Barefoot Writer 053
Barefoot Writer 053
Barefoot Writer 053
in this issue
January 2016
3 What Youll Learn In This Issue
The secret to achieving any goal or
34 Productivity Secrets
How standing improves your health and
writing career
37 Mobile Freelancer
Untethered: How to be a mobile
39 Monthly Motivator
On potatoes, carrots, and setting
achievable writing goals
How to make money right away and
reaching clients when you have no
writing experience Katie and Rebecca
answer your questions
The Glicken
How an AWAI idea helped me get millions
of dollars of free advertising on a national
TV show
follow through.
Yet, nothing could be better for your Barefoot Writing career. And I say that from experience. My writing income was paltry when I kept my goals to myself. But when I decided to quadruple that income
and broadcast my six-figure goal through Wealthy
Web Writers Reality Blog, guess what happened?
I did it. It was an impossible road, but the support
from other writers that poured in who held me
accountable well, thats what turned the impossible to the achievable.
For 2016, our mission is to make your writing goals
achievable. Whether that means explaining which
writing opportunity is the true key to wealth (p. 19),
or showing you ways to stay healthier while writing (p. 34), well fill your year with tips to make the
impossible achievable. And if youll let us, well hold
you accountable. Share your 2016 goals here on the
Barefoot Writer website.
To your writing success,
Mindy McHorse
Executive Editor, Barefoot Writer
[email protected]
Published by:
American Writers & Artists Inc.
245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 102
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Contact Member Services:
866-879-2924 or 561-278-5557
featured contributors
When Jon Stoltzfus (How to Use The Writers Life to Cut Your Hours, Cut Your Taxes, and
Improve the Lives of the Most Important People in Your Life) got laid off in 2013 after
18 years in the Defense Industry, he made a commitment to never be caught without
options again. Despite a full-time job as an Aerospace Engineer, Jon is now a successful
copywriter in the financial newsletter niche with multiple clients and controls under his
belt. Jon lives in State College, Pennsylvania with his wife and three daughters.
After taking 5 years off from work to provide family caregiving, Elizabeth Blessing
(How Standing Improves Your Health and Writing Career) was eager to jump back
into the work force and re-energize her writing career. In 2013, she joined AWAIs Circle
of Success and devoted herself to learning direct-response copywriting. When not writing for the financial services niche, youll find Elizabeth trekking the spectacular coastal
redwood forests of Northern California.
Back in 2005, Les Worleys (On Potatoes, Carrots, and Setting Achievable Writing
Goals) company outsourced his IT job. He faced a crossroads and he chose to move
to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. But when the economy tanked, he went back to the corporate grind in the U.S. He says hed still be living abroad, if only hed become a copywriter
sooner. Today, his writings in-demand and portable and we cant wait hear when
and where Les will go next!
I want the time and means to explore more of this beautiful planet
and its cultures. And I want to pay forward the encouragement and
mentoring Ive received so other writers can also findsuccess.
Jewel Pickert
Previous Job: Management, plus many other jobs
Current Writing Interest: B2B copywriting in
technology and personal development
Best Part of Barefoot Living: Freedom and
unfettered autonomy to stretch yourself to the max.
Top Advice: Know yourself better than anybody
else. That way, no one can fool you, and you can
concentrate on other things.
Jon Stoltzfus
Job He's Working on Leaving: Aerospace engineer
Current Writing Interest: Financial niche (and a little B2B)
Best Part of Barefoot Living: The freedom to choose
projects that interest me, that I can work on from
anywhere, and that pay very well.
Top Advice: Sign up for a live event and squeeze
every drop of opportunity out of it. Submit the
specs. Meet the masters and the marketers. Forge
We want to hear your story! Tell us about how being a Barefoot Writer has changed your
life and the most important tip you have for those just starting out.
Email: [email protected]
By Mindy McHorse
I fell into it. After high school, I had this crazy idea
I could move to New York and be a model. Of
course, I quickly realized that wasnt realistic. Instead, I worked in the banking industry for several
years. I wasnt happy with that choice and then
switched to public relations.
How can a freelance writer apply these lessons to his or her writing business?
