves to be determined by their restless flight from the
[13] The most pronounced difference between the sexual life (Liebesleben)
of antiquity and ours lies in the fact that the ancients placed the emphasis
on the impulse itself, while we put it on its object. The ancients extolled the
impulse and were ready to ennoble through it even an inferior object, while
we disparage the activity of the impulse as such and only countenance it on
account of the merits of the object.
[14] I must mention here that the blind obedience evinced by the
hypnotized subject to the hypnotist causes me to think that the nature of
hypnosis is to be found in the unconscious fixation of the libido on the
person of the hypnotizer (by means of the masochistic component of the
sexual impulse).
[18] The shoe or slipper is accordingly a symbol for the female genitals.
[20] I have no doubt that the conception of the "beautiful" is rooted in the
soil of sexual excitement and originally signified the sexual excitant. The
more remarkable, therefore, is the fact that the genitals, the sight of which
provokes the greatest sexual excitement, can really never be considered
[21] Cf. here the later communication on the pregenital phases of the sexual
development, in which this view is confirmed. See below, "Ambivalence."
[24] Studien über Hysterie, 1895, J. Breuer tells of the patient on whom he
first practiced the cathartic method: "The sexual factor was surprisingly
[27] It is not easy to justify here this assumption which was taken from a
definite class of neurotic diseases. On the other hand, it would be
impossible to assert anything definite concerning the impulses if one did
not take the trouble of mentioning these presuppositions.
[28] One should here think of Moll's assertion, who divides the sexual
impulse into the impulses of contrectation and detumescence. Contrectation
signifies a desire to touch the skin.
affected us; indeed we are told that we have uttered remarks which proved
to grown-ups that we possessed understanding and a budding power of
judgment. Still we know nothing of all this when we become older. Why
does our memory lag behind all our other psychic activities? We really
have reason to believe that at no time of life are we more capable of
impressions and reproductions than during the years of childhood.[3]
We shall not, however, hesitate to assert that the existence of the infantile
amnesia gives us a new point of comparison between the psychic states of
the child and those of the psychoneurotic. We have already encountered
another point of comparison when confronted by the fact that the sexuality
of the psychoneurotic preserves the infantile character or has returned to it.
May there not be an ultimate connection between the infantile and the
hysterical amnesias?
The connection between the infantile and the hysterical amnesias is really
more than a mere play of wit. The hysterical amnesia which serves the
repression can only be explained by the fact that the individual already
possesses a sum of recollections which have been withdrawn from
conscious disposal and which by associative connection now seize that
which is acted upon by the repelling forces of the repression emanating
from consciousness.[4] We may say that without infantile amnesia there
would be no hysterical amnesia.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 45
I believe that the infantile amnesia which causes the individual to look
upon his childhood as if it were a prehistoric time and conceals from him
the beginning of his own sexual life--that this amnesia is responsible for the
fact that one does not usually attribute any value to the infantile period in
the development of the sexual life. One single observer cannot fill the gap
which has been thus produced in our knowledge. As early as 1896 I had
already emphasized the significance of childhood for the origin of certain
important phenomena connected with the sexual life, and since then I have
not ceased to put into the foreground the importance of the infantile factor
for sexuality.
It seems certain that the newborn child brings with it the germs of sexual
feelings which continue to develop for some time and then succumb to a
progressive suppression, which is in turn broken through by the proper
advances of the sexual development and which can be checked by
individual idiosyncrasies. Nothing is known concerning the laws and
periodicity of this oscillating course of development. It seems, however,
that the sexual life of the child mostly manifests itself in the third or fourth
year in some form accessible to observation.[6]
For reasons which we shall discuss later we will take as a model of the
infantile sexual manifestations thumbsucking (pleasure-sucking), to which
the Hungarian pediatrist, Lindner, has devoted an excellent essay.[9]
Lindner himself has recognized the sexual nature of this action and openly
emphasized it. In the nursery thumbsucking is often treated in the same way
as any other sexual "naughtiness" of the child. A very strong objection was
raised against this view by many pediatrists and neurologists which in part
is certainly due to the confusion of the terms "sexual" and "genital." This
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 48
to seek the same parts, the lips of another person. ("It is a pity that I cannot
kiss myself," might be attributed to it.)
Not all children suck their thumbs. It may be assumed that it is found only
in children in whom the erogenous significance of the lip-zone is
constitutionally reënforced. Children in whom this is retained are habitual
kissers as adults and show a tendency to perverse kissing, or as men they
have a marked desire for drinking and smoking. But if repression comes
into play they experience disgust for eating and evince hysterical vomiting.
By virtue of the community of the lip-zone the repression encroaches upon
the impulse of nourishment. Many of my female patients showing
disturbances in eating, such as hysterical globus, choking sensations, and
vomiting, have been energetic thumbsuckers during infancy.
perhaps later come upon reasons which seem to support the peculiar quality
of the sensation of pleasure.
