Windows Security
Windows Security
Windows Security
Security Architecture
Windows 2003/2000/XP
Security Architecture Overview
Glenn Weadock, Global Knowledge Instructor, MCSE, A+
Windows 2003 Server, its workstation cousin Windows XP, and its predecessor, Windows
2000, all bring substantial advances in both reliability and security compared to Windows NT
4.0. However, Windows security has so many different components that just learning them all
can be a major conceptual challenge. Additionally, the number and variety of threats to com-
puter security are increasing daily, and the cost of lost, damaged, or compromised data can be
very high.
This briefing lays out the main security features in the Windows 2003 operating system family,
and puts them all into a “big picture” context. It is intended for any person who must plan,
implement, manage, or administer Windows 2003 family security for networked desktop com-
puters, notebook computers, or stand-alone systems. It is not intended as an exhaustive treat-
ment of all the possible security breaches that a Windows network administrator may face, but
rather as a framework for understanding, planning, and discussing specific security features,
as well as organizational policies and procedures.
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Table of Contents
A. Pre-Logon Security: Computer Accounts 4
D. Object Permissions 13
D-1. Share Permissions 13
D-2. File and Folder (NTFS) Permissions 15
D-3. Registry Permissions 16
D-4. Printer Permissions 17
G. Group Policies 24
G-1. Hierarchical Structure 25
G-2. Local Security Policy 25
G-3. Security Templates 26
G-4. Security Configuration and Analysis 27
H. Auditing 29
H-1. Logon Auditing 29
H-2. Object Auditing 30
Learn More 31
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A. Pre-Logon Security: Computer Accounts
The first category of Windows security measures is one that a networked computer bumps into short-
ly after being powered on. Before you even see the logon dialog box, the computer has already
“checked in” with a Windows 2000 or 2003 server by means of a computer account. That is, regard-
less of who logs on to that PC, the server can apply some restrictions to the machine through the
use of Registry-modifying policies. (Windows 95 and 98 do not have computer accounts.)
You can think of computer accounts as analogous to a locked gate in front of your house’s
driveway. Nobody can even get to the front door and present himself for identification before
he gets through the front gate. Computer accounts are the first line of defense against harm –
but note that they are only effective in a Microsoft network environment.
When you first install a Windows 2000 or XP Professional workstation into a networked envi-
ronment by joining the computer to a domain, you must do one of two things: Create a com-
puter account for the PC ahead of time (e.g. in Active Directory Users and Computers), or, dur-
ing the installation, provide (when prompted) the user name and password of a user (such as a
domain administrator) with authority to create a computer account on the domain.
To control the operations that any user can perform at any given computer, regardless of the
account that the user logs in with, open Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click the
domain or Organizational Unit of interest, and choose Properties. Click the Group Policy tab and
double-click the entry for the policy object (for example, Microsoft supplies a default domain pol-
icy). All of the settings that appear under the node “Computer Configuration” are policy settings
that you can make for all computers in the domain. For example, under Computer
Configuration\Administrative Templates\System, you could set the Disable Autoplay policy to
prevent CD-ROMs from running automatically after being inserted into the drive.
Figure 1. Computer accounts let you make settings regardless of who logs on.
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B. Logon Security: Getting in the Door
Logon security is the second type of security (the second line of defense, after computer
accounts, against both intentional and unintentional harm) that Windows 2000/2003/XP lets
you configure. The default behavior is to require a user name and password before you can
log on. You can change that behavior for a stand-alone Windows 2000 or XP PC, but think
twice before you do. Removing that protection makes your PC much less secure. You can
think of logon security and user authentication as a locked front door on your house, with a
peephole to identify visitors.
Windows 2000/2003/XP can use various technologies to authenticate a network user’s logon
request: Kerberos (the default “behind-the-scenes” technology), certificates (optional for secure
identification of workstation users), and smart cards (such as SecurID, which require the user
to have both a physical credit-card size device and know a password to log on).
Having said that, most people find it difficult enough to remember a properly obscure account
password, much less an obscure password and an obscure user name. The typical convention
is to build the user name from the user’s actual last name and the initial of the first name; thus,
Larry Ellison becomes LEllison. A user name must be unique among all other user names and
group names in the forest (or workgroup).
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Figure 2. Password policies let you strengthen logon security.
