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Magn<:>tic flux:

B .-l "' 8.-lcosO

Where, Bis t h<:- Jngk between 8 ,1nd .1

Units :
SI unit is \\"eber ( Wb)

1 \~'b = 1T x I m'
Cgs tuut is m.lx"ell (Mx)
1 !vlx

=I G X

1 Wb

= lOs !vlx

I a n'

. l<nv:
A ch.1nging m.1gnetic llux linked \\irh ,, ci rcuit induces an emf, and consequenth, ,,
currem is induced in the circuit .

= -Nda

\\'here ,
&-4 Induced em f

:-.,-+Number of turns in the coil

1/Ja-+ Flux linked \\"ith one turn of tht.> coil

L<:>nz's law: T he polJrir; of thE" inducc;d emf is uch thJt it rmds to prodnce ,, curr<:nr
\\"hich opposes the change in m.lgnetic nux th.u produces it.

The direction of the induced cur rent/ induced emf on be found lw using FIE'ming's
right hand rul<:>
\lt \UOII


t ..'f11ntl

\.Vhen ,, str,light conductor oflength I mows \\"ith ,, constant ,elocity r in



field 13. the induced em f E = /31.-, ""hen B. I .md ,. ar r mtmJalh per pendkub r.

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