The erogenous quality may adhere most notably to definite regions of the
body. As is shown by the example of thumbsucking, there are predestined
erogenous zones. But the same example also shows that any other region of
skin or mucous membrane may assume the function of an erogenous zone;
it must therefore carry along a certain adaptability. The production of the
sensation of pleasure therefore depends more on the quality of the stimulus
than on the nature of the bodily region. The thumbsucking child looks
around on his body and selects any portion of it for pleasure-sucking, and
becoming accustomed to it, he then prefers it. If he accidentally strikes
upon a predestined region, such as breast, nipple or genitals, it naturally has
the preference. A quite analogous tendency to displacement is again found
in the symptomatology of hysteria. In this neurosis the repression mostly
concerns the genital zones proper; these in turn transmit their excitation to
the other erogenous zones, usually dormant in mature life, which then
behave exactly like genitals. But besides this, just as in thumbsucking, any
other region of the body may become endowed with the excitation of the
genitals and raised to an erogenous zone. Erogenous and hysterogenous
zones show the same characters.[12]
*The Activity of the Anal Zone.*--Like the lip zone the anal zone is,
through its position, adapted to conduct the sexuality to the other functions
of the body. It should be assumed that the erogenous significance of this
region of the body was originally very large. Through psychoanalysis one
finds, not without surprise, the many transformations that are normally
undertaken with the usual excitations emanating from here, and that this
zone often retains for life a considerable fragment of genital irritability.[14]
The intestinal catarrhs so frequent during infancy produce intensive
irritations in this zone, and we often hear it said that intestinal catarrh at this
delicate age causes "nervousness." In later neurotic diseases they exert a
definite influence on the symptomatic expression of the neurosis, placing at
its disposal the whole sum of intestinal disturbances. Considering the
erogenous significance of the anal zone which has been retained at least in
transformation, one should not laugh at the hemorrhoidal influences to
which the old medical literature attached so much weight in the explanation
of neurotic states.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 52
Real masturbatic irritation of the anal zone by means of the fingers, evoked
through either centrally or peripherally supported itching, is not at all rare
in older children.
destined for great things in later life. In both male and female it is
connected with the voiding of urine (penis, clitoris), and in the former it is
enclosed in a sack of mucous membrane, probably in order not to miss the
irritations caused by the secretions which may arouse the sexual excitement
at an early age. The sexual activities of this erogenous zone, which belongs
to the real genitals, are the beginning of the later normal sexual life.
The infantile onanism seems to disappear after a brief time, but it may
continue uninterruptedly till puberty and thus represent the first marked
deviation from the development desirable for civilized man. At some time
during childhood after the nursing period, the sexual impulse of the genitals
reawakens and continues active for some time until it is again suppressed,
or it may continue without interruption. The possible relations are very
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 54
The return of the sexual activity is determined by inner and outer causes
which can be conjectured from the formation of the symptoms of neurotic
diseases and definitely revealed by psychoanalytic investigations. The
internal causes will be discussed later, the accidental outer causes attain at
this time a great and permanent significance. As the first outer cause we
have the influence of seduction which prematurely treats the child as a
sexual object; under conditions favoring impressions this teaches the child
the gratification of the genital zones, and thus usually forces it to repeat this
gratification in onanism. Such influences can come from adults or other
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 55
*Partial Impulses.*--For the rest, the influence of seduction does not aid us
in unravelling the original relations of the sexual impulse, but rather
confuses our understanding of the same, inasmuch as it prematurely
supplies the child with the sexual object at a time when the infantile sexual
impulse does not yet evince any desire for it. We must admit, however, that
the infantile sexual life, though mainly under the control of erogenous
zones, also shows components in which from the very beginning other
persons are regarded as sexual objects. Among these we have the impulses
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 56
for looking and showing off, and for cruelty, which manifest themselves
somewhat independently of the erogenous zones and which only later enter
into intimate relationship with the sexual life; but along with the erogenous
sexual activity they are noticeable even in the infantile years as separate
and independent strivings. The little child is above all shameless, and
during its early years it evinces definite pleasure in displaying its body and
especially its sexual organs. A counterpart to this desire which is to be
considered as perverse, the curiosity to see other persons' genitals, probably
appears first in the later years of childhood when the hindrance of the
feeling of shame has already reached a certain development. Under the
influence of seduction the looking perversion may attain great importance
for the sexual life of the child. Still, from my investigations of the
childhood years of normal and neurotic patients, I must conclude that the
impulse for looking can appear in the child as a spontaneous sexual
manifestation. Small children, whose attention has once been directed to
their own genitals--usually by masturbation--are wont to progress in this
direction without outside interference, and to develop a vivid interest in the
genitals of their playmates. As the occasion for the gratification of such
curiosity is generally afforded during the gratification of both
excrementitious needs, such children become voyeurs and are zealous
spectators at the voiding of urine and feces of others, After this tendency
has been repressed, the curiosity to see the genitals of others (one's own or
those of the other sex) remains as a tormenting desire which in some
neurotic cases furnishes the strongest motive power for the formation of
The cruelty component of the sexual impulse develops in the child with still
greater independence of those sexual activities which are connected with
erogenous zones. Cruelty is especially near the childish character, since the
inhibition which restrains the impulse to mastery before it causes pain to
others--that is, the capacity for sympathy--develops comparatively late. As
we know, a thorough psychological analysis of this impulse has not as yet
been successfully accomplished; we may assume that the cruel feelings
emanate from the impulse to mastery and appear at a period in the sexual
life before the genitals have taken on their later rôle. It then dominates a
phase of the sexual life, which we shall later describe as the pregenital
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 57
*Inquisitiveness.*--At the same time when the sexual life of the child
reaches its first bloom, from the age of three to the age of five, it also
evinces the beginning of that activity which is ascribed to the impulse for
knowledge and investigation. The desire for knowledge can neither be
added to the elementary components of the impulses nor can it be
altogether subordinated under sexuality. Its activity corresponds on the one
hand to a sublimating mode of acquisition and on the other hand it labors
with the energy of the desire for looking. Its relations to the sexual life,
however, are of particular importance, for we have learned from
psychoanalysis that the inquisitiveness of children is attracted to the sexual
problems unusually early and in an unexpectedly intensive manner, indeed
it perhaps may first be awakened by the sexual problems.