I think its important to never stop learning. If you
want know something, ask. If there is no one in
your company who can answer your question,
then find someone who can, even if that means
stepping outside of your current organization.
What Ive learned is that people like to share
Pay attention to details. Practice your craft of writing. Think outside the box.
I love reading The Barefoot Writer magazine each month and eagerly
look forward to each issue. I especially love the success articles on
how other writers are making it, how they do it, and tips to do the same.
This helps to continue to fuel the fire I have inside concerning one
day leaving my boring and unfulfilling job and striking out to work with
healthcare companies in the B2B arena. Please keep up the great work
and the stories coming my way.
Alan Harmon
To Travel The World
What if in a matter of months weeks, even you could be traveling the world, writing about your
adventures, and getting paid to do it?
Imagine the possibilities. Maybe you want to swim the sapphire waters of the Caribbean ... or sip
steaming coffee as snow falls outside your Aspen mountain lodge ... or enjoy a quick getaway at a
cozy Bed and Breakfast (B&B) not far from where you live ...
Then, imagine returning home, writing about your experience, and getting paid for your efforts. Even
better, picture yourself on all those vacations without having to pay a dime upfront all because you
agreed to share your adventure in an article.
featured essay
an Industry
By Sandy Franks
We want people to say, Thats a hell of a
product instead of, Thats a hell of an ad.
Leo Burnett
n September 24, 2006, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art did something quite unusual. It added a bright yellow vacuum cleaner to
its permanent collection.
It wasnt long before eight other museums followed suit.
Now, I doubt any of them need to worry about a
Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible-style heist of the
vacuum cleaners. But, you might wonder, why all
the fuss?
You see, the man who invented this vacuum
cleaner turned the entire industry on its head,
leaving his competitors choking in his dust.
You may know who Im talking about. His name
Hes done that by not only creating a better product, but also by telling a very compelling story.
And anyone in the business of selling (and if
youre in a business, youre in the business of selling) can learn a lot from his sales technique.
The next time you see a Dyson commercial, take
a few minutes to watch it. Youll be drawn into
the story of how Dyson noticed that the air filter
in his companys spray-finishing room was constantly clogging with powder particles (just like a
vacuum cleaner bag clogs with dust). So he built
What James Dyson knows is that selling a convincing story is one of the most important elements of making a sale.
Now, dont get me wrong. When I say convincing, I dont mean making up a story to elicit a
response. That seldom works. What Im talking
about is telling the truth.
Of course, not all true stories are compelling.
Thats why you have to focus on the part of the
story that draws the most emotional reaction
from your audience.
To demonstrate what I mean, lets go back to
James Dysons story.
Instead of following in the style of conventional
vacuum cleaner ads that focused solely on the
product, he decided people might like to hear the
story of how he invented the cyclone technology.
Throughout the story, James empathizes with his
audience by sharing their frustrations and concerns. You feel as if this man understands what
you go through. And he does. Thats what motivated him to invent the Dyson.
He adds a dose of credibility by branding the vacuum under his name. In essence, hes telling his
By Rebecca Matter
Editors Note: In our November Reader Poll, we asked how Barefoot Writer could help you be a better, happier, more profitable writer. Were grateful for the feedback you provided. That included a resounding request
to help you understand more about the different writing opportunities available to you.
Throughout 2016, weve made a commitment to breaking down each writing path in new ways. We want to
give you fresh, easy-to-follow insight into which opportunities are best for your needs, and how to get there
fastest. With that, Ill hand the reins over to Rebecca and her in-depth analysis of the foundational, most lucrative opportunity of all
his year, my goal is to give you a deeper understanding of the freelance writing opportunities available to you. But not just that. I want
you to understand which ones will get you up
and running as a paid writer the fastest, how to
profit from the different approaches to writing,
and how to build a Barefoot Lifestyle that suits
your individual needs.
Specifically, I want to show you why a solid background in persuasive writing opens the door to
virtually all cash-generating businesses. It doesnt
matter whether youre interested in paid writing
as a way to get some easy side cash or launch
an entirely new career or have an alternative
to a fixed income, day job, or lifestyle you dont
So it only makes sense to start with the foundational writing opportunity: Copywriting but
like youve never before seen it.