Because logon security is such an important element of Windows security, Microsoft provides a
way for you to “lock” a computer when you plan to be away for only a brief while and would
rather not shut the system down. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to display the Windows Security dialog
box, and click the Lock Computer button. (You can implement an even quicker method by cre-
ating a shortcut to %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation.) You will
need to log on again when you return to the machine. A locked desktop is typically much more
secure than a password-protected screen saver. Also, existing programs (a download, a disk
defragmentation operation, etc.) continue to run while the computer is locked. In this way, the
machine can be doing useful work while you are away, yet is still protected against someone
else using the machine interactively. User education is a key part of enhancing Windows secu-
rity via desktop locking.
What if you are running Windows 2000 or XP logged in as say, a Power User, and you need to
perform a Registry edit that only an Administrator can perform? You can log off and log back
on, but a faster way exists. For example, hold down the Shift key and right-click
REGEDT32.EXE. (You don’t need to hold down Shift in Windows 2003 or XP.) Then, choose
the “Run As” option, which lets you enter the Administrator’s name and password so you can
run REGEDT32 as the Administrator. You can use this capability to run any program, not just
Windows sometimes prompts you when you try to perform a task that requires administrative
privileges, but sometimes it does not. The RunAs service lets you run any program under any
security context. The major benefit is that even network administrators and IT support person-
nel need not perform routine daily work with their administrative account. That’s an important
security issue, because any virus or potentially malicious code that you may run across when
logged on to a PC with administrative privileges will operate in your security context.
B-3.Account Lockout
Account lockout policies help frustrate intruders who repeatedly try to log on to a PC to which
they have no approved access. These policies, which you view in the Domain Security Policy
console of a Windows 2000/2003 Server domain controller, are as follows:
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• Account lockout duration. How many minutes Windows locks out a user after the user
makes X number of invalid logon attempts.
• Account lockout threshold. How many invalid logon attempts trigger the lockout, at
which point Windows will not permit more tries until the lockout duration period has
• Reset account lockout counter after. How many minutes to wait after an account lock-
out before giving the user a “clean slate” to try logging on again.
Authentication Protocols
The manner in which a remote link conveys a user’s credentials has significant security impli-
cations. PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), for example, is generally not considered a
good idea, because it specifies that the user name and password travel the link in cleartext
(that is, unencrypted). MS-CHAPv2 is a much better idea and is supported by Windows 2000
Server and Windows 2003 Server. Smart cards generally use EAP (Extensible Authentication
AD Authentication
Authentication does not guarantee access. By default, no one can access an Active Directory
network unless their user account permits such access. AD administrators can limit dial-in
access privileges through the Active Directory Users and Computers tool, as well as through
network-based Group Policy settings.
In a native-mode environment (that is, no NT 4.0 domain controllers), both RRAS and IAS offer
good flexibility in creating rules to restrict who can gain remote access to the network; when
that access can occur; and what type of access it will be. Administrators can define remote
access policies and profiles in the RRAS management console to specify these restrictions in
considerable detail.
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B-5. Remote Access Security II: Securing System Software
It has become increasingly clear in recent months and years that operating system vulnerabili-
ties remain a major security concern, even at this late date. Although the types of OS vulnera-
bilities vary, many of the more serious ones operate by overloading an input buffer in such a
way that the OS becomes overwhelmed and can no longer handle its security chores properly.
In our homeowner ’s analogy, you could think of these intrusive attacks as a group of mice that
sneak in to your house unnoticed when you crack open the front door to speak with the UPS
Microsoft has provided two mechanisms for deploying operating software patches and
upgrades: Windows Update and the related Software Update Server (SUS). The company has
also offered software to help secure the Internet-related components of the Windows distribu-
tion: proxy servers and firewalls. Finally, a strong antivirus software strategy can foil those few
instances of malicious code that may still get past the foregoing security measures.
Windows Update
The Windows Update feature that has appeared as a shortcut on the Start menu for several
generations of Windows has been enhanced in XP, 2003, and Windows 2000 SP3 to provide
an automatic notification/installation feature. A downloadable ActiveX control scans the local
PC and checks for critical updates and patches on Microsoft’s public web site. While Windows
Update can be a handy tool for home users to download the latest critical security patches, it
has created difficulties in the business environment because of a lack of control. That is, users
can install patches that IS has not tested for compatibility. Windows Update can also create a
situation in which support staff don’t know which machines have had which updates applied,
making support and troubleshooting more difficult. Microsoft’s response is Software Update
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IIS itself includes many features for increasing the security of IIS-hosted web sites. These are
accessible through the IIS management console. Note that these security features are in addi-
tion to any NTFS file-and-folder permissions that you may implement on the Web server.