with the history of this awakening, the first problem with which it occupies
itself is not the question as to the difference between the sexes, but the
riddle: from where do children come? In a distorted form, which can easily
be unraveled, this is the same riddle which was given by the Theban
Sphinx. The fact of the two sexes is usually first accepted by the child
without struggle and hesitation. It is quite natural for the male child to
presuppose in all persons it knows a genital like his own, and to find it
impossible to harmonize the lack of it with his conception of others.
The assumption of the same (male) genital in all persons is the first of the
remarkable and consequential infantile sexual theories. It is of little help to
the child when biological science agrees with his preconceptions and
recognizes the feminine clitoris as the real substitute for the penis. The little
girl does not react with similar refusals when she sees the differently
formed genital of the boy. She is immediately prepared to recognize it, and
soon becomes envious of the penis; this envy reaches its highest point in
the consequentially important wish that she also should be a boy.
The end of this development forms the so-called normal sexual life of the
adult in which the acquisition of pleasure has been put into the service of
the function of propagation, and the partial impulses, under the primacy of
one single erogenous zone, have formed a firm organization for the
attainment of the sexual aim in a strange sexual object.
Organizations of the sexual life in which the genital zones have not yet
assumed the dominating rôle we would call the pregenital phase. So far we
have become acquainted with two of them which recall reversions to early
animal states.
both strivings there are objects present, which however do not merge
together. Besides them there are other partial impulses which are active in
an autoerotic manner. The sexual polarity and the strange object can thus
already be demonstrated in this phase. The organization and subordination
under the function of propagation are still lacking.
To complete the picture of the infantile sexual life one must add that
frequently or regularly an object selection takes place even in childhood
which is as characteristic as the one we have represented for the phase of
development of puberty. This object selection proceeds in such a manner
that all the sexual strivings proceed in the direction of one person in whom
they wish to attain their aim. This is then the nearest approach to the
definitive formation of the sexual life after puberty, that is possible in
childhood. It differs from the latter only in the fact that the collection of the
partial impulses and their subordination to the primacy of the genitals is
very imperfectly or not at all accomplished in childhood. The establishment
of this primacy in the service of propagation is therefore the last phase
through which the sexual organization passes.
The fact of the double object selection which is essentially due to the effect
of the latency period, becomes most significant for the disturbance of this
terminal state. The results of the infantile object selection reach into the
later period; they are either preserved as such or are even refreshed at the
time of puberty. But due to the development of the repression which takes
place between the two phases they turn out as unutilizable. The sexual aims
have become softened and now represent what we can designate as the
tender streams of the sexual life. Only psychoanalytic investigation can
demonstrate that behind this tenderness, such as honoring and esteeming,
there is concealed the old sexual strivings of the infantile partial impulses
which have now become useless. The object selection of the pubescent
period must renounce the infantile objects and begin anew as a sensuous
stream. The fact that the two streams do not meet often enough has as a
result that one of the ideals of the sexual life, namely, the union of all
desires in one object, can not be attained.
In our effort to follow up the origins of the sexual impulse, we have thus far
found that the sexual excitement originates (_a_) as an imitation of a
gratification which has been experienced in conjunction with other organic
processes; (_b_) through the appropriate peripheral stimulation of
erogenous zones; (_c_) and as an expression of some "impulse," like the
looking and cruelty impulses, the origin of which we do not yet fully
understand. The psychoanalytic investigation of later life which leads back
to childhood and the contemporary observation of the child itself coöperate
to reveal to us still other regularly-flowing sources of the sexual
excitement. The observation of childhood has the disadvantage of treating
easily misunderstood material, while psychoanalysis is made difficult by
the fact that it can reach its objects and conclusions only by great detours;
still the united efforts of both methods achieve a sufficient degree of
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 63
positive understanding.
In investigating the erogenous zones we have already found that these skin
regions merely show the special exaggeration of a form of sensitiveness
which is to a certain degree found over the whole surface of the skin. It will
therefore not surprise us to learn that certain forms of general sensitiveness
in the skin can be ascribed to very distinct erogenous action. Among these
we will above all mention the temperature sensitiveness; this will perhaps
prepare us for the understanding of the therapeutic effects of warm baths.
This also fits in with the not as yet understood fact that the concurrence of
fear with mechanical shaking produces the severest hysterical forms of
traumatic neurosis. It may at least be assumed that inasmuch as even a
slight intensity of these influences becomes a source of sexual excitement,
the action of an excessive amount of the same will produce a profound
disorder in the sexual mechanism.
