Sugar Cane+biodynamic Method

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Growing Biodynamic Sugar Cane in India

Growing Sugar Cane at ISKCON Farm

Jai Chaitanya Dasa has been developing some interesting ideas for growing sugar
cane at Iskcon Farm, near Bangalore, Karnataka Southern India. Firstly, he was unhappy
with it being a monoculture, so he has devised ways of growing sugar cane in amongst
paddy and vegetable crops. This also provides an extra income for the farmers with no
extra work. He saw that the main need of sugar cane was sunlight, not so much water,
and so he next developed a way to open up the canes to allow more light in, plus increase
production for a smaller plant out. He plants single ratoons out, and when the shoot is 2
feet height, he cuts it back to 3, around the 2 nd month. The sugar cane then coppices and
grows 5 shoots, from the one plant and he is able to get the same yield as before with one
cane per plant at 2 x 2 spacing per acre.
He plants out two rows of sugar cane, 2ft x 2ft apart, with 9 feet green manure
strips between the sugar cane rows. In the green manure strips plant out Sun hemp
(Crotalaria) at the rate of 20-30 kg per acre. (This Sunhemp can also work as a trap crop
for stem borers)
The 9feet or 12feet strip can be green manure, paddy or vegetable, or a rotation of
all. The basic idea is to decrease the water wastage, avoid monoculture, provide an extra
income, maintain the yield of sugarcane as in monoculture, and reduce pest and disease
Soil Preparation:

Foundation dosage of 25-30 tonnes of Biodynamic Compost per acre

Form ridges and furrows ready for planting 2 feet x 2 feet
Prepare ratoons by pruning on an ascending day at end of ascending period (see

Biodynamic Calendar), ready to plant early descending period

Prepare stirred horn manure (BD 500) and CPP broadcast over area to be planted

and also dip ratoons in prior to planting in descending period.

In India they grow one crop per year Planting seasons Jan- Feb and Aug Sept.
Following planting, throw in Crotalaria (Sunhemp) or legume seeds in the green
manure area and strips between ratoons at the rate of 20-30 kg per acre.

1st month:

Water in Amrith Pani (See recipe) at the rate of 1 litre per ratoon in root zone.
CPP and vermiwash spray to whole area.
6 weeks: 501 (Horn Silica spray) to whole crop.

2nd month:

1st weeding. Add 2 tonnes of compost per acre sprinkle around.

CPP and vermiwash spray to whole area.

3rd month:

Cut Crotalaria half of height and mulch around canes.

Add Trichogramma chelagiathes for stem borer control
CPP and vermiwash spray to whole area

2nd weeding.

Add 400kg 1 tonne neem cake per acre

Needs a push of nitrogen and soil bacteria pathogen control and soil cleaner of

nematodes. Or use marigold liquid and Gliricidia Brew.

CPP and vermiwash spray to whole area

4th Month:

Main earthing up
Add one tonne of vermicompost mulched in with green manure
CPP and vermiwash spray to whole area.
Continue CPP and Vermiwash spray to whole area monthly .

6 months:

Apply 501 (Horn silica ) at Moon opposition Saturn

And 2 weeks prior to harvest.

Yield: 65 tonnes per acre over 45 acres. Brix 23-24. This yield is for cane grown with
vegetables or the monoculture. Some farmers have achieved 75 tonnes per acre.
Conventional: 55-60 tonnes per acre.
Yield of sugar:
Sugar recovery: 11% Biodynamic with vegetables and paddy.
Conventional: 9% recovery.
Costing is done on 10%-12

After the harvest of the cane, the leaves are either mulched in the land with some lime for
easy degradation or removed and used in composting or vermicomposting. They are not
burned in an organic farm
Processing of Sugar on Farm:
They can process one tonne of sugar daily from10 tonnes of sugar cane crushed.
At Iskcon Farm, a very simple method of juicing the cane, and boiling up the juice turns
the juice into jaggery. Jaggery is made from the whole sugar juice, nothing is removed
and all the nutrients that would normally be extracted into molasses are retained, making
it a very healthful product.

The juice runs from the crusher into 3in large 8 feet wok like iron pans,

The juice runs from one to the next, with a fire underneath. 1 litres Okra (Ladys
Finger) juice is added to first pan, to pull major residue out. And to every 7- kg
sugar juice, 100g lime is added, which also helps clarify syrup. The top of the
syrup is cleared off as it cooks. 100g lime is for one pan which will contain juice
crushed from 700 kilo of cane.

Cook till 800C, to the softball stage. 100ml caster oil is added before scooping.
The hot syrup is then scooped into large wooden trays. There it is pushed and
pulled with paddles until it cools and becomes a soft powder. A bit like making

Jaggery sugar is then packed into 250 g bags and sold through the stores in the
major cities in India. This product is certified biodynamic and sold under a brand

If it needs storage on site, it is packed into 25kg bags and the walls of the
warehouse are sprayed monthly with Neem, Turmeric powder and Pungam oil to
stop insect infestation.