Microsoft’s proxy server-slash-firewall product, ISA (Internet Security and Acceleration) Server,
succeeds the earlier Proxy Server product and offers intrusion detection, outgoing access con-
trols, application-specific traffic filters and VPN support.
In a corporate environment, you probably do not need firewall software on every PC if you use
something like ISA Server, but Windows XP Professional does come with a reasonably effec-
tive firewall (ICF, Internet Connection Firewall) that you may want to activate in special circum-
stances – or on a home network.
The use of proxy servers and firewalls does not preclude another type of security risk, the so
called Denial Of Service attack, in which many computers simultaneously bombard a compa-
ny’s Web server with traffic, overwhelming it. While such attacks can be difficult to prevent,
your organization may wish to have a contingency plan to follow in order to mitigate the effects
of a DOS attack, such as changing the IP address of key servers.
Antivirus Software
Even with the most aggressive policy of patching system software and deploying firewalls to
help prevent the mice from sneaking in through the open door, some will squeak by. In those
cases, organizations that go beyond Microsoft’s offerings and implement best-of-class antivirus
measures can stop viruses before they spread – or at least slow them down enough to limit
the damage they do. Microsoft does not offer antivirus software as such, but organizations can
leverage Windows technologies to deploy such software, either through RIS (Remote
Installation Service, for creating and distributing workstation images), Group Policy’s software
distribution feature (for deploying updates), logon/startup scripts (also implemented via Group
Policy), or all of the above. User and group rights and object permissions (discussed next) can
also limit damage from unwelcome software intruders that bypass logon security.
Windows lets you assign different rights on the PC and on the network by user and by group.
A group is simply a collection of user accounts. Users can belong to multiple groups at one
time, and groups can belong to other groups. The reason groups exist is to make the assign-
ment of privileges and restrictions easier, because these can be set on a group basis instead
of on an individual basis. (Groups exist even on a non-networked Windows system.)
To make life easier, Microsoft endows Windows 2000, 2003, and XP with various built-in user
and group accounts. You have the flexibility to create new users and groups, with a cus-
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tomized set of rights; but on a small to medium-size network, you may find that the built-in
accounts provide all the security options you need.
• Local accounts exist in the local security database only and allow access to local
resources. A stand-alone Windows 2000 or XP Professional computer would use only
local accounts. A workstation in a workgroup-type network (also called peer-to-peer)
would also use local accounts only.
• Domain accounts exist on domain controllers (servers), and allow access to network
resources. A networked Windows 2000 or XP Professional computer would normally use
a domain account for everyday work, for security, centralized administration, and access
to domain-based resources.
Check out the details of which rights go with which local groups by choosing Local Security
Policy from the Administrative Tools menu, and opening the node Security Settings\Local
Policies\User Rights Assignment.
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And on the Guest account:
• This account has very limited access and is probably unsuitable for anyone to use on a
day-to-day basis. Microsoft recommends it for occasional and temporary use.
• The Guest account is disabled by default.
• If you do use this account, give it a password, and consider renaming it.
• You cannot delete this account.
Local groups live on the local PC’s security database, and their reason for being is to control
rights and permissions to resources on the local PC. Local groups exist on Windows 2000/XP
Professional computers and on Windows 2000/2003 Server computers that do not function as
domain controllers. These include Administrators, Backup Operators, Guests, Users, Power
Users, and Replicators. Here are some details on these groups.
• This group includes the built-in local Administrator user account.
• Membership means you can do virtually anything on the PC.
Backup Operators:
• Members can back up and restore files on the system even if file access permissions
would otherwise prevent access.
• A member of the Users group cannot perform a full backup unless a member of this
• This group includes the built-in local Guest user account.
• Members cannot change their desktop setup.
• You must normally grant Guests additional rights for them to do productive work.
• Members can run logo-compliant Windows applications.
• Members may not have sufficient rights to run Windows NT applications.
• Cannot create local printers.
• Cannot modify any systemwide settings.
• Cannot install programs for use by other Users.
• Cannot designate folders to be shared.
Power Users:
• Corresponds with NT4 “Users” group.
• Appears in Windows user interface sometimes as “Standard Users.”
• Can stop and start system services, except those that start automatically.
• Can install applications that do not install operating system services or modify operating
system files.
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• Can remove users from Guests, Users, and Power Users groups.
• Cannot take ownership of files.
• Cannot modify membership in Administrators or Backup Operators.
• Cannot modify or delete user accounts that they did not create.