*Muscular Activity.*--It is well known that the child has need for strong
muscular activity, from the gratification of which it draws extraordinary
pleasure. Whether this pleasure has anything to do with sexuality, whether
it includes in itself sexual satisfaction? or can be the occasion of sexual
excitement; all this may be refuted by critical consideration, which will
probably be directed also to the position taken above that the pleasure in the
sensations of passive movement are of sexual character or that they are
sexually exciting. The fact remains, however, that a number of persons
report that they experienced the first signs of excitement in their genitals
during fighting or wrestling with playmates, in which situation, besides the
general muscular exertion, there is an intensive contact with the opponent's
skin which also becomes effective. The desire for muscular contest with a
definite person, like the desire for word contest in later years, is a good sign
that the object selection has been directed toward this person. "Was sich
liebt, das neckt sich."[21] In the promotion of sexual excitement through
muscular activity we might recognize one of the sources of the sadistic
impulse. The infantile connection between fighting and sexual excitement
acts in many persons as a determinant for the future preferred course of
their sexual impulse.[22]
a difficult task can become significant for the breaking through of sexual
manifestations as well as for his relations to the school, inasmuch as under
such excitements a sensation often occurs urging him to touch the genitals,
or leading to a pollution-like process with all its disagreeable consequences.
The behavior of children at school, which is so often mysterious to the
teacher, ought surely to be considered in relation with their germinating
sexuality. The sexually-exciting influence of some painful affects, such as
fear, shuddering, and horror, is felt by a great many people throughout life
and readily explains why so many seek opportunities to experience such
sensations, provided that certain accessory circumstances (as under
imaginary circumstances in reading, or in the theater) suppress the
earnestness of the painful feeling.
If we might assume that the same erogenous action also reaches the
intensive painful feelings, especially if the pain be toned down or held at a
distance by a subsidiary determination, this relation would then contain the
main roots of the masochistic-sadistic impulse, into the manifold
composition of which we are gaining a gradual insight.
quality of the stimuli, though the factor of intensity (in pain) is not entirely
unimportant. But in addition to this there are arrangements in the organism
which induce sexual excitement as a subsidiary action in a large number of
inner processes as soon as the intensity of these processes has risen above
certain quantitative limits. What we have designated as the partial impulses
of sexuality are either directly derived from these inner sources of sexual
excitation or composed of contributions from such sources and from
erogenous zones. It is possible that nothing of any considerable significance
occurs in the organism that does not contribute its components to the
excitement of the sexual impulse.
However the same paths through which sexual disturbances encroach upon
the other functions of the body must in health be supposed to serve another
important function. It must be through these paths that the attraction of the
sexual motive-powers to other than sexual aims, the sublimation of
sexuality, is accomplished. We must conclude with the admission that very
little is definitely known concerning the paths beyond the fact that they
exist, and that they are probably passable in both directions.
[2] This assertion on revision seemed even to myself so bold that I decided
to test its correctness by again reviewing the literature. The result of this
second review did not warrant any change in my original statement. The
scientific elaboration of the physical as well as the psychic phenomena of
the infantile sexuality is still in its initial stages. One author (S. Bell, "A
Preliminary Study of the Emotions of Love Between the Sexes," American
Journal of Psychology, XIII, 1902) says: "I know of no scientist who has
given a careful analysis of the emotion as it is seen in the adolescent." The
only attention given to somatic sexual manifestations occurring before the
age of puberty was in connection with degenerative manifestations, and
these were referred to as a sign of degeneration. A chapter on the sexual life
of children is not to be found in all the representative psychologies of this
age which I have read. Among these works I can mention the following:
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 68
Preyer; Baldwin (The Development of the Mind in the Child and in the
Race, 1898); Pérez (L'enfant de 3-7 ans, 1894); Strümpel (Die
pädagogische Pathologie, 1899); Karl Groos (Das Seelenleben des Kindes,
1904); Th. Heller (Grundriss der Heilpädagogic, 1904); Sully
(Observations Concerning Childhood, 1897). The best impression of the
present situation of this sphere can be obtained from the journal Die
Kinderfehler (issued since 1896). On the other hand one gains the
impression that the existence of love in childhood is in no need of
demonstration. Pérez (l.c.) speaks for it; K. Groos (Die Spiele der
Menschen, 1899) states that some children are very early subject to sexual
emotions, and show a desire to touch the other sex (p. 336); S. Bell
observed the earliest appearance of sex-love in a child during the middle
part of its third year. See also Havelock Ellis, The Sexual Impulse,
Appendix II.
[4] One cannot understand the mechanism of repression when one takes
into consideration only one of the two cooperating processes. As a
comparison one may think of the way the tourist is despatched to the top of
the great pyramid of Gizeh; he is pushed from one side and pulled from the
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 69
[5] The use of the latter material is justified by the fact that the years of
childhood of those who are later neurotics need not necessarily differ from
those who are later normal except in intensity and distinctness.
[8] In the case here discussed the sublimation of the sexual motive powers
proceed on the road of reaction formations. But in general it is necessary to
separate from each other sublimation and reaction formation as two diverse
processes. Sublimation may also result through other and simpler
[10] This already shows what holds true for the whole life, namely, that
sexual gratification is the best hypnotic. Most nervous insomnias are traced
to lack of sexual gratification. It is also known that unscrupulous nurses
calm crying children to sleep by stroking their genitals.