Theres also the advantage of ongoing communication. Last month, in our interview with Internet Marketer Brian Edmondson, he talked about
the importance of building a list. If youre not
building a list, youre not building a business, he
Brian was referring to the importance of collecting email addresses (called prospects) which can
be done I many ways, including through a companys website. But it takes smart copy to bring
those prospects to a website in the first place and
get them to give you their email addresses.
It takes even smarter copy to keep those prospects interested, which is yet another example of
where copywriting skills are critical. From emails
to e-newsletters to autoresponders, all are enhanced when someone skilled in the art of copywriting is at the helm.
Once you learn the skill of copywriting, there are
fee. But you can also write them for yourself and
sell them online.
Well-respected copywriter and author Bob Bly is
a master at this. Hes written dozens of e-books
over the last several years, and earned hundreds
of thousands of dollars for his efforts. Bobs approach is to self-publish and sell his e-books
through his website. This gives him a 100% profit
margin. Whats more, he often sells his e-books
for between $19 and $39 far more than what
most people will pay for an e-book on Amazon,
or even a print book.
The reason Bob can charge so much is because
hes built his own email list. He then leverages
his copywriting skills to reach out to his list on a
regular basis. Sometimes he shares writing tips,
sometimes he shares general business lessons.
But whenever he mails to his list, he uses persuasive writing to connect with his readers and build
a relationship of trust.
Then, anytime Bob has a new e-book ready to
share, he has a go-to list of likely buyers. Once
again, because of his copywriting skills, hes able
to highlight the unique strengths of the different
books he writes. He also uses copywriting insight
to put together sales pages that then persuade
his readers to buy. Bobs e-book sales net him as
much as $200,000 in any given year. And because
he also does client copywriting work, this is all
bonus income.
But thats not the only way to achieve bonus income through copywriting
3) Money-Making Website Writing
Lets say you like the idea of a passive income
stream and just want to write for yourself. In that
case, copywriting positions you perfectly to create a Money Making Website. The simplest way to
describe one of these is that its an informational
website on a topic youre interested in.
Once you pick a topic, you set the site up to attract web visitors who search the Internet for
Karen used her copywriting training to write content for the different site pages and set up keywords for the search engines. She also wrote and
added an e-book for sale to the site. And on every page, Karen offers affiliate marketing links to
items like cages and rabbit food. (Affiliate marketing is where you get a commission on every sale
that originates from your site. All you have to do
is advertise the products and your affiliate partners handle all the order processing, shipping,
customer service, etc.)
Since launching her site, Karen has accumulated
over 120 incoming links from other sites that direct people to her website. Wikipedia even references her site as an authority for their information.
These days, Karens various web pages get around
186,000 views each month, making Karen more
than just an expert in the rabbit field. Thanks to
sales from her e-book and from the affiliate marketing links shes set up, she also makes money
from a wide percentage of those site visitors.
A website based on your own interests isnt the
only thing copywriting skills can promote. Copywriting is hugely beneficial when it comes to promoting one other popular writing project
4) Marketing and Promotion
of Your Own Book
Janet Grosshandler spent over 30 years as a school
counselor. Shes since funneled her knowledge
and experience into life coaching and writing. Janets projects include seven self-published books
on women empowerment along with a Facebook
page thats nearly 47,000 followers strong, called
Get Stronger, Girlfriend.
On top of that, Janet has authored three contemporary romance novels.
Janets copywriting skills made it easy for her to
put together her own website and other promotional materials. She now regularly promotes her
books and her speaking services using the power
of persuasive writing.
But thats not the only way you can use copywriting to market your creations
5) E-commerce Business Promotion
Christina Gillick became a copywriter several
years ago and quickly rose in favor with many top
clients. But rather than pursue just client projects,
she and her husband, Nick, opted to start their
own e-commerce business selling earrings.