They have analysed the Jaggery, which they call the whole sugar, and found that it is rich
in so many salts, minerals and vitamins which is not found in white sugar. Research done
in Europe and China and was found that if small children use whole sugar then they are
less prone to dental decay and back bone problems.

By processing the sugar cane at the farm level we get all the bio mass back into our land,
in the form of composting material.
Recipes for various teas and brews referred to above:
Gliricidia sepiumleaves only plus set of compost preparations 502-507. High Nitrogen.
Casuarina Tea leaves cold fermented plus 502-507. Fungal preventative
Erythrina Tea (Coral Tree) leaves cold fermented plus 502-507. High Nitrogen.
NeemTea -Mash fresh seeds and leaves in mortar and pestle. Mix 1/3 mash, 2/3 water
Leave 2 months to ferment. Dilute 1: 10 Used as an insecticide and nematicide.
Fuzzy Brew- 3kg cow dung, 1 kg CPP, 1 kg Jaggery (or molasses), litre cow urine!
And 1kg yoghurt. Add water to 100litres. Let brew , stirring often, use at the rate of 1:10
for sugar cane. Brings in bacteria to increase fertility.
Take kg ghee, 1/4kg Honey, 50kg cow dung and add 50 litres of water. Increases
growth in bacterial count (important for grasses). Add to 200 litres water, use on sugar
cane at rate of 1litre per plant to root zone.
Equisetum for Paddy Fungus
Crushed Castor Oil seeds (400g) + Casuarina (100g) is cooked in 20 litres water boil
down to 18 litres, spray on undiluted to prevent fungal attack for paddy and sugar cane.
Note In India, as in Australia, where Equisetum is unavailable and considered a noxious
weed, Casuarina needles are used in its place to equivalent results.
This was very popular in India. Jai Chaitanya Dasa at Iskcon Farm says it is 3-4 times
better than compost as it is used immediately by the soil. The compost material works
in the long term it keeps evolving and makes humus. Jai makes it in a special
vermiwash container. It is a 1000 litre plastic drum, with an outlet tap at the bottom. The
idea is to build a living compost for the worms, and pour water through and collect the
vermiwash. Lowest layer gravel, then biogas slurry, sand, red earth and then biomass
half decomposed compost and fresh green leaves. Leave for 2 weeks. To remove heat,
add more compost. Then add worms and household garbage. Leave it for 3 months. Add
20 litres water per every second day and remove 20 litres of liquid from the bottom.

Dilute 1:3 or 1:5 Gives 60 litres each time. Use as a foliar spray for extra nutrient, extra
greenery, anti fungal, and for newly established plants and vegetables and paddy.
Addition in Vermi composting
Usually vermi compost is prepared in cement tanks under an industrial shed. This
is costly hence; they are preparing the vermi compost directly in the field, under shade
with facility to provide the moisture, like micro sprinklers. The vermicompost heap is
made of 8 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet high. The heap is made in layers of dry
matter (including dry twigs), green matter and cow dung slurry from biogas tanks. After
the heap cools, which takes about 20 days, the heap is charged again as it has lost height.
Then wait for another 15 days and release the worms (only first time). The heap is fully
converted into worm casting within two months time. Before the heap is fully converted
into casting, another similar heap is made parallel to the first one about 8 feet away. The
heaps are kept moist by the micro sprinklers used for irrigating the existing horticultural
crops. The worms would leave the heap, which is fully converted, into casting and
occupy the newly made heap to start their activity. This process go on, the worms move
back and forth from one old heap to another new one. The advantage here is that we need
to separate the worms from the vermi compost, which sometimes is a back braking
process and costs more.
2. Alternatively heavy mulching is used for covering the topsoil in about acre with
banana leaves and bagasse. Biogas slurry is sprinkled on top of the mulch very month.
The worms convert the whole mulch into rich compost within two months. The micro
sprinklers keep the area moist.
Then they can either scoop the compost when it is ready by allowing the area to
get dry which will force the worms to go about foot below the compost layer. Or, keep
the compost as your topsoil.
This is a great way to use the help of the worms to build topsoil within three
months, rather than to wait for decades for this to happen. A spray of CPP and 500 will
further enrich it.
Application of Biodynamic Preparations:

Cow Horn manure


(Prep 500) Four times per annum. Twice in spring and

Horn Clay 25g per acre used with 500.

Cow Horn Silica (501) used morning following 500, 4 times per year at Moon
opposition Saturn.

CPP monthly to whole area

508 used against Blast disease in rice

Casuarina and Castor Seed tea used as required as a fungicide in rice.

Rock dust or granite dust used at the rate of 3 tonnes per acre spread by hand at
beginning of planting.

Jai Chaitanya Dasa , Iskcon Farm, Bangalore, Karnataka RIRDC Sugar Growing
final. Growing sugar Cane in India.

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