[11] Ellis spoils, however, the sense of his invented term by comprising
under the phenomena of autoerotism the whole of hysteria and
masturbation in its full extent.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 70
investigations in adults. Direct observation of the child could not at the time
be utilized to its full extent and resulted only in individual indications and
valuable confirmations. Since then it has become possible through the
analysis of some cases of nervous disease in the delicate age of childhood
to gain a direct understanding of the infantile psychosexuality (Jahrbuch für
psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen, Bd. 1, 2, 1909).
I can point with satisfaction to the fact that direct observation has fully
confirmed the conclusion drawn from psychoanalysis, and thus furnishes
good evidence for the reliability of the latter method of investigation.
[20] Some persons can recall that the contact of the moving air in swinging
caused them direct sexual pleasure in the genitals.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 72
With the beginning of puberty the changes set in which transform the
infantile sexual life into its definite normal form. Hitherto the sexual
impulse has been preponderantly autoerotic; it now finds the sexual object.
Thus far it has manifested itself in single impulses and in erogenous zones
seeking a certain pleasure as a single sexual aim. A new sexual aim now
appears for the production of which all partial impulses coöperate, while
the erogenous zones subordinate themselves to the primacy of the genital
zone.[1] As the new sexual aim assigns very different functions to the two
sexes their sexual developments now part company. The sexual
development of the man is more consistent and easier to understand, while
in the woman there even appears a form of regression. The normality of the
sexual life is guaranteed only by the exact concurrence of the two streams
directed to the sexual object and sexual aim. It is like the piercing of a
tunnel from opposite sides.
The new sexual aim in the man consists in the discharging of the sexual
products; it is not contradictory to the former sexual aim, that of obtaining
pleasure; on the contrary, the highest amount of pleasure is connected with
this final act in the sexual process. The sexual impulse now enters into the
service of the function of propagation; it becomes, so to say, altruistic. If
this transformation is to succeed its process must be adjusted to the original
dispositions and all the peculiarities of the impulses.
From the course of development as described we can clearly see the issue
and the end aim. The intermediary transitions are still quite obscure and
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 73
The most striking process of puberty has been selected as its most
characteristic; it is the manifest growth of the external genitals which have
shown a relative inhibition of growth during the latency period of
childhood. Simultaneously the inner genitals develop to such an extent as to
be able to furnish sexual products or to receive them for the purpose of
forming a new living being. A most complicated apparatus is thus formed
which waits to be claimed.
This apparatus can be set in motion by stimuli, and observation teaches that
the stimuli can affect it in three ways: from the outer world through the
familiar erogenous zones; from the inner organic world by ways still to be
investigated; and from the psychic life, which merely represents a
depository of external impressions and a receptacle of inner excitations.
The same result follows in all three cases, namely, a state which can be
designated as "sexual excitation" and which manifests itself in psychic and
somatic signs. The psychic sign consists in a peculiar feeling of tension of a
most urgent character, and among the manifold somatic signs the many
changes in the genitals stand first. They have a definite meaning, that of
readiness; they constitute a preparation for the sexual act (the erection of
the penis and the glandular activity of the vagina).
Everything relating to the problem of pleasure and pain touches one of the
weakest spots of present-day psychology. We shall try if possible to learn
something from the determinations of the case in question and to avoid
encroaching on the problem as a whole. Let us first glance at the manner in
which the erogenous zones adjust themselves to the new order of things. An
important rôle devolves upon them in the preparation of the sexual
excitation. The eye which is very remote from the sexual object is most
often in position, during the relations of object wooing, to become attracted
by that particular quality of excitation, the motive of which we designate as
beauty in the sexual object. The excellencies of the sexual object are
therefore also called "attractions." This attraction is on the one hand already
connected with pleasure, and on the other hand it either results in an
increase of the sexual excitation or in an evocation of the same where it is
still wanting. The effect is the same if the excitation of another erogenous
zone, _e.g._, the touching hand, is added to it. There is on the one hand the
feeling of pleasure which soon becomes enhanced by the pleasure from the
preparatory changes, and on the other hand there is a further increase of the
sexual tension which soon changes into a most distinct feeling of
displeasure if it cannot proceed to more pleasure. Another case will perhaps
be clearer; let us, for example, take the case where an erogenous zone, like
a woman's breast, is excited by touching in a person who is not sexually
excited at the time. This touching in itself evokes a feeling of pleasure, but
it is also best adapted to awaken sexual excitement which demands still
more pleasure. How it happens that the perceived pleasure evokes the
desire for greater pleasure, that is the real problem.
substance. This last pleasure is highest in its intensity, and differs from the
earliest ones in its mechanism. It is altogether produced through discharge,
it is altogether gratification pleasure and the tension of the libido
temporarily dies away with it.
fixation are added a compulsion readily results for the later life which
prevents the fore-pleasure from arranging itself into a new combination.
Indeed, the mechanism of many perversions is of such a nature; they
merely represent a lingering at a preparatory act of the sexual process.
The failure of the function of the sexual mechanism through the fault of the
fore-pleasure is generally avoided if the primacy of the genital zones has
also already been sketched out in infantile life. The preparations of the
second half of childhood (from the eighth year to puberty) really seem to
favor this. During these years the genital zones behave almost as at the age
of maturity; they are the seat of exciting sensations and of preparatory
changes if any kind of pleasure is experienced through the gratification of
other erogenous zones; although this effect remains aimless, _i.e._, it
contributes nothing towards the continuation of the sexual process. Besides
the pleasure of gratification a certain amount of sexual tension appears even
in infancy, though it is less constant and less abundant. We can now
understand also why in the discussion of the sources of sexuality we had a
perfectly good reason for saying that the process in question acts as sexual
gratification as well as sexual excitement. We note that on our way towards
the truth we have at first enormously exaggerated the distinctions between
the infantile and the mature sexual life, and we therefore supplement what
has been said with a correction. The infantile manifestations of sexuality
determine not only the deviations from the normal sexual life but also the
normal formations of the same.