• Only present for compatibility with NT; used by the File Replication service.
Windows XP Professional adds the HelpServicesGroup (for use by Microsoft personnel in con-
nection with the Remote Assistance tool), the Remote Desktop Users group (for use in connec-
tion with the Remote Desktop tool), and the Network Configuration Operators group (which can
manage network configurations without having full administrative privileges).
You can modify the user rights assigned to users in different groups by applying security tem-
plates with the Security Analysis and Configuration management console snap-in. (Section G
of this paper discusses this tool.) For example, you could apply the COMPATWS.INF template
to relax many restrictions on the Users group to permit members to run applications designed
for Windows NT 4.0 but not Windows 2000/XP. You can also use the SECEDIT command-line
utility to change the rights associated with different groups.
Further, you can create your own local groups, although Microsoft discourages you from doing
so on a domain PC. Just as with local user accounts, local group accounts do not gain access
to domain resources, nor are they able to be centrally administered.
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Details on membership in these groups are available in the Windows 2000/2003 Server help
system and in the Resource Kit (both print and on-line versions).
D. Object Permissions
If rights are “actions that users and groups can or can’t take,” then permissions are “objects
that users and groups can or can’t modify.” The distinction is a subtle one, but the main point
to remember is that users have rights, while objects have permissions.
Continuing the homeowner analogy, you may allow your adult neighbors to help themselves to
a bottle of wine from your refrigerator when they come over to visit, but you probably would not
extend that permission to their eight-year-old child. In fact, it is likely that you would not allow
any children to have a glass of wine. The wine bottle is an object, and you control which users
and groups can access that object, and the ways in which they can access it.
Windows includes the concept of an object’s owner. If you own the wine bottle, you can
change the rules that specify who can drink from it. Likewise, in Windows 2003/2000/XP, if you
own an object (such as a file folder or Registry key), then you can change the permissions for
that object.
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access you want them to have. The basic share permissions in Windows 2000 are read,
change, and full control.
• Read means users can run programs, and open and read files and file attributes, but not
change them.
• Change means users can do everything allowed by the read permission, plus change
files and file attributes and delete folders and files.
• Full control means users can do everything allowed by the change permission, plus take
ownership of files and change permissions.
Share permissions work on FAT, FAT32, and NTFS disks, and you set them in Windows
Explorer using the Sharing dialog box (see Figure 4). To share a folder, you must have the File
and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks service installed for your network connection. To
increase security, disable or uninstall this service on workstations that don’t share resources.
You can grant access based on user names and group memberships.
Figure 4. Click the Permissions button to specify the “who” and “what” access controls.
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• Share permissions are the only way you can restrict network user access to a FAT or
FAT32 disk drive.
The basic NTFS permissions are read, read+execute, write, modify, list folder contents (for
folders only), and full control.
• Read means that users can open and read files, file attributes, subdirectories, and per-
missions, but not change them. (Careful: Read may convey “execute” permissions in
some cases with script files.)
• Read+execute means that users can do everything allowed by the read permission, plus
navigate across folders they do not have permissions to access in order to get to files or
folders they do have permissions to access.
• Write means that users can modify files and subdirectories.
• Modify means that users can do everything allowed by the read+execute and write per-
missions, plus delete and change files.
• List folder contents means that users can, well, list folder contents. This permission
applies only to folders.
• Full control means that users can do everything allowed by all the other permissions, plus
take ownership of resources and change permissions.
View and set NTFS permissions in Windows Explorer by right-clicking the shared file or folder,
clicking the Security tab, and making the relevant changes (see Figure 5). The procedure is
similar to setting share permissions, but you do not have to share the file or folder first. The
standard, or “shortcut,” permissions appear right away; a more granular set of detailed permis-
sions is available by clicking the Advanced button.
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Figure 5. NTFS permissions automatically inherit settings from the parent folder.
You can assign Registry access controls on a key-by-key basis using REGEDT32.EXE, the
NTstyle Registry editor. (Windows 2003 Server and XP Professional offer a unified Registry
editor, but you can still get to it by typing REGEDT32 in the Run dialog.) Choose Security >
Permissions, and modify access controls in the ACL (Access Control List) editing window (see
Figure 6). You should be cautious about using this technique to modify Registry permissions,
but if a Registry permission restriction may be interfering with an application’s ability to install
or execute, this technique can help you find out. If you need to relax Registry access in order
to install a program or driver, whenever feasible, re-secure the access control list once the
software is happily installed. You can tighten Registry permissions domain-wide via security
templates and Group Policy settings.