Since launching in 2012,
Christina has built up a healthy passive income
stream that flows in even while she sleeps. She
used her copywriting training to write the pages
on her website and all ads and banner promotions. She also used her background in copywriting to put together a full Pay-Per-Click campaign
that sends hundreds of visitors to her site. On top
of that, shes built an entire social media presence
for her product which currently includes upwards of 13,500 Likes on Facebook.
Even better, Christina has seen a steady upward
trend in her income. Profits increase by 50%
Copywriting is about clear communication. That means writing at least at a
sixth grade level and no higher than an
deciding which path is right for you and your personal lifestyle goals.
Dont forget, though, that copywriting is a
learned skill. Anyone can master it, regardless of
background. But it does require that you commit
to becoming a competent copywriter and see it
through. Since its the beginning of the New Year,
right now is the best time of all to sit down and
set your year-long writing career goal, as well as
an income goal.
Then, break that goal down into 12 month-long
smaller goals, and get to it.
long exile, he constructs a fortress, fights off cannibals, saves the life of a native he calls Friday, and
eventually gets rescued.
The true story is about Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish sailor who was rescued on that
date after being stranded
for four years on an island in
the Pacific.
Daniel Defoe, who wrote Robinson Crusoe, purposely left his name off the book when he first
published it in 1719. Why? Because he presented
the book as a true account of real events recorded by a real man named Crusoe.
While readers immediately doubted the story
was true, they didnt seem to mind even after
critic Charles Gildon published a piece showing
that Crusoe was made up and the novels episodes were fiction.
The reason readers were so accepting of this hoax
is that there was no clear distinction between fiction and nonfiction at that time. The novel was
grammar check
llWhile Defoe based part of his tale on the story of Scottish castaway Selkirk, historian Tim
Severin contends the real Robinson Crusoe
figure was Henry Pitman, a castaway who escaped from a penal colony, was shipwrecked,
and stranded on a deserted Caribbean island
the same location as Crusoes island.
llThe Crusoe story has inspired many knockoffs, including J. D. Wyss The Swiss Family
Robinson, the TV series (later a film) Lost in
Space, Tom Hanks film Cast Away, R. M. Ballantynes The Coral Island, and William Goldings classic Lord of the Flies.
llThe deserted island where Selkirk was marooned was not named after the Scottish
castaway. Rather, it was named Robinson Crusoe Island because it supposedly inspired the
writing of Robinson Crusoe.
Nearly 300 years after his death, Defoe continues
to be recognized. Mont Blanc, the German manufacturer of quality pens, honored the author in
2014 by issuing the Writers Edition Daniel Defoe
fountain pen. Excluding tax and shipping, its a
steal at $1,100!
The word since can also imply time, like in the sentence: Ive been up since dawn. In this instance, the
meaning is pretty clear. But sometimes, using since can confuse the meaning of your message.
Look at this example: Since I ate lunch, Ive been so drowsy. Do you mean that in the time after lunch
occurred, youve been feeling like you could fall asleep? Or is it because you ate lunch?
Avoid confusion by always reading your writing for clarity. If the word since makes your sentence unclear,
use because instead.
barefootWriter Page 26 Januar y 2016
By Jon Stoltzfus
llOffice Manager
llMarketing Rep
llInternet Research Assistant
llIdea generator
Copywriting legend Bob Bly has often said that
he doesnt do anything he can pay someone else
to do. Otherwise, it takes time away from the core
Jon peeks over the divider that separates his office from a play
area; a reminder that he's never far from his three girls
reader poll
Here are your December Poll Results! We asked:
If you could go back in time and start your writing
career again, what would you do differently now?
lark, winn er of th
on. com Gif t Card!
December 20 15 dr
By Li Vasquez-Noone
NaNoWriMo reinforced their discipline and commitment to their daily writing practice.
Our designer needs room at the top for the name of the magazine and along the sides for the
cover blurbs. Check out this month's cover page for an example of what we're looking for.
Just email your submission here: [email protected].
barefootWriter Page 33 Januar y 2016
productivty secrets
By Elizabeth Blessing
oes your stomach ever get queasy right before a big writing deadline or a meeting with
an important client?
You know what I mean that churning, worse
than butterflies-in-your-gut feeling?