*The Rôle of the Sexual Substance.*--Aside from the fact that only the
discharge of the sexual substance can normally put an end to the sexual
excitement, there are other essential facts which bring the sexual tension
into relation with the sexual products. In a life of continence the sexual
activity is wont to discharge the sexual substance at night during
pleasurable dream hallucinations of a sexual act, this discharge coming at
changing but not at entirely capricious intervals; and the following
interpretation of this process--the nocturnal pollution--can hardly be
rejected, viz., that the sexual tension which brings about a substitute for the
sexual act by the short hallucinatory road is a function of the accumulated
semen in the reservoirs for the sexual products. Experiences with the
exhaustibility of the sexual mechanism speak for the same thing. Where
there is no stock of semen it is not only impossible to accomplish the sexual
act, but there is also a lack of excitability in the erogenous zones, the
suitable excitation of which can evoke no pleasure. We thus discover
incidentally that a certain amount of sexual tension is itself necessary for
the excitability of the erogenous zones.
psycho-sexual phenomena.
Concerning the fates of the object libido we also state that it is withdrawn
from the object, that it is preserved floating in special states of tension and
is finally taken back into the ego, so that it again becomes ego-libido. In
contradistinction to the object-libido we also call the ego-libido narcissistic
libido. From psychoanalysis we look over the boundary which we are not
permitted to pass into the activity of the narcissistic libido and thus form an
idea of the relations between the two. The narcissistic or ego-libido appears
to us as the great reservoir from which the energy for the investment of the
object is sent out and into which it is drawn back again, while the
narcissistic libido investment of the ego appears to us as the realized
primitive state in the first childhood, which only becomes hidden by the
later emissions of the libido, and is retained at the bottom behind them.
It is known that the sharp differentiation of the male and female character
originates at puberty, and it is the resulting difference which, more than any
other factor, decisively influences the later development of personality. To
be sure, the male and female dispositions are easily recognizable even in
infantile life; thus the development of sexual inhibitions (shame, loathing,
sympathy, etc.) ensues earlier and with less resistance in the little girl than
in the little boy. The tendency to sexual repression certainly seems much
greater, and where partial impulses of sexuality are noticed they show a
preference for the passive form. But, the autoerotic activity of the
erogenous zones is the same in both sexes, and it is this agreement that
removes the possibility of a sex differentiation in childhood as it appears
after puberty. In respect to the autoerotic and masturbatic sexual
manifestations, it may be asserted that the sexuality of the little girl has
entirely a male character. Indeed, if one could give a more definite content
to the terms "masculine and feminine," one might advance the opinion that
_the libido is regularly and lawfully of a masculine nature, whether in the
man or in the woman; and if we consider its object, this may be either the
man or the woman_.[4]
Since becoming acquainted with the aspect of bisexuality I hold this factor
as here decisive, and I believe that without taking into account the factor of
bisexuality it will hardly be possible to understand the actually observed
sexual manifestations in man and woman.
*The Leading Zones in Man and Woman.*--Further than this I can only
add the following. The chief erogenous zone in the female child is the
clitoris, which is homologous to the male penis. All I have been able to
discover concerning masturbation in little girls concerned the clitoris and
not those other external genitals which are so important for the later sexual
functions. With few exceptions I myself doubt whether the female child can
be seduced to anything but clitoris masturbation. The frequent spontaneous
discharges of sexual excitement in little girls manifest themselves in a
twitching of the clitoris, and its frequent erections enable the girl to
understand correctly even without any instruction the sexual manifestations
of the other sex; they simply transfer to the boys the sensations of their own
sexual processes.
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 82
If one wishes to understand how the little girl becomes a woman, he must
follow up the further destinies of this clitoris excitation. Puberty, which
brings to the boy a great advance of libido, distinguishes itself in the girl by
a new wave of repression which especially concerns the clitoris sexuality. It
is a part of the male sexual life that sinks into repression. The
reënforcement of the sexual inhibitions produced in the woman by the
repression of puberty causes a stimulus in the libido of the man and forces
it to increase its capacity; with the height of the libido there is a rise in the
overestimation of the sexual, which can be present in its full force only
when the woman refuses and denies her sexuality. If the sexual act is
finally submitted to and the clitoris becomes excited its rôle is then to
conduct the excitement to the adjacent female parts, and in this it acts like a
chip of pine wood which is utilized to set fire to the harder wood. It often
takes some time for this transference to be accomplished; during which the
young wife remains anesthetic. This anesthesia may become permanent if
the clitoris zone refuses to give up its excitability; a condition brought on
by abundant activities in infantile life. It is known that anesthesia in women
is often only apparent and local. They are anesthetic at the vaginal entrance
but not at all unexcitable through the clitoris or even through other zones.
Besides these erogenous causes of anesthesia there are also psychic causes
likewise determined by the repression.