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Figure 6. Registry permissions have tightened up with more recent versions of Windows.
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Microsoft also brands a digital signature into files and drivers released subsequently that have
passed testing at Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). Microsoft has stated that all files
that appear on the Windows Update web site will be cryptographically signed.
You can set the behavior options on an individual PC via the System control panel’s Hardware
tab; click the Driver Signing button. You can also make this setting domain-wide via Group
Policy. See Unsigned driver installation behavior and Unsigned non-driver installation behavior
in the Group Policy utility under Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security
Settings\Local Policies\Security Options.
The three behaviors, which activate upon an attempt to install a new driver or software compo-
nent, are as follows:
• Ignore: Unsigned drivers may load without notification.
• Warn: Unsigned drivers prompt a warning message to the user.
• Fail: Unsigned drivers may not install.
This uncontrolled file-update frenzy has contributed to a lack of stability in Windows when run-
ning multiple applications. System files that were never tested together as a group find them-
selves trying to work together, sometimes successfully and sometimes unsuccessfully.
Here is an experiment you can try: Run Windows Explorer and rename NOTEPAD.EXE to
NOTEPAD.SAV. If you try this trick on a machine with a small hard drive, you will probably see
a message telling you to pop in the Windows CD so that the guardian angel can restore the
proper NOTEPAD.EXE, which it thinks no longer exists in your C:\WINNT folder. If you try the
trick on a machine with a large hard drive, then most likely you will not see any message, but if
you take another look at the Explorer window, you will see that the operating system has quiet-
ly placed another copy of NOTEPAD.EXE into the system root folder from the DLLCACHE
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folder. (If neither of these things happens, then someone has disabled system file protection on
your PC.)
Command-Line Utilities
The automatic WFP daemon is fine, but you may run into occasions when you would like to
perform a signature scan yourself. Two utilities are available for this purpose: SIGVERIF and
The SIGVERIF.EXE command-line utility, a.k.a. Signature Verification Tool, scans protected
system files and verifies their digital signatures. The program creates the log file
SIGVERIF.TXT to provide a record of the scan. You can use the program’s advanced settings
dialog box to scan nonsystem files, too.
Microsoft also provides a command-line program called SFC.EXE, for System File Checker.
You can use SFC to scan system files for digital signatures and/or to rebuild the contents of
the DLLCACHE folder if it becomes damaged – type SFC /? at a command prompt for more
details. Note that SFC does not show you the file details that SIGVERIF does, and it does not
let you scan non-system files. But SFC does offer to replace any system files for you.
NTFS 5 brings encryption to the file system for the first time. (The acronym is EFS, for
Encrypted File System.) EFS is a public key encryption method, meaning that a public key is
used to encrypt a file and a private key is used to decrypt it. Windows handles the public and
private keys automatically, behind the scenes; the encryption keys actually reside on disk as
part of the encrypted file’s header.
Encrypt a folder by right-clicking it in Windows Explorer, choosing Properties, clicking the
Advanced button, and checking the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data box (see Figure 7). After
you encrypt a folder, you can only have access to that folder and its contents when you log on
with the same user account and password that you used when you encrypted the folder origi-
nally. You can even encrypt a folder that resides on a remote computer. Windows XP
Professional extends the EFS capability by permitting the encryptor to designate other users
who may also gain access to the encrypted files.
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Figure 7. You can compress or encrypt, but not both.
Decrypting a file or folder is equally easy. Log on with the correct user account and clear the
Encrypt Contents to Secure Data checkbox.
Core Facts
• Encryption is only available with the NTFS file system.
• Encryption does not work with system files, such as PAGEFILE.SYS, for example.
• Encryption is incompatible with compression. A file or folder may be either compressed or
encrypted, but not both at the same time.
• Standard EFS uses 56-bit encryption. You can get stronger, 128-bit encryption from
Microsoft via the “Enhanced CryptoPak.”
• When you encrypt a folder, you encrypt all the files in that folder; the folder itself is not
really encrypted.
• A file stays encrypted if you rename it, move it, copy it, or back it up, as long as the file
stays on an NTFS disk.
• Someone other than an encrypted file’s owner can see the file, but gets an “access
denied” error when attempting to open the file.
• You cannot share an encrypted folder.
• Encryption, like compression, is transparent. You do not have to explicitly descramble a
file before you edit it and rescramble it when you are done editing it.
• The command-line utility for encryption is CIPHER.EXE.