So, what do you do? Reach for an antacid? Practice deep breathing? Maybe lie down for a few
Well, apparently writers dyspepsia has been
a well-known ailment among writers for some
time. In the July 1883 edition of Popular Science
Monthly, Felix L. Oswald, M.D., suggested the following remedy:
At the first symptoms of indigestion,
bookkeepers, entry-clerks, authors, and editors should at once get a telescope-desk. Literary occupations need not necessarily involve
sedentary habits Schrebers telescope-desk
enables the writer to sit and stand by turns,
and has the further advantage of a sloping top
He concluded that too much sitting was a dangerous if not downright lethal activity. He
likened it to the health risks associated with cigarette smoking.
According to Dr. Levine, too much sitting decreases the electrical activity in the muscles and
increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
It increases the risk of obesity and developing
heart disease.
One 13-year study of 17,000 participants found
that people who spend most of their day sitting
are 54% more likely to die of heart attacks.
And lest you think you can undo a days worth of
sitting by hitting the gym after work, think again.
According to both Dr. Levine and researchers at
the American Cancer Society, the health benefits
of daily exercise are not enough to counteract the
damage done from sitting all day.
Yikes! I thought after reading the research. So,
whats a writer to do whose job requires her to
spend long stretches of time sitting on her keister
pounding out copy?
Elizabeth uses a Techni Mobili mobile laptop
desk she purchased on Amazon for $60.
It's height-adjustable and includes locking wheels.
Yes, thats right, its a desk attached to a walking treadmill so you can surf the Web, write
your copy, and exercise all at the same time.
Talk about multitasking!
One caveat: You can get most of these options online, but youll probably need to do
some assembly. A friend and I assembled my
standing desk in a couple of hours.
ll Alternating between standing and sitting
works best for me. Initially, in my zeal to
perfect my new standing-while-working routine, I overdid it. I put in way too many hours
of uninterrupted standing. My productivity
plummeted and I ended up with achy feet
and legs.
A quick online search pointed me to studies
that showed excessive standing has its own
set of health risks, including varicose veins
and carotid artery disease.
So, moderation seems to be the key when
making the sitting-to-standing transition.
With the help of good shoes and a standing
mat, I can now comfortably stand and write
However, I found that many of my work activities are easy to do standing up. This includes
talking on the phone, responding to email,
copy editing, attending webinars, creating
client proposals, dictating copy, and doing
online research. I now automatically move
my laptop to my standing desk when doing
these activities. This easily adds two hours of
standing time to my daily routine.
ll I avoid staying frozen in one position for
long periods of time. Whether Im standing
or sitting, I found that a lack of movement in
any position leads to discomfort. I use an online timer set to 30 minutes to remind me to
get up and stretch if Im sitting, or do a few
squats and lunges if Im standing.
ll I became a fidgeter. Now that Im conscious
about movement and its importance to my
good health, I indulge in fun bouts of fidgeting throughout the day. I wiggle my toes.
Rock back and forth in my chair. Drum my fingers on my desktop. Bust a quick dance move
when nobodys looking.
So, to sum up, in the year since I started my totally
non-scientific, standing-while-working experiment,
Ive dropped 8 lbs. toned my legs and thighs
and have eliminated my back and neck aches.
I have more energy which means I can take on
and complete more writing projects. And, yes, my
writing income has increased, too.
Just in case youre curious Am I standing as I
type out these last few words? You betcha!
mobile freelancer
Untethered: How to be a Mobile Freelancer
Get an Internet
Phone Number
By Kimberly Weitkamp
Editors Note: Many readers have asked us for tips
on how to maintain a freelance writing business
while traveling. Our new series, Untethered, by
Kimberly Weitkamp, shows you how.
A Skype Number is
your best choice if you:
llAre outside the United States
llWant a business phone number not connected to an existing phone number
monthly motivator
By Les Worley
e just got back from 10 fabulous days in Ecuador. It felt like paradise the mountains,
cloud forests, waterfalls Its easy to picture myself there someday, as a Barefoot Writer.
I was shocked to learn that over 4,000 types of potatoes grow in those mountains! And the carrots?