While the primacy of the genital zones is being established through the
processes of puberty, and the erected penis in the man imperiously points
towards the new sexual aim, _i.e._, towards the penetration of a cavity
which excites the genital zone, the object-finding, for which also
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 83
impulse for the whole psychic life and for all ethical and psychic activities,
the enlightenment would spare her all reproaches. By teaching the child to
love she only fulfills her function; for the child should become a fit man
with energetic sexual needs, and accomplish in life all that the impulse
urges the man to do. Of course, too much parental tenderness becomes
harmful because it accelerates the sexual maturity, and also because it
"spoils" the child and makes it unfit to temporarily renounce love or be
satisfied with a smaller amount of love in later life. One of the surest
premonitions of later nervousness is the fact that the child shows itself
insatiable in its demands for parental tenderness; on the other hand,
neuropathic parents, who usually display a boundless tenderness, often with
their caressing awaken in the child a disposition for neurotic diseases. This
example at least shows that neuropathic parents have nearer ways than
inheritance by which they can transfer their disturbances to their children.
*Incest Barriers.*--If the tenderness of the parents for the child has luckily
failed to awaken the sexual impulse of the child prematurely, _i.e._, before
the physical determinations for puberty appear, and if that awakening has
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 85
shows that the apparently non-sexual love for the parents and the sexual
love are nourished from the same source, _i.e._, that the first merely
corresponds to an infantile fixation of the libido.
The infantile desire for the parents is, to be sure, the most important, but
not the only trace revived in puberty which points the way to the object
selection. Other dispositions of the same origin permit the man, still
supported by his infancy, to develop more than one single sexual series and
to form different determinations for the object selection.[11]
Still during infancy the erogenous zone of the genitals begins to make itself
noticeable, either by the fact that like any other erogenous zone it furnishes
gratification through a suitable sensible stimulus, or because in some
incomprehensible way the gratification from other sources causes at the
same time the sexual excitement which has a special connection with the
genital zone. We found cause to regret that a sufficient explanation of the
relations between sexual gratification and sexual excitement, as well as
between the activity of the genital zone and the remaining sources of
sexuality, was not to be attained.
become preparatory acts for the new sexual aim, the voiding of the sexual
products, the attainment of which under enormous pleasure puts an end to
the sexual feeling. At the same time we had to consider the differentiation
of the sexual nature of man and woman, and we found that in order to
become a woman a new repression is required which abolishes a piece of
infantile masculinity, and prepares the woman for the change of the leading
genital zones. Lastly, we found the object selection, tracing it through
infancy to its revival in puberty; we also found indications of sexual
inclinations on the part of the child for the parents and foster-parents,
which, however, were turned away from these persons to others resembling
them by the incest barriers which had been erected in the meantime. Let us
finally add that during the transition period of puberty the somatic and
psychic processes of development proceed side by side, but separately,
until with the breaking through of an intense psychic love-stimulus for the
innervation of the genitals, the normally demanded unification of the erotic
function is established.
*Constitution and Heredity.*--In the first place, we must mention here the
congenital variation of the sexual constitution, upon which the greatest
weight probably falls, but the existence of which, as may be easily
understood, can be established only through its later manifestations and
even then not always with great certainty. We understand by it a
preponderance of one or another of the manifold sources of the sexual
excitement, and we believe that such a difference of disposition must
always come to expression in the final result, even if it should remain
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 92
The hereditary relations of the positive perverts are not so well known
because they know how to avoid inquiry. Still there is reason to believe that
the same holds true in the perversions as in the neuroses. We often find
perversions and psychoneuroses in the different sexes of the same family,
so distributed that the male members, or one of them, is a positive pervert,
while the females, following the repressive tendencies of their sex, are
negative perverts or hysterics. This is a good example of the substantial
relations between the two disturbances which I have discovered.
sexual life. The analysis of such abnormally constituted dispositions has not
yet been thoroughly undertaken, but we already know cases that can be
readily explained in the light of these theories. Authors believe, for
example, that a whole series of fixation perversions must necessarily have
had as their basis a congenital weakness of the sexual impulse. The
statement seems to me untenable in this form, but it becomes ingenious if it
refers to a constitutional weakness of one factor in the sexual impulse,
namely, the genital zone, which later in the interests of propagation accepts
as a function the sum of the individual sexual activities. In this case the
summation which is demanded in puberty must fail and the strongest of the
other sexual components continues its activity as a perversion.[13]
We may now continue with our task of enumerating the factors which have
become known to us as influential for the sexual development, whether
they be active forces or merely manifestations of the same.
[2] See my work, Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious, translated by
A.A. Brill, Moffat Yard Pub. Co., New York: "The fore-pleasure gained by
the technique of wit is utilized for the purpose of setting free a greater
pleasure by the removal of inner inhibitions."
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 98
[3] Cf. Zur Einführung des Narzismus, Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, VI,
[5] Psychoanalysis teaches that there are two paths of object-finding; the
first is the one discussed in the text which is guided by the early infantile
prototypes. The second is the narcissistic which seeks its own ego and finds
it in the other. The latter is of particularly great significance for the
pathological outcomes, but does not fit into the connection treated here.