Security Concerns
Applications often create backup files, or temporary files, and you may wonder if they will also
be encrypted if the original file on which they are based is encrypted. The answer is yes,
according to Microsoft, as long as you encrypt the entire folder and the applications create
such temporary or backup files within the same folder as the original data file. That is, if you
open up SECRET.DOC in C:\Personal\Letters, which is an encrypted folder, and your word
processor creates an “autosave” temporary file named ~SECRET.DOC in the same folder, then
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 20
the temporary file is encrypted, just like the original file. On a related note, Microsoft promises
that the encryption keys never show up in the pagefile.
In a network environment, administrators can use Windows policies to control the use of
encryption. For example, an administrator could disable EFS for a domain, or for an organiza-
tional unit within a domain.
The recommended practice is to copy the encrypted file to the recovery agent’s PC, where the
recovery agent can decrypt the file simply by clearing the Encrypt Contents to Secure Data
checkbox on the file’s property sheet.
F-1. IPSec
IPSec is a set of software specifications designed to guarantee, through cryptographic meth-
ods, the authenticity and confidentiality of data in transit across IP networks. You can use
IPSec for secure authentication (verifying that a computer is who it says it is), confidentiality
(encrypting the entire data stream), or both.
You would consider using IPSec if you need to encrypt communications between Windows
2003-family computers, such as a workstation (or collection of workstations) and server, or if
you need to encrypt communications between two Windows routers in a wide area network
tunnel, such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Key Features
Here are some of the key features of IPSec:
• IPSec operates at Layer 3 (Network) of the seven-layer OSI model. Because it runs at a
relatively low layer and does not change the way Layer 3 interacts with higher layers in
the modular networking stack, IPSec can provide security even for applications that are
not aware of its existence. Any application that uses IP can enjoy the security benefits of
IPSec. This is an advantage over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), another cryptographic
standard for transmitted data.
• IPSec works between workstations, between workstations and servers, and between
servers. IPSec also works with LAN, WAN (router-to-router), and dial-up connections.
IPSec is not, however, compatible with all network connectivity situations. For example, it
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does not work with NAT (Network Address Translation) or ICS (Internet Connection
Sharing) – methods for sharing an Internet connection across a network.
• IPSec in Windows 2003/2000/XP permits configuration through Group Policy and Active
Directory utilities. Support for policies reduces the administrative burden of deploying
IPSec, because you can create settings that apply to Organizational Units, sites, or
• Users do not have to be in the same domain to use IPSec.
• Simple routers do not need any special configuration to work with IPSec. Firewalls and
other special-purpose routers may not be compatible with IPSec, but most simple traffic
routers can move IPSec packets around just like regular IP packets. The only computers
that have to “understand” IPSec are the sending and receiving computers.
• The performance overhead of encrypting and decrypting packets is significant: the aver-
age packet size increases, network traffic increases, and CPU time increases. Having
said that, companies such as Intel and 3Com have demonstrated that if IPSec accelera-
tion code is built into the NIC, the performance penalty can be dramatically lower, and as
much as four times less than in a software-only implementation.
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All these methods present a user interface that is essentially the same, although the first two
methods restrict you to configuring IPSec on the local computer. Note that you must have
administrator rights on the system to enable and configure IPSec policies.
The following steps demonstrate how to configure packet filtering on a Windows 2000/2003/XP
machine running TCP/IP. This particular example is from a Windows 2000 Server system.
1. Right-click My Network Places and choose Properties.
2. Right-click Local Area Connection and choose Properties.
3. Double-click the listing for Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
4. Click Advanced.
5. Click the Options tab.
6. Select TCP/IP Filtering in the list of optional settings and then click Properties.
7. Check the box labeled Enable TCP/IP Filtering (All Adapters) – see Figure 9.
8. Click the Permit Only radio button in the category you want to restrict. Your choices are
TCP ports, UDP ports, and IP protocols. For example, TCP port 80 indicates Web traffic.
UDP port 137 indicates WINS traffic.
9. Click Add and then enter a port or protocol number to permit. Windows 2000 filters out
any ports or protocols other than the ones you expressly permit.
10. Repeat Step 9 as necessary.
11. Click OK to close out of the various dialog boxes.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 23
It is possible that packet filtering can have unintended consequences, especially if you choose
to operate on a “permit only” basis. The most notorious example is that you can disable the
PING command (essential for troubleshooting TCP/IP problems) if you permit only FTP or Web
traffic and do not also explicitly permit ICMP traffic.