They come in just about any color orange,
white, purple, black, yellow and in every size,
ask AWAI
3. Choose a writing industry that has high demand and pays well. Copywriting would be
my first recommendation. Beyond that, look
into writing for the Business-to-Business
(B2B) market, or online writing. Use a third of
your weekly writing time to study your chosen craft of writing, a third to building your
online presence (through LinkedIn and your
professional website), and a third of your
time reaching out to prospective clients.
How do I write a resume to clients offering my services when I have no
It might seem obvious, but its not uncommon to skip details in the excitement of submitting work to a publication or writing contest. Before you
submit your final copy, always go back and check for submission guidelines. Pay close attention to word count limits and formatting requirements.
Include the name of the publication or contest in your file name, and include your own name as well. If
youre short on space, at least include your last name.
4. Put Your Name and Contact Information on Your Actual Copy Submission.
Even if youre submitting by email, where your name and contact information are obvious, you cant assume your copy submission will stay linked to your email. Staff members for a magazine may save your
Word attachment to a separate folder for the editor to review at a later date. If your name and contact
information arent on that Word document, you might be sacrificing your shot at getting published.
Even the most glaring typos sneak by the best writers. Here are two tips to avoid embarrassing typos: Read
your submission aloud, slowly. This is a great way to pick up errors your eyes otherwise miss while reading.
Or, try reading your submission one sentence at a time, starting at the end. By reading backwards, youre
more likely to notice errors that otherwise sneak by when read normally.
the glicken
What is Glicken? Its a Yiddish word referring to the icing on the cake. That extra reward on top of the
regular benefits you get as a Barefoot Writer. Every month, well showcase a Barefoot Writer we know whos
enjoying a little Glicken. Have a Glicken story of your own? Send it to: [email protected].
Wesley Murph (left) talks to Cesar Millan during the video shoot for Cesars show, The Dog Whisperer
I even asked Cesar how he snuck across the border, which was a question I probably shouldnt
have asked.
In between my Larry-King-like questioning, Cesar
and I used many of his training philosophies on
three troubled dogs in my store.
Twelve hours later, Cesar and his team left.
Six months after that, my show aired on The National Geographic Channel.
But perhaps most impressive is what happened
when I walked into my store after that TV show
aired: As I flicked on the lights, I noticed my answering machine was flashing like lights on the
Starship Enterprise.
You have 74 new messages my answering machine belted out.
74 new messages? How could that be?
I dont remember how many customers I got from
that show. Several hundred? Maybe a thousand?
Whats important is how I pulled off this marketing stunt:
Remember when I told you I was thumbing
through marketing books at Barnes and Noble,
desperate for some customers? Well, somehow,
I discovered a book about writing sales letters.
And right away, I began writing them.
First, to prospects in my neighborhood.
Then, to bigger fish like Cesar Millan.
In the end, the power of writing a sales letter
helped me add 2,000 customers to my pet business. It helped fill my schedule two years in advance. It helped me dominate my neighborhood,
which was packed with competitors like dimples
on a golf ball.
Perhaps most impressive was the fact that a single sales letter got my business featured on Cesar
Millans TV show The Dog Whisperer.
Mind you, this wasnt any rag-tag sales letter. It included testimonials. It included several
The publicity of being on Cesars show landed Wes and his dog
grooming business a feature story in his local newspaper
newspaper articles. And, it contained potent psychology even Cesar couldnt ignore.
In the end, I learned two powerful lessons from
this experience:
First, you never know until you try. The part I
havent revealed (until now) is that I was not going to mail that letter to Cesar Millan. And the reason? Because I felt Cesar was too big for me.
Big mistake.
As I said, the fact is, you never know until you try.
Cesar, like everyone else, is a human being. With
feelings. Fears. Doubts. And dreams. Goals. And
goof-ups. And losing the battle before youve
even fought the war, is not a good plan in business or in life.
Lucky for me, my wife encouraged me to mail
that letter. And the rest is history
The second thing I learned is that a personal letter out-pulled every marketing campaign I ever
tried. In fact, if you tied me down and said, Wes
you can only use one campaign to get customers. What would you use?
Id write a letter.
A Professional Organization for
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