[6] Those to whom this conception appears "wicked" may read Havelock
Ellis's treatise on the relations between mother and child which expresses
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 99
[7] For the explanation of the origin of the infantile fear I am indebted to a
three-year-old boy whom I once heard calling from a dark room: "Aunt,
talk to me, I am afraid because it is dark." "How will that help you,"
answered the aunt; "you cannot see anyhow." "That's nothing," answered
the child; "if some one talks then it becomes light."--He was, as we see, not
afraid of the darkness but he was afraid because he missed the person he
loved, and he could promise to calm down as soon as he was assured of her
[8] Cf. here what was said on page 83 concerning the object selection of the
child; the "tender stream."
[12] This was true not only of the "negative" tendencies to perversion
appearing in the neurosis, but also of the so-called positive perversions. The
latter are not only to be attributed to the fixation of the infantile tendencies,
but also to regression to these tendencies owing to the misplacement of
other paths of the sexual stream. Hence the positive perversions are also
accessible to psychoanalytic therapy. (Cf. the works of Sadger, Ferenczi,
and Brill.)
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 100
[13] Here one often sees that at first a normal sexual stream begins at the
age of puberty, but owing to its inner weakness it breaks down at the first
outer hindrance and then changes from regression, to perverse fixation.
[14] That keen observer of human nature, E. Zola, describes a girl in his
book, La Joie de vivre, who in cheerful self renunciation offers all she has
in possession or expectation, her fortune and her life's hopes to those she
loves without thought of return. The childhood of this girl was dominated
by an insatiable desire for love which whenever she was depreciated caused
her to merge into a fit of cruelty.
[15] It is possible that the heightened adhesion is only the result of a special
intensive somatic sexual manifestation of former years.
Activity, Muscular, 63
Algolagnia, 22
Ambivalence, 59
Amphigenous inversion, 2
Anal Erotic, 10, note 11 Zone, activity of, 47 erogenous significance of, 48
masturbatic irritation of, 49
Androgyny, 8
Anus (see also Anal) as aim of inverts, 12; 17 especially frequent example
of transgression, 29 part played by erogenous zone in, 32
Anxiety on railroads, 63
Binet; 19; 34
Birth theories, 57
Cadavers, 25
Castration complex, 22; 56 of males does not always injure sexual libido,
Cathartic treatment, 26
Chevalier, 7; 9, note 11
Clitoris, chief erogenous zone in female child, 80 erection of, in little girls,
80 excitability retained causes continuance of anesthesia, 81 excitation,
destinies of, 80 conducts excitement to adjacent female parts, 80 transfer
of, to other parts, takes time, 80 sexuality is a part of male sexual life, 80
sexuality repressed in girl at puberty, 80
Coitus, 36
Colin, 23
Conscience, 22
Contrary Sexuals, 2
Conversion, 27
Copulation, 14
Courting, 22
Dangers of fore-pleasure, 72
Dementia præcox, 26
Dessoir, 87
Eulenberg, 1, note 1
Faith, 15
Feelings, perverted, 34
Féré, 23
Fliess, W., 10, note 11; 29, note 26; 41, note 7
Foot, as unfit substitute for sexual object, 18 fetichism of, 20, note 19
Fur, 19
Genitals, erogenous zones behave like real, in hysteria, 32 looking only at,
becomes a perversion, 21 male, in all persons, the infantile sexual theory,
56 mouth and anus playing rôle of, 29 opening of female, unknown to
children, 58 primacy of, intended by nature, 50 rubbed by children while
pleasure sucking, 43 sexual impulse of reawakens, 50 touching of, caused
by strong excitements in children, 64
Hair, 18
Halban, 8
Heredity, 36
Hoche, 16
Impotence, 20
Innateness, 5
Intellectual work, 65
Inverts, behavior of, 2; 3 psychic manliness in, 8 sexual object of, 10 aim
of, 12
Kiernan, 7
Knowledge, desire for, coöperates with energy of desire for looking, 56 not
wholly sexual, 55 relations to sexual life of particular importance to, 56
Lindner, 42; 43
Loathing, feeling of, protects individual from improper sexual aims, 16; 17
overcoming of, at sight of excretion, produces voyeurs, 21 and Shame in
Masochism, 23 in Inversions, 25 as psychic force inhibiting sexual life, 40
Löwenfeld, 1, note 1
Lydston, F., 7
Magnan's classification, 4
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 113
Mechanical excitation, 62
Mother, fixation on, in inverts, 11, note 12 image helps males avert
inversions, 88 image helps females avert inversions, 88
Nausea on railroads, 63
Occasional inversion, 2
Oedipus Complex, 85
Partial desires, 29 impulses and erogenous zones, 31; 34; 53; 59 show
passive form in girls, 79
Pedicatio, 17
Penis, envy of in girls, 37 erection of, the somatic sign of sexual excitation,
Polymorphous-perverse disposition, 52
Predisposition, bisexual, 9
Prevention of inversion, 87
Puberty not the time of the beginning of the sexual impulse, 1; 36 relation
of, to inversion, 3 definite sexual behavior not determined till after, 10, note
11 Transformations of, 68 most striking process of, the growth of the
genitals, 69
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 119
Rieger, C., 75
Rousseau, J.J., 55
Sadger, J., 1
Schrenk-Notzing, 1, note 1
Scott, 23
Sexuals, Contrary, 2
Temporal Factors, 98
Ulrich, 9
Uranism, 5, note 7
Zola, 96
Issued Quarterly: $6.00 per Volume, Single Numbers, $1.75 Foreign, $6.60
Serial No. 27
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex 127
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