The best-known application for packet filtering is in firewalls (computers that manage connec-
tions between a private, internal network and the public Internet), but you can also put packet
filtering to use on a purely private internal network that does not connect to the Internet. In
fact, packet filtering is a key element of Microsoft’s IPSec technology.
As companies put more data into the air, where eavesdropping is physically far easier than
when data travels in the confines of a copper wire (and the electromagnetic field surrounding
it), concerns over protecting that data-in-transit have grown. Wireless has spawned a new
hacking/cracking methodology: driving around business and residential neighborhoods in a
“white van” and trying to pick up wireless signals.
Wired Equivalent Privacy, known as WEP, arises from the IEEE standards for wireless networks
(802.11b) and encrypts the data flow between the wireless client and access point. The University
of California at Berkeley found that WEP has several significant security holes, so should not be
used on its own, but rather in conjunction with the other types of security covered in this paper –
logon security, rights, permissions, file system security, registry security, and so on.
In particular, be aware that once the data enters the access point, it is decrypted and sent from
that point forward (over wires) in an unencrypted form. WEP only covers the time that the data
is “in the air.” Also be aware that so-called “WEP2” implementations use a more secure key
(128 bits) than WEP (40 or 64 bits). Another way to improve WEP security is to change the
shared secret keys, which are configured manually, on a regular and frequent basis; some pro-
prietary extensions to WEP provide for automated key management, which makes life signifi-
cantly more difficult for would-be intruders.
Policies do not have to apply to security concerns alone; they also have a role in ensuring the
consistency of the user interface from one system to another. But even if your only interest is
security, policies provide a powerful set of tools.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 24
Policies work differently depending on whether you are running a stand-alone machine, a com-
puter in a pure (“native”) Windows 2000/2003 network, or a computer in a “mixed-mode” net-
work with NT 4.0 clients and servers. However, although the details vary, the concept is basi-
cally the same: After an Administrator sets them, policies automatically modify the Registry at
boot time, logon time, and periodic refresh intervals.
• The Local Group Policy utility, GPEDIT.MSC, runs on a Windows 2000/XP Professional
workstation. You can use this tool to set policies for the local machine only.
• The Local Security Policy console (in the Administrative Tools folder) presents a subset of
policies from GPEDIT.MSC that pertain to security for the local workstation.
• You set network Group Policy via various Active Directory administrative tools on a
Windows 2000 Server machine. For example, you can run Active Directory Users and
Computers, right-click a domain controller or OU, choose Properties, and click the Group
Policy tab.
• The Domain Security Policy console (in the Administrative Tools folder of a server) pres-
ents a subset of policies that pertain to security for the domain.
• The new Group Policy Management Console, or GPMC, provides a “one-stop shop” for
policy management and is freely downloadable from Microsoft. This tool requires
Windows 2003 Server or Windows XP Professional to run, however.
Important Note for Mixed-Mode Networks: Windows 2003/2000 Group Policy does not provide
client support for Windows NT 4.0 and 9x machines. Policy support for Windows NT 4.0 clients
has to be provided using Windows NT 4.0 administrative templates (.ADM files) and NT 4.0
System Policy Editor files, while Windows 9x clients will need to be managed with the System
Policy Editor.
Any Group Policy setting that exists at a higher level in the hierarchy will take precedence over
any Group Policy setting at a lower level. In practice, what this usually means is that network
administrators set Group Policy at a domain level and make exceptions as necessary for par-
ticular users on their local workstations. The actual priority, from top to bottom, is OU, domain,
site, and local PC; the chronological sequencing of policy processing is the exact reverse.
Note that if a policy setting conflicts with a user right that a user would normally have, the poli-
cy setting takes precedence.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 25
of a workstation machine, and the Domain Security Policy console in the Administrative Tools
folder of a server, to enable you to work only with security-related policies.
If you want to see for yourself how the Local Security Policy console is simply a subset of the
entire set of policies, open GPEDIT.MSC via the Start > Run dialog box, and navigate to
\Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings.
Now, open the Local Security Policy console via Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
See how the windows match up?
Security templates preconfigured for you by Microsoft have the suffix INF and live in %system-
root%\security\templates. (Your organization may have one or more custom templates that
may reside in other locations.) You can apply a security template to a stand-alone PC, or to a
domain or organizational unit (via the Import Policy command on the context menu of the
object’s Security Settings node). The National Security Agency makes additional templates
available at
You have to build a custom Microsoft Management Console to view and edit (but not apply!)
the prebuilt security templates. The technique is to run MMC.EXE and add the Security
Templates snap-in (see Figure 10). This method is a whole lot easier than studying the INF
files in a text editor.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 26
Figure 10. View INF file contents in an organized way with the Security Templates snap-in.
You can interactively apply a template to a computer using the Security Configuration and
Analysis console snap-in, as the next section describes.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 27
First, you have to build the console. Run MMC.EXE and add the Security Configuration and
Analysis snap-in (use the Console > Add/Remove Snap-In command). Then, save your con-
sole so that you do not have to rebuild it again.
If you want to compare a given PC’s present security setup versus that specified by a particu-
lar security template, right-click the Security Configuration and Analysis node in the left window
and choose Open Database. (If the database is new, Windows asks you to name which securi-
ty template you want to load into the database. For example, if you want to compare your PC
against the “compatible workstation” template, select COMPATWS.) To perform the analysis,
simply right-click Security Configuration and Analysis, and choose Analyze Computer Now.
Navigate the details pane (on the right) and note the green check marks and red X marks
(Figure 11). The green check marks mean that your PC’s setting matches the one in the data-
base; the red X marks mean that your PC’s setting is less secure than the one in the data-
Figure 11. Analyzing a specific computer with respect to a specific security template.
Many more ways exist of using Group Policy to enhance security. For example, you can use
Registry-based policy (“Administrative Templates”) to lock down user desktops, so that they
cannot perform actions on their local PC or on the network that a) they should not ever need to
perform and b) could compromise system security. You can also use Group Policy to restrict
the applications that users can run, control whether users can take network data “offline,” and
manage the distribution of security-related software, such as antivirus updates.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 28
H. Auditing
Auditing is keeping track of events that may reflect on system security. Think of auditing like a
security camera pointing at your front door: The camera itself does not present any physical
impediment to entry, but it creates a recorded document that you can use later on to prove a
security breach.
Windows 2003/2000/XP’s “videotapes” are the event logs that reside by default in the folder
%systemroot%\system32\config and have the suffix EVT. You view these with the Event
Viewer, one of Windows’ administrative tools, accessible from the Computer Management con-
You can activate various types of auditing, but two of particular interest are logon auditing and
object auditing, described in the following sections.
Once you have gone through the above steps, watch the Security log in the Event Viewer.
(You must be an Administrator to access this log.)
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 29
Figure 12. Setting up to audit logon events.
To track domain logon events – that is, actual or foiled logons to a domain controller – then
double-click Audit Account Logon Events instead of Audit Logon Events in step #4 above.
Auditing failed object accesses is handy if you believe that someone who is able to log on suc-
cessfully is, intentionally or unintentionally, damaging or deleting files or interfering with the
Registry. Auditing successful object accesses is one method of performing capacity and per-
formance analysis. The procedure for enabling object auditing is very similar to the procedure
for enabling logon auditing (see previous section); the only difference is that you would choose
“Audit object access” instead of “Audit logon events” in the Local Security Policy console.
After you have enabled object auditing, you must take an extra step and tell Windows which
particular objects you want to audit.
• On an NTFS disk, you would open Windows Explorer, right-click the file or folder to audit,
choose Properties, click the Security tab, click the Advanced button, and finally click the
Auditing tab. From the Auditing tab, click the Add button and specify whose actions you
want to audit. When Windows displays the Auditing Entry dialog box, you would then
choose what actions you want to audit, by checking the appropriate box or boxes (Delete,
Traverse Folder, Change Permissions, and so on).
• For the Registry, you would open REGEDT32, navigate to the Registry key that you want to
audit, click it, and choose Security > Permissions. Click the Advanced button and click the
Auditing tab. The rest of the procedure is very similar to the previous bullet, although the
actions are somewhat different because you are dealing with a Registry key, not a file or folder.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 30
Do not forget to turn object auditing off when you no longer need it, either by reversing the
actions described in the bullets above, or by modifying the Local Security Policy console set-
tings to disable auditing for all objects. Auditing, particularly when successful operations are
specified, can add dramatically to system overhead.
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Glenn is also the author of twenty published books for publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Sybex,
IDG and Wiley, including MCSE Windows XP Professional For Dummies and MCSE Windows
2000 Network Infrastructure For Dummies. He presently teaches Windows 2003 Server,
Windows XP, Windows 2000, Active Directory, and Group Policy for Global Knowledge.
Copyright ©2005 Global Knowledge Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 31